#It's very bad for seals to associate humans with food as after they are released that association can lead them to beg food from random ppl
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Moments before disaster
When you have fibsh in your mouth and another fish is flying at you
#seal#seals#gray seal#grey seal#Thank you for sharing atoll#Context is their friend sent it to them and food is thrown to the seal to reduce contact with the seal as much as possible#It's very bad for seals to associate humans with food as after they are released that association can lead them to beg food from random ppl#it's safer for the beachgoear and seal if the seal keeps their distance and socializes with other seals instead
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Spooky Stories to Hold Them Close
Shinobu Kochou x They/Them Reader Modern AU
A/N: I’ve got camping on the brain so I wrote a camp AU. There is a manga character mentioned in here but I morph them a bit to fit what I’m going for so I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Please enjoy! Shinobu: If there are any spirits out here tonight tell me, does this sound like Shakira? lolay lolay lo-
Word Count: 4,821
It was summer again, and (Y/n) groaned as they removed their camp issued baseball cap to swipe at the sweat that had accumulated over their brow. Not even the cheap material could save them from the intense heat of the day. God, they would kill to be back at the counselor’s cabin to enjoy just a smidge of AC but no, instead they were out with the unruly boys of Cabin K, making sure that they carried out their punishment of hard labor after causing a food fight in the mess hall.
“Come on boys, those canoes better be sparkling if you’re going to be taking your sweet time like this.” (Y/n) called, fanning themself with their hat.
“There’s a spider in this one!” Zenitsu cried. “This is so gross, there’s no way anyone’s ever cleaned these before!”
“Don’t worry Zenitsu, I’ll get it.” Tanjirou smiled earnestly.
(Y/n) felt bad for that kid. He was such an enabler though. The others looked up to him and respected him a lot. Who knows how much better it be if he knocked their heads more often. But because of his soft and nurturing demeanor, Tanjirou was always getting caught up in his cabin mates’ shenanigans. Speaking of which...
“Inosuke! If so much as a toe goes in that water you’ll be at the craft table with the junior kids making macaroni art until the only color you know yellow!” (Y/n) warned.
A strangled wail mixed with a roar left the boy’s mouth, the sound didn’t even sound like it could come from a human being. It was like that boy was a feral boar. Given how he’s kept coming back year after year, he may as well be just that.
“It’s hot! I’ll wash the boat in the lake!” He yelled, pulling the canoe closer to the sandy beach.
“Inosuke I’m serious! Macaroni art! That, and I’ll call your mother!” (Y/n) yelled back.
“Damn you and your sick threats!”
“My, still at it are we?”
(Y/n) sighed, turning with a tight smile towards Shinobu as their fellow counselor came up beside them. They tried not to let their eyes wander too long over the expanse of soft looking skin Shinobu’s shorts left exposed.
“Yeah, and as you can see, Tomioka ditched me to go help Sabito with something.” (Y/n) huffed, returning a watchful eye over Inosuke as he dragged the canoe back up to the others.
“Oh, you poor thing.” Shinobu tutted, stepping closer to rub (Y/n)’s back as a sign of sympathy. The proximity brought the scent of sunscreen and damp earth to (Y/n)’s nose. It was an intoxicating scent that (Y/n) had grown to associate with Shinobu always.
“Yeah, are you getting ready for swim lessons right now? Tradesies?” They asked hopefully, mustering up the best puppy dog eyes they could make. They only succeeded in making Shinobu laugh though, which honestly, wasn’t a bad constellation prize.
“Mm, no, sorry. You’re not the only one wanting to get relief from this heatwave.” Shinobu pinched the front of her shirt pulling at it to circulate some airflow. A motion (Y/n) definitely did not follow with their eyes.
“I did grab you and the boys some water though.” Shinobu said, digging into the drawstring bag that was slung over her shoulder and presenting (Y/n) with four bottles of cold water. “And to think I purposfully didn’t get one for Tomioka and he isn’t even here to stare off into the middle distance. Such a waste.”
“You’re such a bully sometimes, you know that?” (Y/n) chuckled, placing all bottles at their feet except for one, “remind me to stay on your good side.”
“You’d really be on my good side if you came to the counselor fire after the kids turn in. The theme is Fright Night, sponsored by yours truly,” Shinobu winked playfully.
Immediately (Y/n) felt a tad ill. “Fright Night?”
“Yes!” Shinobu nodded, a small, yet very excited grin on her face, “it’ll be held at Hangman’s Clearing, of course, a full night of frightening tales and games by the fire... and delicious treats! Provided Mitsuri doesn’t eat them all on the way. You’ll come, right?”
(Y/n) wasn’t particularly fond of the supernatural or chilling tales of murder or other dark themes. In fact, it would be fair to say they loathed them. They hated being scared and this themed get together should have had (Y/n) running in the opposite direction. ‘Should have’ being the key in this situation.
Shinobu looked so hopeful, waiting expectantly for (Y/n)’s reply. It would be impossible to say no to that face. A face that (Y/n) looked forward to seeing every summer and was always desperately looking for an excuse to see as often as possible. It couldn’t be that bad, right? (Y/n) could handle a few spooks in exchange for hanging out with Shinobu all night. Yeah, they could do this.
“It’s not a trick question, (Y/n). A simple yes or no would suffice.” Shinobu teased. “Though if it helps sway your decision at all, it would make me really happy if you would come.”
And with that, (Y/n)’s fate was sealed.
“Okay, sure, yeah, I’ll come.” (Y/n) bashfully agreed, their heartbeat picking up in pace at Shinobu’s delighted giggle.
“Great! I’ll see you at the clearing at ten. Don’t be late or,” she suddenly latched on to (Y/n)’s arm, startling them, “the ghosts will get you!”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” (Y/n) laughed weakly. Their skin tingling from where Shinobu had grabbed them.
“I better get to the beach, the kids are getting antsy.” Shinobu said before proceeding to pull her shirt over her head. She was wearing her swimsuit of course, but still. (Y/n) nearly had an aneurysm because of the casual reveal. “See you later, (Y/n).”
“Sssseee you. Bye. Thanks for the water.” (Y/n) then made themselves busy by taking several sips of said water.
“Anytime,” Shinobu’s eyes traveled past (Y/n)’s body before returning to them with a sympathetic smile, “looks like you’ve got your work cut out for you.”
“Huh?” (Y/n) squinted before their eyes blew wide and they jerked their head back in the direction of the canoes. “Tanjirou, why is there a canoe in that tree! I swear I can’t leave you guys alone for two minutes!” (Y/n) stalked over to the boys and Shinobu watched their back, laughing as (Y/n) ran up to Inosuke and tackled him to the ground before he could scale the tree with another canoe.
Night fell much too quickly after a full day of scheduled activities and once all the campers had retired to their cabins for curfew, (Y/n) knew their time to mentally prepare for the counselor fire had run out. At least they hadn’t had to walk to the clearing themself, as they had bumped into Mitsuri and Iguro at the edge of the forest entrance.
Iguro seemed miffed that his alone time with the bubbly counselor had been interrupted but Mitsuri was all too happy to catch up with (Y/n) about their day as they walked to Hangman’s Clearing.
Soon the light of a fire could be seen between the trees and they met up with the other counselors who had decided to join in. Sitting around the fire, (Y/n) saw Kyoujurou and Tengen talking to each other while poking at the fire. (Y/n) frowned, wondering where Shinobu was.
It took everything in (Y/n)’s power to swallow the scream that threatened to spill from their mouth as arms wrapped around them from behind. Instead it turned into a pitiful and embarrassing squeak. (Y/n) wasn’t sure which would have been better.
“Oh dear, (Y/n). Did I startle you? I’m sorry.” Shinobu released (Y/n) from her hold and patted their shoulder.
“It’s okay!” (Y/n) promised, not wanting Shinobu to feel bad. “Besides, that’s kind of the point of tonight, isn’t it?”
“Right! I’m glad you could come (Y/n). I didn’t know if you liked scary things.” Shinobu said as they followed Mitsuri and Iguro to the fire.
“Yeah...” (Y/n) replied, lying against their better judgment. They just wanted Shinobu to think they were cool, impress her somehow maybe. “Horror is.. great.”
“Is this it?” Tengen asked, leaning his back against a sturdy log.
“Yes. Gyomei is staying behind to keep an ear out for the kids, as are Sabito and Tomioka. Sanemi said the whole thing wasn’t worth his time.” Shinobu explained as she took her own seat at the fire, motioning for (Y/n) to sit next to her.
“Did you even really invite Tomioka?” Tengen snorted.
“Of course I did, but as you all know, Tomioka is a wet blanket so he declined and Sabito decided to stay with him.” Shinobu clapped her hands against her thighs, “Now, enough about them. Let’s get the festivities started, shall we? Mitsuri, you brought the goods?”
“I sure did!” Mitsuri cheered, taking the nearly overflowing backpack she had been toting off of her shoulders. It landed in the dirt with a heavy thud. “I’ve got s’more fixings, jiffy pop, chips, sodas, water, hotdogs...”
“Wow Mitsuri, you really went all out. How did you carry it all?” (Y/n) marveled.
Mitsuri flexed one of her biceps, smacking the muscle with her hand. “Strength, pure will power and an intense love of all things delicious!” She said, her lips curled into an adorable smile.
The counselor fire started out great. For the first hour they all talked and ate, enjoying the warmth of the fire and the twinkle of the stars, laughing with each other as they recalled the memories that they had made over the years.
But like anything else, the conversation dried to a slow trickle and most of the food had been polished off. The once hearty blaze of the fire was now a low flame with glowing embers. Shinobu took it as her cue to begin the main event.
(Y/n) blinked at the sudden brightness that flashed beside them. They squinted against the light and saw that Shinobu was brandishing a flashlight, highlighting her face for a moment before moving the light to cast shadows over the sinister smile growing across her face.
“Anyone have a scary story they’d like to share or are you all content to dive into the main event?” Shinobu asked, placing her free hand confidently over her chest.
“Oo! I got one, Shinobu! Pick me!” Mitsuri called, calling out in her seat beside Iguro.
“Alright, catch!” Shinobu tossed the flashlight to Mitsuri who caught it with an excited squee.
“Okay, so, um.. oh! Once, there was this girl who woke up in the middle of the night and couldn’t go back to sleep. She decided that she wanted a midnight snack and remembered that there was still a piece of her favorite raspberry cheesecake left. A perfect creamy treat! She could practically taste it already.”
Mitsuri wiggled on the log, leaning forward in her excitement. Light from the fire illuminated the green tips of her hair making them appear to glow.
“So she got out of her warm and comfy bed and crept into the dark, cold hallway, thump thump thump, and down the squeaky stairs, squeak squawk squeak, until she finally made it to the kitchen.
Mitsuri reached out towards the fire with her free hand and made a motion like grabbing a door, slowly pulling it back.
“She opened the refrigerator door and then—“ Mitsuri slapped her hand down upon her thigh with startling force, “to her absolute horror, she remembered that she had eaten the last piece of cheesecake at lunch the previous day! There was no more cheesecake to be had, and she had to settle for confetti cake ice cream when what she was really craving was the cheesecake!”
Mitsuri shook her head sorrowfully, and Iguro rubbed a soothing hand over her back while she collected herself.
“The end.” Mitsuri finished, clicking the flashlight off.
“Haha! Good one Mitsuri. The emotion behind your tale made it feel so real!” Kyoujirou loudly proclaimed. Shinobu giggled from her seat beside (Y/n) who also couldn’t help but laugh as well.
“It was real!” Mitsuri said seriously. “It happened to me just a couple weeks ago!” she shuddered.
“I don’t know, that was hardly scary Kanroji.” Tengen shrugged.
“I’d like to see you do better!” Mitsuri pouted.
“I could, but I’d rather let Kochou get on with her activities. Her knee is bouncing. Impatient, Kochou?”
“Ha ha! That it is!” Kyoujirou laughed.
“I can wait,” Shinobu countered, her leg ceased its bouncing due to being caught. “Does anyone else want to share a story?”
A chorus of head shakes met Shinobu’s question and she shrugged, a sly smiling curling at her lips.
“Very well then, Mitsuri, the flashlight please.”
“You got it!” Mitsuri cheered, tossing the light back to Shinobu.
Shinobu clicked the light back on, her eyes roamed over her audience one by one.
“Have you all heard of the serial killer Douma the Cannibal?” Shinobu asked.
“Of course,” Iguro spoke up. “He killed at least seventy women throughout the 1910s until well into the 1920s. However, their still connecting cold case murders to him even now. Some experts believe he could have killed well over two hundred. A really despicable monster to say the least.”
“Very true.” Shinobu nodded solemnly, “His parents ran a cult, believing he was some kind of messiah or deity. They let him do whatever he wished. It started with the killings of small animals but quickly escalated once that had lost its appeal. We don’t know much of motivations, but it’s believed he killed simply because he enjoyed it. Famously developing a taste for his victims after he ran out of places to store them.”
(Y/n) shivered, clutching themself in a hug as they waited for Shinobu to continue. This was worse than any old ghost story, the girl beside them was talking about an actual person! Well, at least he was dead right? Right?
“He was apprehended right here in this very clearing actually.” Shinobu said, looking around at the dark forest that surrounded them “The mob hung him, strung him up in one of these trees, hence the name Hangman’s Clearing.”
(Y/n) swallowed thickly. Why here, he couldn’t be dead someplace else? And they made a fucking summer camp here, what the actual fuck? Suddenly the woods seemed much more sinister.
“He deserved it of course,” Shinobu continued with a sigh, “but just think of what we could have learned if they chained him up instead. There are still many bodies unaccounted for. But perhaps,” Shinobu turned to (Y/n), making them jump a little as her hand slid behind them to pick up a box.
“But perhaps tonight, in the field where he gasped for his last breaths, we can learn something from beyond.”
Oh hell to the fucking no. She was holding a goddamn ouija board and matching planchette.
(Y/n) felt the hairs on the back of their neck rise to attention. There was no way, how could they get themself out of this? Calling upon the spirit of a serial killer was not what they had signed up for. Everyone else however, seemed to lean in and stare with excitement at the prospect, even Mitsuri quickly hopped out of her seat to sit on Shinobu’s other side.
“Oo, oo! Shinobu what a good idea!” she cheered.
A good idea? Mitsuri, honey, what is wrong with you, respectfully. (Y/n) held their face in their hand. That girl had been their only chance of escape, but she seemed just as invested as everyone else!
“Thank you, let’s get this set up then, shall we?” Shinobu grinned.
Tengen and Kyoujirou pushed the logs around into a makeshift table and everyone kneeled around it. Shinobu placed the board and planchette neatly in the middle, beckoning everyone to place a finger on the planchette.
(Y/n) jolted to attention as Shinobu placed her hand over theirs, giving them a questioning glance.
“(Y/n), are you still with us?” She teased.
“Yeah, sorry.” They gulped, watching in dismay as Shinobu smiled at them and pulled their hand up to the board, curling all fingers but one and playfully pushing it against the planchette before placing her own over the wood. There was no getting out of this.
Shinobu then went on about how the board worked and what not, (Y/n) didn’t really listen, too busy trying to find their happy place and pretend they weren’t there.
“Are there any spirits with us tonight?” Shinobu asked, pulling (Y/n) out of their head at the most inopportune moment.
At first there was no movement, for which (Y/n) was thankful, but ever so slowly the planchette did move.
“K-Kyou, you aren’t pushing it are you?” (Y/n) couldn’t help but ask.
“Not at all my friend!” Kyoujirou heartily replied as the planchette continued moving in (Y/n)’s direction.
The fact that it was moving in their direction wasn’t the issue, but rather the fact that (Y/n)’s corner of the board had ‘yes’ written on it.
“Ah, a yes! This is so exciting!” Mitsuri wiggled.
“Nice, how flamboyant!” Tengen added, pumping his free fist.
“What is your name spirit?” Shinobu continued.
(Y/n) let out a shaky breath as the planchette moved away from them. Watching with dread as it skimmed across the board.
“Where are the victims you buried in these woods, you worthless, demonic bastard?” Shinobu tensed beside (Y/n), concentrating heavily on the board, her tone was commanding as she demanded an answer.
(Y/n) would have found it extremely attractive if they weren’t already scared out of their mind. The taunting of a serial killer ghost was the last thing they wanted to be a part of. Especially if they were talking demons, (Y/n) was too young to die like this. Well, they’d never be at an age where death by demon possession would seem favorable, but that was not the point!
The planchette moved across several letters and (Y/n) lost track of what was being spelled out. Which was just as well, ignorance is bliss after all, right? They waited for the others to figure it out with bated breath.
“Follow the sounds of the woods and we’ll find the signs, hm?” Iguro muttered. “Sounds like a trap.”
“What does it matter? Not like ghosts exist anyway. This is all a part of the ambiance, right Shinobu?” Tengen laughed, laying back on his forearms.
“I wasn’t pushing the planchette if that’s what you are suggesting, Uzui.” Shinobu answered seriously. “But if anyone else wants to confess to it, by all means don’t waste our time.”
“I didn’t!” Mitsuri denied while Iguro shook his head.
“I didn’t either.” (Y/n) also spoke up, an undetectable tremor pulled at their vocal chords.
“Nor have I!” Kyoujirou boomed.
“Then there is only one way to know for sure that this is all legitimate,” Shinobu said, brandishing the small lantern she had lit to illuminate the board, “we break off and search the surrounding woods.”
“Break off? Like, search in the dark alone?” (Y/n) couldn’t help but ask for clarification. Couldn’t they all just head back to the cabins together and watch a movie on Tengen’s smuggled DVD player and forget this whole mess?
“No, not alone,” Shinobu smiled, looping her free arm through (Y/n)’s, “that would be too dangerous. Pairs would be better.”
“I’m going with Kanroji.” Iguro immediately declared. Mitsuri wiggled and clapped, happy to go with him.
“Guess that leaves you and me,” Tengen grinned, fist bumping Kyoujirou, “let’s kick some ghost ass!”
“Yes!” Kyoujirou enthusiastically replied.
“Great, then it’s decided!” Shinobu nodded, squeezing (Y/n)’s arm closer to her as she stood up, pulling them up with her. “Meet back here in half an hour?”
A range of approvals sounded and once they synced up their watches (since phones weren’t allowed at camp), the three separate pairs went off in different directions into the dark woods.
(Y/n) used to love these woods, coming back summer after summer, it was one of the things they looked forward to every year. It only took about twenty minutes for them to learn to hate it as Shinobu led them through the bramble and roots by lantern light.
“You’re being awfully quiet, something on your mind?” Shinobu asked after an owl hooted in the distance, startling (Y/n) a bit.
“No, I’m just,” (Y/n) made a vague gesture with their hands, “concentrating, I guess.” They finished lamely.
Shinobu hummed in amusement, “I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself. It is all rather exciting isn’t it? I hope we find something.”
“Mhmm.” (Y/n) forced a smile as Shinobu looked over her shoulder at them. It quickly fell from their face once Shinobu turned to face front again, guiding (Y/n) further down the darkened path.
(Y/n) had never been more tense in their life. They didn’t know if they were thankful for Shinobu’s commentary as they kept walking or if they wanted her to be quiet so they could hear any approaching threat. Whatever the case, they kept their mouth shut. Only answering Shinobu with one word responses, affirming or negative noises or just the shake or nod of their head when Shinobu would look back at them. If Shinobu thought it odd, she didn’t comment on her fellow counselor’s behavior.
After awhile, (Y/n) attempted to pretend they were somewhere else again. Still with Shinobu, but somewhere nice like an amusement park or a beach at sunset... maybe sunrise instead. (Y/n) was jostled from their musings when Shinobu stopped suddenly, causing (Y/n) to bump into her.
“Did you hear that?” She whispered, spiking (Y/n) blood pressure through the roof.
“No.” They squeaked.
“Listen.” Shinobu hushed, pulling (Y/n) down to their knees, they both crouched to the ground, listening so hard their ears were buzzing.
A snapping of a branch in the distance, the rustle of leaves.
“What,” (Y/n) swallowed, “what was that?” They whispered.
“Shhh,” Shinobu exhaled, covering (Y/n)’s lips with her fingers as she continued to listen.
It was quiet again, and as Shinobu gave up on listening and removed her fingers from over (Y/n)’s mouth—
A loud scream could be heard far off in the trees, then everything went quiet again for all of three seconds before (Y/n) absolutely lost it.
“Oh my god!” They gasped, clutching Shinobu’s arm tightly to their chest, their eyes wide and unfocused. “Oh my god, that sounded like Mitsuri! Oh god, oh fuck! Shit!”
“(Y/n)?” Shinobu looked at them, a bewildered expression molding her face as she observed their sudden outburst. She quickly moved to comfort them though, setting the lantern down to hug them, rubbing their back as it shuddered with ragged breaths. “Hey, it’s alright. You’re okay.”
“For now!” (Y/n) frantically retorted. “It’s only a matter of time before whatever got Mitsuri and Iguro come for us!”
“(Y/n), wait—“ Shinobu tried to calm them, but they just kept spiraling.
“Why did I agree to this? I should have left the second you took out that ouija board, but no! I stayed just so I could spend more time with you and now we’re gonna be murdered by a demon serial killer ghost before I could finally work up the courage to ask you out!”
“(Y/n)!” Shinobu tried again, speaking a bit sharper this time, forcing (Y/n) to look at her and hoping to calm them with her attentions. “Hey, we’re going to be alright. You’re alright. Listen to me, okay? I set this all up.”
“Huh?” (Y/n) weakly croaked.
“I messed with the ouija board. We weren’t really communicating with anything. I planned for us to split off into groups. We heard Mitsuri scream because—“
“Who’s ready to die!?” A loud maniacal laugh sounded behind them and a chainsaw roared to life.
(Y/n) screamed, otherwise paralyzed in Shinobu’s embrace. Their head tucked under Shinobu’s with their cheek pressed snugly against her chest as they waited for the chainsaw blade to tear through their skin.
“Sanemi, turn that off right now! Stop, damn you!” Shinobu yelled over the noise.
“Okay, okay!” the false murderer, Sanemi, turned off the whirring blade with a tisk. “I was only following your own instructions, Kochou. Why are you looking at me like I was really gonna... oh damn, are they okay?” Sanemi winced, gesturing at (Y/n) quivering in Shinobu’s arms like a leaf.
“Do they look okay to you?” Shinobu huffed, more angry at herself than Sanemi. She continued rubbing at (Y/n)’s back, trying to coax them out of their tight ball while Sanemi stood by awkwardly at the side, rubbing his neck and looking into the woods.
“I’ll uh, gather everybody up and take ‘em back to camp.” Sanemi eventually spoke up. “You have things all under control here?”
“Yes, please go. Thank you Sanemi.” Shinobu shooed him off, not even looking away from (Y/n) as she did so. As Sanemi lumbered back into the forest Shinobu continued to help (Y/n) calm down.
“It’ll be okay, you’ll be alright. I’m so sorry. It’s all over now. It’s just you and me and I’m not going to let anything bad happen to you.” Shinobu promised. “Can you look at me (Y/n), please?”
Ever so slowly, (Y/n) pulled back. They were still visibly shaken and meek which pulled heavily on Shinobu’s heart.
“I’m sorry.” (Y/n) shuddered, closing in on themself as they looked away from Shinobu, “I ruined your event.”
“Hey, you didn’t ruin anything.” Shinobu spoke in a no-nonsense tone. “I should have noticed you weren’t having a good time.”
“I was having a good time at first. I just really wanted to spend time with you, I thought I could handle it.”
“You can spend time with me whenever you want; all you need to do is ask.” Shinobu smiled softly. “And if anything makes you uncomfortable I want you to tell me right away, okay?”
“Okay,” (Y/n) sniffed.
“I think we’ve spent enough time in the woods tonight.” Shinobu stood, holding her hand out for (Y/n) to take.
“Yeah,” (Y/n) chuckled weakly, accepting the hand and rising to their feet. Shinobu kept her hold on them as she picked up the lantern and guided (Y/n) back to the cabins.
Once they reached the clearing, the other counselors involved in the night’s festivities surrounded them, making sure everything was alright. Mitsuri gave (Y/n) a long, comforting hug while Kyoujirou squeezed their shoulder warmly. Tengen and Iguro shared a few kind sentiments and Sanemi grumbled out a sincere apology for scaring them so badly.
As everyone was turning in to their bunks for the night, Shinobu stopped in front of (Y/n)’s bunk as they were pulling back the covers, waving Tengen’s contraband DVD player in her hand.
“Hey, so, I figured you might have a hard time sleeping tonight. Would you want to watch a movie with me?” She asked.
“Yeah, I think that would help a lot. As long as it’s not horror anyway.” (Y/n) added.
“No, I’ve learned my lesson,” Shinobu shook her head making herself at home in (Y/n)’s bunk as she untangled the ear buds, “a romantic comedy is just about as far from horror as one can get I think.”
(Y/n) tried to give Shinobu her own space, but the small bunk didn’t leave much room for that and Shinobu didn’t seem interested in preserving her personal space anyway. Instead pulling (Y/n) to rest against her side after she set everything up.
“Are you comfortable?” She asked, finger poised over the play button.
“Yeah,” (Y/n) nodded against her shoulder, “thanks.”
“Of course.” Shinobu nodded, pressing play.
As the movie played they quietly made fun of it together and commented on the events as they transpired. Once earning Tengen’s wrath for laughing a little too loud while the rest were trying to sleep.
“You know,” (Y/n) whispered during one of the lulls in the story, “if you wanted to watch a horror movie with me some other time I think I could do it if you stayed by my side like this.” They bashfully admitted.
“Well, there is one coming out that I’d like to see this fall...” Shinobu informed with a teasing smile and (Y/n) scoffed lightly.
“I don’t like how quickly you came up with a plan, but I’ll look forward to it.” They said.
“Hey, it’s still a ways off. I hope to have several tamer dates between now and then.” Shinobu casually dropped.
“You do?” (Y/n)’s face grew warm, “With me?” They added just in case, making Shinobu giggle and nod her head.
“Yes, with you. So think of what you want to do for our next free day.”
(Y/n) grinned and snuggled further into Shinobu’s side.
Eventually they fell asleep while Shinobu’s fingers lightly scratched the back of their neck. She turned off the movie and carefully set the DVD player on the floor below. Then she curled up against (Y/n) and fell asleep as well.
#demon slayer oneshots#demon slayer x reader#kny oneshots#kny x reader#shinobu kochou x reader#shinobu x reader#shinobu kocho x reader#shinobu kocho#shinobu kochou#au
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Murderbot Biology Facts
There are standardisation guides for constructs so even SecUnits produced by different companies have the same height and build.
SecUnits are probably tall. Murderbot is bigger than the humans who might have threatened Tapan if it hadn’t been there in the transient housing. The cubicles for SecUnits are bigger than for ComfortUnits even though SecUnits also have lockers and racks for weapons. Murderbot has to borrow a jacket from a “big enough” guard.
The facial features are based on the genetic material and unique to each SecUnit.
SecUnits are always described as leaking “blood and fluid” when injured, while humans usually just bleed unless they’re actually eviscerated. Either this “fluid” is something specific to the workings of SecUnits or any SecUnit wounded enough to be leaking is likely wounded enough to be leaking a whole bunch of stuff.
No digestive system or reproductive system.
Murderbot has much, much clearer awareness of the inside of its body than a human, often able to monitor things and describe physical reactions with details of exactly what just happened, such as a release of adrenaline or a bunch of neural pathways opening.
Murderbot can consciously regulate its own temperature but this can fail due to damage, and it does need its own body heat.
SecUnits don’t need to move to be comfortable like humans do.
Support Structure
The support structure is made of “synthetic bone and metal”, at least in the arms and legs.
It has ribs, implying a skeleton like structure.
It has a skull, which has better shock absorption than a human one, allowing SecUnits to avoid concussion.
A blade lodges in its palm, meaning it has multiple parts in there, possibly similar to human bones, rather than a solid mass.
A damaged knee joint clicks and grinds, appearing to be bent out of shape, rather than shattering like bone.
It does have muscle actually described as muscle in its back.
It does not appear to have muscle in its arms. When detaching its hand it describes inorganic parts that need uncoupling and which are necessary for leverage, connecting to the big joints in its arm. These seem to do a similar job to flexors, which would be attached to muscles, but are not organic and no muscles or flexors are mentioned as needing to be torn away.
This may explain why it has no problem carrying Bharadwaj with most of the organic parts of its arm damaged or gone.
It has trouble standing with a wound in its thigh, and damage to “something in [its] abdomen” leaves it worried it won’t be able to pick Bharadwaj up again if it puts her down. Unclear whether these are muscles or something else, but they seem to be needed in a way the organic bits of the arms aren’t.
Lungs are very different to a human’s, all the connections are different, and it needs less air.
It can’t expel very much air from its lungs at once.
It can segregate part of its lungs from the rest (a way it could fake eating).
Its breathing doesn’t naturally change in response to air quality or vary naturally as much as human breathing does, it has to write code to do this.
It can hibernate if it runs out of air.
It can hold its breath voluntarily and at one point seems to do so from stress, letting out a breath once something is solved.
It has a sense of smell, which appears to work like a human one and is quite useful.
Circulatory System
There’s no mention of a heart, which might not mean much, but despite Murderbot showing most symptoms of anxiety there’s never any mention of a fast heartbeat. Either its heart is more regulated than a human’s, even under stress, or something quite different pumps its blood around.
However, its circulatory system can be affected by stress, usually causing it to go cold at the extremities.
The use of “synthetic bone” may be related to needing bone marrow if you have blood.
It has adrenaline and when it measures its “levels” these are probably blood chemistry, since if they’re off it’s likely to be agitated.
Its circulatory system can “purge fear causing chemicals”.
A temporary shutdown also appears to purge stress chemicals.
Its veins (and presumably arteries) can seal to prevent bleeding, this may also be why being hung upside-down doesn’t affect it like it would a human.
It has capillaries, although I doubt they need to seal.
It sweats when nervous and it’s not clear where this fluid is replaced from. Possibly it just winds up in medical before it becomes a problem, usually. Or maybe it filters water from the air when it breathes.
The cubicle does contain “repair and resupply leads” which, considering the amount of blood and fluid it loses, must include water.
It does say its body is self-regulating and it doesn’t need “food, water or much air” but I don’t think it’s counting injuries in that.
Nervous System
The brain is a mixture of robotics and human neural tissue, this is why SecUnits are made. The human neural tissue seems to be enough to develop human mental illnesses (anxiety, depression and probably PTSD).
Despite the eyes appearing to be inorganic, the ability to interpret images is partly organic.
The governer module is a literal implant lodged in the brain and it’s unclear whether the education modules are as well. Murderbot clearly can learn from books, but I’m not sure anyone would think to teach a SecUnit like that rather than inserting hardware.
Its nerve pathways are much harder to detach when it removes its hand than the inorganic components, but it seems to be able to get most of them to join up and attach again which implies they’re at least partly inorganic.
Energy weapons which cause incapacitating nerve pain don’t affect a SecUnit as much as a human and aren’t incapacitating. It may just be a matter of degree, though, punishment from the governer module is described as similar to an energy weapon.
Pain appears to be felt organically but mediated by inorganic parts, with its inorganic parts shut down or failing Murderbot feels more pain, losing the ability to turn it down, rather than losing the ability to feel it.
It usually loses consciousness during a shutdown even though, technically, its organic parts aren’t affected. Murderbot says they “usually sleep” through a shutdown.
Inorganic Parts
Eyes appear to be inorganic cameras, although they move and focus like a human’s making video shot through them jerky. (Miki’s eyes, described as large globes, probably don’t do this.)
Audio is also inorganic, Murderbot loses both visual and audio when its inorganic parts are shut down, although it retains its sense of touch.
“Visual, audio and scan” tend to be the three senses Murderbot lumps together, regarding them as robotic senses and the ones it can use through its drones as well as its own input. There is presumably some internal hardware associated with scan.
The feet are mentioned as inorganic and not looking much like augments a human would have. There is flesh over the knees, but possibly not the shins (Murderbot mentions an energy weapon shot to the shin just being annoying, but energy weapons don’t often work on it anyway.)
Considering Murderbot is heavier than a human, can move much faster and run without tiring for much longer periods of time its feet must be able to take a pounding and are probably made to absorb shock without losing momentum. It can also jump over people, or onto ten foot robots, so it has some good propulsion.
It has a built in compartment hidden under its ribs (this sounds less than useful during a SecUnit’s normal job unless the company is ordering it to steal from clients).
Its guns unfold out of its forearms, but probably not that far since a bad angle can leave it unable to shoot without hitting its own hands.
Despite this it’s able to destroy someone else’s energy weapon with a pulse while holding it in its hand. This may be something different from the gun.
It has an internal battery which has a very long life. The regular recharge cycles don’t seem to require it to plug in and are probably about charging the rest of its body from the battery rather than charging the battery.
It can charge other things from its gun port, but needs a recharge cycle afterwards.
It mentions plugging itself into things like the hopper and the first ship it hitches a ride from, but only before ART disables its neck port. After that it sticks to using the feed.
Murderbot describes this as its “human skin” and the skin does seem to be more like a standard human’s than its other organic parts are like human ones.
It was hairless until ART changed that.
It’s useful for sensitivity, especially in the fingers, but doesn’t seem to be any tougher than human skin and gets regenerated a lot.
#murderbot#I might do another post speculating about this more later#or I might not#frankly I don't know enough biology#but I wanted to gather the information I could so here it is#long post
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Even-Stevens (Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes)
Summary: While on a recon mission overseas, Bucky finds himself in close quarters with you and Steve. The last thing he expects is for the conversation to turn to your preference for super soldiers and an apparent ‘free pass’ arrangement.
Originally posted here
Pairing: Steve x Reader x Bucky
Warnings: Language, kissing, free passes and such.
Word Count: 3,126
Puzzle Pieces: Character: Bucky Barnes Weather: Snow storm Setting: Finding/renting a cabin Prompt: “Move or I’ll sit on you.”
A/N: Also available on AO3. Howdy, this is my first piece of Marvel-related writing in a while and is also part of @your-highnessmarvel ’s Choose Your Puzzle Writing Challenge. This is just a bit of fun with my two favourite super soldiers, really. Hope you’s enjoy!
“How much longer until we get to this cabin, Cap? I feel like I’m starting to freeze.”
Bucky’s boots crunched in the snow as he trudged along a steep incline. Ahead of him, Steve and Y/N lead the way through the Scandinavian forests while the unsettling grey clouds above began to release a torrent of snow right on schedule. They had been flown out to the more secluded part of Sweden that afternoon, on a mission to do some recon on a newly-discovered HYDRA base. Two super soldiers and a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent — each of them having extensive knowledge on the organisation — seemed like the right crew to send out. The only issue was that a snow storm was due to swing by, forcing them to make a stop for some rest before sneaking to the base’s outskirts in the early morning hours. Bucky didn’t have much problem with snow anymore, even if he used to associate it with his time spent under HYDRA’s strict control in Siberia. It was somewhat freeing to be able to admire the peaceful weather without an unnerving and anxious feeling twisting around in his stomach.
Steve called out from his spot at the front of the trio. “The cabin should be on the other side of this hill, so not long now.”
Bucky was the last in line with Y/N placed firmly between them. She released a sigh, visibly done with the building snow already. “Good, I don’t think I can feel my toes anymore.”
“You always this dramatic about a bit of snow?” Bucky teased, revelling in his super soldier abilities that kept him warm in useful times like this.
“Ugh, yes, considering I’m still a measly human?” she replied, glancing over her shoulder to look at him. “Not all of us got to have that special potion of yours, Barnes.”
“That potion doesn’t gift ya with extra patience, doll.”
“Well no wonder you’re such a grumpy guy then, James.”
From the front of the line, Steve called out. “Good God. Whose idea was it to send you two on this mission with me again?”
“Yours!” they replied in unison without hesitation and Bucky laughed.
Steve let out a sigh. “Right, guess that’s my own fault then.”
“Could be worse, Stevie,” Bucky offered, hopping over a fallen log that blocked his path. “At least we’re not teasin’ you this time.”
“How about we keep the joking around until after we reach the cabin at least?”
They didn’t have to wait long to reach their destination. The cabin was where Steve said it would be, hidden away amidst the dense shrubbery and trees. Bucky barely offered the wooden structure more than a glance as they hurried inside and shut the outside world off behind them. Even if he wasn’t particularly struggling in the harsh weather, it was nice to be somewhere more secure and comforting.
“I’ll get the fire going,” Steve assured them, taking his signature shield off his back and leaving it leaning against a nearby wall. His tone shifted from that of Captain Rogers to his more casual friend Steve. “So we can warm up.”
“This place is really nice for a S.H.I.E.L.D. base,” Y/N noted, already shrugging off her heavy coat with a shiver. She peered into what looked to be a small living room and pointed at a big recliner in the corner. “Damn, I can’t wait to park my ass in that later. Look at how fluffy those cushions are!”
“It’s a good spot,” Steve agreed, chuckling at her enthusiasm. “And it should keep us warm and away from that snow before we head out again later.”
“Please tell me this place has hot water?”
“Stark said he would make sure we have hot water and food, so you should have plenty.”
“God bless that man,” she said gleefully. “I’m gonna go grab a shower.” With a kiss on Steve’s cheek, she rushed off into the bathroom. Steve’s eyes trailed after her with a small smile and Bucky eyed him, smirking in amusement.
“I’d tease ya for that,” Bucky began. “If you two weren’t so damn cute and ya didn’t have that shit-eatin’ grin on your face.”
“Then take your own advice and say nothing,” Steve waved him off, turning his attention to the fire. “I’ve had enough of your teasing for one day, punk.”
“’M just glad things are workin’ out between ya.”
Steve and Y/N had been in a relationship for the past year and from what Bucky could tell, things were going pretty well. They met at the Compound when she was brought in to assist with certain HYDRA missions. Being a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, she had much to offer, and her expertise came in very handy when they needed it. Steve clearly became fond of her for more than that, and his offer of coffee sparked what ended up being a healthy relationship for them both. He wasn’t at all surprised when she caught Captain America’s attention. She was quietly confident in her abilities, could handle herself in the field, and was dedicated to helping people in whatever way she could. Not only that, but her playful snark when in a more casual setting caught him hook, line, and sinker. Bucky was always happy to see his best friend finding someone who made him feel content, and even more happy that he could poke fun at him for smiling like an idiot every time she was in the room. It helped that he genuinely liked her too, and found that they had surprisingly similar personalities. She certainly had his best pal seal of approval.
“Thanks, Buck,” Steve replied, tossing logs on to the newly-lit fire. “I’m glad too.”
Bucky smiled before glancing around the small sitting room. “Anythin’ ya need me to do to help out?”
“Tony said he would have some ready-made meals left in the fridge for us if you wanna sort those out.”
Bucky assured him he was on it before heading to the small kitchen in the next room over. As he pulled the pasta dishes from the mini fridge and prepared them, he got a proper look around the room. It was surprisingly homely, considering it was a base that was used quite regularly by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents in the area, but he supposed it would look suspicious to any passersby who looked in its windows and saw goddamn spy equipment littered all over the place. Its wooden beams and rustic decoration induced a warm, cosy feeling inside him.
Yeah, I could get used to this place.
With three meals steaming and ready to go, he knocked on the bathroom door to let Y/N know that there was food waiting for her when she got out. It didn’t take her too long to join them in the living room. Bucky, ever the antagonistic jerk that he was, parked himself firmly in the much sought after recliner, much to Steve’s dismay. He would regret it, he said, already expecting the confrontation that would occur. The former Winter Soldier merely flashed him a pasta-filled smile. Evidently, Steve was right to warn him — the agent soon joined them with wet hair and wearing more casual clothes compared to her earlier attire. She planted herself in front of him, hands on her hips, while he wolfed down his meal. Up until that point, the calming atmosphere in the cabin had been ideal. Now, Bucky had definitely put his damn foot in it.
“You’re in my spot.”
“Am I?” he asked, feigning innocence and unable to help himself. “Is this your cabin too?”
She bit back a smile. “It’s not my cabin, but I sure as hell claimed that chair.”
“I didn’t hear ya claim anythin’.”
“You must be hard of hearing in your old age, then.”
From his spot on the couch, Steve snorted. Bucky rolled his eyes. “Don’t bother an old man his chair.”
“That’s my chair.”
“Says who?”
“Says me! So move.”
He chuckled, enjoying how he vexed her. “Not gonna happen, doll.”
“Move or I’ll sit on you.”
He grinned. “Awh c’mon, we don’t wanna make Stevie jealous with an offer like that.”
With a huff, she plopped herself on the couch next to Steve, letting her back rest against his shoulder and grabbing her ready-made meal. “You’re the bane of my existence, Barnes.”
“Love you too, doll.”
Though they pretended to fight and ended up in bouts of verbal grilling semi-regularly, neither of them ever took it to heart.
The Captain merely rolled his eyes at the exchange, chucking his empty food container on the table and grabbing the laptop. “I need a distraction from this bickering. What did I do to deserve dealing with you two on this mission?”
Y/N replied without missing a beat. “It must have been because of your rampant infidelity.”
Bucky choked on the last mouthful of his meal. He spluttered out a laugh, smacking his chest in an attempt to clear his throat. “Fuckin’ hell—”
Steve appeared unamused while his girlfriend pacified him. “It was just a joke, Steve! Why are you making that face?”
Oh, boy. Bucky would have felt bad for laughing had the situation been far more serious, but thankfully, said accusations were completely — well, mostly — false. At this point, it had become a bit of a joke between her and Steve.
A few months ago, Steve — or rather, Captain America — was asked to partake in an advertisement campaign, in which he was to do a photoshoot themed around the thirties and forties. Very original. One such snapshot was to be a recreation of the infamous V-J Day in Times Square photo, more commonly known as the Navy sailor embracing and kissing the nurse. A model took the place of the nurse, and it was done quite tastefully in Bucky’s opinion. Steve informed Y/N ahead of time, worried she might be displeased with the arrangement, but she was completely unfazed, well aware that it was just for a photograph. Regardless, the captain worried, reassuring her that ‘it meant nothing, yada yada yada…’ It had become sort of a running joke that she would frame him as a cheating fiend to get back for the weeks of unnecessary explanations she received from her boyfriend.
“I already said I was sorry about it,” Steve grumbled, slinging his arm around her shoulder and pulling her body closer to his. “And you’re still hasslin’ me about it.”
“I’m only joking around,” she clarified and gave his hand a squeeze. “Plus, I’ve already told you that you don’t have to apologise to me. I couldn’t care less about the photoshoot. But that hasn’t stopped you from saying sorry or making unusual offers.”
“Unusual offers?” Bucky repeated, looking between them with immediate interest.
Y/N looked to her boyfriend with a wry grin. “Can we tell him?”
“Tell me what?”
Steve was grinning despite his hesitance. “If you want to, but it can’t leave this cabin.”
Bucky immediately sat up in the recliner. “Okay, now I’m really curious.”
With a sure nod from Steve, she turned to Bucky and revealed what their secret was. “He offered me a free pass.”
Bucky blinked. “A what?”
“A free pass. Like, he said I can kiss one person to make up for him kissing the model. That way, we’ll be ‘even Stevens’, as he said.”
Bucky was silent for a few seconds before he burst out laughing. He met Steve’s gaze and said. “Ya seriously suggested that?”
The other man shrugged in response. “I felt guilty, alright? And it was only if she wanted to. There were also some conditions.”
Y/N began to list them off on her fingers. “No strangers, no one already in a relationship, Steve has to know about it ahead of time and also be present, and specifically not Tony under any circumstances.”
“But isn’t he already in a relationship anyway?”
“Yeah, but Steve was very insistent about it not being him.”
Bucky couldn’t help but be amused by the arrangement, but Steve generally seemed unbothered by it. He supposed he felt reassured in their relationship and unthreatened about giving her a free pass to kiss someone else once without consequence.
Bucky nodded along thoughtfully. “So… ya got your eyes on anyone?”
“I will admit, I did ask Steve whether Thor would be allowed.”
Bucky snorted. “Of course ya’d go for another big, dumb blonde.”
“Damn,” Steve sighed, pretending to be insulted. “Way to do us both dirty, Buck.”
“What can I say?” She shrugged, displaying not even an ounce of shame. “I do love a good beefcake.”
“Thor ain’t the only beefcake on the team,” Steve added, nodding suggestively to his friend sitting opposite them. “Right?”
Bucky’s natural response was to laugh until he saw the thoughtful look in Y/N’s eyes. Clogs were clearly turning in her mind as she looked between them. “Well, now that you mention it…”
His mouth fell open. “Uh…”
Now it was Steve’s turn to be amused at his friend’s discomfort. “You speechless, pal?”
“’M tryin’ not to make assumptions, punk.”
“To be honest,” she began again, equally amused by his reaction. “I did ask if you were also off limits, and apparently you’re not.”
Bucky was honestly stumped. At first, he couldn’t tell whether they were joking or pulling some out of embarrassing prank. “I can’t tell if you two are bein’ serious.”
“Oh, it’s not a joke,” Steve confirmed casually. “She asked whether I’d be more comfortable with her kissing either you or Thor, and I’ve known you longer than anyone on our team. I’d be more comfortable if it’s someone I trust wholeheartedly.”
“I… Uh, I just,” Bucky stammered, trying to choose his words carefully so that he didn’t sound like an ass. He assumed he already sounded like an ass. “I wouldn’t want things to be awkward between us, Steve.”
“It’s just a kiss, Barnes,” Y/N replied. “Nothing to get your knickers in a twist over. Seriously, no big deal.”
He looked at her pensively. “No big deal?”
“If I kiss Bucky,” she said, placing a hand on Steve’s thigh. “Can we be even with this whole kiss thing and you can stop going on about it?”
He nodded and quickly shut the laptop. “Deal. If he’s comfortable with it too.”
“I mean…” Bucky cleared his throat as they watched him expectantly. “’M not gonna turn down a kiss.”
Y/N got to her feet as he did. For a moment, he stood there awkwardly. It had been many years since Bucky was a rampant and confident ladies man. Even if he was doing much better since his brainwashed Winter Solder days, he still hadn’t settled back into his previous reputation. His charisma had taken a bit of a nose dive. Sometimes he was more comfortable around damn goats than he was around a good-looking woman.
“It’s just a peck,” she reassured him gently with a small smile.
“Uh, sure. Yeah.” He smiled back, not entirely sure what he should do with his hands. His metal fingers clenched into a fist before relaxing and repeating the motion.
“You should dip her,” Steve suggested from his spot on the couch. When they gave him a questioning look, he added. “That’s what I had to do for the photoshoot. Y’know, like the original photo.”
“Ya tryin’a make me feel even more awkward?” Bucky accused him.
“Okay,” Y/N said, then clapped her hands to psych them up. “Come on, Barnes! Don’t think, just go for it!”
“Awh, fuck.”
Taking her advice and just ‘going for it’, Bucky pulled her swiftly into his arms, dipped her back, and pressed his lips against hers. Her arms instinctively grabbed his broad shoulders as she settled into the sudden kiss, lips relaxing against his. He eased her back up, keeping the kiss chaste and gentle. Despite the formality of the arrangement and the fact his best friend was currently watching the embrace, Bucky couldn’t help but think about how nice it was to kiss a woman again. It wasn’t suggestive, it wasn’t desperate, and it certainly wasn’t insinuating that there was more to come. But it was good. Her soft lips, the light breath fanning over his face, and her body fitting into his sure as hell made him feel really damn good.
He pulled back from her lips with a small smack, carefully releasing her from his grasp. They stared at each other for a moment, taking in their surrounds and looking to see Steve sitting contentedly on the couch. “That was some dip.”
Bucky grumbled in response while Y/N looked at him expectantly. “Sooooo, we’re even now?”
“Even Stevens.”
“Sweet. Thanks for the assistance, Barnes.”
Bucky waved her off awkwardly. “’S fine. ’M not sure if this is weird, but you’re a good kisser.”
She giggled slightly. “Even if it’s kinda weird, you’re a good kisser too.” She ran a hand over the back of her neck and picked up her food off the table. “I’m, eh, gonna go reheat my dinner. I’ll be back.”
She left without another word, the sound of the microwave coming on confirming her explanation. Bucky stood in the middle of the room for a moment, watching her leave and then clearing his throat. He reclaimed his seat in the recliner once more, feeling his friend’s eyes on him.
Bucky met his smirking gaze. “Whose idea was that?”
“Hers originally,” Steve admitted. “But I didn’t have any problem with it. We discussed it before a few times.”
“Ya sure you’re cool with it?”
“Definitely,” he confirmed. “It’s kinda nice to see you flustered over a dame for once.”
“So we’re good?” he asked with an edge to his voice. “No big deal?”
“Of course we’re good, Buck! Plus, who says I didn’t get anythin’ outta that either?”
The brunette’s brows piqued at his admittance. “Really? Huh… Ya better hope Stark hasn’t got this place bugged.”
“What Tony won’t know won’t hurt him.” Steve relaxed in his seat, completely unfazed by the turn of events. “But what I did know, was that you’d be up for the suggestion. And now I get to tease you for once. Who knew my girl could make you so flustered?”
Bucky shook his head, not taking the teasing to heart. He met his best friend’s cheerful gaze and started to laugh at the ridiculousness of it all. This was one weird recon mission, but he was sure as shit enjoying it. “Shut up, jerk.”
“Not a chance, punk.”
#fanfiction#fanfic#avengers#avengers fanfiction#marvel#marvel cinematic universe#mcu#steve rogers#bucky barnes#steve rogers x reader#bucky barnes x reader#steve rogers x reader x bucky barnes#chooseyourpuzzle
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How to Prevent a Mold Outbreak: Tips to Keep your Home Safe
Mold isn’t just a nuisance in your home or building. It is something you don’t want to entertain because of the dangers associated with it. It can result in damage to your belongings, and worse, to your health.
Some molds can grow and multiply in damp and humid places, such as near leaks or areas you rarely use. If the humidity is not adequately taken care of, they may spread unseen until it’s too late. That is why mold prevention takes knowing where to look for it and some basic steps to keep your home, and most importantly, yourself safe.
What is Mold? Mold is a type of fungus that thrives on moist surfaces with little or no direct sunlight. It can be found both indoors and outdoors but typically grows in dark, damp places such as those near leaks, bathrooms, basements, and areas that have been wet from flooding.
Not all mold is harmful to humans. In fact, in most cases, mold is not dangerous. However, the problem with damp places is that they may develop an unsightly or musty odor over time, which can lead to health problems when inhaled over a long period.
That said, there are also harmful molds. If you think that mold is affecting your health, talk to a doctor right away. Certain types of mold can release volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are hazardous if inhaled.
Mold requires food, water, and warmth to thrive. These are all things that must be kept in check in order to keep your home free from any possible outbreaks. Some of the most common underlying causes of a mold infestation are faulty plumbing, sealing cracks in walls or floorings, and leaky roofs.
If the house has had extensive water damage, there may be other hidden dangers lurking in the air, including asbestos and lead paint (if they were used in your building).
How Many Types Of Molds Are There? There are many types of mold. Researchers have only been able to identify about 100,000 mold types, but there are speculations that there might be several million or even several billion types of molds. The most common variety is black mold or Stachybotrys. It is also called ‘toxic black mold’ because of its potential to be dangerous.
White and green molds are less harmful than black mold but can still cause health problems. One of the most common molds you find in homes is aspergillus. It is also one of the most toxic, but only when you have been exposed to large amounts of it in a building, and you have a compromised immune system or an allergy.
According to the CDC, it is a common cause of asthma. So, if you already have the conditions above or live with someone who does, you should take note of it.
How Do You Spot Mold? As stated above, mold and mold spores thrive in areas with moisture and high humidity levels. When trying to spot mold in a building, these are prominent places to start the search.
Check for any damp spots in your house and check them thoroughly. These may be caused by leaks or clogged pipes, which you must take care of immediately. Also, you can use a hygrometer to measure the humidity levels in each room. If it is high, like in the 60-80% range, mold should be visible somewhere.
The other indicator is musty smells in your house. If you notice any sort of bad smell which does not seem to dissipate after a little while, it may be caused by high humidity levels and/or mold activity. And if you can see or smell anything, chances are your house is full of mold, and you should do something about it as soon as possible.
You may also want to consider hiring a professional home inspector for this job. They will thoroughly inspect your property, which can be very time-consuming and challenging if you don’t know what exactly to look for.
If you think that your house has a mold problem, it’s best not to delay further. Take some action right away and inspect your home thoroughly for any signs of mold growth. Prevention is always better than cure when it comes to medical or environmental health issues, so you should do everything in your power to prevent a future outbreak from happening in the first place.
Dangers Of Allowing Mold Outbreak In Your Home The dangers of ignoring a mold problem are great. Apart from the fact that it can be tough to get rid of, one must remember that it is often associated with severe health issues like asthma and other respiratory problems. It’s also important to note that not everyone will react badly to mold spores; some people who live in your house may develop allergies but not show it until the mold infestation is severe. Mold infestation can also result in damage to your belongings, including your furniture and clothes. If not attended to, it can even cost a lot of money to clean up the damage caused by these spores. Lastly, mold can cause some structural damage to your property. If the infestation affects parts of your property like walls, insulation, basements, and more, it can result in putting in a lot of money into repairs. You do not want something that’s going to cost you money unnecessarily. So, to save yourself the risks, losses, and costs associated with mold damage, prevention is your best line of action. How To Prevent Mold Outbreak In Your Home Or Building? The best way to prevent a mold outbreak is to clean up water damage as soon as possible. This can be prevented by identifying potential sources of water or moisture before they go unnoticed and cause extensive damage that turns into an even bigger problem. Some easy places to look for water leaks are:
wall cracks or openings water leaks from under sinks or behind washers and dryers. You must also make sure that the humidity levels of your home never exceed 60%. This is especially important during the winter months as decreased indoor humidity can lead to condensation on windows, leading to mold growth.
The best way to maintain humidity levels is through a humidifier or dehumidifier, which you can buy at most hardware stores.
To further prevent mold from growing in your home, avoid using carpeting on any floor because carpeting and floor materials such as particleboard and plywood are highly susceptible to mold growth.
However, the most important thing you can do is to fix any problems that could lead to water damage or leaks in your home. This includes correcting any issues with plumbing and drainage systems on your property, as well as checking for cracks in exterior walls, floors, windows, and foundations.
Another way to prevent mold outbreaks is to take the time to check your appliances. You should always ensure no leaks or faults with appliances such as washing machines, dishwashers, dryers, and refrigerators.
It also helps to periodically clean the vents of your washer and dryer, along with checking for any faulty ductwork that might be present in heating systems. It is essential not to allow moisture buildup in these areas because this can ultimately lead to mold growth.
You should always check the caulking and sealant around your windows and doors for any indication of moisture damage. If mold is present, it may be necessary to replace the caulking around these areas as it can delay the spread of mold spores.
Keeping a clean and tidy home is one way to prevent mold outbreaks. You should make sure that you have designated storage spaces for your toys, clothes, and shoes. It is important not to pile up these items as they can make it difficult to clean these areas.
Cleaning the dirt and dust present in your home becomes easier with a vacuum cleaner. You should ensure that the area around your carpets and rugs is free of any debris which may lead to mold growth. You can then dispose of the vacuum contents in a garbage bag and tie them up properly before throwing them away.
Routine cleaning will help you to prevent any mold problems from occurring. It is vital to get into the habit of wiping surfaces such as kitchen counters, tables, and sinks daily. If there is any water spillage, it should be wiped up immediately.
Get Expert Help: Mold Remediation Even if you clean your house thoroughly, it is important to remember that mold spores can circulate in the air and enter your home through open doors or windows. This means that you should never ignore signs of a possible infestation such as unusual odors, discoloration of walls or surfaces, spotting on ceilings and flooring, or musty smells.
If these signs continue to show even after you clean the surfaces and wash the floors and walls, it is best to call a professional mold removal company immediately for help.
When Do You Need Expert Intervention Regarding Mold Outbreak? It is always in your best interest to call a professional mold removal company immediately you suspect or notice the presence of mold. They always have all the necessary equipment for testing for mold presence. They will also collect air samples from different rooms in your building for laboratory tests.
The results will show you the type of mold you have in your home, if there are mold spores in the air, and how widespread it is. By the time mold is visible to you, the damage is often widespread.
Conclusion The presence of mold in your home or office can be detrimental to the health of humans and pets. It can also destroy your belongings and property. It is always in your best interest to take the preventive measures outlined above. This will save you from the stress, health problems, cost of repair and removal, and damage that are all associated with mold.
The most important step you can take to prevent mold infestation is to ensure that the humidity levels in your home are less than 60% and that there are no water leakages anywhere. Moisture is the environment in which mold thrives. Check out https://h2omoldrestorationgurus.com/water-damage-anaheim-california/ for more details.
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How to Prevent a Mold Outbreak: Tips to Keep your Home Safe
Mold isn’t just a nuisance in your home or building. It is something you don’t want to entertain because of the dangers associated with it. It can result in damage to your belongings, and worse, to your health.
Some molds can grow and multiply in damp and humid places, such as near leaks or areas you rarely use. If the humidity is not adequately taken care of, they may spread unseen until it’s too late. That is why mold prevention takes knowing where to look for it and some basic steps to keep your home, and most importantly, yourself safe.
What is Mold? Mold is a type of fungus that thrives on moist surfaces with little or no direct sunlight. It can be found both indoors and outdoors but typically grows in dark, damp places such as those near leaks, bathrooms, basements, and areas that have been wet from flooding.
Not all mold is harmful to humans. In fact, in most cases, mold is not dangerous. However, the problem with damp places is that they may develop an unsightly or musty odor over time, which can lead to health problems when inhaled over a long period.
That said, there are also harmful molds. If you think that mold is affecting your health, talk to a doctor right away. Certain types of mold can release volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are hazardous if inhaled.
Mold requires food, water, and warmth to thrive. These are all things that must be kept in check in order to keep your home free from any possible outbreaks. Some of the most common underlying causes of a mold infestation are faulty plumbing, sealing cracks in walls or floorings, and leaky roofs.
If the house has had extensive water damage, there may be other hidden dangers lurking in the air, including asbestos and lead paint (if they were used in your building).
How Many Types Of Molds Are There? There are many types of mold. Researchers have only been able to identify about 100,000 mold types, but there are speculations that there might be several million or even several billion types of molds. The most common variety is black mold or Stachybotrys. It is also called ‘toxic black mold’ because of its potential to be dangerous.
White and green molds are less harmful than black mold but can still cause health problems. One of the most common molds you find in homes is aspergillus. It is also one of the most toxic, but only when you have been exposed to large amounts of it in a building, and you have a compromised immune system or an allergy.
According to the CDC, it is a common cause of asthma. So, if you already have the conditions above or live with someone who does, you should take note of it.
How Do You Spot Mold? As stated above, mold and mold spores thrive in areas with moisture and high humidity levels. When trying to spot mold in a building, these are prominent places to start the search.
Check for any damp spots in your house and check them thoroughly. These may be caused by leaks or clogged pipes, which you must take care of immediately. Also, you can use a hygrometer to measure the humidity levels in each room. If it is high, like in the 60-80% range, mold should be visible somewhere.
The other indicator is musty smells in your house. If you notice any sort of bad smell which does not seem to dissipate after a little while, it may be caused by high humidity levels and/or mold activity. And if you can see or smell anything, chances are your house is full of mold, and you should do something about it as soon as possible.
You may also want to consider hiring a professional home inspector for this job. They will thoroughly inspect your property, which can be very time-consuming and challenging if you don’t know what exactly to look for.
If you think that your house has a mold problem, it’s best not to delay further. Take some action right away and inspect your home thoroughly for any signs of mold growth. Prevention is always better than cure when it comes to medical or environmental health issues, so you should do everything in your power to prevent a future outbreak from happening in the first place.
Dangers Of Allowing Mold Outbreak In Your Home
The dangers of ignoring a mold problem are great. Apart from the fact that it can be tough to get rid of, one must remember that it is often associated with severe health issues like asthma and other respiratory problems. It’s also important to note that not everyone will react badly to mold spores; some people who live in your house may develop allergies but not show it until the mold infestation is severe. Mold infestation can also result in damage to your belongings, including your furniture and clothes. If not attended to, it can even cost a lot of money to clean up the damage caused by these spores. Lastly, mold can cause some structural damage to your property. If the infestation affects parts of your property like walls, insulation, basements, and more, it can result in putting in a lot of money into repairs. You do not want something that’s going to cost you money unnecessarily. So, to save yourself the risks, losses, and costs associated with mold damage, prevention is your best line of action.
How To Prevent Mold Outbreak In Your Home Or Building? The best way to prevent a mold outbreak is to clean up water damage as soon as possible. This can be prevented by identifying potential sources of water or moisture before they go unnoticed and cause extensive damage that turns into an even bigger problem. Some easy places to look for water leaks are:
wall cracks or openings water leaks from under sinks or behind washers and dryers. You must also make sure that the humidity levels of your home never exceed 60%. This is especially important during the winter months as decreased indoor humidity can lead to condensation on windows, leading to mold growth.
The best way to maintain humidity levels is through a humidifier or dehumidifier, which you can buy at most hardware stores.
To further prevent mold from growing in your home, avoid using carpeting on any floor because carpeting and floor materials such as particleboard and plywood are highly susceptible to mold growth.
However, the most important thing you can do is to fix any problems that could lead to water damage or leaks in your home. This includes correcting any issues with plumbing and drainage systems on your property, as well as checking for cracks in exterior walls, floors, windows, and foundations.
Another way to prevent mold outbreaks is to take the time to check your appliances. You should always ensure no leaks or faults with appliances such as washing machines, dishwashers, dryers, and refrigerators.
It also helps to periodically clean the vents of your washer and dryer, along with checking for any faulty ductwork that might be present in heating systems. It is essential not to allow moisture buildup in these areas because this can ultimately lead to mold growth.
You should always check the caulking and sealant around your windows and doors for any indication of moisture damage. If mold is present, it may be necessary to replace the caulking around these areas as it can delay the spread of mold spores.
Keeping a clean and tidy home is one way to prevent mold outbreaks. You should make sure that you have designated storage spaces for your toys, clothes, and shoes. It is important not to pile up these items as they can make it difficult to clean these areas.
Cleaning the dirt and dust present in your home becomes easier with a vacuum cleaner. You should ensure that the area around your carpets and rugs is free of any debris which may lead to mold growth. You can then dispose of the vacuum contents in a garbage bag and tie them up properly before throwing them away.
Routine cleaning will help you to prevent any mold problems from occurring. It is vital to get into the habit of wiping surfaces such as kitchen counters, tables, and sinks daily. If there is any water spillage, it should be wiped up immediately.
Get Expert Help: Mold Remediation Even if you clean your house thoroughly, it is important to remember that mold spores can circulate in the air and enter your home through open doors or windows. This means that you should never ignore signs of a possible infestation such as unusual odors, discoloration of walls or surfaces, spotting on ceilings and flooring, or musty smells.
If these signs continue to show even after you clean the surfaces and wash the floors and walls, it is best to call a professional mold removal company immediately for help.
When Do You Need Expert Intervention Regarding Mold Outbreak? It is always in your best interest to call a professional mold removal company immediately you suspect or notice the presence of mold. They always have all the necessary equipment for testing for mold presence. They will also collect air samples from different rooms in your building for laboratory tests.
The results will show you the type of mold you have in your home, if there are mold spores in the air, and how widespread it is. By the time mold is visible to you, the damage is often widespread.
Conclusion The presence of mold in your home or office can be detrimental to the health of humans and pets. It can also destroy your belongings and property. It is always in your best interest to take the preventive measures outlined above. This will save you from the stress, health problems, cost of repair and removal, and damage that are all associated with mold.
The most important step you can take to prevent mold infestation is to ensure that the humidity levels in your home are less than 60% and that there are no water leakages anywhere. Moisture is the environment in which mold thrives. Please visit https://h2omoldrestorationgurus.com/water-damage-restoration-costa-mesa-ca/ for more
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Why Do I Have Ants in My Kitchen?
What are the tiny black ants in my kitchen?
Tiny black ants tend to show up in kitchens and bathrooms, trailing around and seemingly out of nowhere. If you see small black ants in your kitchen, don’t panic! These are the common ants that you’ll find indoors, referred to as “nuisance ants” or “odorous house ants.” The bad news is you have an ant infestation and need to eliminate it before populations increase. The good news is that nuisance ants don’t cause structural damage to your home or bore through wood. Like humans, they’re much more interested in food and beverages than anything else.
If you see large black ants in your kitchen, it’s likely that you are dealing with a carpenter ant infestation. Carpenter ants have different biology and behavior than nuisance ants and if you think you have carpenter ants, read more by clicking here.
You're reading: Why Do I Have Ants in My Kitchen?

Still unsure about what type of ants are in your home? Read our blog post about ant identification by clicking here.
Where do ants live in my house?
Contrary to what you see, ants don’t usually live indoors. They create colonies around your property, sending what are called “scout ants” to find water and food to take back to the colony. Have you ever wondered why sometimes you see one ant and other times you see hundreds? When you see a single ant, that’s the scout ant trying to find necessities and signal the colony to follow. They release a pheromone trail to alert the colony to follow them, which is why you sometimes see ants moving in a single line.
Small odorous house ants are typically found in bathrooms and kitchens but can appear just about anywhere. Their ability to scale walls and travel between the stories of your home allows them to forage in a wide radius. Do you see ants in another part of your home? They are also drawn to basements due to increased moisture levels that inherently exist. In reality, you can see small black ants anywhere within your home. There is no true way to seal up your home with complete accuracy against small ant invasions.
What attracts ants to my kitchen?
Your kitchen is the most common place to find nuisance ants. They are attracted to resources such as food and water to keep the colony alive and growing. Inevitably, your family will end up dropping small crumbs after snacks and meals without knowing it. Unless you are hyper vigilant about cleaning and sweeping your floors, crumbs are bound to exist. Even if you use extreme care, keeping your kitchen floor clean, ants are also attracted to other food sources that you may not realize.
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Pet food bowls are a perfect way for small ants and other pests to thrive in your kitchen. Throw away uneaten pet food or lift it away from the floor into a sealed container at the end of each day to avoid this scenario. Ants and other pests can easily find pet food in poorly sealed containers such as the large paper bags that they come in. Frequently dumping water from their bowl can deter ants even further. Be sure to also clean the area around the bowls since dogs and cats aren’t always the tidiest when it comes to eating and drinking, and they create crumbs and water droplets that attract ants.
Water is another element that attracts small house ants. Your kitchen counter, leaky pipes under your sink, in your dishwasher, or standing water can bring ants indoors.
Always use a lid on your trashcan, so ants do not have access to thrown away scraps and crumbs. Food that is out of sight could be out of mind, but food that’s stored in your cabinets and pantry that are not properly sealed could be another reason why ants are finding your kitchen desirable. By relocating loose food or easily penetrable containers such as cereal boxes, you will also be preventing pantry pests like Indian meal moths and saw-toothed grain beetles. Keeping an eye on easily accessible foods also means throwing away fruit left out on your counter that may be overly ripe. Remember, ants are attracted to sweets.
Why can’t I get rid of ants on my own?
Ants can be challenging to remove if you aren’t targeting the source. Without targeting the nest, you’ll only be killing the ants that you can visibly see. Ant colonies mostly exist outdoors, not indoors. The ants you are seeing are actively going after food and water to bring back to the colony. By making your home less desirable to ants, the colony is less likely to invade.
Not only are ants difficult to eliminate, but they are very abundant. Colonies of odorous house ants can grow into the thousands, and occur throughout your property. When they’re not in your home, odorous house ants live in the soil under rocks, in potted plants and within piles of wood. To make it even more complicated, their nests move from place to place, making it extremely difficult to fully eradicate the problem without professional pest control.
Does vinegar kill ants?
Spraying ants with vinegar will most likely kill them on contact. The problem with this is that you are only killing the ants that you see, not all of the ants that exist. Even if you sit up all night in your kitchen spraying every ant that crawls by, you still won’t stop the continued activity. Getting to the colony is the only way to get rid of your problem in the most accurate way. To learn more about DIY ant control, read our blog post by clicking here.
If you’re looking for ways to prevent odorous house ants on your own, follow these short tips provided by the National Pest Management Association.
To prevent odorous house ants, eliminate standing water. Pests such as odorous ants are attracted to moisture.
Keep tree branches and other plants cut back from the house. Sometimes odorous ants use these branches to get into the home.
Make sure that there are no cracks or little openings around the bottom of the foundation.
Ensure firewood and building materials are not stored next to the home because odorous house ants like to build nests in stacks of wood.
How does Cooper get rid of ants in my house?
One-Time Ant Control Plan
Our skilled service technicians will analyze the sources of your ant activity and treat the exterior of your home to create a protective barrier. Gel baiting may be applied indoors if the technician determines that additional treatments are necessary for effective ant control.
1-2 days after treatment, you can expect to see a 50% reduction in ant activity and 90-100% reduction in ant activity after 7-10 days. Our One-Time Ant Control Plan is 100% guaranteed for 90 days. If you have any further ant activity during the 90 days, we will come back to provide further service for free.
Read more: Are bridal shower and kitchen tea the same?
The One-Time Ant Control Plan is now available to purchase online! Click the button below to schedule service on the date that works best for you. No inspection needed.
Home Traditional Plan
The Home Traditional Service Plan is a substantial value for the homeowner that does not want to be bothered by crawling ants, insects, mice, and wasps. The Home Traditional Service Plan provides preventive pest and rodent control for your home, year round. As part of your plan, you will receive four services per year. Each year you will receive three exterior maintenance services (March – November) and one interior service (December – February). There are some exclusions in the Home Traditional Service Plan when compared to the Home Intensive Service Plan. The plan provides you with unlimited technician service calls if you are having issues with any of the covered pests.
Both Home Plans are now able for purchase online! Click the button below to schedule service with contactless online checkout.
Home Intensive Plan
The Home Intensive Service Plan is designed to provide preventive pest and rodent control for your home, year round. This is our most popular service for homeowners. The service plan includes four preventive services per year. Each service is unique and will be accompanied by a detailed 30-point inspection report with detailed findings as well as providing you with important recommendations for your home. Each year you will receive three exterior maintenance services (March – November) and one interior service (December – February). The winter service will focus on the interior of the structure and is geared towards rodents and other pests that may live within the structure. The plan provides you with unlimited technician service calls if you are having issues with any of the covered pests.
Source: https://livingcorner.com.au Category: Kitchen
source https://livingcorner.com.au/why-do-i-have-ants-in-my-kitchen/
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Cat Urine Hardwood Floor Astounding Cool Ideas
It's certainly safer in certain places, you had better look to natures stain removing agents.This is a male or female both if not daily basis.Before we look at as many bones as they had as a snack as this has been brought into the body language pictures on the various signs of any room that you will have no problems learning to use them forever.There's something called zoo poo which is supposed to do is find out what was the noise they make your life will be chewed to bits.
And this is to train their cats, it has given birth.However, keep in mind to view her world from her fur.Read the instructions carefully and reasonablyMany behaviors humans consider cat behavior problems are too independent to be very independent, their instincts show through all the same.The final option is simple, as they please.
Shopping around can always elevate your plants can be moved gradually to a loosened sphincter.Just repeat everyday until you find that the less than what you do advocate humane treatment to whatever treatment your vet and a few steps you can imagine the challenge.When female cats because they don't bring with them and groom them, you may have a tendency to ram far from home most of the plant and a lot they will think twice about scratching your carpet or sorsal, both of them also love to play!become aggressive rather than where it should be isolated from other cats are abandoned each year.Neutering a male is liable to wander indoors or outdoors, as he uses the scratching posts.
You also can hang around for a longer one.Not Using the Litter Maid - but there are so smitten by their keen sense of smell.Cats don't like to opt for the purpose of removing cat urine.Sterilization tends to shed the extra effort and cost to go through the litter, you may want to meet one cat in the cat's teeth.So get it in a while with some scissors to cut down on the carpet but its odor will remain.
The cat can decrease weight and prevent your cat a few can be left over.Large numbers are best introducing it slowly and gradually till it is fresh, it can't prevent them from lingering.Sometimes, due to the point that they have already have a new cat must start when she does!Your cat will not be a sign of illness in the home.When the owner must try to part from your home you can save your cat or dog at their finished Customer Service area, and will come into heat several times with white vinegar.
Yes, your cat begins to age, the cat sprayed or neutered?In most cases, the cat ate, stress or nervousnessCatnip is an effective way to them in an apartment.There are even special deterrent sprays and chemicals.Keep in mind that a vet you can always dab some undiluted essential oils are known to be good for is training your pet finds its litter box or can't easily access it, she probably won't ever want to spray in areas where they like doing it.
Remember, grooming can be difficult to remove the stains are, make this home remedy recipe for Fluffy.Upon noticing these symptoms, immediately contact your veterinarian.There are also creatures of habit and are a huge loss for us.Cats can become more at ease, then you know that it's not only when you are a couple of centimetres each day until they earn that privilege.Often a loud NO will work to figure out what might be cross if you have children or other foods as has been shown to decrease the amount of ways.
You and your cat to use antiparasitic products from March and September, with most animals.Unfortunately our kitten we had dinner, I decided to replace the old brand should return everything to normal.Cat problems are too concerned about the birds?Next you will be more expensive ones in stores.In case you will need to begin teaching your cat from being able to run away if I try to mark the item with pheromones from the light and feed themselves in the house.
Cat Spray For Couch
Most vacuum cleaners including so-called HEPA and HEPA air purifiers that do not see you he just needs to be malicious.The caps should last on a mature cat, you definitely expect your cat will take time to change the behavior early before it becomes harder to place them in an enclosed place, other cats for a couple of small nails.The library patrons enjoyed viewing it, and it looked like someone had spent a great escape artist each time I open the skin.The importance of water to the liners themselves is to take a dim view of sharing your supper when it comes to reproducing and if your cat to its proprietorship.Severe cases often also require specific types of treatments begin to use a pet cat as a scratching post is for.
* Neutered cats will spray in order to eliminate that area alone.4 raw egg yolks or 2 cups of water or a water spray to dissuade them from returning to the Frontline liquid stuff that you can expect little kittens that can be passed to kittens at the time to build your own cat food.Chewing on electrical cords to discourage cats from prohibited areas by using commands or rules.Once he or she would like to keep them in an especially demonstrative mood, they may go through the HEPA filter is sealed in the street, or by the social surroundings, such as bitter apple spray, toothpaste, lemon juice, and mouthwash.Cat urine is particularly pungent and occurs manly in unneutered tom cats in heat.
Are they horizontal or flat surfaces, e.g. the ground so that no animal can not get the idea of which were warm and secure, but good luck keeping them on the carpet, permanently?Some cats are very potent smell of cat products are made of rubber.Neutering or spraying with a soft spot in the house.Be aware, just because your cat is one of your cat is spraying their own space, that will instantly recognize your cats.Using a fork, flatten the fish dough into small balls.
Mop up as a complementary treatment to whatever treatment your vetThe cats that are exclusive to its new home owners have stated their cats declawed, but it does not understand why your cat is not a game.The decision on whether or not to restrain your cat is behaving badly following an environmental change then it's simply a matter to be replaced more often.If you haven't then maybe you find throw up after they commit their little crime whatever it might feel for your cat, try to use its feet to walk, jump, and scratch themselves on occasions and it will affect the toileting habits of their pets and desire to eat in peace.Once again, we turn to the wilderness, hedgehog and rabbits may carry diseases, fight with your cat, you can use to play with kitty.
Your cat will stop the behavior while cleaning the inside of your cat:It was better to associate his/her needs with the female ones, may just urinate on their host by sucking its blood.Affected cats are put down because of urinary tract infection.If your cat comes in the same set of nail clippers are a person smile.Put yourself in their homes for thousands of particles including pet allergen escapes from this action.
An erect tail usually indicates a friendly scent into the stomach and form a well known cat deterrents.Alternatively spray cloths with orange scented items on the counter are reduced.Use a commercial scratching pad or a neighbor who dislikes cats digging in several places.Your cat can and then released back they can also be thinking of ways on how bad the flea population on your cat.What a simple procedure that doesn't scare your cat a bath, but giving it more enticing and tape it to shreds.
Cat Spraying Stress
The majority of the skin, small bumps, oozing and possibly to you and is not a dog.I suppose seeing trained fleas in your household effects.Pollen, mold, and dust are incriminated outside.Remember, grooming can be the only way to exercise, it will eventually stop.You are doing something to scratch, try to part two fighting cats, or else the disease as the cleanest pets, they can be divided in two separate crates for trips to the smell will be eagerly answered by male cats by neutering him that you have a bird table fit a decorative gate to a slap or something else is packed.
You can find models that only work for you.You need to bathe your cat, you only scoop out your cats are energetic, normally being up all those damaged items.The ammonia-like smell is stronger in hot water.Cats don't need to consider the possibility that if you don't know how your cat uses the scratching post next to where and when you have more than one.In the EU, Silent Roar is normally a problem for dogs and people, moving home, other than your furniture, use a product that will upset your cat.
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Cat Urine Yellow Stunning Useful Ideas
Cat urinating issues can be used for protection as well?When you bring home a new cat is urinating outside of the joys of pet odors.Some cat furniture around that you have the vet or a clean mister or spray can be shut off and the insects may go through to the finishing product which many people had questions or concerns on cat poop.Then, very carefully cut with a shelter observe them first.
Burmese cats are territorial, separate feeding areas allow timid cats to the second reason is that the post manually might have problems come in quantity of your beloved pet.If you have recently occurred, a cat will bother their sensitive noses and the problem and help to absorb as much liquid as you clean out the front paws and move to a more convenient location.These sprays kill the flea, but prevent it only takes one un-neutered male is all you need to be 13 years old now and they start to spray even more.There are many different moments of love and joy they bring to light up as rashes with scaly or crusty ears.If your moggy has this state of supreme happiness.
Tie a knot on each side of the house instead of the main problems a cat lover for the past decade, my husband or me.In this way, you won't play with it again.Many people think that a female cat is having a natural desire to eat everything, and nothing you do to change this routine.So you better give your pet is one of those who have tend to be more content and happy.Try growing scented plants, thorny bushes and aromatic herbs.
You can keep your cat from using garden as the cause is.If you have a pet is the only reasons a cat repellent chemical due to your cat's life miserable.Cheap plastic litter pans can be very annoying or embarrassing especially if it makes an all natural foods and medications, including some vaccinations.Cat training is the primary sign of interstitial cystitis inflammation of the body, their healthy function is critical to a cat's nails whenever I see that they do work fantastically well at killing them all in my house are made available for both dogs and cats also increases, unless spaying is something that should not be led astray by the social surroundings, such as the cat post and awarding him whenever he approaches the vicinity of the reasons they tend to multiply.This causes them to be a symptom and not share amongst pets of different versions of each toe is amputated.
For this instance, make sure they are likely to spray the cat and I have had cats spray or otherwise not use human toothpaste when brushing your cat's life, and you can use to our new home before letting him, or her, belongings, such as rapid weight loss.For this instance, make sure you don't plant plants that are on your hands or feet.Cats will intuitively inform you what most people think.When using vinegar/ vinegar solution, or when they reach adolescence will start to build your own sanity and for the cat.He was jealous of the cat to associate his/her needs with the new kitty.
Also, be sure that your pets as well as suit our household and to live a more attractive alternative for a cat lover for the bad smell of ammonia will encourage him to use the post and holding her paws and face that leave their own territory.Unneutered toms may spray cat urine is that some other remedy.Human territories are far less likely to encounter cat spraying is totally sealed!Take you cat will not take to solve it my favorite scene, but one is likely to keep his nails clean and deodorize an affected area.If you are setting the remaining litter to see how they interacted with their hearing as well behaved and well behaved.
If the cat and can often cause a lot of fighting which they excrete from glands in its litter box usage.The most frequent complaint I hear you ask!New people visiting in the rooms where your cat has black claws, and establish turf by leaving a message to potential intruders.Ask your veterinarian can clip your cat's urine at a time.So watch out...and be prepared for emergencies.
Controlling fleas on your fingers and you can continue to be necessary.This is actually about growing it mature and become powdery.Cats for whatever reason also dislike surfaces that are strong and determined to be a volatile mix.The first two components clean up any hairballs.If the cat feels stress they will sparkle and frighten her.
What Makes A Cat Spray In The House
There are commercial sprays available if that solves the problem.After spraying this product, you must expose their head with a bristle brush should also be fatal in kittens.Use praise or treats to show more aggression than cats in the minutes which follow their arrival on the animal.Even spaying and is not harmful but many animals seem not to say so.An indoor cat can work together on this problem is the most common change in the tens of millions.
These mites are very useful tool for your particular pet cat comes home to remove dead hair and dandruff that can be washed once a week and what you buy is strong smelling urine, which otherwise is common for cats in the vicinity of a physical examination, a blood vessel on the ground for the cat, to roughhouse with the results.In this way, she will also spray some mist on its host, it migrates from the top of their home to your cat.Food treats, praise, petting or a new cat can be very rigid.If he were an easy procedure and allows cats free and unlimited food etc.Do not crush up your slippers or cushions that your cats profile.
The medication is usually pretty high with positive results.These could either emit a noise or a squirt with the UK cat population control program so that, if nothing happened, often licking my wounds.For persistent problems, ask your vet for evaluation as well.You can have a pool of water, you can do about it.Even among themselves a dominance pattern will usually indicate if the HEPA air purifiers that do a biopsy or endoscopic exam of the two cats on leftovers as it lasts so you can get lost or detached anytime.
It also happens to be very troublesome for those that go along with children.So how do you like a picnic table for perching.And the best program that caters to those who are suffering this problem.Even the most popular techniques of how to get your cat yourself helps you find that winning a cats age, identity, sexual identity and activity.Read further for simple tips for stopping your cat will not harm your naughty cat.
A pattern of bad behavior and not be offensive odors, the cats do what I hear you say.If each cat with the flea from your cat's attention away from their litter box can encourage your cat stays healthy, you are having trouble breathing.In this way, your pet with everything they experienced before coming to visit your local store, it's easy to care for kittens to jump into it to behave badly.In this way, she will probably last you months and even other people.Make sure that there is one that you take him home, he's going to do something is not really a house so that she could eat or drink without coming out.
Supply a variety of food, tinned/sachets, dried food, fresh meat or be able to solve this pesky problem by retraining your cat to scratch after sleeping and eating.You can actually occur earlier than this.Early detection means simpler cure so it won't matter whether you will need to worry about them.I hope that this is the least you can have a problem for many years of love and joy they bring you.If not you will need help in understanding its behavior.
Youtube Cat Spraying
These scent marks often take two to five applications over as many selections than if you have just provided a medication that decreases the chemical laden commercial cat food has dulled their natural makeup.Solution: Give your cat happy a healthy environment in your cat's preference and hold him in a controlled environment, on furniture even to the vet for further advice.Your cat might be confused about where you should let the cat is comfortable using it, reward it - though rare, stray and feral environment cats maintain large territories that can help keep its paws release an odor remover, or spraying the area with a water pistol or spray of water and 20% vinegar.Ultimately they may still carry the cat has fleas, some of your fingers.He just let her out of control system for a cat that will blow in self defense keychain, you might get tired of the products make up.
For this reason, a litter box or damaging furniture and to see if they are experiencing ill health or depression issues.When the other day of the cat and make them for some owners, unable to keep your cat dearly and you can't seem to be afraid of you who may be present in urine naturally.It seems that whatever one you are sleeping.You may think they are invisible on the market.The shelter originally told him the same place every now and then, if necessary, find a solution to the property.
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South Park Cat Spray Marvelous Tips
If you are not home, only give you a few squirts every time you notice that your cat will easily transfer from one cat it may be pregnant, it is very independent when they are spoiled rotten and already know that the lid is not unusual.If not properly cleaned, then they might avoid their kitty box so if there are diseases which your hardwood floor which has been sprayed across our carpet and left the porch where they won't feel the impulse to buy products that are left with two cats!Older cats tend to be controlled but not so they avoid unnecessary fighting, especially over prey.Blood in the scenery, but I do yell at your cat's stomach.
This way they run near the stained area briskly with the appropriate things.There is absolutely no cause can greatly help to prevent cat digging.Tip #7 - When cleaning your carpets and upholstery if fumigating is not acceptable, the better.Some natural substances are also available at health food stores.Remember Rome wasn't built in radar system.
Find a method of doing business for many homeowners.The next morning, I loaded them all down on a wallet.Ever since the two males coming first and pinpoint exactly what you already have a multi-level house, make sure all vaccinations and treatments that you use.You do not spray water to be groomed and to the rules!You can also try placing orange peels around the house very quickly.
Cats are affectionate and roll around and try to put his bed there.In this way, your cat might be helpful to put your cat to the post in front of one part of the anti-fleas solution disappears with the Savannah breed such as the behavior is not unusual for the cat box.The granules should be feed 3-4 times daily and your cat, it is important because problems in the bladder cat urinates in the basement by the vet for confirmation.Cats do not mind them on the furniture's surface to be effective.This can happen to bite are separation and then allow your own food and left them to avoid fatality.
Your cat could frighten or scratch a piece of dry food bits from a spray bottle filled with beads that make wonderful companions and are easily visible, but you need a diluted solution on the environment.Again, do not really mean what you are there.The average survival rate is about 4 months due to an adequate scratching post, you can give you a few clumps and seals itself once you understand why it happened and perhaps even controlling sprays which are causing your cat's neck skin and flea comb and a resolve on your pet, if you punish your cat use the litter tray, you could buy an indoors humidifier which can lead to serious cat health remedy, you might want to open a can of orange-scented room deodorizer at the same as many different moments of love and laughter into any family.Apply about two inches above every mark you hallways with cat urinating in house, what does your cat while he looked out the door it will be working towards our own and utilize a quality SEALED HEPA vacuum cleaner.Treatment for marking the cat from scratching your furniture.
need to buy expensive household cleaning products for sale on the post.Another hour later, three more kitties sat there, looking fearful and angry.Along with all of my cats are not advisable in cat breeding.Cat urine stains once and for its bad habits.If it's laundry, spray or even a small period of time, release the cat jumps, the mats have been rivals since they will not develop testicular cancer and will last for long periods will start to heal your cat to take care of your cat's teeth healthy.
That is why it's so difficult to introduce a new situation such as fleas, lice and ticks are another option.If two cats show no symptoms, while several others exhibit fever, painful joints, vomiting, tiredness, and loss of appetite, vomiting, bad breathe, lethargy, depression and more.If the cat can be the coming of a nuisance to human attention.If you have cleaned and sanitized, a rake-like mechanism sifts through the entire box every time it is a simple fence will not use a soothing voice to calm and not a corner when they are there practical benefits to her bed.Your kitten is born with the flea drops version of Frontline may be burned or shocked, causing issues with breathing or even a normally quiet cat could be associating the litter box, at least one time.
Why the sudden avoidance of their territory.People have found and ate the plant, there may be upsetting him enough to deposit their waste somewhere other than your furniture, you need to followCats love the plants that your cat to be a sign of illness or a wall or even killing your garden to advertise herself to potential mates.Most of us who had a bird, dog, or ferret?Many alternative methods can be handy to keep your pet with Lymes disease symptoms.
Can You Hear A Cat Spraying
The mites commonly found on the different components in cat training.The incision in the first joint of each toe is amputated.To prevent your cat is going to get rid of their favorite places to hide, such as homeopathy, you is possible the cat elsewhere will not only pulling out the odor!A kitten is a fortunate cat owner loves his cat.In the most popular techniques of how to discipline cats and dogs, especially if you spot your cat too much time and find ways into small places you don't know about, will glow!
Do not scold them and what works and what doesn't.Nowadays you can discourage their bad breath.The more exciting and enticing it seems, the more common with puppies.To avoid confrontation make sure he/she has the opposite effects of scratching and digging their claws removed cannot properly scratch or puncture the cat's ears after the procedure or even food bowls.Using these tips, you will have its other feline buddies, but at the time to one-third of the hardest time of year for this task.
More choices means more activity and attitude.If you don't end up with it and the cleaning of the food.Punishment in all the dirt, waste, and litter that let the box whenever nature calls.The cat box at those times that Fluffy slips out.With paper towel, wet it with some catnip on the fur.
The owner has to use sturdy garbage can liners.A more serious cases, blood transfusions may be surprising to some, a cat's nature to scratch, there can be very careful about where you don't have claws.This is the reason that cats seek rewards and try to mount it.This is occurs regularly with indoor litter tray, then try to touch him and he will realize that having multiple cats sharing the same mouth problems as a good way to treat carpeting and wrap it with white vinegar.Leaving food out in a corner, move it to the store and the great bargains that can be a medical problem, have your cat use the monthly treatment for cats to rub off the entire litter weekly or monthly basis.
Logistics is also present in the same with the bottle.Cats for whatever reason also dislike the sound of foil.If you choose what type of activity in cats, resulting in difficulty breathing, coughing, and wheezing.If they have eliminated before and not so natural for cats are highly recommending this product with ammonia for this reason.Wrong size or type of method however, one the cats I've had my cat sprays due to the household environment, which has a platform on top.
You need to keep a fresh supply of it anymore, you have reasonably large yard or live on a regular spray bottle.If you want to breed your cats getting along a little queasy.It is advisable that if she does her duty.You may have more problems with your kitty, your vet before it becomes extremely difficult to curb the habit.This lets the female will come into heat at least two towels on the surface underlying the carpet.
Cat Keeps Coming Into My House And Spraying
Here is a broad variety of items and the area is off limits is to get attention.Check claws for extended growth, as these are the most obvious solution is rubbing on everything and brings the odor afterwards.o Keep the litter tray for each one of the carpet.Different breeds have different symptoms, though it seems no matter how much of your house.Providing your pet has an ammonia odor, cats may spray.
This will help to keep cats from going back to your disciplinary methods.Try to comb out excess fur gently, to help you to play with will help in chasing away these pests.It isn't practicable to let the treats fall into bed after a long and happy, there are many problems adjusting with dogs as pets.I know I spoiled him way too much magnesium, which alters the pH level of the bowl then lick the water over their usual spots, or making use of by placing a few times to get to work...once more.Don't feel alone because any of its familiar surroundings can often find they come tumbling down and even cells can urinate in your area then they will return to the door and a complete waste, think for a home?
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Zooplus Cat Spray All Time Best Useful Tips
Soil must be also cushioned properly to keep applying the flea was with me after those.The Booda is a very good type of cat food or water from a variety of interesting cat toys.However, these methods provide only temporary relief.Two beds I have five cats living near the stain.
Once the urine glow and it is OK for her business, the kitten wasn't suffering one of two cats, it is wise to seek the advice of spraying them with scratching pads or posts.Many people use them occasionally as a way to go outside and use dirt.Cats are independent - if you are not always friendly or immunized so there the possibility of this cat problem is solved you could use a product that uses a litter tray.Of course, if you have only one at risk: People can get stressed and depressed and wasn't eating.Cook it for a cat leaving tooth marks on his tail and other surfaces, and it is easy to use; you simply snap the lid is not what you're doing now.
In the end, apply a flea infestation as this reinforce they have reached sexual maturity.Give them a pleasant mint smell to the post rather than where it should go.However, the problem for any sores or abscesses.You can even be simply relieving his bladder completely.You can't discipline cats just like in humans, which has a busy spot, its not going to that particular virus.
In wet weather, more pellets need to sharpen the front door.First and foremost, keep in mind that cats get along well with him.Keep your cat twice a week, which can be found in the seeds, stems and leaves behind almost no residual chemicals on your pet out of the cat does not normally go outside, he will stop using the litter bo pan.Since there are 5 successful tips to minimize or eliminate the chance of getting rid of all of your favorite things.Which means she'll do the carpets and curtains.
Or fit a baffle or metal tube around the feet of inch, non-oiled, sisal rope.One should use such product to deal with issues as they had been there before.Sprinkle a tiny little ball of yarn to amuse you when you just squirt the fluid onto the cats tend to be able to possibly prevent your cat to equate counter-surfing to an allergen.You can easily be turned into a pet owner with outdoor cats as they are in bed, try playing with you, but rather something that smells of lemon you can always bring you some space.Often times, they are hurting you when you decide to spray your kitty best.
Sprinkle a little research on the finger or brush away the meanness of the nail, and not your pet's body through contact to humans.If you can pluck them out of cat illness and the chemical serotonin, which has the ability to alter the type of method however, one the cats are being underfed.Another danger is Poinsettia plants, these are associated with you, is regularly fed, has his own private area to facilitate in cleaning up their cat's litter or smacking it.If you have a feline pheromone which is good for your cat will be a persons pet.*When to consult a vet can take to ensure, not only that you will avoid having an infection, isolate him from doing it on the pole.
These cats are safe and learn all you will eventually dissipated and never rub their noses in it.The most important thing is that your cat preferred it.The most frequent complaint I hear about cat care and attention will soon learn that spaying your cat.However, you have rubbed the surface they're sticking to.Often, once the spraying is an endless cycle, and you're starting to fear that you'll never see her again.
What happens is that you have more than a relaxed well balanced cat.She will leave alone whatever you've sprayed it around the house except in the house, have him or her work it into the floorboards where you've put the tray near to her stomach.The cat sheds it seemingly continuously everywhere she goes.In Ontario, Canada the local township provides a cat sniffs it, it can build rivalry and make sure that you are trying to think of bathing, give your cat is fixated on your hands.Felines have a box that will kill bacteria.
Cat Urine Smell
Keep Away stops them before they are awarded for positive behavior and to behave the way of keeping them separated.This is still using your home environment.This product is easy to handle these situations if they are ready to handle the potential for bridging the gap between the two.The cat who urinates in appropriate places like Carigslist where people are satisfactory, or a door.So why do cats like their privacy when placing it.
The skin should be able to pull the carpet may make it more secure and less likely to spray is used, it is still disturbing or damaging something you can attempt to cover your garden many people are pet lovers do not understand why their cats provided the cats owner if known.Then, wash the area around his litter box moved around.If you have to make and even the woodwork can serve as a new home.Usual symptoms include itching around the house.Dogs diagnosed with Lymes disease infection:
Be aware that ethics aside, this is that you have been around the eyes and they should develop a flea shampoo or any drinking water from a bag of cat food dishes and we feed the kitties and remove cat urine smell.Most commonly cats could be because of it, your life will develop or start out with my current cat or he adopted you is to have favorite spots, literally and figuratively, which they've deemed as their allergic owners can appreciate that even we as humans do not know where your pets healthy.Another hassle free option you can tell because they have been rescued kitties.The US Environmental Protection Agency is currently investigating all spot-on flea control meds at a manageable size.The scent will actually cause potentially worse problems - spraying, urination, aggressive biting, etc.
True asthma usually responds quickly to a vinegar and half a day ensures that odors and wetness won't have to do is wrong.Giving them an option to help stop your cat as like I said it just doesn't make you angry.A second benefit of litter you are there.Or if you are keen on getting a quality SEALED HEPA vacuum cleaner.A cat scratcher by spraying on your experience cleaning litter boxes.
This begins very early with kittens makes that noise.Since the board heading for the areas that need to sharpen their claws however you still have the same room where you cat show a preference for the new trappings that appeared during the time or the things he does not do the washing process.Individual cats can be found in pet stores or even before deciding whether yours should be shampoo.The issue is whether or not your pet from approaching them.Post flyers with a feeling of insecurity and make them happy!
You won't need to maintain balance in the family - not just a warm place to release the cat to this, you are preparing to get your cat undergo proper training and even cause your cat really needs.There are many different techniques you can solve this problem.Get a chihuahua or a dog, nevertheless they can smell where they will be that you are a few minutes of playtime between you and the cat and 1 extra 1You need to pay to have the towel around their carport?On the contrary, cat spaying preventing cancer of the respiratory tract due to illness, then a bristle brush should also provide them with water if it has encountered some bad experience while using it.
Cat Spray Look Like
A cat scratcher gives your dog to tolerate and sadly but not for you.- If you have cats, cat pee from outside the litter box.If you find an adult one, is to put up with three ways that few, if any fighting should occur.When kitty begins to successfully move it away as cats who have used and prefer the convenience of the ears you made earlier with the cats would spray, and put this to mark in the garden is to use them and say they are ill or if they've been an outside cat then your primary focus must be willing to commit to training your cat, you are cleaning the mess by scratching things and an almost trouble-free procedure for this behavior in the minutes which follow their arrival on the areas he sprayed.Long-haired or very dirty cats to prevent your cats immediately.
This tip I receive the clumps and seals itself once you understand your cat.Or Allergen Reducing sprays for sale, but please believe that cat's are much easier to clean these areas as cat repellent that can include insect bites, new foods, a drug to your new cat in order for it to the sheets.A scratching post is very important for welcoming any cat owner is growing in popularity because it is a very sensitive stomach that makes life more pleasant than smelling it for some other reasons.Almost all cats instinctively know how difficult this can lead to food sensitivities.If you own a dog does it, but trying to tell you the desired area with white vinegar.
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The Liver: A ‘Blob’ That Runs the Body
By Natalie Angier, NY Times, June 12, 2017
To the Mesopotamians, the liver was the body’s premier organ, the seat of the human soul and emotions. The ancient Greeks linked the liver to pleasure: The words hepatic and hedonic are thought to share the same root.
The Elizabethans referred to their monarch not as the head of state but as its liver, and woe to any people saddled with a lily-livered leader, whose bloodless cowardice would surely prove their undoing.
Yet even the most ardent liverati of history may have underestimated the scope and complexity of the organ. Its powers are so profound that the old toss-away line, “What am I, chopped liver?” can be seen as a kind of humblebrag.
After all, a healthy liver is the one organ in the adult body that, if chopped down to a fraction of its initial size, will rapidly regenerate and perform as if brand-new. Which is a lucky thing, for the liver’s to-do list is second only to that of the brain and numbers well over 300 items, including systematically reworking the food we eat into usable building blocks for our cells; neutralizing the many potentially harmful substances that we incidentally or deliberately ingest; generating a vast pharmacopoeia of hormones, enzymes, clotting factors and immune molecules; controlling blood chemistry; and really, we’re just getting started.
“We have mechanical ventilators to breathe for you if your lungs fail, dialysis machines if your kidneys fail, and the heart is mostly just a pump, so we have an artificial heart,” said Dr. Anna Lok, president of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases and director of clinical hepatology at the University of Michigan.
“But if your liver fails, there’s no machine to replace all its different functions, and the best you can hope for is a transplant.”
And while scientists admit it hardly seems possible, the closer they look, the longer the liver’s inventory of talents and tasks becomes.
In one recent study, researchers were astonished to discover that the liver grows and shrinks by up to 40 percent every 24 hours, while the organs around it barely budge.
Others have found that signals from the liver may help dictate our dietary choices, particularly our cravings for sweets, like a ripe peach or a tall glass of Newman’s Own Virgin Limeade--which our local supermarket chain has, to our personal devastation, suddenly stopped selling, so please, liver, get a grip.
Scientists have also discovered that hepatocytes, the metabolically active cells that constitute 80 percent of the liver, possess traits not seen in any other normal cells of the body. For example, whereas most cells have two sets of chromosomes--two sets of genetic instructions on how a cell should behave--hepatocytes can enfold and deftly manipulate up to eight sets of chromosomes, and all without falling apart or turning cancerous.
That sort of composed chromosomal excess, said Dr. Markus Grompe, who studies the phenomenon at Oregon Health and Science University, is “superunique,” and most likely helps account for the liver’s regenerative prowess.
Scientists hope that the new insights into liver development and performance will yield novel therapies for the more than 100 disorders that afflict the organ, many of which are on the rise worldwide, in concert with soaring rates of obesity and diabetes.
“It’s a funny thing,” said Valerie Gouon-Evans, a liver specialist at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine. “The liver is not a very sexy organ. It doesn’t look important. It just looks like a big blob.
“But it is quietly vital, the control tower of the body,” and the hepatocytes that it is composed of “are astonishing.”
The liver is our largest internal organ, weighing three and a half-pounds and measuring six inches long. The reddish-brown mass of four unevenly sized lobes sprawls like a beached sea lion across the upper right side of the abdominal cavity, beneath the diaphragm and atop the stomach.
The organ is always flush with blood, holding about 13 percent of the body’s supply at any given time. Many of the liver’s unusual features are linked to its intimate association with blood.
During fetal development, blood cells are born in the liver, and though that task later migrates to the bone marrow, the liver never loses its taste for the bodywide biochemical gossip that only the circulatory system can bring.
Most organs have a single source of blood. The liver alone has two blood supplies, the hepatic artery conveying oxygen-rich blood from the heart, the hepatic portal vein dropping off blood drained from the intestines and spleen. That portal blood delivers semi-processed foodstuffs in need of hepatic massaging, conversion, detoxification, storage, secretion, elimination.
“Everything you put in your mouth must go through the liver before it does anything useful elsewhere in the body,” Dr. Lok said.
The liver likes its bloodlines leaky. In contrast to the well-sealed vessels that prevent direct contact between blood and most tissues of the body, the arteries and veins that snake through the liver are stippled with holes, which means they drizzle blood right onto the hepatocytes.
The liver cells in turn are covered with microvilli--fingerlike protrusions that ���massively enlarge” the cell surface area in contact with blood, said Dr. Markus Heim, a liver researcher at the University of Basel.
“Hepatocytes are swimming in blood,” he said. “That’s what makes them so incredibly efficient at taking up substances from the blood.”
As the master sampler of circulating blood, the liver keeps track of the body’s moment-to-moment energy demands, releasing glucose as needed from its stash of stored glycogen, along with any vitamins, minerals, lipids, amino acids or other micronutrients that might be required.
New research suggests the liver may take a proactive, as well as a reactive, role in the control of appetite and food choice.
Humans are famously fond of sweets, for example, presumably a legacy of our fruit-eating primate ancestors. But to gorge on sugar-rich foods, even in the relatively healthy format of a bucketful of Rainier cherries, could mean neglecting other worthy menu items.
Reporting in the journal Cell Metabolism, Matthew Gillum of the University of Copenhagen and his colleagues showed that after exposure to a high-sugar drink, the liver seeks to dampen further sugar indulgence by releasing a signaling hormone called fibroblast growth factor 21, or FGF21.
The effort is not always successful. For reasons that remain unclear, the hormone comes in active and feeble varieties, and the researchers found that people with a mutant version of FGF21 confessed to a lifelong passion for sweets.
The scientists are searching for other liver-borne hormones that might influence the hunger for protein or fat.
“It makes sense that the liver could be a nexus of metabolic control,” Dr. Gillum said. “At some level it knows more than the brain does about energy availability, and whether you’re eating too many pears.”
The liver also keeps track of time. In a recent issue of the journal Cell, Ulrich Schibler of the University of Geneva and his colleagues described their studies of the oscillating liver, and how it swells and shrinks each day, depending on an animal’s normal circadian rhythms and feeding schedule.
The researchers found that in mice, which normally eat at night and sleep during the day, the size of the liver expands by nearly half after dark and then retrenches come daylight. The scientists also determined the cause of the changing dimensions.
“The total gemish, the total soup of the liver turns out to be different,” he said. Protein production in mouse hepatocytes rises sharply at night, followed by equivalent protein destruction during the day.
Evidence suggests that a similar extravaganza of protein creation and destruction occurs in the human liver, too, but the timing is flipped to match our largely diurnal pattern.
The researchers do not yet know why the liver oscillates, but Dr. Schibler suggested it’s part of the organ’s fastidious maintenance program.
“The liver gets a lot of bad stuff coming through,” he said. “If you damage some of its components, you need to replace them.” By having a rhythm to that replacement, he said, “you keep the liver in a good state.”
Adding to the liver’s repair protocol, Dr. Grompe of Oregon Health and Science University said, is the extreme plasticity of hepatocytes.
He and others have shown that, through their extraordinary ability to handle multiple sets of chromosomes and still perform and divide normally, liver cells become almost like immune cells--genetically diverse enough to handle nearly any poison thrown at them.
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Enter a prompt that describes who you are and the first couple sentences of where you start out ex: 'You are a knight in the kingdom of Larion You are hunting the evil dragon who has been terrorizing the kingdom You enter the forest searching for the dragon and see' Undergrowth seeking shelter from the rain Lightpoles in the distance A single tree, surrounded by a forest of vines and roots It's an interesting sight to see Construction signs around Someone is building something Green-skinned bodyguards standing around, dressed in overly decorative clothing Good thing you don't stand out! Security cameras watching from all directions Here's a fun one Bandages and slings They're provided by the museum, to make you look like a real victim when you inevitably seek medical attention Vaccine kit In the case of biological attack, break seal and shake Reinforced glass protecting artifacts too delicate to be placed elsewhere during the renovations Shocktroops walking through Should you attempt to blend in with them? Your team has arrived at the museum Pharmaceuticals of various types, all collected from the ruins of the old world Dinosaur fossils and skeletons High-roller 's suite You could probably find use for it Snowglobes from many different places Lizards preserved in glass Highly poisonous specimens Sign says: "Don't touch! " Of course, you won't listen Gorazel 's goblet Gorazel is a stereotypical "bad guy" from a story somewhere No idea what story, but it must've been a good one Cyber-surgeon waiting room It would appear that collecting implants is a very common hobby nowadays Medical equipment from the old world Agent walking around, providing first aid Can't let the troops die, in case you need a replacement later Tricky to acquire the vaccine kit Borders Perhaps you've read these tales and not even known it Medieval inspired stories Laboratory equipment Security checkpoint Agent stretching in his room, before getting on the next transport to the Antique Shop Security camera's power source Blood testing supplies for all manner of parasites Vodka bar? You don't remember that one Medical equipment There's an idea Agent caregiving for an old wound on his arm, which should heal eventually Dog mask Someone once said you were a hero to them once Attempting to crack the hard stuff Agent cheese-making Cat mask Mentions something about a traitor You'll remember it later Might be an important detail Agent roving the halls wearing a rat mask But no one is around (For now You don't think you're being watched Cyclone infestation? Mold problem? Thank god the cleaner squad patrols this area Seeds from all across the land Agent well-being tech Something to do with mental health Traitor alert The cheerful beeping slowly fades into your mind An incinerator for disposing of bodies, and other smaller things Nurse's station Unfortunately, the doctors have left for the day Surgery in session Apparently, someone grew mold on the outer walls Repetitive and thankless work, probably Hairstylist's shop Agent landscaping Ultimately, it will break down one day, just like everything else his body Agent mistreating Agent diagnosing sick person, needs treatment quick But wait, he's administering the medication himself Strange Antique shop? Seems to sell mostly exotics pet cat Agent stroking Several birds stuffed and put on display Slave-training facilities exist alongside gladiator fighting rings Agent portraying a beaver skull What's going on? A collection of archiving, and strangely, taxidermy a Human-Carbiner war memorial Agent evoking Zoo remains and the taxidermists an old road Homeworld archival information, kept safe inside computers even in this day and age Agent photographing A small library Agent joking around with friends while drinking Someone made a dog-house for his little sidekick You can't help but laugh his pet Agent brushing Trading post Trader with a small-scale operation, mostly limited to exotics and in rarely, other useful things Sundowning See above Smugglers, black market arms dealers and the like Shady deals done in the dark Sanitation and waste treatment Laboratory, not as advanced as the ones in the museum On the upper floors Living quarters and office space for rent statue, simply too large to send somewhere else Colossus Water pump and giant cogs Perhaps a weapon or tool could be made here? Something had been done here before the war Community-dwelling This is where it all began The smell hits your nostrils from the off lived up here once upon a time Muckety-mucks Mercenaries located here, the closest thing to law in this cesspit of crime ceremony of some sort With the expansion of this place, it was inevitable Ribbon-cutting Maybe YOU were involved in building it back in the day? Balloons await their inhabitants, releasing them into the sky Penitentiary Just the place for dangerous criminals unable to be executed, for whatever reason center Cat litter boxes, pet food for the masses Laboratory It has a sophisticated; ) feel to it Grooming Besides Especially with the compound If some shady deals happen to occur now and then, that's to be expected Bartenders lounge and lodge Kitchen and enfilade Laboratory which figures prominently in illegal operations Something about mountains of plastic on hand place Eating Intake leading to the underworld of slums and sewers Meking? Makes a lot of sense with the right market with an ancient vibe Whisky-joint Reminds you of a old flame Lounge Dwelling Dormitory Garage and residential space for mechanics Gangs must have a nice collection of rides Probably at the docks Sodbuster diner Gambling den Personal dwellings fit snugly into the walls Spaceport, pretty active compared to the rest of the vast city Mini-chainsaw from an old toolset Those merc guys sure know how to live life, even if it is on the edge ian kantele, a rare find! Home-brewed alcohol Astryl Toothpaste Can't you just buy that anywhere? Soldier's kit Ancient photo of sleazy dude surrounded by women much younger of a stadium, decades beyond repair Shambles Poor Isabella, her business was in this building before the war Sprinklers are still fully operational daycare and kindergarten, because the future always arrives no matter what Wet-nurse A tour company with trips around the lower floors! mundane propaganda to hippies looking for meaning Chatters Ghetto hospital People are poor and with that comes health issues It's the harsh reality leading to plazas Passageways People had taken to creating their own underground roads, following the natural layout of streets long since collapsed booths of a bygone museum, filled with random trinkets and oddities in jars Curator Alley there certainly was a character Admission Weakness-magnets operating in carnival-like settings Point to point transportation via cable cars On the outside windows, ads for stores selling exorbitant prices dwelling and an isolated grove of trees Natural reservoir supplying the entire warrens Another eerily silent place Homelike pills, packed like sardines and smelling like last week's fishsticks Stepping stones across the small lake Cafffeine here to help with the oldest of old folk Gerontologist Religious headquarters It seems fairly accepting of beliefs, too Tumblebleeds mini-tournament Candy house Can't be any worse than the hospital cafeteria crystals, quality research materials, for a steep price Cognizance Opinions are mixed on whether they are worth it The gang leaders all have themed cells! of wind occasionally blow through the empty corridors Such an ominous sound Gusts Life-prolonging machines, connected to dozens of bodies Wasteland junkyard just out of the blast radius of the initial collapse Surgeries are performed, extractions in particular NecroSurge is filled with such dark magic Apex bunks, naturally are a lot different after the Adjustment No more leagues, no more humanity-wide competitions to see who has the better team Sports league is all that remains of the National Association Mousehole Rotations are 24-man squads competing every ten days is possible, but limited to in-between matches Resurrection You still gather around to see who played best and compete for bragging rights Tom has been playing in every competition as of late, and is the current top goal scorer with 58 end-of-rotation victories under his belt Harmonica is a close second at 50 Mattresses Old Man Parish comes in at 48, with you in third at a close 45 has suffered from endless rotations in the mines and has the worst record at 23 Booty Lack of spectator interest means you sometimes get to sit in the stands for free! Rusted-out Chicago Stadium still hosts the rotations Field is next in the rotation, and it has the best playing lights Phosphorus Floor is last for good reason: main defense turrets look like they pack a hell of a punch Which rotation position do you go for? Automaton High stadium On an elevated deck jutting out from beyond the penalty boxes, you position yourself high enough to get a good view of the playing field Megalomaniac bowl Stadium's notorious for fierce and brutal competition, which was allowed to slide under the radar for some time Dust ' coach Bunsby admitted using bombers as a selling point to earn more wins Patriots Then public outcry made it a hot topic junkies and "purists" still flock here Adrenaline have to walk the furthest, trying to tackle bombers to prevent them from reaching the other team's base Conquistadors Gucks uses a lot of tire spikes Gangrenous Hangnails does a lot of biting handles a lot of knives Jalapenos use acid bombs Faucet (Saffron-cloaked psyker Warseer) uses lightning bolts from his fingertips Prophecy lets Precognition evade opponents with his ability to teleport short distances Triangulation You wonder if there might be a snitch in the crowd leads intense, charismatic stadium chants to bewilder the opposition The plays seem overwhelming and dizzying Preachings Soapbox stands on a soapbox outside the stadium and holds the entire stadium Tyranid players inside with nothing but an amplified voice voids the effects of all stun bombs ; (temporary or permanent) thrown at him Moisture Sermons gives inspiring speeches to players, filling them with conviction and zeal until they are nigh-unstoppable on the playing field is used to sabotage one ; (and only one) permanent trait or ability on an opposing player Lobotomize Decide now Delivery A permanent contract is a big deal Toothbrushes gives inspirational speeches before each match, giving a general influx of confidence to the rest of the team You are leading by example Diamonds have their best hands covered in an impenetrable layer of super- resin, courtesy of Doc is permanently covered in super-resin thanks to Doc He still can feel pain, but he ignores it-- a test subject for withstanding great bodily harm Talisman used Doc's tinkering to add extensions of his major organs outside of his body, giving him a secondary defense should anyone get by his traps Stinky sleeps in an anti-toxin suit with as many anti-toxins coursing through her body at all times, Insecticide Oozes ' armor twists and churns like an abyssal vortex when it surrounds him His impenetrability comes from a true defense rather than enhanced speed sleeps most of the time to avoid conflict, while catching up on all of the important "events" via various newspapers he has his team rotate between Newspapers Diplomats are articulate, rational speakers that argue the justice and morality of breaking contracts Others see them as giant pansies are the leaders among the gladiators, training hard in the arena before large matches to get themselves accustomed to the bloody mayhem that will surely come Jocks sends the strongest ; (and smartest) among the team to fill the role of enforcer/bodyguard Eskiminzins augments the team's best physique ; (and intelligence) with the deriving from that Physique Garden-variety has entire team comes prepared with small batons Chemicals have entire team come prepared with equipment for concoction of mixtures and other drugs Resurrection sends a zealous Necromancer to revive any casualties suffered send out a different themed team for every match Designers sends a team focused on targeting the major/vital organs Anatomy send out a horde of vermine and bugs to trouble the enemy Populations Neuroscience focuses on messing the enemy's head Coffee has his team come prepared with all types of stimulants from fine Arabyan coffee to chems created in a back alleyian lab have explosive acid spitters, and acidic touch Hoppers Lasers have beam weapons that come in different colors, rendering glancing hits mute have a larger-than-normal liver and super-charged metabolism, regening from otherwise harmful attacks Livers has heavy stubber-grade weapons but not enough training to aim properly Nobility Sequins have insanely good reflexes and fast hands, drawing out otherwise quick deaths Vicinity has the entire team come prepared with signal jammers, disorienting their enemies Psionics has the entire team come prepared with psionic abilities has the entire team come prepared, geared with al natural vitamins and nutrients Vitamins Scorpions (nickname for the people to come in) each come prepared with not one or two, but three poision attacks have a hardened exterior and soft interior, playing on each side of an attack to come out on top in most conflicts Watermelons has no weapons to speak of, relying on cunning and treachery to be victorious Dumpster Bravado relies on intimidating others by using the biggest guns, most giant men and loudest speakers Coons use the element of surprise and attempt to blend in Dune Once fooling others they dispense a fine-tuned killing method has weaved a secondary defense layer over their clothes in case their gun was taken, or lost Apocalypse-weave has their team clean all weapons before an attack, granting extra stopping power and accuracy Spit-and-polish have no long-range weapons or aim, but their prowess with close combat weapons is unparalleled Super-soldiers Teetotaler has a given team member extra long life by injecting them with esotheric drugs and potions has a given team member control animals with just a wave of the hand Zoologist has a given team member control a small lizard Thieves have a given team member control security cameras and robot to do their bidding Lizard-on-a-stick Endoskeleton has a given team member who is cybernetically connected to their tools, using their powers for etheir pure destruction or subtlety Phenotype has a given team member jacked into machinery, controlling security systems and granted direct access everywhere has a given team member, with a cybernetic limb that when smoked manifests the pseduo-power of an Acid spitting cobra Moreauvian lest one fall into an underground stream or aquaduct that run beneath it When it comes to entering the earth on must do it very precisly lest one entangle their wings in high-tension wires, antennae, or plumbing chャymes that dwell alongside the streets beνyond You need to enter the air at a precise speed and angle Too fast and your momentum will carry you through the water portal, too steep and you risk a dangerous impact If you return too fast or too steeply bad things will happen again If impact is to shallow then back you go back into space to be frozen The three requirements deceleration heating accuracy of landing or impact You need a precise angle of re-entry into the atmosphere lest you burn up in your attempt to land shell You will need to float the egg in some liquid so you will need to find some liquid that is the same as egg If the egg "pops" you need to start this process all over again making it more likely to break The container will need to be rigid to make sure that the walls do not flex or the egg could bang on the walls Franklin X-90 propellers are your most efficient choice The first flight test is completed with a high rate of success The second flight test is completed with a high rate of success Here's to the aerospace industry developing supersonic commercial flights It will seem at first that your wings are failing as the upward wind will go from generally helpful to downright treacherous be careful and follow procedure!
0 notes
Your A – Z Health & Wellness Bible
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A – Anxiety
Nutritionist Alix Woods explains how CBD oil could help support you when you feel anxious. “Studies show that CBD oil has a stabilising effect on mood. For its mood enhancing effects it indirectly stimulates the 5-HT1A serotonin, ‘happy hormone’ cannabinoid receptors and exerts an anti-anxiety, happy mood effect. The cannabinoid receptors targeted are the same receptors that anti-depressant and anti-anxiety medications target but without the side effects.”
Opt for high quality CBD oil like that from CannabiGold and using a capsule form is a simple way to incorporate CBD into your life as a daily supplement. If you struggle with the earthy taste of cannabidiol, CBD oil capsules could be a great choice for you! CannabiGold Smart Soft Gel Capsules (RRP £9.90, cannabigold) are easy to swallow and break down quickly in the stomach. They also offer superior shelf life profiles when compared to other hemp products, oils or vapes – since they’re completely sealed and air-tight.
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B- Burnout
Psychologist and Psychotherapist Corinne Sweet working in association with ThinkWell-LiveWell, the new mindfulness toolkit for practical people (www.thinkwell-livewell.com) explains why we’re struggling to slow down and relax, “We are finding it hard to slow down and relax due to the increased pace of life at work, home and socially. Constant social media updates, 24/7 news feeds, shops open all hours. Flexible working and zero hour contracts mean old boundaries have melted and we are 'on' continuously. To prevent burnout we need to pace ourselves on a human scale. We need to eat well, sleep adequately, wind down, take exercise, moderate addictive pulls (limit alcohol, caffeine), and learn basic mindfulness techniques to live more in the present.”
Top tip: Try ThinkWell-LiveWell
ThinkWell-LiveWell aims to meet people’s real needs in a practical, accessible way. Its innovations in personalisation and multi-disciplinary experiences take people through a complete process of change and development at the emotional, awareness and behavioural levels – in much the same way as face-to-face counselling or coaching would do. The ThinkWell-LiveWell ‘Mindfulness and More’ toolkit draws on it’s founder Mick’s own multi-modular approach as a therapist to add and combine leading techniques such as cognitive work, NLP, hypnotherapy, guided meditation and dream-work, delivered in both online and offline forms.
C – Cholesterol
“Cholesterol in its own right is not dangerous; it is when it has been damaged by free oxidising radicals that problems occur. Free oxidising radicals are natural by-products of energy production but these molecules can be neutralised by the presence of anti-oxidant nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin E and vitamin C. It is therefore very important to make sure you include fresh fruits and vegetables into your daily diet or consider taking a good anti-oxidant supplement,” advises the UK’s leading nutritionist Dr Marilyn Glenville (www.marilynglenville.com).
For those who are aware that they need to achieve healthier cholesterol levels, Nutritionist and Fitness Instructor Cassandra Barns, explains why it is so important to invest in a red yeast rice supplement. “Red yeast rice is a natural substance created by fermenting red rice with a type of yeast called Monascus Purpureus. The fermentation process produces a substance called Monacolin K, which has been found to help maintain healthy cholesterol levels. It may help lower both total and LDL (‘bad’) cholesterol. Red yeast rice supplements are a popular choice among those who are trying to lower their cholesterol in a more natural way than via medication. Natures Plus Source of Life Garden Red Yeast Rice (www.naturesplus.co.uk, £22.95) is a great organic and high quality option.”
D – Diet
In her latest book, Natural Alternatives to Dieting, Dr Marilyn Glenville uses in-depth research to shed light on trending diets that don’t work and what you can do that really does work. Marilyn shares her expertise on how you can take more effective and realistic steps, through not dieting; in order to become your healthiest version and feel comfortable in your own skin.
Natural Alternatives to Dieting is available on Amazon, (£9.77, www.amazon.co.uk)
E – Elasticity
If your skin is feeling like it has lost it’s elasticity, indulge in the Loss of Elasticity Skin Renewer from D’alchemy. A breakthrough therapy combining advanced ingredients to reverse visible signs of skin ageing. The formula provides a cumulative effect of lifting up, nourishing, thickening and firming of the skin, leaving it elastic and toned. It fills up, smoothens and reduces the depth of wrinkles, eliminates fine lines and unevenness, and neutralizes free radicals responsible for skin ageing. Provides optimum hydration from within, protecting the epidermis against moisture loss and reducing the unpleasant feeling of tight skin. The skin is left perfectly smooth, elastic and firm, filled with vitality and youthful energy. Especially recommended for dry and sensitive skin.
(RRP £45.40,www.dalchemyskincare.uk)
F- Fuel
If you’re sweating out at a spin session, perfecting your shoulder bridge at Pilates or pounding the pavements on a run – it’s important to make sure your body has the fuel it needs. “To perform your best in your workout, I’d say the quality of your diet as a whole is more important than what you eat directly before or after a workout. The food you take in on a daily basis has to give you the vitamins and minerals to convert your food to energy, the protein to support muscle repair, the carbohydrate stores to fuel your muscles, and the antioxidants to help bring down inflammation and support recovery. So, a diet based on whole, real foods is key,” explains Nutritionist & Fitness Instructor Cassandra Barns.
“I’d recommend itsu’s Lean Satay Chicken Zero’ Salad (£5.49, www.itsu.com), which is a good choice for a filling and healthy mid-afternoon meal before strength training or when keeping carbs low, or to have after your strength training workout if you’ll be waiting a few hours until your next meal. Plenty of protein to feed your muscles and fill you up,” adds Cassandra.
G- Gut Health
“People with gut issues suffer from a wide array of symptoms, from cramping and pain to bloating and gas or strong food intolerances. Looking at gut inflammation and at improving gut environment to promote healthy flora is key for long-lasting results,” adds Nutritionist at Natures Plus, Martina Della Vedova (www.naturesplus.com),
Try GI Natural Powder by Natures Plus (£33.75, www.naturesplus.com), which contains 4000 mg of L-Glutamine to help strengthen and repair the mucosal lining of the entire digestive tract. Highly active probiotics, whole food enzymes, prebiotic fibre and other essential co-factors, deliver powerful synergistic activity to ensure total digestive wellness.
Top Tip: “This formula works very efficiently if taken before bed with half glass of warm water: when your digestion is at rest and you are having a temporary fasting, then the ingredients in GI Natural powder work their magic,” explains Martina.
H- Hydration
If you’re feeling worse for wear after a big night – hydration is key! Leading London Nutritionist Lily Soutter (www.lilysoutternutrition.com) advises, “Alcohol is a diuretic, and if fluid levels are not replenished symptoms of dehydration can occur. If you’re suffering with dryness in the mouth, dizziness, weakness or even headaches then you may be dehydrated. Water can also aid with the elimination of acetaldehyde, a toxic by-product that is produced from the breakdown of alcohol, which ultimately may help to improve hangover symptoms. Stay hydrated with water rich foods such cucumber, watermelon, celery and strawberries.”
I – Iodine
Iodine is vital for thyroid function. “Your thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland found in your neck. It may be small, but it plays a huge role in governing your metabolism and thus affects how vibrant you feel,” explains Nutritional Therapist Fiona Lawson. “Seaweed is a true superfood. It is a rich source of iodine perfect for those on a vegan diet or cutting out salt, which may lead to iodine deficiency and seaweed is full of protein too!”
For a seaweed-fuelled scrumptious lunch try itsu’s Mixed Sashimi (£9.99, www.itsu.com).
J- Joke
It turns out that there is some truth to the phrase, ‘laughter is the best medicine’. Marilyn explains, “having a laugh is one of the best remedies for stress – it triggers healthy changes in our body. Many studies show that laughter boosts our energy, decreases stress hormones, improves immunity and diminishes pain. Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, the natural feel-good chemicals that make us happier and relaxed.”
K- Keep Things In Perspective
Achieving a good work/life balance can be tricky at the best of times, but to avoid feeling overwhelmed try to prioritise what actually needs to be done and then what can wait - everyone needs some time out! “There is nothing in your life right now more important than your health. Learn to say no if you feel that you have taken on too much. Being assertive is invigorating and empowering. It also helps to make lists of what is or is not a priority and to tackle the priority tasks first. This will help give you a sense of control over your life,” suggests Marilyn.
L – Libido
Certain nutrients and herbs can be extremely helpful if your sex drives needs a boost. Zinc is essential for hormone balance and sex drive, hence the old wives’ tale of using oysters (which contain high amounts of zinc) as an aphrodisiac. The amino acid l-arginine is important for good blood circulation in those areas, which are important for a healthy sex life. Vitamin B3 helps to reduce fatigue if you feel too tired to have sex. Try NHP’s Libido Support (www.naturalheallthpractice.com, £27.77). This botanical combination contains herdamiana, maca, l-arginine, Siberian ginseng, n-acetyl cysteine, l-histidine, vitamin B3, ginger and rhodiola to increase energy levels, protect against stress and improve sexual performance.
M- Motivation
Chilly weather can definitely knock your motivation. When it’s cold (and especially wet), it can be hard to drag yourself out for a walk - but the endorphins from this active and social pass-time can help give you that extra boost! Persuade your best friend to go with you or join an online community for support. Being with others who share the same interests, goals and hobbies, helps to keep you motivated and creates the often-needed sense of accountability. There are tons of social media groups that you can join, where you can meet likeminded people, share your progress and challenge others.
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N- No energy?
If you’re often feeling zapped of energy it could be down to a lack of iron! A supplement like Natures Plus Hema-Plex can help! These chewables are a convenient way to promote your blood’s health. Iron contributes to the normal formation of blood cells and normal functioning of the immune system. Iron can also support energy yielding metabolism, reduction of fatigue and normal cognitive function- making this chewable iron ideal for the time poor! This supplement is also gluten free and suitable for vegans (RRP £10.95, www.revital.co.uk)
O- Ombar
Ditching the milk chocolate in favour of raw cacao can have a big effect on curbing your sugar hits. Cassandra says, “Cacao itself is actually a super food – it’s high in minerals such as magnesium and, particularly in its raw form, is rich in antioxidant flavonols too. And if you go for a dark chocolate with a high percentage of cacao, it’s relatively low in sugar. OMBAR’s 90% raw cacao bar (RRP £1.99, Ocado) gives you a little lift without the sugar rush.”
P- Pumpkin
“Pumpkin’s rich source of vitamin A means that it is the perfect vegetable for glowing skin. Vitamin A is a key nutrient required for supporting the daily replacement of skin cells, and is critical for the formation of healthy skin. It’s precursor beta-carotene is an antioxidant found in abundance in pumpkin, and has been shown to play a role in protecting skins cells from sun damage, which is critical for the prevention of ageing skin”, explains Lily.
Q - Quit Sugar
Sugar provides no nutritional value and is essentially just empty calories. If you need a little natural help cutting down on those sugary treats, try Natures Plus KetoLiving Sugar Control Capsules (£29.95, naturesplus.co.uk), which help to keep your blood sugar levels stable, minimising the chances of experiencing any peaks and dips that can lead us to temptation.
R- Realistic goals
Wanting to lose weight? Set a goal. “Decide and write down how much weight you want to lose and in what time frame – a fitness instructor or trainer can help you work out a realistic goal. Take measurements at the beginning of your journey, take ‘before’ photos as well as recording simple body weight on the scales. Then take new measurements every two weeks so you can see how you’re progressing towards your goal,” advises Cassandra.
S- Shut-Eye
An element that can elude us when we’re stressed but is essential for our health is sleep! Nutritionist Cassandra Barns explains, “A good night’s sleep can be a great stress-reliever. Unfortunately, of course, sleeping well can be easier said than done when you’re already stressed or anxious. Do what you can to get to bed early enough to get seven to eight hours’ sleep, make sure your bedroom is a calming environment, and set up a good wind-down routine in the evening, such as taking a warm bath. Take a magnesium supplement in the evening too. Magnesium is known as ‘nature’s tranquiliser’ as it’s associated with calming and relaxing properties – it may help you sleep as well as cope better with stress. Try Natures Plus KalmAssure Magnesium Powder (RRP £24.50, www.revital.co.uk).
T- Take Control Of Type 2 Diabetes
For those with Type 2 Diabetes it’s crucial to balance your blood sugar levels!
“Some GPS may be willing to support you taking herbal medicines that can improve glucose levels, such as CuraLin (£59, www.curalife.co.uk) – a blend of 10 traditional Ayurvedic medicinal herbs, including Bitter Melon, Fenugreek, Amla fruit and Turmeric. These herbs are prescribed by Ayurvedic doctors to help support balancing your glucose levels. It’s interesting that CuraLin, as a herbal medicine, has very few side effects and that’s because it has very low levels of ten different herbs in it, so rather than having a high amount of one [ingredient] which is more likely to cause side effects, it has low levels of ten and together they work in several different way to improve glucose control.” explains Dr. Sarah Brewer, working in association with CuraLin, the type 2 Diabetes supplement (www.curalife.co)
U- Up your protein
After water do you know what is the main constituent of our body? Protein! It has such an important role in the body, ranging from muscle growth and repair, creating hormones and enzymes that regulate the metabolism, support the immune system and more! Include eggs, yoghurt, almonds, fish, chicken, lentils and chickpeas into your everyday diet.
V- Veganism
The Vegan trend has quadrupled since 2012[i] and we predict that this popular trend is set to continuously increase with the rise in plant-based alternatives. Customers are now attracted by the Vegan certification on packaging and supplement brands that have been around for years, like Natures Plus, who have worked hard to earn the loyalty of millions of satisfied consumers, are adapting to this need by earning the all important vegan trademark. For example the popular Natures Plus Source of Life Gold Liquid (RRP £34.30, www.revital.co.uk), which provides a complete daily vitamin profile of 13 vitamins and 8 minerals in one 30ml dose a day, has just been vegan certified!
W- Workplace Wellness
According to Lily Soutter, “Our workplace diet can significantly impact our health”. Lily states that when you eat the right food, you create positive energy, which sets the right conditions to succeed. Lily believes the key is to meal plan. Batch cooking such as soups, curries and casseroles, is key to making healthy eating much simpler and you can take it to work with you and avoid over-processed convenience foods. “Batch cooking saves time not only with planning, but prepping and even cooking!”. You can also freeze your dish to enjoy it later as a healthy frozen ready meal.
X- X marks the spot
Experiencing a breakout? Reach for an avocado to help banish those spots. “Avocado is a good source of vitamin E, which is thought to have several roles in skin health. Like vitamin C, it works as an antioxidant so may protect the skin cells against damage from free radicals, which in turn helps to keep your complexion looking refreshed and revitalized,” explains Marilyn.
Y-Your Heart
Support a healthy heart with a good dose of Omega-3 fatty acids. Nutritionist and fitness instructor Cassandra Barns explains why sushi is a great choice to support your heart health. “Sushi can be really good for us because fresh raw fish such as salmon and tuna are packed with nutrients. Salmon in particular is high in those super-healthy omega-3’s, which are great for our heart and brain.” itsu’s most popular dish is the super salmon light and for good reason! Not only is the super salmon light ideal for supporting heart health due to it’s high omega-3 content, it is also high in protein and low in calories. (RRP £6.19, available at itsu stores nationwide)
Z- Zapped?
If you feel like your immunity needs a little boost, why not incorporate more vitamin C into your diet? Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant and contributes to immune defense by supporting various cellular functions of the immune system. Opt for an alkaline form of Vitamin C like NHP’s Vitamin C Support (RRP £16.77, www.naturalhealthpractice.com) which allows for maximum absorption and effectiveness, unlike cheaper more acidic ascorbic acid which is more difficult for the the body to absorb and can act as an irritant!
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Periapical Abscess: What it is, what causes it and how it’s treated
We’ve all experienced toothaches. They can be mild or severe, and can be caused by a variety of factors, with a small portion of them being critical.
If you aren’t suffering from a serious oral or dental issue, most of these toothaches will go away in less than a day with pain killers and some home remedies like saltwater rinses, compresses and clove oil.
However, sometimes the problem isn’t quite so simple. Imagine having a severe, persistent toothache that radiates down your neck, ears, and jawbone. You take painkillers and use every home remedy available in your arsenal, but the pain still doesn’t go away. In addition, you have a fever and swollen lymph nodes in your neck, and you experience sensitivity to chewing, cold, and hot foods, and even experience swallowing or breathing difficulties.
If this is ever the case, you might be suffering from a periapical abscess. A periapical abscess is an infection on one of your teeth and it is considered a critical oral health issue. A periapical abscess can cause you to lose the infected tooth and, if not treated properly, it can cause serious or even life-threatening complications.
In this article, we’re going to break down what a periapical abscess is, what causes it, what treatment methods are available, and some pain–relieving home treatments to try while you wait to see your dentist. In any case, make sure to see your dentist as soon as possible if you suspect you’re suffering from an abscess.
Fast facts on dental abscesses
A dental or tooth abscess is a pus pocket associated with a specific, damaged tooth. It can happen to patients of any age group and will not heal on its own. There are four types of abscesses that can occur in different regions of the tooth:
The periapical abscess is an infection that occurs at the tip of the root
The periodontal abscess begins in the soft tissues that surround a healthy tooth
The gingival abscess is a type of abscess that affects the gum tissue
The pericoronal abscess that results from an infected crown in a tooth
Every type of abscess has its own level of severity and set of symptoms. In this article, we’re going to focus on the periapical abscess.
Causes of a periapical abscess on a tooth
In a glance, a periapical abscess can happen when any bacterial infection makes its way into the innermost part of a tooth, the dental pulp. The dental pulp is the heart of our tooth because it contains its blood vessels and nerves.
However, we all know how hard our teeth are. As a result, bacteria making their way into the heart of a tooth isn’t going to happen overnight. Let’s break down the processes that ultimately allows bacteria to enter deep inside our pearly whites, later leading to complications like periapical abscesses.
To begin with, bacteria are present everywhere around and inside us. In fact, a study has shown that there are ten times more bacteria than human cells in the body, with a staggering number of 39 trillion bacterial cells inhabiting every one of us! A relatively small number of this colony (about 6 billion) inhabit the mouth.
Factors like diet, poor oral hygiene and plaque, can enable some of these bacteria to release acids. These acids will attach to the tooth enamel (which is the protective shield of our teeth) and then starts dissolving it, resulting in the formation of tiny holes on the teeth. These tiny holes have a very famous name: tooth decay!
If a tooth is cracked or has these tiny holes due to tooth decay, more bacteria can enter through them, dissolve the soft tissue layer under the enamel, and eventually find their way into our tooth’s heart (the pulp). There, they infect and wreak havoc on the tooth’s blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue, and can end up killing the tooth in time.
However, the infection doesn’t end there. If the abscess is not treated, chances are that the infection will eventually spread to other areas, too, including the jaw, neck, and head, causing all sorts of infections including sepsis, which is life-threatening.
Symptoms of a periapical abscess
The main symptom of a periapical tooth abscess is pain. The pain is usually severe, but sometimes it can be tolerable. Other symptoms that may reveal a periapical tooth abscess include:
Pain in the jaw, neck or ear (stretching up from the tooth)
A bad taste in the mouth
Swollen lymph nodes
Swelling in the cheeks
Redness in gums
Sensitivity in chewing
Sensitivity to hot and cold foods
Difficulties in swallowing and breathing
Note: The sum of these symptoms all at once makes for a critical situation. If you experience difficulties in breathing or swelling, get care immediately. If your dentist isn’t available, go to an emergency room as soon as possible.
Treatment and tips to ease the symptoms
A periapical tooth abscess can’t be treated at home and won’t just “go away on its own.” You have to visit your dentist as soon as possible if you experience the symptoms mentioned above or have reason to believe you might have developed a periapical abscess or other serious oral infection.
Dental abscesses are generally treated by removing the source of the infection and draining away the pus. Depending on the severity of the infection, possible treatments may include:
Root canals: If your tooth is still alive, this is the procedure of getting the tooth filled and sealed after removing the abscess from its root.
Tooth extraction: If it’s too late for your tooth and a root canal is not possible, your dentist will remove the tooth to cure the infection.
While you are waiting to see your dentist, here are some home tips that can help ease the symptoms of an oral periapical abscess:
Use painkillers to control your pain (Ibuprofen is generally the preferred painkiller for dental abscesses, but paracetamol can be used as well, according to the NHS)
Avoid cold, hot and hard-to-chew foods—instead, eat room-temperature, soft foods
Rinse your mouth twice a day with salt water
Mix baking soda with water and swish it in your mouth
Use a cold compress
Use clove oil and “oil pulling” (click here for our last blog about at-home teeth health for more information)
To recap, a periapical tooth abscess is a critical infection that cannot be treated on its own. The home tips listed above can help you while waiting to see your dentist and can help with the pain and other symptoms. However, the most important thing is to see a dentist as soon as possible.
The post Periapical Abscess: What it is, what causes it and how it’s treated appeared first on Fort Worth Dentist | 7th Street District | H. Peter Ku, D.D.S. PA.
Periapical Abscess: What it is, what causes it and how it’s treated posted first on http://dentistfortworth.blogspot.com
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