#In progress now and it looks like it'll be longer than chapter 1
knightmareaceblue · 2 months
I hate to be rude, but don't suppose you could *also* put your ava fic on ao3?
I'm trying to show a friend who doesn't have Tumblr and the screenshots are killing my phone
...I forgot to link the AO3 version, didn't I?
(Sigh) Here you go.
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sinner-sunflower · 5 months
P.2 HH Lucifer-centric AU 18/?
STORY 1, PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7, PART 8, PART 9, PART 10, PART 11, PART 12, PART 13, PART 14, PART 14.5, PART 15, PART 16, PART 17, PART 19, PART 20, PART 21, PART 22, PART 23, PART 24, PART 25, PART 26
Update: There will be a change in the chapter upload schedule. New chapters here will be posted MWF starting this week so next update will be on Friday. While TTh are days for me to rewrite and post story 1 chapters on ao3.
Thank you for your understanding <3
Adam is actually adjusting rather well in Hell which, honestly, baffled Charlie and the others. Lucifer not so much because he's pretty sure Adam was not meant for Heaven but they didn't wanna embarrass themselves by having the first human soul fall in Hell.
And they say Lucifer's the prideful one.
Sure, the dickhead bitches and complains but he deduced the guy would do it regardless of where he was. He always thought that Adam was a lazy ass son of a bitch who's all dick and no brains; like one of those jock characters from Charlie's DVD collection.
Maybe that's why he's adjusting so well. His attitude is very on brand for Hell.
Still doesn't explain this, though.
Lucifer: How are you so good at this? I thought you said you hated it.
Adam: I said I hated it not that I'm shit at it. Besides, who the fuck loves doing paperwork?
Today, Lucifer is at the palace catching up on centuries worth of documents that he missed during this 'me-time'. The Sins initially offered to take over so that he could rest but he insists on doing it himself. He feels bad about relying on the Sins too much every time there's a problem. He's supposed to the older brother! The-uh- King of Hell! And what King can't even do simple paperwork?
Apparently he is, because he and Adam have been at this for days now and the pile just never seem to lessen. He's beginning to think someone has cursed him to be stuck here forever.
Speaking of Adam, Lucifer won't admit it to his face but the other has been a very big help; like they're actually making progress and none of the work is half-assed too.
He can't help but look on in wonder at how the first man is just zooming through the endless papers.
Adam: Oi. I know I'm a fine piece of art but can you stop lookin' at me like that? Take a picture, it'll last longer.
Lucifer: I just can't get my head around all this.
Adam: What's not to get, bruh? You know I'm good at everything; even the boring shit. I handle Sera's when she's too busy doing fuck knows too, you know!
Lucifer: Excuse- what?! You handled Sera's documents?? And she didn't stop you the first time???
Adam: Okay- why the fuck are you acting like that's such a shock?
Lucifer: Helloooooo it's freakin' Sera? It's you? I just-
Lucifer makes an exaggerated gesture of scratching his head in mock confusion.
Lucifer: -is she out of her mind? Did she suffer some form of brain damage?
Adam: Okay, look. You are making this into a way bigger deal than it needs to be, I don't pry into your stupid skills and insecurities.
Lucifer: Bitch, you literally do that all the time!
It was nice, in a weird way, how they're bantering. It almost reminds Lucifer of the first days he came to Eden; how Lilith and Adam pretended for a bit to get along for him.
As an angel, he was taught to see the good in everything. After all, everything was made by Father's hand so why would they be anything less than good and perfect?
They say that God is omnipotent and all-knowing, so he often wonders if his Father intentionally made the humans that way. Still does not explain why he would cast him out when the mistake was in his Father's hands.
Adam was fun until he said something about Lilith. Adam was fine until he acts like a 'man'. Adam was a friend until he wasn't.
Eden was one hell of a reality check. Pun intended.
Man, was pre-humanity Heaven always been cult-like?
Adam: Bro, how bout you shut up and let me do the work you've forced upon me. And why are you here anyway? I thought you live at that hotel now.
Lucifer: Oh? Would you rather do the work there? I have to warn you; Nifty goes in and out of rooms as she pleases to clean so-
Adam: Ah!!!! Don't say that name!
Lucifer: What? Afraid she's gonna come out of the mirror like some sort of Bloody Mary?
Adam bearing his teeth at him like a wild animal is a funny sight to see but then a got a very genius idea, a literal lightbulb turned on above his head.
Lucifer: Nifty...
Sensing what Lucifer is doing, Adam scrambles up and charges at him. Lucifer dodged him with ease and flies high above the room away from prying hands.
Lucifer: Niftyyyyy~
Adam: Lucifer, stop that shit!
Lucifer: Niffffffffffffffty-
Nifty: Hey guys!
The scream the two let out at the sudden voice were embarrassingly high enough to be mistaken for a teenage girl's.
Lucifer: Jesus Christ!
Despite the panic in front of her, the little cyclops just smiled on.
Lucifer: Nifty, what in the world are you doing here?
Adam: Get that thing away from me!
Lucifer: Oh don't be such a baby, it's just Nifty.
Adam: You screamed too, asshole!
He gave Adam a wave to say 'whatever' and turns back to Nifty who has her eyes locked on the panicking demon behind him.
Maybe he should let her have at it at him just a little.
Nifty: I'd love to start a goat collection hehe~
Okay, nevermind. With Adam's surprising skills at organization, he can't afford to die yet until he finishes Lucifer's paperwork.
Lucifer: Uh Nifty, my question?
Nifty: Yes, roach queen?
Lucifer: Roach what? You know what, don't answer that. I asked why are you here.
Nifty: Oh! Miss Charlie is calling for you. Seems pretty urgent.
Lucifer: Did something happen at the hotel?
Nifty: Not really!
Lucifer: So?? What is it???
Nifty: Have you been outside at all, Mr. King?
Lucifer: Well no. We've been holled up all day doing this-
He vaguely gestures to the mess of his office.
Lucifer: And I put up a sound barrier so we wouldn't get distracted. I've also turned off my phone sooooooooOHHHH my god!
What the shit?? 666 missed calls??? Most of them are from Charlie.
Nifty: Said that no one could reach you. The others are trying to calm the panic cause most of the icky demons went straight into the hotel. I wanted to stab them but Miss Charlie told me to just come here and get you!
Probably to prevent bloodshed. His daughter is so smart but-
Lucifer: What actually is happening, Nifty?
Nifty: Oh! The sky is falling!
Sorry if it's a bit short but I just wanted to write AdamsApple banter and a bit of introspective.
Also, is that a chicken little reference???
Kudos to you if you saw that Spring Broken reference (arguably my fave Helluva Boss episode all because of the creative insults)
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twoparrotprojects · 1 year
Two parrots are given a laptop
To those who have been following this blog before I changed the name; This is the "Three Parrots Writing" blog. I have since changed it due to personal reasons.
I won't divulge specifics as this blog was always intended to keep our anonymity; But the short and sweet of it is that one parrot has left. The other two — Myself and my proofreader — we're still here.
The Mystreet Rewrite project we'd been working on with the parrot that left was dead in the water before we lost contact with them, which is unfortunate but inevitable considering our habits as a collective.
The intitial intent of the project was to roleplay everything chronologically with a few OCs thrown in and then turn it into something legible for ao3.
But that was unrealistic and naive. The parrot that left tended to hyperfixate on media before leaving it behind to be forgotten and brought back up months later, my proofreader shifts fixations nonstop, and I tend to burn out rather fast.
So, as the only one with nothing better to do; I'm rebranding this project as the "Mystreet Reimagining Project".
My intent now is to flesh out the main characters for each arc as much as I can, flesh out the supporting cast that reoccur over the course of the arc somewhat, and then work on it chapter by chapter going chronologically through the source material whilst also bringing it to my proofreader every chapter for a second pair of eyes to look over it.
The arcs being the equivilent of each season of Mystreet. (I.E. PDH season 1 would be an arc, PDH season 2 would be an arc, Graduation days would be an arc, and so on and so forth.)
Verde, my aforementioned proofreader, hasn't watched Mystreet. But he's mainly there to give it a once over and make sure the story isn't insensitive or anything like that, so no harm done there. Though, I am open to finding more proofreaders. If your hearts so desire to read drafts of the final product you are more than welcome to contact me, anything to improve the story as a whole once I start writing it.
When I do start writing it, I highly doubt that it'll be consistent progress. I work best when I'm shifting between projects, that way I don't burn out as quick.
For now, while I'm still fleshing out the characters and figuring out what they look like, I'll focus on salvaging what I can from the project's early days.
If there's anyone else who's at least mildly interested in following along with my reimaginings, whether it revolves around Aphmau or not (but not necessarily interested in proofreading), that would be very much appreciated and encouraged.
The discord server linked here is a good place to follow along with my projects. You can also find my other social media via my Linktree.
Once again, I feel the need to reiterate that;
1. This is only a reimagining, this project no longer aims to replace the original source material in any way, shape, or form.
And 2. This is just two friends working on a passion project together. There's a big possibility it'll end up going on multiple hiatus' so I can recharge, or — alternatively — that I'll just lose motivation for it entirely.
Which ever the case, I welcome anyone and everyone to follow along if they want. Though, I can't promise that it'll be very interesting journey.
Sincerely, Typewriter.
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