#Jio Phone Next
srbachchan · 1 year
DAY 5608
Jalsa, Mumbai                 June 25,  2023                  Sun 11: 21 PM
🪔 .. birthday happiness to .. Ef Anamika Gupta .. and .. Ef Özen Eren .. love from your Ef Family ..
And .. more love and happiness .. to Ef Rajesh Kejriwal from Kolkata .. for his 34th Wedding Anniversary on June 26 ..
Sunday GOJ bring the children of the God’s .. but poor ones .. they have no idea why they have been subjected to this ordeal .. and in rain .. !
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.. why this posture , I have no idea .. the fact that he has climbed  the lampost .. the ‘express ‘ bill board .. which does not seem to be relevant .. so what ... if any of the Ef have any inputs please give .. 😳
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kids stories by a kid .. he wrote this book .. a 7-8 yr old writer .. and I shall acknowledge the effort ..
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errrmm .. anyone explain what this is trying to say  !!??
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.. and off on a drive - a self drive around the corner .. errr .. sorry that expression would be wrong .. no I am not going to the ‘errr euphemism ?” .. going round the bend  .. damn that is wrong too .. no I am not pleading insanity .. driving around to make sure the vehicle doesn’t send a message to the phone that your battery has discharged  .. erumm , that is wrong too .. and I shall not dwell on its why’s and wherefores .. so just a Sunday drive .. 
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 बाजरे दी रोटी ख़ाददी , फूपड़ियों दा साग रे ; something something something something ; तो बोलण्  लाग्यो कॉग रे  ! 🎶🎶
पूरे शब्द भूल गये हैं हम , तो something डाल दिया है rhythm के लिए 
बचपन में सुना था  । बाबूजी के पास एक कवि आते थे , जो की शायद हरियाणा से थे  । उनके मुख से ये सुना करते थे , ये गीत , जो की वहाँ का लोक संगीत है  .. 
anyone from Haryana , that could put light on this .. ???
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... and a big difference today .. SHOES .. shoes because , shooting bare feet, whole of yesterday , gave rise to a rise in what is generally referred to bumps in the foot .. named blisters .. a similar incident earlier had incapacitated the body for long so taking precaution ..  so the temple is still the same, and next time round it shall be revered .. 🙏
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.. a provision for drinking water .. with a bit of lime to quench the thirst of them that come to the gates of the J .. the GOJ .. 2 on each side .. and paper glasses to maintain hygiene .. !!
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Gawd .. ! everything shut just now .. no, the cursor stopped moving .. I mean it was moving but not registering what I wanted to write or open .. 
Then noticed the time ..
It was 12 mid night .. ! 
and this is my personal observation .. 
Jio mia , has a problem each night at this time for about 15 - 20 minutes .. when internet shuts .. why I have no idea .. it’s not like the machines have to go to the ‘err euphemism’ ?  ...  but what is this .. ?
and sorry for the usage of the word ‘euphemism’ .. had picked it up from a play I did in Kolkata on stage for the Amateurs, our theatre group, later made into a film starring Burton and Liz Taylor .. errrrm .. shall get the name presently .. 
Haaa .. yes .. Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf .. and I played Nick , played by George Segal in the film  .. he uses this word when he ask the hosts - Burton and Liz during a conversation in their drawing room, “which way to the , err  euphemism ‘ ?  a polite genteel term asking which way to the washroom .. 
the things that remain with you .. quite quite intriguing .. knew the term , had forgotten the name of the play .. !!! 😳
So yes where were we .. aah yes the Sunday without shoes .. or rather without them .. yes yes yes .. they shall be without the next time .. 
So .. oh there we are again .. on ‘so’ .. no really .. so I need to go and study my dialogues and lines for the morrow .. for the shoot ..
and there is the traditional ..
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नमस्कार  🙏
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Amitabh Bachchan अमिताभ बच्चन 
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aishnico · 1 year
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#𝙅𝙊𝙃𝙉 𝙁𝙍𝙐𝙎𝘾𝙄𝘼𝙉𝙏𝙀: 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘧𝘢𝘥𝘦 𝘢𝘸𝘢𝘺 (𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝟮)
» summary: you were engaged and you felt like you were betraying a part in yourself. and one day, you bumped on someone who you thought you would never see again
» word count: 1.9k
» warnings: angst TO FLUFF
» inspired by sarah jio's always novel.
» part 1
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— january, 1998
''listen, i already talked with them today and nothing changed. they ask for too much. i mean, we are talking about a hotel's lobby. and the view of it is not beautiful! ugh... you know what? let's just do it in our backyard, yeah? what's wrong with that? it's more beautiful than that stupid lobby. okay okay, let's talk when i go home. you aren't at home? okay then, i'll just wait for your arrival. bye.''
you hang up the phone when you finish talking about your ideas about wedding places to your fiancée. you two weren't the richest people, but your fiancée wanted something really fancy like when rich people get married. you, on the other hand, wanted a small and simple wedding.
you graduated from college a year after you left john. you sold your house when you found yourself a roommate, brenda. she was going to be your bridesmaid in your wedding now. and you were lucky to find a job after your graduation. you met there with a handsome yet squeamish man. you were chill and hilarious, and he was your exact opposite. you've still found him funny in your ways. and what do they say, "opposites attract." maybe because of that you are engaged now.
dating him was like a dream. he would help you with chores, pay for dinner, buy whatever you wanted, willingly go out to new places with you and more...
but sometimes you feel guilty when you're living your comfortable life. because you would wonder about john. he was a drug addict after all. the only things you knew about him currently were that he left the band five years ago in the middle of their world tour and released a solo album two years later. where and how was he? what was he doing right now? was he still alive..?
brenda was willing to help you with the wedding organization. helping you to choose your wedding dress and wedding cake, searching places where you'd like to have the wedding. she called you and said that she found new places you'd like. you agreed on meeting at your usual coffee shop. after almost twenty minutes, you both were there. hugging each other like you haven't seen each other yesterday. you both ordered your coffees and sat in a suitable place. she took off photos from her bag and put them all on the table.
''so, i found three new places that you both may like. they are at hotel's but they have excellent views, trust me.'' she showed you the first place which looked like a wineyard. second was just in a high place, and the view wasn't the best. and the final one was the best one for you. you already forgot the past two places. it had a huge oak tree in it, maybe it was over 200 hundred years old.
she started to give you information about each place. but you couldn't help but stare at the magical tree, it looked like from your dreams. but you couldn't marry him there. you didn't want to admit yourself that he wasn't worthy to marry there
''hello?? [name] are you even listening?''
''yeah yeah, i was thinking about the first one.''
''oh really? i thought you were gonna choose the last one.'' you just smiled at her and concentrated on what was she saying.
after sitting there for forty minutes, you said goodbye to each other before going on your ways. when you were close to the bus station, you bumped into a man and he fell. you gasped and immediately kneeled next to him. ''sir, sir are you okay? i apologize, sir? sir!'' the man groaned with his raspy voice and opened his eyes, looking at your face. you were concerned about him, knowing nothing about what to do.
when you looked at his face closer, you realized he looked familiar to you. but where was he from? he was so skinny, his hair was long and greasy, his lips were dry and ooh, those big pretty brown eyes... you would recognize them everywhere and anytime.
he looked at you for a couple of seconds. he then got up and started to walk opposite to you. you too got up and ran after him. "john, john it's me, [name]! don't you remember me?" you tried to grab his arm but he flinched.
"i'm sorry, i didn't mean to scare you. can we just talk, please?" you pleaded. he was looking at you strangely. you smiled to yourself. "i wasn't really expecting you to remember me."
"how can i forget you? you're one of the things that didn't fade away from my mind."
you took him to your house to ask and talk with him about million things. but he wasn't looking good. so you decided to heat him soup. his hands were kind of shaking and when he tasted the soup, he finished it within seconds. was he hungry, or just hadn't tasted homemade food for a long time? you were watching him in misery. your eyes suddenly moved to his arms.
"what... what happened to your arms?" your voice was shaking. he looked at his arms. "oh i, got them after my house got burned." you said "sorry" in a quiet tone.
when the atmosphere got comfortable, you asked him your questions in order. choosing careful words to not hurt him.
about forty minutes have passed. "it... it was really nice to see you again [name]." he smiled at you. you smiled at him too "same, goes for me." he
then noticed the pictures of you and your fianceé. "you're married?" he asked.
"i'm engaged. we’re planning to marry in august."
"oh, congratulations then." he smiled at you. but you could feel sadness behind it. "thanks" was the only answer you could say.
"well then, I should get going." he stood and started to walk to the door. you walked behind him and stopped him.
"john," you gently held his arm. making him look at you. "you said yourself that you don't wanna live like this anymore. you're hurting yourself both mentally and physically," you then gently caressed his scars. "i, i don't want you to join the '27 club'. you're too young to waste your life. i'm sure that your old bandmates think about that too. we all don't wanna see dying." you gulped. "let me help you."
his eyes were filled now. he shut them and sobbed. then nodded. he hugged you tightly. your eyes too, got filled. you then hugged him back.
you found a program on a hospital named las encinas and registered him on it. you would visit him there often. and you would bring your record player and a couple of vinyls you both loved. you would sing, dance laugh together. your fiancée, on the other hand, wasn't really happy about you visiting and spending time with him. you would convince him that you were only doing these to make him better.
you also noticed he was healthily gaining weight. that made you happy, to see him getting better and better.
after months, he was finally back from hospital. the guys were joyful to see him healthily again. they asked him to join the band again. he was happy to reunite with them. and they started to record their new album, californication.
you were blissful for him. he deserved to be happy again. you felt like a heavy lift just left your body. no more hunting ghosts, you thought.
oh you were so wrong...
you still loved him. you thought hearts and thoughts faded away but they didn't. it pained you. it pained you because you were engaged to someone else. sure you loved your fiancée, but you loved john more. and maybe the thing you loved about him was his love for you, his caring. after you ended things with john, he was by your side when you needed comfort, a love...
you took a deep breath and shared your thoughts with your fianceé. you didn't understand if he was furious, heartbroken or understanding. he yelled to you while comparing himself with john. telling you that he was better than him. he then sat and started crying silently. then giving you an apologetic smile.
"i always loved you. i always loved your presence. i loved being your 'the true one' but guess i was wrong. i wish you nothing more than happiness. take care of yourself, [name]. and don't forget that i'm always by your side. even if not physically."
you hugged him before apologizing to him and thanking him at the same time. you were glad that you separated your ways in a good way.
one day, john asked you if you two could hang out in his house. you agreed on and went to his house. he then greeted you with a heartwarming smile, inviting you in. bell bottom blues by derek and the dominos was playing on the record player.
he cooked for you lasagna and brought a fine wine. you two sat across from each other and started to talk about each other's life, random things and music. after finishing the dinner, you helped him wash dishes. you two then sat on the couch and started to watch SNL.
then you realized that the record player was still playing. you turned your gaze on it. now it was playing layla. you smiled to yourself and went next to the record player. dancing like you wanted. john chuckled at you and after shutting the TV down, he went next to you. you two were dancing like idiots but who cared? you were having fun.
after the last song, you two sat on the couch again, laughing at each other and resting in comfortable silence. after a couple of minutes, he started to talk. "so july is nearly over." you sighed. "i didn't tell you, did i..?" he shook his head. you turned your gaze at somewhere else.
"we... no, i, broke off the engagement." he looked at you surprised. "why? did he do something?"
"no, i did."
"what did you do then?"
you shut your eyes, and took a deep breath. "i, i love someone else, john. and that someone else is you. i never stopped loving you. even after all the bad things that happened in the past, i just can't help it."
his mouth was wide open, and his cheeks got slightly pink. you didn't want to meet with his gaze, but he gently touched your cheek and turned your head to his.
"i never stopped loving you either. never. i feel myself lucky to have found you in high school, i've loved everything about you from the beginning. and felt myself shitty when i started to ignore you, not trying to understand you, lying to you and even though i didn't, it seemed like i cheated on you. i am deeply sorry for everything.
and i am deeply grateful for your caring. thank you for helping me. i never want things to become like that again. i don't want to lose you, not again. i want you to be on my side like i want to be in yours. can we try again?"
you genuinely smiled at him and nodded. wrapping your arms around his neck while crying. he hugged you back immediately. rubbing your back, telling you that if you keep crying, he will cry too. you laughed and let go of your arms.
he was caressing your cheeks genuinely and connected your foreheads. then connected your lips with his, starting a sensual kiss. a kiss full of sadness, longing and pure love in it.
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spandan-misra · 1 year
Zero Knowledge, Full Confidence
DISCLAIMER: The following content contains strong language and adult humour which maybe offensive to some viewers and inappropriate for children. The views/opinions/remarks contained therein are solely those of the writer. They are not, nor can be taken to be, intended to offend the feelings/sentiments of any individual/caste/creed/community/race/religion or to denigrate any profession/trade/calling/institution or any individual, whether living or not. Any resemblance or reference in its content to events already occurred is entirely coincidental and not to be taken as expressing any opinion thereon.
I love anime. Mai hentai dekh rha tha ak din aur room me papa ajaate hai. Mai turant laptop band krta hu because if he saw what I was watching, he would comment, “25 saal ke ghode ho rhe hai aur cartoon dekha krte hai.” Dekho, ab wo ghoda bula kar ke dehumanise krna is okay because I’ve been called worse, but his habit of adding 3–4 years to my actual age, that’s what I’m not getting used to. It’s what you call a guilt trip — the same as rich people going to wellness resorts and detox retreats, to find inner peace and nurture their spiritual selves! — on my guilt trip, I am made to re-evaluate all my life decisions. At times, starting with: why did I cry when the doctor slapped my butt?
But anyways, he walks into my room and asks me, “Ye jio ke recharge aur top-up mey difference kya hota hai?” With zero knowledge and full confidence, maine bola, “Same cheez hai”. So he’s like, “Ye Google Pay pe 100 rupay ke top-up pe 5 rupay ka cashback mil rha hai, karalo recharge.”
Maine kara liya. And tbhi recharge confirm krne ke liye check kara toh call nhi lagi. So papa asked me to sort this out with customer care. Teen-char baar call lagai customer care pe but nhi lgi. (Just to be clear: Doosre phone se call kri, same phone se nhi. Ab itna bhi confidence nhi hai apne pe.) Jab call nhi lgi, papa reasoned ki, “Ab toh sab so hi gae honge.” I’m like, “Per abhi toh sirf 8 hi baja hai, papa.” And he replies, “Not everybody is like you.” Then he goes on to say — “Dekho apne side se try toh krna banta hai na.” Phir wo bed pe baith gae and started doom-swiping through WhatsApp stories.
I don’t know if this happens with you guys but mere papa koi kaam krne ko bolenge aur ruk jaenge wahi. Phir mera sar na bhaari bhaari sa feel hone lagta hai. And uske baad mereko identity crisis hoti hai, ki mai inka beta hu ya kaam chor hu?
I called customer care again 3–4 times and gave up. Then he called them TWICE, gave up, and left my room.
So ye recharge raat ke 8 bje ke around kra tha, aur 8 bje se sone tak all he said was: “Mere saw rupay marr gae! Mere saw rupay marr gae!” The next day he asks me, “Uss recharge ka kya hua?” I said, “Apke panchanywey (95) rupay marr gae!”
Now after a week, I went to the site to complain. (Kyuki wo mere panchanywey rupay nhi the.) On that site, I get two options: chat or email. I chose chat. Submitted my trouble with the top-up recharge. Then the chatbot sends me these long-ass paragraphs explaining what a top-up is! And everything in it is so incomprehensible that I almost felt mentally harassed by a chatbot. In the end, it asks me: Did we resolve your issue? Options: RESOLVED UNRESOLVED. I clicked on UNRESOLVED. I thought something would happen. And it sends me: Thank you for your feedback. It will help us improve our services.
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molosmojo · 1 month
Why does it have to be escalated?
I switched to #JioAirFibre late last year and have had good connectivity over the last 8 to 9 months. Around mid-July, after I came back from my native place, I noticed that the internet connection was down. Given that I was on mobile data, it did not occur to me for a couple of days that the internet connection was not restored. I called up the customer service desk and they said "there is a technical issue in your area because of which there is an outage". I asked them about the TAT but they didn't have any TAT from the system. I asked them to register a complaint and give me a complaint ID. They kept declining the request saying "we cannot take a complaint for this because there is a glitch which our teams are currently working to resolve." A week went by and I again called up the customer service desk and the same reply - we are working on this but don't have a TAT and we cannot register your complaint. I would have made at least 5 such calls over a period of nearly a month and they kept giving the same response. My kids who have their school assignments, had to face the brunt, the most of this outage for over a month. In one of the calls, I remember asking the customer service executive about my validity period given that the connection was lost for nearly a month and they said "don't worry, our team would take care of this." Finally, around end of August, I was given a date that by 24-Aug-24, the connection would be restored. And yes, the connection was restored. Now, I called-up the customer service desk again to check on the validity extension and to my shock they said "your connection is working perfectly fine and we do not have any records of any outage and neither is there any complaint from your end." The next day, I again called up the customer service desk and they gave me the same sh** and I lost it. I sat down to see what is it that I could do something about this complete dismissal and unprofessional treatment. I found about the appellate tribunal for Mumbai for Jio and dropped them an email highlighting my concerns. I also copied Mr. #MukeshAmbani on the email. The same evening, I received a call from Lalit Pednekar who was from the escalation team and he heard me out and assured that he would get this sorted and would call me back in a couple of days. He did call back to inform that the my concern was a valid one and they would do the needful in terms of the validity period and the adjustment of the charges, accordingly. While I was not willing to give-up on this and take the fight to the company, I am sure there would be many in my area, who would still be making phone calls to the customer service desk and getting a deaf ear. Why does it have to be escalated for someone to look into it and harass the customer - why cannot the customer service teams be kind enough to resolve it before it gets escalated?
0 notes
my-music-1460 · 15 days
The Future of Streaming in India: Trends to Watch in the World's Largest Market
India has emerged as the world's biggest streaming market, surpassing even countries like the United States and China. With its massive population, affordable internet, and a growing appetite for diverse content, India has become a prime target for streaming platforms globally. The rise of India as the world's biggest streaming market can be attributed to its burgeoning youth population, regional diversity, and a digital ecosystem that is constantly evolving. As India continues to expand its streaming consumption, understanding the key trends shaping this industry becomes crucial for content creators, platforms, and advertisers alike. In this article, we will explore the various trends and predictions for the future of streaming in India, and why this market holds immense potential for growth and innovation.
1. The Continued Growth of Regional Content
One of the key drivers behind India's streaming boom is the rise in demand for regional content. With over 22 officially recognized languages and thousands of dialects, India is a melting pot of cultures, traditions, and local tastes. While Hindi and English content once dominated the market, platforms have recognized the growing demand for Tamil, Telugu, Bengali, Marathi, and other regional languages.
Streaming giants like Netflix and Amazon Prime have increasingly focused on creating original content in regional languages, understanding that to truly penetrate the market, they must cater to local tastes. This is where platforms like Hotstar and Zee5 have gained an edge, offering a rich variety of content across different languages, making streaming more accessible and relevant to a broader audience.
The future of India's streaming market lies in the hands of platforms that can continue to diversify their offerings and cater to the unique cultural landscapes of the country. As regional cinema and music gain more attention, streaming platforms must invest heavily in both local production and distribution.
2. The Impact of Affordable Data Plans and Smartphone Penetration
India’s meteoric rise as the world’s largest streaming market is deeply connected to the advent of affordable data plans and smartphones. Thanks to companies like Reliance Jio, the cost of mobile internet in India has plummeted, leading to a massive surge in digital consumption. As of 2024, India has over 600 million smartphone users, with millions more expected to come online in the next few years.
This democratization of internet access has allowed users from urban centers to rural villages to stream high-quality video and music on their phones. While streaming was once a luxury for urban elites, affordable data has made it possible for people from all economic backgrounds to access entertainment at their fingertips.
Looking forward, the continuing trend of low data prices coupled with the introduction of 5G will revolutionize the streaming experience, improving video quality and reducing buffering times. This will be especially crucial for content like live sports, gaming, and real-time events, making India an even more attractive market for global streaming platforms.
3. Rise of Short-Form Content and Social Media Integration
The popularity of short-form content is another trend that is shaping the future of streaming in India. Platforms like YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reels, and TikTok alternatives have taken the country by storm, especially among the younger generation.
Consumers are increasingly drawn to bite-sized content that can be consumed on the go, whether it’s 15-second videos, music snippets, or quick tutorials. This has not only reshaped content creation but also provided opportunities for influencers and digital creators to reach massive audiences without the need for traditional media platforms.
Social media platforms and streaming services are beginning to merge in interesting ways. For instance, music streaming apps like Spotify are integrating with social media to allow users to share songs and playlists instantly. The collaboration between streaming services and social media is set to grow further, creating an interactive ecosystem where users can seamlessly switch between entertainment and social engagement.
4. The Growing Influence of Music Streaming
While video streaming often takes the limelight, music streaming has quietly grown into a significant part of India's streaming economy. Platforms like Gaana, JioSaavn, Spotify, and Apple Music have become immensely popular, driven by India's passion for music and the influence of Bollywood. In fact, India is now one of the largest markets for music streaming globally, with millions of users accessing music on a daily basis.
The shift toward independent and regional music has further expanded the horizons of the Indian music industry. From Punjabi pop to Tamil rap, India's diverse music culture is flourishing on streaming platforms, giving rise to local stars and niche genres. Music streaming will continue to evolve as more artists leverage these platforms to reach global audiences.
In the future, we can expect a more personalized music experience powered by AI and machine learning. Streaming platforms will be able to analyze user preferences more accurately, offering curated playlists, mood-based music recommendations, and even exclusive live performances.
5. The 5G Revolution and Streaming Quality
India's upcoming 5G rollout will be a game-changer for the streaming industry. The promise of higher data speeds, lower latency, and improved connectivity will enhance the quality of streaming experiences across all sectors – from video-on-demand to live events and gaming.
One area that will particularly benefit from 5G is live streaming, especially in sports and esports. With uninterrupted, high-quality streams, platforms can offer real-time action, creating a more immersive experience for viewers. Additionally, 5G will enable the growth of more interactive and innovative content, such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), which will take streaming to a whole new level.
For rural India, where internet infrastructure is still catching up, 5G could bridge the gap, making high-speed internet and seamless streaming more accessible than ever. The streaming market in India is poised to become even more inclusive, expanding its reach to previously untapped regions.
6. Challenges Ahead: Piracy, Privacy, and Monetization
Despite the promising growth of India's streaming market, certain challenges persist. Piracy remains a major issue, with millions of dollars lost annually due to unauthorized content distribution. Streaming platforms must invest in anti-piracy measures to protect their content and ensure fair monetization for creators.
Another growing concern is data privacy. As more users turn to streaming platforms, companies must prioritize user data security and comply with local regulations to build trust. Additionally, finding the right monetization strategy in a price-sensitive market like India will be key. Platforms that offer flexible subscription models, including ad-supported and premium options, will likely succeed in striking a balance between profitability and user retention.
India's position as the world's biggest streaming market is not just a fleeting trend; it represents a long-term shift in how content is consumed and distributed globally. As regional content, music streaming, and short-form videos continue to rise, the future of streaming in India looks incredibly promising. The advent of 5G and continuous growth in smartphone usage will further enhance the streaming experience, making high-quality content accessible to millions more across the country. However, with this growth comes challenges such as piracy and monetization, which platforms must navigate carefully. As India continues to lead the charge in digital consumption, the world will be watching closely to see how this vibrant market evolves.
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lallulalnews · 2 months
#lallulal #lallulalnews @lallulalnews Jio Bharat J1 Launch: लॉन्च हुआ Reliance Jio का एक और सस्ता फोन, कीमत है सिर्फ 1799 रुपये #Jio #JioBharatB1 #JioPhone #JioBharatB14G #JioBharat #Phone #Review Jio Bharat J1 Price: Reliance Jio ने ग्राहकों के लिए 2 हजार रुपये से भी कम कीमत में एक और अर्फोडेबल Feature Phone लॉन्च कर दिया है. इस फीचर फोन की कीमत बेशक कम है लेकिन इस फीचर फोन में ग्राहकों को एक से बढ़कर एक खास फीचर्स मिलते हैं. आइए जानते हैं कितनी है इस फोन में कंपनी ने कौन-कौन से खास फीचर्स को शामिल किया है. JioBharat B2 4G Keypad Phone launched in July 2024 and it comes with JioTV, JioCinema, JioSaavn, JioPay (UPI), JioChat, JioPhotos along with 0.3 megapixel camera, 2000mAh Battery, Wireless FM, LED Torch, upto 128 GB memory card support and many more. It is locked for JioNetwork and can work only with Jio Sim. #viralvideo   jio bharat,jio bharat phone,jio bharat b1,jio bharat b1 4g,jio bharat b1 unboxing,jio bharat mobile,jio bharat b1 4g unboxsing,jio bharat v2 4g unboxsing,jio bharat b1 phone,jio bharat b1 review,jio bharat b1 features,jio bharat j1,jio bharat b1 launch,jio bharat india aunch,jio bharat b2 4g mobile,jio bharat b2,jio bharat k1,jio bharat 4g,jio bharat 4g unboxsing,jio bharat 4g phone,jio phone next launch,jio bharat b1 4g phone
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the-business-wars · 4 months
India’s Biggest Business Battle — Ambani VS Adani Controversy
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Mukesh Ambani and Gautam Adani are the Biggest Players in the Business Landscape of India. They are also known as the Kings of Monopoly. Whichever market they enter, they always disrupt that market and become the leaders in that field and get every company that they want to get in that particular field. However, they’ve never crossed each other’s paths until now as they knew that both of them will get destroyed and their business can be destroyed but now the business battle has started which can also be one of the *Biggest Business Battle in the World* maybe it can be even bigger than business battles like McDonald's vs Burger King, Apple vs Samsung, Coke vs Pepsi.Taking first the personal life of both the business tycoons of India and how both of them started
Mukesh Ambani:
India’s Richest Man, Son of the magnificent Businessman Dhirubhai Ambani — Mukesh Ambani is the king of his own field from petrochemicals to telecom. He has acquired a lot in 20 years after diving his stake from Reliance Industries after the death of his father. Mukesh Ambani has been the King these sectors and has said this quote that encourages everyone to do big in life- “Anything and everything that can go digital is going digital. India cannot afford to be left behind” and working upon these words he has started to get involved in the tech-related sector and has developed India’s Cheapest 4G Phone Jio Phone Next and is also working on devices like tablets and laptops.
Gautam Adani — A self-made billionaireIndia’s 2nd Richest Man who is from Gujarat came to Mumbai when he was 18 to start with his journey as an entrepreneur. During his school days, Adani visited Gujarat’s Kandla Port. On that day, he decided he would also build something like that in his life or even bigger than that. From that day, he chased his dream which came true in a bigger dimension. Soon he started entering other sectors as well out of which he has invested a lot in the Renewable Energy Sector and has become the biggest Power Producer Of India. He is also part of various other sectors like commodities, infrastructure, etc. He says- “Being an entrepreneur is my dream job as it tests one’s tenacity. I could never take orders from anyone.”
The Adani VS Ambani Controversy:
Recently they started to enter in each others business and their clash is getting fueled more and more each passing day. These two men are known for their long-term vision and a lot of people like to stay away from them as they know that business is running in the veins of these two men of India. Both Ambani and Adani know the same thing but still, they are trying to enter each other’s sector to expand their reach and will definitely achieve whatever they want. This starts with the business battle between these two tycoons.
In the last General Meeting in June 2021, Ambani tried to attack the backbone of the Adani group that is their Renewable Energy Business, and announced their entry into the Renewable Energy Sector. Further Mukesh Ambani informed that they will invest $10 Billion into their energy venture to build a capacity of 100 GigaWatts by 2030. Mukesh Ambani also told that they will bring down the cost of hydrogen to $1 per 1 kg also they will produce almost 22% of the total renewable energy of India. This will create serious competition between both groups. In return, Gautam Adani announced that they are going to invest $20 Billion in the renewable energy sector which will be almost 50% more than the Ambani Group.But still, this is not the end of this battle, now Adani replied in an innovative way and announced their entry into the petrochemical sector which is like the jewel of Reliance Group and this action has marked the official beginning of India’s biggest business battle.
After the announcement of entry in Petrochemicals, Adani also announced the formation of a Super App which was one of the projects of Reliance in which all the things that Reliance owned like Jio, Trends can be accessed in one app and all the transactions can be done in one place which can be a great asset for the people who are using Reliance Products. Now Adani has planned almost the same app under their new enterprise Adani Digital Labs where people can book flights of 7 airports, pay gas bills, and do trade with the ports using this app. This app will bring a lot of reforms and the person who does this thing first will get the advantage and might help in expanding their business to new areas.
As we know Reliance has the biggest retail chain in India in terms of revenue. Reliance Retail wants to grow to 3 times in the next 5 years and has done a lot of investment and research. But at this moment Adani took his next step and has taken steps to open Retail shops of Adani Wilmar, which is a food company of Adani Group and through their super app it will be easily sold and can flourish with their entry in retail markets.Now again another major step was taken by Adani by entering the Media Business. A lot of people might not know that the Ambani group is also present in media and gets $200 Billion in revenue from his media business that is Viacom 18 and News 18 which operates over 53 channels in India. Adani group announced their new venture in the media sector and made Sanjay Pungalia the CEO and Editor in Chief of Adani’s media venture. Adani group can also acquire big companies like ZEE and NDTV as well.
In Dec 2021, Ambani and Mahindra joined hands to collaborate with each other in the sector of Electronic Vehicles. The tie-up between Mahindra and Reliance’s mobility brand Jio-bp will explore battery swapping solutions for electric 3-wheelers and business models. After this step of Ambani, Adani also entered the EV market and has got an official trademark from the government of India and soon will start with work in this sector. In about 2 months both of them have entered this sector and have made their business rivalry more interesting as EV’s are the future and the new things that will be introduced by these guys will be more innovative and a lot of people will like it as well. The entry of both the billionaires in this sector will give up a boom in the sector and also it can be a competition for companies like TATA, Maruti Suzuki, and other companies who are trying to manufacture EV’s as they both will make the cars that will be beneficial for the public with the help of their renewable energy and will try to win the race of bests!
This story seems to be really interesting but it has also led to a business battle that can altogether increase or decrease the Indian Economy. But for sure it will be interesting and will teach us a lot about how to enter different sectors and win there!
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selloldmobile · 11 months
Lava Blaze 2 5G Full Specifications - RecycleDevice Blog
 Lava Blaze 2 5G
Lava Blaze 2 5G is one of the cheapest 5G smartphones available in India and it offers a good combination of specs at this price point. The smartphone is powered by a Mediatek Dimensity 6020 SoC and offers features like a 6.78-inch FHD+ 120Hz display, octa-core processor and 128GB storage. It also supports next-generation VoRN for high-definitely low latency calls on Jio's network.
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The smartphone has a glass back and front which gives it a premium look compared to its competition. However, the sides are flat and made out of plastic, which takes away some of the premium feel. Nonetheless, the phone feels solid in hand. The power button and volume rocker on the right side double as a fingerprint scanner. The SIM tray is on the left, while the USB C port and 3.5mm audio jack are on the bottom.
On the software front, the smartphone comes with a near-stock version of Android 12 that has almost no bloatware, except for a few Lava apps. It's great to see that the company has kept the bloat at bay, which is a rarity even on pricier devices these days. The Lava Care, Lava Guide and the FM radio app are the only apps that you might notice.
Performance-wise, the smartphone is quite decent and it can handle daily tasks without any issues. Even heavy games can be played on the device if you stick to the medium graphics preset. However, if you're an avid gamer, you might be disappointed with the smartphone's performance.
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The device is backed by a 5,000mAh battery that has a decent lifespan. It lasted me two full days with heavy usage. The smartphone also supports fast charging, and it took me around 3:50 hours to get a full charge.
Lastly, the device also offers dual-SIM support and supports 4G LTE on both SIM cards, along with a hybrid SIM slot for those who want to expand their storage. It is also capable of streaming content on a big screen via Chromecast and supports screen mirroring.
Overall, the Lava Blaze 2 5G is a decent smartphone at its price point. It offers a premium design, a good battery life, a high-resolution 90Hz display and 5G connectivity on a budget. The only thing that the company needs to improve on is the frequency of the Android OS updates. We hope to see some action on this front in the coming months.
RecycleDevice Offers you with the opportunity to sell your old Lava moblie and Smartphone in a good price and in a most easy way. Just check the price of your phone.
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sarkariyojanainfo · 1 year
Jio Bharat 4G Phones के साथ 4G डिजिटल लाइफ सिर्फ 999 मैं
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Jio Bharat फोन के फीचर्स और स्पेसिफिकेशंस
रिलायंस जियो ने हाल ही में भारत में मात्र 999 रुपये की अविश्वसनीय रूप से किफायती कीमत पर Jio Bharat 4जी फोन लॉन्च किया है। इन फोनों का लक्ष्य देश के हर कोने में 4जी कनेक्टिविटी लाना और पुरानी 2जी सेवाओं पर निर्भरता कम करना है। जबकि अन्य स्मार्टफोन ब्रांड 5जी पर ध्यान केंद्रित कर रहे हैं, Jio Bharat उन भारतीयों को डिजिटल सेवाएं प्रदान करने के लिए समर्पित है जो स्मार्टफोन नहीं खरीद सकते। कंपनी ने Jio भारत मोबाइल प्लान भी पेश किया है जो किफायती इंटरनेट डेटा प्रदान करता है। यहां जियो के Jio Bharat उद्यम के बारे में पांच प्रमुख विवरण दिए गए हैं।
किफायती और सुविधा संपन्न फ़ोन
Jio Bharat बहुत ही उचित कीमत पर दो एंट्री-लेवल फोन पेश करता है। ये फोन सामान्य फीचर फोन जैसे होते हैं लेकिन 4जी कनेक्टिविटी के साथ आते हैं। Jio Bharat फोन में से एक, Jio Bharat K1 कार्बन, कार्बन के साथ सह-विकसित किया गया है और यह अन्य निर्माताओं के लिए Jio Bharat फोन बनाने के लिए मंच के रूप में काम कर सकता है। Jio Bharat K1 कार्बन Jio Bharat K1 कार्बन में लाल और काले रंगों के मिश्रण में एक सुंदर डिज़ाइन है। सामने "भारत" ब्रांडिंग है, जबकि पीछे "कार्बन" लोगो प्रदर्शित है। फोन में पारंपरिक T9 कीबोर्ड और शीर्ष पर एक सुविधाजनक टॉर्च है। इसमें एक कैमरा भी शामिल है, हालाँकि इसकी क्षमताओं के बारे में विशेष विवरण का खुलासा नहीं किया गया है। उपयोगकर्ता JioPay का उपयोग करके UPI भुगतान कर सकते हैं और JioCinema के माध्यम से मनोरंजन का आनंद ले सकते हैं, जहां वे फिल्में और खेल मैच देख सकते हैं। Jio Bharat V2 Jio Bharat फोन का एक अन्य वेरिएंट, Jio Bharat V2, जीवंत नीले रंग में आता है जो जियो ब्रांड का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है। इसमें पीछे की तरफ एक आयताकार कैमरा मॉड्यूल है और इसमें एक हेडफोन जैक शामिल है लेकिन इसमें फ्लैशलाइट का अभाव है। पिछले मॉडल की तरह, कैमरे के बारे में विवरण स्पष्ट रूप से उल्लेखित नहीं है। उपयोगकर्ता Jio ऐप्स का उपयोग करके भुगतान कर सकते हैं और फिल्में देख सकते हैं, और ऐसी संभावना है कि फोन व्हाट्सएप को भी सपोर्ट करते हैं।
Jio Bharat 4जी फोन की उपलब्धता
Jio Bharat 4G Phone का पहला बैच, जिसमें 1 मिलियन यूनिट शामिल हैं, 6,500 तहसीलों में उपलब्ध होंगे। इन फोन की कीमत 999 रुपये पर स्थिर है। गौरतलब है कि Jio ने पहले JioPhone Next लॉन्च किया था, जो एंड्रॉइड ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम पर चलता है और 2021 में इसकी कीमत 6,499 रुपये थी। Jio Bharat फोन के लॉन्च का जश्न मनाने के लिए कंपनी ने किफायती रिचार्ज प्लान पेश किए हैं। महज 123 रुपये प्रति माह में यूजर्स अनलिमिटेड वॉयस कॉल और 14GB डेटा का आनंद ले सकते हैं। वैकल्पिक रूप से, वे 1234 रुपये की कीमत वाला वार्षिक प्लान चुन सकते हैं, जो 168GB डेटा (500MB प्रति दिन) प्रदान करता है। इन योजनाओं का लक्ष्य डिजिटल विभाजन को पाटना और भारत में 250 मिलियन फीचर फोन उपयोगकर्ताओं के लिए सच्ची डिजिटल स्वतंत्रता लाना है।
रिलायंस जियो के जियो भारत 4जी फोन, जिनकी कीमत 999 रुपये है, भारतीयों को 4जी कनेक्टिविटी का लोकतंत्रीकरण करके डिजिटल सेवाओं तक पहुंच प्रदान करते हैं। ये फोन अपनी किफायती कीमत और स्मार्टफोन जैसी सुविधाओं के कारण भारत में एंट्री-लेवल फोन उद्योग में क्रांति लाने की क्षमता रखते हैं। जियो डिजिटल विभाजन को खत्म करने और हर भारतीय को यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए प्रतिबद्ध है
पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न
Jio भारत 4G फोन की कीमत क्या है?जियो भारत 4जी फोन की कीमत 999 रुपये है।क्या Jio भारत फ़ोन स्मार्टफ़ोन हैं?नहीं, जियो भारत फोन 4जी कनेक्टिविटी वाले फीचर फोन हैं।क्या Jio भारत ���़ोन UPI ​​भुगतान का समर्थन करते हैं?हां, Jio भारत फोन JioPay के माध्यम से UPI भुगतान का समर्थन करते हैं।क्या मैं जियो भारत फोन पर फिल्में देख सकता हूं?हाँ, आप JioCinema के माध्यम से फिल्मों और खेल मैचों का आनंद ले सकते हैं।क्या Jio भारत फोन देशभर में उपलब्ध हैं?Jio भारत फोन का पहला बैच पूरे भारत में 6,500 तहसीलों में उपलब्ध होगा। Read the full article
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newswisenow · 1 year
Jio Introduces Affordable Prepaid Jio 4G Data Booster Plans in India
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Jio, the leading telecom operator in India, has recently unveiled two new prepaid Jio 4G data booster plans that have captured the attention of users due to their attractive pricing and enticing benefits. These booster packs are designed to fulfill your daily data requirements effortlessly. Let's delve into the specifics of these new Jio 4G data booster plans. Affordable Jio 4G Data Booster Plans: Meet Your Daily Data Needs Effortlessly The first plan, priced at Rs 19, offers users 1.5GB of high-speed data, while the second plan, priced at Rs 29, provides a generous 2.5GB of 4G data. Even after exhausting the allocated data limit, users can continue accessing the internet at a reduced speed of 64Kbps. It is important to note that these booster data packs function as add-ons to your existing plan and data limit. If you surpass your daily limit, you can opt for a booster pack to bridge the gap for the remainder of the day. The validity of the booster packs aligns with that of your existing prepaid plan. Presently, Jio offers a total of seven 4G data booster plans. In addition to the new Rs 19 and Rs 29 packs, users can choose from the existing Rs 15, Rs 25, Rs 61, Rs 121, and Rs 222 plans. The range of options caters to diverse data consumption needs. The cheapest plan, priced at Rs 15, grants users 1GB of data, while the most expensive plan, priced at Rs 222, provides a generous 50GB of high-speed data. To explore the complete selection of data booster plans, including the newly introduced Rs 19 and Rs 29 packs, users can visit the official Jio website or access the MyJio app, available for both Android and iOS platforms. Don't miss out on the opportunity to avail yourself of these benefits without delay! Read Also: Jio Phone 5G Coming for Rs 4000 Only: Unleashing Next-Generation Connectivity and Features Jio continues to innovate and offer affordable data solutions to its vast user base, enabling seamless connectivity and fulfilling the evolving data needs of customers across India. With these new booster packs, users can enjoy uninterrupted internet access and stay connected without worrying about data limits. Choose the plan that suits your requirements and unlock a world of possibilities with Jio's reliable 4G network. Read the full article
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kathleenr643 · 1 year
Rajkotupdates.Information:a-historic-day-for-21st-century-india-pm-modi-launched-5g-in-india on October 2022, ushering in an technology of ultra-excessive-pace net on cellular phones. The Prime Minister launched the 5G offerings in select cities at the IMC 2022 convention. The services will increasingly cover the complete u . S . Over the following couple of years. You get more information click here. Rajkotupdates.News: A Historic Day For-21st Century India PM Modi Launched 5G in India rajkotupdates.Information:a-historical-day-for-21st-century-india-pm-modi-released-5g-in-india – Prime Minister Narendra Modi released 5G services in India. The next-generation tech become unveiled on the 6th version of India Mobile Congress, 2022, Pragati Maidan in New Delhi. At the start event, PM Modi took first-hand know-how of services related to 5G services. He also witnessed Jio True 5G gadgets show at the Jio pavilion, wherein he experienced the used baggage of 5G via Jio Glass.
He also understood the indigenous development of stop-to-stop 5G technology by way of a crew of young Jio engineers and the way 5G can help bridge the gap among city and rural healthcare shipping.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi said the 5G service could take the education machine in the us of a to the following degree as the cutting-edge generation will cross past “smart centers, smart lecture rooms, and smart training“.
He additionally asserted that the New Education Policy (NEP) would take the country out of the “slave mentality” surrounding the English language.
Rajkotupdates.News:a-ancient-day-for-twenty first-century-india-pm-modi-launched-5g-in-india – The Prime Minister spoke after inaugurating the Gujarat government’s Mission Schools of Excellence initiative in Adalaj town of Gandhinagar district.
The project will assist improve the schooling infrastructure in Gujarat by using setting up new school rooms, clever classrooms, and laptop labs and ordinary upgrading of infrastructure of faculties within the nation.
“The currently launched 5G provider will go beyond clever centers, school rooms, and training. It will take our education machine to the following degree,” stated the Prime Minister.
He stated that scholars can now experience virtual fact, the Internet of Things, and different advanced technology in their colleges with the help of the 5G provider.
Rajkotupdates.News: PM-Modi-India-Plans-to-Launch-5G-Services-Soon Indian cell phone customers will quickly be able to enjoy ultra-excessive Internet speeds via 5G wi-fi technology, with Prime Minister Narendra Modi launching the next-technology cellular network.
“On behalf of the us of a and the u . S .’s telecom industry, a hundred thirty crore Indians are getting a outstanding gift inside the shape of 5G. 5G is a knock at the doorways of a new generation inside the country, and it's miles the beginning of an limitless sky of possibilities,” the Prime Minister stated whilst launching the provider at Indian Mobile Congress. Rajkotupdates.Information:a-historic-day-for-twenty first-century-india-pm-modi-launched-5g-in-india @ Read More rajkotupdates.news
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socialki · 8 days
How to Open Twitter Account in Jio Phone
Don’t forget to create a strong password. Ensure that the password is a combination of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, symbols, and uppercase lowercase letters.
It should not include your name or any information from your social media profile. Make sure that the password is not a common word. If you want to increase security, you can turn on two-factor authentication. To do this, visit the Security settings on the app once you are logged in. How to Open Twitter Account in Jio Phone 3
Once you’ve created a Twitter account, you’ll need a user name and password to log in. You can also use a secondary login method, such as a code or an app. This helps protect your information in case the primary password is stolen or lost. Fortunately, many Jio users haven’t yet experienced any issue while logging in. However, if you’ve recently upgraded to a new model of your phone, you can easily do so.
How to Open Twitter Account in Jio Phone 4
The UI on the JioPhone Next is a simple and unassuming affair, and the price tag is modest. While it’s as good as the experience of the iPhone, it’s a multitasking phone and the lowest-cost phone in the market.
It’s easy to use and great for social media usage. So, go ahead and check out Jio Phone Next. If you’re looking for a smartphone, it’s a good choice. This handset will make life easier for you, especially if you live in rural India.
Must Read – Why My YouTube Channel Views Are Not Updating From 3-4 Days ?
The Jio Phone Next is a good option. It’s a fairly cheap phone. It is cost less than other phones available in the market. If you’re on a tight budget, you can get a better deal on Jio Phones in festival seasons. It’s not difficult to set up a Twitter account on your Jio Phone. You can simply login on to the buy x video views and then you’re all set!
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Reliance Jio's New Scheme: Pick Your Own Postpaid Number for Rs 499
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Reliance Jio, the largest mobile network operator in India, has launched a new feature called "Jio Choice Number" to attract new postpaid users. This service allows first-time Jio postpaid users to select a new phone number of their choice. However, there is a catch, users can only choose the last 4 to 6 digits of the 10-digit number, while the rest will be generated by Jio. The service comes with a price tag of Rs 499, and once the user selects a number, it will be reserved for them to claim. How to Select a Personal Jio Postpaid Number If you are interested in choosing your own Jio postpaid number, follow these simple steps: Step 1: Visit the Jio Choice Number website and click on "Get started" to begin. Step 2: Enter your mobile number to generate an OTP. Step 3: On the next screen, enter your name, pin code, and four to six digits of your choice. These digits will be the last four or six digits of your generated mobile numbers. Click on "Submit" to proceed. Step 4: You will see a list of postpaid numbers that include your lucky numbers. Simply click the "Book" button against the number you like, and it will be reserved for you. All you need to do now is make a payment of Rs 499 to claim your personalized Jio number. Adding Personal Touch to Your Jio Phone Number Although users cannot choose each digit of the entire 10-digit number, the "Jio Choice Number" feature still allows them to add a personal touch to their Jio postpaid number. It is a great way to make your phone number memorable and easy to remember. This new feature is part of Jio's strategy to attract new customers, which includes introducing Jio Plus and exciting postpaid plans. Read the full article
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monetizationpolicy · 2 years
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lifetimenumberseo · 2 years
Boost Your Brand Image with VIP Mobile Numbers: Take Your Business to the Next Level!
Want to stand out from the crowd? If yes, get in touch with Life Time Number to buy VIP mobile number from reliable telecommunication operators such as Airtel, Jio, VI and BSNL. VIP, fancy or unique mobile numbers are often considered desirable because they are easy to remember and unique. They typically consist of a series of digits that may have personal or symbolic meaning to the owner, such as a birth date or lucky number.
People may choose to have VIP mobile numbers for various reasons. For example, business professionals may use them as a branding tool to make their contact information more memorable and recognizable to clients. Celebrities or public figures may use them to maintain their privacy by having a dedicated phone number for close associates or family members.
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In some cultures, having a VIP mobile number can be seen as a status symbol or a sign of wealth and success. The rarity and exclusivity of these numbers can also make them more valuable in the resale market, where they can be sold for a premium.
Overall, the desire for VIP mobile numbers is driven by a combination of practical, personal, and cultural factors.
In India, having a VIP or fancy mobile number can provide several benefits:
Easy to remember: VIP mobile numbers usually have a pattern that makes them easy to remember. This can be useful for businesses as it helps customers remember their contact details easily.
Status symbol: In Indian culture, having a VIP mobile number is considered a status symbol. People often perceive those with VIP numbers as affluent and successful.
Unique identity: VIP numbers are unique, and no two VIP numbers can be the same. This can help individuals and businesses stand out from the crowd and differentiate themselves from their competitors.
Good investment: VIP mobile numbers can be a good investment as their value appreciates over time. Some people purchase VIP numbers with the intention of selling them later at a higher price.
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anantradingpvtltd · 2 years
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] About this item: 5.45" HD+ Screen 720*1440 Resolution 13 MP AF Rear Camera, 8 MP AF Front Camera 3500 mah Battery Dual Sim 2 GB RaM, 32GB ROM Oualcomm Snapdragon QM215 Processor SD CARD upto 512 GB 3.5 mm Audiojack JioPhone Next will be operational only if one active Jio SIM is connected with phone Data connectivity available only on Jio Network [ad_2]
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