#Johnny deff
charliemwrites · 11 months
no pressure at all but if you ever wanna write detailed parts for keeper johnny and his sweet thing... we'd deff eat that up 🙏🏻
Lmao I’ll do my best!
You do best when he’s not looking directly at you. Which is a shame! Johnny loves looking at you - your cute flush, your squishy cheeks, the little wrinkles in your nose, the way you can’t meet his eyes.
But if he’s gotten you curled up on the couch…. Sometimes you lean into him extra hard, tilt your head to stare at his handsome face. Through trial and error, he learns that if he pretends not to notice, you’ll lean.. and lean…
Eventually you get brave enough to press a kiss to his cheek. He can’t help himself and immediately turns his head to kiss you back. You yelp and try to scramble away, but he just chuckles and follows you down. You end up squished into the cushions with Johnny peppering kisses everywhere, his beard tickling. You’re so flustered, squirming and pushing (though not that hard he notices) and squeeze your eyes shut.
“Johnny nooooo,” you whine, trying to get away. “Too much! Quit it!”
“Too much?” he teases, “I’ve barely gotten started, wee lamb!”
Still…. It’s not the last time you do it, even if he always ends up gently mauling you. Sometimes…. It’s nice. Not that you’d ever tell him. How embarrassing!
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Pony deff terrified on natural disasters, and they get a lot of tornados, I don’t think he’d hide it if it was just the Curtis brothers, he’d cling to o Darry, SOB into his chest he does NOT think he’s coming out of that alive (pre book, he’s not real scared post book.) no matter how much he thinks Darry hates him, he is sobbing and ranting to him while there all in the bathroom.
pony does NOT fuck with weather related shit he can barely stand thunderstorms and lightning so when something bigger like a tornado hits he gets HYSTERICAL and god bless sodapop but he just cannot help pony during things like tornados because his dumbass is trying to look out the window and find it and every five seconds he's like "woah guys its getting closer!!" which of course makes pony start freaking out even more so he ends up in darry's lap losing his mind until its over
also post novel I think pony would be reallllly scared of anything flood related like how lighting strikes remind him of dally being shot and thunder reminds him of the sound of the fire that johnny died in, flooding reminds him of almost drowning to death in the fountain so whenever a storm picks up and he sees water start to pile up outside he becomes irrationally afraid that he'll drown in it. he always ends up having terrible nightmares after big storms (especially if its still storming when he's asleep) which usually involve him drowning out in a flood (and maybe, the sound of lightning and thunder carry over into his dream and sees the fire again and hears gunshots off in the distance while he struggles in the water)
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hzllhoundz · 22 days
the outsiders x male reader hc !!
Sfw— headcannons don’t except it to be good I’m kinda stupid— feel free to request—also amab / gn pronounsish (no fem terms basically)
★ he deff has internalized homophobia (it’s the 60s) he still thinks it’s kinda gross but he loves you and to him that’s surprising he’s Dallas Winston and he doesn’t love anything he got close to you and feels safe
★If Johnny doesn’t like you or somthing he either has to come around to you or your out so be nice to Johnny help protect him and make sure he doesn’t die or anything like that (haha…*sobs*)
★he would probably be toxic ngl very possessive and he likes getting you angry and frustrated would love to fight with you and he doesn’t see anything wrong with you he is also protective and he won’t let you leave him so your stuck
★ super good hugger like bear hugs and he’s good at cooking if he wasn’t all hardened up hed be the best house husband but he stopped cooking and stuff and never cares to clean up (he refuses to do any of this anymore)
★he had a cat once, named her missy when he was younger his folks killed her and he held her a funeral and kissed her forehead before filling the hole with dirt if you have a cat of any kind he’s gonna love it to death, or let him keep one at your place
★he loves how male reader can stick up for himself, he loves it when your angry at him.. it gets him a little excited (wait tell later) even if it’s at him, he doesn’t let up flirting with girls but he won’t cheat on you.. he decided he wanted to stick with y’a the gang thinks your just really close friends you don’t dare tell no body not in talsa Oklahoma in the 60s
SODAPOP CURTIS - sfw (sorry it’s short I ran out of ideas)
❤︎︎his hands are so soft like so soft despite being a greaser he has like soc skin Darry buys him moisturizer as a gift once and ever sense he’d have like two-bit get (steal) some more him
❤︎︎definition of a golden retriever boyfriend even tho your another boy he doesn’t see a problem (he never thought about homophobia or why it’s be wrong and didn’t pay attention in church like pony said) so when someone judges or a soc calls you guys ‘𝒻𝒶𝑔𝑔ℴ𝓉𝓈’ he gets very confused and Darry or pony have to explain it cus you feel to bad
❤︎︎he thinks your like a woman (not biologically) but like treats you like he would a girlfriend and almost called you a princess once but quickly apologized he baby’s you try’s to open jars for you your like a girlfriend but not a girl if you get what I mean
❤︎︎he dyed his hair once blonde and now he’s a few blonde strands every time he has a little bit of hair dye (like every few months he’s suddenly a little blonder)
➜ he’s a tough partner he acts like your a nuisance and he’s quite homophobic even to himself he doesn’t mean to be and he loves you but it’s hard for him he’s a cutie truly and his brothers love you which helps him
➜he’s busy working so any time you can help him out with money do so secretly of course he’d hate to be given money by you he’s an independent guy
➜you probably met by working or when he’s running around getting groceries or something help him carry stuff you a strong person 💪 he cooks in the mornings so maybe one day cook for him?
➜hold him when he goes to sleep he’s always so pent up and tired maybe he will finally relax massage him let the tension out (maybe save up for a boxing dummy for him) overall I think he’d cry if you held him tight told him you loved him conformation etc he’d love that
➜ he’s a simple vanilla guy he likes romantic stuff even if he’s always busy let him lay in your lap and play with his hair as you read or something the only ones who know about you two are probably soda, pony, and Johnny who’s around a lot and pony probably told him
➜it’s probably gonna be a forever relationship if not he won’t ever date again he’s the type to say ‘there’s only one person for me’ or when he’s older one of his brothers will have a picture of you two and post it on tt w ‘This was our brother and his bf (your name /last name) find him for us !! And reunite you guys of something 😭
NSFW will be next ✨
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fics-lovebot · 1 year
nct fic recs
main masterlist
· · ♡ · · tysm to the amazing creative minds of the writers for giving me sevaral moments of joy reading your creations
i´ll be constantly updating this list so make sure to check it out often for new recs ;)))
pls remember to reblog if you like any of my recs❤️
whats mine its yours - ft. the dreamies, haechan is tired lmao, an intervention needed to happen bc mark was doing the most, he´s just awkward and in love tbh, trying to be a real gentleman bc reader is drunk, they´re into each other a lot but mork is just a nervous drunk mess, cuteeee
sex ban - smut, mark it losing it fr dslfkjhlsdh "He wasn't sure if he was just thinking with his dick, but it felt like you were trying to push him to his limit." you deff were lmao
right where i left you - ANGSTY AFFF, cheating au, break up au, no happy ending, this made me cRY AT 3AM!!, it has 2 parts
pancakes - dad!jungwoo, pregnant!reader, just another everyday morning with his daughter, it´s cute
bus stop - fluff, love at first sight kinda, it´s short but it´s a sweet read
naughty boy - fluff, suggestive, established relationship, he is proud of his hickeys, goofy ahh
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outsidersheadcanons · 3 months
Pony actually got some coke shit said to him after Johnny and dallys death, someone deff said “maybe they deserved it, maybe they deserved worse.” That shit snapped pony and that’s the ONLY time pony’s fought someone apart from a rumble and it wasn’t just cus of that bro prolly also got shit said from that peroson like “who’s next? His brothers probably. Ponybky effect.”
Darry wasn’t very happy but pony told him what happened and he softened a little.
real. so real. and whoever that was 100% deserved whatever Pony did
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redhothingz · 7 months
!!COD HC ~ Meeting the fam at dinner!!
Someone asked ~
What about the 141 meeting the significant other's family? (bonus points if the significant other comes from a different country) (like, I'm italian and I can't stop thinking about Ghost getting forced fed by my grandmaXD)
John Price - 
He has been with you for a while, and is ready for this next step.
 He asked you what your family likes just so he could get them a little something.
 Made sure to bring his best cigars, too.
 After you told him about your Grandma borderline force feeding, he made sure to only have light snacks until dinner.
 He underestimated the amount of food she can make, and how quickly too.
 If there are kids, they will LOVE him. They like his facial hair, but his voice freaks them out a little. 
He’s great with kids, and entertained them when the parents got stressed.
He was VERY hungry, but your grandma will remain undefeated. 
He tried to tap out after the fifth plate, but your grandma wouldn’t take it.
“You are a big man! You need big portions. Eat! Eat!”
He ate slowly, but did finish the plate.
Grandma approved :) 
Kate Laswell - (She is gay so female reader here both F&TF) (TW - hints at homophobia) (readers family supports gay rights)
She is nervous.
Your parents support gay rights, but she still expects some kinds of retaliation. 
Her experiences have been bad when it comes to family and supporting gay rights, but as long as you hold her and remind her that she is safe, she will manage.
She is very formal and stiff at first, and your family understands. 
The kids help her relax by making her play Just Dance. Not really relaxing, but she is less stiff when dancing.
She takes her time to eat, but your grandma sneaks some food onto her plate after every other bite.
Kate loves it, it feels like something she's always wanted, but never had.
Well, loved it. She is kinda small and is bloated at this point.
Grandma made sure to prep many bags of food for you two! 
Johnny “Soap” MacTavish  - 
He is 100% a family man, and loves talking about everyone's family.
The kids asked him to watch Shrek with them, that was his first time watching it.
Quotes that movie for the rest of the dinner, as an inside joke for the kids.
Deff plans on thanking every generation in that house for making you.
He thought he would be fiiiine if he ate a few small snacks before dinner.
He found out real quick.
He ate three and a half plates before trying to give up.
Grandma flew to poor old Johnny before he could finish leaning back in his chair away from the plate.
Soap pulled tupperware out of his oddly big coat pockets and plopped them next to his plate with a big smile.
Grandma loves him!
Simon “Ghost” Riley - 
It’s hard for him. He’s never had a family dinner like this before and doesn’t know how to act.
As long as you stick with him we will be fine.
It was a big decision, but he wants to meet your family without his mask on.
He will talk, but it will be short. Right to the point. 
At least at first.
He is a bottomless pit, being 6’4.
He feels weird eating in front of strangers with no mask, but quickly shakes it off when he sees your smile. Or tries to at least. 
He eats fast, thanks to basic training giving them 10 minutes to eat each meal.
Your Grandma LOVES this! 
She is basically his hand at this point, he acts like he hates it after dinner when it’s just you and him.
But he loves it.
It feels like he finally has a grandma of his own, and that he has a family of his own.
Grandma still won in the end and got him to tap.
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick - 
A lot like soap.
Gaz loves family and treats yours as his own. 
He plays with the kids and reads to them, and teaches them big words calmly. 
Was the best at LEGO anything, game or building set.
Also begged to play with the LEGOS a little longer before dinner.
He doesn’t eat as much as the others, but tries to eat as much as he can. 
Goes into detail about why everything is so good, Grandma is flattered!
Grandma got him a few extra plates with other foods on it, he did the same thing.
Gaz 100% showed his rizz Grandma, he didn’t try to, it just happened.
Grandma looooves him!
Alejandro Vargas - 
He brought his family to meet yours.
And man did he plan it out! 
It was outside, at a park with a ton of tables and chairs. Pinataas from trees and two tables full of food and plates, from your family and his.
There were coolers full of drinks, and the kids know to not try to sneak a beer when they are digging up a soda from under all the ice.
Alejandro brought many toys for games, and was the reff for every game.
He deff scared the kids when he played tag with them.
This man ate a lot. He was out of energy from tag and marco polo, he could eat a cow.
And a cow he ate.
It was like a war between the grandmas. They both made so much food that was so good that it was hard for Alejandro to pick what to eat.
He got a plate and filled it with food from both tables. 
Kids got the drinks for the adults before they sat to eat.
You couldn’t find a bottle opener for your drink, so Alejandro opened it with a lighter. Like it was nothing.
Grandma loved seeing him eat her food over and over along with his grandmas, and the grandmas deff traded recipes after the dinner.
Both grandmas love Alejandro!
Konig - 
Konig was VERY shy, he wants to meet them but thinks that he will mess it all up. 
Unlike Ghost, Konig keeps his mask on. He can still eat with it so didn’t find it an issue.
He made sure to make a new one just for tonight!
You told your family about his mask and they didn’t mind. 
When they first saw him, they were shocked. He was so tall!
Grandma made him put up pictures where she couldn’t reach, and had him clean some cobwebs.
He loved running around with the kids holding them like an airplane, he made the noises while they laughed.
He ate a lot. I mean, more than anyone knew was humanly possible. 
He asked your grandma for another plate whenever he was done with his food. The portions were so small for him!
Despite that, Grandma always wins.
She didn’t have that many leftovers, but still had a few boxes of food for you and him to take.
He ate half of it when he got home. 
I think we all know how grandma feels about him. :)
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childeproof · 6 months
for the ask game!! Lovers of Loving Love!, Red Sweater! And Lady In the Corner!
lovers of loving love w/ johnny cage: a general romance headcanon!
johnny loves dating, he loves going on dates and doing the flirting, all the simple,, i like to think he’d either rush into marriage without thinking that it’s similar but deff different from dating ( esp when he’s younger ) or that he’d date for like upwards of 7 years and then when everyone’s like “you need to just marry her” he’s like “okay yea true”
he is so silly he’s actually rlly thoughtful with the places he picks out for dates, he’s a big fan of mom & pop restaurants because they offer a lil more privacy generally but he also doesn’t mind showing off at a flashy restaurant or a movie premiere
a gentleman but goofy about it,, makes a big deal out of pulling out jules’ chair, opening doors for her. she doesn’t get it at all she’s not accustomed to it so she’s like confused but appreciative which he finds funny
errr deff asks for kisses at the end of dates and puckers his lips expectantly. silllyyy!
red sweater! — w/ makoto yuuki: do you and / or your f/os have a matching outfit/signature clothing item?
YES HIM AND MARCELLE MATCH OUTFITS ALL THE TIME! be it color scheme or just like literal matching outfits with maybe a few hints of flair that reflect their own personality / aesthetic
they have matching pajamas,, they both own the scrooge fit but i also think they’d have a linen red with white accents pair of pajamas
they do 90% of their shopping together bc they’re both easily entranced by random stuff & need the other to act as impulse control <\3 marcelle is more attracted to random collectible things ( pins, cards, coins, handheld fans, etc ) and makoto is more attracted to video game stuff esp old digital stuff + jewelry
anyways.. lots of matching outfits, jewelry, charms, etc
their fav color to match with is purple! love! 💜
lady in the corner w/ jesse pinkman: “how charming is your f/o?”
VERY charming but in a sleazy and gross way.. he’s very sweet, albeit a bit perverted or maybe overly flirty at times. i think he’s got that “little boy you grew up with is now a man” vibe and i think it’s so cute..
he is a cutie pie.. I think he has charm yea.. literally ok. when i think of him smiling or winking I am enamored. immediately. there is no escaping the jesse charm
type of guy to buy you cookies and eat half the box with you
type of guy to make sure you walk on the inside when you’re walking down the sidewalk
type of guy to put whip cream and whatever on your nose and laugh about it
type of guy to. Kiss me haha.. srry
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silvyysthings · 2 years
Can I just point out when 🦎 tone and narrative started changing was around the johnny depp/amber trial. I think it was zuzla that did a timeline of the different statements before and after and I rmr thinking omg she's deff paying attention to people's response to "women CAN and DO lie" I'm sure she saw how much ppl didn't just blindly believe amber just bc she's a woman. That was also around the time kim kardashian was going through her difficult divorce with kanye. Kim deff handled it well and she emphasized how she never wanted to talk bad about kanye bc of the kids. One thing I know about 🦎 is she copies ppl and doesn't have any original ideas or thoughts lol... so I'm sure she saw she needed to change her tune bc she got nothing out of trashing him and also she could get exposed. And exposed she did.....
She doesn't have original ideas or thought , she' s always an embarrassing copy of someone else
For the timelines we thank always our @zuzla33 ❤🙏
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charnelhouse · 2 years
okay hear me out- i totally see a scenario where johnny is a voyeur, peaking around corners to watch ghost and red, fisting himself trying not to make any noise….
and ghost possibly knows johnny is watching but continues his pounding into red.
would you write any crumb of this? do you see this happening? 😫 i can just imagine how amazing you could write such a scenario
I misread that as Ghost fisting Red and I was like well…I mean maybe
I deff wrote something close to this if you check out the ghost masterlist and the “golden net”
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nsharks · 2 years
Bro imagine her side man is Gaz or Johnny (I can deff see it being Gaz more so cause they’re in a similar age bracket). How fucking awkward would that be 😭. Though it might be cool to add a completely new character too. I can’t see where you take this series.
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triplexdoublex · 2 years
What blind item came out? Sorry I'm catching up and a little confused. I was super happy Sophie's people finally said something but I'm disappointed no one else has. You know MF was the one making sure they went out together V-Day night 🙄 She's trying to save face and keep whatever fame she's getting out of this but we and I think everyone else are just done. I want Colson safe from this abuse and poor Sophie deserves so much better! He's gonna lose an amazing bandmate if he's not careful here. Honestly I think EVERYONE is tired. I mean look, almost all his friends barely hang with him anymore and I still think Dub's "Family over this shit" or whatever he said was more a warning to Col. Like "bro we love you but we're not watching you go through this anymore". Mod has that pointed song, Dom and Col weren't on each other's last album (even though they really seemed to be happy and have missed each other at the live show Col had), even Travis and Kourtney have taken a step back it seems and they were all glued to each other! If this were an am I the asshole on Reddit everyone would be tossing out 🚩's because this is abuse. She is isolating him and making people hate him and she's made him so meek and quiet. I'm worried for him. When the game runs out for her what will be left for him? Besides us of course. She didn't count on that and you're right, this really reminds me of Amber/Johnny. Sorry, I went on a rant but I guess this was all to ask what came out about Sophie after her press statement? Although please, rant away with me!
I’m not entirely sure about the other blind item that came out, but maybe if the anon that sent that ask that mentioned it sees this they could send a link or something. I’d be interested to see it as well. Yeah I deff noticed Mod specifically not being around Colson anymore. And Mods very intuitive and an empath he can smells bullshit from a mile away and he’s always been very protective of Colson so I can only imagine that Mod and Cols have already had words over Megan. Plus there’s Mods low key jab at them in his new song Courtney Fucked Kurt where the lyrics say “Stop romanticizing death, Shotguns and needles are not your friends,Sid killed Nancy what a bloody fuckin' mess” Megan really is trying to isolate him and I hope sooner than later Kells will open his eyes to all her narcissistic abuse ways and that it’s not to late to repair all the strained relationships in his life she’s caused.
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multivstx · 3 years
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same word different fonts
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berrymoos · 2 years
OH MY GOODNESS!!! The way you have now put Steve liking baking into my head it’s all I can think about!!! He would be the sweetest little shyst guy about it too
He goes over to the Byers with a cake for Johnny and is all soft spoken about how he knows strawberry flavor is Johnathans favorite. Joyce is the one he’s talking to about all the baking stuff and she’s freaking melting because this big guy she’s seen swing a bat full of nails at monsters is getting blushed about how much frosting he put and how he put little pearl sprinkles around the boarder of the cake
Cg!Joyce talking to little!steve about baking while they wait for Johnny and nance to get home >>>>🥹🥹🥹
YEA YEA YEAA he's like standing reaaal close to robin if she went w him (bc she knows how shy he is ofc) explainin "mmm well ... starbie is jonny's favrit n uhh ... the pearls are jus pretty an .. mm, uhm .. i like fostin so i put a lot becus .. becus jonny's my frien so he gets lotsa fostin..." in a quiet mumbly voice (*´˘`*)♡ joyce & robin are melting into puddle ohmygod he's a sweetheart oh goodness THEM
after a bit of them conversing abt cakepops & their favorite kind of cookies, the door starts opening aaaand ... jonathan and nancy appear!! :D steve is so excited to show them the cake but he's also shy so after all of their greetings n such, joyce nods to steve: "he's got a little surprise for you, jon (。•̀ᴗ-)✧"
jon's like "oh?" so steve hops up from the couch, grabs his arm, & leads him to the kitchen where the extra frosted cake is awaiting him ... and dear god he's so so grateful & pleasantly surprised! it's like WOAH is it for his birthday or smth — even tho his birthday is in the fall lmaosidjsi
ooo ok to add a regression spin to jon: jonathan's been feeling like he's gonna regress all day (but it's been from positive triggers!! he got to feed ducks today even tho it wasn't what he was planning on doing & a whole rabbit came up & sniffed him before bouncing away & he managed to get a picture of it & he got to do all of that with nancy!!), so seeing this cake knowing it was made for him — even tho he deff plans on sharing it — pushes him over that edge & oh wow now he's Babey ehe (ˊ˘ˋ*)
sooo now there r TWO little ones around the house, & they are eating CAKE with the CGS & it is a happy, HAPPY day!!!
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bisexual-horror-fan · 3 years
Hey there! I was wondering if you could write number 74 (“I’m gonna fuck you so hard that you forget you ever even met that asshole.”) for the driller killer from SPM2 😌 just realized you write for him and this one is going to scratch an itch in my brain
HEY! Oh man so I am so fucking hyped you asked for thissss! I deff need to write some more Driller Killer and this is as good a chance as any! We got a quick and dirty one for you, hope you love it all the same! Thanks so much for asking this and I hope you dig it! Kept it GN! Reader this time around.
Rating. Explicit. Length 1K. Driller Killer/Johnny X GN! Reader. Warnings: Possessive Behavior. Jealousy. Smoking. Groping. Manhandling. Fingering. Dirty Talk. Choking. Rough Sex.
Forget Him. Focus On Me.
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So the long and the short of it is that you fucked up.
We can go into the details about that a bit sure, but ultimately that is what is important; you fucked up. Not by the average person’s standards or even your own but by his and when you upset him in such a fashion you were sure to know about it. 
It wasn’t like you did it on purpose or maliciously, it was more done without thinking but the intention didn’t matter to him, and why would it? Why would he ever care about something so unimportant? 
Okay, but what is it that you did? 
You talked to him. He was only a friend to you, he obviously liked you a lot more than you liked him, it was painfully clear to anyone who saw him interacting with you for longer than two seconds. It was fucking infuriating that you couldn’t see it. The second you were asleep and within reach he was with you. 
He could pick the setting of your dreams and decided to keep it in your bedroom, a personal favorite of his, it was so intimate, invading your personal space like this. You were alerted to his presence when he spoke up behind you, “Hey Baby.”, making your head snap up and in the reflection of the floor length mirror you saw him, looking fairly relaxed, reclined on your bed. This was purposefully misleading on his part, looking relaxed even though he was still fuming inside, cigarette held loosely in his grip.
“I wish you wouldn’t smoke in my room.”  You said with a slight smile as your eyes met with his through the reflection, and he scoffed before pulling that same lit cigarette up and inhaling deeply before letting it out, intentionally trying to bother you before saying, “That any way to greet me?”
“And how should I greet you?” You still had your back to him as you asked it and kept your eyes on him. “Fall all over myself to rush to your side perhaps.” 
“It’d be a start.” He was sitting up now, looking you over and he asked, “So I gotta ask, do you think I’m stupid babe?”
That got you to turn around and look at him directly, “What?” 
“Cuz that is the only thing I can come up with for the way you were actin’ to make any sense.” Slight nerves began to take hold, you weren’t sure what he meant, what he was talking about but you better figure it out, and fast. “I seriously don’t know what you mean.”
He got up off of your bed, another drag as he started to make his way to you, “No?” he asked with a cock of his brow and you shook your head, and he was still taking his time coming over to you, “I guess I have to refresh your memory.” 
He sighed and flicked the butt of his cigarette out the open window and he started, “I’m talkin’ about you cozying up to that little shit earlier today.” Recognition washing over your face, “My friend?”
He laughed, “Friend? To you maybe. He wants a hell of a lot more than just friendship from you.” And you tried to refute this, about to fight him on it but he was right in front of you, imposing to say the least, it made the words die on your tongue. 
“I don’t like the way he was lookin’ at you or talkin’ to you. Or how he put his hands on you” A hard swallow from you and you asked, “How’d you know I was even with him?”
“Oh I can see every little thing ya do.” His hands rested on your shoulders and he leaned in, whispering right in your ear, “I’m always watching.”
And then he pushed you backwards and you let him, you were turned around roughly and his hands slid down your arms, hands gripping your wrists and forcing your hands up, placing them flat on the mirror. He was leaning into your back, hands began to feel you up, he was rough with it, possessive and obviously into it if how hard he felt against your ass was any indication. His face was pressed to your neck, breathing you in and one of his hands snaked up your shirt, feeling over your chest as his other hand moved down, feeling you over your pants and you were unsure if you should push into his touch or pull away. You settled on squirming, his grip tightened, a silent cue to let him do what he wanted to you, and you were not about to protest. His other hand up and his gaze met yours in the mirror, two fingers slipped into his mouth and you knew just where this was heading. 
Once he had got them sufficiently wet his hand was in your pants, those same fingers brushing over you and it made your breath catch in your throat, you could feel the small smirk against the side of your neck. When his fingers penetrated you it made your head fall back against him with a moan. “I’m going to fuck you so hard that you forget you ever met that asshole.”
You had a thought, a singular word, ‘Promise?’ but you didn’t vocalize it, didn’t want to let on to how much you liked him being jealous like this. And a few short minutes later your pants were forced down, bent forward, his hand around your throat as he was inside of you. Fucking into you as you were made to watch yourself, your hands gripping the sides of the mirror as he pounded you from behind, muttering filth in your ear of who you belong to, that you should know better, and he was going to make you nothing but the cock addicted little whore he knew you to be. He had been in your head, seen what you think of, knew what you really wanted and fantasized about, the conflicted feelings you had about how much you enjoyed what he did but you kept on giving in over and over and loved it more each time it happened
“You think he could ever fuck you like this? That he’d ever do half the depraved shit you dream up? No. Fucking. Way.” And those last three words were punctuated with a hard thrust that had you releasing a broken moan with each one. 
You couldn’t agree more. He had ruined you and was just what you deserved, you were stuck with him and you didn’t want anyone else. No. Fucking. Way.
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childeproof · 10 months
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valentine’s day art instead of christmas art is crazy … but here i am. johnny deff had to convince her to pose for this shoot
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nc-screamsheet · 3 years
General Johnny HCs
(Johnny has his body back and V isn’t dying as much)
Johnny is not going to be as well adjusted as V is with...anything really.
He’s improving! But there’s a difference in mentality of dead man vs a living one. Some impulses and addictions you can’t just kick, even with a clean body. 
The anger, the drinking, drugs, maybe even smoking he’d start catching himself on. Lot’s of late night conversations with friends about who he was and who he wants to be.
Getting your own body after having to share someone else’s for months, let alone being in soul prison doesn’t leave you well prepared for a second life. 
Seeing the city through his own eyes vs through Vs is a trip. 
Johnny gets lost a lot in the beginning, he never had to pay attention to how V got around as an engram. And god forbid V liked to parkour though the city instead of driving like a normal person, that would just double screw him.
Johnny wouldn’t be quite sure what to do with himself in 2077 at first, So he does bum off of V for a while. 
Later, He starts following V around on jobs or just in general. If not with V then Johnny can be found at Kerry’s place making music or at the afterlife harassing Rogue.
V totally threatens Johnny to not be a dick to Misty
Vik doesn’t hate Johnny, but deff isn’t a fan after all the stuff with the relic and V. Johnny wont argue with him on that point.
Johnny wont ever admit it under normal - or sober- circumstances but he has a fear of V telling him to go away. 
He would walk out and never come back if that’s what they truly wanted, wouldn’t hold it against them after everything but the thought is like getting stabbed. it hurts to think about it.
Johnny isn’t a bad driver but he likes to speed, Porsche 911 turbo and all.
I don’t think Johnny would be afraid of Mama Wells, but he’s smart enough to know not to cross her.
Johnny carries around a small note book to write lyrics in
If V picked up mannerisms/habits from Johnny then the same happened to him. 
If Vs an artist, Johnny will find himself doodling next to his lyrics, they’re comically bad but he can’t stop it. 
He will sometimes fidgets like v does, picks up some speech patterns that Kerry pokes fun at him for
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