#It was hilarious i've been laughing for the past 5 minutes at him
hime-bee · 12 days
Guy I'm flirting with told me to sit on his face and I was like "nah, I'd prolly crush you, my ass is big" and bro was not phased, dude said "CRUSH ME, KILL ME" 😭😭😭
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amloveabledeathmo · 6 months
I love all of your asks! Thank you so much for initiating! You always have interesting things to ask people so here's an ask for you in return. What is a funny thing that happened to you? For me, it was when I was working as a forestry technician and I had to go to the bathroom out in the wilderness. I told my male partner "don't look" and hopped into the bushes to do my business. I pulled my pants down to my ankles, braced myself against a big, old tree, and just as I was about to go... THE DANG TREE FELL OVER AND I FELL WITH IT! My partner yelled, "OMG CAN I LOOK NOW?" And I, with my pants round my ankles and lying on my back, was laughing too hard to yell anything back. Later on, he was retelling the story and said I peed so hard it took a tree down.
That's hilarious 😂. Using the outdoors to potty is always an adventure. When I was like 14 I used to do endurance races with my dad. Endurance races are horse rides that can include multiple levels; fun runs which are about one loop and 15 miles, limited distance is usually 20 to 30 miles, regular which are between 50 and 65 miles and usually at least three loops with some breaks between them, and finally there are 100 milers which are 100 miles and multiple loops and the only distance I never did. (There's also sometimes something that's like horse and rider and the rider runs next to the horse or something). Also these are not like race run fast, just for the safety of the horse a lot of the time is walking and trotting very little cantering or galloping(do so right in the last few miles is not illegal but everyone will talk and it will not be nice things).
Anyways on the longest loop during one of the rides we did out in the desert, my dad was talking to another rider who was with us at the time. My horse always lagged way behind, Ghazi gave zero fucks about the horses leaving him behind which is rare in horses. I found myself needing to pee and thought well I'll just wait till this dude decides to ride off or maybe I'll hold it till we get to the vet check. Nobody really cares about using the bathroom but I am quite shy so I did care about it and didn't even want to say anything with the other guy there.
About 30 minutes later I realized I was gonna pee in the saddle if I didn't find somewhere and discreetly started trying to get my dad's attention. Bladder is getting more urgent and dad is ignoring me so I just left the trail, went rather far out to find a hill to pee behind and struggled to get off Ghazi without peeing myself and him. He is not at all behind the hill let me tell you and he perks up when a couple riders go past on the trail. So I get done, get remounted, and am heading back to the trail when my dad and his horse King come flying down the trail.
Apparently even though I had been saying Dad hey Dad before I lagged behind and left the trail he never heard it and when him and the other dude caught up to a different rider he turned around and I was gone. He then rode backwards asking people if they'd seen me and they said no even though I saw them from my improvised potty.
Unfortunately for my mother the four riders that were now ahead of us got in to the vet check and started loudly saying Tom lost his daughter. As I was the only Junior in the ride, mom knew it was me and got to be worried until we came in and then my dad told everyone how it was all because I was embarrassed to pee near people and everyone laughed about it. It's funny now but it was embarrassing then.
What I mean by they weren't concerned about the potty is I've seen others just hand the reigns over to someone (and been the one to hold the reigns as well) and then just squat next to their horse to pee.
*Bonus story: Took my niece with me to the Dr's once when she was about 5 and the Dr asked me if I had kids and she very loudly and proudly proclaimed "Aunt A-- has dogs!"
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vacantgodling · 1 year
all the general questions for whichever ship is Most on the brain :3c
so i'm gonna do this for charissa and altair from tcol because i've been thinking about them a lot lately :3
1. Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
so to be honest their relationship never really initiated. it was something like an unspoken reality that especially after everything they've been through together was kind of a given. it wasn't really something they talked about. though if you were to point it out, they'd pretty vehemently deny that there is anything going on between each other... even as charissa is sitting on altair's lap and they've been bickering about what they want to do once they get to their home for the past 20 minutes. lmao.
2. Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
not an official one no! but i like to think that the first time they go to papa's bar (papa is a character by the way; he has an actual name BUT everyone calls him papa lol) after they go through The Horrors is kind of like a first date; they'd sit in the corner, away from other patrons. drinking and laughing, and maybe a bit of crying. then charissa would get too drunk and altair would carry her to a room that papa gives them for free and they'd spend the rest of the night talking and holding each other. there's probably more crying and tender talks but yknow. when you go through The Horrors you're allowed.
3. What was their first kiss like?
edit; how did i miss this whole question lmao.
their first kiss wasn't really eventful? i think it was something that one day altair and char were talking and he suddenly just leaned in and smooched her. and she was like ? the fuck, and he was like don't worry about it, keep talking and so she did LOL. they're both just kind of like that lmaooo
4. Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
not really, i suppose first long term relationship though? they're in their mid-30s when they really settle into their relationship with each other and tbh i am a fan of characters who have had life experience/other partners before each other lol.
5. What’s their height difference? Age difference?
altair is 38 and charissa is 36. height wise, charissa is 5'8" and altair is 5'10"!
6. What’s their relationship with each other’s families?
altair comes from a very rich family in marthveil, wealthy from their involvement with the academy of the sciences and metaphysical (or the school where alchemists are trained). he doesn't have a bad relationship with them however they are not particularly close; his mother, the matriarch, didn't particularly approve of altair striking out from home and joining the labyrinth. rightfully so she viewed it as a suicidal calling but altair has always been a rebellious sort. i don't think his mother or family have any particular issues with charissa- they definitely are surprised that she is the only one who matches his barbs and fire lol. hilariously if you were to ask his mother about it, she would say "by all of cerullius i hope they never have children. i wouldn't be able to stand it."
charissa's family, like many families from hytroth, is very deeply religious. and while many people in terrae are to a certain extent, many from hytroth are very devout. they would think altair was a kind gentleman, and they aren't wrong he's pretty good at charming people (except char i guess LMAO) and she would be irritated at how much her parents and siblings like him LOL. they would ask them allll the time when they plan on getting married and it would drive charissa crazy.
tbh altair would probably propose to her JUST to annoy her lmao.
7. Who takes the lead in social situations?
both of them tbh! they're both extroverted, life of the party types.
8. Who gets jealous easier?
i don't think either of them have much of a jealousy problem? like i said they never even "said" this was a committed thing (though like, it definitely is lol). both of them have full faith and trust in the other person so they can't be bothered with shit like this.
9. Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear?
L M A O. both of them do, but i think altair does more often pff. whether it be rude or sexual they're both thick as thieves in their corner lmaoo
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mcnobi · 3 years
Top 5 Ewan movies and photos. 😊
well I’m very very sorry but I can’t narrow it down to 5 Ewan movies so you’re getting a top 5 and then another top 5 because I left too many favourites out - I HOPE YOU’RE PROUD OF YOURSELF 😆 You're also getting the reasons why. Because you brought it on yourself. 😂
Top 5 - Part 1:
Trainspotting (drugs are bad and we've all too old now but it still makes me feel like taking on the world. And Nightclubbing is still the coolest song on the soundtrack.) Velvet Goldmine (GLITTER. QUEERNESS. MUSIC. MORE OF EMCG THAN YOU EVER THOUGHT WOULD GET PAST BRITISH CENSORSHIP) Shallow Grave (i don't know why considering its about murder and three extremely unlikeable ****s but this is my comfort film and i've probably seen it about fifty times now.) Beginners (because this makes me feel horribly seen and weepy, and also have you seen EMcGs hair and his sad eyes and his little rollerskates and his sad eyes and also I want to dance like an idiot with him and Melanie Laurent.) Birds of Prey (because he's charming and ferocious and immature and sociopathic and hilarious and his line readings kill me every single time.)
Top 5 - Part 2:
Son of a Gun (he's scottish and he's a criminal and GET THIS he's older and beardy now and wears dad jeans but we forgive him because he just got out of prison and the last 5 minutes made me appreciate the rest of the film more than I thought I would) Perfect Sense (I'm not sure that EMcG has ever, ever looked better in a film. if you were advertising the human race to aliens - not counting the horribly prescient virus storyline - just show them EMcG and Eva Green in that film. jesus wept they're beautiful.) Young Adam (this is not a film that you enjoy. it's a film that you experience. and I haven't stopped thinking about it for weeks since i saw it) Zoe (there has never been a more Boyfriend EMcG than in Zoe. I just want to cradle his head lovingly like Lea Seydoux and have him laugh at my jokes.) Moulin Rouge (HE SINGS. He has that face AND he sings. and I've listened to the Elephant Love Medley so many times in this past week they're going to block me from youtube soon)
Top 5 Ewan Photos:
I had to cut this list down from about 12 and even than that’s only because I made myself stop going through my photo files. We could have been here for YEARS.
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cosmic-rainestorm · 3 years
Jealousy looks good on you - Brainy x reader
Warning:jealous Brainy. Also spoilers for S5E10.
This was requested by @diva-1992
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It was strange to say the least, seeing multiple versions of your boyfriend in the same room. Ever since crisis and the rebirth of the Earth, many things have changed. A few examples is the fact that there is no more multiverse, everyone we have met on the different earth's is on one earth, Lex Luthor is liked by people and now there is multiple Brainiac 5's.
Other than the initial strangeness, the initial incident of when they all saw you and the mild discomfort from how the other Brainy's looked at you that went after a couple of minutes, you found it absolutely hilarious how they all contrasted from each other. Plus, they were generally great people to be around once the staring got to a bearable amount.
Happy Querl was easy to talk to and very enthusiastic, maybe a tad bit too much. Scared Querl had great fashion style and could have a nice conversation with once he wasn't in a constant jittering mess. Female Querl was confident and was straight to the point whilst also considering her words, although she could be kind of cold at moments. However none of them were the true Brainy, your Brainy. The one you fell in love with. He was a mix of all three but even better, and you loved him for him.
He, however, couldn't get past his own insecurities and jealousy over how well you got on with the others, and what they all did when they saw.
Situated in the room where eyepatch Brainy was left to rest, you couldn't help but feel sadness towards the man laying in front of you. He looked exactly like your Querl, except for the eyepatch, so how could you not feel an emotion to a dead man who looks identical to the one you love, even if you are yet to say it.
Prime Brainy strode into the room, pulling you out of your thoughts almost instantaneously. He pulled you into a hug and kiss you softly on the head in a form of reassurance that things would be okay.
"Brainy, I-I know that it isn't you lying on that table, but hunny, I can't help but feel grief towards him," you whispered to your partner "he looks exactly like you, probably thought like you as well, I can't help think of what his life was like on his Earth, if he found someone who got him like you and I get each other. Plus, knowing there is a killer coming after Brainiac 5's doesn't help ease any worries that you could be next. I-I-I can't lose you Querl."
Tear started pricking in your eyes at the mere thought of losing your Brainy and he could clearly tell the rodeal was upsetting you. As a couple of tears started falling down your cheeks, Brainy cupped you face ever so softly to try and centre you as he spoke,
"y/n, if you are feeling guilt for grieving for this man, don't. Your right, he does look like me, except for the eyepatch, sprock it is cool," he exclaimed with a small smile making you laugh "and he probably thought like me as well. If anything, you feeling grief towards my doppelganger shows how much you care about me, and it flatters me. And darling, you don't need to worry about me dying anytime soon. I'm not ready to leave you and I won't be for a very long time. Everyone is trying to figure out how exactly eyepatch me died and how to stop it should it happen again. In mean time, do not worry about whether I am alright or not okay?"
With that, you both got back to work to try an figure out how the other Brainiac 5's got to your Earth. However, that got disruptive when a certain ponytailed Colouan squealed your name and pulled you into a kiss, leaving both you and Querl stunned to say the least.
"Sprock y/n, I am so glad you made to see you, but why are you on this Earth?"
After the initial stun of the kiss, you blinked your back into exist to see two very similar but different Brainy's infront of you. I didn't help that when the other Brainiac's walked into the room, they also kissed you (angsty Querl on the top of your head and Female Querl also on the lips) and asked the same question. All you could do was stand there frozen until you fully comprehend what ahd just happened.
"Ummmmm, I'm on this Earth because I - live - hereee, " you uneasily resonded "I'm y/f/n y/l/n, I'm uh guessing you knew my dopplegangers huh."
You laughed slightly xnot knowing how to act as they all gave you looks of apologises. However your Brainy seemed to look more pissed off than apologetic to what just happened. Especially since his fist was slightly clenched whilst he rested his face atop it.
"Yes, it seems they do," he gritted out when suddenly he became very calm "y/n, do you mind if I have a word with my fellow Brainiac's, I would like to ask them questions surrounding how they got here but would prefer to ask them alone."
He simply smiled at you waiting for your answer. If you were honest, it not only scared you a little, but also intrigued you.
" Um yes of course dear. I have diagnostics to run anyway. It was uh lovely meeting you all."
With that, you left the room that all the Brainiac's were situatedto run diagnostics and simulations to try and solve their problem, whilst also getting away from all the staring and awkwardness of what just happened . However, Brainy wanted to know the reason as to why the other 3 were continuously looking at you and to why they kissed you
"If you don't mind me asking, why exactly were did all three of you kissed MY y/n"
All three turned to each other then looked at him. It wasn't until female Brainy spoke up did he get his answer.
"Well on my Earth, y/n was my wife for a year and a half and my partner for 4"
"Ah yes, she was also my girlfriend for 2 years, 7 months and 13.5 days. And what a tremendous girlfriend she is, well was I guess." Happy Brainy explained with a hint of sadness.
"ye-yes, y/n was m-my girlfriend for nearly 3 years as w-w-well. I loved her dearly, I would do absolutely anyth-thing for her."
Brainy was finding this hard to comprehend. Not only were they all him, they all had relationships with their Earths' version of you. It gave him a strange feeling, a feeling he severely did not like.
With his anxieties running wild, he left the room to run calculations and to try and keep his mind off the whole scenario.
It was only two hours later when you found Brainy huddled up in a spare room with a tablet. The other three had apologised to you and aexplained their situations and how it would take getting used being around a y/n that wasn't their own.
Leaning against the wall, you admired the Coluan that you were in love with and smiled softly to yourself.
"So, this is were you've been hiding, I was starting to worry darling."
After not getting an answer back which was odd to say the least, you started to get worried about Brainy.
"Brainy, are you okay. Is the other Brainiacs being here cause you to stress." you softly asked
No answer, only the soft murmuring of jumbled words could be heard from Brainy, a sign of either he was deep in thought or highly stressed.
"Querl, what's wrong, please talk to me"
"why would it matter" he huffed angrily "you probably prefer talking to one of the other versions of me."
You couldn't believe what he was saying, why would you want to talk to the others, you had obviously gone looking for him so you could spend time together away from the drama.
And then it hit you. You almost scolded yourself for not noticing it sooner. The clenched fist, the sudden calm nature of his commanding question, the forced smile, and the lack of contact just now.
"You're jealous, aren't you?" you pondered aloud with a slight smirk.
The question caused his head to whip around to face you, making you smirk more out of amusment.
"I am not jealous" he slightly gritted out.
"Oh but I think you are dear"
"That is proposterus-"
"It isn't though, because all he telltale signs are the-hmph"
In an instant, you were backed up into the nearest wall, Brainy towering over you. His breathing heavy, his hair dishevelled and his dark eyes piercing into your's. (If this isn't definition of scared and horny I don't know what is)
"y/n I am not jealous. I just don't like when they look at you or when they are talking to you or when they are near you. Especially after they had l kissed you. This is highly rational since you are MY girlfriend and you are the person that I fell in love with and I don't want anyone to get in the way of us, not even my dopplegangers since I am that in love with you!" he huffed out.
It took you both awhile for his confession of love to dawn on the both of you. At this point, both of your breathing was slightly erratic due to his confession (and because of Brainy, I mean damn). Brainy couldn't read your reaction to his reveal, whether you were happy, sad or confused. He was about to say he was sorry when your lips started to curl upwards into a smile that could only be described as full of love and adoration.
"I love you too, I have for a long time though I just didn't know how to tell you. And Querl, no one can get in the way of that, not even your dopplegangers, because they aren't you, they aren't the Coluan I fell so deeply in love with."
Brainy was ecstatic and so full of emotions that he leant down and kissed you feverishly on the lips, pouring every emotion he felt for you into that kiss, which you reciprocated with ease.
"Agent y/l/n, Director Danvers would like to see you"
Breaking apart with a slight gasp for air, you leant your forehead against Brainy's, slowly bringing your breathing back to a normal pace.
"How about when I've finished talking to Alex, you and me can work together to figure how the other Brainiac's got to our Earth. And once we have it all sorted out, you and me can go back to my place, order takeout and watch some movies. That sound good.
"Yes, I would very much like that, my love."
As you slowly walked towards the door to leave, a grin appeared on your face as you turned back to Brainy.
"Oh and by the way. You look extremely hot when your jealous love."
As Brainy entered the main control room, he saw you, Kara, Alex and the other Brainiac's standing around the main control panel.
With jealousy still coursing through him, Querl strode towards you and pulled you into a passionate kiss, shocking the others.
As he pulled away, he turned to his dopplegangers and smiled.
"y/n, is mine, got it"
Once they had all nodded, he walked away with a grin, leaving you a blushing mess and ran after him to slightly scold him.
14th May - just proof read it as I saw some misspellings
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firstdegreefangirl · 2 years
Katieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Top ten productions in the last 5 years that you've seen?
KAT, STOP BEING MEAN TO ME. Honestly, I'm up to 60-odd productions, and narrowing this down was SO HARD. I peaked in 2018. Except that my NYC trip was in 2017, just a few months past five years ago, so Broadway Backwards and the OBC of Dear Evan Hansen don't count.
That said, here's where we landed. Organized chronologically, to avoid having to pick one single favorite among the standouts. Yes, I am open to follow up questions, and let the record show that "favorite shows I've seen" and "favorite shows" aren't necessarily the same, though that venn diagram is pretty close to a circle.
Under a cut because the list is LONG and DETAILED.
Sweeney Todd – 8 April 2018 This was a local production, with Tally Sessions and Chris McCarrell from New York to play leading roles, and this theatre just always does really really great work. My dad and I made a whole little day of it, and they did a Q&A after, and it was SO GOOD (you’ll see this same theatre come up again later).
If/Then – 29 April 2018 Another local production, but not where I live. I drove up to see it with one of my friends. Black box theater (where the stage and the audience are level, so everything is super close up and intimate) is my favorite kind of theatre, and it was INCREDIBLE to sit front row, half a foot away from the action It’s been like four years and I still haven’t stopped thinking about how much I loved the set too.
Newsies– 8 July 2018, 19 July 2018 Listen, I just really like local theatre, OK?! My area did two productions of Newsies the same summer, but this one was technically first. All local talent, and SO MUCH OF IT. The guy who played Jack Kelly honestly had NO RIGHT to go as hard as he did. I remember genuinely wondering if he was going to take down part of the scaffolding with how hard he was rattling it during Santa Fe. So good I had to go back and see it a second time.
Last Days of Summer – 14 September 2018 Remember that local theatre from Sweeney Todd? WELL THEY DID IT AGAIN. A world premiere baseball/WWII musical, starring Corey Cott (one of my personal favorite people). The show was FANTASTIC, and they let the audience stay for the cast party, so I actually got to meet/hug him. Also, I was freshly 21, so this was the first time I drank, accidentally. That’s a helluva story, but off topic for this post.
Dear Evan Hansen – 25 September 2018 Opening night of the first national tour stop in Denver. Need I say more? OK, I can say more. Uhhhh … check the tag ‘Katie and Rach: Destination Denver’ for the video I made about the roadtrip to see this show, and the highlights post from the show itself (from back in the days when Rachel and I liveblogged our friendship like hooligans).
The Play That Goes Wrong – 7 April 2019 I mean, you know how I feel about the entire Goes Wrong franchise, and this was what started it all. I saw it on a bad day, but then sat there and laughed for two and a half hours. It was SO fantastic, and I’ve been chasing it down again ever since. This summer, maybe …
Who’s Your Baghdaddy – 27 September 2019 I saw this one on a last-minute whim with my mom – of all people – because it was the end of September and the show I had tickets for got postponed (yeah, yeah, we’re all very proud of JerJor for being in Supergirl again, but the timing could have been better). It was the only thing I could find on my day off work, so we bought a couple of tickets as I swore up and down that I had no idea what the show was about, so if it was horribly offensive, it wasn’t my fault. And then instead it was hilarious and awesome and absurd in the best way.
Bandstand – 19 December 2019 A post-WWII musical about a group of vets starting a band to win a competition. The tour cast was INCREDIBLE, and the show never doesn’t give me chills and sobs. Bonus funny story: the community college that hosted the tour stop did a Q&A about the show and the history surrounding it before curtain call, and the professor running that totally spoiled the whole ending. At least I already knew how it went?
An Evening With Jeremy Jordan – 26 August 2021 OK, this is the one that was supposed to be September 2019. Three more delays (JerJor was in Little Shop of Horrors, COVID, COVID) and two venue changes (same local theatre, but it turns out they have more stages than I thought, and we ended up in a tiny event space upstairs from the upstairs. On the list for favorite venue, in terms of being beautiful and intimate and just perfect for the show they put on) later, it was my first indoor show post-pandemic, and it BLEW ME AWAY. Laughed, cried, lived, loved, all of it. A perfect, triumphant return.
Pretty Woman – 10 March 2022 Duh.
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headinthestaticsky · 3 years
Frozen Within the Night Wind: Jasper Hale x Fleur Swan, Chapter 10
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None of the characters in Twilight belong to me, all rights go to Stephenie Meyer.
"Having you close My head is damaged I get closer, everything trembles me
Now I have the certainty That I have not lost the desire Wake up with you in the morning But I'm looking for your gaze And your eyes, baby, don't tell me anything."
Nuestro Planeta by, Kali Uchis Featuring Reykon. Translated lyrics.
Jasper, Jacob, and I were all standing in a large field awaiting the arrival of Bella and Edward. The very field we were standing in would be the battleground between us and the newborn army.
"Hey, le... Fleur?" Jacob asked."
"Why haven't your diluted eyes at all? They still look like a rose." Jacob observed.
"I mean it hasn't been a full year yet."
"Yes, darling but... they should've at least diluted a little by now, amber should start to peak through." Jasper added.
"That's strange...I haven't had any human blood I swear."
"Yeah right..." I heard Jacob mumble.
"Oh shove it, Jacob, at least I'm not in the middle of a toxic, manipulative, love triangle."
"Can it leech. You know nothing about Bella."
"Keep telling yourself that."
Before Jacob could rebuttal, Edward and Bella finally showed up. Edward didn't look thrilled at all and Bella had a blank look on her face.
"I don't like this idea at all." Edward grumbled.
"And we need you for the fight but you aren't coming to that so...tough, get over it." I rebutted.
"Leave him alone Fleur...he's doing it for me. Bet Jasper hasn't done that for you." Bella said a dreamy look was in her eyes.
"Uh...he didn't have to, because I didn't cause chaos where ever I went and didn't piss off nomads you dumbass." I heard Jasper let out a short laugh.
"Wait, pretty boy isn't fighting, aww did you pull a muscle?" Jacob mocked.
"Can we get on with this... I wanna be anywhere but here." I interrupted.
"Whatever, just tell me the plan." Jacob said.
"Edward and I are going on a campsite, even if he carries me they’ll still pick up our scents." Bella explained.
"Your stench, however, is revolting." Edward interrupted
"Dude, you really don’t wanna start comparing stinks." Jacob snapped
"What he means is that your scent will mask mine if you carry me," Bella said.
"This is not a good idea."
"You've already established that Edward," I said.
"Edward, they won’t wanna get anywhere near his... odor." Jasper carefully.
Jacob picked Bella up before saying... "Odor-de-wolf comin’ up."
Edward glared at me when Jacob was gone. Jasper noticed this and tensed up.
"You need to stop talking to her like that!"
"Like what? Truthfully, honestly?"
"It's not truthful it's insulting!"
"Dude...have you been living without any of your senses? The amount of shit she has said and done to me is a lot more disgraceful than how I am acting. Like I am petty, I know I am, but her pretending to be all innocent is hilarious."
"Oh please..."
"Okay so when she insults me and brings up that my mother completely hates my guts it's fine but when I rebuttal it's like I'm opening the gates of hell huh?"
"You don't know anything about her... she isn't malicious!"
"You sound just like Jacob."
"Don't even compare me to that...fleabag."
"What are you gonna do about?" I said he then got up close to my face, he looked like he was going to hit me.
"Don't test me Fleur... I will put you in your place if I have to."
"I'd love to see you try...boy." Jasper said getting between the two of us.
Edward snarled at us and walked away, stalking off to the far side of the field.
"Man... being a vampire has definitely amped up my attitude. Good thing you're here to stop me from doing something stupid." I joked.
"I think you're spending too much time with Rosalie darlin." Jasper said, smiling at me.
"This whole love triangle thing makes me want to set myself on fire. I kinda feel bad for Jacob...I know she's just manipulating him."
"I wouldn't put it past her darlin."
"I really wish we didn't have to do any of this...we should be getting married right now... not fighting a battle they could possibly be getting us killed." I confessed.
"Well one, we just have to wait until November... and two we will be fine, we've been training all this time."
"I know but...it's still a terrifying thought, this is the first fight I've ever been with another vampire."
"Did you forget about James love?"
"Well... with me as a vampire."
"You're going to be fine... Alice told me the vision she had of you fighting James, you cracked his skin by throwing a rock.... if you're that strong as a human I'm scared to see what you can do as a vampire."
"Okay, okay... stop trying to boost my ego." I said smirking, I pulled him in using some of my strength. I kissed him before pulling apart, biting his lip to tease him."
"You're cruel darlin, just cruel... Oh forgot to say something..."
"What is it?"
"Bella and Edward got engaged."
"Oh my god... are you serious?"
"Yeah, and Alice said they planned on eloping in Vegas."
"She must be really angry with those two..."
"Actually, she isn't really that mad."
"Okay, what happened to Alice?"
"I think she's starting to get a little... annoyed with Bella."
"It was bound to happen... Dad is going to kill Edward."
Edward ran toward us again and told us to be quiet. Before I could ask why Bella and Jacob came back into view.
"Well Jasper and I will do a quick sniff check... you three can stay here and.... mingle." Before they could protest we took off into the woods.
"The stench is revolting."
"It is pretty bad."
"I can't make up any Bella though, so the plan worked."
We quickly ran back down to the field, both of us had stepped down off of a broken tree laying on the ground.
"Just picked up wolf stench, no Bella." Jasper stated
Timeskip: 2 hours later
I was waiting for Alice in the Cullen's house, knowing that Alice told dad we were all going on a camping trip. I thought it would be good if we all hunted before the battle to power up. I needed all the strength I could get.
"I swear if Bella and Edward do anything in our room I am going to kick Edward to the moon." I grumbled.
"Don't worry Fleur...I'm sure Edward won't do anything." Jasper reassured, a guilty look was on his face, however.
"You threatened him didn't you?" Not buying his innocent act.
"Yes, yes I did."
"Alright everyone, we can go!" I heard Alice say outside, Dean, Jasper, Rosalie, Emmett, Esme, Carlisle, and I all made our way outside quickly.
Timeskip: 6 hours later
"Damn Emmett, at this point you're going to put bears into extinction."
"Serves them right short stack."
"Dude I am 5'9, that's pretty tall for a girl."
"But pretty short for someone who's 6'5."
"Oh shut it and hit your head in the doorway again."
"Darlin, if he keeps doing that the support beams are going to give out in the house." Jasper added.
"Nah they'll be fine, he's as tall as a support beam." I joked.
"Can't wait to kick some newborn-vampire ass," Dean said, jumping up slightly in excitement. Alice giggled and wrapped her arms around him
"Are the newborns still making their way to the field Alice?" Carlisle asked.
"Yes, they should be here at 5:15 pm tomorrow."
"We'll be ready," Carlisle said.
"You guys go ahead in, I need some quiet. I'm going to try and track Victoria."
They all nodded and went inside, I saw them all however observing me through the glass walls."
I got into my trance, rolling my eyes behind my head and I was flying through the city once again. I stopped in an underground tunnel, the likes of which was located in Seattle. I finally found her, she was talking with that man that turned me... the name I finally found out to be Riley Biers.
"You’re not coming with us?" He asked angrily.
"It’ll be a last-minute decision. I told you how it works." Victoria replied she seemed bored.
"The Cullen’s have powers according to one of your friends," Riley said skeptically.
"Yes, my friend told me... my DEAD friend. Don’t underestimate them, Riley. One of them made me have hallucinations of my friend. You’ll have the numbers, but they’ll be able to anticipate your every move. You don’t trust me do you?"
"I trust you with my life. I’m just saying…"
"I’m doing this for us so that we can feed without their…retaliation and I can’t live in fear anymore waiting for them to attack."
"I won’t let them. I’m going to end the Cullen clan. I swear."
I broke out of my trance before I could get anything else out of the conversation. I rushed inside, eager to tell them what I found.
"It was Victoria guys!" I said.
"What? I would've seen it." Alice replied.
"She was hiding behind that kid, Riley... She's letting him lead the army to us..."
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aros001 · 3 years
Going in blind: Watching season 3 for the first time. Random thoughts.
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Episode 1: I know in the original series She-Ra was the sister of He-Man so I'm curious how much of that will be carried over to this series. Not saying He-Man has to make an appearance, same as how Batman didn't need to show up in Teen Titans. That was Robin's story, not his, and similarly this is Adora's story, not Adam's. Regardless, it makes sense why Hordak was so annoyed with the baby Adora in Shadow Weaver's flashbacks. To SW, there was something different and special about the baby, but to Hordak, whom seems familiar with the world before Mara separated Etheria from the rest of the universe, including Eternia potentially, Adora is just another "First One" child like he's seen many times before. Special in comparison to those who only know Etheria.
Great clap-back from Catra to Hordak, and not entirely unfounded. It's debatable how much he actually cares about conquering Etheria. He has others leading his forces in his war yet all his focus is on his portal creation.
According to Entrapta, productivity of the Horde is up 400% ever since Catra became Hordak's 2nd in command. I wondering how much of that is Catra's direct doing? Is she genuinely just that good of a commander? Is it because she's properly delegating and Scorpia has been handling most of the load? Or is this just because it's in comparison to Shadow Weaver? Entrapta said Catra's focus on First Ones' tech has been greatly aiding them and SW definitely focused more on magic, which was an aid mostly to herself since everyone else in the Horde seems to fight only with weapons and technology. And most of what she saw of SW while she was Hordak's 2nd was her being obsessed with bringing back Adora rather than fighting the war.
Episode 2: Let's see... Hordak's easily an adult and Entrapta is...[checks google] late twenties, early thirties. Oh good, then let's sail this ship!
But yeah, that was a heck of a backstory for Hordak. This reminds me of a video by a Youtuber named Savage Books comparing the villain Steppenwolf in the theatrical and Snyder Cut versions of Justice League and how, while he still wasn't a great villain, just a small addition made him a much better villain, that being a failure in his past and the desire just to go home. And in this case, Hordak is the much better, or at least way more developed, version of that. One of many clones of Hordak Prime but having a defect that labelled him a failure and had him cast out to Etheria, a "backwards world" as he's called it before. If he can conquer Etheria, perhaps by building a portal that'll bring forward Prime's army, he believes that'll prove to Prime that he is not a failure and that he can return home to rejoin his forces. Just this bit of backstory adds SO MUCH to Hordak, including new insights on his past interactions, and keeps him from being a flat character like theatrical version Steppenwolf. His lack of tolerance for failure makes sense when he himself is trying to prove that he's not. It gives him compelling motivation to want to conquer Etheria beyond just power and greed. Not motivation you're meant to agree with but one you can still understand.
I like the story with Huntara too. It's a nice little tie-in to something Adora was talking about with Glimmer and Bow last episode. Adora defected from the horde, not because she was different but rather very much in spite being very much like every other soldier there. She wanted to believe Shadow Weaver may have at least some goodness in her too and now we have Huntara as a fellow defector who realized the evils of the Horde, even if she chose to stay out of the war entirely after.
Episode 3: I legit thought Catra stabbed the goat lady for a second.
After Scorpia asking her why don't they just stay in the wastes I'm seeing a bit of a parallel between Catra and Hordak. They've both found a place where they can be the top dog, where they can do and have basically anything they want; her with the wastes and him with the Horde. They can be happy. ...But there's still this pull they're feeling to somewhere else. Catra back to the Horde and Hordak back to Prime. Because they feel they have to prove something; prove that they're not failures. They could be happy but they can't let go.
And that scene between Adora and Catra at the end. That was such a great line read from Catra's actor. "She left me for you. Everything that's happened is because of you." I got chills.
Minor note: While I'm only judging off the Mara hologram, which didn't have color, I do think the She-Ra outfit looks better with pants than shorts like Adora's She-Ra form. I think it makes it look sleeker, if that makes any sense.
Episode 4: Catra's spiral has turned into a drill and its taking her down as far as she can go. Though something I had to a laugh a little at myself over was that my biggest "Catra, no!" reaction wasn't to her wanting to open the portal but rather when she lied to Hordak and said Entrapta let the princesses in. She was actually a positive influence on Hordak's life and Catra with one move just destroyed that relationship and all progress Hordak had been making.
I'm guessing there's going to be some kind of long-term effect from Shadow Weaver continuously siphoning off Glimmer's magic. The woman is basically a parasite and the magic she uses is very different from the kind Glimmer does. I can't believe it never occurred to me that since Shadow Weaver trained Glimmer's father there might be a connection there between the two of them later in the story. While we don't know about anything that might've happened after she left, SW clearly had enough affection for Micah still to not kill him. I could see her trying to take Glimmer on as a student later like she did him.
Episode 5: There is something kind of hilarious about it being Scorpia's jealousy of Catra and Adora's closeness that causes her to be the first one after Adora to pick up that something is off.
11 is my favorite of the Doctor Who Doctors so naturally I'm comparing all this to the crack in Amy Pond's bedroom wall. Whatever goes in gets forgotten about and basically never existed. Though does that mean Bright Moon isn't going to remember the Horde? Basically that entire place got sucked up in the collapsing reality. There shouldn't be at war anymore because their enemy literally no longer exists.
Adora and Catra had their own little Star Trek 3 moment there.
Adora: "If we don't help each other, we'll die here!"
Catra: "Perfect! Then that's the way it shall be!"
Catra's just so far down her spiral she doesn't even care about getting her own win, just so long as Adora doesn't get one, despite just minutes ago clearly loving having Adora back in her life and on her side, to the point was trying to resist remembering the old reality. Her "perfect" world was them together again but when given the chance (another of many. I love those cuts to their past woven in there) she slapped the hand away.
I'm sure I'm wrong but I'm starting to theorize Madam Razz is actually Mara and just at some point went kind of crazy and started thinking as and Mara were two different people.
Episode 6:
"You are everything I ever wanted in a son. This... This is everything I ever wanted in a life. ...But I've got responsibilities, Van. And...I have to...go now."
-Superman, Justice League Unlimited: For the Man Who Has Everything
That was my favorite episode of JLU, where Superman is trapped in this world that isn't real but still perfect in every way, and the only way out was to give up everything he'd ever wanted, including a son he remembers watching grow up, even if it never really happened. With a similar premise, this definitely helped elevate Angela up a bit for me, whom I was kind just meh with before. I didn't dislike her but I didn't really care much for her either. This episode gave her a lot to work with though, with the heavy sacrifice she made. Not just saying behind to pull out the sword but just simply forcing herself to accept her husband is gone and not coming back. I was right that they wouldn't remember the Horde, but I definitely didn't think of the full effects of them never existing. They never exist, Bow never becomes a rebel instead of a scholar like his dads wanted. They don't exist, Micah never dies in battle against them. Glimmer gets to grow up with her father in her life. Everyone, most especially Angela, has to reject everything they would love to be real in favor of what actually is.
I'm guessing we're going to have Shadow Weaver taking advantage of this situation, trying to act like a teacher and mother-figure to Glimmer now that she's basically a orphan.
I talked before about how Catra and Hordak seem to have a parallel between them, especially regarding failure. Catra seems like she has a very hard time accepting her own failures and mistakes and thus why she more or less uses Adora as a mental scapegoat for all of it. Nothing is ever really her fault, it's Adora's, or Shadow Weaver's, or Hordak's. It makes for a great moment when Adora finally punches back, both literally and figuratively. She's not going to accept responsibility for Catra's actions anymore. She gave Catra every chance to make the right choice and she didn't, so now she has to finally live with the consequences. Heck of a glare She-Ra gave Catra at the end. Very much a "If I ever see you again..." and it certainly scared Catra, at least for a moment.
Now, someone go save Entrapta from Beast Island!
Season 3 verdict: Easily the best season thus far. I know this was technically the second half of season 2 but even in comparison to the full season 1 there was just so much that happened in this, so much that got revealed, and so, so many moments of emotion or tension. Weirdly I feel kind of disappointed that Hordak Prime is probably going to come in now and be the new big villain. I really like our Hordak's motivation and Prime seems like he might just be the generic conqueror for power that Hordak seemed like he was going to be at first. Not saying those types can't work. I love All For One from My Hero Academia and Frieza from Dragon Ball. Those guys are pure evil and selfishness, but they also have a captivating presence/charisma to them.
Naturally, since I bring her up the most out of all the characters, I'm very curious to see what happens with Catra now. She's basically nuked every positive relationship she had with anyone. Entrapta's gone, she threatened Scorpia, Hordak's not going to trust anyone including her anymore now that he thinks Entrapta's betrayed him, and Adora firmly sees her as an enemy. She has no one (those under her direct command don't count) and it's entirely her own fault.
Original Reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/PrincessesOfPower/comments/o0trfz/going_in_blind_watching_season_3_for_the_first/
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schibi12 · 4 years
Review/Reaction for "The Phantom and the Sorceress!"
Ducktales is back with a new episode yeaaah! This episode was great, amazing animation, good story and comedy and we finally get to see Gladstone as the pathetic fool that he is and the Phantom Blot!! So LET'S DO THIS!!!!
Spoilers! Read at your own risk!
Oh i also don't know a lot of lore about the Phantom Blot (i just know about him from Epic Mickey) so this may be a unbiased or biased review of his character. But damn they got Giancarlo Esposito, Akela from The Jungle Book (2016), Mr Sidney Glass from Once upon a time, Hyuck-ing Gus Fring from Breaking Bad like wow!! But all jokes aside he did an amazing job voicing The Phantom Blot they give him an interesting backstory and motives and his design was good and reminded me of the Executioner from the 1st Shrek movie and i definitely want to know his motives for joining F.O.W.L.
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The animation in this season has been improving with each episode and this episodes doesn't disappoint animation was amazing as always and those magical fight scenes and effects didn't disappoint and also i want to mention that Ducktales muscial game has been on point this season!! From the original songs to the musical score has been great and this episode didn't fail on that department. Like this scene animation and musical score was so good here.
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I loved seeing Della, Scrooge and the boys although they don't have a big part on the story it i liked seeing them around and the callbacks of Legends of LegendQuest and Goathool.
Webby you should feel blessed that you get to have sleepovers cause i couldn't attend or have one unless my parents knew my friends parents so i only got 1 sleepover with 1 person in my whole childhood/teenagehood and im not bitter or salty im just saying.
Then we get Gladstone *evil laughter for 10 whole minutes* which was poetic justice honestly seeing him reach a new level of pathetic and uselessness was just so gratifying and funny to watch and kudos to Paul F. Tompkins he did an amazing job especially with that monologue he give early in the episode.
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And speaking of reaching new levels of patheticness Magica just surviving on Papa Swan pizza and becoming a hermit on a swamp what a life she's living.
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But even though she is a villain and is abusive you can't deny it Magica is a good teacher and although her motives aren't good she definitely helped Lena, and i loved the training montage and Catherine Tate did an amazing job as always with her sarcastic and confident snark and also on her comedy, oh my gosh i was laughing way too hard at this scene she sold it!
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And ooh magical colors i wonder what would my magic color would be?? (I probably gonna get a color i dislike like brown or orange although orange doesn't sound that bad).
And like most of the fandom we thought we where getting Donald in this episode but sadly we didn't saw him with good luck he deserves but i find it interesting how Gladstone reacted when he transformed into Donald i think their is something there not telling us..
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And this magical fight was incredible, the music, the animation and the montages everything was great and of course Friendship is the greatest magic of all!! And i know Lena's new design was hit or miss but i loved it now she looks like a badass mage!!
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Interesting that Magica got her powers back we need to look after her in the future. Well now thats some fanservice right there!!!
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Okay the lesson this episode was good of redefining your legacy to let go of the past and forge your own path was definitely an interesting choice especially since it ties up with The Rumble for Ragnarok! With the triplets or Webby taking Scrooge's legacy as the champion of earth i think it building a theme here for the season!
Overall a hilarious and great premiere episode the voice acting was great as always and everthing like i've said previously was amazing so i give this episode 4 ducks out of 5.
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The Girl Out of Time
Pairing: Bucky x Reader & Sam x Reader
Rating: Story will be overall MATURE but not every chapter. There will be strong language, talk of both mental and physical abuse, some good ole angst, and some eventual smut once the story reaches that point.
Chapter 5
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I followed behind Steve with Natasha behind me. We stepped into some kind of lab. Computers and other equipment was everywhere. Nat had explained the computers to me and even cell phones. Bruce and Tony where each standing in front of screens.
"Bruce, I need you to run some tests." Steve said sternly as he walked over to the man.
Bruce eyed him for a second then glanced over to Nat and I. He took his glasses off setting them on the counter he was standing at.
"What kind of tests?" He asked Steve.
"The same ones ran on me after I was unfrozen but I need you to do it to Willow."
Both Bruce and Tony turned to look at me. They looked intrigued yet skeptical.
"You think she is a super soldier?" Tony asked.
Instead of answering Steve pulled his shirt up to his neck exposing the bruise that was much bigger and darker now.
"That's where she punched me." Steve said letting his shirt fall back down.
"Willow come sit over here please." Bruce said quickly gesturing to a still close to him.
I did as he said and sat down. I watched him grab a few things then turn to me with a needle in his hand. I immediately jumped to my feet. I stepped backwards but ran into a hard chest. I knew immediately it was Steve. He's the only who knows about my fear of needles.
"Willow it's alright he won't hurt you." Steve said softly.
He guided my tense body back to the stool and sat me down. His hands rested on my shoulders. Bruce grabbed my arm to do what he needed to. I turned my head away grinding my teeth together. I've always hated needles. I would do anything to get out of getting a shot or anything else.
I felt the needle break the skin but it didn't hurt like it use to. I glanced down at my arm but regretted it immediately. It may not hurt but the sight of the needle in my skin had me almost throwing up.
"All done" Bruce said turning his back to me.
It looked like he was immediately doing something to it. I stood up grabbing Steve's arm to keep myself balanced. We were all silent for a few minutes as Bruce worked.
"Look at this" he said suddenly.
He moved the images in front of him around until there was two images side by side. They looked almost identical except one was a different color.
"What are we looking at?" Steve asked.
"This is your blood after you were unfrozen." Bruce pointed at one image.
"This is Willow's blood right now." He pointed to the other image.
"So she is like me?" Steve asked him.
Bruce shook his head.
"She is definitely what we would call a super soldier but the difference here is the color of her blood. It's black. Honestly, I'd say it's possible that she is even stronger than you Captain." Bruce explained.
"What? How is that possible?" I asked staring at the images.
"Well, it was a Hydra scientist that did this to me. You were found frozen in an old Hydra base. It seems they did the same thing to you." Steve said.
"But it looks like they made changes in their serum between the time of giving in to Steve to when they gave it to you." Bruce added.
"This is insane. I can't be a super soldier." I said shaking my head.
"To be fair Willow, you don't have any memory after the night you were kidnapped. Who knows what they did to you. They were probably the ones to alter your memory as well." Tony said as he leaned on a counter.
"Nat we need a lot of training. Get the equipment ready and grab Barton. Tony when she's ready we will try something with your suit." Steve ordered like he was back in the military.
Natasha ran out of the room to do what Steve had said. Tony nodded then went back to his work. Bruce stepped over to me.
"Once you get a little training down I'd like to run some more tests if you don't mind." He said timidly.
I nodded then left the room. I needed a minute.
"Willow" Steve called after me.
He stopped me in the middle of the hallway. He grabbed my face turning me to look at him.
"It's alright, this is good we can use you with the team now. We are learning more about what happened to you. Now we just need to find out why it happened." Steve spoke softly.
I don't know how I could deal with any of this insane nonsense if it wasn't for my best friend being here too. Why this happened we may never know but at least we have each other.
"Let's get you some training in." He smiled pulling me to follow him.
Before I knew it a few months had passed. A lot of things had changed. Steve and I moved out of the tower to our own apartment in D.C. as roommates. Clint went back to his family. Natasha was in and out working on different jobs. I spent a lot of time with Steve when neither of us were working. I had been lucky enough to be given a job at S.H.I.E.L.D. along with Steve. I've gotten really good at hand to hand combat thanks to Steve and Nat. It also turns out I am stronger than Steve. Every morning now I go for a run with Steve since I'm the only one who can keep up with him.
This morning there was another jogger taking the same path we were. Steve thought it was funny every time we ran past him. The guy looked completely confused. As we ran and got closer to the guy Steve switched me sides so he would run next to him.
"On your left" he said as we ran past.
I laughed as we kept going.
"On your left" he said again.
"Uh huh, on my left. Got it." The man said as we went past.
When we came closer to him the third time the man started trying to run faster.
"Don't say it. Don't say it!" he panted.
"On your left" Steve said again with a huge grin.
"Come on!" He shouted.
The man stopped and sat at a tree to catch his breath. Steve and I took another lap then decided to go chat with him. He looked wore out and exhausted as he leaned against the tree.
"Need a medic?" Steve asked as we stopped in front of him.
"Looks like it" I laughed.
He laughed and shook his head.
"I need a new set of lungs. You two just ran like 13 miles in 30 minutes." He stated in disbelief.
Steve and I shared a glance.
"Guess we got a late start." Steve grinned.
"No, you did. I just didn't want to make you look bad." I chuckled.
Sam looked between both of us with a shocked expression.
"Really? You should be ashamed of yourself. You should take another lap." He said waving his arm.
This was a moment of silence as Steve and I both just looked at him. He turned back to us.
"Did you just take it? I assume you just took it." He said.
I couldn't help but laugh. He was funny and pretty cute. His smile was bright and charming.
"What unit you with?" Steve asked him.
"58th Pararescue. Now I'm working down at the VA."
He lifted his arm up towards Steve.
"Sam Wilson"
Steve grabbed his hand and pulled him to his feet.
"Steve Rogers"
"I kinda put that together but who are you?" He asked pointing to me.
"Willow Roffe, old friend of his. Same situation." I said simply as I shook his hand.
"Must have freaked you out coming home after the whole defrosting." Sam said folding his arms.
"Takes some getting use to." Steve chuckled.
"That's an understatement." I rolled my eyes.
"Nice to meet you Sam." Steve waved then turned to walk away.
I waved at him then went to follow Steve.
"Its your bed right?" Sam asked a little louder.
"What's that?" Steve turned around.
"Your bed, it's too soft. When I was over there I slept on the ground. Used rocks for pillows like a caveman. Now I'm home lying in my bed and like..."
"Like lying on a marshmallow. Feels like I'm gonna sink right to the floor." Steve finished for him.
"How long?" Steve asked.
We both moved to stand back in front of him again.
"Two tours. Must miss the good old days." Sam said with a smile.
"Well, things aren't so bad. Foods a lot better." Steve chuckled.
"Yea, we use to boil everything." I said.
"No polio is good." Steve added.
"Internet" I said.
"Yea, so helpful. Been reading that a lot trying to catch up." Steve said.
Sam looked like he was thinking for a moment.
"Marvin Gaye, 1972, Troubleman soundtrack. Everything you missed jammed into one album." He informed.
Steve pulled out his little book to write down what Sam had just said.
"I'll put it on the list." Steve smiled.
Both mine and Steve's cell phones chimed at the same time. We both looked down to the same text.
"Sam, duty calls" Steve said shaking the mans hand again.
"Thanks for the run if that's what you want to call running." Steve joked.
"Oh, that's how it is?" Sam questioned raising a brow.
"That's how it is." Steve laughed.
"Oh please, you both need some work." I laughed playfully shoving steve.
I grabbed Sam's hand to shake it again.
"It was a pleasure Sam." I smiled.
He pulled my hand slightly raising it up to his lips. He pressed a soft kiss to the back of my hand then let me go.
"You too pretty lady." He smiled then winked at me.
The sound of a loud engine pulling up grabbed our attention. The window rolled down to show Nat behind the wheel. I was already standing next to the car when Nat spoke.
"Hey fellas, either one of you know where the Smithsonian is? I'm here to pick up a fossil." She said with a smirk.
"That's hilarious" Steve mumbled as he walked to the car.
I jumped in behind him while he took the front seat.
"Can't run everywhere." Steve said to Sam.
"No you can't." He chuckled glancing back to me.
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sambart93 · 7 years
2018.01.13 Pandora Note Stage Greeting: Show 3 [Report]
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Official Website here Official Twitter here
Tomita Sho as Masushima Takashi Hiramaki Jin as Oomiya Tomohiro
MOVIE OVERALL: This was a pretty good movie. It certainly was ridiculous at points but the twist was really good and took me while I catch on with. Also there were fanservy moments and it did get somewhat BL-y at one point; I love Sho and Jin working together so of course I enjoyed this! AND it was MUCH darker than their previous Seishun Discovery Films which was a nice change of pace! The only one thing that got to me what how repetitive and how much louder the 'background' music is in this movie. But I kind of saw an early screening so hopefully they've fixed that by the time they probably set it out into the public on March 17th. Also this movie is way too short! It's only 23 or so minutes long, but I could easily watch a full minutes of this story! GIVE ME MORE! MOVIE RATING: 8/10 -- It's difficult to rate Indie and Lower budget movies because they're obviously not going to look perfect but I thoroughly enjoyed it and it was with actors I love >.<
Tomita Sho plays a very successful manga artist but he is having trouble writing a sequel to his hit manga and his deadline is days away. He's be completely locked in his room trying to figure out and during that time he's lost assistant after assistant and manager after manager due to his unattractive and mean personality and attitude. One day, the manga company send over a newbie to help him with his manga, Oomiya. But shortly after Oomiya comes in and brings fanmail to Takashi, Takashi quickly searches through the pile for a specific fanletter. He finds it but the fanletter is a threaten: write me a story I'll love and send it to me asap but if I don't deem is satisfactory then I'm going to let off the bombs. Turns out the outside of his apartment is covered in bombs. So he has to do the letter's bidding. Turns out it's not the first time he's recieved a threatening letter from this person.
Go under the cut for complete story spoilers, spoiler review and the event details!
Story Spoilers:
Turns out the person who was sending the letters is non-other than Oomiya. Takashi had seen and taken Oomiya's story and turned it into a hit manga and never gave him credit! So Oomiya wanted revenge. He went so far as to spike Takashi's coffee with sleeping medicine and when Takashi wakes up, he's tied to a chair with a Battle Royale-esque choker around his neck!! (I don't quite remember who they reconciled BUT) It ends in them partnering up and Takashi vowing to give him credit from now on. So with Takashi as the artist and Oomiya as the story writer, they team up and it all ends happy!
So many points about this movie I want to talk about!
Can we FIRST talk about the whole Takashi/Sho handcuffed to a chair with Jin/Oomiya being totally crazy and evil! It was so hot..... It mean, it was intense... oh who am I kidding; I freaking loved this moment!! SO MUCH BL-NESS! I was dying >.< doesn't help that they did Honoo no Mirage together!
Another FINE moment was right at the beginning of the movie when Takashi/Sho walks out completely shirtless and just walks around his house for like 5 - 10 minutes. It was so beautiful! He has such a nice body! I was definitely having way too much fun gazing all over THAT! xD
I really loved Oomiya when we're first introduced to him; he's so sweet. But I also love that as the story progresses, his character so very switches personality so easily and he gets real angry and crazy at Takashi a few times throughout the movie before we finally learn he's out for revenge! The switches were such good acting from Jin!
BOTH of them are just good looking and so handsome! I enjoyed watching both of them!
And disgusting little me got WAY too much out of the fact we could clearly see sweat patches from Jin in this movie -- I've  a FREAK I know!
The apartment Takashi lives in has SO MANY DETAILS! The room is just filled with loads of manga and lots of artist drawers and interesting figures etc. It would literally take me more than 3 showings to be able to see and find everything! It's a really interesting room!
I was only able to go to the third and last event of this! They had three total and the first two had things like making videos and a quiz etc. This last one showed the entire movie, had a talk and did some merch from the movie giveaways. 
Quite a lot of the people from the first two shows, also came to this one, SO when Jin and Sho first came on, they totally freaked out at their appearance. They looked so ridiculous and geeky, it was hilarious -- I'll explain later what it's all about. Jo-ji also asked them to turn to the left and to continue talked while facing that way but while Jin was talking he went, 'why is it so much easier for me to talk like this?!' xD they soon faced back to the front because the audience were laughing too much from the ridiculousness of it.
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Also quick side note before I move on: JIIIINNNNN ISSSSS SOOOOOOO PREEEEETTTYYYYY!!!! (^_^)// and so damn tall!!!!! He's so handsome ♡
The MC for the third show was Jo-ji!! Who was at Sho's birthday event the weekend before (see here) and said that Sho had asked him to do this event too very last minute. They talked a little about how much last weekend's event was too and that he was happy to be an MC for him ^_^ they're such good friends!
At the question section, Sho wanted Shachou, the head of TokiEnta, who was at the back of the seating area, to ask the first question, so he responded ‘... why the hell are you all looking like that?!’ referring to the hairstyle. This is where they finally explained that during the Second Show KishiTaku (Kishimoto Takuya) had been the MC and had ShichiSan hair (hair parted to one side). It had been a hit so for the final show, Sho and Jin wanted to do it too! It got a great reaction! Especially because it fit the whole suppose to be 'sensei' << manga artists are called SENSEI >> look.
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Another question was from a fan who asked Sho what he thought of his tied up scene and he’s like: ‘well of course I got excited. I’ve done it many times before.... AS AN ACTOR! Not in private!’ None of us believed him! He continued on: ‘also Jin was really close to me as you saw (so that's why I was excited)’. But he admitted that he was worried if an earthquake hit while he was tied up because ‘Jin would definitely be the first to run out the room. All the staff would leave me too!’ Then he finished by talking to the fan who asked the question directly, ‘if you have time. Try it with a friend!’ Jo-ji was like ‘you’ve dug a DEEP hole Sho’ xD
At one point Jo-ji said:
Jo-ji: you were both the blue ranger (in super sentai) right? Sho&Jin: Yeah we were Sho: *looks at Jji* ... you’re wearing blue! You’re like a ranger like us! Jo-ji: why do you think I have a blue suit on?!?! I didn’t do it by accident! Sho: Oh really? Jo-ji: YES!
There was a really cute moment between Sho and Jo-ji too!
Jo-ji/じょーじ:僕もトキ人間ではないがー/ I'm not a TokiEnta guy anyway but... Sho/翔さん: 半分トキ人間だよ / You're 50% TokiEnta じょーじ: …… 4割だ / .... 40% I thought it was cute!
And at the end of the event, Sho told us ‘we (me and Jin) will work together again’ and I freaked! Almost like the next Honoo had been decided! xD I hope it has! I hope it's them!
This pamphlet has SO MANY good shots in it! AND it came with their signatures ♡ so, enjoy!
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And that's all! I am WAY behind on reviews as I've been too busy on my days off the past few weekends, so hopefully they'll be coming through over the next few weeks and I'll hopefully catch up and everything by the time Dance with Devils and Patarillo comes around at the end of the month =]
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naysmusings-blog · 7 years
Becca: *She sneers at me.* You are honestly pathetic. Running back to Harry after he cheated on you with me. After he chose me over you over and over again before that. I mean, do you even have any pride. Every knows that you’re nothing– *Her nasty rant is interrupted by my laughter.* What the hell is so funny?
*I honestly cannot stop myself from laughing in her face. She glares at me until I finally pull myself together. With one hand still holding my stomach, I say,* You have the nerve to call someone pathetic? That is honestly hilarious! You have been throwing yourself at Harry since his mother invited you to that party. You sank your claws into him when he was so lost that he didn’t know whether he was coming or going. You encouraged his spiral downward and took advantage of him when he was at his lowest. But when he needed someone, he came to me. Harry and I are just friends. But, beyond that, do you know what else I am to him? Unlike you, I am a part of his life that he doesn’t regret. What are you even doing here? Chasing after a man who cannot stand the sight of you. Coming to a party where everyone knows you as the girl who released a sex tape of her and a guy who was clearly drunk out of his mind. You’re a joke. A sad, twisted joke. *I brush past her, bumping her with my shoulder. I can’t stop the smile as I leave the bathroom. That felt good!* - Courtney 
*When you walk into the kitchen, I’ve just finished pouring myself a cup of coffee. I’d spent the morning upgrading building security. I've arranged for a perimeter to be set up at the entrance, so any paparazzi will be behind a barricade. I look over at you and I can feel the heat rising up my neck when I see what you’re wearing. I know what you’re trying to do, but I refuse to let you see my reaction.I’m going to call your bluff.* Ready to roll? You might wanna grab a coat. There’s a bit of a chill. *I pick up my coffee and sunglasses and head to the door.* - Joel
*when Harry still doesn’t see you for another few minutes, he grows concerned. He asks Glenne if she’s seen you and she points towards the bathroom. He is a bit relieved when he sees you walk out, his rage only growing when he spots who was following you out. He immediately knows what went on in there and he feels his blood boiling. Becca trying to weasel her way into your head, back into his life. He politely pushes through some people before reaching Becca, standing in front of her* Do the words restraining order mean nothing to you? I was serious about that, by the way... I will get one against you and that means you can’t come to these parties anymore, looking for your 5 seconds of fame. *he doesn’t stop, even though you are pleading for him too* You need to get the fuck away from me and my friends. This isn’t your world, go back to England and stay where you fucking belong. Come where you’re not welcome again, and I, along with my team and close friends, will all have restraining orders against you.
Oh good. The whole hard nipple thing is super fashionable here. *I giggle at him and walk out, ignoring his comment about needing a coat. I have had paps get all sorts of shots of me - up skirt, topless, nude, everything. Showing some nip wouldn’t phase me in the least. We get outside and Joel gets me to the car safely, climbing in with me* So, you’re really going to escort me everywhere? Even to classes?
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the-origin-story · 7 years
Origin Story Text Posts and Onion Headlines Part 9
Kira: one of these days i'm going to roll my eyes too hard and i'm going to go blind, i just walked into this room at a party and someone yelled "dibs!", I'm sorry you must be at least a level 4 friend to unlock my tragic backstory, I'm developing all these feelings it's disgusting., how ones one turn their emotions off, idc (I do care), This Shit Again, i hope common sense is the next cool trend, no offense but i hate myself and i hope i die in my sleep, i need a tall boyfriend so he can get things for me off of tall places. i changed my mind boys are demons ill get a ladder, "your eyes hella red u been smokin??" no I been crying bitch leave me alone, why do ppl think its ok to waste my time, who let me adult I can't adult, japanese legend says that if you shut the fuck up you wouldn't be so annoying, "yall need to chill" says me, who isn't chill not even a little bit., here i am, cuter and more kissable than ever, and how many kisses am i receiving? zero, why doesn't anyone appreciate my sarcasm and bitterness as much as i do, what the hap is fuckening, current mood: angrily bisexual., buying clothes that aren't black is hard, are those feelings get them away from me, girlfriend: why don't you take off that battle armor and slip into something a bit more.....comfortable me: i am most comfortable when i am impervious to most forms of physical attack, "I need to you to totally straight with me-" *nervous bisexual laughter*, i can't stop laughing at the fact that i used to think that i was straight me a heterosexual, ever wonder how different your life would be if that one thing never happened, Youve heard of Best Buy, now get ready for... me (the best bi), ATTENTION! The rumors are true! i AM beautiful AND hilarious at the SAME TIME. yes it is a lot to take in take ur time my beauty is timeless, Fact: Bisexuals are open to everything. Coffee dates, crowded parties, underground robot fighting rings, secret witch covens. We're open minded., bi people are are wonderful and magical and their identity is so so valid pass it on, Your Safety Is Our Second Concern, anyway sorry I sound really gay and bitter, list of things i'm handling well currently 1., my life's resume: i tried, anyway *goes to push my glasses up my nose by the bridge and accidentally gets fingerprint on lens* fuck okay hold on, do you ever just look at someone and think "I'm glad your parents had sex", If I had a dollar every time someone called me ugly I'd have 0 dollars bitch you thought lmao, I may be short but you're still beneath me
Jean: me 300 times a day: im so done, that person you just called a nerd? they are a giant nerd. you made a good call on that one., "if u like someone just tell them!" yeah sure goodbye, why does life feel like i'm playing on expert difficulty, the robot apocalypse will be caused by people talking about the robot apocalypse so much that the robots will think that's what we want and they're just trying their best, i want to give him (Becket) things like blowjobs and self esteem, I am awake but at what price, me: *discussing w/ myself in my head* me: my thoughts exactly, I'm like four days past my bedtime, no offense but some of us *looks pointedly at self in mirror* need to fucking chill, reasons to date me: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: please lol, "its dark im scared" don't worry bae i got this *stomps foot* *sketchers light up*, me: *talks for 30 minutes straight on a subject no one cares about just because i love sharing information*, me:*lies down* things:*continue to happen* me: lieS DOWN HARDER*, friend: you look stressed me: haha yeah it's the stress, it's raining but it's not men so what's the point
Cypress: is it gay in here or is it just me?, im the seductive malicious forest spirit your parents warned you about, me: hangs out w/ little kids and tries to reach them self love and feminist ideas, I am a dream girl I already know, i'm a good person i don't deserve to be mistaken for a heterosexual, *me flirting* hey wanna suffer together, "sit up straight" how dare you i'll sit as gay as i please, Area Women Not Listened To Again, "women are weaklings!" i'm strong enough to carry your corpse to the woods, I'm in love with this girl. She's gorgeous, smart, talented, funny as hell, and totally badass. That girl is me. boy: says something sexual or flirtatious me: right...anyway, "you can't wear that!!!! people will get the wrong impression!!!" the impression that i am a hot babe with an ass that just won't quit??" honey that ain't wrong that's just a fact
Becket: am i a complex carbohydrate because i am slowly breaking down, I'm usually that person who has no idea what's going on, no offense but what the fuck am I doing, eyebrow game strong?, more like eyeBAG game strong. i'm fucking exhausted. haha lol, au where i'm not crying, i expect the minimum and am still disappointed, INCREDIBLY ATTRACTIVE PEOPLE who are simultaneously GIANT DORKS are my ULTIMATE WEAKNESS, me: knows exactly what i have to say me: stutters and fucks up a 5 word sentence, me, a sensitive and very emotional person who cries easily and can't take any criticism: i wanna fight someone
Liam: im fluent in talking shit, is it morally okay to pray that your crush's relationship doesn't work out, I walk this broken road on the boulevard of broken roads Don't know where it broke but it's only me and I broke the road, can you not date people that are not me? it's rude., i think i stole all of the wrong personality traits when when making my identity because no one fucking likes me??, hot people who know they're hot are the worst and can't be trusted, I thought you were in love? just with myself, *avoids even people i love w all heart*, I may look calm but in my head I've killed you three times, Child Development Experts Say Boys Not Fully Mature Until Avenging Father's Murder, i bet you thought you'd seen the last of me, i try not to sound like an asshole but it's really hard because i am an asshole, why are 15 year olds so angry
Bean: wanna make a secret handshake it involves us touching our mouths together for three hours, don't look at me i'll fall in love with u, Do you ever look at a person and get the urge to just drop everything and yell I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU, here's a little song i like to call "i cherish our friendship so i won't tell you i would totally have sex with you if you asked"
Cyra: IF YOU SAY ONE MORE WORD I'M GOING TO GRAB YOUR FACE AND kiss it because you're cute , do you ever just want to hold someone in your arms for about 37 years, QUICK. PUT YOUR LIPS ON MINE IT'S AN EMERGENCY, @god thanks for making girls so pretty, they're just really cute and in love, my kink is a happy n fulfilling relationship, my seduction style is is genuinely caring about your life & wanting you to improve & be happy, otp: smol and tol, you can't be hot and just expect me to act normal
Jean and Kira: I'm Always Open To Feedback I Can Get Defensive About And Ultimately Ignore
The Squad: Group Of Good-Looking People All Headed Toward Same Place
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