#Ink's kinda worried 'cus he wants to say something comforting but doesn't know what
pastelaspirations · 4 months
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It is done. The third anniversary drawing. I would have gotten it done in time for the actual anniversary had I not. Gotten sick earlier this May and then not wait until the literal, actual 19th to start this drawing, but anyway-
Yee! I made it a... more sad drawing than I usually do them lol. It just... really didn't feel right to have them being all happy and smiling after I ended the last chapter how I did. Of course, I realize the irony of saying that and then literally writing "Happy 3rd Anniversary" on the drawing smh
Here's one without the text and then one where I tried to put a little filter on it! The filter didn't work out as well as I wanted and was sort of finicky, so I didn't include it as the first picture in the post lmao
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I experimented with the grass and everything! It was really kind of tedious, but I like how it turned out lol. I also tried a different texture with shading a lil bit. It's also my first time drawing a night sky! :D I hope it turned out kinda well. It was fun! I will have to try it more in the future.
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