#J has been flirting since they met but didn't grow feelings until about halfway until now
Jess was born on April 19th of 20XX, making her 22 years old when she met Vikka.
Vikka was born on ... Well that's a difficult one to answer, actually. Part of the difficulty is that Vikka is an alien, engineered to be a force of destruction on Earth, similar in development to that of Superboy from the Young Justice cartoon. She's not been alive for a long time, but she's physically and mentally around Jess's age.
Let's see, I've got an idea on how to give her a birthday, though
"Huh! Would ya look at that?" Jess said, scrolling on her phone while eating some cereal, and then turning it to show Vikka. "You've been here for almost a whole year! We should celebrate!"
Vikka, for her part, knew about human celebrations, birthdays, anniversaries, these were all things that were covered in chapter 6 of the Justice League's Introduction to Earth and Human Society video lessons she had been given, but all the same, she looked confused.
"What's up buttercup? Don't tell me you've already forgotten what a party is?" The lantern said, patting the spot on the couch next to her.
"It's not that, I just realized I don't have a birthday," she said, sitting down and leaning her head on her partner's shoulder, "it's not easy to figure out when you were born when you were made in a giant test tube,"
"mhm," came Jess's response as she leaned her head on the alien's.
"In space no less!" Accompanied by a dramatic arm gesture.
"hmm..." The lantern hummed against Vikka's head, "here's an idea, what if we say your birthday is the day you chose your name? It is your birth, in a way"
"Oh! I like that idea! Let's see," Vikka began counting on her fingers, "Summer month, June July August, which one wa-"
"June 15th! I got it saved in my calendar right here!" Jess said, pointing to a black heart in a calendar on her phone. She gave a half-hug, wrapping the other arm around her partner, in addition to pressing a kiss on top of her head. "How do you like it, your highness? Is that a good birthday for you?"
"It's perfect," The alien replied, holding Jess's free hand and snuggling into her side
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