#It's sad this song got disqualified for such a shitty reason at that
acgames · 4 months
For some reason one of my mornings started by listening to Netherland's this year's disqualified entry (because I missed second semi-final to see it be performed) and frankily Joost Klein's "Europapa" became my morning hit.
Now every morning, before I leave for work I listen to that particuliar song. It's now a tradition. And I absolutely love it.
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miasswier · 6 years
miasswier’s ultimate glee ranking: no 47
47: New York
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Written by: Brad Falchuk Directed by: Brad Falchuk
Overall Thoughts: Much like the finale of season one, this one feels like the perfect ending to a wonderful season. It feels hopeful and inspired, and almost everyone gets their moment in the limelight, even if that moment is brief. Plus, all the kids excitement about being in New York is kind of contagious. Every time I watch this episode I kind of want to book a plane to New York and never come back.
What I Like:
THE MUSIC. Fuck me, the music in this episode is awesome. There’s literally one song I don’t care for. Considering there’s a decent amount of singing in this episode, I think that’s pretty good.
Rachel is so fucking adorable and earnest in this episode. I really wish we’d gotten to see more of this Rachel in season four-onward. Just, wide-eyed and bushy-tailed, feeling blessed to even be in New York at all. It’s so invigorating, and like I already said, it’s kind of infectious.
The scene where Santana and Brittany comfort Quinn. I find Quinn saying “Thanks Santana but I’m really not that into that” particularly hilarious knowing they hook up like, two seasons later.
Rachel getting redemption over how shitty she treated Sunshine, even if it does feel two parts too-little-too-late and two parts who-the-fuck-cares-anymore.
“You’re in New York. The city of love.” “I thought that was Paris.”
Sam and Mercedessssssssssss
Santana screaming at Finn and Rachel in the hotel room after Nationals.
“He did seem kind of crazy. He charged my credit card by swiping it through his butt crack.”
Kurt adorably teasing Finn and Finn just smiling and rolling his eyes, like fuck, it makes me so sad that we got so few moments where these two just get to be brothers.
That shot of Rachel through the bubbles is amazing.
Kurt and Rachel sneaking off to have Breakfast at Tiffany’s and sneaking into the Gershwin.
We get three consecutive scenes of my absolute favourite Glee couples – Klaine, Samcedes, Brittana. And all three scenes are AMAZING.
The costumes! They all look so good!
Brittany’s little speech about how much she loves Glee club, and then how much she loves Santana. Also Santana’s Rachel Berry voodoo doll, because she would.
Seriously. Sam and Mercedes. I love them.
The security guard at the Gershwin who you can just tell gets this shit like twice a week and is just over it and doesn’t even care anymore.
I don’t know if anything will ever bring me as much pure, unadulterated joy, as the look on Blaine’s face as he tells Kurt that he loves him.
What I Don’t Like:
It’s not so much that I don’t like that there’s so much focus on Finchel, it’s just that basically, aside from Finchel, the only plot is Nationals, so it feels like there’s a lot of focus on just two characters for a huge chunk of the episode.
Like, I don’t know, I always tune out about the whole Will going to Broadway stuff so that they actually have a big scene about it here feels off? They didn’t give the story that much attention, so it didn’t actually feel real, so it doesn’t feel that emotional when Will says he won’t go? I don’t know, maybe that’s just me.
It’s literally insane to me that ND didn’t beat VA in this competition. Yeah, Sunshine has a nice voice, but their song was boring and not at all inspired? No wonder they fired Goolsby like what’s the deal with this selection? ND was way better. It’s frustrating too, because in “Nationals” VA is actually better than ND, but that is when ND wins. What is the logic?!
Quinn’s big plan for New York ended up being a single attempt to get Kurt and Rachel suspended and therefore disqualify the team from Nationals. I know there was supposed to be something else that was cut, but this just feels so anticlimactic after how intense she was at the end of the last episode.
There were multiple mentions throughout the season about how Kurt was going to be the reason they took Nationals, and then they didn’t even give him a solo. I guess that’s why you lost, you dummies.
My Cup: Hilarious. Glee was at its most cracky when they wrote shitty original songs. Love it.
I Love New York/New York, New York: I LOVE this mash-up. One of my favourite Glee mash-ups of all time. So fucking good.
Still Got Tonight: Listen, I get that this was just Matt Morrison plugging his solo album (did anything even come of that, anyway?), but I still like the song. And it’s a short performance, so we don’t have to sit through too much of Will just by himself.
Bella Note: I like this song too! I mean, I like all the songs, but you know. It’s sweet, and it’s actually kind of cool to have a song be about Finchel but not sung by Finchel. Although, the guys aren’t actually there, right? Cause sometimes it seems like they actually are. They aren’t. They can’t be? How fucking awkward would that be if they were.
For Good: I really love the original version of this song, and I think they did it really well on the show. Although I will admit that it makes me sad that they cut my favourite part.
Yeah!: I like the original of this song, so of course I like the cover, even if I didn’t think it was all the necessary to include in the episode (there’s already a shit-ton of singing, and they could have used the time to give VA another, more upbeat, number).
As Long as You’re There: I don’t care. I don’t care. I’m sorry, I just don’t care.
Pretending: One of the few Finchel duets I actually go out of my way to listen to. I like it a lot. I think it’s sweet, and really captures their journey in this episode!
Light Up the World: I am 99% sure that this is my favourite original song that Glee did. It’s so poppy and fun, and almost everyone gets a line! An awesome song for a competition, and just in general!
Final Thoughts: An awesome season finale to an awesome season. It holds it’s own against “Journey to Regionals”, and definitely blows “Goodbye” and “All or Nothing” out of the water. It’s just fun and exciting and hope and joy and glee. I like it. I really like it.
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