#Just finished his myth an i need something sweet or I'm going to cry.
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sauerhundz · 2 months ago
Just soft!Sylus
Sylus who's been waiting all this time for you and can't stand the thought of being away from you.
Sylus who loves the thought of waking up next to you and holding you close to his body, breathing in your scent he hasn't smelt in so long. Who lays in bed staring at your face that he's memorized a thousand times over.
Sylus who watches you walk around his house in his clothes and it fills him with a sense of possessive pride. The dragon in him pleased to see you returned to his hoard once more.
Sylus who would hand you the world on a platter, if you would only ask. Who would rip his own heart from his chest if it would please you.
Sylus who wants to breathe in everything that you are and consume you from the inside out.
Sylus who can't even stomach the thought of another, because for him there's never been anyone but you.
Sylus who misses you even if you don't remember.
He's still your dragon.
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flowerbunbunny · 5 years ago
Montrum, Monster's journey chapter 1
The shoreline is peaceful as the man tosses out his line, waiting for the fish to take the bait. He looks around nervously. His other companion scoffs at him. "What, haven't you heard the stories? Boats going missing, chunks of them appearing days later with scratches and bite marks... no survivors..." he trails off watching the water.
The younger companion shakes his head at the seasoned sailor, concerned. "Next you'll be telling me that those rumors of mermaids are rea- hey!" he yells out looking over the boat causing the other man to jump in surprise. The group looks over somewhat shaken by the stories, though they sigh in relief after seeing what appears to be a girl swimming in the water. "Come on then, she's too far away from shore to be swimming." They row over, growing concerned as they see some driftwood and hear the sweet voice calling out for help reaching towards them from the waters.
They finally get close enough to make out a face, the younger man blushing at the clearly naked woman with vivid red orange hair and large blue bloodshot eyes, puffy from crying. "P-please... help..." she cries out softly as the younger man grabs her hand, grunting in surprise at her grip.
"Just hold on, alright..." he almost tips over but his other companions grab him, hauling the shaking girl up. The older sailor hands her a towel. She goes limp clinging to the towel around her as the younger man tries to comfort her, not noticing the small vial in her hand.
"S-shipwreck... strange creatures..tried to.. I lost my clothes." she stammers embarrassed by that, a blush staining her cheeks. The younger man feels bad for her and helps wrap her up in the towel, pulling her up next to him as the others watch.
"Strange creatures you say...so the stories are true. Mermaids!" the older man frowns. The others glance around seeing bite marks in the driftwood getting a little nervous. The once calm water now seems eerie. "Alright men, let's regroup with the others and help this little lady back to the shore." He smiles at her. She nods, as the vial in her hand starts to drip onto the floor of the boat.
They row back, regrouping with the other two boats, the girl looks around seemingly nervous as if she is inspecting the boats and men. The young sailor pats her shoulder as she shudders starting to cry almost melodically again. The man remains unaware of the liquid leaking out of the vial and onto the fishing boat.
"Sorry.... I shouldn't be so upset...but it was so terrifying..." she stammers, her shaking hands causing the towel to drop slightly. The sailor blushes from this, feeling compelled to comfort her. He hugs her gently just as he feels water pooling around his boots. The other men notice this and look down in confusion.
"Um...what the hell is this?" asks one of the sailors, the rest look over at the pool of acid leaking from the vial. The sailor holds the girl closer, his face flushed. She nuzzles into his chest and practically sits in his lap.
"You mean the highly corrosive acid giving your boat a leak in mermaid territory that you are currently fishing from?" the girl says hiding a grin and shrugs as the men look at her. shocked. "No idea."
"Wait a second...shit throw her overboard!" the old fisherman yells, but the younger man holds her tightly against him. "N-no...why?" he asks looking into her eyes as she cups his cheek, her fangs showing in her smile. The man notices the fangs, though the panic fades quickly as she kisses his cheek, melting away into bliss.
"Please.. Stay with me? Let me take good care of you..." she asks softly. He feels himself nodding completely lost in her eyes. The other men watch in confusion, trying to bail the water out of the ship but failing.
"Snap out of it man, that's one of them!" the seasoned sailor yells, fed up with it all and grabbing a harpoon ready to throw it at her. She giggles and starts to sing softly, causing most of the men on board to stop and listen, shifting uncomfortably in their seats as the man holding her tighten his grip. Other voices join the girl increasing the power of the song. The man leans into her.
"I can save you from them...will you be mine?" she asks as the boat slowly sinks. The older man grits his teeth as his hold on the harpoon slips. "No...I won't let you!" he yells using the last of his willpower to throw the harpoon, lodging it deep into the young sailor's back.
Bipsy flinches a little, watching with wide eyes as the young sailor she was seducing takes a harpoon for her, slowing dying in front of her. As the fresh blood runs down his back mixing with the water, all hell breaks loose. Mermaids appear from all sides of the three boats, especially the sinking one, to claim their victims. The sailors panic, and get dragged underwater Some frantically grab harpoons in an attempt to fight back, but it's all hopeless. The young mermaid on board is still frozen in shock. Though she snaps out of it after hearing a sharp whistle. She scrambles to the water. Just as she gets close, a hand grabs her leg causing her to stumble and fall.
"Not a step closer...monster..." The seasoned sailor glares at her, some blood is running down his arm from a bite mark.
Bipsy growls and yanks her leg up, biting his hand hard. "I'm not a monster, you are! Starving my people and invading our home!" she yells angrily.
"Your people are myths... we need to survive to- " he screams in pain as he gets dragged down by another mermaid. She shudders at this as another sharp whistle pierces the air, her cue to get moving. She gracefully dives off the boat showing her true form, a blue tail taking the place of her legs as she swims quickly to the next boat with another vial mumbling to herself. "First mission, don't get in trouble, don't get distracted..." she uses her powerful tail to dive up and over the next boat, which was already being attacked by other mermaids. She smashes the second vial of acid onto the floor. The mermaids swarm the terrified sailors, while she swims away ignoring the carnage, finishing her task by simply tossing the next vial.
It doesn't take long before there are no survivors, just the acid ridden boats. Even though it is her first mission, she remembers others boasting of how they would destroy small fleets of fishing boats in the blink of an eye. But something feels wrong to her as she relaxes back in the water swimming around the corpses to check for wounded merpeople. There is no excitement from her first successful luring, no thrill that another man would willingly sacrifice himself for her. That thought even causes her to shudder feeling almost nauseous as she follows the others back down to their home.
The warm water feels good but does little to ease her distress as they swim deeper, through the tall patches of seaweed emerging to a large clearing. Bright coral surrounds the area and various species of intelligent and colorful fish swim next to their merperson. Stone structures that have been standing for centuries lay around the ground along with houses built into the coral. But as she swims, she is once again struck by the emptiness of her once thriving home. Many structures are abandoned, the once great buildings filled with food and merfolk are empty, and the merpeople that swim by look sick and bony. The few children out of their homes swim slowly searching for food, some frighteningly skinny. She sighs sadly after seeing what humans have done to her home, and her once great people. She breaks away from the school to head to one of the ancient buildings on the seafloor, illuminated by various plants growing on the wall. Bipsy enters a large room with various pillows of seaweed on the blocks of dead coral. She enters bowing her head to the four elderly merpeople seated. She gives her report.
"I was able to seduce and distract the men like I was told, though it was a little odd. Sirs...the man I seduced, he took a harpoon for me... and none of them seemed to realize that merpeople are real and right here! What if they don't realize what they are doing to us?" she asks curiously.
The elders are pleased with the success of the mission, though somewhat exasperated by her questions. "Little Bipsy... this man as all men do, simply wanted to use you for what you have been blessed with, the perfect tool for us." one of the elders states, as if this is obvious.
Bipsy flinches a little, disliking being referred to as a tool. "And...the fact that they don't think we are real?"
"Silly child, they all know, they fear us so they pretend as if we do not exist." he continues. The others nod proudly, continuing to discuss the greater question of what to do about the famine. "Little Bipsy, you have shown much promise in the selection process even if you are almost... painfully curious. Well, you are dismissed." he waves his hand, as she leaves the chamber..
The soldiers have been out at sea for at least a day now. They were crossing enemy territory, but most of them were confident enough that they would end up surviving this mission. For one, the North supplied them with ample amounts of weapons, and allowed them to travel with five military grade ships.
"No sign of the enemy, sir.", said a soldier looking through a spyglass. They were watching for ships that weren't raising the right colors. The captain looked pleased, "Good, we should reach land by tomorrow." The captain was a veteran, he was recently commended for the skill he had shown during a hard fought battle with the Eastern Empire over one of their ports. The East ended up having to retreat and surrender one of the few ports they have. The captain thinks on what he will be rewarded with for this next great victory as he goes below deck.
The captain opened the door leading to a room. Inside, a man was sitting down, his face hidden from view by a silver mask. The room was just an ordinary room, except it was isolated from the rest of the sleeping quarters. The man looked up to see the captain's face, his expression hidden.
"We'll reach land in a few hours,'' said the captain, "I suspect the South would be guarding their ports heavily."
The man said nothing, only looking at the captain. The captain thought this soldier the North sent him was a bit odd, but at least he didn't answer back.
"Anyway, if you prove your worth, maybe I'll assign you as my personal bodyguard." The man said nothing still. After some awkward silence, the captain got the hint and left the man alone. A few moments after the captain left, the man pulled out a knife hidden under his sleeve looking at it and inspecting it, proceeding to make sure it is sharp and ready.
The man was their so called "trump card" but the crewmen didn't know why this bizarre, and seemingly awkward man would "bring them to victory".
The five ships continued sailing. The sea was calm and quiet save for the sound of a few birds flying above. It would be nightfall when they would get sight of land.
Underwater, the young mermaid swims excitedly to one of the smaller huts along the corals, with a garden of flowers and reeds growing behind it. A full fledged adult mermaid is tending to the flowers, humming a lullaby when her ear twitches a little. "Bipsy is that you?" she calls out. She is answered by Bipsy hugging her tightly from behind and snuggling into her.
"I did it teacher, I helped stop the boats so you can eat! Look Coral!" she says excitedly, holding up two meager fish. "I was able to grab them for you, because I did a good job."
She chuckles turning around and patting her excited student's head gently. "Good job, I knew I didn't make a mistake picking you...even if this has nothing to do with healing."
"I know...but that's how I learned to develop the acid I made on my own for this, which worked perfectly by the way!" she says giggling happily while moving to help tend to the flowers with her mentor. "Coral... there was something I found to be a little odd... I didn't feel good like my sisters did on their first mission, or anyone else for that matter. It was just sad to me that someone died for me and I let them. And the fact that they didn't even seem to know we exist. How can we attack them for invading or stealing our food if they don't know we are here?"
She sighs seeming a little hesitant. "Bipsy... you've always had trouble with hurting others, you are an excellent scout and lure beautifully, but there is a reason you are with me learning to heal others. So don't let it bother you too much my little pacifist." she says smiling a little, inwardly feeling bad for someone with such a strong attitude towards violence living in this time.
"How about you go collect some of the flowers off down the current, where you can almost see the shore, I know you love that." she smiles softly. The young mermaid squeals in excitement. She grabs a bag containing some shells and squid ink to write with just in case. "And take your finder fish too!" she yells after her, shaking her head as her student rushes off.
Bipsy whistles gently, and a small blue fish darts up to her. Its long body is clearly built for speed. It swims around her whistling and clicking a greeting. "Hello to you too, ready to go to the far reef?" she says petting its spine and it spins, using its echolocation to get a fix on the direction and swimming off.
As the young mermaid swims along with her fish, she sees a strange sight, large boats sailing right above her heading for her home. She resurfaces, and notices the ships are flying the red, white, and black flag of the Northern Empire. She makes her way towards one of the ships, climbing up the outer metal frame that protects the ship. She grabs some seashells and a pen from her bag and starts to take notes treating it as an unexpected scouting mission. She notes how there are probably hundreds of men on board the ships, how the metal structure seems to make the ships more resistant to damage, and how her acid barely seems to cause a dent on the metal.
She frowns and clambers up the frame some more. The ship has little windows on it from which she can peek through. She notes how the crew seem to be armed and ready for something. She overhears two of them talking.
"You think the South Will attack us?"
"Probably, though Cap'n says we shouldn't worry too much, we have a trump card with us."
"What, that weird masked man who locks himself in his room? Oh please, what's he gonna do?"
Bipsy wonders to herself who they are talking about and shrugs "Well I've gone this far..." she says softly to herself. Ever inquisitive, she continues clambering to the side, careful not to make too much sound. She ends up near the stern of the ship, where she sees two men. One of them is wearing a silver mask, and the other seems to be a naval officer of sorts.
She watches them for a while, until she hears the masked man say, "Something's not right, we're being watched." She freezes up. Her ears twitch nervously, hoping he isn't talking about her. The man approaches the window. She gets nervous, diving back down and calling her finder fish.
Bipsy isn't alone though. Something else is watching from the sky.
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