#Jay and girlfriend number 300 or smthn
unkandily · 2 months
Anastasia is such an interesting character to me, because as far as we know she's a good person? Like sure, she's a vampire, but she helped the albatrio with finding the feywild, and was against her fathers homicidal party. But that's all we know. Is she a good leader for noctus island? Does she feed off of whoever? Most importantly, was she actually into Jay? Did she just use Jay to her advantage because she was the first person to walk up? She did drag her into a pool of blood and feed off her, but maybe that's just how vampires show love. She did kiss Jay on the cheek afterward, and stuck with her until she left the island. Also I would like to know if Jay was still smitten with Anastasia after the charm wore off. I'd like to think she was.
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