#Infinite Journey
theblacksunking · 3 months
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Some cybernoid stuff
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Infinite Journey #1 Page 19
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Poem: No Finish Line at the Finish Line
We start the race with mind and heart aligned,To seek the truth that’s ever hard to find.The path is clear, the way seems oh so straight,Yet round and round we go—oh, twist of fate! We run through hills of thought and streams of dreams,The finish line, not quite as near, it seems.With every step, we feel the final call,But then we find there is no end at all. The race we thought would bring us…
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lasaraconor · 8 months
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equill · 5 months
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The Warden
Panel: No escape.
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Ok, now just some silly ideas to share (playing around with the au)
Comic 1: Invading dreams
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Extra: no thanks.
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Comic 2: Unwanted attention
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a-path-by-the-moon · 2 months
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g-h-o-s-t-2000 · 6 months
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never look back
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sleepy-grav3 · 3 months
Twin Demon Brothers AU- BUT!!! No Fentons
Dc x DP
I got into the fandom and ended up lost. I got this random idea so... here it is.
Open prompt btw
Danyal and Damian are raised mostly separate but do come together for sparring matches and whatever else. They're both skilled, talented individuals. So much so that because of their whole twin thing, there's no clear heir.
Damian had always thought of Danyal being Robin while he was the Demon Head. Danyal seemed much more free, more playful. He can switch up quickly and always was attentive, but he was much less uptight than Damian.
Maybe it was because Damian's interest with animals was forbidden and not reachable in the league compared to Danyal's interest in astronomy, which was easy to cover up.
But to their grandfather, that wasn't an option. So, he made them fight to the death. Before they went up, Talia had promised to revive the loser as long as they fought with everything they've got. Put on a show.
They fight, Danyal sacrifices himself by "miscalculating" a move and gets killed. Damian is then named the heir.
However, when they go to revive Danyal, nothing happens. Maybe he wasn't dead long enough or was in contact with blood blossoms- idk. But he doesn't come back.
Danyal ends up in the Infinite Realms. After realizing that he wasn't getting revived, he goes through a journey to go back. He ends up getting into a bunch of fights and eventually becomes someone important (Ghost King, Crown Prince, Baby Ancient, whatever).
He makes it back and... idk. Maybe it was a team effort where Phantom interacts like a poltergeist and has to work together with Damian to have him return to the mortal realm.
Revived or maybe fully a ghost. Maybe he ends up having to get a whole curse thing going on to attach him to Damian or an object.
idk, I feel like this would be a fun little thing. Maybe I'll make a oneshot? But that'll be a bit and not as detailed as I'm currently craving.
Maybe the fentons could be a thing but just- sorta unrelated? Or maybe just- get rid of them and have the GIW take place of that idea. They're a problem in a season/part 2 where Danny's struggling to reconnect and deal with how distant the family is with everything. Stack family problems with GIW and you have a lovely death-day cake!
Ah... but I do want Dani/Elle/Danielle to exist. I just like her around. How would Vlad work?
I should really stop. I'm not making this any better for myself.
Tag me (is that how you say it? I haven't been posted in so long) if someone writes this. And if I do post something... write it anyway. The more stories out there, the better :)
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p4nishers · 9 months
thinking about the relationship between mightily oats' "the worthwhile [words] don't burn" and constable dorfl's "the words in the heart cannot be taken"
#especially the journey both of them had to go through to get to the point of saying that. like the whole of carpe jugulum oats was so TORN#and before that too about what words could you believe and who could you really trust on their word about om and the prophets and he went#out of his way to look up records disproving what the book of om said bc he KNEW nothing they said could be believed and just all the pain#and all that doubt he went thru and the part where he questioned om's 'infinite compassion' as he prayed bc really what compassion?#how many people prayed at the stake just like he was doing in that moment? how many people had to live with the silence of their god just#like he did? but still when his book of om – that he clung to the whole book for reassurance – burned he said the worthily words don't burn#the worthily words are in the heart and in the mind and not feed into his mouth by old man who just#made things up to justify their actions. he had all the words he needded the whole time and holiness was always all around him. he just had#to look#and dorfl being created with words in his head that dictated his every move . words that chained him. then he and the other golems created#'king' for themselves in the hope he'd lead them to freedom but they put too many words in his head and he failed and carrot gave dorfl his#own freedom and his own words and that lead to dorfl destroying his well child basically and destroying himself in the process but the word#in his heart his OWN words remained and they were able to rebuilt him and vimes give him a voice and his words and belief remained in him b#they were always his#god. sorry for the ramble im severally unwell about them#mightily oats#constable dorfl#carpe jugulum#feet of clay#gnu terry pratchett#discworld
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duckapus · 4 months
Idea: one of those "Ash somehow ends up in a group chat (usually with the Champions or Legendaries, sometimes with other characters) the first day of his journey and it messes with the series" AUs that've been popping up on AO3 lately, but instead it's a group chat made up of alternate versions of himself. One of them's the canon version (or at least close to it), the rest are AU versions, at least one of them is Ashley (not sure if trans or just genderbent. leaning towards trans), and all of them are from post-series and trying not to give too many spoilers because they don't want to overwhelm their "mini-me" or make things too easy for him 'cause if they do he won't grow as a trainer and person like they did (not that he'd want them to coddle him like that anyway. He's always wanted to get through on his own merits not have victories just handed to him). Also Arceus told them not to (who else do you think would've set this up?).
Granted, sometimes even when they do give spoilers it doesn't help much between them not having perfect memories, being from alternate timelines so a lot of the details are different between them, and forgetting just how stubborn and bull-headed their Kanto Era self could be.
I call it the "Self-Help Hotline" AU
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A Symphony of Stars
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Journeying through the cosmic depths where every star tells a story and every light is a beacon of the universe's wonders. 🌟🔭
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theblacksunking · 1 year
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Elissa Acaru having her energy depleted.
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Infinite Journey #1 Page 18
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eliotrosechild · 3 days
The Space Between: Exploring the Infinite Potential of Being
In a world where time is a relentless force and identity feels tethered to our daily experiences, we are constantly seeking to understand who we are and what we are becoming. We exist in the spaces between moments, continuously evolving but never quite arriving at a final definition of self. This journey is not just about reaching an end but about understanding the limitless nature of being itself—an infinite loop of potential, growth, and awareness.
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The Illusion of Time and Identity
One of the greatest illusions we face is the concept of time as a linear path. From an early age, we are taught to think of life as a sequence of events, neatly ordered into past, present, and future. We set goals, make plans, and measure progress based on this timeline, believing that we are moving toward some fixed point where we will finally “arrive.” But what if this is not the case? What if time is not a straight line but a fluid, expansive space that bends and loops in ways we cannot fully comprehend?
Our identities are similarly bound by this illusion. We define ourselves by the roles we play—parent, professional, artist, friend—and by the experiences we accumulate over time. Yet, if we step back, we begin to see that these identities are not as fixed as they seem. They are temporary constructs, shaped by external circumstances and internal shifts, constantly dissolving and reforming.
In this sense, we are more than the sum of our experiences. We are not bound by the past, nor are we solely the product of the future we imagine. Rather, we are always becoming—moving through a space of possibility that transcends time and identity.
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The Space Between Thoughts
There is a quiet, often unnoticed space that exists between our thoughts. In meditation, it is said that true peace is found not in the constant flow of mental chatter but in the stillness that exists in the gaps between those thoughts. In these moments, we catch glimpses of something deeper—an awareness that goes beyond the mind, beyond the stories we tell ourselves about who we are and what our lives should be.
This space is where we experience our true essence, free from the limitations of time and identity. It is in this space that we come to understand that we are more than our minds, more than our bodies, and more than the moments we experience. We are the awareness that witnesses all of this, the consciousness that exists beyond the labels and narratives we cling to.
When we reside in this space, even for a fleeting moment, we realize that we are not defined by what has come before or what is yet to come. We are part of an infinite continuum, a vast expanse of potential where every moment holds the possibility of transformation. This awareness invites us to reconsider what it means to “be,” not as a static state but as an ongoing process of becoming.
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Dissolving the Boundaries
In the physical world, we often perceive boundaries between things—between ourselves and others, between the past and the future, between thought and action. These boundaries give us a sense of order and structure, but they can also limit our understanding of who we are and what we are capable of.
What happens when these boundaries begin to dissolve? When we no longer see ourselves as separate from the world around us but as part of an interconnected whole? This shift in perception can be both liberating and disorienting. It forces us to confront the fluidity of existence and the idea that we are always in a state of flux.
As the boundaries between self and other, past and future, dissolve, we begin to see that all we can ever be is this—this moment, this awareness, this potential. There is no final destination, no fixed identity to cling to. Instead, we are constantly evolving, shifting, and expanding.
This understanding challenges the notion of permanence that we often seek in life. We long for stability, for certainty, for a sense of control over who we are and where we are going. But in reality, life is a process of continual becoming, and the sooner we embrace this fluidity, the more fully we can experience the richness of existence.
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Embracing the Infinite
When we accept that we are always becoming, we open ourselves to the infinite potential of existence. We stop trying to fit ourselves into narrow definitions of who we think we should be and instead allow ourselves to explore the vastness of what we might become. This shift in perspective is not about giving up on goals or aspirations but about understanding that the journey is just as important—if not more important—than the destination.
In this space of becoming, we are free to imagine new possibilities for ourselves and our lives. We are no longer confined by the past or constrained by the future. Instead, we are present to the unfolding of our own potential, moment by moment.
This is where true freedom lies—not in the certainty of knowing who we are, but in the openness to discover who we might become. It is in this space of infinite potential that we find our deepest sense of self, not as a fixed entity but as an ever-evolving awareness that transcends time, identity, and circumstance.
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Conclusion: All We Can Ever Be
As we move through life, we are constantly confronted with the question of who we are and what we are becoming. The answers to these questions are never fixed; they are always shifting, changing, and evolving. In recognizing this, we begin to see that the essence of who we are is not something we can grasp or hold onto. It is not something that can be defined by time or circumstance.
All we can ever be is this: a moment of awareness, a flicker of consciousness in the vast expanse of existence. We are the process of becoming, the space between thoughts, the potential that lies beyond identity and time. And in this realization, we find a deeper sense of peace, knowing that we are always enough, just as we are, and always becoming more than we can imagine.
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lasaraconor · 7 months
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tsunagite · 6 days
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Doodles pt 14
I do wonder who applied to the PUPA remix contest…
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