#Jaeyoon fluff
divinefireangel · 1 year
Hi dear¡! ♡
Can I ask SF9 how they showed their love to their partner? (Hugs, kisses, physical touches, loving words, etc)
Sorry for my english 🥺
Your English is fine hun! Plus the language is kinda stupid hehe
SF9's Love Languages 🩷
Warnings: These are what I think are SF9's top love language. Of course it is impossible for such lovely people to have just one 😔. Mention of food/cooking in Tae's. Tea is Chani's.
I will literally physically fight if anyone disagrees with me lol. Our man is so wise and sweet and his voice is just is soothing so I just think that his ultimate way to show you appreciation will be through words. Plus man's a great and creative lyricist.
Quality time
Well, it's mostly just him trying to make you laugh by saying and making up the stupidest jokes, if you can call them that, ever. I'm also a strong believer that this man just wants to annoy you enough to start a debate with him cuz he's bored lol
Physical Touch
Maybe this is me projecting my needs maybe it is not okay idk. But let's be honest here, this man is the cutest ever and he will want to squish your cheeks, irrespective of squishyness quotient. He also likes to hug you, literally engulf you in his broad af chest and baby you although you want to baby him don't we all
Acts of service
I just love him sm 😭. See, he's the kind to leave you sweet sticky notes with reassuring words and a drawing or something stupid on the back lol. But yeah it's all the small things that he'll do like buying you a new chapstick before your old one gets over, bringing your water bottle around even when you tell him you won't carry it, letting you use his arm as a pillow during the long car ride to your destination although it definitely hurts after some time, fixing your hair when you're distracted, etc. Bye I need a Sanghyuk
Words of Affirmation
He is so much different that Youngbin tho lemme tell you. So Bin uses maturity and juju uses his baby voice(?) aka he does aegyo and makes you feel all mushy inside. I mean, he is cute.
Gift Giving
It won't necessarily be stupid gift all the time, he does give you good ones occasionally like a sunscreen stick for example. Most of the time it is something useless and weird like a spoon pillow or some shit but it's the thought that counts right?💀
But no on a real note he's super thoughtful when he gives you gifts and he thinks of it as something that'll remind you of his love when you use it.
Yoo Taeyang
Acts of Service
It could be doing your laundry or cooking for you or putting you phone on charge. It's the little things that you need in your daily life that sometimes get so difficult to manage. But don't worry, our teddy Tae is here to be your little lovely helper fairy, even if you don't ask or notice it right away.
Physical Touch
Yes he hates skinship from members but you, no. He loves clinging to you and hugging you and kissing you. He's like a mama cat and you his kitten and he wants to kith and protecc and love you so much till you physically have to be away from him lol
Quality Time
It doesn't even have to be like an eventful couple of hours. It could just be him laying on your lap taking a nap and you reading you book and playing with his hair, giving him a head massage or tracing his cute facial features. It could also be sitting on the rooftop with hot tea cups and talking about life while nuzzling into each other for warmth.
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slytherinshua · 9 months
   sf9 masterlist ⟡₊ ⊹
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⋆˙⟡ = author's pick !
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home with you
genre: fluff. inseong as a dad. | wc: 1.1k.
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nothing yet . . .
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nothing yet . . .
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cherry blossoms and amber wood ⋆˙⟡
genre: fluff. | wc: 1.1k.
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hold me tight ⋆˙⟡
genre: fluff. | wc: 2.6k.
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nothing yet . . .
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nothing yet . . .
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your distracting kiss ⋆˙⟡
genre: fluff. | wc: 948.
airbag can't save us ⋆˙⟡
genre: angst. breakup. | wc: 1.1k.
(don't) hang up
genre: fluff. | wc: 644.
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nothing yet . . .
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texts with bf!maknae line
genre: fluff. fake texts.
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synthetickitsune · 2 years
Hi lovely, the news of Jaeyoon’s enlistment is hitting me hard 🥲 can I request fluff #21 that maybe turns a little smutty and giggly? I love how you capture SF9 so well, thank you always for sharing your amazing writing! ☺️❤️
I know what you mean 🥲
Jaeyoon (SF9) | Trying a new thing together fluff | 0.8k
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It’s good to let go sometimes and get your mind off things. It's a need at this point, too. You don't want to think about anything, just focus on one single task and get lost in it. Which might've been easier without the distraction by your side, currently nudging your elbow with his after his attempts to get your attention by bumping your knees together were unsuccessful.
"Jaeyoon, I swear, if I mess up again because of you, you're getting the silent treatment for a week," you huff, gently moving your fingers along the pliant clay spinning in your hands. It’s a thing you’ve wanted to try with your boyfriend for a while now. It was a cute idea - to create something together, something like a matching pair of cups. Something that would make you melt whenever you saw them and you could only imagine the soft smile Jaeyoon would wear anytime he saw them sitting on the table. Only the man in question must’ve been blessed by some sort of deity because he was a natural and had plenty of attention to spare to tease you.
“You wouldn’t,” he calls your bluff but lets you work in peace, “And you’re almost done anyway.”
He’s right of course, besides he was careful enough, but you’ll be damned if the thing isn’t as perfect as you can make it. Even though you’re well-aware of all the imperfections, you know you can’t expect it to be better as it’s only your first time trying it. You find comfort in the fact that despite him not struggling quite as much, his creation isn’t perfect either. Again, it’s only to be expected but it’s a chore to remind yourself of it.
With a sigh, you carefully remove your hands from your piece and let them hover awkwardly in the air so as to avoid dirtying anything - yourself or your clothes. 
“Happy?” he asks, studying your expression rather than the sculpted clay in front of you. Jaeyoon knows full well that no matter how much reassurance he’d give you, unless you were satisfied there was nothing he could do to help. 
“Happy enough,” you shrug in the end. He nods and calls over the lady who oversees the little workshop. You listen to her instructions on how the process is gonna continue but honestly you can’t wait to go wash your hands. The drying residue of water and clay leaves a strange feeling on your skin, one you don’t enjoy. 
You follow Jaeyoon to the bathroom, talking about the experience as you wash your hands with soap.
“I think decorating them will be more fun,” he grins at you, a dreamy look in his eyes. You meet them in the mirror.
“Any idea what you're gonna do?” you ask, and look down to check your hands are clean. Not the best idea. Your attention immediately drifts to Jaeyoon, who’s desperately trying to get some of the clay from under his nails. How did that get there you have no idea, but that’s not what’s important.
“No, but maybe… be cute…”
You barely pay attention to his voice. As much as you accused him of distracting you, you were plenty distracted without him even trying. Jaeyoon has nice hands, even nicer fingers. Long, capable of making you a mess. And watching them work over the clay, squeezing, plunging his fingers inside… You feel your mouth watering just the slightest bit as you look away. Not quick enough.
“I don’t think this is the time - or space - for that,” you hear him say next to you, biting his lip in vain attempt to stop the smile that’s tugging at his lips.
“Stop,” you whine, turning away to dry your hands, “I didn’t even say anything.”
“Your eyes did all the talking, baby,” he chuckles. You meet his gaze in the mirror again and huff a laugh too. He’s terrible.
“Not my fault the whole thing was so suggestive,” you grumble, trying and failing not to let his giggles influence you. Finally he also turns to dry his hands, trapping you between his body and wall before you can move.
“You just have a dirty mind,” he bends his head down to nip at your ear playfully before pulling away, “But I don’t mind.”
You absolutely don’t squeeze your thighs together and pointedly ignore your boyfriend as he laughs at you. There’s definitely no hint of blush anywhere on your face. Yet before you can leave, Jaeyoon wraps his arms around your middle.
“Let’s get some coffee so we have energy later?” he whispers, nosing your hair. It sounds too much like a promise - one you can’t deny shivering thinking about as much as you want to get back at him for teasing you. Maybe that’s also something to come back to later.
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lost-inthedream · 1 year
Hi hope you’re having a Good Friday. I’m in such a soft mood at the moment. Could we possibly get a head cannon for sf9 with the members reactions to their partner saying I love you for the first time 🥺
This is coming out so late :( Thank you for your request <3
SF9 reactions to their special other saying I love you for the first time
Genre: purest fluff ever
Pairing: SF9 x gn reader
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You can see the surprise on his face clear like a crystal. His eyes have got shiny, his cheeks have become rosy, however, he does not alarm you. Actually, your boyfriend comes closer and pecks you on the forehead. Even if your hair is all in place, he slides an invisible lock behind your ear smiling like an idiot.
"Uh?" that's all he can say at first, which makes you think he has not understood what you said. "I love you" you repeat, louder this time. He brings his hand to his chest, startled by his own heartbeat. "You caught me off guard, baby. But I love you too. So, so much."
At the moment snap these three words he realizes that this is your first time verbally confessing to him. That was not like he had not known the fact but hearing it hit differently. His smile is so cheesy as he tilts his head to the side.
"I thought you would never admit it". His cocky expression was faker than snow in the tropics. He was melting inside. "I'm just saying that to make you happy, not that I mean it" you joked back. He chuckled then pulled you by the wrist to start talking seriously. "I'm so happy to hear this from you. What can I do to make you repeat it?"
The man cannot stop himself from flooding you with smooches. He kisses your cheeks, your lips, your nose. Also, you better close your eyes. He stopped whatever he was doing in order to give you full attention. In no time, you all are laughing so much. That was an unnecessary display of affection but you have a cheesy boyfriend.
"I love you too". He subtly replies and clicks a soft kiss on your hand. You feel sure that he was waiting to hear that from you. His demeanor is so warm yet doting. You all stay stealing kisses from each other for a while.
Yoo Taeyang:
Taeyang hugs you the faster he can and finds a way to snuggle into your neck. He gets so flustered that it feels absurd. He is so overwhelmed by his own thoughts after you made clear that you reciprocate his feelings. "I love you too, sweetheart"
"Really??" He bluntly says, automatically, just to feel dumb and fumble to correct himself "I love you more". His smile is so precious that you cup his face and goes for a peck on his lips, which he transforms into a real kiss. He won't let go of you soon.
Boy has no idea what to do so he just leans in and messily kisses you. Despite you offering no resistance to his sudden approach, your lips softly curl up, making his disconnect from you. Chani makes your foreheads touch indeed and whispers "I love you too"
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seawitch62 · 2 years
Chapstick and a blue Police box
Word count 549
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         Chapstick Caper.
             "Allons-y, Alonso!"
"Chapstick please" Jaeyoon  asks with an outstretched hand.
Puzzled as to why since he never leaves home without  his lip balm, nevertheless she hands it over no questions asked.
A brimming smile of mischievous delight shines across his face.
"Thank you.
Passing his near empty can of Fanta "hold this please".
With amazement she watches her Burt Bees lip balm, cucumber flavored her favourite fly into the flowerbed. 
With a look of fake contriteness "I'll get sorry".
"Oh I can't see it!" Loud enough for fellow park visitors to hear. 
Looking in his direction, he is on his knees, his butt raised in the air for all to see.
Turning away with an inward groan.
"Found it" he yells triumphantly.
Strolling through the park admiring the manicured lawn and well maintained gardens full of colour.
"Chapstick?" He asks.
Thinking twice about it, no! He will not! Will he?
Toss, the chapstick lands in a bed of sunflowers.
Jaeyoon casually walks towards the sunflowers, bending down provocatively, he retrieves the lip balm.
"Okay okay I concede! Yes your butt is one of your great attributes".
An all knowing smile covers his face, with reckless abandon he throws the chapstick.
"What the hell?" she groans with annoyance.
The Chapstick lands and rolls, finally stopping in front of a blue police box.
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"Police box? What the.."
"C'mon let's investigate!"
"What? Its …."
By the time she tried to voice her objections Jaeyoon had stepped inside.
"Jaeyoon we should…" her voice trails off.
"Wow l! It's so much bigger on the inside!".
Looking around in complete wonderment and awe.
"We should go!" She mutters.
This is not a simple attraction for the park visitors.
"Don't touch anything!" She adds.
"Amazing, this is the best attraction at this park!" Jaeyoon declares.
With some urgency mounting "let's go", he ignores her and keeps investigating, "now!".
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"Well who do we have here, trespassers!?!" 
Having no clue where he mysteriously appeared from but desperately wanting out of this situation, "I'm sorry we are just leaving". She replies.
Looking at the man for the first time.
"You look remarkably similar to David Tennant!" She blurts out.
Mocking laughter burst forth from their reluctant host.
"I'm told that a lot," he answers.
"Where are my manners?" He states as he gazes at the intruders.
"I’m the Doctor. I’m a Time Lord. I’m from the planet Gallifrey in the constellation of Kasterborous. I’m 903 years old, and I’m the man who’s gonna save your lives and all six billion people on the planet below. You got a problem with that?"
"Okayyy seems you are very busy, we will leave and we'll let you get to it" motioning for Jaeyoon to join her and make haste and leave.
As they turn to take their leave,
"Not so fast!" The door slams shut.
Jumping, she reaches for Jaeyoon's hand.
"What…" Jaeyoon sputters.
"Daleks!" The Doctor states if that says it all.
"Daleks?" They both mutter simultaneously.
"Consider this a trial run" the Doctor tells them, "if it works out you can both be my companions!".
Lights flashing, the engine purrs and roars.
"Too late to change your minds, no time to waste".
The Doctor looks at his reluctant companions, "did I mention this could be dangerous".
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ynsvnte · 4 months
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Lady Love ! — Sim Jaeyun
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Genre: arranged marriage, strangers to lovers, drabble, royal au, fluff?
wc: 985
warnings: petnames (sweetheart), one kiss
pairing: prince!jake x princess!reader
Synopsis: you hated the fact you were being sent off to get married. You don’t even know your future husband. You thought badly of him..only to find out the quite opposite
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You sighed, staring out the window of the carriage.. you didn’t want to meet your so called future husband. It’s stupid on how your parents chose your spouse for you.. and their reasoning being “Oh! We must keep this tradition alive!” Well you don’t like this tradition. Seriously, how does your own mother think that when she got with your father the same way? You look over to see a castle from a distance. The carriage slowly came to a stop. You wanted to just disappear. You don’t know whether you are nervous or annoyed, probably maybe even both. You try to shake off the feeling. You hear the door opening, facing the direction.. your bodyguard comes in sight announcing..
“We have arrived Princess..Yn..” He says moving to the side to let you get through while holding his hand out. You take his hand carefully stepping out of your carriage. You admire the Greek styled castle.. that’s until you hear your mother’s voice.
“Yn! You’ve arrived my sweetheart..I thought you got lost on your way here!” She said with worry.. you shake your head.. slightly embarrassed.
“No..sorry mother for taking a little longer..” you say hoping to ease her a bit. Your mother sighs in relief before your father speaks up.
“Come on now.. we’ve come here for one reason and we don’t want to keep him waiting..” you wanted to roll your eyes. Since when did you agree to this!?! Never. You don’t get why you don’t choose on your own.
“Yes..father..” you say with a polite voice.. oh how you wanted to shout at his face.. you all approach the castle’s door.. slowly opening.. it reveals a long hallway full of butlers and maids ready to take any command. They all stare at you making you a little nervous. Not like you were nervous a whole lot.
“Your highness.. the family is waiting for you in the meeting room..” one maid said bowing. “Follow me..” she added.. you follow her, your nerves going up each second as you get closer. You wonder how he looks, how he acts, what would he think of you? Questions were quickly filling up your mind to the point you didn’t realize you'd arrived at the door..
“Yn.? Yn? Sweetie?” You heard your name ring called. You slightly shake a bit before facing your mother.. “Y-yes..?” You asked..fidgeting with your fingers.. “Are you alright??” she looks at your concern. “Huh..yeah I’m fine..” totally fine.. NO! You were a mess!! Of course you weren’t fine. “Oh alright, are you ready?..” What?!?! No!?! If you could, you'd definitely jump off a bridge. “I guess..” nope.
With that you walk into the room seeing the old couple sitting down discussing something until they notice your presence. Stopping, they smile at you softly. They don’t seem that bad..but that doesn’t mean the same as for their son.
“You must be yn..” the old man asked. You nodded your head.. “Yes, your highness, that would be me.” You said politely, bowing. “No need to be formal..as you’ll be marrying my son..” you put on a fake smile.. hoping it was somewhat believable. You take a seat..somewhat calmer than before. You sit in your seat as your parents talk with his parents. You can’t believe these two will be your in-laws. You sigh with boredom. Your gaze lands in the stained glass window.. the sunlight leaving a beautiful color on the table. That’s when you hear a deep voice.
“Sorry for being late mother and father..” it’s him.. you don’t want to turn around but can’t help it. “Oh my son!” His dad says cheerfully getting up and walking towards him. You slowly turn around and see him. You’re beyond shocked he was..very.. handsome.. very much your type. He looks like a golden retriever of some sort.. his presence felt so..bubbly. You couldn’t take your eyes off him. Air caught in your throat. His black hair is nicely styled, brown eyes with a sparkle, and oh, that sweet smile of his.. but looks can’t say all. The prince.. greets his parents before greeting yours. Your eyes followed his every movement. He eventually turned his direction towards you. You quickly get up too much for your liking, and bow..
“It’s nice to meet you..?” The prince starts off.. “Yn…” you say softly. Your heart skips a beat. “Yn..lovely name..” He takes your hand and kisses it.. “Name’s Jaeyun.. but just call me Jake, sweetheart..” Sweetheart oh you could definitely faint on the spot.
“How about you two get to know a little more about each other..” his mother suggested.. “Of course mother.. here come with me..” he says before taking your wrist in his hand. He takes you over to the backyard revealing a huge field..
“So yn.. I’ll be marrying you..” Right.. “yeah..” you said awkwardly.. “Not bad..I wasn’t expecting someone like you.. more quiet than most..and definitely very very beautiful..” oh gosh he just called you beautiful. You can feel your face getting warm, maybe it’s just the weather. “Thank you..” Jake nodded his head.. “I didn’t agree to this.. parents choice.. but now that I think about it I don’t mind at all now..” Jake adds leaving you stunned so he felt the same way.. “Huh..me too.” You say with wide eyes looking at him.. Jake could just kiss you right now, but he had some self control in him. “Feelings are mutual..so you don’t mind being my wife?” Oh now he was teasing you. “What? I never said anything..”
“I know but the way your body language is speaking right now says the opposite, but don’t worry sweetheart.. I don’t mind you being my wife.” Jake says before kissing you on the lips and walking away leaving you flustered. Oh boy were you so happy.
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Author’s Note: I did it yay! Umm I thought of this out of nowhere and just liked the idea so here it is .. this was what I was straying to finish.
© ynsvnte copyright 2024
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givemefevrr · 3 months
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Pairings: Sick!Jake x Reader
Warnings: smut, nsfw, handjobs, overstimulation, pain kink, kink discovery, masochism (?), sadism (?), Jake has a cold-sore, sub!Jake (kind of), puppy!Jake, dom!reader
wc: 1.1k
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This is the second time this month Jake has gotten a cold sore on his mouth, and his hectic schedule probably doesn't help prevent them from happening again. 
It hurts you a little inside every time you see your boyfriend wince in pain when eating, drinking, or even talking at times. It hurts even more that you haven't been able to kiss him in weeks, as you didn't want to get one of those damn sores as well. 
However, getting Jake to sit still for his medication is the worst part. The staff usually even has to tie his wrists up with towels to keep him from running away. His pain tolerance is obviously not the greatest, and putting that medicine on his wounds is likely able to knock him to his knees in the blink of an eye sobbing. 
He's been back at the dorms for a couple of days now, as his sores accompanied a pesky cold that he has yet to shake—and being the good girlfriend you are, you stayed with him, making him soup, bringing him water and vitamins, and putting a damp cloth on his forehead. 
But the one thing you still need to complete is helping him apply his cold sore medicine. 
"Please, Jake," you begged, your hands clasped as if praying. "It'll only hurt for a couple minutes, and then you'll be done. Please? For me?"
Jake pouted, sniffling his runny nose and shaking his head. "No. I've said it a billion times. I'm not getting anywhere near that stuff." 
You sigh, closing your eyes in frustration. "You've done it before, and look! You're still alive, so please, let's just get it over with. It'll help you get better sooner."
"It hurts too much, though." Jake pouted again, whining in defiance. 
"Distract yourself—pinch your arm, or watch a show, or I'll sing to you. Hm, baby? How does that sound?" You tried to negotiate with the sick boy, but you could already see the rejection in his face. 
"I said. No." 
God, he was acting like a child. You wanted to just pin him down in that chair, force his mouth open, and force him to let you take care of him and get him better. 
That's not too bad of an idea, you think to yourself, a slight smirk playing on your lips. 
So you walk closer to Jake, sitting on a chair at the dining room table, and settle on his lap. You set the bottle of cold-sore medicine on the table beside you before hooking your arms around his neck. 
"Y/n, what are you doing? I'm sick," Jake turned his face away, a blush forming on his cheeks. "And I have this sore.." 
You let out a soft chuckle, ducking your face into the crook of his jaw, licking a strip along it. 
The boy squirmed under you, his hands rising to grab at your thighs in an attempt to ground himself. 
"I won't catch anything as long as I don't touch your mouth," you whisper seductively against his skin before palming roughly at the growing bulge in his pants. "Plus, you need a stronger form of distraction, right?"
He let out a breathless whimper at your words and touch, his hips bucking up slightly into your hand in search of more friction. Fuck, this was going to be easy. Thank god your boyfriend is the horniest guy alive. 
"So," you pull away from his neck to look him in the eyes, your free hand gripping his jaw tightly, forcing him to look at you. "Are you going to be good for me, Jakey?" 
Jake's eyes looked a little bloodshot from his cold, but it only complimented the dark, rosy hue painting his cheeks. He nodded frantically, his breath coming out in short huffs. 
So you got to work quick on his pants, untying his sweats and pulling his boxers down just enough to let his hardening cock spring free, earning a small groan from the desperate puppy beneath you. 
You took his length in your hand, circling around his leaking tip, collecting a couple beads of precum before sliding down the shaft.
"Fuck.." he breathed out, his eyes fluttering in pleasure just from the first couple of touches.  
You simply let out a soft giggle at the boy's reaction, finding him too adorable. 
As you increase the speed, Jake can't help but squirm underneath you, his soft sounds getting louder as he feels overstimulated already. 
God, if he knew sex would feel this much better while sick, he would've begged to fuck you days ago. 
"Stay still, love. I can't help you unless you stay still. Okay?" You purr, to which he nodded in acknowledgment, trying his best to still himself, slightly wincing in pain every time he let a moan slip from his lips. 
"S-shit, y/n— f-feels so good!" He struggled to get out between gasps and moans, your thumb digging into his sensitive slit. "Oh god, please! I'm getting close—" 
"Yeah?" You coo at him, talking to him as if he's a real puppy, holding his chin up to look at you properly. "Is my destruction working well already, love?" 
"Mhm!" He whimpered in response, hips bucking up more frantically now. 
So you quickly grab the cold-sore medicine from the table with your free hand. "Open up for me?" You requested, and Jake happily obliged, opening his mouth wide and poking his tongue out, allowing more needy sounds to come out. 
"M' gonna c-cum— hurry!" He speaks muffled against his own tongue, desperate. 
You gently brush the medicine over the little sore on the side of his tongue, and it takes a couple moments for the boy under you to process the pain. So you keep stroking him fast, squeezing tightly, hoping you're distraction is enough to help prevent the pain. 
And soon, you saw Jake's face contortion with pain as it always did, but seconds later, he let out a series of loud whiny moans, and his cock spurted thick white ribbons onto your hand, a couple globs even reaching the bottom of your chin. He was thrashing, his hips fucking into your hand like his life depended on it—to be honest, you almost fell off of him. 
You felt a little guilty as the boy looked almost as if he was in pain as he orgasmed, but the guilt subsided quickly as his expression turned into a blissful and tender one as he panted, coming down from his high. 
"I think that was the hardest I've ever cum before," he chuckled in disbelief. 
Hm. You never thought that your boyfriend would be such a whore for pain. Good to know…
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I've had this idea in the drafts ever since that one video of Jake having to be tied up by the staff to apply his cold-sore meds came out omggggg
I hope you enjoyed!!
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cinaerii · 4 months
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MR. TELEPHONE MAN — sim jy. x fem!reader
✧ syn : in which, your boyfriend jake calls you late at night, but you don’t answer. he then jumps to multiple conclusions.
✧ cws : a few kisses, mild profanities. typos & grammatical errors.
on your line though, a last minute notice about the power outage shutting down for a while as they try to figure the problems about the electricity that were issued by many residents.
you panicked as you checked your battery percentage on your phone going lower, it was supposedly the time to be calling jake and telling him about your day and random miscellaneous events.
as soon as jake finished showering and drying his hair to avoid making puddles on the floor, he immediately jumped on his bed and scrolled through his contacts to find yours, clicking the call button.
now it’s unusual for him that you’re not picking his call up right away. he thinks that maybe you’re just dealing with something right now, so he waited patiently for your reply.
but it’s already been 10 minutes since he started calling. jake starts to fidget with his phone, spinning it around as he continues to wait for your callback. his patience was worning out each passing minute.
‘what if she’s not home yet?’
‘what if she’s calling someone else?’
‘what if she got into an accident?’
“nooo, jake don’t think that. get yourself together.” he finished, his eyes glowering at his phone. before he could make a decision to find out what you were up to, another what if statement appeared in his mind.
‘what if she’s ignoring me, playing games without me, watching or listening to music without me?’
by now, he didn’t know why he was suddenly outside of his apartment building and heading towards yours which was only a few blocks away. his walk wasn’t exactly normal, he was practically stomping slightly.
it’s rare to spot a sulky sim jaeyun.
your house was dark, all of the lights were off so what kept you from being able to see a bit was your lit candle that you were able to find. leading your phone to finally die because of using the flashlight feature for too long.
you were constantly cautious for anything that might happen without you knowing. whilst you were wearing a cardigan, there was little to no warmth you could feel, the goosebumps crawling on your skin quickly.
an abrupt knock interrupted your tense figure from negative thoughts coming into your mind. not just a knock, multiple knocks in a pattern to which you recognized as your boyfriend.
you ran to your front door, the prettiest man standing right infront of you. “jake? what the hell are you doing here?” you opened the door wide enough for him to come inside.
“a power outage?” he ignored your question, as he looked around your apartment, being only lit by a single candle.
“so you weren’t doing anything without me?” he added.
“sim jaeyun.” you snapped, wanting an explanation from his unexpected visit.
“sorry, love. i just thought something happened, so i got worried and.. yeah.” he confessed with a hint of guilt.
you reluctantly nodded at him but asked again, “and?” he tilted his head low, mumbling things that you could not hear.
as much as you wanted him to speak louder, you decide not to request him to repeat what he said. instead you took a step closer towards him, closing the gap between the two of you.
“you can do better than that.” you commented on the volume of his voice which was quieter than his usual normal tone.
taking a deep breath, “i was looking forward to our call the whole day, it was all i could think about. and then you didn’t answer right away like you usually do, so even if a few minutes have passed, i was already getting impatient—“
he blabbered on until he was cut off by a pair of lips over his for a second. he blinked once, twice, and thrice. you let out a chuckle when you saw his face being shock over a single peck on the lips.
though that didn’t last long, jake made sure that you would be the one who was shocked now. “are you calling that a kiss?” there’s your boyfriend back into his senses.
the apartment was dimmed, but the two were igniting their own lights in the room, beating the small candle that was put on the kitchen counter.
— end. thank you for reading!
written by; @cinaerri ⋆ do not steal, plagiarize, or translate my work.
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gorae · 4 months
feeling better now?
pairing — sim jaeyun x gn!reader
tags — fluff, reader has a nephew and they are babysitting him together, jake gets jealous over a toddler, established relationship, a lot of kissing!, 1.1k words, unedited
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“do you think he’s trying to say my name?” jake asks.
you shrug. “i’m not sure.” an amused smile forms on your lips as you watch the toddler try to climb up your lap.
the toddler, leo, is your cousin’s son, whom you’ve been entrusted by your cousin to babysit. the one-year-old has been incoherently babbling non-stop for the last few minutes, while jake, your beloved boyfriend, has been trying to decipher his words as he does so. “are you saying jake, leo? can you say jake?” you ask sweetly.
leo looks up at you when he realizes the question is directed at him. his big, brown, doe eyes bore into yours as a beat of silence passes. then he blinks once and continues on prattling.
jake frowns at him. “how about y/n? can you say y/n?” he prompts.
“y/n!” leo exclaims, throwing his chubby arms up and grinning wildly. you and jake panic for a moment when he stumbles, your arms getting thrown out in all directions to block his fall. leo only giggles when you barely catch him before he falls backward, while you and jake both simultaneously let out a relieved sigh.
while adorning a smile that puts his dimples on display, leo blinks up at you innocently. your heart melts at the sight, and with a single swoop, you bring leo into your arms and trap him in a hug. “gotcha!” you exclaim, which prompts him to giggle wildly.
the doorbell rings, “i’ll get it,” jake announces before rushing to open the door.
leo grabs onto your clothes as he makes an attempt to stand on his own. “that’s probably your mama, leo! you wanna see mama?” you ask, still keeping your hands near him in case he stumbles again.
his eyes sparkle excitedly. “mama!”
you smile at him and take that as your cue to pick him up and follow jake to the door. reaching the doorway, you see jake opening the door to reveal your cousin. “leo!” she grins, waving at her son.
leo mirrors her, grinning as he makes grabby arms at her. you make haste to pass him to your cousin, who immediately takes him in his arms. “i missed you, angel.”
you stand beside jake, letting him rest his hand on your waist as both of you watch leo nuzzle his small face into his mother’s neck. “thanks for watching him, you two,” says your cousin, returning her attention back to you and jake.
“it’s no big deal. we loved having him here. right, jake?”
jake nods, his hair bouncing as he does.
“we better go and get you,” your cousin pokes leo’s belly, evoking a laugh from him, “home now. you wanna kiss them goodbye, leo?”
without a verbal answer, leo leans forward clumsily, and you push jake a little to signal for him to lean down. jake grins when his tiny lips successfully land on one of his cheeks, muttering a quick “bye, leo” when the toddler pulls away.
leo doesn’t wait for a second longer before he starts leaning toward your direction, so you quickly steer your own head to make it easier for him. you’re unable to hold back a smile when leo successfully kisses your cheek, warming your heart in effect. you return the favor, kissing him on his cheek. leo shrieks happily, arms reaching up to touch his face. you laugh softly at his reaction.
“alright. thanks again, you two.” your cousin smiles. leo parrots his mom, waving his arm around in an attempt to wave goodbye. there is another round of goodbyes that ensued before they finally get in their car.
as you close the front door behind you, you notice jake’s unusually quiet disposition. you glance at him, only to spot a slight pout in his lips. “jake,” you call out. “what’s wrong?”
“huh?” he faces you. “nothing.”
“you’re quiet. something’s wrong.”
“nothing’s wrong.”
the moment you get near him, he lets you wrap your hands around his forearms. you search his face for any clues but he doesn’t let up. his plump lips are pursed while his dark brown eyes continue to waver and wander everywhere else but you. “come on, tell me.”
he finally lets his eyes meet yours. “promise me you won’t laugh.”
you free a hand to reach up and brush away the hair that was partly covering his eyes. “i promise.”
jake purses his lips again. “you’ve been giving him more attention than me.”
you cock your head to the side. “who?”
once you hear your nephew’s name tumble out of jake’s pouty lips, you laugh. however, when the corner of your boyfriend’s lips start to tug into a frown, you’re quick choke it back and fake a few coughs in an attempt to cover it up.
“you said you wouldn’t laugh!” jake whines. he squirms and tries to move away from you but your tender hands keep him in his place.
“you got jealous over a toddler?”
jake hates how you’re grinning mockingly. he wishes he could take his words back. but it’s true. you’ve been spending most of the day looking after leo, and had barely batted an eye about him. “i know it’s stupid-”
“it’s not stupid.” you grin, hands traveling up and down his forearms in an attempt to soothe his grumpiness. “it’s cute.”
jake huffs. clearly your attempt did not work. “stop lying. you’re holding back a laugh right now.”
you are still grinning. now you’re grinning at the sight of jake’s ears turning red. “because it’s cute,” you say, in a-matter-of-fact way. “you’re cute.”
his bottom lip was about to jut out when you lean in to quickly peck his lips. it’s astounding — how after all this time of dating him, you still manage to catch jake off-guard.
as you pull away, jake catches you smiling amusedly. he is immediately brought back to his feelings of childish envy towards his girlfriend’s nephew. “again,” he demands, with the pout back on his lips.
you shake your head, chuckling before you bring him in for another kiss.
and then another.
and then another one for good measure.
but to jake’s dismay, the kisses stop.
“feeling better now?” you tease.
he hums, dazed eyes still trained on your lips. “one more.”
his resolute answer and the finality of his tone, and of course, along with the undeniable attractive force between your lips, causes you to crash your lips into his again. this time, it was far from fleeting. jake has his hands firmly on your lips while yours are tousling the back of his hair. your lips move together in a slow rhythm, one that makes it harder for you to pull away. and when you do, you’re breathless.
“definitely better now.”
you laugh, both at his words and at the sight of his swollen lips. and then you kiss him again.
“okay,” jake says, in between kisses, “be honest now, it was stupid wasn’t it?”
“maybe a little.”
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snoopcco · 5 months
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. ✉️ ་ ˖ ʿ ִֶָon melancholy hill. 花朵
想象 life as cupid couldn’t be more underwhelming and boring, because, even if you are a matchmaker, (or THE matchmaker) you can’t bring anyone to love you. but then jake is ready to love you for eternity.. 想象 reader thinks she’s a tad bit ugly. however, jake changes that. ( jake is obsessed with reader lolz! )
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You were always the odd one out.
You never went out, you never hung out with your friends, you never goofed around at night. you never had time for anything!
People thought you just hated socializing, or maybe you didn’t like other people in general, they assumed you just liked being alone…
or you were just some loner who couldn’t gain a single friend so she copes by not hanging out with anyone.
And that was way off. In fact, you loved living. But were you someone who had time to live? No. You weren’t.
Because you were the one and only Roman God of love, lonely hearts expert, Cherub, you were CUPID. you put people together and made them fall in love, you were the reason people believe and didn’t believe in love.
maybe their relationship didn’t work out, but maybe it did. but your being on earth was why people could be with someone else, love someone destined to them.
But that’s what made you feel pathetic, you put two people together for them to have a soulmate for life, but whose arms could you creep into so you can cry and weep in their warm embrace? no one. because it was apart of the contract,
‘No use of corruption over your love bow. If you break this rule, you are erased from the face of EARTH, or, someone else can take the blame and receive the punishment instead.’ Fuck. It’s that serious? that was your exact thought, you have to live a life without a someone? a partner?
School was worse. Boys didn’t like you, girls thought you were a loser. Life when you didn’t have that love bow was a different type of sadness.
So you found yourself in the janitors room. Curled into a ball with your knees to your face, a flood of tears when down on her cheeks like there was no tomorrow. She felt so alone, so helpless. Hiccups and sniffles filled the room; she didn’t give a single care in the world if she was late.
She thought to herself, she was just ugly. It wasn’t because of the contract, instead, it was because no one was actually attracted to her. It made her violently sob like a baby, she just wanted someone’s arm around her soul, someone who can hold her until she felt safe.
“Hello? Excuse me pretty miss.. are you okay?”
You opened your salty eyes and met eyes with a guy whose australian accent was so strong and raspy, almost as attractive as how the guy was already. However, you realized, pretty miss?
“oh I’m fine.. I’m sorry, I’m gonna be late to class.” she tried getting up from her position, but it seemed like the guy didn’t want her to go. “it’s dismissal, you don’t need to hide your beautiful face,”
“You know me but, it’s Jake. Sim Jaehyun. I noticed you were crying, I wanted to see if you were okay. Are you okay? If no one asked you yet.” She felt embarrassed, “Thank you, Jake. But I need to go, I’m sorry, please don’t waste your time on me—”
“I didn’t want to tell you but, I’m not wasting time on you. It feels like I’m wasting time if I’m just gonna stand there so oblivious, I’m sorry. but you’re gorgeous, I love the way you look..
…I was your classmate since grade 6 but you just never noticed me because whenever I talked to you, you thought I was a mere joke.”
“I’m not gorgeous, Jake, and I always avoided you because I thought it was always the popular girls playing tricks on me.”
“God! You take my breath away! If you’re not gorgeous, Hell; you’re perfect!” Jake cried out, trying to bring her to realization. “You’re so sweet and kind, I don’t know why no one wants to approach you! That’s why I fell inlove with you!”
Jake, held her face so gently and she felt his warm hands on her own bones. “I might not be cupid, but I think someone as pretty as you.. would be a perfect match with someone who adores you so much. And that’s me.”
“but Jake. I’m cupid. And if I date you, I’ll be gone forever. Unless; you will be gone forever.”
“So what? If I feel your arms around me once I would be alright with not existing anymore, I just want to be yours.”
Yeah, jake wasn’t cupid. But she was, and when jake knew what were the consequences, he was seriously ready to take the blame. He would be ready to be erased off the face of earth if that meant he could be interlinked with her.
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@ jwnstars !! cupid is here :^
OK. I hope that touched you guys like it did to me, this was so sentimental and precious to me. (Sorry. I just love this) the last part was my fav part writing because OMLLL ??? Jake would literally give up his life for his gf / s/o so that they could live theirs, so fricking cute !!! :’)))
He would give up his everything to be with them forever. Fuck. I might cry. ( @all4aoki witnessed me making this :3 )
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k-rising · 11 months
Jake's ideal type
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What he looks in a relationship
a long-lasting relationship
jake wants a relationship where he can grow
mental stimulation
he wants to have a deep connection with his partner
wants to have some freedom and individuality outside of the relationship
this man seeks for someone who can be not only his lover, but also his best friend
a hard worker
someone who can be difficult to get to know that easily
a person who can seem cold at first, but is actually very protective of their loved ones
I also think that he will like some jealousy here and there
dark hair and/or eyes
foxy eyes
dark clothes
someone who has a magnetic and powerful aura
intense stare
jake likes someone who has a mysterious/intimidating presence
someone who’s very sexy/sensual
a person who has kinda like a resting bitch face maybe
someone who may like using turtle necks and a lot ot eyeliner
Date ideas
jake likes spending time with his lover on private
he wants to spend quality time with his partner and open up about their deepest secrets and concerns
this boy likes going to places that aren’t as known
going to a quiet cafe
doing something indoors on a rainy day
communication is key here as well
jake may also like going to eccentric places like a modern art museum or a wax museum
he also appreciates taking a walk in nature or doing outdoor activities together
taking a spontaneous road trip to a location that he hasn’t visited yet is also an option
going fishing together is also a lovely option, since he likes doing that!
‧͙⁺˚・༓☾ 𝑇ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑠𝑜 𝑚𝑢𝑐ℎ 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔!  ☽༓・˚⁺‧͙
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coqhee · 6 days
𝑨LWAYS BE MY MAYBE : #001 there’s no way…
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s. reconnecting with old friends should usually be fun, but when your childhood best friend comes back into town after 7 years apart, all you can feel is awkward tension. or is that tension because of the open-ended confession from 7 years ago? will you rekindle the unaddressed romantic tension between you, or will it drive you insane until you can’t think anymore?
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the atmosphere was calming in a way. lively yet it put a sense of ease to the mind. whoever designed the place clearly put a lot of thought.
jake was a cafe connoisseur and had a plentiful experience upon many cafes but there was a sense of familiarity to this one. it felt like home.
“could you pass this to the cute waiter over there?” jake nervously asked, handing a ripped piece of paper to the waiter who had come to collect the check.
“you mean yn? the owner?”
he blinked a few, mouth agape. yn, his (ex ?) childhood best friend of 13 years now owned a whole ass cafe? likely story.
“y-yeah her, mmmhm” he nodded slowly taking in the revelation. i mean, it made sense, it was always her dream to own a restaurant or cafe. she always said shed open it and there’d always be a spot for him to work, but he wasnt so sure about that spot now.
“okay..” the waiter looked up and down at jake’s unsure demeanor.
“sorry, hes like a fan or something hes been dying to see her,” heeseung laughed nudging at jakes shoulder. “ill leave you to clean up though, sorry for being a hassle,” he continued, starting to get up from his seat.
“right.. okay,” the waiter faked a smile and left curtly, picking up the last of silverware.
“you made it ten times more embarrassing than it needed to be,” jake winced recalling the memory from just seconds ago soon after they had left the establishment.
“youre the one who already made it embarrassing to begin with,” heeseung rolled his eyes, opening the car door.
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@ coqhee 2024. all rights reserved
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synthetickitsune · 2 months
Requestssss? Can I have 24 and 40 in fluff for SF9 Jaeyoon pleaseeee
I miss my smol bean
smol bean is indeed very missed </3
Jaeyoon (SF9) | Sharing drama together + “Your heart is beating so fast right now.” fluff | 0.8k | gn!reader
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One moment the room is bright with the morning sun, and in the next the brightness is dulled and remains only as a soft glow. You blink a couple times before Jaeyoon’s eyes find yours again. You take a dramatic breath.
“But when I told you I wanted five more minutes, it was a no,” you complain, slightly irritated in the early hours of the morning. Honestly there was no reason why you shouldn’t sleep in on the weekend if you were still tired. He was free today too. Unlike you, though, he already managed to work out. Good for him. It would be horrible for you and your mood.
And now that you finally found the will to get up he just hops into bed and pulls the covers over both of you? Unbelievable.
“I don’t want to sleep,” he grins at you. Effortlessly he pulls you closer to him before you can escape. He smells nice, fresh out of the shower, and suddenly getting up doesn’t sound like a wise idea at all.
“Then?” You grumble (you need to stand your ground on the fact that you should be allowed to stay in bed the whole day today if you so wished).
“I have,” he lowers his voice and pauses to raise the tension, “The tea.” 
You quirk a brow at him and he gives you a look that conveys very well that he hopes he used the phrase correctly. You want to interrogate him about where he even learned to use the phrase but the prospect of juicy gossip is more interesting.
“Let’s hear it then,” you say, much less irritated.
“Kiss me first,” he chuckles. You roll your eyes, but kissing your boyfriend in the morning is always nice. It’s addictive. One kiss is never enough.
“Your heart is beating so fast right now,” he chuckles. You didn’t even notice the lack of space between your bodies. You just smile and lay your head on his arm.
“I’m still waiting for the tea,” you remind him. It’s too early to be ashamed. Jaeyoon doesn’t really mind either way, happy enough to have your attention entirely on him and hold you in his arms. No matter how sore his muscles are.
So he spills, telling you all about the new development between the soon-to-be couple at the gym he started noticing recently. First the two were just looking at each other when the other wasn’t looking, then when the other was looking. Slowly they started working out next to each other, then spotting each other and sharing tips. Sharing snacks. And today - exchanging numbers. Jaeyoon just so happened to be there when the guy reached into his pocket before heading into the shower and to his surprise found a tissue with a number scribbled on it. 
You listen to him with a wide smile. You’ve never seen the people yourself, but maybe that makes it more fairytale-like and you like it that way. You kick your feet as the story continues - that wasn’t even the end. The two met at the exit again by chance and right then and there they set up their first date.
“I must’ve looked like a creep, there’s only so many ways you can make yourself look busy in front of a gym exit,” Jaeyoon laments, but he’s smiling, “It was worth it though.”
“Guess we won’t have much more updates now though. Unless they start wearing wedding rings to the gym,” you laugh and bite your lip. You really hope it’s going to work out for them. Just like it’s working out for you and your lover so far. His cheeks heat up, he looks just as giddy as you. It’s always like this whenever a wedding is mentioned. Whenever he thinks of your future, getting closer each day.
“Your heart is still beating really fast,” he grins at you and pushes against your chest teasingly.
“Yeah? And yours isn’t?” you try to move your hand to do the same to him but before you can, he pulls away as far as the blanket covering you allows.
“Getting cold feet before even proposing?” you tease, watching the conflicting emotions flicker across his face. It’s still early in the morning. Too soon to be anything but honest in the safety of your sheets.
So he pulls you close again, hugging you against his chest so you can hear exactly how fast his heart is racing. You smile to yourself. So hopeless.
“I could propose to you right now but I want it to be perfect,” his voice barely heard over the sudden breeze blowing past the windows. 
“If it’s you, it’s always going to be perfect,” you hum back. Maybe you’re a little hopeless too.
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babysubinnie · 2 months
it's always you pt.3 // yang jungwon
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🥚 pairing :: yang jungwon x reader 🥚 genre :: angst, emotional (as fuck i’m so sorry) 🥚 summary :: falling in love with someone that you can never confess to is the worst thing to experience, but watching him fall in love with someone else is much worse. 
part one and two here! a/n: i'm back! it's my comeback also,, it's been a while so bare with me, i'm slowly coming back but i might disappear again at some point. i wrote a pt.3 because i needed it. (this gif was the only one i could find that i liked) i'm only gonna write enha imagines from now, but feel free to send me asks!
“of course you didn’t fucking know. you only cared about the girl sitting in your room pretending to cry because y/n ‘bullied’ her. you only saw her, while y/n only saw you.” he pulled me into a hug letting me rest my head on his chest. heeseung wrapped his arms tighter around me before saying, “she was there through everything for you jungwon. everything. she never left your side. ever.” i turned my head to the side to look at jungwon then smiled weakly at him.
“it was always you, jungwon.” i lifted my head to look at heeseung, and he got the signal that i wanted to go back inside. as we were walking in, the boys were sitting at the dining table bitching about jungwon's girl. when the door opened, the boys ran up to me asking me a thousand questions.
"relax. i'm fine. i'm going to go home okay? i really don-" i smiled at the boys and handed heeseung his sweater back. he grabbed the sweater hesitantly, and when the door opened, we turned to watch jungwon as he entered.
"don't go anywhere. just stay here tonight. it started raining, and it's already late." he put his hand through his hair sighing as he walked to his room back to his girlfriend. i lifted my wrist to look at my watch. 8pm. late?
"what just happened?" niki walked in between sunghoon and jake who were standing in front of him, before grabbing both my hands.
"nothing." i knew it was a mistake to use that word when the boys all shot a nasty glare at me. i put my hands in the air and then smiled at them.
"she confessed because she was too pissed off at him, and she screamed it at him. thank god i went out when i did, she would have done worse if i didn't." heeseung spoke up for me so i didn't have to say it again, or even overexplain it.
"you what?!?" they all shouted at the same time causing heeseung to stop in his tracks while walking to the fridge to get something to drink.
"finally you told him." jake and jay bumped fists like they did something super cool then smirked at me. as we were laughing because i was being made fun of now, we hadn't realized that jungwon's door had opened and the two of them were coming out.
"wait but i don't understand, you brought me here because you said it was too late for me to go home." she whipped her head around as she was walking out of jungwon's door, gaining looks from all of us.
"stop being nosy bitches." i nudged all of them, making them look back at me. we had then continued talking, but quietly so we could listen to the drama behind us.
"yeah you're right and i'm sorry. we have a family emergency right now, and i should have realized it before i brought you over. i called you an uber. it's outside." jungwon had given her the cold shoulder. he had completely shut off, and you could hear the stress in his voice from a mile away. he walked her to the door and gave her a peck on the cheek.
"it's because of her isn't it? she's why you're kicking me out. your family emergency is all based on her isn't it?" she scoffed while keeping her eyes on me and crossed her arms in front of her chest.
"and what if it is because of her? she's my priority right now, no matter what happens, she is the girl that matters most to me. i just got distracted, and i remember now. she is everything." he turned his head around to shoot me a smile before turning back to face her.
"what? she's everything? jungwon if we're going to be together, you're not going to be with her ever. if she's here, you're not. if you're here, she's not. i love you a lot and i want to be with you for a long time wonnie, so if she's going to stay, i'm not." she gave me the nastiest glare after she had put her arms around jungwon's waist. she pulled him close to her while saying this in the sweetest tone. if jungwon failed to see past the sweet tone, i don't know what the hell i would do. jake snorted under his breath at her attempt, which caused me to nudge him because I was about to start laughing too.
"he's not going to fall for that is he?" sunoo whispered into my ear and i waved my hand no, because i trust that he wouldn't. right? he reached behind him to take her arms off his waist. i knew it. i knew he wouldn't.
"then don't stay. walk out this door. she's not leaving, and if we're being honest, you would leave before she does. if you don't like the sound of that, then i don't think you should be my girlfriend." he walked past her and opened the door. he then put his other hand in his pocket before looking down at his feet.
"fuck you." she walked through the door, and turned around as she was about to step out of it. she looked me dead in the eye, holding up her middle finger at me.
"awh, that's so sweet! it was nice meeting you too!" i wiggled my fingers at her, and the boys behind me laughed their asses off when jungwon had shut the door. as we were reminiscing and laughing about her, jungwon had come up behind me faster than i had realized.
"hey y/n, can we talk?" he stood there looking the vibe of the room, to which all the boys were glaring at him.
"i don't know if that's a good idea." i had responded rubbing the back of my neck. while i was looking up at him, heeseung had walked behind me slightly pushing me over, causing me to fall into jungwon. he had opened his arms to catch me, to which now we were hugging the middle of the living room. the boys got the message, and ran into heeseung's room, which was the closest to the living room. it also just so happened to be in perfect proximity to hear everything from the living room.
i had cleared my throat and jungwon had slowly let me go, keeping his arms on my waist. i had felt a lump forming in my throat. what the hell are you doing to me jungwon? i stepped back from him to focus on the conversation we were having.
"i never knew you had feelings for me. i had always loved you of course i did, but when you started flirting with heeseung, i figured you wanted him and not me." he started going on, and when he talked about heeseung, he opened the door to say something. i turned to look at him, and the boys were pulling him back into the room. i smiled to myself then looked back at jungwon.
"did you not realize when you were having a shit day or you didn't eat, i was there? i was there whenever you were down, i was there even when it was 3 am to have a late night talk because you couldn't sleep. i drove across town to bring your favorite tteokbokki because you said you wanted it the day before." i scoffed and crossed my arms while rolling my eyes. i knew i went over the top for jungwon, heeseung always told me that i was doing too much for a boy that was completely clueless that i was in love with him.
"of course i knew you did that for me, but i thought you did that for all of them. that's why-" he started, but before he could finish i told him to stop talking.
"won, shut up. you knew that i lit up when you came into the room. i was so hopelessly in love with you that i would have done anything fo-" i laughed at how completely clueless he was. as i was ranting on, he was stepping closer to me, until he was inches away from me again. he put his arm around my waist while i was still talking, and then he spoke.
"y/n, shut up. you do realize i just told you that i was always in love with you too right?" he smiled at me while i stared at him in shock when i had registered what he was saying.
"you what?" i shook my head and he moved his face closer to mine, before pressing his lips to mine.
"i've always loved you, ass."
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*secret pov*
"i only see her but she can only see him."
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rubylace · 11 months
✮꙳ 𓂃 M A N A G I N G E N H Y P E N
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genre: idol, chaos, crack, togetherness, silence of life, angst, comfort - pairing: ot7 x head manager reader - synopsis: you're the manager of a popular group who entrusted to you, you think your worry is just looking for their busy schedule for every months but it's more than that
I would do one eps per member for all memb. I just like adding titles without making a plot af. Each chapter isn't related to others so it's not prob to skip or read out of order except 8-10
status: complete
start: Nov 10th | end: Nov 19th
☞ 01: naughty maknae riki
☞ 02: heeseung's thoughts
☞ 03: side of sunoo
☞ 04: introverted sunghoon
☞ 05: the most mature jay
☞ 06: jake's struggle
☞ 07: same position as jungwon
☞ 08: a week for practice
☞ 09: concert world tour
☞ 10: last words?
© rubylace | 2023 – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
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chanis-banani · 1 year
Hellooo, could I request making out with SF9 when you get a sec? Thanks
Note: I wasn't sure which format to go with for this request and I've been sitting on it for a while. Eventually I decided to go with headcanons for different kisses for each member. I hope you like it! :) Note 2: Thank you @lost-inthedream for helping me brainstorm
Genre: suggestive - minors dni!
Contains: marking, wall-pushing, teasing, gentle biting
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Youngbin - hungry kisses
There's something about his kisses, a certain kind of despair, as if he needs your touch to survive
This man is such a hungry kisser. He just wants to eat you up. He will lay his hand in the back of your neck and wrap his remaining arm tightly around you, almost like a snake
Once you start making out, you can never give him enough. He's always so hungry for more. It's almost like you're his oxygen and when you pull away he nearly struggles to breathe
Sometimes he'll lay down on his back and pull you on top of him so he can hold you tightly against his chest while you make out
This position also allows him to stroke his fingers through your hair and rub circles on your back
The way he kisses you is almost like he's giving you a taste of something more... Like he's hinting to other things he could do with his mouth
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Inseong - spontaneous kisses
He likes to leave little pecks on your lips and cheeks out of nowhere
Very gentle with you. Most of the time his kisses will be rather soft and cute
Will tenderly cup your face and stroke your cheeks with his thumbs when he kisses you
When you're doing simple stuff together, like putting the groceries away, he will often distract you with a short, sweet kiss on the lips or forehead
Also leaves a lot of kisses on the back of your neck and top of your head every time he walks by
And when you stay over for the night, be prepared to be woken up with more of his cute kisses
He usually gives you quick little pecks, so sometimes after he kisses you, you have to pull him back to get more
But he also shows a bit of a cocky attitude at times, making cheesy remarks in between kisses
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Jaeyoon - playful kisses
Such a tease in everything he does
He will hold you tightly against him, kissing you with an almost overwhelming passion
And then, just when you're getting completely into it, he pulls away with a big smirk on his lips, knowing how needy you can get when he interrupts you like this
He likes to see how your lips become red and swollen when he kisses them
He loves nothing more than to see your reaction to the things he does to you
Will definitely place his leg between yours and use it to apply some pressure to your sensitive area
Wants to make you squirm and ask for more and he won't be satisfied until you're nearly trembling in his arms
If for whatever reason, you'd want to rile him up even more, you have to say little praises against his lips
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Dawon - sloppy kisses
A very horny kisser. Even the slightest peck on the lips can sometimes be enough to make him hard. Let alone having a full-on makeout session with tongue.
Even if the kiss starts out nice and gentle, he gets carried away so easily
He'll place his hands on your cheeks or neck to pull you close while he makes out with you, pulling you in for an even deeper kiss
Doesn't mind at all if things get a little sloppy. In fact, he likes it that way and might just make a mess on purpose
Like when you pull away from each other and he looks at your lips to see that they are glistening from his saliva
Even if it's a little filthy, it just makes him so so hungry for more...
And to make things even worse, he has the terrible tendency to grind against you every time you make out
Needless to say, almost every time you kiss him, it quickly escalates
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Zuho - dangerous kisses
Making out with Zuho can be a dangerous game. He doesn't need much provocation to push you against a wall.
Don't even think about biting his lip unless you enjoy having a hand on your throat
Seriously, it's very dangerous to mess with him. Every time you try anything to rile him up, no matter how small, he takes it as an opportunity to mess with you
After all, there's nothing he loves more than to tease you right back
He might refrain from kissing you completely, only to let his tongue travel along your neck instead while you entertain him with your squirming and whimpering
While Dawon tends to escalate into more than just making out, Zuho is an expert at making you want more, without giving it to you
Once he has you where he wants you, he's very patient
His kisses can be both a reward and a punishment
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Rowoon - possessive kisses
When Rowoon kisses you, it's a bit like he's marking his territory
Because will quite literally mark your neck, for example
Definitely cups your face with his hands and pulls you tightly against him
Will engage in PDA with you, to show everyone how you're his. He won't go far with it, since he knows how to keep things classy, but little things like holding you by your waist and giving you little kisses on your cheeks
Also he finds it very cute when you have to stand on your toes to reach him for a kiss
Another thing he will do a lot is hold your chin to make you look at him. He won't do it roughly like Zuho, but rather tenderly, like he just wants to make eye contact with his special person~
One of his favorite things is to have brief makeout sessions in the car and watch you get out completely flustered
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Taeyang - demanding kisses
Taeyang likes to toy with you
When he kisses you, he always makes you hungry for more, but you never know whether he might really give it to you
His kisses are demanding but not in a needy way. Rather in a way that makes you needy
He will bite your lip because he is Taeyang and he can do what he wants, and he follows it up by pulling away to see your reaction with a big grin on his lips
Runs his fingers along your waist to tease you and pull you closer to him
Basically Taeyang's kisses are almost always a way of challenging you, riling you up. He wants to activate you to do more with him without giving you any guarantee there will be more
Sometimes he'll stop mid-kiss to look at you and observe you for a bit. If your expression is desperate enough, he'll be satisfied and leave it at that, leaving you hungry for more
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Hwiyoung - attempted careful kisses
He is kind of conflicted when he makes out with you. On one hand he wants to be careful and gentle, yet at the same time, he struggles to do that because he gets needy
Usually things will start slow and gentle
But he doesn't need much to lose himself in the pleasure. Small things like wrapping your arms around his waist can be enough
Or even worse: when you stroke your fingers through his hair
This will drive him crazy in an instant, leading him to lift you up and place you on some surface like a table or kitchen counter
He loves to let his fingers wander along your body, gently stroking your neck, shoulders, chest and sides
And if you whimper enough, he won't stop there (if you catch my drift)
It's interesting to see him switch from sweet and tender to needy and a little rough so quickly
And it's especially adorable when he switches back to his gentle self suddenly, placing the softest cutest kisses on your forehead
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Chani - sleepy kisses
Chani feels so comfortable around you, he tends to get sleepy sometimes. He can let his guard down with you. But since he likes to spend time together, he tries his best not to fall asleep and that's how the makeout sessions often start
He presses his lips against yours to stay awake and soon you can feel his tongue
It doesn't take long for a full, lazy makeout session to unfold
You'll often be cuddled up in bed or on the couch together when suddenly you feel Chani's hand reaching out to your thigh. While he struggles to keep his eyes open, he reaches out to kiss you
Such a needy boy. He's very bad at hiding it when he's aroused. Not that he really tries to hide it anyway
He will interrupt the kisses to bring his mouth to your neck and lick from your collarbone up all the way behind your jaw
Feeling his nose agaisnt your skin when he kisses your neck
Maybe a bulge oops
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