#In Hisui they slowly got together by noticing each other's parenting styles
kelpiemomma · 1 year
Rolling around Ingo/laventon ship in my head. Their adopted twins Akari and Rei.
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General Information:
Full Name: Anthony Kūrosaki
Nickname(s): Tony, Ant, ShortStack
Age: 18-24
Gender: Male
Place of Birth: Sinho
Date of Birth: 2.12
Star Sign: Aquarius
Species/Race: Human
Occupation: Trainer currently investigating disappearances around unova (possibly)
Status: Active
Height: 5"1-5"3
Weight: 19–24 possibly 107–135 lb
Skin Color: fairly pale
Hair Color: Black (dyed including the red and purple highlights), Brunette (originally)
Hair Style: messy long down to his back
Eye Color: silver
Clothing: black and white jacket, black tie, white shirt, black and white cover shoes
Accessories: black left glove, white right glove, black spikey choker, lip piercings, ear piercing, and nose piercing
Features: three black dots (trust me that's important) with a small black upside down heart
Fighting (in this case pokemon team)
Starter: ✨️Hisui Zorua ✨️♂️ (Gift from his cousin during his 10th birthday)
Secondary Pokémon; Snivy ♂️ (nicknamed; Boop Noodle)
Third Pokémon: Mimikyu♀️ (nicknamed; Spooky)
Fourth Pokémon: Eiscue ♂️
Fifth Pokémon: ✨️Deerling ♂️ (nicknamed: Bambi)
Final Pokémon: ~unknown~
Family: Zerø ( Cousin), Unnamed Father, Unnamed Mother, Zack Kiryuin (step brother), Unnamed adopted Father
Love Interest/Crush: Saturn (formally), Guzma (best friend/roommate)
Friends/Allies: N (friendenemy), Saturn (ex-boyfriend went from allies to enemy), Mars, Jupiter, Pierre (bomd together over pictures), Guzma (current roommate), Newton Graceland (family friend)
Enemies: Team Plasm, Team Galatic *mainly Cyrus *
Before Zorua: Anthony, even as a toddler, he grew up with night terrors for an unknown reason, hence why Zero never once left his side. To him, instead of a cousin, Anthony was more of a little brother. He wanted to give a better chance at having a family , neither of them got to have.
Present day: His journey didn't start until his fourth grade year when Zero and Newton decided to study the reverse world. Zero always took Anthony with him being his legal guardian (especially since Anthony's adopted parents always neglected him throughout his childhood while his biological are presumed dead or missing) even got Anthony the zorua for his birthday to keep him company during the danger parts of research. As time went on, Anthony noticed a slow change in Zero as sanity was slowly disappearing to the point when he hit fifteen years he walked out and started his journey with Zorua. He didn't have a rival until he hit 16-18 when he met N starting off as enemies. The two always buttheads against another, only occasionally helping each other with certain events. At age 18 he temporarily went to Sinoh desperate for a job to take a break from traveling (and desperate for pokemon food to feed his team) and end up joining team galactic training with one of the commanders and eventually grew close with them and at his early 20s they began to date only for an unknown falling out Anthony betrays team galactic finding out the truth giving him some major trauma. After Saturn, Mars and Jupiter went to jail while Cyrus fate was unknown. To step away and get away from that traumatic event, he ran away back to unova in the hope of forgetting that part of his life only to bump into guzma at a concert and befriending him. Time went on, and the two became roommates helping each other out through bills, food, etc. until one faithful day,the mystery began the mysterious disappearance. Anthony knew this wasn't the first time this had happened and the police wouldn't help from how normal its gotten so he went out of his way begin thr investigation on his own with his pokemon and Guzmas help.
Anthony is an adventurous, curious person. However, a highly dangerous person with a hidden criminal background only Guzma knows about, and because of that record, he feels very haunted and had maniac highs and lows causing him to laugh and cry at times, when he has those moments Guzma and Zorua stays by his side until hes better. He may have a joking personality, but he uses that personality to hide his depressive state around the public up until he gets home. Because of that, zorua never leaves his side and stays out of his poke ball to comfort and take care of his human. However, when battling all of this personality drops and he gets serious and cocky even more so when he's winning sometimes this cocky attitude causes him to lose. Another thing about Anthony is that he's also very hyperactive and full of energy on his good days.
"Let's go Zorua let's show these bitches who's the fucking boss!!"
Other Information:
Likes: Apples, Drawing, walking around the park at night, beaches, singing, playing piano, the smell of coffee shops, coffee, Guzma terrible jokes, Pokémon, sweets, sour candy, battling, Pranks, Zorua playful personality, cursing (guzma had to tell him couple times to watch his language before giving up ironically), junk food, crossdressing,occasional cosplay,the smell of weed, clothes shopping with Mae's, reading fashion magazines, painting nails with juniper, hair designing, going to concerts woth Guzma, Pierrs band music, photography.
Dislikes: Team Galactic, Team Plasm, anybody stealing Pokémon, homophobes, drug addicts, taking medicine, being late, night terrors, the disappearance case getting ignored, alchohol smell, being around people unless it's guzma and his friends he's personally close too.
Hobbies: Drawing, singing, dancing, investigating situations authorities ignore, pulling Pranks with zorua and guzma.
Goals: Find the reason for his Night Terrors (on going), Find the missing people and the reason why this is happening (on going)
Unhealthy- Chewing nails when having an anxiety attack, chewing his pencil, shopping spree.
Healthy - occasionally exercising at home, train zorua trying to get his team stronger, and spend time with his roommate.
Fears: Saturn finding him, being abandoned, being in total darkness, Guzma possibly getting disappeared by an unknown entity, ultra beast that guzma told him about (specifically the roach), Someone may take zorua away from him specifically team rocket or plasm or galactic too punish him, women on their minstrel cycles.
His voice actor is Adam Lambert, he enjoys punk rock music including hard metal, guzma helps him heal from his past just like Anthony helps guzma, despite his past with Mars and Jupiter he knows the girls are trying to redeem themselves and trust the two like his sisters however when they're having their monthly thing he avoids them at all cost using the ' I ain't dealing with that shit' excuse, he is terrified of roaches so you can see his reaction when learning about Pheromosa from Guzma, he is canonicaly gay.
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