#Just added that to make sure y'all know X3
digitalvoidheart · 3 years
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It is from light where darkness comes from and from the darkness within the light it feeds on
Yes. I made that quote up XD
Also have the prompts shadow and fear in one package early (again) because I don't wanna wait and also cuz I have exams during that time.
And, it's Cat's Cradle! ^w^
My first time drawing him and I had fun.
Cat's cradle by @help-im-a-gay-fish @yuriyuruandyuraart and me
Bonus under the cut
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gurlwithluvx3 · 2 years
never alone (6) | OT7
Pairing: friendships w/ OT7 and pregnant!reader (non-idol!AU)
Genre: angst, oc finding herself in the midst of an unexpected pregnancy
Warnings: brief mention of sex, anxiety/depression, feeling of loneliness, talks of pregnancy, navigating an unexpected pregnancy
Word count: ~1.5K
Author's Note: i started this fanfic when i thought i was pregnant (very important for y'all to practice safe sex, srs) and i know that my ex would be a dead-beat, toxic man who wouldn't step up and just added the boys because i know that they would support me x3
Masterpost | (5) (6) (7)
You’re waiting alone in the hospital room trying to calm yourself down. The nurse said everything seems okay but also said the doctor will be in shortly. Is your baby truly okay? Are you really okay? 
Your mind goes down a rabbit hole of what if’s and it doesn’t help that you’re talking to yourself. But if there’s one thing that you realize is that you can’t do this alone. As much as you want to do this by yourself, you truly can’t.
Your second appointment with your OBGYN just ended and the doctor said that everything seems okay with you and the baby. 
You’re on your way to work and you set down your phone on the subway. You’re tired of reaching out to your ex. You’re tired of being let down. You’re tired of feeling the need to depend and lean on someone else. 
So as you’re passing through some of your favorite scenery on the way to work, you take a deep breath and exhale. And you tell yourself that you don’t need anyone. You don’t need your ex who doesn’t give a damn about you. You don’t need your family who basically made you fend for yourself once you turned 18. 
You look towards the scenery and remind yourself that life is beautiful when you don’t have to depend on anyone. Because that means no one can hurt you, and now your baby. 
You look down to your stomach and begin rubbing it as you telepathically tell your baby that it’ll always have you and that you are all it needs. You won’t let your baby ever feel unwanted, unloved ,or unsupported. That even though it’s just you, you’re gonna give your baby all that it deserves and all that you’ve never had. 
Like how everyday after work and school you’ll have dinner together at the table and talk about things that happened throughout the day. Or how you’ll show up to every school event, every game, every award ceremony. 
Or how you’ll read to your baby every night until they’re old enough to read on their own. And how you’ll always be a shoulder to lean on when things go rough. Things you’ve never experienced with your own family. 
Sure, you’re going to raise the baby on your own, but you know that you’ll provide the best that you can and will do 120% better than your own parents. And you know that you’ll provide much more on your own than what your ex can ever provide.
You promise your baby it’ll be the two of you and that you’re never gonna not try your hardest because your baby deserves the best. And that’s what you’re going to be.
End flashback•••••••
You’re tugging the end of your shirt as you wait for the doctor to step in and your heart races quickly every time you hear footsteps approaching. But the past 20 mins you have been stuck in your thoughts. 
You stand up to look at random pamphlets before someone starts knocking, which instantly makes you jump. 
“Y/N?” They ask with your chart in their hand. You smile and nod as she proceeds to come in.
“I’m sorry your OBGYN couldn’t be the one to see you, but I will make sure to chart everything down, especially your questions and concerns” she begins to explain. You can’t help but tear up, uncertain of what she has to say. 
“You and your baby’s vitals are okay and it doesn’t look like the fall affected your baby in any way” she says, knowing that you’ve been anxiously waiting, a big weight lifted off your shoulders as you take a deep breath. 
“But there is something I wanted to bring to your attention,” she says in a very calm manner. But even with her gentleness a new wave of anxiety starts to hit you. 
“It may be a little too early to tell but it looks like you may have gestational diabetes” she says flipping the chart over. 
“Now this doesn’t have to be alarming if you are careful with what you eat. Now of course you need to eat enough nutrients for you and your baby, and we have some pamphlets you can take home..” she slowly stops as she looks up and sees you crying.
“It’s okay Y/N. This is pretty common in many pregnancies and it’s beyond your control. You can maintain it by eating healthy and getting some exercise” she says as she sets the chart down by the counter. 
“I know you’re worried, but I promise as long as you do your part in keeping the baby healthy, you’ll both be fine” she explains as she hands you a couple of facial tissues. 
“And the good thing is we’re detecting it early which means it’s not too late to do the right thing” she looks at you and smiles.
“I know how strong pregnancy cravings are and it’s okay to give in, but make sure you don't go too overboard” she stands up to grab some pamphlets that you need.
The two of you talk out some questions you had in regards to the news she just shared as well as your current diet. And thankfully you’re on the right path and not overindulging at the moment, despite your random cravings. 
“It was nice to meet you Y/N. And I’m glad you and your baby are okay” she starts as she cleans up everything.
“I’m not sure who’s taking care of you at home, but make sure you tell him to keep you accountable. Have a good day!” She says as she leaves the room. 
Him? Who could she be talking about? Is she referring to the baby as a he also? You gather all your belongings and put the pamphlets in your bag before heading out of the room. 
And as you go back into the waiting room, you’re surprised to see Jin, his girlfriend, Namjoon, and Yoongi. As soon as they see you they all hop on their feet and practically bum-rush you. 
“Are you okay Y/N? Is the baby okay? What did the doctor say?” Is all you can hear as the three men surround you trying to out yell one another.
Jin’s girlfriend becomes the barricade between you and the three and you can’t help but smile. 
“Thank you” you manage to say, holding tight to your bag, trying to contain all the emotions you’re feeling, especially the strong urge to cry.
“Me and the baby are okay” you quietly explain, holding back the tears you feel welling up. “You guys didn’t have to come here and wait for me” 
Yoongi and Namjoon step back while Jin and his girlfriend offer to help you carry your bag. 
“I hope I didn’t mess up your chance with the label” you say slowly looking up to Yoongi and Namjoon feeling the tears fall. You curse at yourself for these raging pregnancy hormones.
Namjoon shakes his head as if to disagree with you. He looks right at you and offers a smile that shows off his dimple. “Are you really worrying about us when we’re here in the hospital for you?”. He digs into one of his pant pockets and gives you a handkerchief. 
And you didn’t realize until you looked at everyone’s faces that they were genuinely concerned for you. And you hadn’t felt looked after like this in such a long time. So you can’t help yourself but immediately start to cry. 
You think to yourself, maybe you’re not alone in this. Maybe people are really willing to walk this journey with you. Maybe you’ll really be okay. 
They huddle around you and begin embracing you. “We’re just glad you and the nephew are okay. That’s what matters right now” Yoongi says. They each try to comfort you in their own way. 
Namjoon and Yoongi offer to drive you home, which you quickly agree to. You’re ready to sleep it today off but you realized that you also haven’t had dinner. 
You say your goodbyes to Jin and his girlfriend and make your way to Yoongi’s car. You’re holding tight to your belly, unknowingly, and you suddenly feel the fluttering again. 
“Hm, I think ‘the nephew’ is starving” You say rubbing your tummy more. Yoongi looks at you through the rear view mirror and shows off his gummy smile. 
“What’s the pregnancy craving today?” He says as he takes out his phone to see what restaurant is close by. You look out the window to the hospital building, remembering what the doctor told you before she left.
“Let’s get Chipotle” you say. You’ll eat better starting tomorrow because tonight you just want to grub. Yoongi and Namjoon look back and give a thumbs up. 
Eventually you’ll tell them to hold you accountable, but tonight you want to enjoy what you can, while you can, even in the company of the two men in front of you. 
Because who knows what tomorrow may bring? So you join in on their karaoke session as you make your way to Chipotle. You’re thankful for friends, but more importantly now, you’re thankful for food. 
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gurlwithluvx3 · 2 years
never alone (3) | OT7
Pairing: friendships w/ OT7 and pregnant!reader (non-idol!AU)
Genre: angst, oc finding herself
Warnings: office gossip, feeling of loneliness, talks of pregnancy, navigating an unexpected pregnancy
Word count: ~1.9K
Author's Note: i started this fanfic when i thought i was pregnant (very important for y'all to practice safe sex, srs) and i know that my ex would be a dead-beat, toxic man who wouldn't step up and just added the boys because i know that they would support me x3
Masterpost | (2) (3) (4)
You’re a nervous wreck. The meeting is nowhere near finished but here you are tearing up the last corner of your notes. 
You’ve heard the rumors that are being spread around the office, because you have Jin as your work bestie, who seems to know all the tea. He knows there’s nothing going on between you and your boss, but he doesn’t know that you’re pregnant. 
Although, you are starting to show more at 13 weeks. You’ve tried to wear oversized sweaters and jackets all this time and for the most part it keeps your belly hidden. 
But sometimes as you quickly glance in the mirror, your baby bump is more noticeable and it makes you happy. You’ve made it to the 2nd trimester even though you felt nauseous the whole first trimester.
But today you don’t feel as nauseous. You were even able to smell the flowers that Yoongi gave you without having the need to throw up. And Yoongi only gave you flowers because your pregnancy hormones had you crying for not receiving flowers, though there was no real reason to receive them in the first place.
You spend the next half hour practicing quiet breathing exercises during the meeting, which was good for you since your doctor recommended it. And without paying much attention, you realized all of the people are staring at you now.
“Miss Y/N would like to share something with the team” your boss says as he urges you to stand before he takes a seat himself. You take a deep breath before speaking. You look at Jimin, who’s the gossip of the office and smile.
This isn’t unusual for your company. When there’s an announcement to make within your team, whether a birthday, engagement, or any reason to celebrate, you’re more than welcome to share it amongst the team. And now the spotlight is on you. 
“I have heard some interesting rumors circulating our office and I just wanted to share this with you all before this meeting ends” you begin, looking to your boss for approval. And he nods for you to continue. 
“I’m in my 2nd trimester” you begin to explain, unzipping your jacket to show off your bump. “I had a really rough first 13 weeks, but I promise to be on top of my game for the next 20 weeks or so” you say, rubbing your belly while showing off a genuine but nervous smile. 
You get a lot of surprised looks but you eventually get a lot of hugs, especially from Jin and your CFO who is also your mentor. She has been like your 2nd mom since you’ve joined the company. 
“Wow, you’ve hid this for 13 weeks? I would’ve shown after the first month” one of your coworkers jokes around and soon enough everyone is asking you a series of questions regarding your pregnancy. 
You look to your boss before continuing and answer a couple of questions before Jimin obnoxiously asks, “So who's the baby daddy?” And suddenly the room fell quiet. 
He didn’t ask to be malicious. But he also knew you were single as single can be. And you’re sure it was a question everyone else had in mind too. You look to Jin for answers, as if he would know. But before you could answer, your boss stands up and clears his throat. 
“Okay team, we’ll call it a day. Please send your reports to me by the end of the week. Thank you” he says as he fixes his tie that didn’t need fixing. He looks at you and you give a small bow, thanking him for saving you. 
You’re one of the last ones to leave the meeting room, taking your time as some of your coworkers congratulate you before leaving. Jin and Jimin stay behind and wait. 
“I’m so sorry Y/N” Jimin says as he shoots you a guilty stare. “I didn’t mean to put you on blast. I don’t know where my filter is at times” he says as Jin punches him to get him to stop talking. 
“It’s okay Jimin” you say, unbothered by it all “.. It’s my ex’s baby”. You know he’s going to end up telling the rest of the team, but in a sense it’s better for them to hear it from him than from you. You couldn’t bear to see everyone’s reaction. 
“Wow. 13 weeks though Y/N? How do you feel?” Jin asks as you all walk out of the meeting room and head out the building. You tell them that even though it’s an unfortunate situation, you’re just thankful that you and your baby are healthy. 
“You take the subway to work though, right? Do you need a ride or something?” Jin suddenly asks. You shake your head and smile.
“No thank you. My friend’s gonna give me a ride” you say politely. They both give you big hugs before disappearing into the company’s parking garage and you slowly make your way to the coffee shop which is a block away. 
“Yoongs, please tell me you have plain bread and ketchup” you say as soon as you see that the store is empty. He looks up to you and gives you a disgusted look. 
“That is the weirdest combo I have ever heard Y/N” he says as he looks at you, while you sport the most innocent smile you can offer. 
“I’ve been thinking about it the whole way over and it just sounds so good” you say. He offers you bread but no ketchup. 
“I can ask Jungkook if he has ketchup,” he says, heading towards the door. Jungkook is the business owner next door and one of Yoongi’s closest friends. They both graduated in business and have been in an unspoken friendly competition since. 
You give him a thumbs up as he heads out the door while you look at the bread. You’re so excited to eat, that when you hear the door open again, you jump and yell out of excitement.
“Oh shit!” Is all you hear from a voice that is not Yoongi’s. You look at the man who’s ducked down for a quick second as he looks at you. 
“Y/N?!” He says in shock and looks straight to your belly that’s exposed since you took off your jacket.
“Namjoon?!” You say at the same time, watching his stance (but not realizing how he’s staring at your belly), as you suddenly giggled. “What’s wrong?”
It takes a second for him to respond as he suddenly becomes aware of why you were the way you were when you first met. And it takes another second because your scream scared him half to death. 
“Your scream scared me,” he says after catching his breath. “I was expecting Yoongi and silence,” he says nervously as he chuckles. He looks down to your bump again, but this time you caught him staring. 
“Oh yeah, he’s actually getting ketchup for my bread. I’d offer you some, but me and baby are so..” you stop yourself before finishing your sentence. After telling your coworkers, you’d forgotten about informing the rest of the world. 
His eyes have grown bigger, but then his smile that shows off his dimple appears on his face. You suddenly get so nervous and dizzy that you end up sitting down. 
Just as you were about to explain it all to Namjoon, Yoongi barges in with packets of ketchup in a plastic bag, with Jungkook in tow. 
“Oh hey Joonie!” Yoongi and Jungkook say at the same time. But they quickly forget about him as they rush to where you’re seated.
“I explained your craving to Jungkook and he’s never heard of something so insane, he had to witness it himself” Yoongi explains as he shows off his gummy smile. “I hope you don’t mind that you have an audience” he hands you a couple packets of ketchup and you quickly add it to the bread on the plate. 
You indulge yourself to your cravings and for a moment you forget about the 3 men in front of you until you hear the click of a camera. 
“Yoongs!” You yell as you try to pry his phone from his hand but he’s quicker than you. He chuckles to himself until you join in. “You’re so mean,” you say before sticking your tongue out to him.
“I just have to document this moment” he says and you realized you had two other men staring at you. You offer your dinner to them but they all reject it. 
“Hi Y/N. I’m Jungkook. Yoongi hasn’t properly introduced us” he says as he waves to you as if you were a child. But you just smile and nod as you finish the food in your mouth.
“Nice to meet you Jungkook. Thank you for letting me entertain you” you say jokingly, and all of you start laughing. 
And almost immediately you start tearing up. The boys' eyes all widened and they all suddenly felt guilty for no reason.
Namjoon quickly grabs you a tissue and you start to apologize.
“I’m so sorry guys. I’ve been more than emotional and I don’t even know why I’m crying at this point” you begin to explain as you now laugh at yourself. You must look like an idiot to these people. 
“No, you’re totally okay!” Jungkook says. “My sister was like this too, but more rude than anything. She would be happy one moment and screaming at us for talking right after”. Namjoon and Yoongi also try to talk about their experiences with the pregnant women in their lives. 
The four of you talked through the evening and didn’t even realize how late it was getting until Jungkook got a call. 
“I gotta go, but it was nice chopping it up with y’all! Y/N, congratulations!” He says as he gives you a big hug. “I’ll see you around” he says, giving you a wink before he disappears into the night. 
“We should get going too,” Yoongi says as he starts to close up the store. “Oh wait, why did you come by today?” He asks, staring at Namjoon. 
“Oh shoot, I completely forgot!” Namjoon says as he helps you clean up. “I came to tell you that the studio loved our demo! They want to hear another sample by the end of the month!” 
Entertained by this back-and-forth conversation between the two, you stuff the last piece of bread and rub your belly in contentment. 
Apparently, they’ve both been working in Namjoon’s studio for the last couple of weeks. As much as Yoongi loves his coffee shop, he also wants to expand his horizon, and you’re just nodding with all the positive energy that’s radiating from the two boys. 
You can’t help but smile and try to hold back tears of happiness. Curse your pregnant hormones, you think to yourself. You slowly get up to throw away your garbage when you feel someone’s hand on your back. 
“You okay Y/N?” Namjoon asks from behind you. You look back and smile while nodding.
“Thank you Namjoon,” you say shyly. You’ve never been treated this way, it feels so nice to be taken care of. And not just from Namjoon, but also because of Yoongi and even Jungkook.
“You guys are the best” you say out of nowhere. The two look at you and it looks like they’re both blushing. “I really appreciate you guys” you say more loudly. 
You may not be in the best situation, but at least you’re not alone. 
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