#Intestinal Conditioner
nightbunnysong · 28 days
Foods that promote gut health
Maintaining a healthy gastrointestinal (GI) tract is vital for overall health, given its role in nutrient absorption, immune regulation, and maintaining a balanced microbiome. Gastrointestinal irritation can lead to dysbiosis, inflammation, and impaired barrier function, which can have systemic consequences. This article explores specific foods that have been shown to support gut health at the biochemical level and to alleviate GI irritation.
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1. Chicken bone broth
Chicken bone broth is rich in collagen, gelatin, and various amino acids, including glycine and proline, which play a critical role in maintaining the integrity of the gut mucosa. Collagen and gelatin are broken down in the stomach to release these amino acids, which are then utilized in the synthesis of extracellular matrix components. Glycine, in particular, has anti-inflammatory properties and contributes to the stabilization of the intestinal epithelial barrier by promoting tight junction integrity. This supports mucosal healing and reduces permeability, thereby mitigating the symptoms of leaky gut syndrome.
Additionally, bone broth contains glutamine, a conditionally essential amino acid that serves as a primary fuel source for enterocytes, the cells lining the gut. Glutamine supplementation has been shown to reduce intestinal permeability and inflammation, making bone broth a beneficial dietary component for repairing a compromised gut lining.
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2. Vegetable soups
Vegetable soups, especially those made from high-fiber vegetables like carrots, celery, and leafy greens, provide an abundance of prebiotic fibers, such as inulin and pectin. Prebiotics are non-digestible carbohydrates that resist digestion in the upper GI tract and reach the colon intact, where they undergo fermentation by the gut microbiota. This fermentation process produces short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) like butyrate, propionate, and acetate, which serve as an energy source for colonocytes and have anti-inflammatory effects.
Butyrate, in particular, has been shown to strengthen the gut barrier by enhancing the expression of tight junction proteins and by modulating the immune response within the gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT). Additionally, SCFAs lower the pH of the colon, creating an environment that is less favorable for pathogenic bacteria, thus promoting a balanced microbiome.
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3. Miso soup
Miso, a fermented product made from soybeans, rice, or barley, is rich in probiotics, particularly strains of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. These beneficial bacteria contribute to the maintenance of a healthy gut microbiome by outcompeting pathogenic bacteria for resources and attachment sites on the intestinal epithelium.
Probiotics in miso also produce antimicrobial substances like bacteriocins and lactic acid, which inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria. Additionally, these microbes can enhance the production of anti-inflammatory cytokines and reduce the secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines, thereby modulating the gut immune response and reducing intestinal inflammation.
The fermentation process of miso also results in the production of bioactive peptides, which have been shown to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, further contributing to the healing of the GI tract.
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4. Nettle Tea
Nettle (Urtica dioica) is a medicinal plant known for its potent anti-inflammatory properties, largely attributed to its high content of polyphenolic compounds, flavonoids, and carotenoids. These bioactive compounds inhibit the activity of pro-inflammatory enzymes such as cyclooxygenase (COX) and lipoxygenase (LOX), thereby reducing the production of inflammatory mediators like prostaglandins and leukotrienes.
Nettle also contains high levels of vitamins A, C, and K, as well as minerals such as iron and magnesium, which are essential for maintaining cellular functions and supporting the immune system. The antioxidative properties of nettle’s polyphenols help to mitigate oxidative stress, a key factor in gut inflammation and irritation.
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5. Fermented vegetables
Fermented vegetables like sauerkraut and kimchi are rich sources of live probiotics and their metabolites, which play a crucial role in maintaining gut health. The fermentation process not only preserves the vegetables but also enriches them with beneficial bacteria, such as Lactobacillus plantarum and Leuconostoc mesenteroides, which can colonize the gut and enhance microbial diversity.
These probiotics have been shown to improve the gut’s mucosal barrier function by increasing the expression of mucin genes and enhancing the production of SCFAs. Moreover, the metabolites produced during fermentation, such as lactic acid and bacteriocins, exert antimicrobial effects against pathogens, thereby promoting a balanced and healthy microbiome.
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6. Oats and whole grains
Oats are rich in beta-glucan, a type of soluble fiber that acts as a prebiotic, selectively stimulating the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. The fermentation of beta-glucan by colonic bacteria results in the production of SCFAs, which, as previously mentioned, have anti-inflammatory and gut-protective effects.
In addition to their prebiotic properties, beta-glucans modulate the immune system by binding to receptors on immune cells, such as macrophages and dendritic cells, thereby enhancing their ability to respond to pathogens while reducing unnecessary inflammatory responses. This immune-modulating effect is particularly beneficial in managing conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
[photos from Pinterest]
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hell-drabbles · 4 months
Leviathan and Ra-on 2
Summary: You’ve never been more glad to have your guest bedroom be reinforced to stand even the most intense of devil king tantrums. Ra-on needs rest after too much intense fucking and Leviathan is being a demanding bastard.
(Being stuffed full to the point of inflated swelling cannot feel good on Ra-on’s inexperienced guts.)
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“Mm,” Ra-on, on the floor and in a plush pillow fort you built just to have a nice little nook to read and relax in, gingerly shifted his bruised and sore self around, “Even… breathing hurts. Ow.”
Of course his everything would hurt. After wading through a disgustingly thick river of cum that almost leaked into your bedroom–thank fuck for weather strips–and stumbling into your bed with a stomach fit for rupturing from an hours long fucking session, the fact he’s lucid at all the next day was a miracle.
What is it with devils, with Leviathan pushing Ra-on way past his limit? He’s not rubber, not one of Ra-on’s many pocket sleeves but they treat him like that anyway!
Bastards. All of them.
“At least that’s all the pain you have. If you had ruptured intestines or a prolapse, you’d be screwed.” You have little clue how to go about fixing those and you wouldn’t trust any hospital in Hell with Ra-on. Knowing how devils worked, they’d fix him right back up and then fuck him as ‘payment for their work.’ And then Ra-on would be right back where you both started, with swelled up guts and internal injuries.
Fuck this place. Fuck Hell.
“Oh. Oh!” At first, Ra-on was absent-minded, then clarity cleared his voice, “That can happen?”
You blinked, “Yes. Especially since I know you don’t own any inflation toys. Or do prep-work.”
He flushed and his face pinched up horribly. Really, like his toy collection was a secret to you. Who does he think cleans up Minhyeok’s closet? Of course you would know what he has.
“…right…” And Ra-on sank back into the pile, practically disappearing. Probably wanted to vanish actually. “I think… I’ll sleep again.” Guess that line of conversation’s done. That’s fine, you wanted to get back to reading.
“You do that. I’ll just be reading, ‘kay?”
There was only a mumble. You gave a hum back.
You can only hope that, by the time you finish this chapter or when Ra-on wakes up, the hallways will be clean and the smell will finally fade. You’d use an air freshener but you’d end up suffocating yourself with the combined smell, so all you can do is turn on the air conditioner and hope the circulation would get rid of it.
You think only an hour passed before there was a knock on your door. A knock. On your layers thick, reinforced door. The sound traveled through the very framework of this bedroom. Luckily, Ra-on was so deep asleep that the most he did was shift.
You walked to the door and turn on the intercom. You’re not surprised at the sight of Leviathan on the screen, head held at that irritating angle as though no one deserved to be at eye level with him.
The sea of cum was still flowing from the hallway behind him and the devil responsible was naked right before the camera’s sight. Ugh. You know exactly what he’s here for.
“You,” Leviathan seethed, like addressing you alone was enough to disgust him, “You have Solomon’s Son with you–”
You turned off the intercom and pressed another button. There was light clinking, the turning of gears and well built mechanisms, then it all stopped.
The only sound that remained was a very, very light clinking. Nice to know that that devil wasn’t joking about his skills and the quality of his materials. ‘Not even a devil king would be able to tear through this!’
You should take him out for drinks at some point.
“Hmm?” Ra-on raised his sleepy head up, eyes not even open, “Someone knockin’?”
“Nope,” you kicked back in your chair, “Just another one of those gross Hell mosquitoes.”
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shroomboi67 · 1 year
More little comic ideas for you heres Ethan with insomnia because canon
It was.. a struggle to get used to Heisenberg living with Ethan and Rose not because the man was basically living in the past and has little to no idea about modern life but how cautious he was around the man. Ethan was always watching the man carefully eyes tracking every movement. He knew how much power that man had he could easily kill Ethan with only a flick of his wrist he had witnessed it before from the cold rod through his intestines had anything to say.
Nevertheless he knew he'd come back always would yet he was careful nonetheless and so was Heisenberg despite loosing his duster and boots he kept his hat, glasses and gloves. His eyes were sensitive to light but he needed his gloves to control his magnetism the gentle thrum from his fingertips under the cold leather reminded him of his power it was thrilling yet terrifying even after decades.
Ethan groaned at the throbbing pain in his cranium another sleepless night and pounding headache nightmares plaguing him each night leaving him in a cold sweat and aching all over so he sat with a coffee on the couch willing his thoughts quiet when the quiet foot falls came up from the basement where the strange magneto man resided he had made a home down there tinkering quietly.
He glanced over at Ethan's state which he had seen a few times before but left him be in exchange for grabbing his coffee for an allnighter of metal work. Heisenberg heaved a sigh and walked over standing in front of the exhausted father who reguarded Karl's presences by a light nod and a sip of coffee. The metalsmith grunted "Ethan.." He whispered his words penetrating the thick silence. The man looked up in response to his name eyes dark with heavy bags "yes..?" He murmured.
Karl sat next to him "why arent you in bed?"
"Nightmares.." Ethan simply stated before burying his face in his coffee and wincing.
Heisenberg noticed much to his chagrin "whats wrong? Are you hurt?" His worried toned startled Ethan.
Ethan shook his head "headache.." the man frowned down at the father "i can help?" He suggested sitting next to him. Ethan shook his head he didnt want any more pills. Heisenberg's frown deepened. "No pills i can help just face me" Ethan looked at him with scepticism before nodding shifting to face him watching heisenberg slip off his gloves. Eyes narrowing in suspicion at him but after a request he shut his eyes.
Ethan flinched at the warm hands that soothed over his throbbing temple before sighing into the touch Heisenberg grinned pressing a gentle kiss between his wrinkled brows
"..wow i'm cured.." Ethan whispered earning a breathy laugh from the magneto man his fingers suddenly thrumming to life sending low electrical currents through his head making Ethan's breath hitch in discomfort. Heisenberg mumbled a gentle apology massaging his head with his thumbs before raking his fingers through his hair. Ethan making small sounds of encouragement.
Karl's fingers went to the sides of his head sliding down behind his ears Ethan humming relaxed letting his head roll forward making the man smile softly Ethan's hair was so silky and Karl would take any chance to endulge in the sweet pomegranite smell of his conditioner.
Heisenbergs skilled fingers then travelled down to the base of his skull smoothing over a bundle of angered knots until they gave Ethan groaned head falling onto his shoulder in blissful relief soon being lulled to sleep by gently humming.
"Sleep well Winters.."
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vraska-theunseen · 15 days
the pipes in my air conditioner looks like organs it looks like intestines in there i spotted it while reaching back to grab my water bottle and it scared me
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🧡 💌 💕💔😴😶🧼😃😡🥣☕ 🎡✂️🚬👗 💉 (for kakyoin)
Under read more because it's a lot!!!
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(Kakyoin has never made any friends in his entire life. Now he has tried when he was a kid, but the minute he tried to bring up his stand in a conversation is when he got weird looks and kids ignoring him so he figured trying to make friends was pointless if they couldn't see or understand his stand. Although he was close with his cousin, Ryoko, even he kept major secrets from her.)
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(Despite never going on a date before, Kakyoin is easily an amazing boyfriend! He loves making lunches for his partner and is very physically affectionate. Being so touch-starved for affection from others, he has a hard time not wanting to hold hands or embrace his partner!)
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(Even though he loves the idea of having a partner someday, Kakyoin is not very optimistic that he'll find love because of how long it took him just to have friends.)
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(Kakyoin has grown up believing he is the only stand user ever in his family but the truth is that his grandfather was a stand user as well, he just kept it hidden even into his death where Kakyoin would never know that he wasn't alone in his family.)
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(Kakyoin actually struggled to sleep a lot after Death 13. Even in the hospital from surviving Dio's attack, nurses had a hard time convincing or even getting him to sleep because he was still scared he'd dream of that stupid baby coming back round 2. By the time of part 4 though, he can actually sleep relatively peacefully!)
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(He's never going to tell his cousin or his parents about what happened in Egypt. All he's ever told them is that he got into an accident after he left the hotel and found himself injured for months in a hospital. Sometimes his mother still asks how the fuck did he end up with a large punch-like hole in his stomach, but he makes some vague allusion to a car accident or construction accident.)
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(Kakyoin is a VERY neat person so trust me when I say he's extremely on-top of his hygiene! He has an entire skin care routine in the morning and pretty expensive brands of shampoo and conditioner for his hair to remain nice and healthy.)
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(He's such a nerd by Kakyoin's happiest hobby is just organizing and cleaning up! He loves making sure everything is neatly put together and of course, he loves using his label maker.)
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(For half the trip, Polnareff really pissed off Kakyoin. This was mainly because the two of them are polar opposites, and sharing a room with him sometimes on their travels was absolute hell when the Frenchman was so messy while Kakyoin liked everything neat and folded. Obviously they learned to get along later, but let's just say that punch when Avdol 'died' wasn't just to get him to snap out of it.)
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(He's actually a really good cook! Since he had no friends, Kakyoin spent a lot of time with his mother so she taught him how to cook.)
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(Kakyoin really likes coffee actually! He just hates it plain so he'll usually load it with cream and sugar but he LOVES having a nice latte with a cherry pie~)
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(His mother was a painter before he was born, retiring to be a stay at home mom, so Kakyoin learned to paint from her as it was still her hobby when he was away at school. He still likes painting and drawing, he just doesn't do it very often because he has a lot of other hobbies, but on the occasion he paints they're actually very abstract and Picaso-esque.)
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(He gets his red hair from his dad but his curls from his mom. He did teach his cousin, Ryoko, how to do his curl style though because they were close when they were little.)
(Already answered the bad habit one!)
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(Kakyoin dresses pretty simple actually. He wears a lot of button-up shirts, polos and sweaters! For him, it's anything casual and comfortable.)
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(He may have recovered pretty well after the events of part 3 despite being in the hospital for a year, by that I mean that he had to have an experimental stomach and intestinal transplant by the Speedwagon Foundation, they weren't able to completely help his spine. Although he was young so his body was able to handle the partial artificial spine the Foundation put in place, it's not the same kind of technology as something like Joseph's arm so over time it would wear down.
Over the course of each Jojo part, Kakyoin develops severe mobility issues. By part 4, he usually walks with a cane or leg braces to keep himself upright or else he risks his legs giving out at random intervals and by part 6? He's completely confined to a wheelchair as the artificial spinal chord will completely fail by then. Now the foundation has tried to continue developing a better artificial spine for Kakyoin, but the surgery for it would still be a massive risk that could cause further damage or even leave him with even more issues.)
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Heat is crazy. I’m sweating and then air conditioner is opened and I’m freezing. I hope my intestines keep working normally.
Started yoga again. Hot weather doesn’t help but I neglected myself both physically and mentally.
Need to book an appointment for psychiatrist.
So many things need to be done about new house. Also at the same time I need to study and do 24h shifts.
All is well, all is well *fingers crossed*
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esuplianusha · 21 days
Thorne L-Glutamine Powder
Supporting GI Health and Immune Function
Thorne L-Glutamine Powder is a high-quality supplement designed to support gastrointestinal (GI) health and boost immune function. As an essential amino acid, L-glutamine plays a critical role in maintaining the integrity of the gut lining, supporting muscle recovery, and enhancing immune response. This article will explore the key benefits and uses of Thorne L-Glutamine Powder.
1. What is L-Glutamine?
L-glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the body and is vital for many bodily functions. It is classified as a "conditionally essential" amino acid, meaning that while the body can produce it, additional supplementation may be necessary during times of stress, illness, or heavy physical activity. Thorne L-Glutamine Powder provides a convenient source of this important nutrient.
2. Supports GI Health
One of the primary benefits of Thorne L-Glutamine Powder is its ability to support gastrointestinal health. L-glutamine is the preferred fuel source for the cells that line the intestines, helping to maintain the integrity of the gut barrier. This is essential for preventing "leaky gut," a condition where harmful substances can pass through the intestinal lining into the bloodstream, leading to inflammation and other health issues. Regular use of Thorne L-Glutamine Powder helps to promote gut health, reducing the risk of digestive discomfort and other GI-related problems.
3. Enhances Immune Function
L-glutamine is also essential for proper immune function. It plays a role in supporting immune cells, such as lymphocytes and macrophages, which help the body fight off infections. When the body is under stress or fighting illness, the demand for L-glutamine increases. Thorne L-Glutamine Powder provides a steady supply of this amino acid, ensuring that the immune system has the resources it needs to function optimally.
4. Muscle Recovery and Athletic Performance
In addition to its benefits for gut health and immunity, L-glutamine is popular among athletes and fitness enthusiasts for its role in muscle recovery. Intense exercise can deplete the body's glutamine levels, leading to muscle soreness and delayed recovery. By supplementing with Thorne L-Glutamine Powder, individuals can support muscle repair and reduce recovery time, making it an ideal addition to any post-workout regimen.
5. Pure and High-Quality Formula
Thorne L-Glutamine Powder is known for its purity and high-quality ingredients. It is free from artificial additives, gluten, dairy, and other common allergens, making it suitable for individuals with dietary restrictions or sensitivities. The powder form allows for easy mixing into water, shakes, or smoothies, offering flexibility in how it is consumed.
6. Promotes Gut Healing in Specific Conditions
L-glutamine has been shown to support individuals dealing with certain gastrointestinal conditions, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn’s disease, and ulcerative colitis. Thorne L-Glutamine Powder can be especially beneficial for those looking to heal the gut lining and improve their overall digestive health. Its role in reducing gut permeability can help alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life for individuals with these conditions.
7. Convenient 18 oz. Size
The 18 oz. size of Thorne L-Glutamine Powder ensures that users have an ample supply for daily use. Whether you’re taking it for immune support, gut health, or athletic recovery, this larger size offers long-lasting value and convenience, making it easy to incorporate into your daily wellness routine.
Thorne L-Glutamine Powder is a versatile supplement that supports gastrointestinal health, enhances immune function, and aids in muscle recovery. Its pure, high-quality formula makes it suitable for a wide range of users, from athletes to those with specific GI concerns. With its 18 oz. size and easy-to-use powder form, Thorne L-Glutamine Powder is an excellent choice for individuals looking to optimize their gut health and overall well-being.
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meditating-dog-lover · 2 months
Health update
I've been feeling quite well recently. The only thing really holding me back is out of my control - the humidity. It's been irritating my skin and causing rashes. My hands have gotten a bit itchy today after I drove home (it was humid, rainy, and muggy outside). My mom recommended I get cooling cream to counter the effects of the humidity.
I know I developed some sort of adrenal fatigue (not sure if that's a real diagnosis, but I definitely had elevated cortisol and felt fatigued, exhausted, and inflamed). Prolonged fasting in women can cause this issue with adrenal exhaustion. This leads me to believe there is definitely a hormonal link to my eczema.
I'm going to also look into gentle skin care. I feel as I progressed through my 20s, my skin got dryer. I have been using different skin care products, so I think I'll go back to more gentle and hydrating and anti-inflammatory skin care products. I might even look into more hydrating hair products because my hair can get dry as well (leave in conditioners and oils help).
Again my only concern is that I develop skin issues in the fall and winter when it is dryer outside. I've already been dealing with a skin emotional roller coaster and general hypochondria combined with other stressors in life that left me in a lot of pain and distress, leaving me feeling depressed and hopeless. I'm going to be seeing a psychiatrist soon.
As long as I balance my hormones and get rid of the inflammation and fatigue, and switch to more gentle/anti-inflammatory skincare. That's what I can personally control. I cannot control the weather, environment, and allergens. So I'll look into skin care products that will soothe my skin on my face and neck. I know that will help.
I've been eating anti-inflammatory as well. I quit fasting and ate well this week. I went to the mall today and wanted to indulge in something. So I got some Swiss chocolate and soft pretzel bites. The goal is to eat mostly anti-inflammatory foods. However there needs to be a balance, so some treats here and there won't hurt and are actually necessary. I had pasta, popcorn, and pizza this week and I'm fine - not a single eczema flareup. Any inflammation I'm experiencing is from the weather and not diet. I'm also going to find a balance with eating out, my anti-inflammatory diet, and how to cycle my fasts. The doctor my mom and I were listening to said to cycle carbs as well (eating low carb week 1 and 3), but I love carbs and I can't do that. What I can do is eat mostly anti-inflammatory, cycle fast, and add n more hormone and supporting foods to my diet. I already did that with pumpkin seeds, broccoli, and seaweed. Some future things to consider are white potatoes and flax. I'm drinking aloe for gut health as well, and will eventually look into enzymes and HCl levels.
For enzymes and HCl, I'm already taking a digestive enzyme supplement and went back to them 2 days ago. I have a bottle I got 3 months ago but didn't finish it. I did an h pylori test today and want to make sure it comes back negative. H pylori can cause indigestion and small intestine infection because it lowers stomach acid levels, so it can be a concern. Not chewing enough can also prevent enough stomach acid from being formed, but that's not as concerning as a stomach infection. My dr will give me antibiotics if there is a positive result. I know I used herbal supplements to try to kill them off. I'll definitely use the stronger prescription antibiotic if there are still some levels present. I also have a mineral scan scheduled and want to ask about enzymes and stomach acid in the contexts of preventing malabsorption, because I did have that issue. I'll see my results soon and I'm looking forward.
I feel better in general, thankfully. I just want to continue supporting my hormones, only fasting when needed without the concern of gaining weight back, gentle skin care products, eating anti-inflammatory but with a balanced approach, and supporting gut health (looking into enzymes and HCl next). I'm going to see a psychologist and psychiatrist along with my regular therapist for support, because I am feeling down, pain and distress.
I know things will get better because things have been getting better over the years. It's just that recently I finally decided to address my childhood trauma and be honest and tough with myself when it comes to admitting personal pain. I feel things will get better, but I still feel pain, distress, anxiety, and hopelessness.
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bioprogreenmorocco · 1 year
Basil essential oil for company
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Basil essential oil for company : benefits, uses and its complex capacities
Basil essential oil for company is a precious elixir with many benefits for health and well-being. Obtained from the leaves of Basil, this aromatic oil is renowned for its exceptional therapeutic properties. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of basil essential oil, its common uses, and the complex abilities that make it so valuable.
The benefits of Basil essential oil of company
Company Basil essential oil for company offers a wide range of benefits for body and mind. Here are some of its most notable benefits:
1. Stimulating and energizing effect
Basil essential oil has stimulating properties that help boost mental and physical energy. It can promote mental clarity, improve concentration and increase alertness.
2. Properties antiseptics And antibacterial
Thanks to its antiseptic and antibacterial properties, the Basil essential oil helps prevent infections and protect the body against pathogens. It can be used to disinfect minor wounds and promote healing.
3. Muscle Pain Relief
company Basil essential oil has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that help relieve muscle and joint pain. It can be used in massage to relax tense muscles and reduce inflammation.
4. Digestive Support
This essential oil is renowned for its carminative properties, which help relieve digestive disorders such as bloating, intestinal spasms and indigestion. It promotes healthy digestion and reduces stomach discomfort.
Using the Basil essential oil for company
Basil essential oil offers many possibilities of use to enjoy its benefits. Here are some of the common uses:
A. Inhalation
Add a few drops of Basil essential oil in an essential oil diffuser to enjoy its invigorating aroma. Inhaling its scent can boost mental energy and bring a feeling of freshness.
B. Therapeutic massage
Mix a few drops for company basil essential oil with a carrier oil, such as sweet almond oil or coconut oil, and gently massage into painful areas. This will relieve muscle tension and promote relaxation.
C. Relaxing bath
Add a few drops of Basil essential oil to your hot tub to create a relaxing experience. The soothing scent of the essential oil will waft through the water, providing a moment of calm and deep relaxation.
D. Hair care
Mix a few drops of basil essential oil into your shampoo or conditioner to stimulate hair growth, nourish the scalp, and add shine to your hair.
Complex abilities Basil essential oil for company
L'company basil essential oil is recognized for its complex abilities, which include both energizing and relaxing properties. It can help balance the body and mind, promoting an overall state of well-being.
Basil essential oil for company is a natural treasure with multiple benefits for health and well-being. Its stimulating, antiseptic, analgesic and digestive properties make it a versatile essential oil. Enjoy its varied uses to boost your energy, relieve pain and promote deep relaxation.
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Information about BioProGreen
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N°200 Lot Al Massar, Z.I Sidi Ghanem, Safi Road, 40 000 Marrakech, MOROCCO
Tel:+212 524 335 449
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Website : https://www.bioprogreen.com/
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i really have to fart right now but i'm gonna hold it. i like being gassy. i get in the uber. the driver is playing music. in between songs i notice my stomach rumbling and feel embarrassed. cmon stomach, stop embarrassing me. we make our way to the highway, and i'm distracted as we pass by empty farms and tree-less grasslands. there's one construction company in the distance. what if i lose signal out here, can't order an uber, and shit myself? what if i shit myself in someone's car? what would i actually do then? i did already shit twice today, so maybe this is only gas. i am distracted by these thoughts until we make it to my destination.
i'm dropped off and my attention turns to completing my mission: get my first storage unit by myself. i look at a storage unit and ask if i can rent it. the man behind the counter hands me a paper to fill in and i hand him my driver's license. he begins filling in a form for me, and i find myself bored. i look around and hear my noisy belly once again. i also notice it's warm and spot an air conditioner in the wall, yet it wasn't on. then i realize how silent the room is, a silence broken by my gurgling belly. oh god i hope this ends soon. this is so embarrassing. i keep looking around the room and start sweating, feeling the pressure of awkwardness and the pressure of gas in my tummy. it starts to hurt. wow prune juice can make a lot of gas. but i also had kale and carrots in my sushi, and a plant protein sandwich, and yogurt with prebiotics. that's a lot of gut moving stuff. minutes pass and i feel my anus trying to open up. i squeeze my hole closed and the gas bubbles travel back into my guts. my guys roaring in protest. a long 15 minutes pass before i'm in my uber home and thinking thank God he's playing loud music.
at home i'm feeling gas cramps more intensely. okay i have to fart so bad it hurrrts. the pressure feels different this time, it's heavier in my colon and harder to resist ..i really have to shit. oo okay, maybe i'll hold this too. i make myself a coffee, half water and half milk. this will make it worse. that's hot. i can hold it until..i can't hold it. and then what? should i shit myself? i think i should. mm i have to shit right now. just focus on texting. okay. i text my girlfriend. they text me. i feel a large bubble of gas buried under shit fight to open me up to escape. the pressure makes me tighten my hole. i reply to my girlfriend and take a large gulp of coffee. a wave of gas cramps comes crashing. i give my belly a rub and take another gulp of coffee. almost done. i start to squirm. with my mug in my hand i start to shift my weight to one leg and then to the other restlessly. i look down at my tender belly and notice it's grown in the past few hours. it's much more round. my intestines groan, verbally informing me of the gas inside me. my intestines desperate to let it out. i swallow more coffee. i feel the shit and gas on the move trying to leave me again. it's so heavy, i press my cheeks together with all my energy. i squeeze my eyes closed. it recedes, and i thank God I didn't shit on the carpet. as i'm drinking coffee it immediately comes back, but i have less control.
oh it's happening now. okay. i quickly finish my coffee and feel a movement deep inside my tummy. i ran to to the bathroom. ow. okay where do i want to do this, floor or bath? ooo i have to shit. bath is easier. okay lemme take off my shirt. oh wow i have to shit. i'm lucky this didn't happen while i was out today.
lemme just double check, am i standing on anything? no. okay am i wearing anything that i care about? no. oh i have to shit so bad, oww. i think everything is fine, i'm - ah ow. just relax and you'll feel better. ow, oh- ohhhh it's happening now. i don't even have to push. mm that feels good. a loud fart urgently sputters out of my shorts and around the warm muddy shit quickly oozing out of my shorts. my shorts are pushed aside and each turd slides down my leg leaving skid marks behind. then they splat onto the tub. they're dropped in a pile below me. i notice the strong but sweet smell. another fart erupts from my colon. maybe the sweet smell was the prune juice. more mud slides out of my rectum and down my leg. or maybe it's the prebiotics from my yogurt fermenting inside me. it sticks to my leg and i look behind me. i see pieces of something in the cowpatty. kale? oh yeah from the veggie sushi. oh my that stinks. whew. and it's sickly sweet. that came right out of me. i really needed to shit. that happened so fast im really lucky earlier all i was feeling was the gas forming.
that is the story of my accident today. now that i'm high, many hours later, i'm finishing the veggie sushi i mentioned above. and i'm looking at the piece of kale in this sushi, knowing that i now know what this looks like in my shit. and that's the most full circle experience i've ever had.
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taoyuanus · 1 year
Aiming at the high-end home appliance market, NationStar launched a new series of high-end UVC LED products
In April, when there is more and more rain, the temperature changes from warm to cold. It is the season when pathogenic microorganisms such as various bacteria and viruses are most active, and it is also a period of frequent occurrence of intestinal infectious diseases and respiratory diseases. Deep ultraviolet LED (UVC LED), as a new generation of disinfecting light source that has attracted much attention, can destroy deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) or ribonucleic acid (RNA) genetic material molecules in microbial cells in a short time, making them die immediately or unable to Reproduction, to achieve efficient and rapid broad-spectrum bactericidal effect, to help people build a healthy line of defense.
National Star Optoelectronics high-end series UVC LED new products
Recently, the layout of NATIONSTAR's UVC LED products has made new progress. The optoelectronic device business department aims at the high-end white goods market, and has upgraded and launched new high-end series of UVC LED products, with a sterilization rate of ≥99.99%! Compared with conventional products in the market, NATIONSTAR's high-end series UVC LEDs have further improved optical power and photoelectric conversion rate, with higher luminous efficiency and more stable product performance. They can be applied to sterilization plates such as air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, etc. Customizable, safe and efficient technical solutions.
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plantslover10 · 1 year
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Hibiscus Pink Plant
Hibiscus is an evergreen shrub native to Tropical Asia. And it produces stunning flowers throughout the year. Moreover, it has ornamental and commercial values.
Name: This plant is known as the China Rose, Rose mallow, Sembaruthi, or Shoeblackplant.
Scientific name: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Origin: Originated from Asia
Height: Plants can grow up to 5 meters
Family: Malvaceae
Firstly, they are beautiful and often used for decoration.
Studies have found hibiscus might be able to lower blood pressure.
And it can reduce levels of sugar, fats, and cholesterol in the blood.
Similarly, they can decrease spasms in the stomach, intestines, and uterus.
Moreover, they are used in weddings and ceremonies as ornaments.
Many commercial products like supplements and Tea can be made from Hibiscus.
And, supplements are available in capsule, tincture, and powder forms.
In addition, they are used as waxes and as for tea.
People consume hibiscus tea to decrease body temperature.
And, it can treat heart diseases and high blood pressure.
In addition, they are also used as conditioners and can improve hair health.
Moreover, it has high commercial demand and is excellent for plantations.
Finally, it has anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial properties.
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flowerday234 · 1 year
Hibiscus Pink Plant
Hibiscus is an evergreen shrub native to Tropical Asia. And it produces stunning flowers throughout the year. Moreover, it has ornamental and commercial values.
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Firstly, they are beautiful and often used for decoration.
Studies have found hibiscus might be able to lower blood pressure.
And it can reduce levels of sugar, fats, and cholesterol in the blood.
Similarly, they can decrease spasms in the stomach, intestines, and uterus.
Moreover, they are used in weddings and ceremonies as ornaments.
Many commercial products like supplements and Tea can be made from Hibiscus.
And, supplements are available in capsule, tincture, and powder forms.
In addition, they are used as waxes and as for tea.
People consume hibiscus tea to decrease body temperature.
And, it can treat heart diseases and high blood pressure.
In addition, they are also used as conditioners and can improve hair health.
Moreover, it has high commercial demand and is excellent for plantations.
Finally, it has anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial properties.
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xtruss · 1 year
Is Sourdough Bread Better For You? It Depends On The Loaf
— April 10, 2023 | Seattle Times | By Carrie Dennett, Special to The Seattle Times
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Although sourdough fermentation involves beneficial bacteria, sourdough bread is not a “probiotic” food. The real benefits of sourdough come from the fermentation process itself, writes Carrie Dennett. (Carrie Dennett/Special to The Seattle Times)
On Nutrition
I can’t remember a time when sourdough bread wasn’t in my life. Long before there were artisan bread bakeries in the Pacific Northwest, I was a kid in California cutting my teeth on chewy San Francisco sourdough. After we migrated north, every trip to visit family in Napa and Calistoga included buying several loaves of sourdough to take home and freeze. But beyond being delicious, sourdough has some unique health benefits, too.
Sourdough is the oldest way of making bread, using a starter populated by naturally occurring wild yeasts and lactic acid bacteria species to ferment flour, water and salt. Not all sourdough tastes obviously sour — that depends on the varieties of lactic acid bacteria in the starter, as well as the bread-making process. The bacteria piggybacks on the flour, so one advantage of making a sourdough starter from organically grown wheat or other grains is that it will have a more diverse array of bacterial species. Rye flour-based starters also have more bacterial diversity than wheat-based starters.
Of course, there’s one problem: Some breads that call themselves sourdough are actually “Sourfaux.” If the label lists ingredients such as vinegar, vital wheat gluten, oil and dough conditioner, those are clear-cut clues that the bread is an industrially produced loaf that probably took an hour to make, whereas true sourdough bread takes 18-36 hours.
Real sourdough has three ingredients — flour, water and salt — but can also include some commercial yeast. That last part is controversial, but many bakers who use a sourdough starter also add some commercial yeast to the dough so the bread will enjoy a long, slow fermentation and reliably rise. (Wild yeast in sourdough starter can be persnickety, responding differently based on ambient temperature and other factors.) While sourdough starter may contain upward of 20 wild yeast species, researchers at Tufts University found that the dominant yeast species in sourdough starters is Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which is also the species used in store-bought yeast.
Now for those health benefits. It’s important to note that just because sourdough fermentation involves beneficial bacteria, sourdough bread is not a “probiotic” food, because much of the bacteria and yeast used to make sourdough bread are inactivated during the baking process. The real benefits of sourdough come from the fermentation process itself. For example, fermentation not only produces a better-textured, more flavorful loaf of bread than quick industrial baking processes, but it can make nutrients in the flour more absorbable by our bodies.
Fermentation can also break down oligosaccharides, a type of fermentable carbohydrate found in wheat, rye, and barley that can trigger uncomfortable intestinal symptoms in some people with irritable bowel syndrome. Many of my IBS clients find they can tolerate sourdough bread, but not other wheat-based products. Fermentation also activates enzymes in the grain that can break down some of its gluten — although not quite enough to be gluten-free, so it’s not considered safe for people with celiac disease.
It’s commonly thought that sourdough fermentation reduces the glycemic index of bread, but a study published in January in the journal Advances in Nutrition found that results from research studying that feature is not at all conclusive.
Finally, if you want to produce your own sourdough bread at home, here are two tips that radically elevated my husband’s home-baked bread: Bake in cast iron Dutch ovens and adopt Ken Forkish’s 2012 book “Flour Water Salt Yeast” as your bread-baking bible.
— Carrie Dennett, MPH, RDN, CD is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist at Nutrition By Carrie, and author of "Healthy For Your Life: A holistic approach to optimal wellness." Visit her at nutritionbycarrie.com.
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jean-perry · 2 years
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airqualityexpresstw · 2 years
Why You Should Get Your Ducts Cleaned Out
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When it comes to The Woodlands TX, a common question that you will get asked is whether or not they should be cleaning their vents or if they should be getting their ducts cleaned. If you are looking for an answer to this question, then you may want to have a look at the following information so you can learn some top benefits of getting your ducts cleaned out.
If you live in the Pittsburgh area, then you know that it's not uncommon to have an excess amount of dust and particles floating around in your home. With all of the construction going on around town, it's not surprising that so much dirt is present. However, even if all you've been doing is sitting at home while watching TV or reading a book, your ductwork may still have some dangerous contaminants building up inside it. These contaminants can be harmful to your health as well as make your air conditioner less efficient than it should be. That's why you need to get your ducts cleaned out by a professional air duct cleaning company like ours here at Duct Cleaning Company Pittsburgh!
Dust mites.
Dust mites are microscopic organisms that live in mattresses, pillows, and carpets. They're not dangerous but can cause allergic reactions--especially in children and people with asthma or other respiratory conditions. Dust mites love to feast on dead skin cells, so if you have a lot of them in your house (and who doesn't?), chances are good that the air quality inside is poor.
That's where professional air duct cleaning comes in: it removes dust mites from your ductwork so they won't be circulated throughout your home when the heat kicks on or during an HVAC system's regular maintenance checkup.
Dangerously high levels of mold.
Mold can cause health problems.
Mold can be toxic to humans.
Mold can cause allergies and asthma attacks.
Mold is dangerous for your respiratory system, causing sinus infections and ear infections (otitis media).
Pests like cockroaches and mice.
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As you might imagine, pests like cockroaches and mice can cause serious health problems.
Cockroaches carry bacteria, viruses, and other germs on their bodies. They can also leave droppings behind when they die in your ducts or crawl around in them. If these contaminants get into the air you breathe through your HVAC system, it's possible for you to develop an allergic reaction or asthma attack if you're prone to such reactions--and even if not, these allergens are still floating around where they shouldn't be! In addition to this risk of infection from disease-carrying bugs (which is especially dangerous for children), rodents can also bring fleas into homes along with them--and those fleas will bite anyone who comes near them!
If that weren't enough reason to get rid of these pests once and for all: Rats are known carriers of diseases such as leptospirosis (a bacterial infection) as well as the plague; mice carry hantavirus which causes the fatal respiratory disease; both rats/mice transmit salmonella through their feces/urine which causes food poisoning; cockroaches spread e coli 0157:H7 bacteria which causes bloody diarrhea among other symptoms...
Bacteria and germs such as E-coli, streptococcus, staphylococcus, mold, mildew, and viruses.
There are a number of bacteria and germs that can be found in your ducts. These include:
E-coli - This is one of the most common forms of food poisoning, and it's caused by Escherichia coli (E. coli). E-coli bacteria live in animal intestines and are passed through feces or poop. The most common symptoms include diarrhea, stomach cramps, and vomiting. If you have young children who crawl around on the floor or play with toys outside their toys should be disinfected regularly to avoid infection from this type of bacterium
Streptococcus - This is a group of bacteria that lives in our bodies normally without any problems but sometimes they cause infections like strep throat or Scarlet Fever which can lead to rashes if left untreated
VOCs or volatile organic compounds.
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VOCs are a byproduct of the cleaning process. They can cause irritation and respiratory problems, as well as headaches, nausea, and dizziness.
They're harmful to your health and even more so if you have pets in the house. VOCs can build up over time in your ducts and cause serious damage to their health. The chemicals may also be absorbed through inhalation or ingestion by pets who spend time near vents or floors where dust has accumulated from previous duct cleaning jobs (or even just from normal use).
When it comes down to it--get them cleaned out! You'll feel better knowing that there's nothing lurking in those air ducts that could potentially harm others around you.*
Carbon Monoxide.
Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless gas that can cause serious health problems. It's produced when fuels such as natural gas and propane are burned without enough oxygen for complete combustion. CO can enter your home through vents or chimneys and build up inside your ductwork system where it may linger for months or even years before being detected by you or a professional cleaning service.
If you notice symptoms such as headaches, nausea, or fatigue after using appliances like furnaces or water heaters in your home then it might be time to call in an expert who will perform thorough inspections of their systems before anything bad happens!
You don't have to live with dirty, uncomfortable, and unhealthy air. Air Quality Express in The Woodlands TX is here to help you breathe easier through our duct cleaning services. We clean all the hard to reach spots in your home's ducts and systems that are critical for maximizing energy efficiency and reducing allergens in your indoor environment.
Air Quality Express - The Woodlands
10210 Grogans Mill Rd Suite 242, The Woodlands, TX 77380
(832) 937-4426
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