#Ikki gets taller than Jinora
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thatsgay-writes · 4 years ago
Hi ! I hope you’re having a good evening, I was hoping to request an imagine of Jinora from the Legend of Korra, I thought it could be like romantic and with fluff, where she and the female reader are girlfriends but nobody except Korra knows about it and her family discovers it and they’re like supportive of their relationship :)
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(This is going to go along with my other Jinora x reader)
Ever since the night you spent in Jinora’s room, the two of you had began dating. The only person the two of you told was Kai and that was because he helped cover for you when you and Jinora wanted to spend alone time together. Neither of you wanted Tenzin or Lin to find out about your relationship with how bad their relationship ended. After everything that happened with Zaheer, you and Jinora barely got to spend as much time together. The last two times the two of you actually hung out was after she got her tattoos and after Korra left for the south pole.
You and your mom sat next to each other at the docks on air temple island. “I just don’t understand...” You take another bite of the roast duck your mom had smuggled onto the island. “How they don’t eat meat.” You finish your sentence as you swallow. Your mom just grunts as she takes a bite of her chicken in agreement. The party food was good but it was all vegan, not that you didn’t agree with their eating style it just wasn’t for you. “Y/n?” You heard someone say your name and turned around, duck hanging out your mouth, and saw Jinora standing at the beginning of the dock. You quickly swallowed the duck in your mouth before shoving the rest of it into your mom’s hands. You stood up and gave your mom a kiss on the head as a farewell before popping a mint in your mouth and walking over to Jinora. You missed the way your mom smirked, you might have been a Beifong and could hide secrets but she was your mom. Lin knew that there was something between you and Jinora. Luckily, she liked Jinora and had no problem with you dating her, not that she would admit to that. She also wasn’t surprised that Tenzin hadn’t figured it out yet. Lin watched with a small smile as you wrapped an arm around Jinora's shoulders before playfully rubbing her now bald head. Lin liked seeing you happy.
You stood at the docks as you watched everyone give Korra a hug goodbye, giving her one as well of course. You watched with sad eyes as Asami seemed to deflate as the boat slowly pulled away before shaking away her emotions and leaving the dock. You felt bad for Asami, it was obvious she had feelings for Korra and that it hurt that Korra didn’t want her to join her in the South Pole. You wrapped an arm around Jinora’s shoulder as the two of you returned to the air temple. You gave your mom a hug as she left the island on a boat with a few other people before going to Jinora’s room. You knocked on the door as you arrived and opened it when she didn’t respond. The sight before you broke your heart, Jinora was laying on her bed, head pressed against her pillow as she let out silent tears. You took off your jacket and boots before getting into the bed and pulling Jinora into you. “It’s okay... Korra is going to go to the South Pole, work her butt off, and return before you can blink.” You say trying to comfort Jinora. You knew that Jinora saw Korra as an older sister figure and looked up to her. “Everything will be okay...”
You and Jinora did find the odd times to have dates through out the next three year as you kept the peace and tried to help out with the Earth Kingdom and deal with whatever Kuvira was doing. You and Jinora made sure that if either of you got sent on a mission outside of Republic City that you were partnered together. When Korra returned home Jinora was ecstatic, three years was a long time. You, of course, were also happy for her return but that feeling was almost immediately replaced by embarrassment.
You watched with a big smile as Jinora lunged at Korra, both girls sporting a big smile as they wrap each other in a hug. “Wow, you’ve gotten tall.” Korra jokes as she notes that Jinora’s eyes line up with her chin. She looks behind Jinora and her eyes widen a little. “Holy spirits! You’re a giant now!” Korra exclaims as she gives you a hug. You let out a chuckle, “Yeah I finally got taller than Mako... It must be from my dad’s genes.” You release Korra from a hug and give Asami a smirk as she subconsciously leans closer to Korra as they stand next to each other. Your smirk is quickly wiped away as Korra asks a question. “So how long have the two of you been together?” Korra asks as she motions towards you and Jinora. You did a spit take in shock and coughed a little as Jinora rubbed your back, a blush prominent on her face. “How...” Korra looked at the two of you in confusion. “Are you guys not... I mean it just seemed obvious...” Korra voiced her confusion. “No we are dating... We just haven’t told anyone except for Kai.” “Oh... I can keep a secret.” Korra said with a smirk. “I figured it before Tenzin though, right?” Korra asks and beams when you and Jinora nod your head. “I can’t wait to rub it in his face when you both come out with your relationship. Make sure I’m there for that-” Korra gets cut off by a hard elbow to the stomach from Asami, who gives her a look. “I mean... I’m happy for you guys.” Korra says as she pulls you and Jinora into a hug.
 “Go dance with her.” A person says as they put a hand on your shoulder. “Huh? What?” You say as you turn around and your eyes go wide as you see your mother standing there in her green dress. “C’mon kid, I’m not blind like your grandmother and even she could see that you and Jinora are together.” Lin says with a roll of her eyes and a slight smile. “You’re... You’re okay with it?” You ask nervously, you wouldn’t admit it but your mom’s approval meant a lot to you. “Does she make you happy?” Lin asks as she takes a seat across from you, making you hold eye contact with her as you answer. “All the time.” Lin shrugs her shoulder, “Then I don’t see the problem.” “But you and Tenzin...” Lin let’s out a groan. “Look I might not show or tell you this often, but I do love you y/n. You’re my kid and all I want is for you to be happy. If that’s with or with out Jinora, I have no problems.” You tear up at your mom’s words, happy she was so accepting of your relationship. “Spirits, weddings must make you emotional.” You jest as you stand up and fix the tie around your neck. “Wish me luck.” You say before heading towards Tenzin’s table that held his family, Korra’s family, and Asami. “You don’t need luck, you’re a Beifong.”
You could feel your hands shake more and more the closer you got to the table. You knew Jinora was ready to be out with your relationship and it was you that was scared of people’s reactions... Well not really other people’s reaction, just your mom’s and Tenzin’s. But if your mom was okay with it then Tenzin was going to have to be too. You made eye contact with Korra and Asami as you walked up to the table, both girls sending you encouraging smiles. “Ah, Y/n, you clean up nicely.” Tenzin says with a small smile as he notices you walk up. “What can I help you with?” Spirits, it’s so hot in here. You felt like you were sweating buckets at this point. “Actually...” You voice shook a little with nerves and you pulled the collar of your shirt some away from your neck like it was choking you. “Actually...” Deep breaths, you got this, calm, cool, and collected. You kept repeating to yourself over and over again, calming your nerves. “I actually came over to ask Jinora for this dance...” You state as you turn to look at your girlfriend, who was hiding the shock on her face, so you didn’t have to see Tenzin’s reaction. “I would love to.” Jinora said with a big smile before grabbing your hand and dragging you to the dance floor.
“I think I’m going to pass out.” You state as you and Jinora start swaying side to side in rhythm with the slow song that was playing. Jinora giggles at your statement before looking up at you. “I’m surprised you even did that.” “Yeah well, turns out I can’t hide anything from my mom.” Jinora laughs again as she rests her head against your chest. “Well my dad doesn’t seem to freaked out.” She states and you take a second to look over to the table you had just been at. Korra and Asami were gone, Korra’s parents were still talking to each other and eating, you could see a frowning Meelo handing money over to Ikki, and Pema held a big smile on her face as she tried to discipline Meelo and Ikki about betting and making sure Rohan didn’t make a mess. Tenzin, of course, was still in a state of shock. You nod your head, “Yeah could be worse.”
“So the two of you are in a serious relationship?” Tenzin asks as he stands next to you. You nod your head as you watch Jinora mess with Rohan at the table while Pema was dealing with Ikki and Meelo. “I'm in love her.” You state adamantly, “I have been for eight years.” Tenzin’s eye went wide, “Since you were fifteen?” “Yeah but don’t worry we’ve only been dating for three.” You say with a proud smile that didn’t go unnoticed by Tenzin. Tenzin places a hand on your should causing you to look at him. “I was definitely shocked earlier when you came and asker her to dance but I know you are a strong individual and capable of taking care of my daughter... If you don’t I will make sure some spirits will come and deal with you.” Tenzin says threateningly. “I would try in throw you in jail but I don’t think Beifong would go for that.” He states like it was an afterthought. “Okayyyy...” Jinora says as she breaks into the conversation and grabs your hand. “No more threatening my s/o please.” She says as she dragged you onto the dance floor for the second time that night. “He didn’t say anything else did he?” Jinora asks as she looks up at you worriedly. “Nothing to concerning.” You jest as you lean your head down towards Jinora and give her a goofy grin. “I love you.” Jinora rolls her eyes in response before giving you a smile, “I love you too.”
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peacefulemoyearnings · 4 years ago
cloudbabies/airkids headcanons
okay i’ve honestly got so many headcanons about these guys so i figured i’d put em all here. lez gooooo.
The reason Jinora enjoys reading so much is because Kya would read to her when she was little and she’d do all the character voices and sound effects and she loved it. She still asks Kya to read to her, even when she’s older because it always helps her to feel calm and safe, especially after what happened with Zaheer.
Ikki and Kya are super close because middle sapphic kids gotta stick together, am I right? Ikki is the official sky bison calf babysitter and Kya helps her take care of them when they’re sick. The sky bison mamas trust Ikki with their calves because she’s very good with them. The adults pretend to fight over who gets to have breakfast with Ikki and the calves next and it warms her heart to see them so genuinely invested in her interest in the sky bison!
Bumi and Kya always make a point to take each of the airkids on individual trips for some bonding time and the kids really appreciate that and enjoy it. (even if they do fight over who did the coolest thing with whom) Bumi and Ikki go to the Spirit World to have some fun with BumJu and the other spirit critters. Kya and Jinora visit the Spirit Library and read about Air Nation and Southern Water Tribe culture. Meelo and Kya spend a few nights with Toph in the Foggy Swamp just pranking the swampbenders and generally causing chaos. When the airkids get older, they frequently get together to reminisce about those trips.
Bumi figures out the marble trick quickly and comes up with a few variations of it to put on a show for the kids! They all enjoy it and even get in on it. He teaches them to the airbenders and encourages them to come up with their own versions because he loves creativity, just like his dad did.
Meelo gets it into his head one day that he can sneak up on Aunt Kya and scare her. The first time he does it, she doesn’t react other than a oh hi Meelo :) and he’s confused. So he decides to try again later and he gets the same result. He goes for another attempt and she’s just finally like I grew up with Bumi, do you really think I’m the type of person to be jumpy? and this only deepens his resolve to scare her and creates a somewhat one-sided rivalry that she finds amusing. She catches on pretty quick and just knows when he’s going to sneak up on her so before he can, she’s always like hi Meelo ;) and this frustrates him to no end. One time, he goes to scare her and she’s not there and he’s confused, until she creeps up behind him and scares him. He acts all annoyed but he’s secretly pleased he’s found a worthy opponent to do battle with. This evolves into a pretend hero-villain dynamic and they’ll roughhouse with each other.
When they were kids, Kya would make little flower crowns for her brothers. Bumi wore them proudly (and still does) and Tenzin wore them, just when Kya wasn’t around. She comes home from visiting the SWT with Katara and she catches him wearing multiple ones she’s made him and she’s just like awww you love me and he’s embarrassed, but he does love her.
Kya loves to embarrass Tenzin and she’ll coo at him and call him her baby brother because 1. of course he is and 2. just because he’s taller than her doesn’t mean she’ll let him forget it. He secretly doesn’t hate it bc it’s her way of expressing her love but he always hides it bc he’s got a reputation to maintain.
Kya drags Tenzin to her yoga sessions bc that boi is stressed out and needs to chill. He enjoys them and they talk about whatever’s on their mind during them. Bumi comes too and he’s not great at first but he eventually gets really good and helps her with them.
When Kya’s having nightmares about the Fog of Lost Souls or Zaheer, Ikki will come into her bedroom and curl up next to her to comfort her. Sometimes she’ll do silly things to help lift her spirits like pretending to be a kitten.
Meelo and Kya have such an excellent bond. They can talk about gross stuff like bugs and boogers and have burping contests and it’s completely normal. They can go from serious one moment to silly the next.
Jinora and Kya often spend evenings curled up with each other reading and Lin joins them once she marries Kya.
Ikki loves to tell Kya secrets and sometimes they make a makeshift tent in the living room and they spend time inside it, just telling each other secrets. Jinora gets in on it too.
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