#Jon's rate hasn't been steady at all as pacing demanded a few more episodes between 'martin is sick' and 'oh hey martin'
gammija · 2 years
Now that we have two dated episodes (13 and 22), we can calculate the rate at which Jon goes through statements on average, and guesstimate when he first started recording:
Date of 13: 13th January, 22: 12th March. Days between them: 59. Statements between them: 9. Rate of statement per day: 9/59. (Funnily enough, I swear at some point someone says Jon records about 1 statement to tape per week, and (9/59)x7≈ 1, so that checks out, even though in the chosen timespan his rate fluctuates from 4 in 6 weeks to 5 in 2)
Statements before 13: 13. 13/(9/59)≈85 days
Counting backwards from January 13th 2016, we can conclude that Anglerfish has probably been recorded around October 20th, 2015.
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