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lifeisntwhatitseems-ff · 11 years ago
I pinned her down to the bed as she yelled for the little girl to go in the bathroom, I slowly bent down to her ear as she froze, "Cut the bullshit ok? If you wanna stay alive come with me be lucky I didn't fuck you up" I got off of her and let her up "Oh and by the way if you try to run it's gonna be a fucking massacre I promise you." I gazed at her eyes and saw anger and fear "Sure whatever, Lauren you can come out now."
I held Lauren's hand and had the men grab our bags while we were walking down the hallway he walked up behind me "By the way, my name is Chris" I rolled my eyes and kept walking "K' I felt my waist being gripped slightly rough and I winced a little "Watch that attitude" We walked into the elevator and he wrapped his arms around my waist he bent down behind me to level with my ear "Oh and by the way the people at the front desk think you're my baby mother" I had wide eyes "The fu-" the elevator door open and I replaced my expression with a smile, we walked down the lobby when all of a sudden I felt Lauren being lifted up and i got spun around to face Chris "Baby I'm so sorry don't ever leave me again" And he smashed his lips against mine at first it felt a little weird but then I started to feel my face heating up and I began to kiss back, I heard a bunch of scattered aww's and coos around the room, he broke the kiss and I followed him to the car.
30 minutes into the car ride I saw a helicopter pad I finally broke the silence since we had the kiss in the lobby "What do you do to have all this?" Looking at his face he seemed like he was contemplating on telling me, "I started out having a drug ring, some of the strung out women who owed me money started to work for me to pay off their debt so I took that into an advantage and started up an escort service, then I always had a side business as a hit man." I had so many thoughts swirling in my mind "Wow.." He started to get out of the car with Lauren in his arms "I need you to duck and walk into the helicopter" I nodded and began to walk, throughout the helicopter ride I saw Lauren sleeping so I decided to just take a nap.
Since I knew from experience it wasn't safe to live in America, I live in Barbados finally arriving back home I softly shook Anais to wake her up and I took her to my main mansion, walking in I was greeted to one of the most annoying workers I have, Candy "Daddy who are they?" she said with a stank look regarding to Lauren and Anais, I didn't like her attitude so I mushed her, hard enough for her to fall  "Shut the fuck up" Anais looked at me in shock and I gave her a soft reassuring look. I led Anais to up the stairs with Lauren in my arms. We arrived to my bedroom, I had already set up everything before getting them so there was another bed for Lauren. "This is my room but y'all are gonna be sleeping in her with me" I glanced at Anais and I saw her nod showing she understood.
I went to the bathroom to take a shower and change and I turned the lights up just a little so I could be able to see her face and I saw her laying down " Aye you up?" She started to shift under the covers and sit up "Yeah" she said with an attitude "What the hell is wrong with you?"
"Oh well I dunno, I got taken by a strange guy to a unknown place and I got my life threatened!" I charged over to her and pinned her down "How many times do I have to tell you about your fucking mouth, lower your fucking voice Lauren is sleeping." I looked down and saw her body in her sleeping outfit and instantly got horny so I started to kiss and suck on her neck, she didn't push me away like I thought she would which was surprising because I thought she didn't even like me she must like that rough shit.  She started to lightly moan in my ear which turned me on even more so I started to play with the waistband of her shorts and she froze and stopped me "Wait i'm a virgin!" she whispered in my ear I looked into her eyes "Do you trust me?" she started to play with her fingers "I dunno should I?" I started to peck her lips and I finally leaned up and stared into her eyes "I promise you can trust me, you're safe with me." She pulled me down by my shirt and slipped her tongue in my mouth for a virgin she sure was a freak, I couldn't control myself any longer and what happened next surprised her, shit it even surprised me.
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lifeisntwhatitseems-ff · 11 years ago
Since I never had anyone to watch Lauren i always had to bring her to work with me so i had to get her dressed then put on my work clothes and walk since it wasn't a far distance from the hotel we were staying at, since at work everyone is like family they supported my situation and gave me extra pay so i could afford the hotel. At this point I really just wanted to lay low and try to get a place for us.
"Hey Nakayla do you mind covering for me so i can go get Lauren something to eat really quick?" "Yeah sure" I went to go get Lauren from my bosses office and took her to Burger King where I saw this guy and he was the cutest but he looked like a dope boy so I knew what I would be getting myself into so I didn't even bother looking his way but i guess Lauren didn't feel the same way because she nearly tripped over her damn feet running to the boy! All because he had a dora balloon, i mean i knew she was obsessed but not for a balloon.
"Lauren wait!" her little ass had me slamming into chairs to get her I was too caught up in chasing her before i slammed into a large chest and fell to the ground "Damn ma i'm sorry" "Thank you, sorry about my sister she's obsessed with Dora" "Its aight ma, and what's your name cutie?" I quickly saw Lauren giggle and tell him her name, right before he could say anything else our order came and it was time for me to go back to work and we rushed back so i can hurry and finish my shift. "I'm so sorry, i have to go!"
"Ms. Leanne i'm back." "Girl don't you see that child is tired?" I looked down at an exhausted Lauren "But Ms. Leanne I don't have anyone to watch her." "Take the rest of the day off then." "Thank you i'll be back tomorrow."
Lil mama was gorgeous, too bad her mom used her and that adorable little girl to pay off her debt. I'd been watching her for a lil minute too but I guess tonight had to be the night i'd have to take her. I dont even know how shordy could afford to stay at this hotel i mean she only worked at footlocker, I walked up to the lady at the counter as she eyed me up and down and gave me seductive eyes "Hi i'm looking for my baby mother" "and who would that be?" "Anais Coleman" "Oh ok she's on the 4th floor in room 415" 'Okay thank you" She quickly slipped me her number and I chuckled while I ran to catch the elevator.
It wasn't too long of a journey because I was right at her hotel room I made sure to bring my boys just in case she put up a fight, I did a couple of knocks before i heard a voice, "who is it?" I quickly put my finger over the peep hole "Room service" her being the gullible dumbass she is, opened the door just as fast and I quickly pushed myself in and my boys closed the door behind me so I could grab her before she started swinging on me..it all went crazy from there.
  All of a sudden I was just grabbed and I just kept swinging but it wasn't that effective since I got tackled to my bed "Lauren go in the bathroom!" I watched as she quickly ran to the bathroom and I was wrestling with a tall ass guy, I was trying to make his face out when I realized it was the guy from Burger King..what the fuck is going on?
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lifeisntwhatitseems-ff · 11 years ago
Anais and her sister Lauren were abandoned, can they survive?..
"Fuck no Dana, I'm not doing you any of your dirty ass little favors leave me and Lauren the fuck alone!"
"Please baby, please you can't do just one little thing for your mother?" she gave me a somber look.
"Look, I'm not like you, i'll never be like you i'm not having sex with people just so you can get your fucking drugs!" the anger was seeping out of me i couldn't believe she thought i was gonna lower my fucking standards for her well-being she shouldn't have let drugs and men get in the way of her family.
"Fuck you and that little bitch then, you guys are worthless little whores get the fuck out!" 
"With pleasure." I grabbed Lauren's things and my things and threw them in the suitcase, I swear it was like when my dad died things went downhill, my mom started doing drugs heavily, she wound up selling our house for drugs and we had to go to from middle-class to the ghetto she wasn't happy and uplifting anymore, she went from a mother to a stranger. It wasn't long before i felt warm tears run down my cheeks.
"Lauren come on." I started to lightly shake her so we could try and catch a cab before it got too late and we would have to sleep on the street. 
"Mm, where we goin?" I watched her as she yawned and rubbed her eyes. She began to get up sluggishly and throw on her flats
"We're going somewhere else now c'mon." As we started to walk down the steps i saw my mom near the couch on her knees sucking a random man up, I looked at her in disgust and covered Lauren's eyes as we sped walk out of the house and into the street. A few minutes later we eventually caught a cab. "Where to?" 
I sat and wondered where i could go, then it dawned on me that i should just go closer to work."Inner City." I watched as the man nodded and began to drive, In the mean time i looked out the window and watched the city glow before my eyes and prayed my situation would get better. God knows i needed it.
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