#It's also the least Inoue show he's done from what I've heard
pokestine · 4 days
I can't tell if the cops in Agito are deliberately wildly incompetent or if this is what Inoue thinks a competent police force looks like
Actually this is a common problem I have with Inoue's work, I can't tell if my reaction is the intended outcome here
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shi-daisy · 5 years
Black Moon Rising Pt.1
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Hello my dear shippers! For day 5 and 6 of Ulquihime Week I'll be making a two part lil' fic. I've had this idea for a while and I thought it would be fun to play with.
So most of you know I have a full length Ulquihime fic on FF.net and on Wattpad. It's basically an AU where Orihime saved Ulquiorra and he went on to live with her in Karakura. That's the shortest version of the plot anyway. So this is sorta like a 'what if' with that plot. Orihime still saved Ulquiorra, but instead of him going with her and becoming more human, she turns into an Arrancar and crosses over to his side. Hope you all like!
Ulquihime Week -Day 5- Protect/Blood
Black Moon Rising (Pt. 1)
The carnage between the two hollows had covered the silvery sand in crimson.
Orihime was desperately trying to heal Uryu, as Ichigo had tried stabbed him earlier.
"Inoue, please don't waste your time here. Just run and get to safety."
"I'm not going to leave you behind Ishida-kun! You're bleeding badly and Kurosaki is still in that awful form, so I don't care how much you tell me to leave, I'm staying here!"
He didn't argue further and let Orihime heal him. From the smoke around them, she couldn't see either Ichigo or Ulquiorra. 'What happened to them?'
That question was swiftly answered when she felt a dark pressure beside her. It was Ichigo, and his hollow mask hadn't cracked. Ulquiorra was nowhere to be found.
Orihime put herself between Ishida and Ichigo, calling up a shield just in case. “Stay back Kurosaki-kun! " Her tone was fearful. In truth, she didn't like yelling, especially not at Ichigo, but there wasn't anything else she could do. He had already proven he couldn't be reasoned with.
The hollow growled, not too keen on the suggestion of stepping aside. With one motion of his blade, Orihime's golden shield was shattered.
The hollow began charging another cero between it's horns. Orihime tried to conjure up another shield but knew it wouldn't be fully materialized in time. She closed her eyes, hoping Uryu's wounds would be fully healed before she died. 'At least one of us needs to survive.'
But death didn't come. Before Ichigo could blast then, Ulquiorra apeared behind him, breaking one of Ichigo's horns with his spear.
The cero was redirected, and once again smoke covered the area.
"I can see Kurosaki. I think he's back to normal."
Orihime nodded, checking Uryu's wounds one last time before investigating. "Your wounds are healed. If something happens to me, you must run, Ishida-kun."
With that she left. The smoke was slowly fading and she could see Ichigo finally waking up. He looked as if that hollow transformation hadn't happened, and his wounds were fully healed. 'Typical, he never needed me to heal him before, why should he start now?' Orihime then began looking for Ulquiorra, she found him in a worst state than she imagined.
The Cuarta Espada was out cold, his body burned and bloody so badly that she doubted it could be repaired.
"Ulquiorra!" Orihime kneeled down on the sand, placing his head on her lap. His eyes were slowly opening. She quickly cast Soten Kisshun, it wasn't working.
"Woman, what are you doing?" Ulquiorra spoke, his voice was as monotone as always.
"What does it look like doing?! I'm trying to save you!"
"Nonsense. I have lost the battle, I deserve to perish."
"Like hell! I'm going to heal you and that's final, so shut up!"
She didn't know where that sudden burst of anger came from until tears fell down her face. Ulquiorra's wounds were not healing, even with her power.
Desperation began to take over as the blood kept on pouring.
'No, no, no! I can't let him die!'
"I told you, it's useless. Leave me here. Your friends did as you said and came to protect you, it wouldn't be fair for their efforts to go to waste."
"What about you?! Who protects you?!"
It was getting hard to see with her watery eyes, still she caught Ulquiorra's vivid expression. His emerald eyes were widened in surprise, she'd never seen Ulquiorra show any emotion before. It suited him.
"Orihime, listen to me, and listen well. You're the only person that cares if I live or die. That's more than I ever expect to have. Just leave me be, and save yourself."
She wouldn't. She wouldn't abandon him. Not even if he begged her to.
Their earlier conversation came to mind, when he put his hand on her chest and asked her about the heart. She could sense it, the sadness and longing that he kept hidden under a layer of nihilism. From that moment onwards she promised herself, she would show Ulquiorra what it was like to have a heart, if just to see her warden smile. She didn't expect things to go so wrong. 'Why? Why do I always have to be the one 'protected'? Why does it always lead to pain?'
"Ever since I was a child, I've relied on others for protection. My brother, my friends, they've all kept me safe and sound. I'm grateful, truly I am, but whenever they do that it makes me feel like a burden. I can't fight, or train, I'm helpless!
No one ever took me seriously, until you," Orihime swallowed hard to keep from sobbing. "There were times you were cold and cruel, but you never thought less of me! You never treated me as if I was made of glass! You're the only person who's ever done that! So, please Ulquiorra, let me be the protector for once. Let me save you!"
Ulquiorra didn't say anything, he raised his hand to wipe away her tears. "Forgive me. I wish I could've spend more time with you. You're truly a unique woman, Orihime Inoue."
She put her her hand over his, it was slowly turning into ashes.
'No! I can't let him die! I'll do anything!'
Orihime felt her hairpins glow warm, they were almost burning her hair.
'Orihime! Can you hear us?'
Her Rikka spirits were communicating with her.
'Yes. I can hear you all."
'There is a way to save the Arrancar, but it comes at a very high price.'
'Whatever it is, I'll do it!'
'You must tear your heart in half, and recite an incantation. It shall restore him to full health, but it will also turn you into an Arrancar.'
She'd be a hollow, eternally trapped in Hueco Mundo, with no chance of ever seeing Tatsuki, or her brother again. To anyone else this would've been a hard choice, yet she didn't hesitate.
One look at him was all it took for her mind to be set. 'You wanted a heart, I shall give you mine.'
'I'll do it."
Her Rikka told her where to cut, so that the process wouldn't kill her. It was unsightly, to hold her own beating heart in her hands, yet here she was. As instructed, Orihime let some of the blood pour into Ulquiorra's hollow hole. Then she began chanting the incantation.
"Turn back the sands of time and heal what had been broken. Don't let him go with so many words unspoken. With this heart I seal my vow to protect. Soten Kisshun, I reject!" With all the strength she could muster Orihime gripped the organ tightly, completely crushing it.
The words came into being and a blinding yellow glow inundated the area. Orihime felt her consciousness slipping away, her head was aching, and her chest felt very heavy. Before surrendering to darkness she heard Ulquiorra calling her name.
'It is done.' she smiled and let herself slip away.
Ulquiorra still couldn't comprehend what happened. One moment he was prepared to face oblivion, the next Orihime was preforming a strange ritual on him that concluded with a blinding golden light. It made his memories all the more blurry.
He was fully healed. His limbs and organs were fully restored, even the horn Kurosaki has torn off grew back.
'What did she do?!'
He had lived for almost five centuries, yet he hadn't feel true desperation until today.
Orihime was sleeping, or at least that's what he hoped. He turned her over and gasped, her face was serene, adorned with a smile on her red lips, but also with markings. Markings that resembled his own all too well. Her hair was longer, cascading down to her waist like liquid fire. Her clothes also changed from white to black, and her head had two black horns coming from it. 'She's an Arrancar...'
"Orihime. Orihime wake up!" He tried to keep his composture, but the worry was palpable in his voice.
Orihime stirred awake. Her eyes no longer silver but rather gold. She blinked a few times before fully waking.
"Ulquiorra! You're alive!" She jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly.
He could feel her trembling with every sob. Without hesitation he returned the hug. "You said you didn't want to cry anymore." He told her firmly.
Orihime giggled. "These are happy tears!"
He didn't protest any further, helping her stand up when she let go. "Thank you, Orihime."
She smiled, placing her hand on his cheek as he'd done to her before.
A nearby pressure startled the both of them. Orihime's friends had finally caught up to them. They did not look happy.
Ulquiorra considered hiding Orihime behind him, but immediately shook the thought away. The woman didn't need anyone to protect her, much less now.
Still, he held onto her hand. She didn't let go either. They both knew it was likely things would end in blood.
To be continued...
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