#Jennifer Lopez Ass pics
trackerkitsune · 9 months
What led you to the conclusion you are asexual and why do you define your sexuality with social constructs at all? Is it to be understood or to identify who you are or both? I suspect I might be aromantic but I'm hesitant to apply the label to myself because I don't want to be constrained by societally imposed nomenclature when it comes to the way I self identify. I'm just me yo. I let others pick the words they want to use to understand me, but their perception is not reflective of my innermost thoughts.
Hope this isn't too much for a random Internet message. Have a great day 💗 I support you no matter what you decide to be or do as long as you don't hurt others.
Hi there, glad to hopefully be of help!
I can fully understand the hesitance to define yourself with social labels that may or may not fit, and it took me a while to decide on asexual.
I think the thing that led me to decide I'm ace is thinking back on that time in school when all the other 18 year olds (at the time) were lusting after Jennifer Lopez and my reaction when shown a pic of her in booty shorts and a tank top was not "*thirsty comment*", or "I'm into guys" but
ya girl looked at the pic and went "hmm, she's pretty and has nice breasts but her ass is too big". Deadpan. The dude looked at me and went "are you gay??" and the answer was an immediate "no?? Is it gay to say a girl is pretty but you're not attracted to her?"
Probably also helped by the girls in my class showing me conventionally attractive men and my answer being "they look like they'd be good to cuddle".
Either way! Define yourself however you want to, whether that's with a label or without! Mine is just a helpful descriptor to me, and is an easy way to express my experience to other people. If you don't feel like aromantic defines you quite correctly, there may be another that does it better, or maybe none of them do.
And that's okay.
You have a great day too! Thank you for reaching out :)
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animeperanima · 5 years
I went to sleep in the meantime but for the send me a character thing: Caesar and/or Gyro? I love my Zeppeli boys and I'm Very interested in your Italian Takes
Caesarino tesorino
Fav thing about them:
the fact that he goes from a highly skilled and controlled individual to Italy's greatest fool as soon as Joseph is thrown into the mix. he looks fancy and graceful but he has a mirror specifically to teach at card games! it's the duality of man *insert italian pinched fingers emoji*
Least fav thing about them:
probably the fact that he doesn't get to do shit in part 2 until he goes to fight Whamuu. because of how the genre was structured poor Caesar got completely overshadowed by the protagonist
Favourite line:
"I can't let my life sputter out. This is the Zeppeli family spirit, from the past to the future! It's the human spirit!"
I love the idea that leaving something behind for someone else to bring into the future is what it means to be human. I've seen a couple stories with this concept and it's close to my heart.
maybe not really a bro relationship but I do love him and Lisa Lisa. he became very close to her and changed deeply due to her teachings. he admires her and she respects him, despite both of them putting up walls for the sake of propriety and self preservation it's clear to me that they cherish each other.
Caejose, man. it was my first Jojo ship and it's still in my top 3, they were just too much for me to handle. I feel like they balance each other out: Joseph would have been an inconsiderate brat all his life without Caesar and he in turn would have been a stuck up dipshit.
I haven't really seen him shipped with anyone beside Jojo (as it should be, the boy was smitten) but maybe Caesar x Suzie Q? it comes up sometimes with the OT3 but I just don't see them working as anything more than friends.
Random headcanon:
Caesar lives with the biggest catholic guilt you could ever imagine. he feels like he lost his chance at Heaven because of all the crimes he committed and the vengeful intent that fuelled his youth. he spends a lot of time thinking about his actions and the impact they have on those around him, the balance of good and evil that he has brought in the world.unrelated but on top of being religious he is also supersticious. he will gladly pet a black cat but then he'd turn around and change path to make sure the cat doesn't cross the street in front of him. just in case.
Unpopular opinion:
the boy ain't from Naples, he feels like a Florence boy to me. just please, imagine the many instances of Caesar's "maremma maiala, Jojo" it would be way too funny. also Joseph would pick up on the fact that Caesar's accent is different from those around him and he'd have a field day with the weird C sounds.
Song I associate with them:
You Will Never Know by Imany
I've said this in the tags a bunch of times but I don't think Caesar ever confessed to Joseph or even really told him how much Jojo meant to him. Caesar's arc really is all about a road being cut short and this song works perfectly with that.
Favourite pic of them:
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stupid sexy motherfucker, I hate him
Gyro/Jennifer Lopez kin
Fav thing about them:
he is just so competent??????? he knows what he's doing and he does it well. I love how creatively he solves problems, the whole first stage of the race had me screaming, it was just too good. steel balls ain't a functional weapon but somehow he always pulls through with them and them alone?????????? I.... I may have a thing for people who are the best at what they do.
Least fav thing about them:
the fact that he just kinda.... forgot about the kid who was on death's door. like.... you'd think it would be a higher priority on his list of things to worry about. (to be fair, i flew through Steel Ball Run, I wanna re-read it properly once I've read Stone Ocean too; so maybe I'm wrong and Gyro did indeed give a rat's ass about the poor kid)
Favourite line:
"Eat shit, asshole! Fall off your horse!"
"I've got no choice. We're cornered, so I have to teach you. First off, Johnny, let me tell you one thing. Starting now, you can only say the words, 'There is no way I can do this!' four times, and four times only. Alright? Four times."
modern!au Gyro but he's not a doctor, he's a motivational speaker/life coach
I feel like he and Hot Pants could have been wonderful as friends. thankfully there are a few fanfics that have just that. Hot Pants would just be so done with Gyro, entirely done.
Gyjo, clearly. which is funny because it has such a horrible ship name but it just works. seriously, you just have to look at how many times Johnny ended the race in a better position than Gyro despite not really caring about the win and the fact that Gyro hasn't slapped him yet to know that fool is head over heels. (yes, I am salty about Johnny; I love him but I am salty anyway)
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh, boh
Random headcanon:
at first he started doing his gags to annoy Johnny; he was used to none of his jokes ever really landing so he started enjoying getting a rise out of people when he kept them coming until they just couldn't take it anymore. turns out that Johnny is a really weird guy with very few friends or people who, y'know, treat him normally so he absolutely loves Gyro's shitty jokes. Gyro was surprised to say the least but having someone actually enjoy his gags is much better than anything else.
Unpopular opinion:
translations that spell his name J.Lo are extremely valid and my faves. I know that Gyro keeps to the part 5 tradition  of naming Italian characters after food but J.Lo makes more sense with his real name (Julius could also be Giulio, so it's pretty close) and it's a fricking Jennifer Lopez reference. have you seen how luscious his hair is? his poses????? that's a J.Lo if I've ever seen one
Song I associate with them:
Blitzkrieg Bop by The Ramones - purely for the sound, it fits his shenanigans
and Brother Under The Sun by Hans Zimmer and Bryan Adams - YES IT IS THE SOUDTRACK OF SPIRIT: STALLION OF THE CIMARRON, NO I WILL NOT BACK DOWN ON THIS. this just.... the music and the lyirics and the setting all scream "Gyro to Johnny"
Fav pic of them:
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penelopelovesalvez · 7 years
A Lucky Night- Chapter 16
Here is my multi-chapter pic featuring characters I do not own from Criminal Minds, Alvez x Garcia, in a story of my own creation. It picks up at the end of 13.5.
Warning: Some chapters contain smut. While many do not, the ones that do are definitely 18+, NSFW.
Please feel free to re-blog and review! Please ask for permission before posting on any other platform.
“Luke?” Penelope squeaked, uncertain. “I don’t know, could we maybe wait for something I know how to dance to?”
Luke chuckled, and the low, rolling sound reminded her of a smooth, fine whiskey- sweet, thick, and yet building to a breathtaking burn. A shiver ran down her spine and a slew of goose bumps erupted along her arms. The man could talk a nun out of her panties with that voice. His hand tightened on her hip, gripping her generous curves even tighter. “Penelope, I have no intention of missing the opportunity to have every sumptuous inch of you pressed against me while we dance. Besides, it doesn’t matter if you haven’t danced salsa before, because you have me to lead you. You already have rhythm Chica, and all the sex appeal,” he said, letting his gaze sweep over her body as a low moan literally rumbled in his chest.  He continued speaking, moving his mouth closer to her ear, “You just need a good partner and I happen to have been raised on these dances. Now, baila conmigo Penelope. You’re going to have a blast and we are going to show everyone here that you’re a goddess of more than just digital sleuthing and information- procuring.”
Luke swept her onto the dance floor just as the band began playing a popular song that had been on the radio recently. Penelope recognized it as one she adored. He pulled her close, turning her into his arms so she was facing him. He calmly explained how to do a basic step, demonstrating slowly a few times, and in no time at all he and Penelope were executing the basic steps of the salsa. They stepped back and forth as Luke slowly led them to turn. After a song or so he began spinning her. He smiled down at her, enjoying the breathless, exhilarated laughs she let slip each time he spun her out then pulled her back into his chest. Several times he dipped her, enjoying the feel of her leg curling around his waist. As the strains of “Despacito” filled the room, he spun her into his arms so that this time her round backside was pressed firmly into him. Bending his knees slightly, he pulled her close and ground his hips into hers in time to the beat. He dropped his head to her shoulder, pressing a hot open-mouthed kiss to the skin and dragging his teeth across her pulse.
Penelope head was spinning with giddy pleasure. She heard her own whimpers low beneath the music and hoped the dancers around them didn’t notice. Between the exertions of the vigorous dancing, and the warmth of Luke’s body pressed against her, her entire body was on fire. Luke’s muscular arm was wrapped around her waist, holding her body tight to his. His other hand was rhythmically squeezing her hip, occasionally drifting downwards so that his fingers brushed lightly over the lace-edged stocking high on her thigh just below the short hem of her skirt. Their hips continued to sway and gyrate together as they continued to dance. The woodsy sent of his cologne… the feel of his hot breath on her neck… the pounding beat of the bass… the raspy sound of his voice as he sang along in Spanish about her showing his mouth her favorite places… the heat of his body literally surrounding her… the sensation of his hands gripping and caressing her and the feel of his hips pushing into hers… it was all becoming quite overwhelming. Her heart was pounding and she was breathing heavily- her chest rising and falling rapidly. She felt Luke’s hand drift up from her hip, over her ribs, and brush repeatedly across the underside of the swell of her breast. Her body was tingling and suddenly the room felt impossibly hot.
The song came to an end, and the band struck up something slower, softer. Luke turned her into his chest, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close. Penelope let her head fall to his shoulder, her arms wrapped around his neck. She was nearly lightheaded from the adrenaline coursing through her veins. Never had she desired someone this much.
Luke’s hands drifted down to frame her ass and pull her even tighter into his own body. Penelope felt the muscles in her lower abdomen clench, and her mouth went dry. Luke swayed her to the slow ballad, occasionally spinning her out or twirling her, only to pull her back in close. Their bodies moved as one, perfectly matching each other’s moves. Sighing, she closed her eyes. She was lost in how much more intimate the slow, erotic dance was than even the hot, sweaty grinding had been. She listened to the music, the alternating voices of the male and female singers sounding both passionate but also slightly sad. Luke caught her mouth in a hot, fevered kiss- tangling his tongue with hers as his fingers snaked under the hem of her corset top to lightly tickle her spine. After several moments, Penelope pulled back, briefly catching his eye before she tucked her chin and cuddled back into his chest, hiding the scarlet blush that painted her cheeks. “Luke, what does this song mean?” she asked, her mouth moving against his collarbone and her voice just loud enough for him to catch.
Luke bent his head to brush his lips along her ear. He translated the words of the Marc Antony and Jennifer Lopez song. He whispered, “Even if in the future there are enormous obstacles, I am not afraid. I want to fall in love. Don’t love me because I’m lost, or because it is destiny. Don’t leave me, don’t disarm my heart with this, ‘don’t love me’, Don’t love me as I will make you suffer with this heart that is filled with a thousand winters. You and I will fly and continue together forever, this love is like the sun that appears after the storm, like two comets on the same pathway. The couple are singing to each other. He tried to push her away, telling her not to love him. She tells him that she’s not afraid and that she doesn’t want to be pushed away.” Penelope felt a single tear gather at the corner of her eye at the beauty of the lyics, even as her body was becoming flush with desire for the man softly whispering them to her. The sound of his voice and the feel of his lips on her ear had her nipples hardening, pushing sensitively against her top, and her knees going weak. Surely without his arms holding her so tightly she would have fallen.
“It’s kinda like you and me huh, since I kept pushing you away and you persisted until I finally let my walls down,” Penelope mumbled against his chest. The song drew to an end, and the dancers on the floor stepped apart and clapped for the band and the vocalists. Penelope took a step back and looked up into Luke’s bottomless brown eyes. “Luke, take me home? Please?” she asked, licking her bottom lip.
Luke’s eyes darkened, and his hands flexed on her bottom. “My place?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. She nodded, biting her lower lip. He let go of her derriere, intertwining his fingers with hers, and moving a hand to the small of her back as he turned her and led her back to the table to retrieve her purse. He took two hundred dollar bills out of his wallet and left them on the table, grossly over-tipping. “Let’s go, Chica,” he growled predatorily. 
In no time at all they were back in Luke’s truck, and he was driving as fast as he dared without risking a hefty speeding ticket. Penelope sat in the middle seat, pressed closely into Luke’s side. His left hand gripped the steering wheel tightly, his right hand resting on Penelope’s thigh, gripping the supple flesh through the stocking. Her right hand was tangled in the curls at the back of his neck and her left was wrapped around the forearm of the hand that was kneading her thigh, her fingers languidly caressing the firm ropes of muscle. His eyes never left the road, carefully navigating the truck as it sped down the highway. Neither made a sound, content to simply listen to the radio as they drove.
Luke’s eyes remained focused intently on the road, but Penelope’s gaze was locked on him as marveled at the beauty of the man next to her, the man who was taking her home. She didn’t know when it had happened… She’d sworn she wasn’t going to let another team member close… into her heart. After Derek… she knew that the team was her family but she’d seen how even family can change. Although they loved her, they’d left. When their lives changed they’d moved on and it had hurt, some more so than others… Kate, Blake, Derek… even Hotch. They didn’t seem to understand that they’re the only family she had. She would never just walk away from them, but that hasn’t gone both ways. It probably would have been better if she’d been able to keep Alvez at a distance too… she’d tried, she sure tried. She told herself he would be different. Garcia’s gaze swept over him from head to toe again, taking in the persistent, determined set to his jaw and the steady, unwavering grip of his hand on her thigh.
And then there was the unflinching, resolved way in which he’d chipped away at her defenses and her determination to shut him out. Maybe she was right, he is different. Not because she succeeded in holding him at a distance, but maybe because he will be the one who doesn’t abandon her. Perhaps she will finally have a chance at family… Or maybe she’ll get burned twice as bad. Worse than when Derek left, or when she ended things with Kevin. Or… Penelope was startled out of her thoughts by the sound of the truck engine turning off. They had pulled up in front of a quaint, two-story Craftsman cottage.
Luke threw the driver-side door open so hard she was surprised it remained attached. He practically jogged around the car to her side, opening the door for her and reaching in to lead her out by the hand. He grabbed their bags from earlier in the day in his other hand, and led her up the un-lit walkway. He held her hand steadily, helping her up the three wooden steps onto the wrap-around porch. He inserted the key, turning it in the lock and pushing the wooden door open. He reached a hand inside, flicking on the lights for the porch as well as for the entry.
“Luke,” Penelope said breathlessly. “Your home is… beautiful. Oh, look at how charming the porch is. And you have a swing? Oh! You and Roxy must love to sit out here in the evening!” She gushed. Just like that the melancholy mood she’d started to let overtake her was gone, replaced with excitement to see Luke’s home for the first time. She heard him chuckle and then he was pulling her into the house behind him. “Welcome, Chica. Mi casa es su casa,” he said, setting their bags down and kicking the door soundly shut behind him. He reached out, locking the deadbolt and then pulling the chain into place. Luke pulled her hand, stopping her from her observation of the room as he spun her back into his chest. “Now, just where were we, querida?
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nicknova6 · 5 years
I was watching a movie a couple hours ago with my friend I forget which one, the movie was a wack drama. But it made me think. Mf ladies and gents love your body. Like if a mf is making you feel like your body isn’t good enough or you’ve gotta work on it or some shit, man fuck that! People be feeling like they have to fuckin change themselves to meet the standards of another person, like mf fuck them! Don’t hide yourself or not upload certain pics and shi Bc of them, FUCK THEM! They most likely aren’t looking like The Rock or fuckin... Jennifer Lopez anyway. Stop tryna match other people’s stupid standards, love yourself. And most of all.. don’t watch trash ass drama flicks
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americanxxxpics · 6 years
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Jennifer Lopez - Booty ft. Iggy Azalea https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxtIRArhVD4 "Oh my sexy girls"... Where are you?)))😂 https://finderporn.com/category/big-ass-pics/ 100$ awesome big asses!
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papermagworld-blog · 6 years
Booty Queens! The 21 Best Celebrity Butts Of All Time
Booty Queens! The 21 Best Celebrity Butts Of All Time
Damn, look at them cakes! These 21 fetching celebs are known for a certain accentuating feature that puts them ahead of the rest—their toned, sculpted, well-rounded butts.
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Celebs like Jennifer Lopez, Kim Kardashian, and Nicki Minaj all use their assets, as it were, to full advantage. They posed for sexy social media pics, strut…
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labelleperfumery · 6 years
Inside J Lo and A-Rod's New $15.3 Million NYC Apartment
Inside J Lo and A-Rod’s New $15.3 Million NYC Apartment
J Lo and A-Rod’s latest purchase screams they’re in this thing for the long haul — or maybe just the kick-ass views from their new home … the first they’ve bought together. We got these pics of the $15.3 million apartment the couple just snapped…
from TMZ.com http://www.tmz.com/2018/03/28/jennifer-lopez-alex-rodriguez-buy-apartment/
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moejacksoncom · 7 years
IDLYITW: Bella Thorne Wants Kristen Stewart; Alessandra Ambrosio Covers Tuna; Jessica Alba Visits Ego
.@IDLYITW: Bella Thorne Wants Kristen Stewart; Alessandra Ambrosio Covers @HollywoodTuna1; Jessica Alba Visits @Egotastic
CLICK TO SEE MORE PICS! – Alessandra Ambrosio’s Booty Tease [HollywoodTuna] – Jessica Alba Shines For Platinum [Egotastic] – Bella Thorne Really Wants To Bang A Girl, Specifically Kristen Stewart [IDonLikeYouInThatWay] – Alex Rodriguez & Jennifer Lopez spent the Easter holiday with Marc Anthony [Celebitchy] – Vin Diesel and The Rock Reportedly Settle Their ‘Candy Ass’ Feud [Complex] – Kate…
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10jar · 8 years
Top 20 Hot Celebrity pics in Yoga Pants-You Must See Celebrities always wear something that makes them look desirable and distinguished. Considering their ideal fitness and health status, we’re revealing the list of 20 hot celebrity pictures in yoga pants whose exercise routines and stylish gestures take us every time. Including Kim Kardashian, Jennifer Lopez, Megan Fox and other hot celebs, let’s check out the 20 celebs beautiful ass in yoga pants. LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE ▶10 Hottest Women in The World https://youtu.be/lglyN0JgK8U ▶Top 10 Hottest BBW Pornstars https://youtu.be/Ubj5RMFTnvs ▶10 Hottest Teen Pornstars https://youtu.be/aYqlUeqzmxo ▶10 Best British Porn Stars 2017 https://youtu.be/6Ypi9BV9B2Q ▶10 Hottest Instagram Chicks You Need To Follow This Year https://youtu.be/8f1qUjmaImU ▶15 Party Pics Drunk Celebs Don’t Want You To See https://youtu.be/rxzA24MSLl4 ▶10 HOT Emily Ratajkowski New Photoshoot For DKNY https://youtu.be/bezYE7YDvyU ▶10 Hottest Retired Pornstars Who We Missed Badly https://youtu.be/1xV2LX-t0hQ ▶10 Pornstars with the Best Ass in Porn https://youtu.be/HomFWDhvaDs Website: http://10jar.com Email Me: [email protected] Google Plushttps://plus.google.com/u/0/+10jarCom Address: 4529 Red Bud Lane Polk City, FL 33868 Phone: 731-592-2300 Twitter: https://twitter.com/10jarCom Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/10jarcom FB: https://www.facebook.com/10jarCom-1442999542658794 by 10jar.Com
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10jar · 8 years
Top 20 Hot Celebrity pics in Yoga Pants-You Must See Celebrities always wear something that makes them look desirable and distinguished. Considering their ideal fitness and health status, we’re revealing the list of 20 hot celebrity pictures in yoga pants whose exercise routines and stylish gestures take us every time. Including Kim Kardashian, Jennifer Lopez, Megan Fox and other hot celebs, let’s check out the 20 celebs beautiful ass in yoga pants. LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE ▶10 Hottest Women in The World https://youtu.be/lglyN0JgK8U ▶Top 10 Hottest BBW Pornstars https://youtu.be/Ubj5RMFTnvs ▶10 Hottest Teen Pornstars https://youtu.be/aYqlUeqzmxo ▶10 Best British Porn Stars 2017 https://youtu.be/6Ypi9BV9B2Q ▶10 Hottest Instagram Chicks You Need To Follow This Year https://youtu.be/8f1qUjmaImU ▶15 Party Pics Drunk Celebs Don’t Want You To See https://youtu.be/rxzA24MSLl4 ▶10 HOT Emily Ratajkowski New Photoshoot For DKNY https://youtu.be/bezYE7YDvyU ▶10 Hottest Retired Pornstars Who We Missed Badly https://youtu.be/1xV2LX-t0hQ ▶10 Pornstars with the Best Ass in Porn https://youtu.be/HomFWDhvaDs Website: http://10jar.com Email Me: [email protected] Google Plushttps://plus.google.com/u/0/+10jarCom Address: 4529 Red Bud Lane Polk City, FL 33868 Phone: 731-592-2300 Twitter: https://twitter.com/10jarCom Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/10jarcom FB: https://www.facebook.com/10jarCom-1442999542658794
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