#Johanna (OC: belongs to Allyasshanner
ambrial-blog · 2 years
The Dancer and The Assassin
He listened to the creaking floorboards and heavy footfalls approaching, Blitzo came to a halt, his pulse quickening in his chest. The shape of a man emerges from the shadows. As a pair of maralavent eyes pierce through the veil of darkness. Blitzo gasps, taking a feeble step backwards as their eyes locked.  There was a bitter coldness to them, a hard disdain, that  reflected in the Cowboy's eyes. Sickly yellow eyes, swirling with embittered rage, shone brightly with an evil intent.
“Oh there you are sugar-cube"  , you had me worried, I was wondering where you scampered off to anyway, I thought I told you to stay put Blitzy?”
The snake hissed, “Who was that you were talking to?” He looked around the room.
“You can tell me darlin, I promise this time I won’t hurt you. I just don’t want you running off, or having some cheap tramp think you up for grabs” he hisses.
“You don’t know what kind of filthy vermin are running around, selling their bodies just to survive.
“you and I are a superior then most of our kind, I wouldn’t want to tarnish that gorgeous body of yours with a walking disease”
Blitzo backed up, the top of his hip hitting the sharp edge of Johanna’s vanity. His body was trembling, for once not in fear but in rage
“Your one to talk you took everything from me, I have no friends, no family, why would I surrender her name to you” snapped Blitzo as he continued, “You put Stolas into a comma and framed me!, making it difficult to show my face out in public.
“I caught you mimicking my voice telling M&M to piss off that I no longer needed them!”
“You called Belphegor and left an anonymous tip, concerning a roaming hellhound sleeping on the streets. I’ve had enough of your shit! I want out of this partnership!.
With a harrowing look from Striker, Blitzo’s voice drops and patters off,  as he peers down at his boots then back up into Striker’s eyes.
He knew he had crossed the line when he saw those cold, uncaring eyes size him up.
Blitzo gulps, listening to the snake imp's claws dragging across the doorframe, with the flick of his tail he slams the door shut.
Blitzo knew he couldn’t take it back,  as the door slams shut  behind the cowboy.
“I can’t remember the last time I had any sort of contact with the outside world” Blitzo quickly says trying to diffuse the situation.
“She is just a friend”
“No she is liability Blitzy”
“I’m just trying to get to know her better”
“I don’t think so, sugar-cube, your spoken for”
“I’m still allowed to have friends, right? Or are you planning on taking that away from me too?.
Striker growls, needing to nip this in the bud. “How long has it been since I’ve spoken to either Moxxie or Millie?”
“They’ve moved on, like we’ve moved on!” Striker snarls, “You don’t need them you have Me, what more could you possibly want darlin?
Striker punches Blitzo in the face as he lunges forward. Blood gushes from Blitzo's mouth and nostrils as he doubles over, letting out a feral hiss.
Which only riled the serpent even more.
As the Cowboy tears up Johanna’s dressing room.
Striker Stop! Blitzo cries out as the outlaw grips him by the neck and hoists him up off the floor. Before slamming his body down upon the wooden surface, causing it to splinter and break. Sending tiny wooden shards spewing across the room. Striker then wrenches Blitzo’s arm behind his back and shoves him into a nearby dresser, smooshing his face against a splintered mirror.
“Don’t do this, not here” Blitzo begs.
“She is only a friend, not even that!”
“I doubt that she’s only a friend, because you don’t have friends, Blitzsssy,” he hisses.
“You only have notches on the bedpost, but I’ve stopped that cold, haven’t I?" Striker growls, forcing Blitzo onto his knees.
“Should I keep you home from now on?”
“You’d be so lonely without me Bossman” he purrs.
“I told you to wait for me!, I don’t know how much clearer I can be. The only reason I brought you here was to help take out Valentino.
“So you can pin that on me too!”
“Now you're catching on partner, I’d never turn you in though Blitz, you're too much fun,”
Blitzo growls under his breath as Striker grips him by the neck, “Now, how are you going to fix this? I can’t have you running around and sleeping with fleas’
I just wanted to let her know I admired her dancing, and that her performance on stage was hypnotic.
Striker hisses, cursing Johanna’s name as he pulls Blitzo closer to him. His eyes flickered with hunger as a dark rumbling came from his chest.
As the snake imp searched his eyes, he sought any evidence that the former boss imp was lying. Without warning, he slams Blitzo against Johanna’s dresser, forcing him to look in the mirror. Blitzo winces as a tiny shard of glass Knicks his cheek.
“The next time I see you here, Blitzy I  want you to remember this moment. His hot breath coasted along Blitzo’s slender neck as the snake imp’s hand slid beneath the hem of his waist. Blitzo’s eyes widened as he knelt down. He felt goosebumps run down his arms.
As a single clawed finger trails down the spine of his back, and plunges into Blitzo's hole.
Striker smirks. Blitzo felt uncomfortable as another digit was added.
“Don’t do this, not here! Blitzo cries. As a forked tongue slid out. “consider this light punishment for disobeying me this evening’ Striker purrs before sinking his teeth into Blitzo’s Shoulderblade.
“I love you, no one else does”
“Fizz left your sorry ass alone in a hospital”
“Your father continues to sell you and uses you to fill his pockets full of green”
“Your sister is so disgusted with you she’d rather be in rehab than deal with your sorry ass!
“You burn bridges, Blitzy, look at Verosika and Stolas.
“Moxxie and Millie believe you’ve abandoned them” “
“That Mongrel of a daughter never cared. All she cares about is herself.
“I’m the only one who sees the good in you, and one day you’ll return stronger than before”
“But you can’t go around creating false hopes. That silly bitch doesn’t know who you belong to”
“Take a long look in the mirror boss man, you know I’m right”
Blitzo had tears in his eyes.
“let’s head home, sugar-cube” Striker whispers in his ear. He winces as Striker extracts his fingers one by one and makes Blitzo suck them off one by one.
Striker skimmed his phone and redirected Blitz’s messages, while Blitz remained silent. The scarlet devil follows Striker out, with a deadened look in his eyes as they made their way outside toward Bombproof.
Blitzo and Striker head home in silence. Blitzo’s ass is throbbing, his head resting against Striker’s back"
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