#It's Jaspern. They're talking to Jaspern.
soulsxng · 1 year
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"Nothing against my name from my former life-- there's quite a few people around Ahnia that still call me Lierik instead of Jaspern, and I couldn't care less. But there's something about the way Creation always says it that pisses me the fuck off."
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soulsxng--a · 6 years
Jaspern, how do you know that Mikah isn't just using you for your power and status? I bet they have a lot of enemies that they conveniently have protection from now that they're with you!
One dark brow raises, and the reaper glowers at the person asking. Amber eyes glinted and glowed, and when he spoke, the sharp point of fangs were visible. Whoever this was, they were walking a very dangerous line. 
“I don’t know who you think you are to attempt to make me doubt Mikah, but you’re going to have to do much worse than that.” the words were spit out venomously, and his head turned up so that he could give them a decidedly disgusted glare. “What, are you trying to suggest that I’m better than they are? That they need me? Perhaps you haven’t noticed, but they’re perfectly capable of watching their own back; they don’t ask me for any help in that respect.” Though there were plenty of times the reaper wished they would. They just weren’t that type of person, though.
Any protection that the thief received from Jas was essentially forced on them, as much as the reaper hated to admit it. 
“You should also take into account the fact that they’re still working for me. Helping me deal with my own enemies, even thought they don’t have to. If anything, being in a relationship with me puts Mikah in more danger than they already are.” And yet, with Jassie they stayed. He didn’t understand it one bit. They weren’t gaining much of anything, other than the love of a broken reaper that –in his firm opinion– didn’t deserve them in the slightest.
“Call me naive if you’d like, but I know for a fact that Mikah would never use me– for anything. Obviously if I have to tell you that though, you don’t know them at all. And in all honesty, who’s to say that you aren’t one of their enemies, trying to hurt them? Maybe I should just take care of you before you can do any damage, mm?” Jas was smiling now, but it was stiff and cold, not reaching those still-shining amber hues in the slightest. It was mostly talk, for now, but if they decided to stay, the reaper couldn’t promise that he wouldn’t get violent.
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soulsxng · 1 year
[  ALMOST KISS  ]  Kamii for a Jassie
They'd been arguing that day, not that it was that much of a surprise. Both Jas and Kamii were notoriously stubborn, and had few qualms about speaking their minds...even if that meant disagreeing with one another. As was the case tonight, evidently...though at least now, it seemed like his wife was trying to get him riled up for more than just a little bickering. Her lips now hovered inches from his own as she taunted him, and oh, he'd hardly processed a word she said the moment she got in his face like that.
Only to step back and whirl around the moment their lips were about to connect.
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"...What are you looking so smug for, hmm?"
Amber eyes narrowed immediately, and before she could get more than a few steps, Jas had grabbed her wrist. His lips crashing against Kamii's after he'd spun her around and pinned her to the closest wall.
"Isn't it you that's usually saying to finish what you started? So...why are you trying to run off, Kam?"
One hand trailed down her side as he spoke against her lips, settling at her waist for a moment as he busied himself with another indulgent kiss. Slipping lower to grope at her ass with a knowing smile, and a soft, playful gasp.
"You haven't been doing all this arguing to try getting me to be mean like this, have you? No, you would never do such a thing-- not my beautiful wife. Right? That would be cruel."
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soulsxng · 2 years
♦ What was a mildly annoying thing that has happened to you rp wise?
☀ What's your rp pet peeve?
☢ What fads/trends are you so over?
@arcxnumvitae | The Monday Salt | Accepting!
♦ What was a mildly annoying thing that has happened to you rp wise?
I had one mutual a while back that I was really looking forward to writing with, and it went super wrong. I'll preface this by saying that when we followed each other, it was the week I was getting married and going on my honeymoon, and was going to be really sparse for about two weeks.
Once I got back, I messaged them to ask if they might want to get a thread started, and they got back to me immediately to say yes, they were interested in Kadios, and in Jaspern, and they already had two of their muses in particular they wanted to use for it. I was like "Cool, they're always pretty easy to start stuff with, but fair warning, it looks like the muse you want to have interact with Kade is deaf, so there is going to be a language barrier there initially." Because Kade can't really use a translation charm or whatever to communicate with them if it's not a verbal thing. At least not that he knows how to use.
Which was fine with me, because that could be a really interesting dynamic, as they learn to interact with and understand each other. But they said they didn't like the sound of that, and so I said suggested that we could figure out an AU, that way I could feasibly make a reason as to why Kade would have known ASL already. (In his normal verse, he's a shifter that had spent most of his life in his beast form, and...had only just started staying in Gaea within the last year or two, so he didn't know any human languages, let alone ASL specifically)
They got frustrated with me, saying that they were no longer interested in Kade because I wasn't willing to make it so he would just know ASL "for her muse" that he didn't even know yet.
Oooookay. A little frustrating, and I was starting to get kind of an odd vibe, but I gave it another shot.
So I say "That's alright, I'm sorry it didn't work out, but we can still figure out something for -insert their muse's name- and Jaspern, if you want!"
And then they got all excited again, and told me that they had been reading some threads between me and another mun on here (who I'd been writing with for like two years at that point). They talked about how much they loved the ship between Jas and the other muse, but that they thought it would be fun if they could put their muse in it as like...as a mistress (or whatever the dude version of a mistress is lol), essentially.
Like, they expected Jas to just...cheat on this other muse, who he had a bunch of history with by then...with their muse that he didn't know at all...and end up having a love triangle/rivalry thing.
I put the brakes on that immediately, because like...first off, I don't usually just throw my muses into a ship instantly unless there's been a LOT of plotting beforehand. And even if I do put them in a straight up ship right away, it has to be someone that I've written with before, and I know how we mesh together, yknow?
Secondly, I won't even consider that if I haven't spoken to the other mun involved. Let alone for a ship that I'm so attached to in the first place-- I didn't even want to ask because of that alone, because it would literally have felt like spitting in my friend's face?
But they kind of got the picture and backed off (after arguing for a minute about how they would contact the other mun to get their permission, because they were "really convincing" and felt they could get them to agree, and I told them I wasn't comfortable with that), and instead said that they would "compromise" by just having their muse in their own ship with Jas...but only if it was exactly like this relationship he already had with the other muse from the relationship they'd wanted their muse to try to break up!
I was fed up and irritated, told them no, that wasn't cool, and got a big long post made about how I was unreasonable, and bitchy, and how they had tried to contact me multiple times and I "took forever to respond for like two weeks" (I WAS GETTING MARRIED--), so they "should have listened to that red flag, and saved [themself] the emotional trauma".
...Nobody took it seriously, which was a relief, and I ended up blocking them, but like????
What the heck man??????? Weird!
☀ What's your rp pet peeve?
Pretty much the above. People trying to force my muses into super specific or unreasonable things with theirs. Or trying to force relationships and stuff after I said either that I wouldn't be comfortable with it, or that it wouldn't really be feasible with my muses.
It's one thing to be like "Hey, I saw this cool AU idea, and it made me think of your muse! Would you be interested in doing something like that?", and another to be like "I've already thought out exactly what I want from my muse and your muse, and so your muse is going to do this, this, and this--", yknow?
☢ What fads/trends are you so over?
Super fancy post editing and stuff. ^^;;
Like listen, if that's your thing, and you enjoy spending time making your replies and icons and formatting look super sparkly and cute, that's great! Do your thing!
I just find that I end up getting distracted by all of it. Or, honestly, I'm not able to read the teeny, tiny, light pink writing, because my eyes are bad. So I don't really make a habit of interacting with too many people that do it unless their writing really draws me in.
Honestly I don't even care if you use icons at all. As long as you cut your posts when things get long, and we're enjoying the thread we have together, I'm happy!
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soulsxng · 1 year
Main muses that Nyl will have his mask off around (percentage in parenthesis is for how often)
- Jaspern: Tried to kill Jas one time, and they've been buddies ever since. (75/25) - JJ: He's known JJ since the kid was in the womb tbh. (50/50) - Melchior: If he's around Io, his mask is off. Always. Used to be engaged. (100/0) - Darrow: Least close of the drinking buddies. They bicker a lot, but if you talk shit about either of them, they're immediately reaming you for it. (50/50. Maybe 60/40) - Pythius: Met officially through Io, though Nyl had done work for Py before that. Chaos bros. (75/25) - Eleare: Kind of depends on if they're currently "hit it" or "quit it" at the moment. (40/60) - Niesal: If Nyl ever claimed he had an actual protege, it would be Nesa (50/50)
Other: - Ellaria: His daughter. Very few people know about her though. He rarely wears a mask around her. (90/10) - Arrebu, his grandson. Very expressive with the baby. SO expressive with the baby. It's precious and I live for it. Even fewer people know about Boo, though. (90/10) - Zahine. They're murder buddies. Also that was...sort of gonna be his in law for a little bit there. (75/25) - Eluvias is his unofficial little brother. Again, was gonna be his in law for a minute. (90/10) - The ex-Elyki members that now work for Io, too. He's been working with all of them for a long time, now. (40/60) - Alteo...similar to Eleare, depends on if they're fucking. Unlike Eleare, Nyl actually gets along with Teo outside of sex, though. (70/30) - Tee, Alteo's son. He's known Tee since he was a baby. (50/50) - If he's having sex with someone, the mask is off. That's also kind of the exception to the last post too, in that people he's sleeping with have seen him more expressive than he usually is.
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soulsxng · 1 year
Do you have any other verses you like using?
I do! I would say I have 4...technically 5 that I use most often/have the most built up, including the main verse. So I'll talk a little bit about those!
Main verse: What it says on the tin. Current day stuff for all of the muses, that progresses bit by bit as I write little drabbles to further their stories. I default to this, unless otherwise specified! *slaps the blog page* I can fit all kinds of stuff in here honestly, and I swear to you that I have lore for DAYS that I will hit you with if you're interested.
Past verse: This can technically be split into two different AUs, but I usually just refer to them as the same thing. One is just...literally what it says. I like to use this with some of the older muses, and exploring relationships they had with people when they were younger, different people. And then moving into how that would effect them current day, eventually. I usually have two or three different spots in the older muses stories that I'll look into starting interactions for this verse-- usually after different major occurrences in their lives. The other way, is more like a past life verse. Some muses, such as Jaspern and Jawyr, Orin, Ezra, Niesal, and Zeqyabin have at least one other lifetime before their current one. So it's mostly just exploring how another muse would fit into their pasts, and see how it would have changed things for them. Maybe it's building up to one of those "Muse A and Muse B are drawn together in each lifetime", or "Muse A and Muse B were close friends/family/lovers in Muse A's past life, and before they died, Muse B promised they would find them again in their next life." types of things. I really like doing past life/past verse stuff, if you can't tell. It's a lot of fun seeing how it changes the muses stories, and even how it might effect them when they're reincarnated again.
Mafia/crime verse: Does this mean a human verse? Hahaha. No. No, it does not. For some reason, I'm literally incapable of keeping my muses human ever, I just like the whole fantasy vibe, I dunno. But, things are limited to the human realm, and a lot of the muses are MUCH younger, and less powerful. Some of them even have different species. Essentially though, all of the muses are part of a more underground type scene. For example, the angels and demons form the Cielante crime family, who have their hands in everything from politics, to law, to medicine and pharmaceuticals, all to keep their status and keep their less savory business practices hidden. Jaspern and JJ run a sort of mercenary group with their family, Sivel and the Eszenras, Kadios and the other Aifaen, and Fekik and the other Setana. And yes! They actually all get along here! Shocker, I know. But they're essentially a for hire company that can and will do anything from protection, infiltration, hacking, weapons manufacturing, spying, procuring specific goods or information, murder, kidnapping...pretty much whatever, tbh.
Royalty verse: Gonna be honest, for some of the muses, this is going to be a tweaked version of their past verse. For the most part though, It follows a handful of different kingdoms-- generally I just stick to the realms that the original four species are from, Ahnia, Setia, Vasyri, and the Aifaen Plains as the main ones I use.
Story essentially follows the royals and rulers of these lands, as well as the people close to them. A lot of stuff I use this verse for is like...the arranged marriages/forbidden love, or war time stuff, or knight sworn to their king/queen/leader, muses that got banished from a kingdom, and are trying to get revenge sort of plots. I have fun with this one because some of the drama that can pop up is just hilarious to me, as well as being the most heart wrenching thing ever.
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