#It also looks super fake on screen b/c it's translucent and photographs pink instead of opaque red
avaantares · 2 years
Welp. I was not wrong about the emotional whiplash.
I mean... after that scene in Episode 37 almost gave me an asthma attack from laughing too hard, Episode 38 compensated by ramping up the intensity and putting all of my favorite H/C tropes in one basket for easy delivery. *fans self* And then ending where it ended, which I figured was coming because they pretty much told you what was going to happen in the earlier dialogue, but... oof.
And then E39 picked up with THAT SCENE (oof, continued), successfully shredding whatever bits of your heart were still intact after E38, and then...
...immediately going riiiiiight back to the... thing... from E37 that kicked off all the laughing in the first place. Only making it worse by virtue of the terrible, terrible compositing and falling-in effect. OW, my neck can't take that kind of shift.
(Well, my neck can't take much of anything, given the spine damage, but I'm speaking metaphorically here.)
Anyway I'm dying (still metaphorically) to make gifsets of pretty much all of E38 (especially the scene with the... uh... falling on gravel? there's really no non-spoilery way to reference it, but you know the one. The one with the line.), but I'm not going to do it yet since I know two of my mutuals have just started watching the show, and I don't want to risk spoiling any of the endgame for them.
Meanwhile, I'm trying to summon the courage to watch E40. I have made it this far without having the actual end of the drama spoiled for me, but I've now been informed by at least three reputable sources that I'm going to hate the ending.
Well, here goes.
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