#It's Sabine (pronounced like “it's a bean!”)
satans-knitwear · 4 months
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Ft the beanie baby pretending to be big (she has the high ground)
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max--phillips · 3 years
Y’know how if you take a language in high school, the textbooks use the same like... dozen or so names that are commonly used in the region where the language is spoken and use those repeatedly for the entire course?? In my German class, one of those names was Sabine, pronounced “sa-bean-ah” so EVERY TIME I see Sabine Wren’s name written out I pronounce it wrong in my head!! EVERY time!!!
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docgold13 · 5 years
Different anon: I’d never thought about Admiral Thawn trying to pronounce Hera’s name in the proper Twi’Lek way before. It makes so much sense though. As for why Jaycen didn’t get his mom’s lekku, I just assumed he didn’t inherit that DNA. And I’d thought that Ezra was Arab and Kanan was black, but it’s ambiguous enough for different interpretations and it’s cool you interpret it a different way-right on.
Cool beans.  Yeah, I mean human ethnicity doesn’t seem to be a big issue in the Star Wars universe.  I guess in a galaxy inhabited by so many different species, the subtle differences in human appearance gets put into perspective.  
Alas that very much isn’t the case here in the real world.  As such, more representation remains super important.  Growing up, it was very cool for me that I looked a bit like Luke Skywalker... it offered confidence and made me feel like I could be important.  Other kids should get to feel that way too and I like the idea that Ezra is Indian or Middle Eastern.  And if anyone choses to see him as something else, as white or Black or Asian, or mixed... that’s cool too.  Likewise with Kanan and Sabine too.
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rosen-ritter · 6 years
Someone Was Changing from the Inside Out - Prologue Notes
Hello, everyone! I’m about to post the first real chapter of my new fic after posting the prologue on Monday (and also reply to everyone who has left comments there). So this means that here on tumblr I’m going to start posting my notes for the previous chapter. The day I post a new chapter on AO3, I post notes or context pertaining to the previous chapter. So let’s begin!
On Daemons in General:
I feel like daemons are pretty straightforward in the prologue and don’t require too much additional context, at least so far. This part of the notes will be WAAAAY longer in the future, I think, haha.
On Specific Daemons:
Tallulah: I picked her name because it sounds nice and Southern-y. But also because I had Will’s daemon’s name picked out first, and I wanted a theme with him and his dad. So, Tallulah’s name specifically comes from the Tallulah River/Tallulah Gorge state park area that lies on the Georgia/South Carolina Border. She is an irregular (extra large) hellbender. Pronunciation: tuh-LOO-lah
Sabine: Sabine’s name is half nod to the many classical artworks based on the abduction of the Sabine women by early Romans, half reference to the Sabine River/wildlife refuge area that borders Texas and Louisiana. Since Will is only five in this prologue, she is unsettled. I know there are many ways to pronounce the name Sabine, but I’m going with the one I’ve only ever heard as someone born and raised in Texas: suh-BEAN.
Faustus: His name comes from Latin, derived from a word meaning “favor” or “fortunate”, and also for Faust, the German legend of dealing with the Devil. He is a great blue heron, specifically the kind with grey plumage. He seems to be able to travel pretty far... Pronunciation: FOW (rhymes with ‘pow’)-stuhs
Vytautus: The name for Mischa’s daemon comes from a Lithuanian national hero. As Mischa is only around five in this chapter, he is unsettled. And, unfortunately, always will be. Pronunciation: VEE-tow-tuhs, though if any Lithuanians are reading, please correct me.
Aušrinė: Hannibal’s daemon is named for the ancient Lithuanian goddess of the dawn, who represents the Morningstar. It was too tempting considering other notable Morningstars. Because Hannibal has just turned 16 in the prologue, she has not yet settled. Pronunciation: oh-SHREE-nay. Again, please correct me, Lithuanians.
That’s it for now! I’ll be back for another one of these once the second chapter is ready to post. 
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