#If you've watched the movie you know what I mean
pomefioredove · 3 days
hello dovee! I saw the "I'd look good on you." and immediately thought of vil! if I could please request for that? THANK YOU SO MUCH🍰stay creative!
thank you everyone for feeding me vil requests. I got a little crazy with this one
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summary: "I'd look good on you." type of post: short fic characters: vil additional info: romantic, reader is gender neutral, reader is yuu, a little suggestive a part of this event
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"No, no, no, no. Wrong, dreadful,"
You dodge another designer handbag as it goes flying across Vil's room, joining the growing pile of clothes behind you.
"Why is this so difficult?" he groans, storming out of his closet. "I have not a SINGLE decent thing to wear for this interview."
You look over your shoulder, watching him as he begrudgingly begins to clean up the mess he'd made.
"I think you're stressed,"
Vil pauses midway through sliding a silken shirt back on its hanger to glare at you.
"Another excellent observation," he says dryly. Then, a sigh.
"Sorry. I've been wanting to work with this director for years... I don't care for this role, but if the film does well, he'll likely want to work with me again... How's this?"
He holds up a glittery purple dress in front of him. You blink.
"Ugh," he scoffs, tossing it aside. You don't know how many more times you can tell him he looks good in everything before he kicks you out.
"What is the role, anyway?"
Vil rolls his eyes, catching onto your attempt to distract him. He indulges, anyway.
"Another villain, although this film is more of a..." he pauses, gesturing vaguely. You stare. "...A young adult movie."
"So it's bait for teenage girls?"
He sighs again, cleaning up the last of his temper tantrum and sorting it in his massive closet.
"Thus my role is more... provocative, we'll say. Which is fine, if not for the fact that I feel I did horribly,"
"I'm sure you didn't,"
"I'll be a laughing stock, this director will never work with me again, and I'll become one of those pathetic, washed up former child stars by age twenty-one,"
That feels... a tad overdramatic, but you don't mention it.
"That's not going to happen," you insist. "I'm sure you make a great... provocative... villain!"
Vil sighs, returning to the bedside to sit with you. For a brief moment, you can feel him staring, but you say nothing of it.
"You haven't even seen it," he mumbles, finally looking away. "I only have half an hour... I feel completely unassured."
You can't help but feel pity. Before knowing Vil, you had stupidly assumed that most celebrities are confident by nature, exuding grace and certainty.
"Is there anything I can do to help?"
Vil quiets, seeming to consider the offer. "...May I use a line on you?"
You're not exactly sure what he means by that, but it can't be anything too painful. He only has half an hour, after all.
You nod.
Vil smiles, then turns away. He takes a deep breath... you've seen this before. He's getting into character.
It's very effective.
When he turns back, his expression is completely different. And his body language. Even his very presence has shifted.
You've seen this before, you remind yourself. The dangerous, menacing facade that he's known for, that makes his roles so iconic...
But he's also smiling, his eyes lowered, a pleasantly amused look about him.
His hand finds its way to the bed on your other side, effectively caging you between his arms. And then he moves in, guiding you down onto the mattress and leaning over your body.
This is your friend. You're just helping him. There's nothing to be nervous about.
Despite what you tell yourself, you can feel the effect he's having on you.
He can tell, too.
Vil tuts, his free hand coming up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.
"Scared?" he asks. His voice is gentle, though there's a lingering danger behind it.
"Poor thing... I won't bite,"
He leans closer, his other hand intertwining with yours and keeping it pinned to the mattress, hot breath pressing against your ear.
"I'd look good on you," he whispers.
You know you shouldn't interrupt him, but you can't stop the nervous, flustered whine that comes out of your throat.
Vil breaks character, beaming, and gets off of you.
"Oh, my..." he grins, studying your expression. "You were right. I was worried over nothing."
He stands, smoothing out his clothes, and strides towards the closet to change, leaving you flustered senseless on the bed until he returns.
"How do I look?" he asks.
Of course, perfect. He always looks perfect. And now that he's confident again, gorgeous.
He smirks. "I'll take your silence as a compliment, potato. Thank you for the boost... I'll be back to pick up where we left off in a few hours,"
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brunette-bitch77 · 2 days
⤜♡→ ɯҽʅƈσɱҽ ԋσɱҽ, ԃαɾʅιɳɠ!
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Summary: something soft and sweet... you've missed him, & he's missed you! Give him a big, welcome home kiss; it'll take all that stress away! Note: pure fluff! I've been stressed out recently and I need some comfort. IB by Plastic off the Sofa by Beyoncé. I also kinda went overboard on Toji's bit. This shall also be edited later on, I just wanted to post it immediately so I could go to bed 💀 IT'S ALSO 11.3K WORDS SOO Incl: Toji Fushiguro, Kento Nanami, Satoru Gojo, Yami Sukehiro CW: lewd jokes (kinda)
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╰┈➤ Work... so, so much work. It's like the jobs are never-ending! After Toji Zen'in decided to take up some more work in order to provide for your guys' future and the lifestyle you deserved, the amount of jobs that he's taken up has increased tenfold. Even he, a man who was in peak, even superhuman physical condition, had his limits. The number of jobs he's ground out has to be in the double digits (and not some puny number in the tens). After the 21st job, he gave up on keeping count. He was able to justify the grueling workload, though, because of you. You were his everything, the reason for doing what he did (which included living), and he'd be damned if he couldn't spoil his future wife like he wanted.
Finally, he had earned enough to satisfy his unrelenting need to provide for you after he closed up on his last and biggest mission yet: a job that took 3 days and paid him over 48 million yen (~300,000 USD). It was enough to last the two of you for the rest of the year and then some. The man breathed a sigh of relief when he got the bank notification on his cellphone, and he said to himself: "a job well done, Zen'in." He even smiled in public a little bit at the sight of it. He then put the phone in his pant pocket and went on his merry way back home to you.
You, meanwhile, were in the living room of your shared apartment, fixing up a little celebratory dinner. He'd told you about how this was the last night he was gonna come home late, how this was the last job that would keep you apart, how he was gonna take you on an all expenses paid shopping trip the minute you had time to go with him to Shibuya. You knew he had certain sacrifices to make, given the fact that neither of you had much money when you started dating, and that was why you never chose to complain.
But that didn't mean that you didn't miss him.
You missed his touch, you missed his tender kisses, the way that he held you close as if he was afraid of you being stolen from him by some unseen force, and you sure as shit missed all the nights spent together in each other's company watching shitty movies & UFC fights.
The way he tilted your chin up to make you kiss him, the way the words "pretty" and "doll" rolled right off his tongue, the way he looked at you like you were god's gift to this shitty world...
All of a sudden, you heard the door swing open with the sounds of the rain pitter-pattering outside of the balcony entrance. You knew he was coming home earlier tonight, but you didn't know he'd be home that early!
"Princess?" his gruff voice called out from the door. He closed the door behind him and dropped his robust duffel bags next to the door, letting out another sigh of happiness. He looked up at the ceiling lamp before looking back in front of him, and he outstretched his arms the moment he saw you coming from down the hallway. "Princess," he repeated, a soft smile growing across his face as you jumped into his embrace. He wrapped his arms around you tightly, burying his face into your neck.
"Toji!" You exclaimed into his black sweater, breathing in his natural smell... and he smelled just like home. He always managed to smell good, even when his job involved less-than-ideal activities. "I missed you," was what you finally said after the two of you took in each other's presence.
"Missed you too," he hummed, craning his head to look down at you. "God, I've missed you... missed you so much, baby." His mind was so swamped with work, he had forgotten what a beauty he held in his arms. After he took a few moments to admire you, his sense of smell brought him back to reality, and he could smell his favorite meal from the kitchen. "Is that... offal meat I smell?" he asked, looking at the kitchen and then back at you.
"It sure is," you replied excitedly, making his smile grow even wider.
"Princess, did you really make my favorite?" he asked to which you nodded and giggled. "You didn't have to, baby," he replied, ruffling your hair gently with his big hand.
You pulled away from his embrace and he pouted instinctively, not wanting you to go anywhere just yet. "I didn't know when you were coming home, so it's not ready just yet." He watched the sexy sway of your hips before catching up to you, not wanting to leave his princess by herself after just seeing her again.
"I don't mind," he replied, following you into the kitchen. He stood behind you as you continued prepping it and he wrapped his arms around your waist. "I thought you didn't like it, though?"
"I still don't," you corrected him, "but I just figured that, with how tired from work you must be, you'd enjoy it."
He continued smiling down at you and placed his lips on your head. "You really are the best, y'know?" he muttered in between crown kisses.
"I know," you replied coolly, as if you didn't just make his favorite meal.
"Still cocky as ever, I see," he quipped, making you giggle again.
"Go ahead and sit down on the couch. It won't be ready for another ten minutes, and you must be exhausted from all this work." You looked over your shoulder at him, only to see that he wasn't budging. "Toji, I'm serious! I know you're the big, bad 'sorcerer killer' and whatever else you might be, but even you need to take a break every now and then. I don't want you throwing your back when you're still in your prime!"
"Nuh-uh," he shook his head, hiding his face in your neck. "Don't wanna; not when I've got the best thing in the world right in my arms, and who's to say I'm reaching my end soon? I'm just getting started, sweetness," he replied with a confident grin. You didn't say anything in response, instead grabbing him by the hand and dragging him to the couch. "Princess..."
"Just sit down already, you stubborn brute," you muttered under your breath. "Sit down, and let me take care of you for once. Just rest your feet and wait 'til I'm done making dinner, okay?"
He didn't say anything, instead crossing his arms over his chest like an impotent teenager. "Fine, fine... I guess I'll relax for a 'lil. Now go on, don't let the meat burn."
"I'll make sure it's cooked to perfection, you big baby," you reassured him. He cracked a little smile and watched you walk off, going to finish the meal that you'd cooked especially for his return from work. He guessed it wasn't too bad to let you take the reins every once in a while... he was always the one bringing home the dough, making dinner for the two of you, and making sure that your pretty little face didn't have a single stress line or brow furrow on it.
He kicked up his feet on the wooden coffee table and patiently waited for you to finish. He wasn't exactly used to relaxing and lounging around when you were doing stuff; he was always the one taking care of his sweet baby.
So, he looked around at the apartment the two of you shared. His green eyes scanned over everything, from the framed portraits to the color palette you used for the living room. He grabbed a nearby photo of the two of you, and he couldn't help but smile: it was a photo of you two at an ice skating rink. He remembered that day so, so fondly, the memory of you helping him learn making his heart swell with affection and joy.
You looked so effortlessly cute in that little knitted beret of yours, and the matching grey & pink Burberry cape & skirt combo only made you look even cuter. A stark contrast to his usual all-black or grey ensembles, but in your eyes, the contrast only made him hotter in your eyes.
The two of you were just so different, and yet; you were perfect for one another. You went together like jam and toast, with you being the oh-so sweet strawberry jam that he couldn't get enough of.
Oh, how he loved ravishing you any chance he could get. The feeling of your soft, untainted & supple skin against his scars; your soft chest squished against his hard one; the way your plush thighs expanded when he bent your knees to your chest...
He was just so incredibly in love with you that coming home to you and bringing you flowers was the highlight of his day.
After all, ou were the one who showed him how to love. You were the one who restored his faith in humanity, and you were the one who made him feel like he was more than Zen'in trash.
You were a paladin sent from heaven, and he'd rip apart anyone with his bare claws if they tried to take you away from him. He'd tear the throat & heart out of the people who so much as even thought about doing so.
Because, you... you were home to him.
"It's readyyy!" you sang from the kitchen, breaking him out of his thoughts.
"Coming, princess," he called out to you, getting off the sofa and sauntering over to the dining table. It was laid out beautifully, the fine china he stole obtained from a client and the silverware he also stole making everything just perfect.
"Doll..." he walked over to you, wrapping his big arms around you and cradling you close. "You didn't have to do all of this for me, y'know?"
"I know; just wanted to make you feel appreciated, was all." You flashed him a bright smile, and he felt his heart skip a beat. That smile... fuck, he could just devour you for dinner and skip all this other stuff.
"Even so much as looking in my direction makes me feel appreciated, baby, but I appreciate the dinner regardless." He pulled you in close and pressed some kisses along your spine, inhaling your scent like you were the oxygen needed for him to live. "God.... god, god, god--I don't even know what I did to deserve you, baby. You're the best fuckin' woman I've ever had the pleasure of meeting."
"You don't have to do anything but love me, Toji," you whispered back, a rare moment of vulnerability shining through. "You love me more than any man ever has, and for that I cannot repay you. All you have to do is protect me and maybe give me a couple kisses, though."
His eyes widened and closed slightly, his mind registering the ambrosia of your words. "Doll... you're gonna make me cry over meat, y'know?"
"Oh, Toji," you giggled, grabbing either side of his face. "Try not to cry over the offal; it'l make it soggy and gross."
"You're right, you're right," he conceded, taking his place at the table. He took a bite of the meal that you so graciously prepared for him, and his eyes widened--it was like the food came straight from heaven. "This is... delicious, doll. How the hell did you make it so tender?"
"You think so? I'm not much of a cook, but I'll take the compliments regardless," you giggled. "So, now that you have work off for the rest of the year, where are we headed off to? Kyoto? Okinawa?" you asked in between bites, finding the meat surprisingly good yourself. "I've got a vacation lined up soon, perhaps we could get out of Tokyo for a little while.
"Hm... a vacation would be nice," he pondered for a moment. "But, if we're talking about a vacation after I just got my big pay day, you might wanna think bigger than just Japan, baby," he retorted with a sly grin.
"Paris?" you asked sarcastically.
He didn't say anything, instead smiling at you knowingly. You quickly realized that he wasn't joking around with you. "Toji... Toji!" you repeated, jumping up from your seat and hugging him. "You're taking me to Paris?! Oh my god, I just love you, Toji!"
"Only the best for my princess," he chuckled. "Figured I'd spoil ya with my little check. I don't gotta work for the rest of the year, so we can plan according to your schedule, baby. I'm thinking after Paris, we can go to Rome, too."
You looked at him again, a satisfied smile gracing your gorgeous features. "I am so gonna suck your dick," you sighed, making him burst out in laughter
"I was gonna give it to ya with no strings attached, but, hey; I'm not stopping ya!"
Curiosity got the better of you, and you had to ask: "but, if you've already got it planned, then... how'd you know I'd have the weeks off?"
He shrugged. "Just a sixth sense. May have pulled a few strings here and there, but it's no biggie."
"Wait, that was you who got me the time off? No wonder it was for 3 weeks; I usually never get a vacation!"
"Baby, you already know I'd do anything for you. I've dealt with way more stressful situations than talking to your boss, so it really was nothing for me." By the way he said it, you could just tell that he was being serious. The man's an assassin--if he wanted something done, he'd get it done.
You continued to eat your food only you smiled at him the entire time. "Paris... I've never been to Paris before," you sighed dreamily. "I've always wanted to go there since I was little."
"Well, now's your chance," Toji hummed. "The city of love with your love, does it get any better than that?"
You put your chopsticks down and smiled brightly at him. "No, it really doesn't." You leaned in, pressing a nice, big kiss to his cheek. You were about to pull away when he pulled you back in, clearly demanding more.
"Nah, don't gimme those cheek kisses; kiss me on the lips like I'm your boyfriend," he demanded, making you laugh again. He pulled you in by the waist, plopped you on his lap, and all but smothered your face in a big, sloppy kiss. "Baby, I gotta tell ya," he murmured in between smooches, "and I know I've told you this a lot," even more kisses, "but you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. I don't even know what possessed you to pick me, but I am one lucky bastard... good god, woman, why do your lips taste so fucking good?"
"It's the taste of love," you murmured. Normally, he would've recoiled at how mushy your words were, but every ounce of mush made him hungrier for more.
"Whatever it may be... I want more of it. Order up!" he joked, making you giggle yet again. "C'mon, let's finish this meal up so we can get to the good part: the cuddles."
"You don't wanna have sex?" you asked with a furrowed brow.
"Sorry, sweetheart, but I'm kinda tired. I know we have it every night we're together, but I'm wiped from all the work. Let's just cuddle, yeah? I don't mean to disappoint you or anything, baby..."
You put a hand on his cheek and rubbed it soothingly. "You're not disappointing me; you could never disappoint me. I was just a little confused, but it's alright. We can cuddle." Your hand subconsciously rubbed the scar on his lip, and he couldn't help but smile at you.
"You're the best, sweetheart," he whispered before hiding his face in the crook of your neck.
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"Ahh," Toji sighed as he laid down on the bed next to you, "this is just what I needed, sweet stuff." He grabbed you by the waist and pulled you in, wrapping his big arms around your body.
You were currently laying down on your shared bed when he finally made his way into the bedroom. Toji had to take a quick shower before he could engage in any sort of cuddles with you, due to the fact that he smelled like blood and bones. He threw on a sweater over his still-damp body and immediately got into bed with you.
"C'mere, big boy," you said giddily, "and gimme some love."
"You don't have to tell me twice." After a few seconds of kissing, his hands roamed around your body and went up your shirt.
"Didn't you tell me that you didn't wanna have sex?" you asked jokingly, your eyebrow raised.
"I just wanna touch my woman, not touch her like that," he quipped to which you giggled and kissed him again.
"I know, I know. I just felt like teasin' ya," you hummed, booping his sharp nose with the tip of your finger. He merely shook his head and continued kissing you, the scar on his lip tickling your own lips. Still, you welcomed that tickle--for that tickle represented how tough and strong Toji was. It was funny how something so small could have such a huge effect on the man, for where Toji saw a remnant of his weakness and his disgusting past, you saw his bravery and his courageousness. It was like a trophy in your eyes, a shiny, gold object that you couldn't help but admire.
It was a damn shame he couldn't see it the way you did.
But why would he? It did represent the ugliness of the Zen'in clan, the clan that abused him and took him for granted. So, instead of starting a debate over a scar of all things; you decided to remind him of his worth in a way that wouldn't stir up bad memories for him.
"Toji, my big, handsome baby," you started, your lips moving from his to his cheek.
"Hmmm? What is it, my sweet, beautiful princess?"
You kissed a trail from his cheeks and to the bridge of his nose. "I just... can't help but admire you, y'know?"
He quirked an eyebrow (which you kissed) and looked at you more intently. "Elaborate."
"You're just such a strong man, both physically and mentally. You care for me in ways no man ever has before, and you cradle me to your heart as if I'd shatter if dropped." After kissing his eyebrow (which he still found odd), you moved his bangs out of the way and kissed his forehead several times.
"Now you're just butterin' me up, doll," he chuckled with a light pink blush.
"You're incredible, y'know?" you murmured, "an incredible man, so worthy of my respect and love... you look at me like I'm the Earth and you're the Moon."
"That's because you are, baby," he muttered.
You simply smiled at him and continued kissing him. "You've had a rough life, but you're still here; you're stronger, if anything. You're resilient in ways I could only dream of being."
By this point, Toji had gone silent, the sudden rush of emotions making him stop talking. He didn't wanna start crying in the middle of your little trail of kisses, after all.
"Do you know how much I love you, Toji?" this time, instead of continuing to kiss him, you pulled back and looked at him.
He nodded silently.
"I love you more than anything, baby. I love you more than... well, I honestly can't think of anything that comes close to you in terms of love."
"Baby-" he choked up, his voice cracking slightly.
"You don't have to speak, Toji. Just hold me and let me tell you how much I love you, 'kay? You've had a rough week, so just sit back, relax, and let me take care of you." You pressed another kiss to his nose and smiled at him.
He nodded, going back to silence. Your lips moved from his nose to his lips, and you pressed a special kiss to where his scar was. His eyes widened, knowing good and well what you were doing. You didn't have to tell him; you just had to kiss him in that special spot--the spot which was the bane of his existence.
A few more kisses to the scar, and you pulled back again. "I love you, Toji... I love you, love you, love you, love you, love youu, I love you..." the little whispers of your love came out of your lips like a never-ending stream in spring, like a waterfall after a rainstorm. With each "I love you," Toji felt himself being pushed to the brink of losing it.
You, the ever-vigilant girl that you were, picked up on this quite easily. It was easy to tell when he was on the brink of breaking down, especially since he tried to hide his gaze and the quiver of his lip. So, you gave him the go ahead: "go on, Toji, cry your heart out."
And so he did. He buried his face within the crook of your neck and started crying, his entire body being wracked with emotion. You sat up on the bed and got into a more comfortable position so that he could be soothed.
"C'mon, Toji, just let it out. I'm never gonna judge you for anything; not a single thing, do you hear me?" you whispered into his ear. He nodded and simply wrapped his entire body around yours. He was twice the size of you; but right now, he felt like the littlest man on Earth. He felt like the little Zen'in boy who was cast aside and tossed into a pit of horrors; like the young man who found himself on the brink of homelessness; like the scared & scarred lost soul.
He may have been scarred, but right now, he wasn't scared, nor was he lost.
He was home.
"I f-fucking love you, princess," he managed to choke out in between sobs, his head slightly craned up to look at you through his tears. "D-Do you hear me? If I ever lose you--if I ever hurt you-"
"You needn't think about that right now, Toji. Just cry, baby. Cry all the tears you've been bottling up, and let me pick up the pieces after you're done."
He nodded, burying his face into your torso and crying his eyes out. The pink sweater which you had on was now wet and damp from all the crying, but that could be fixed with a simple dry. Right now, you were focused on your boyfriend.
"I'll always be here to pick up the pieces."
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╰┈➤ Overtime could be such a pain, especially for Kento Nanami. Seriously: the thought of spending his entire day (the time after 6 PM) fighting a bunch of ugly, hideous curses who did nothing but attack and kill innocent people was more repulsive than the curses themselves. At least, while he was dating you, his sweetheart. You were everything to Nanami. In his eyes, you were a lighthouse in a dangerous ocean filled with stormy waters and jagged rocks that tore apart the boats that passed through the area; you were iced lemonade on a hot summer day; you were an angel sent from heaven itself to heal his past troubles and give him a much needed break.
This day was no different. Kento was in severe need of some comfort, and he looked to you for help. Normally, he wouldn't dump all his trouble on you, but it was growing to be way too much for him.
"Ugh... so tired..." the blonde man said to himself. He grabbed the Rolex watch that you gifted him for your anniversary and checked the time: 5:53 PM. Just 7 short minutes, and he'd be able to go back home to you.
Time never seemed to go by as fast as it did when he wanted it to, nor did it go by as slow as when he wanted it to. It was like his workdays were 10 hours long, and the time he spent with you was 1.
"Hey, Nanamiiiin~!" the oh-so annoying voice of Satoru Gojo, his "coworker," perked up.
"Why are you always here at the worst times?"
"You're always so mean, do you ever lighten up?" the white-haired man pouted before settling into a chair next to him. He relaxed into it and stretched his long legs out. "Sooo, Nanamin, you got any plans for after work?"
"Yeah, I do."
"Do you... wanna tell me 'bout em?"
"No, I don't."
"Aw, come on! You're not making this any easier for me," Gojo whined, rolling around in the chair.
"That's because I don't want to."
"Hmph." He crossed his arms and pouted again, looking around for something to do. "Neither of us wanna be here so late, anyway--and we both wanna go home. Why not a little bit of small talk with your favorite before we head out?"
"You're not my favorite; Itadori is, but fine, I'll humor you." He grabbed his wallet and opened it up, showing Gojo a photo of you. "My after work plans are to pick up some flowers on the way home & head home to my wife."
Gojo looked at the photo for a few seconds before chuckling a bit. "Yeah, that checks out. I mean, if I was in a relationship, I'd also wanna head home ASAP. Think I could help you pick those flowers out?"
"No, you don't know what kind of flowers she likes."
"Hmph." He pouted once again.
Nanami grabbed the wallet and smiled at it softly for a few seconds. "She likes peonies and irises..." he trailed off. Gojo didn't say anything, instead smiling at his adoration for you. The clock finally hit 6, and Nanami sprang up from his chair, grabbed his belongings, and sped off home. "Have a good rest of your day, Satoru," he called over his shoulder.
"You too, Nanamin," he replied softly.
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"I wonder what's taking him so long," you hummed to yourself over your dinner plate. You were currently seated at the dining table of your shared apartment, the one that you bought after getting married 2 years ago. You looked around at everything, at the life that the two of you had built after so many years of dating, engagement & marriage.
Like the couch that Nanami had brought with him when you were moving in together. It was a cream leather couch--nothing special or amazing, but it was a moniker of your relationship's progress.
Or the hardwood table that sat next to it. It was one of the many things that the two of you had purchased when you were buying furniture for the apartment.
It wasn't just the material possessions that were markers of your progress: the photos of the two of you that hung on the walls; the little souvenirs you picked up in places like Malaysia; and the stuff you bought at flea markets were markers of such.
"He's never late... he's always home at 6:20," you pouted. "He's not... no, what am I thinking? He's been late before."
Just as you'd said those words, you heard the door unlock, and your head swiveled in the direction of the sound.
"Honey? I'm home!" he called out. He loosened his tie and took it off, and then he took his blazer off and hung it up on the wall. He was met by the sight of you walking towards him, your heels clicking on the hardwood floors.
"Welcome home, darling!" You enthused, throwing your arms around your beloved's shoulders and kissing him. Your hug was cushioned by the flowers which crinkled under the compression, and you looked down at it. "Oh, shoot, sorry! I didn't see those there--are they for me?"
"Who else would they be for?" he retorted, making you smile.
"Well... I guess you're right!" You giggled and pressed a kiss to his cheek again. You took his blazer and put it in his closet, and then you returned to his awaiting arms. "How was work?"
"The same," he sighed, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. "Satoru was bothering me, as per usual, and I didn't have any more missions than usual. It was really quite boring."
"Well, then, I'll make sure your evening's not boring," you promised him.
"They could never be boring with you."
Your smile widened in response. "Come, come; let's eat dinner before it gets cold, kay?" He nodded happily and followed you to the table, and he took his place beside you.
"You're always treating me so amazing, sweetheart," he sighed as he relaxed into the soft chair.
"It's just dinner," you said bashfully, waving your hand around.
"Even if it was just ramen, it was you made it for me, therefore it makes it all the more special."
"So, you're saying you want me to make us microwaved ramen?" you teased with a cocked eyebrow.
"Well... if you made it, I'd still eat it, yes."
You couldn't help but giggle, and he chuckled as well. "Don't worry; I'd never subject you to that kind of torment. If we're gonna be starting a family soon, then I'll need to hone my skills as a mother & make sure our kids will be well-fed!"
Ah, that's right: you were starting a family soon. There was a reason you looked for a 3-bed and not a 2-bed when you went apartment shopping. The mention of your future kids reminded him of all the names that the two of you mulled over. You were still finding the perfect ones, but you still had time to settle on them.
"Kento, eat up already! Don't let my hard work go to waste," you said as you picked up the katsu curry with your signature pink chopsticks. Even after becoming Mrs. (Y/N) Nanami, you still stayed true to your pink ways.
"Sorry, sorry. I wouldn't wanna tarnish my beautiful wife's handiwork; not even a little bit."
"It's just dinner," you reminded him, making him chuckle.
"You're right, you're right," he conceded. "Happy wife, happy life."
After dinner ended, and you tried to clean up both of your plates, Nanami stopped you. "Here, let me, sweetheart," he said before standing up.
"There's no need, Kento," you stopped him by putting your hand on his wrist. "You were at work all day; just sit back and let me handle all the heavy lifting."
He was about to protest when he saw the look in your eyes. Normally, he wouldn't let you lift a single finger; but he saw how determined you were to do this simple act of cleaning up the dirty dishes. He knew he had no choice but to let you have your way. Therefore, he sat back down at the table. "Okay, sweetheart. I'll let you do your thing," he nodded. "Just don't dirty up that shirt of yours."
You flashed him a smile and rolled the sleeves of your pink silk blouse up. "I wouldn't dream of it." You then grabbed the plates and made quick work of them in the sink & put them away in the dishwasher. Then, you returned to him and unfolded your sleeves again. "Now, then, what would my amazing & handsome & super sexy husband like to do now?"
His eyebrow raised the more adjectives you used to describe him. "Well, your husband would like to cuddle with his wife for a little bit. Would she like that?"
You nodded giddily, dragging him by the arm already. "Hurry up, slowpoke!" you quipped, making him chuckle again. He didn't say a word as you kicked off your heels & climbed onto the bed, taking extra time just to pose extra sexily for him. Your smile quickly dropped when he went to the dresser and started taking all of his stuff off. "Kento!" you whined as he took off his rolex.
"I don't want all this stuff making you uncomfortable while we cuddle," he retorted, bringing a gasp & a smile to your face.
"Fine, fine... just get over here the millisecond you finish."
And go over there he did. He kicked off his house shoes and finally stepped onto the bed where you patiently waited, and he pulled you into a nice, warm hug. "C'mere already, let me hug you," he muttered as he did so.
"I wouldn't dream of denying you," you sighed happily. He sank his lips & nose into the top of your head and took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of your shampoo and perfume like a man who hasn't seen his partner after spending time apart.
"Do you know how much I love you, (Y/N)?" he asked you quietly, now looking down at you.
"You tell me everyday," you murmured contently.
"It's not enough... need to remind you every chance I get," he whispered, pressing several kisses to your scalp. "You don't know how important you are to me, sweetheart. You're one of the only good things of mine that are untouched, untainted by the hideous double life I live.
"Ken, don't think about that, hm? Matter of fact: if you wanna quit and leave that life behind, then you should. It's not good for you, or for us," you whispered with a tinge of sadness in your voice.
He looked off to the side, took a deep breath, and looked back at you. "One day, I will. It pays well, and it makes our dream lives much more attainable... we could go for ages without needing to work."
You smiled sadly at him and put your head back on his chest. "Whatever you need to do, I'll support you in it. Just... promise me it'll reach an endpoint, okay? I don't wanna see you struggle just to provide for us."
"I'll do anything for you, sweetheart. Even sacrifice myself just to do so. I'll fall if it means you can rise." You looked at him one last time before closing your eyes.
"Just be sure I can catch you when you fall, alright?"
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╰┈➤ "Work... so much work..." the white-haired man's face fell into the equally white stack of papers which he had to grade. Satoru Gojo prided himself on being a good teacher, however, one of the pitfalls of being a teacher involved grading all these papers. It's not like he taught some boring subjects like history or--god forbid--algebra! But, even so, he hated this part of the job.
Being a teacher was a surprisingly rewarding job for the man. Even though he initially had no expectations outside of producing good sorcerers, he actually liked the job. He got to meet some amazing students & prodigies and, if he did a good job, then he'd create an amazing generation of future sorcerers!
But, part of that nurturing process was grading these stupid papers.
When he graded one paper, another 10 would appear. By the time he'd be done with these stacks of tests and assignments, then it'd be past midnight for him.
And he couldn't let his job cut into his relationship with you--not when he made a promise to never let you feel taken for granted.
Then again, he had deadlines and other, different responsibilities to fulfill.
"Gotta get through these papers, Satoru... don't wanna spend another day in this stupid office."
A voice appeared from behind Gojo and he almost jumped out of his seat and hollow purpled you. "(Y-Y/N), what are you doing here at this hour?! Geez, you almost gave me a heart attack there!" He tried to pass off his initially embarrassing scare by laughing it off and rubbing the back of his neck.
"Well, Nanamin told me about how you'd been spending all this time cooped up in your office, and, since it's been cutting into our relationship time: I figured it'd do me some good to come and see you myself!" Before he could even respond, you pulled up a chair and sat next to your boyfriend.
"Pookie-bear, I don't want you to sacrifice your quality time for me," he retorted with a pout.
You rolled your eyes at his silly little nickname. "Every time you call me pookie-bear, it's almost impossible to take you seriously. Anyway, quality time is only quality time if I spend it with you or shopping, and shopping is never fun without you."
"It's because my wallet's limitless, isn't it?"
"Well... it never hurts you if your wallet's a bottomless pit of money, does it?" He couldn't exactly refute that statement, so he merely laughed.
"Alrighty, then. If that's how you really feel, then I suppose I can't exactly kick you out. But I must warn you, sugar-bear: it's gonna be really boring to sit around and grade all this stuff with me."
"Good thing I'm also a teacher," you giggled, scooching closer to him.
"Right, I forgot you're a teacher... probably because you teach a subject as lame as Japanese history!" he teased you, ruffling your hair.
"It's not lame--what do you even do, huh? Teach all this stupid stuff like 'cursed energy' which we've known since birth?! You might as well be teaching chemistry," you snarked back, effectively shutting him up.
"I'm so hurt!" he said dramatically, "my girlfriend thinks my subject matter isn't important..." he even put his hand on his forehead and pretended to die.
"Ate you up," you snickered, grabbing one of the stacks and looking at it. "Hmm... this stuff's not too hard to grade, but I can see why you've been cooped up in here since there's so much of it."
"Baby, I don't want you to die of boredom," Gojo whined, pressing his cheek to the top of your head. "Seriously, it's gonna make you look at me like I'm some sort of loser."
You scoffed and looked up at your boyfriend. "Satoru, it's fine. I can handle grading a couple of dumb papers. You most likely think that I'll die of boredom because of the number of papers you've graded on your own. You probably mistook the boredom as difficulty--so really, it's fine."
Gojo was now agape at your observation, given how spot on it was. "That's... exactly how I felt about it. Damn, baby, you're a smart one."
"Did you think I was dumb or something?"
"Well, no!"
"It's fine, it's fine--I'm just messin' with ya. If I was dumb, you probably wouldn't have liked me from the jump." You were already on your fifth paper by the time you were at this point in the conversation. "And, anyway, even if it is as boring as you say it is, then it'll be cut in half by my assistance. Then, we can go home, pick up some kikufuku, and then watch some stupid movie & go to bed in our new matching PJs. Now, doesn't that outweigh the boredom?"
"Well, when you put it like that..." Gojo pretended to think before he threw his hands up. "It does!"
You giggled and kissed his cheek. "I knew you were a smart one."
The two of you decided to focus on the papers and lock in so that you could get out of that room quicker. He wasn't lying; there was an immense amount of stuff that needed to be graded, and his inability to sit in peace didn't make it any easier for the two of you. He'd poke your sides, try to pull you into his lap, and almost fall asleep on your head.
"Satoru," you said in warning, "focus. If you want that kikufuku, then you'd better grade these things. We can play some music... actually, you'd probably get even more distracted."
"Aw, babe! I liked the idea of listening to music," he whined with his signature pout. "Ugh, why did I have to take up teaching!" He complained, putting his hands over his face.
"Because you make bad choices," you said while taking his hands off his face. "Now, put these fingers to good use-"
"Good use? I can think of more than a few-"
You took a deep breath. "As I was saying, put these hands to good use and keep grading, alright?" You even put your hands on the pencil he was holding and he solemnly nodded.
"Fine... only because you're asking me." He picked up his pen and started grading it again, and he actually managed to focus on his papers.
23... 24... 25...
32... 33... 34...
49... 50... 51...
Geez, how many students did he even teach?! It was actually beginning to look like he was reaching his limit with this grading effort. Many things in this world were limitless, and that included his papers
"(Y/N)-" he was about to ask if you guys were any close to being done when he looked at the number of papers that were left on the table.
They were almost gone.
"Oh," he said, rather unceremoniously. "They're... they're almost gone?"
"Hm?" you looked over at Gojo, confused as to why he was confused. "Yeah, they are. We graded them quite quickly, if you couldn't tell," you explained with a light smile on your face. "Just about 9 more, and then we can head home-"
"WOOOHOOO!!!!" he had to resist the urge to jump up from the table and run around the room, but he luckily had you to keep him in his seat.
"Easy there," you steadied him. "We still have nine to grade, so don't start celebrating just yet."
9... 8... 7...
6... 5... 4...
3... 2... 1...
"WOOOHOOO!!!!" this time, he was actually able to get out of his seat and stretch his legs. "Finally--we can go home!"
"Satoru, calm down! Don't wake up the students- hey!" He'd suddenly scooped you up off your chair and started running from the building. "I CAN WALK, Y'KNOW!!"
"Why would you need to when you're dating the strongest?!"
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"This is way better than spending the rest of my days at that school," Gojo sighed while munching on his kikufuku. Naturally, he had to buy at least 9 boxes of it, just to satisfy his limitless appetite. You, a normal person, had only 2 of them.
"How do you stay in shape when you eat all that sugar and do nothing all day long?" you asked, looking at the empty boxes of sweets that he chowed down on.
"Because... my metabolism... is great!" he replied, his mouth full of the food. He swallowed all the food was in his mouth, then dove right back into his kikufuku. "Are you calling me fat, babe?" he asked, pouting at you slightly.
"Well... you're not fat; you just eat three times as much as I do."
"Well one of us has to eat! How else will these vendors stay in business?"
"Leave it to your limitless wallet and appetite," you sighed, deciding to enjoy the sweets for yourself. In the time that it took for you to finish your boxes, he had already eaten all 9 of his.
"Ahh, that sure hit the spot," Gojo sighed, settling back into his seat and stretching his long limbs out.
"I hope it did, since you ate 9 boxes," you muttered before stretching yourself. "Fuck, am I beat... maybe I should've heeded your advice and gone home instead of helping you."
He sat up a bit and looked at you through his messy white bangs. "But, if you didn't, then I'd still be at school, and you'd be all alone."
"I know, I know," you conceded, reaching out to move his bangs from his forehead. "I wouldn't have my handsome boyfriend keeping me company."
"Did you just call me handsome?" the smile on his face grew in size, and you couldn't help but smile back at him.
"Yeah, I did--because you're very handsome~"
"C'mere, you, and give your handsome boyfriend some sugar," he said giddily, already pulling you into his lap.
"You've already eaten enough sugar!" you protested as he pulled you in.
"I've got a sweet tooth, baby, and you're the sweetest thing I've ever sunk my teeth into." He finally had you where he wanted, and he couldn't resist the urge to literally latch onto you with his long limbs. "Mmm... I've missed you so much, sweet stuff. All those papers have been keeping you away from me, trying to steal me... well, guess what? A couple of dead trees have nothing on Satoru Gojo."
"Whatever you say, baby," you giggled into his chest. You simply sat there and let him do as he pleased, whether it be sniff your shampoo or give you a sweet kiss on the forehead. "Y'know what you said back there about me viewing you as a loser?"
He pulled back and looked at you. "Yeah, baby?"
"I just wanted to let you know that... there's nothing you could do that would make me view you as a loser. Even if your job may be boring at times, and even if you can sometimes act like a big baby, there's absolutely zero things that could skew my view of you. And you wanna know why that is?"
He was silent for a little bit before he realized you were asking him a question. "Yeah, I do wanna know."
You kissed him on the forehead, the cheeks & the nose, and then on the lips. "It's not because you're the strongest sorcerer; it's because you're the strongest person I know. You're more resilient than you think you are, at least mentally. You've been through so much in life, and you're still determined to build a better future for the Jujutsu world."
He was at a complete loss for words by what you were saying, the feeling of your hands on his cheeks a comforting warmth for him. "I... I don't even know what to say," Gojo's whispered, his voice cracking slightly.
You quickly realized that you might've gone a little overboard with the praises, and you let go of his face. "Shit, I'm sorry--I didn't upset you or anything, right?"
He put your hands back on his face and shook his head. "'s fine, I just didn't know where that came from, y'know? You started telling me how amazing I was out of nowhere."
Your smile softened and you pressed a kiss to his forehead. "I can't resist the urge to do so, y'know. You're just so amazing."
His shocked expression turned into a smile of his own, and he relaxed into your grip. "You're amazing too, baby. You don't view me as the strongest because of my power or my ability; you see past all that and you see the real me. And for that, I'm always gonna be the best and strongest boyfriend I can possibly be."
"That's what I like to hear, baby. Even if you're already the strongest, I'm gonna push you to be even stronger." You let him pull you in for a hug, and he enveloped you in his arms again.
"Did I ever tell you how amazing you are, (Y/N)? Because you deserve to hear it."
"You did, but you can always keep telling me, Satoru."
"Well, you're fucking incredible, sweets. If I ever forget to tell you of that, please just slap me on the face so I can be reminded."
"I'm not a fan of violence--at least not against my loved ones, but, if you say so!" The two of you giggled and he pressed another kiss to your forehead.
"God, I love you. I seriously don't know where I'd be without you."
"Don't try to imagine it; just let yourself bask in the reality of your situation, 'kay?"
He nodded decisively and turned his focus back to you and your guys's current reality. "Why don't we make our reality a little bit sweeter and... relax on something much softer?"
By the time he asked you that, he'd already scooped you up bridal style and was carrying you into the bedroom. "Give a girl a moment to decide!"
"You were gonna say 'yes' anyway."
"You've got that right," you muttered before being plopped down onto the comforter. He then laid down next to you & wrapped his lanky arms, and legs, around your frame. Within only seconds, you were stuck in a prison made entirely of his limbs. "Are you sure this is comfortable for the both of us, or is it just comfy for you?"
"You don't want my cuddles?" he asked you into your hair.
"No, I do! I just don't wanna be imprisoned by you," you said into his chest.
"Fine, fine," he relented, untangling himself from you. He still kept his arms on you, though, and he refused to let go. The two of you were finally able to relax & bask in one another's presence, and it was a welcome reward for the long day of work.
"You wanna take a shower?-" When you looked up from where you laid, your boyfriend had already fallen asleep. His handsome face looked finally at peace, and you couldn't help but smile at him. "It's too bad I need to take a shower," you said under your breath, somehow able to disentangle yourself from his prison of cuddles.
"Don't go... need you here..." he said in his sleep, instinctively reaching out for you.
"I need to take a shower first, Satoru. And, while we're at it, you should probably change into some pajamas." Before you left the room to go shower, you peeled his jacket, work pants & undershirt, somehow getting him to make it easier for you. Then, you put on the matching set that the two of you had saw while surfing through the internet. "There we go. Isn't that much better?"
"Mm..." he mumbled into the pillow.
"I'll take that as a yes," you giggled softly. You pressed a soft kiss to his forehead before making your way out of the room to take that much needed shower.
When you returned from the bathroom with your hair washed & dried, you saw that he'd sunk even further into his little haven of pillows. You walked closer to him, a soft smile gracing your features once more, and you crawled into bed again.
"Hey, Toru," you murmured softly. "Did you miss me?"
"Too much..." he mumbled into the pillow. "Was waiting for you... can't sleep without you... y'know?"
"I know you can't," you giggled fondly. "Don't worry, though; I'm back, and I ain't going anywhere."
"Good... now, c'mere," he said, closing his eyes fully and pulling you into his warm embrace. He was warmer than any Kotatsu table that money could buy, sweeter than any kikufuku out there, and more amazing than Christian Dior.
Quite possibly the best part about sleeping next to Satoru was getting to see him at his most tranquil. You knew that he trusted you wholeheartedly, that he'd only ever open himself up fully to you. He entrusted you with his heart and soul, and you vowed to never let either one of those precious things get hurt. In reality, you were probably the only person who could hurt them in any capacity.
Satoru Gojo looked like an angel when he slept, with his snow white hair falling on the pillow and over his eyes, and the handsomest face you'd ever seen. Finally, after taking a good look at his face, you closed your eyes and cuddled closer to him.
"So ethereal when you're at peace."
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╰┈➤ The job of a Magic Knight Captain wasn't for the weak, and anyone who took up the job knew that good and well. Not only were you expected to be among the strongest Magic Knights out there, but you were also expected to lead a group full of them & ensure their safety, survival, and growth. It was a job that required brains & brawn, leadership & personableness. Magic Knight Captains essentially had to become the parents of whoever they took under their wing, but perhaps no one was better suited for the job than Yami Sukehiro.
Although he was labeled every bad nickname under the sun, and although he was the antithesis of what a Clover Kingdom citizen should've been, acted or even looked like, the Black Bulls were probably the most successful squad in the history of the Kingdom, and that was all in thanks to Captain Yami and a few of his subordinates, but he's too stubborn to admit that.
All of this was to say that the job left him fucking exhausted.
Sure, the Black Bulls were an amazing bunch of "kids;" and sure, they were some of the strongest and valiant mages out there, but they were also extremely hard to rein in and were tiring to deal with on their own. Throw them into one building and make 'em live with one another? Now, that's enough to send any man into early retirement.
Then again, Yami wasn't just any man--but he was still a man at the end of the day. A man who, despite his preachings about "surpassing your limits," had his own limits with his squad.
Magna and Luck were giving him the worst possible headache with all of their "sparring." The sparring, in question, was happening inside, late at night, when everyone was supposed to be relaxing.
It didn't help that Asta was busy screaming on his own, and it also really didn't help that Noelle was screaming at him.
It didn't help that Gauche wouldn't shut up about Marie;
It didn't help that Gordon kept making those creepy dolls;
It didn't help that Vanessa wouldn't stop offering people drinks;
None of them were HELPING!
"Can all of you just SHUT UP ALREADY?!" Captain Yami's voice boomed from where he sat. "A man tries to get some much needed rest, and he can't do that because all of you won't stop causing a ruckus! Can't you fight outside like normal people?!"
"But, it's nighttime-"
"YEAH, IT IS NIGHTTIME--SO THAT MEANS ALL OF YOU SHOULD COOL IT DOWN A LITTLE BIT!" he shouted at whoever was trying to talk back to him. He stood up, crushing his cigarette underneath his boot, and stomped out of the room without another word.
It seemed as though he was having a terribly exhausting day, and it wasn't until he literally screamed at everyone that he finally got some pace and quiet. He hated screaming at them like that, but he had reached his limit a while ago. Luckily, for his sake and the rest of the Bulls' sake, his ever-present and perceptive girlfriend, you, knew just how to calm him down.
"Is she seriously going to his room? I get that they're dating and all, but-"
"Noelle, if you want us to live another day, then just let her do her thing."
You ignored whatever Noelle and Vanessa were saying and headed down the hall to where you knew Yami was. The base was always changing in where its rooms were, but you knew exactly where Yami headed off to; nobody could sense his Ki like you could. You tried to keep the sound of your heels hitting the cobblestone floor to a minimum, but there was only so much you could do to prevent them.
When you finally reached his room, you knocked on the door to signal your arrival, and you opened the door. "Who the hell is it?" he asked from over his shoulder.
"It's your girlfriend," you replied. You didn't miss the way his tense shoulders immediately fell when he realized it was you, and you watched as he let out a sigh.
"Why're you here? Weren't you busy reading a book to catch up on your magic studies or whatever?"
"That stuff can wait; my boyfriend's temper can't, though." You locked the door behind you and took slow, careful steps to where Yami was hunched over on the edge of his bed, and you put one hand on his boulder-like shoulder. "You're tense," you remarked.
"Thought it was easy to tell," he huffed.
"Tenser than usual, Suke." The sweet nickname you gave him after he told you you could use his first name never failed to butter him up. "You must've had a really rough day, huh? Rougher than usual?"
"You've got no fucking idea, princess." After your hand worked its magic on his tense shoulder, he pulled you in by your waist and sat you on his lap. "C'mere, I wanna feel you against me," he muttered into your shoulder.
"Anything you need, I'll do for you," you reassured him. Your hand went up to his hair and you started lightly massaging & scratching his scalp, making him sigh into your embrace. His arms tightened around you to secure you to him, then loosened a little to let you breathe. "One of my favorite things in the world is the feeling of your arms around me, Suke."
"Really?" he asked, now looking up at you.
"It sure is," you said with a nod of affirmation. "You touching me in general, it never fails to make me happy."
"I'm glad I do that for you, then." A tiny smile started worming its way to his tense features, and you gave him an even bigger smile. "Hey, princess--are you a witch or something?"
Now, this question made you cock your brow in confusion. "No, not really; I wasn't exactly born in the Witches' Forest."
"You must be, because the way your touch melts me has gotta be some sorta black magic. I mean, seriously--did Vanessa teach you a spell for relaxation?"
"She didn't exactly teach me a spell, per se; she didn't teach me anything about magic. I taught that relaxation spell to myself."
"'N how'd you do that?"
"By devoting some of my time to learning what makes my boyfriend tick or relax," you giggled, making him shake his head in disbelief.
"Really, now? Well, it's working wonders on me, I must say..." he let his words trail off before planting a kiss on the exposed skin of your chest, closing his eyes & inhaling the scent of your sweet vanilla & almond perfume. "I don't deserve you, baby--I really don't," he whispered into your chest.
"'Course you do, Suke, don't be ridiculous," you scoffed. "You earned me by being an extra caring and affectionate man to me. Why wouldn't I have fallen for you? You earned my affections all on your own."
He pressed another kiss to your chest before looking up at you. "Would you say I surpassed my limits in doing so?"
You snickered at his little question. "You and your limits... yeah, you did: you surpassed your limits, and it earned you my affections."
"Damn straight, I did." He suddenly grabbed you and fell back onto the bed, making you yelp in surprise. In just the blink of an eye, you were now hovering over him, your silky hair falling onto his muscles and tickling him slightly.
"Suke, what do you think you're doing?"
"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm cuddling my woman." He rolled you around until he was overtop of you, and he shot you a confident grin. "You sayin' you don't want me to?"
"Of course I do!"
"Then lemme cuddle." He silenced any further protests by pressing his lips to yours, savoring the honey sweet taste of your lips. "Mmm... just what a man needs to calm down..." He let his hands go up your shirt and he rubbed your sides gently, tracing circles on it. Suddenly, his exhaustion kicked in, and he got a slight cramp in his arm, making him buckle and fall to the side. "Shit," he hissed in pain.
"Suke, what's wrong? Are you hurt suddenly?" you looked at him with mild panic, wondering why he suddenly gave out.
"I'm fine, I'm fine, I just got a little cramp. Gimme a sec, and I'll- fuck," the pain resurged, and he clutched his shoulder in pain. "It's worse now..."
You sat up and crawled closer to him, putting him on his back. You looked at the place where his arm cramped, and you touched it gently. "Princess, don't do that, it'll hurt-" he suddenly felt all the pain leave his arm, and he looked at you in amazement. "How did you...?"
You shrugged. "I just pressed a little hard and let your muscles relax. I didn't really give it a second thought."
He looked at his arm and then at you again. "Yeah, scratch that; I really don't deserve you."
"Suke!" you chided him, making him laugh. "Hmm... it must've been from all that stress and tension you've been under--I can feel it all throughout your body. Even when you were kissing me, I could feel your muscles tense."
"Really?" he looked at his arm, then at the rest of his body. He sighed, conceding to your observations. "I guess you're right... I've been so focused on surpassing my limits, I didn't give myself a break."
"Normally, I'd applaud your efforts; but I don't like seeing you in pain because of them." You looked off to the side for a bit, wondering what you could do to make him feel any better. "I know! Since my hands are so good at getting rid of your stress and anxiety, why don't I give you a nice massage?"
"A massage? What, you'd really give this ol' brute a rub and a tug?"
"Well, don't call it that! That sounds kinda weird... Suke, it'll just be a good old fashioned massage--nothing more, nothing less. I don't want you to cramp up again, and I certainly don't wanna see you in any pain. So roll over, big boy, because I'm gonna make you feel heavenly."
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"Did you really have to do all of this stuff, princess?" Yami asked as he laid down on the makeshift massage table that you'd set up in the middle of the room. He was currently lying almost completely naked on it (save for the towel covering his penis) with his arms folded behind his head.
"Be quiet and let me take care of you," you quipped, grabbing the massage oils and rubbing your hands with them. You looked over at Yami, your eyes trailing down his muscular body shamelessly.
"Are you gonna do that or just stand there and ogle me?" he asked again, this time with a cocky half-smile.
"Y'know, you really shouldn't be mean to your masseuse." You reached for his arm and unfolded it, and you began with his shoulder. "I could pull you any which way I want, make you cramp even harder."
"Please don't do that," he said, a bit panicked.
You giggled and started massaging his big shoulders & delts. "I'm just messing with you, Suke; I wouldn't wanna injure my captain anymore than he already is."
As your hand started making its way down his chiseled arm, he couldn't stop the grunts of satisfaction that escaped his lips. "Fuck, princess... that feels so good..."
"Why, thank you, handsome." You continued to massage his entire arm until you got to his hand, and you even massaged his fingers. Within just a few short minutes & touches, his arm was already feeling quite at ease.
The more you massaged him, the more grunts & groans & even whimpers that he let out. You missed not a single spot on his body, from his chiseled abs to his calves. "Fuuuuck, princess," he groaned especially deeply into the pillow, "keep it up... goddamn--your hands are a godsend."
He wasn't the only one who was deriving satisfaction from this massage; you got to touch and feel every single muscle on your boyfriend's impressive body, and that alone was enough payment. He truly had some amazing muscles, possibly the best in all of Clover. 'His biceps are bigger than my head... and his thighs are so thick--I bet he could crush a watermelon with them!' you giggled to yourself.
"Is there something funny?"
"No, not at all." You turned him on his belly, and that was when the real fun began. Pecs and abs were some amazing muscles, yes, but the back was where the glory laid. His back muscles, although quite tensed, were nothing short of incredible! He had such a wide, tapered back, and each inch of it was covered in thick muscles that he'd acquired over the years. 'I know I'm dating the man, but seeing his back never gets old!'
"Heh, like what you see, princess?" he asked from over his shoulder. He knew that you were ogling his back right now, and that little piece of satisfaction, of knowing that his girl was a huge fan of his muscles gave him all the confidence he'd need for the week.
"Yeah, I do." Your hand sunk into his upper back and started steamrolling all the kinks and tension out of his muscles, and it was like going to heaven. The upper back was where a lot of tension was held in the human body...
And yet, despite all that tension accumulated, you still got rid of it just like that.
"Fuckkk... fuck, fuck, fuck- fucking, fuck!" he laughed into his pillow, feeling like a new man already.
"Wow, am I really that good?"
"Do I even have to answer that?"
You giggled in response and instead continued on the man's back. Once the big knots were out of his body, you went to his traps, his triceps--even his butt--the backs of his thighs, as well as his calves. Not a single spot was missed by your watchful eye, and not a shred of stress remained in the man. Not only that, but he was also soft and smooth from the massage oils.
"And... there we go! Should all be done. Is there anything I missed?" you asked as he sat up.
"Nah, you didn't miss a thing, princess." He reached out and pulled you in by the shoulders, pressing a deep kiss to your forehead. "I know I don't hand out praise often, but you're my girlfriend, and you did this for me without any strings attached."
"Is someone finally saying thank you?" you giggled.
"Be quiet before I change my mind, brat. Anyway, thanks for that. It meant a lot to me that you were willing to take such good care of my body."
"Suke, someone had to do it. Your body were practically screaming in agony--I could sense your Ki from a good distance away. You snapping at everyone only solidified that notion."
"Shit, about that..." he rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment. "You think they'll mind?"
"Nah; they'll understand, Suke. You were under a lot of stress. If anything, you deserved it, especially since they just wouldn't shut up," you said, making him laugh.
"I knew you'd take my side."
"I usually do," you sighed, retracting from his arm.
"Hey, where are you going?" he asked suddenly. You turned around, only to see him reaching out for you. "I wanted to cuddle with you..."
"We can cuddle when you're not all oily and naked," you scoffed, throwing him a towel. He dried himself off, then you threw a change of clothes at him, and changed into some yourself.
"But I thought you liked seeing me naked?"
"There's a time and place for everything, Suke." After putting all of that stuff on and brushing out your hair, you eagerly jumped into your boyfriend's bed and arms.
"Now, this is more like it," he said as he pulled you in for some much needed cuddles. "I'm all relaxed and ready for bed with my beautiful girlfriend in my arms. What more could a man need?"
"Maybe some sleep?" you asked, making him dig his knuckle into your head. The two of you blew out the lamp, and he snuggled up to you, his arms & legs entangled with yours.
"I appreciate everything that you do for me, (Y/N)," he murmured into your ear. You knew it was serious when he used your first name & not his "princess" pet name.
"I appreciate that you appreciate my efforts," you hummed, looking at him. The Yami that everyone else knew and the Sukehiro that you knew were like two completely different people. Yami was the fierce warrior, proud of where he came from; and Sukehiro was the gentle giant who treated you with the utmost care. He looked at you like you were the sun and he was the crop who needed your sunshine. If he ever lost you, then there'd be hell to pay for whoever was involved.
"I'll always appreciate everything you do for me, princess, even if it's something as simple as cuddling up to me." He closed his eyes and allowed himself to finally relax, hugging your smaller frame tightly. "Goodnight, princess."
"Goodnight, Sukehiro."
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© ʙʀᴜɴᴇᴛᴛᴇ-ʙɪᴛᴄʜ77 on tumblr - get your own shit bitches | ca. 7/2/2024
HELP WHY WAS TOJI'S 3.7K WORDS also I'm editing this later, I just wanted to get the first draft out since this took FOREVER to write
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lightfeltmemories · 10 hours
toge inumaki; general boyfriend headcanons
note: my first work related to jjk, and i can't lie, i like the funny cursed speech user he's a cutie, so, here are some sfw mainly fluff headcanons if he was your boyfriend, if he's ooc i apologize, don't chew my asshole a new one i'm new here. (some of my headcanons are also inspired from some i saw on tik tok), requests are open for any jjk character (yes, even mahito) if you want to see more content like this.
tags & warnings: mentions of period products.
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to start, since he can't exactly speak, it's going to be difficult to speak with you, so, if you manage to snag his phone number things will be a whole lot easier for the both of you, and thus, gives him the confidence to ask you out (please say yes.)
someone like panda or maki will probably let you know beforehand like a "yeah he likes you" or something.
but once you say yes, you'll have pretty much contemplated on whether or not you've found your soulmate.
he likes getting active with you, playing sports and such, even if you're not the best at it, he still sees it as a form of bonding and quality time, may or may not get a bit too competitive sometimes and you will cry if he wins too many times.
you are not exempt from his trolling, if anything, you're more susceptible, he won't do anything too over the top though, just some lighthearted fun the both of you can enjoy.
is definitely the type to send a meme to keep the convo going, and a reaction image when you say something that calls for the right opportunity to send it.
loves cuddling and watching movies or youtube videos with you, mainly the latter,
(over text) calls you babe or baby, or even a weird nicknamed variation of your name, doesn't mind if you call him bro since he'll do the same to you.
not the jealous type, unless someone says something to or about you that makes you uncomfortable (uses his cursed speech to tell them to shit their pants), isn't very controlling either, doesn't care about what you wear out.
but this doesn't mean he won't let people know you're his, such as walking beside you or hand in hand.
posts you on his instagram, he's insanely cheeky and cringe about it too, a picture of the two of you together at a carnival and the caption is "my world" or something of that nature, straight middle school cornball shit.
he also has loads of pictures of you... doing whatever, he may or may not have snuck a picture of you sleeping once or twice, he couldn't help it, you were cute.
if you were to ever ask him the question "would you still love me if i was a worm" his answer would be a sarcastic "no."
doesn't let you steal his food.
is the type to ask "what size is your pussy" when he's going to get tampons/pads for you, probably much to your annoyance, he also doesn't have much shame in doing it, either.
he's very protective of you, and wants to keep you safe.
mixed on pda, he's affectionate but not shameless about it, he'll give you a kiss on the cheek, a peck on the lips, or a hug.
when looking through his phone he doesn't have much going on, and definitely doesn't text anyone else romantically, he doesn't even like selfies of other girls, that man is loyal hands down, and expects the same for you.
he cooks for you sometimes, but can also teach you how to if you don't know how.
doesn't care much for gender roles.
doesn't mind being big spoon or little spoon, as long as he gets to sleep next to you.
loves seeing you in his clothes, with your scent tied to it and all.
likes going to parks and fun events with you.
he definitely wants to marry you one day, not too sure on kids, though.
he loves you more than anything and you know that. :)
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yarasdead · 5 hours
𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔 THERE SHE GOES.
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bomens m.list matt dierkes x fem!plus size!reader
summary. a collection of headcanon of matty with his plus size girlfriend and their journey through friendship and their relationship.
―︎ warnings. pure fluff. friends to lovers. mean!matt but also matt being a softy who's whipped for his gf. reader is depicted to be feminine and wear dress and makeup. slight sexual innuendos. talks of body insecurities.
𐙚 ‧₊ ⋅ a message from yara. this is a request from a sweet anon. this request just ignited something in me and i got a little carried away (but what's new), i just love writing a man who's so deeply in love with his significant other 🥰 i also did not include any nsfw headcanons in this, but if you'd like to see any i am more than happy to deliver! anywho happy reading loves <3
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You and Matt would meet through mutual friends at a hangout. Exchanging phone numbers by the end of the night out of bonding over similar interests.
Matt’s sense of humor is one to digest, so he likes how you're able to keep up with him and his banter. But, there are times when his humor is just bullying (affectionate) and it gets you pouty.
"C’mon you know I'm playing. I don't mean any of it.”
The two of you definitely have dinners over at each other's places a few times a month and just do a movie marathon afterwards. and that includes the Lord of the Rings trilogy, Matt would not shut up about making you watch the movies if you've never seen them before. He definitely is the type of fan to be like “did you know…” throughout all of the movies just spewing facts.
Boo and Zeus adore you very much, makes Matt grumbly when they parade around you and only want your attention.
When his vegetables are ready to harvest for the season he gives you some from his garden!
You house sit and dog sit for him whenever he's on tour with Bad Omens. Sending him dog, plant, and garden check ins regularly.
On the front lines for protecting you always! If some asshole dares to put their hands on you or makes comments about your weight matt is there ready to fight back with words and his fist. And it's not because he doesn't think you can't defend yourself, he knows a lot of what you've gone through when it comes to your appearance, he just cares deeply about you and won't tolerate any disrespect towards you.
He's mean. If you're shorter than him he likes to steal an item from you and wave it above your head, making “encouraging” comments about how you can get the item back by lowering it just to yank it back up before you can snag it from his hand. If your taller he'll just take really random but specific items you'll eventually need and hide them and act innocent when you're looking for them. Like if you come over to his house and leave your keys out he'll hide them at the start and by the time you leave he'll just watch you search for them. Very much a dick move on his part but he likes to see you get frustrated, he thinks it's cute.
His list of things he's soft for is very short, but you happen to be on that list. The first time matt ever tells you how much you mean to him, as a friend, you fake being super shocked because he's so annoying and mean at times. But over the course of your friendship he softens up to you and pushes it down, like when the two of you are watching a movie and you keep sneaking closer to him, eventually pressed up against his side with your cheek pressed up against his shoulder. You end up falling asleep like that while the movie is still playing, and when it ends and Matt calls your name without an answer he looks to see your precious face slumped against him fast asleep with soft snores coming from your mouth and he just looks back to the movie title cards with a smile. He stays as still as possible to let you sleep, and that's the moment that it would all click in place for him.
When Matt confesses his feelings for you it was very spontaneous, for him and you. You had gone over to his place after work since it's on the way home and matt wanted to show you some new flowers he planted in his backyard.
“They’re really pretty, Matty.” You compliment the flowers, caressing on of the petals between your fingers.
“I think you're really pretty.” Matt blurts out.
You whip your head around to stare at him, thinking you heard him wrong.
“I really like you. I have for awhile and it's taken me awhile to accept that, not because of anything pertaining to you, you're fucking flawless. I just don't want to fuck anything up between us by confessing my feelings,” you stare intently at him, waiting for him to continue. “You're a beautiful person, inside and out. And it makes me feel selfish that I want you all to myself, but I can't live with regret for not telling you how I feel.” He looks pale from his ramble, and you almost reach your hand out to touch his forehead to see if he's gone cold too.
“Please, say something.” He begs.
“I just- you've never been that sweet before and now you're begging me.” You joke, trying to make light of his confession to make it easier on you and him.
He groans your name. “Now's not the time for jokes, I just confessed and it's not looking too bright for me.”
You smile at worry, finding it cute. “I like you too Matt. You're so worried about me, but you don't realize that you're also charming. In you're own way, I might add, but it was pretty hard to not fall for you."
The two of you just stay staring at each other, mirroring each other with huge dorky smiles until you slowly inch closer. matt's hand find its way on your cheek.
"Can I?"
"Just kiss me already." You urge.
The kiss is soft and it makes you feel giddy when you two pull apart. Still embracing each other with your foreheads touching. Boo and Zeus erupt into the zoomies quickly after around the backyard, barking after each other.
Matt turns his head to them. "Yeah, I know. I got the girl, bubs." He gushes, looking back to you to leave another small kiss on your lips.
Matt really isn't one to do super showy dates. But he's finally asking you to officially be his girlfriend and he wants it to be memorable, something the two of you can recount on when you tell your kids and grandkids about the official moment he made you his. All that Matt would tell you is to be ready by 7 for your dinner reservations at 7:30 and to be your cute self for him to pick you up, keeping the full date a mystery to you. And when you swing the door open to reveal yourself, he has the air taken from his lungs and fully considering cancelling plans.
"These are for you pretty." Handing you the bouquet of your favorite flowers.
You smile, pulling him in for a quick kiss. "Thank you, Matty." Thanking him while your lips are still barely touching each others.
He looks down between your bodies, wanting to fully see you. "Give me a spin. Want to see you, Baby." He ask, the taste of your sweet lipgloss still on his lips.
You back up, giving him a spin with the flowers in your hand, complimenting the dress you're wearing.
"You like? Haven't gotten a chance to wear this dress yet."
"You know I love everything you wear with your sexy self."
He ends up taking you to a nice dinner at a nice restaurant to start out with. And now you two walk hand in hand, bellies full and content through the botanical garden. You gaze at everything in awe. It being nighttime the garden has light fixtures throughout to accentuate the florals and plants in the dark. The wander and enjoyment in your face is enough to keep Matt happy while the two of you walk, sometimes stopping when you want to take a pretty picture of a plant or Matt to show off his knowledge on certain plants. You stop by a fountain to stop for a moment.
"We should through a penny in." You say, reaching for your purse.
"A penny?"
"Yeah, like wish on a penny and then throw it in a fountain," explaining it to Matt. "It may come true." You tease.
Both of you wish on a penny and threw it into the fountain to meet with all the other coins at the bottom.
"What did you wish for?" He ask.
"That's the one thing you're not supposed to say. You of all people should know this."
"Yeah." He agrees, looking around to see if anyone else was near by, turning back to you when he spotted no one. "Well, I wished that you'd be my girlfriend."
He's not overtly into PDA, but he does love to have his hands on you at all times. Wether it's his arm that's slung over your shoulders, a hand on your thigh, an arm gripping tight on your plush hip, his knee pressed into yours as your sit next to each other, hands interlaced, or a hand on the small of your back. He's just always going to have to be touching you in some way.
It's amplified when the two of you are alone, he's coming up behind you at all times, hands sneaking around your waist and his head pushed into the crook of your neck, pressed up against each other on the couch with your legs on his lap, you pressed against his chest listening to his heart beat, or his secret personal favorite his head in your lap while you play with his hair.
Matt's nicknames for you are Baby, Babe, and Bubby, he uses them pretty interchangeably and they just roll off his tongue easily.
Matt loves cooking for you, and also with you if you enjoy cooking! He indulges in your cravings with you so you never fall into the guilt of simply having a craving for a certain food or snack.
Insecurities are normal, he knows this, and tries his best to help you through those moments whenever you're feeling down about yourself. Reminding you that your are far more than you appearance and that people who dare judge you are assholes who will never get to experience of knowing such a smart, driven, resilient, and gorgeous person you are. He truly sees you as the most flawless person and loves gushing about you to whoever will or won't listen because he just adores you so much and finds you so beautiful, sexy, and hot. He won't take a lot of shit from the guys, but he will take their teasing about how whipped he is for you because he really is and he is not afraid to admit it. But, as much as he loves boasting about you and helping you when you're feeling insecure he also knows the importance and self worth, so he loves to see you gain and be your confidence self day to day.
His bullying and meanness does not go away! As stated before it's all affectionate and just a part of him, so the little slight hair pulling, pokes, hiding of items, and teasing doesn't stop throughout the relationship, but it'll definitely take a much more affectionate turn when he sees you get pouty and upset from it and he'll turn mushy immediately and start to baby you.
Call you Boo's and Zeus's Mom! Whenever you spend the night with him on certain days and you unlock the door with a key Matt copied for you ages ago before the two of you started dating you always hear, "Who's that? Is Mama home?" and it always makes you fill up with so much love.
Just like when Matt confessed his feelings for you, the first time he says I Love You was also out of the blue. He wasn't having a very good week, and was pretty stressed from an upcoming tour, he now's he can console in you but you had recently expressed how you're also feeling stressed from your job and he just didn't want you to become even more overwhelmed. But, he had spent the entire day away from the house and when he came home to the dogs at his feet and a now, clean home and the smell of food cooking he was at a loss of words.
"In the kitchen." He hears you yell out.
Taking off his hat and shoes, giving Boo and Zeus their scratches, he stumbled his way to the kitchen where you're cooking.
"I had a half day today, so I decided to stop by because I know, we'll figured, you've been pretty stressed lately with the tour coming up. Cleaned up and I'm finishing up dinner."
When you don't hear a reply you turn your head over your shoulder, thinking maybe Matt wasn't in the kitchen yet, but he was.
"You okay?" Fully turning around to look at him, watching as he makes his way towards you and takes you into his arms.
"I love you." It's said with such adoration behind his eyes.
Is more than happy to teach you the drums when you shyly ask him if he can.
Special privileges for being a tour managers girlfriend! You get flown out to shows and festivals when your schedule works out with all of the perks too!
He's one to remember and write down important dates! An anniversary is not going to be missed by this man!
Could not be more happier than when you finally moved in with him and the dogs. There's nothing he loves more than waking up next to you still deep in slumber in the morning, waking you up by tracing over your body with the tips of his finger tips and leaving gentle kisses over your face.
Talk of marriage and kids definitely happen early so the two of you are on the same page and agree on huge life changing decisions like that. Fully knows you're the one, and pulled a Jim Halpert and bought a ring pretty early on in your relationship. He's not proposing any time soon, but you never know when he thinks the perfect moment is because you'll be surprised.
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Just watched a miles morales spiderman movie… so spiderman! gaz anyone? (this is not going to be canon complicit or probably be accurate at all LMAO) (this so has been done but its iconic so wtvr)
spiderman!gaz who gets bit right after he graduates high school. scares the fuck out of him when he starts attaching to walls and breaks his one of his mom’s favorite mugs. spends a lot of time alone and trying to figure out what's wrong in secluded places in public parks, etc. that's how you two meet--when he's climbing a tree with just his fingertips for grip.
gaz begs you not to say anything but you're just curiosity personified. "how'd you do that? what happened? oh my god you're practically a spider."
you two are together constantly from then on. same college, same interests, same work. you help him develop the web slingers and design a spider suit. you help with cases and scare him regularly. gaz is constantly taken by your bravery, but your willingness to put yourself in danger scares him. holds you close after you nearly get your head taken off by one of the villains. gaz realizes how much you mean to him in a moment like this.
he swoons like a lady in a romance in 1830s England when you help him patch up after a particularly horrible fight. it's all worth it to feel your fingers run down his face to clean up his spilled blood. your careful hands which piece him back together. kyle's so thankful when your done. shows it by tenderly washing his blood of your hands and kissing each finger softly. tomorrow he'll claim blood loss for his sappiness, but tonight he's all puppy eyes and asking if he can sleep in your bed with you.
he eventually has to rescue you while you're on a date that you did not inform him of. gaz gives you an earful for it ("god, doll, you can't just go off with random men without telling me. how am I gonna protect you if I don't know where you are or who you're with?"). next time you tell him about a date, he watches from the next rooftop over. the entire time (fuming). he's supposed to curl up beside you like a kitten, not that fucker. he has to keep himself from kicking the guys ass after when he sees the little kiss you press to his cheek. gaz needs it to him for you, not some other bastard. he's spiderman for God's sake, how hard could it be?
gaz starts to try to make you jealous with the photographs on the news of him holding other people close. he gets more flirty with a girl in one of his classes and makes a show about it-- but he finds himself angry by your lack of attention.
it comes to a head one night when you're both walking to your home from his apartment. you've both had a few too many, but he wants to make sure you get home safely. gaz keeps an arm firmly wrapped around your waist. his mouth is too close to your hair, neck, and face. he's looking for anything to say you feel similarly, so when you tilt your head up to meet his eyes it goes batty. even more when you drunkenly slur "ky... you look sooo good when you're in your suit. swinging around..." and you giggle. like it's nothing at all, like his heart isn't in his throat, like you haven't given him the hope he's been looking for.
ends up with you two going to a party a few nights later after you and the other fellow break up (has nothing to do with gaz, sure). kyle wipes the streets the morning of to keep him from having to leave you. however, they'd have to pry him off you. keeps a hand at your waist or in tucked in yours for the entire night. leers at anyone who glances at you too long or any who make you the slightest bit uncomfortable. by the end of the night, he's made his intentions clear. so when you press your lips to his cheek in goodbye that night, gaz knows he's doomed to love you forever
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moonlight-dragon · 1 year
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𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐮𝐧𝐳𝐞𝐥 𝐅𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑
𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐤 𝟒: 𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫
A soft light rising above the level meadow, behind the bed. He takes her in his arms. He wants to say I love you, nothing can hurt you but he thinks this is a lie, so he says in the end you’re dead, nothing can hurt you which seems to him a more promising beginning, more true
𝐀 𝐌𝐲𝐭𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 - 𝐋𝐨𝐮𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐆𝐥𝐮𝐜𝐤
Landscape orientation *:・゚✧
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+ the before-any-coloring, or as I like to call it, one the lost Jackunzel concept art(s) *:・゚✧
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fionnaskyborn · 7 months
there's something to be said about the very specific feeling of frailty you feel when you come face to face with just how little you've experienced. twenty-odd years on planet earth and you haven't really watched all that many movies. an unlived life facing an uncertain future. i do not know where to point the finger of blame because i live untethered from my past, floating in the present with no clear point of reference no clear definition of who i am or what happened to me and how i turned out the way i am (fucking. can you guess why five is my favorite game. insert that one lyric from that one modest mouse song.) but you're still here, and you can still learn, and you can catch up, but it still feels like you're a pitiful little nobody looking for excuses trying to explain why you're still new to the whole being alive thing. i've got a good head on my shoulders, though, for all that's worth, so i think i might be fine.
in other news, i watched scarface tonight. it was certainly a movie. don't really understand how the movie made it big, but it did have some damn good music. i mean, i don't know. i'm still learning about the world i live in. maybe it really is as much of a masterpiece as people make it out to be and i'm too dumb to see the reason why it's considered a classic. maybe i'm right. i can't tell at the moment. it's kind of a beggars can't be choosers situation - if you ain't watched that many movies, then you can't really be a good judge of quality. but, oh, well. it's one more movie watched. it's a win because i watched a movie. and i'll watch more movies.
#i mean this extends to things like world politics also i'm still learning and i'm eager to learn beyond what i am offered but that doesn't#make the process any less fucking terrifying. like sure fuck yeah i'll be a big shot and do it alone and i'll be proud of myself but the#thing is i really really really don't know how to be alone without feeling empty#and it's funny because the thing i yearn for the most is to be free and to create myself and do things on my own and i can do that i've#learned how to be an adult very early on and people say ah you've yet to face the worst but every time they tell me that i tell them i can't#wait#but at the same time sometimes i sit and i wonder why i haven't watched that many movies. was there nobody to watch them with? could i have#asked? could things have been different? is it my fault for never having really wanted things or somebody else's? and i'll never really have#a clear answer to any of those questions or at least not anytime soon because my cranium is messed up and unreliable but i won't get the#answers anywhere else. shrugs. i've yet to start living a life. i don't know when i died but i do know but maybe that's just an idea and#maybe i've been dead all along until some point in the past two years but then what are all those memories i have where did they come from#why are they so far apart why do they feel mine and foreign at the same time. can you guess who my favorite mg character is.#well okay i have like what four or five of those but read the text again and think really really hard about it. i'm just kidding i'm goofing#around at this point. i mean no not really but i am smiling about it. :]#logs
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lilacs-stash · 2 years
Canon!Rex and Emmet are in gay love, but like, in the way Minecraft roleplay YouTube's are.
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youremyonlyhope · 2 years
Why did Randy Newman have to make me cry over a song about a firefly that loves a star?
How did this manage to be literally the most romantic love song ever written?
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deanpinterester · 1 year
i cannot stress this enough: if your reasoning for clowning on the mcu is "they overwork their cg artists and animators" i 1000% guarantee that a show or movie you have been stanning for years also abused their artists and you just haven't heard about it because the production companies aren't in the spotlight like mcu productions are. that cartoon for kids? that incredibly animated movie? that non-marvel superhero movie? i've seen people declare their hatred for the way the mcu treats their workers and then turn around and gush about a show that i know for a fact was hell for the artists attached
and no this is NOT me saying "this means you should stop hating on the mcu uwu" it's me saying you gotta be aware that this shit is an INDUSTRY WIDE PROBLEM. you CANNOT "fix" it by refusing to watch mcu movies and feeling good about it. you have to be aware that it's EVERYWHERE. why do you think so many animation and vfx productions are sourced in canada? in india and the phillipines? we are not unionized.
i know it's hard to face the idea that your favourite show might have been made unethically especially when you've spent so much time hating the mcu for doing the same thing. you don't have to start hating your favourite show. just like...be aware. don't be smarmy about it. don't claim without research that a beautifully animated movie Must mean the animators were not working 16 hour days and weekends. i do think we can fix this 👍 but we can't fix it if 90% of us don't even realize what the problem really is
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ghouljams · 20 days
Getting pulled down into Ghost's lap when you get up from the couch to grab a snack during the movie...
His legs are spread wide on either side of you, your ass perched on his lap and your hands on his knees to keep yourself stable. You try to push to get up but the hands on your hips are firm and just pull you back down. Really it wouldn't be a problem, you've sat on his lap enough times, except that his big hands slide down to knead at your ass through your thin sleep shorts. Shorts he'd told you to change into, wanting you to be "comfortable" before turning the lights off.
It's gentle at first, a sort of idle appreciation. You glance back at him and he tells you to keep watching the movie, despite the fact his eyes are glue to your ass. As soon as you turn back, shift your attention, his hands start tugging at the legs of your shorts. He pulls them up, tugs at them, tugs at your panties, bunching the material in his hands so he can see your bare skin. You try to get up and he lets you up only enough to swat your ass, let you hear the crack of it, feel the sting, before he pulls you back down. You whine a little, it's uncomfortable! He's basically giving you a wedgie just so he can squeeze your ass.
Then his hands move, and he rocks your hips down against his cock. Even soft you can feel it under you, and the pinch of fabric as it drags against your slit is enough to send a small spark of heat through you. Simon's hands move you back and forth, dragging your hips over his cock, working you like a toy. Back and forth, back and forth. You can feel your shorts grinding against your clit, can feel the way your slick soaks the material that's been tugged so tightly between your legs. It's uncomfortable, it's maddening, it's sort of turning you on.
Simon's fingers wrap around the bunched fabric between your cheeks and tug up. You hinge with the motion, your hands on his knees keeping you up as you lean forward to try and compensate for the way the fabric pulls at your cunt. He bounces you back down, and you feel the hard length of his cock as your soft ass hits his lap. The appreciative hum Simon lets out is downright sinful. His free hand squeezes your ass, his thumb pulling at the skin to spread you open as he pulls you up again. Each bounce makes your cunt clench, imagining the fabric that stuffs itself so tightly between your folds were his cock. The rug burn friction against your clit makes your skin feel hot. He's teasing you, switching back to the back and forth grind, working you against the hard length of his cock, attempting to soak your panties and shorts so that you drip onto his trousers.
It's a mean game. Every time you glance back at him he raises a brow, asks, "Thought you wanted to watch this, what're ya lookin' at me for?" And you're forced to turn back to the movie. Christ you don't even know what's happening in it. Your brain is laser focused on the movement of your hips, the squeeze of Simon's fingers, the tight pull of fabric. You're starting to feel a little more like a victim of bullying than just a toy. The thought shouldn't make you squirm the way it does. Simon's rough voice chastising you for not watching, using you for his own pleasure in a way that shouldn't make you as wet as it does. God, all you want is to sit on his dick, bounce on it properly, but he won't even give you the space to ask.
"Being mean," You tell him, hoping that will incur some further punishment.
"Am I?" He asks, "'ere we are having a nice li'le date and I'm being mean?" He goes back to bouncing you up and down, no more friction against your clit, just the torturous feeling like you're missing the best part. Every time you hit his cock you feel yourself clench, your body responding to the emptiness it knows he can feel. You whine, and his hands smooth over your ass. Your movements don't stop, too eager to feel that hard, fat, length under you, too desperate for the clench that almost lets you imagine you're being filled. "Think you're the one bein' mean, sweet'eart. Look'it you bouncin' on my cock without even offerin' to do it proper."
"I want to," You offer. His hand swats your ass hard, and you jerk, grinding your clothed clit against his cock.
"Think you like le'in' me use you like this, takin' all the decision out of it." He hums. You swallow, and nod. You do, you like when he takes charge, when he treats you like a toy, like he knows what to give you better than you know what to ask for.
"Simon," You try, he hums questioningly, "please fuck me."
The click of his tongue sends a shiver down your spine, one you know is bad news for you when his hands latch onto your hips again. He grinds you down against his hard cock, pulling you back and forth along the length in tight quick motions. You whimper, your clit being rubbed raw by the cotton of your panties. It feels good, the zap of attention making your cunt hot with want. Your stomach is boiling, the heat tightening into something dark and delicious. Pain and pleasure, denial while he gives you exactly what you want. Simon's lips find your neck, his voice a low, satisfied rumble in your ear when he asks:
"Now where's the fun in that?"
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Hi- er, this is my first-ever writer's strike, how does one not cross a picket line in this context? I know how not to do it with things like Amazon and IRL strikes, but how does it apply to media/streaming?
Hi, this is a great question, because it allows me to write about the difference between honoring a picket line and a boycott. (This is reminding me of the labor history podcast project that's lain fallow in my drafts folder for some time now...) In its simplest formulation, the difference between a picket line and a boycott is that a picket line targets an employer at the point of production (which involves us as workers), whereas a boycott targets an employer at the point of consumption (which involves us as consumers).
So in the case of the WGA strike, this means that at any company that is being struck by the WGA - I've seen Netflix, Amazon, Apple, Disney, Warner Brothers Discovery, NBC, Paramount, and Sony mentioned, but there may be more (check the WGA website and social media for a comprehensive list) - you do not cross a picket line, whether physical or virtual. This means you do not take a meeting with them, even if its a pre-existing project, you do not take phone calls or texts or emails or Slacks from their executives, you do not pitch them on a spec script you've written, and most of all you do not answer any job application.
Because if this strike is like any strike since the dawn of time, you will see the employers put out ads for short-term contracts that will be very lucrative, generally above union scale - because what they're paying for in addition to your labor is you breaking the picket line and damaging the strike - to anyone willing to scab against their fellow workers. GIven that one of the main issues of the WGA are the proliferation of short-term "mini rooms" whereby employers are hiring teams of writers to work overtime for a very short period, to the point where they can only really do the basics (a series outline, some "broken stories," and some scripts) and then have the showrunner redo everything on their lonesome, while not paying writers long-term pay and benefits, I would imagine we're going to see a lot of scab contracts being offered for these mini rooms.
But for most of us, unless we're actively working as writers in Hollywood, most of that isn't going to be particularly relevant to our day-to-day working lives. If you're not a professional or aspiring Hollywood writer, the important thing to remember honoring the picket line doesn't mean the same thing as a boycott. WGA West hasn't called on anyone to stop going to the movies or watching tv/streaming or to cancel their streaming subscriptions or anything like that. If and when that happens, WGA will go to some lengths to publicize that ask - and you should absolutely honor it if you can - so there will be little in the way of ambiguity as to what's going on.
That being said, one of the things that has happened in the past in other strikes is that well-intentioned people get it into their heads to essentially declare wildcat (i.e, unofficial and unsanctioned) boycotts. This kind of stuff comes from a good place, someone wanting to do more to support the cause and wanting to avoid morally contaminating themselves by associating with a struck company, but it can have negative effects on the workers and their unions. Wildcat boycotts can harm workers by reducing back-end pay and benefits they get from shows if that stuff is tied to the show's performance, and wildcat boycotts can hurt unions by damaging negotiations with employers that may or may not be going on.
The important thing to remember with all of this is that the strike is about them, not us. Part of being a good ally is remembering to let the workers' voices be heard first and prioritizing being a good listener and following their lead, rather than prioritizing our feelings.
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chuluoyi · 3 months
jealousy, jealousy...
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- nanami kento x reader
your husband seems to be immune to jealousy, and you've pretty much convinced yourself that he just doesn't have it in him... or does he?
genre/warnings: crack, fluff, jealous!nanami (he is in denial), implied suggestive content, mentions of pregnancy, gojo cameo (i just can't pass up the chance of him annoying the heck out of nanami ahaha)
note: based on this ask, this is a little continuation to the secret wife! and this is in the same universe as love entries so gojo is married to the love entries reader! :)
general masterlist
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By all means, Nanami Kento is not a jealous man.
He knows his worth. And he knows you. Out of all people, you wouldn't try anything with anyone.
Even more so with Ino. He knows him too, and there is just no way.
So... he really shouldn't get riled up, especially when it was his shitty senior who tried to set him on fire—
"It's still beyond me, how you managed to bag her," Gojo remarked with a bark of snort. Both of them shared the same table in this high-end bar, an afterparty for the school's graduation, but Nanami was seriously considering to move after Yaga left earlier until this clown came. "And keep her a secret too. I mean, that's so foul! If I were your wife, I'd divorce you on the spot."
Nanami threw him a pointed look. "The feeling is mutual. I feel bad for her for putting up with you too. And please don't be gross and say things like you being my wife. It's appalling."
Gojo's wife being his close friend and former classmate was what foul, Nanami thought. Sure, he would acknowledge Gojo's relentless efforts, but still, anyone willing to be this shameless paintbrush's wife must lead a really daring life.
The strongest sorcerer rolled his eyes. "Nah, I'll have you know that my married life is full of bliss. I have a proof, look at my—"
"If you want to show me hickeys, I'll seriously report you for harassing me."
And to that, Gojo merely whined and pursed his lips, and Nanami finally had some peace. He really entertained the thought of going back, because Gojo wasn't exactly a fun company, and this was getting late, until…
"Hey, Ino—the one who always follows you around," Gojo suddenly said. "Whoa, you're letting him close to your wife too, huh?"
Nanami whipped his head to where you were, and true to what Gojo said, you were indeed there, talking animatedly to his junior.
You were all smiles, and Ino was every bit as excited as you were. There was nothing remotely wrong with how you were conversing. You two looked like a pair of really, really good friends.
Ever since word of your marriage got out and became common knowledge, you've been receiving the kind of attention that Nanami wasn't sure he preferred. While he hadn't intended to keep it a secret, he certainly felt that a more private life was preferable.
But the thing was… weren't you too close with him? If it were up to him, Ino could've had at least two steps back. What were you discussing anyway?
"You're a lax husband, Nanamin, heh," Gojo whistled, totally grinning because he won this fight. "I know you probably think it's harmless, but a puppy is still a dog, you know~"
A puppy... is what?
That night, that phrase was what going through in his mind over and over as he chugged down his drinks.
No way, no way... It must have been because he had too much to drink. He couldn't possibly!
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The next time he felt that unpleasant feeling, it was on one night, at the comfort of your home.
Both of you had just finished watching a movie, still lounging on the sofa. You were blissfully humming, texting away on your phone at—Nanami looked at the clock—11 p.m.
Now, now, he wasn't one who would be checking your phone or such, but he couldn't deny the curiosity within him, because you weren't usually texting anyone this late at night.
"Hehe~" suddenly, you giggled and Nanami glanced at you in wonder. You seemed to be having fun.
Who... are you texting?
Despite telling himself he wouldn't meddle in your affairs, he gruffly cleared his throat. "Dear, it's late."
"Oh?" you whipped your head to him. "Oh, yeah..."
You were genuinely confused, your husband was folding his face as if he was sour of something. "Kento? What's wrong?"
But suddenly, his face lit up into a smile, kind of forced though. "Ah, nothing..." And suddenly he lifted you up from the sofa, making you almost yelp as you dropped your phone and wrapped your arms around his neck. "Time for bed."
However, what you didn't realize was that your phone's screen lit up just as the sender replied to your message, and Nanami caught a glimpse of it.
A puppy is still a dog, you know~
The heck?
"Kento?" you asked again, and he immediately turned to you, unable to read the message. Still, his mind was reeling in many ways, and when he looked into your innocent, round eyes, suddenly he clicked his tongue, eyes slitting in dissatisfaction.
"Time for bed, dear."
Long story short, that night, your husband was somehow a little more aggressive than usual... even as he fondled you ever so softly at the end.
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The third time, Nanami had enough.
He had just finished a mission when he got that call from Ino, informing him that you were at a clinic after nearly passing out.
Out of anyone else... how could you not call him first?!
He may be vexed, but worry was what clouded his mind the most. You were almost five months pregnant now, and to have this happening to you—
He walked in to find you lying on the small bed, your eyes lighting up when you saw him. "Kento..."
"What happened to you? Why didn't you call me?" his voice was rough, and your smile fell. You felt him gripping your hand tightly. "How can you—"
Ino, sensing his apprehension, suddenly intervened, "Uh, Nanami-san, it's not—"
Nanami turned to him sharply, causing him to gulp.
"We were... in a bakery when Y/N-san suddenly felt faint," the younger man explained. "Please don't be too hard on her."
"And why are you with my wife in broad daylight?"
"Kento, it's not what it looks like!" you squeezed his hand urgently. "We were just... trying to find a cake, you know..."
And that day, everything Nanami thought he knew was turned on its axis. Perhaps, if he wasn't thinking too much—if Gojo's words hadn't taken his mind, he wouldn't jump into conclusions this easily.
Your first wedding anniversary was just in a couple of weeks, and you had enlisted in Ino's help to find this one bakery that he swore sold only the best goods. Your texts to each other were solely about that—nothing more, nothing less.
"Aww, Kento~" you cooed as Nanami helped you into your shared bed once you got back home. "You got jealous, it's cute, and I'm happy~"
He huffed. "I was not jealous."
"Ehh, didn't look like that to me though~"
"Listen," he said, taking hold of your shoulders once he had seated you on the bed, looking straight into your eyes. "From now on, whatever you do... you have to contact me first, alright?"
"When you need something, when you don't feel well, when you feel like you might be in some kind of danger..." his tone was serious, emphasizing each word. "You have to reach out to me first. You don't go to Ino, Gojo, or anyone else—me. You go to me. I'm your husband, and I intend to fulfill that role well for you."
And he placed a hand on your tummy, gently caressing it. "And of course the father role for the baby too."
You clamped up, totally speechless. This unexpected development made your heart soar with a heap of giddiness.
"Yes!" Your smile was so wide and radiant that Nanami was sure he had started to blush too. Then you flung yourself at him, wrapping your arms around his neck in a hug. "And you know... you're already the best husband and soon-to-be father ever! So you don't have anything to worry about, okay?"
Ah, how nice. Nanami chuckled as he placed his hand on the small of your back.
"Mhm, and from now on, I'll take charge of our anniversary. You only have to take it easy, alright?"
And when you giggled, he thought having you in his embrace like this was enough to satisfy him—after all, he was a simple man.
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"I know even Nanami gets jealous! Heh, heh, heh~"
Gojo laughed crisply, and Shoko snorted as they listened to Ino recount the story, with the latter scratching his head uncomfortably.
"I really didn't mean anything, and now I feel kinda bad," the younger man said, his head dropping. "Nanami-san seemed upset too..."
"Not many things can get under his skin," Shoko remarked. "I really thought he'd be more rational, but having an expecting wife must've taken quite a toll on him too."
"Nah, don't find more excuses, Shoko! Now is time to pay up~!"
As Shoko grumbled and Ino was lost in his own thoughts, a loud cough suddenly echoed behind them.
"Gojo-san... Ieiri-san..." Nanami leveled his unamused gaze on them, his glasses glinting in the light, causing the two gulp. "What are you two doing?"
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xiaowhore · 6 months
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premise. your boyfriend dumps you and says he doesn't love you anymore. of course, being the petty bitch that you are, you have to prove that you don't need him in your life either. and of course, intense emotions often lead to rash decisions, so you go to a bar in hopes of finding a new man.
somehow, even when all you've managed to do is scowl at anyone who approaches you and mope at the bar counter, you still manage to get one.
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Wriothesley has dealt with his fair share of unruly drunks before, but they were something more along the lines of aggressive and sloppy, not depressed and sappy.
He finds that he'd rather manhandle angry alcoholics than a person who makes a slobbering mess all over his shirt, clinging to his arm and sobbing to his sleeve. Your body starts to sway even when he supports your weight, your footsteps unstable as your attempt to walk in a straight line fails entirely.
Okay, so maybe you are sloppy after all.
Wriothesley sighs and tightens his grip on your shoulders. There's no point in losing his patience with a drunk person. He didn't even mean to pick you up, it's just that as a police officer, his sense of responsibility makes him want to fix a troublesome situation whenever he sees one. Even when he isn't on duty, he often leads disruptive drunks out of bars and restaurants, forces them out when he has to, and is always on the receiving end of owners' gratitude.
However, he has no experience dealing with drunks that just got dumped by their boyfriend and chugged away the sorrow with alcohol. You know, like the one dragging their feet as he drags their inebriated body away.
At first, he thought you were hitting on him when he felt your head lean on his shoulder in the bar. It's a common strategy, one that he's dealt with enough times to know when someone is just pretending to be drunk and trying to get his attention. He was still thinking of what to say when tears actually rolled down your cheeks and you started retelling your life story that he never asked to hear about.
Wriothesley isn't actually trying to listen, but he still gets the gist of it. It would be hard not to when you're still prattling on about it beside his ear as we speak.
“He said...” You hiccup, warm liquid seeping into his shirt as you sob into his arm. He hopes that's from your tears and not your snot. “He said he doesn't feel anything for me anymore...”
So you glammed up for tonight and tried to have fun at a bar so you could prove to yourself you didn't need him in the same way he didn't need you. He can already recite the story perfectly from the amount of times you told him. Your plan is irrational at best, and he doesn't see himself doing the same if he were ever to be in the same situation, but he can't berate you for it. Not when you looked so miserable and hopeless to the extent he didn't think it would be safe to leave you alone back at the bar.
“You can't force yourself to be happy,” Wriothesley grumbles, finally giving up on carrying you by the shoulder and instead hoists you up on his back to give you a piggyback ride. Your shoes slip off your feet, so he sighs as he crouches down to pick them up. “At times like this, you should find other ways to feel better.”
Your body jolts against him as you hiccup once again. “Like what?”
“Dunno.” He shrugs, and he can feel you gradually getting used to being carried. It takes only a bit more for you to melt against his body, your chin snugly tucked in the juncture between his neck and shoulder. “Watch movies at home in your pajamas, I guess. Treat yourself to good food. Go on a trip. You look like the type to enjoy that. Much safer than getting involved with guys when you're still emotionally unavailable.”
You sniffle. “Romance movies only remind me of him. Eating at restaurants will make me remember the dates we've gone to. And going on trips will make me wish he's there with me.”
Why do they have an argument for each point I make? And I never said anything about the movie having to be romance. “Well, you still have to go through that,” he gives up on making you think otherwise. “But one day, you'll feel a little better about it. Maybe you'll want to start dating again when you watch that romance movie, or you'll want someone else to eat with on that restaurant you once went to. And when you're on a trip, maybe you'll even think you want somebody special to go with you.”
You go quiet. For a moment, he thinks you've fallen asleep. But then your head slowly rises from his shoulder, dazed eyes peeking at him unsurely. “You really think so?”
“It won't be easy,” Wriothesley says, because nothing ever is. “But you want to say you don't love him anymore, right?” He glances at you, at the dry tear streaks on your cheeks, at what glitter remains around your eyes from all the times you've rubbed away your tears.
For the first time that night, he sees you smile. “Yeah... I want to say it without feeling hurt anymore.”
He turns away, and he feels himself smiling without meaning to. “That's good.”
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“...So do you like watching romance movies? Or eating [hometown] cuisine?”
“Then I'll settle for a movie you like. And I can make good food from anywhere.”
“...Are you hitting on me? Using my advice?”
“Is it working?”
Wriothesley laughs, looking at the person he's carrying on his back, who he is escorting to his apartment because you lost your keys and your roommate won't be back until tomorrow, whom he wrapped his leather jacket around because he felt you shivering against him, and who caught his eye the very moment he entered the bar.
“That's not a no.” He knows you're pouting even when he isn't looking anymore.
“Yeah,” he agrees with you, almost indulgently. “It isn't.”
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When you wake up in an unfamiliar bedroom, dressed down to your undergarments and a t-shirt you definitely do not own, and with hardly any recollection of events from the past night, you think you've made a terrible, terrible mistake.
But then you spot the hangover medicine on the bedside table, your alcohol-spilled clothes drying in the laundry room, and possibly the most gorgeous man you've ever seen cooking breakfast in the kitchen, so whatever you did last night couldn't really be that bad.
“Oh, you're awake,” he says once he notices you standing in the middle of the room, completely awestruck. You don't even know what you should be staring at; his chiseled face, his strong arms, his tight tank top that faintly traces his muscled torso, the gray sweatpants that-
Okay. You are not going to look anywhere below his waist.
“Yeah,” is all you can manage, simply glad you didn't fuck up that one syllable. You feel like you're on the verge of either saying something really stupid or making really weird strangled noises. You prefer the former, if you can help it.
“Sit.” He pulls one chair from the dining table, gesturing for you to take it. You meekly take your seat, eyes shifting everywhere but his face. “You're rather quiet today,” he muses, taking one glance at your reddening face as he fixes the plates of pancakes in front and across you.
“...How was I yesterday, then?” You ask, though you don't actually want to hear the answer.
The man hums in thought, taking his sweet time while pouring coffee over two mugs. “Troublesome,” he decides to say. “You nearly puked over my rug, after all.”
You sputter, making all kinds of apologies and promises of compensation when all of a sudden, he laughs. “Nah, I'm kidding. But this means you don't remember anything at all, right?” He sits across from you, sliding the mug to your hand.
“No...” You take a sip, but you barely register how it tastes. “I remember ordering a lot of drinks, but that's pretty much it.”
“That's a shame.” He sighs, leaning back on his chair as he sips coffee. “I suppose that means our dinner plans are void, then.”
“Absolutely not!” The words come out of your lips before your brain-to-mouth filter processes it fully, your hand slamming down the mug on the table in protest. “Uh... that is... if you're available whenever...” You get a hold of yourself and feel your cheeks burning in shame.
He doesn't try to hide the amused smirk on his face. “Sure. I'll be looking forward to your hometown cooking, then.”
Just what on earth did you do last night...?
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praeluxius · 8 days
newjeans Minji x male reader smut
Quickfire challenge 1. Thank you @midnightdancingsol
The prompt: "You know why this happened, @capslocked – yes, you."
Masterlist word count: 3,911 Kofi
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It's all a matter of perspective. From one side of the room, the world is calm.
And the other? Well, that's Minji.
“Want to know the one thing worse than outright rejection?”
Minji has barely walked in the door and she is already shouting off in riddles. She's standing in the doorway, her hair wet from the rain and a little bit tangled just above her shoulders. The water on her overshirt is so deeply sodden into the fabric that it weighs on her. It sticks to her skin that's so clearly visible underneath the LED spotlight above her and her face is twisted in this way of pure irritation that you've rarely seen. It's almost comical.
Or it would be if she wasn't throwing her bag on the floor with an almighty thud and a little yelp from the floorboards below.
“Minji?” is all you say in some hushed tone as you sit on the armchair by the window, hot drink in one hand and your phone in the other as the world passes by in the distance, drowned in downpour.
You look up to watch Minji as she shouts, "How about getting a part, only for it to be taken away? Being promised the world and then having it rug-pulled so you fall flat on your fucking face?!"
Now, Minji never swears in anger. And never means never (again, in anger, specifically). So, it's pretty much a sign of the end of the world when she does. She's kicking off her shoes now, throwing them in the direction of the door and they clatter on the floor like the battering of a drum.
"You—uh," she mocks, taking a step forward.
"Woah. Minji. What happened?" You ask, setting down the phone on the sill of the window. Minji's stomping her way toward you. Her eyes are wide and filled with something you haven't quite seen before.
"This complete—"there are some sounds from her mouth but they don’t quite resemble words"—shit for a fuck brain!" See, Minji never swears like this, so she's so bad at it that it's laughable.
"That bad, huh?"
"Oh, it's a great idea; an amazing concept. I'll write you a fantastic character and it will be romantic and hot and everyone will love it," Minji rants in some sarcastic tone while peeling her shirt off her skin and piling it onto the hardwood floor. She stands in only her sports bra with her arms raised and her voice in high pitch, mocking. "Except, you're not good enough. Oh, no. I have to give the part to this other girl. She's prettier and nicer and just better than you!"
"Ouch." You say, watching as she flops onto the couch opposite. The coffee table in between you is a lousy line of defence. Her socks have little splatters of rainwater on them and not too far above that, her skirt sits just above the knee.
"Oh, shut up," she replies.
"Minji." You throw her a look that says 'Stop taking it out on me', which she understands, but it only gets her to fold her arms dramatically with a little huff and a puff from her mouth, followed by a pout. Then you ask her, "What part even was this? TV?"
"Not exactly."
"An ad? Video game? Movie?"
"What?" You blink, to which Minji sighs and rolls her eyes, head tilted to the ground.
"A fanfiction?" you question again. It’s not like you misheard, it’s just an utterly strange thing for her to be so pent up on.
"Don't say it like that." She snaps, leaning back into the chair and crossing her legs so one of her little rain-splattered socks is suspended in the air, and she twists and turns her foot impatiently.
"Just trying to figure out why you're so annoyed about fanfiction."
"Because the guy's a complete moron."
"Probably," you say, drawing your mug of coffee close to your lips. You blow on the surface and Minji is silent. You wait, the steam is coming off the top and through it, you watch her as she thinks as her eyebrows furrow together. Minji shifts in her seat again, the annoyance making her chronically uncomfortable. 
"He replaced me!" She shouts, slamming her hands into the arms of the chair and then Minji stands. She takes a few steps and then stops and turns to face you, her eyebrows furrowed and her arms folded, her legs are slightly apart and she's tapping her foot.
"Does he think I'm not pretty enough? Not funny enough? Not sexy enough? Does he think that I wouldn't be good enough at what he wants me to do, hm? So he doesn't want to write me sucking a dick? Well, screw him. Fucking Capslocked."
You're not sure what's going on here, so you're just sitting back and watching her, coffee nestled in your hand and feet propped on the table. She's standing still, waiting for you to say something, anything, and when you don't, she begins to pace.
"Why would he change his mind and just decide that someone else is better than me? What, does he not like my body? Do you not like my body?"
"Your body is fantastic." You say, taking another sip of the coffee.
"Yeah, and don't you forget it." She snaps, stopping again and placing her hands on her hips, either side of that exposed waistline.
"The fuck kind of name is 'Capslocked' anyway?" You mutter, mostly to yourself. Minji doesn't reply, but you see her take a step closer to you.
"And," Minji begins and then pauses, you look up at her and she's just staring. Her cheeks are flushed and her breathing is a little laboured, her chest rising and falling with each breath. There's a pause. Her tongue runs over her lips and you can see her thinking—gears grinding inside her head.
"And?" you ask.
"Shut up," she hisses, kicking your leg so your feet fall from the coffee table and you almost spill the drink down yourself. She places her hands on your knees, bending over to you.
"Minji, my drink—"
"Shh." her hair falls across her face, a black silk drape half-covering the expression beneath. There's an anger under there, something she's trying to push back down, but it's not quite working. Her nails dig into your thighs as she pushes them apart, and the steam rises again above the surface of the liquid in your cup. Minji is too busy running her hand along your crotch.
"What're you—"
"Replaced me," she repeats to herself, a little huff leaving her as she slips down onto her knees. "Fucking replaced me."
"Minji, I'm sure he—"
"I don't care. Shut up. I'm not talking to you." Her hands are shaking, whether from frustration or some other confused feeling that burns under her skin. Probably a mix of many feelings. They're fumbling at the button of your jeans and she's tugging down the zip, her teeth bared. You're watching, and it's as if she is possessed.
Your heartbeat is thunderous in your ears, the heat is rising and Minji is pushing her hair out of her face.
"I'm gonna do this so well."
"You always do."
"I said stop talking. So. Stop. Talking," she sounds out each word with authority, her eyes wide and angry. Minji is pushing down the fabric and reaching into the opening in your underwear. She wraps her fingers around you, the cool touch of her skin making you jerk.
"Minji, my drink." Your hand trembles slightly as you try not to spill it. Minji doesn't listen. She pulls you free. A low hum leaves her throat as she licks her lips and leans forward. Her warm breath is ghosting over you, her eyes are closed and there's a little smirk on her lips. Your cock is only halfway to hard and her hand is wantingly trying to coax you into arousal.
It doesn't take much. It never does with Minji.
"Fuck," you groan, the sound of your voice making her look up.
"Don't," she replies, a warning in her eyes. Minji's hand is moving up and down and it's not with that same gentle caress she usually has.
"God, Minji."
"Quiet." She stops, her lips are pouted and her eyes are locked onto you. Her hand is around you, the pressure is gentle, but it's enough to hold you. You're frozen there a moment, her eyes are staring right through you and you're not entirely sure what's going to happen. "Don't say a word, and don’t spill your drink,” she tells you, her free hand rubbing your thigh.
"Don't." She whispers, her tongue licking over the surface of her lip. Her mouth opens, and she's leaning in. The warmth of her breath is making the muscles of your abdomen twitch and your head spin. Her tongue is the first thing that touches you. She's holding you still, and the head of your cock is resting on her bottom lip, and the feeling of the smooth surface makes you want to thrust forward, but Minji's hand holds you firm.
You bite your lip as Minji's tongue swirls around the tip. It's light and soft and sends electricity through your nerves. You groan ever so slightly and she looks up at you, her eyes narrowed. Your knuckles whiten as you grip the mug, her hair tickling the inside of your thigh as she lowers her head.
Her tongue runs along the underside and pastes your cock with a wetness. The hand around you moves down, and she takes you in. Her mouth is heaven, and her lips the closing gates. You let out a deep sigh, your chest heaving, and Minji's free hand slides up the inside of your shirt, her nails grazing your skin.
Her mouth moves, her lips tightening, and the movement is slow. It's torturous and the sensation of her tongue swirling around the underside of your cock sends you spiralling. Minji knows this, and she's looking up at you. You want to touch her; you want to tangle your fingers into her hair; you want to grab her and pull her against you.
But her eyes speak many words left unspoken. They command your stillness, your silence, and your complete submission.
Minji is working her mouth over you, and her hand is stroking you, up and down and up and down. She's bobbing her head and humming slightly. The melody is almost hypnotic but sounds as if being played by force rather than elegance.
Her scratches are harder than ever and it feels like fire across your chest. Your toes are curling and your head is thrown back. The heat from the mug permeates into your skin as you grip it tighter.
"Ah, Minji." You moan. Minji stops, looking up at you. There's a drop of spit on her lip, and her face is flushed. You're not sure what to do. She's glaring, and she's holding you. Your heart is beating like the hammer of a drum and just above it, her nails grip, threatening to pierce through flesh.
"I said quiet." Words laced with venom. She digs somehow deeper into your chest as she pushes herself to her feet. "Now, I'm going to fuck you. I'm going to fuck you until I scream and you're going to stay quiet."
You're not quite sure what's happening. This is a Minji you have seldom seen before, but it's all happening so fast. She's pulling up her skirt, sliding down her panties, and she's kicking them off so the fabric lands somewhere to the side. She's stepping forward and her knees are touching the armrests. Closer and closer she comes with her eyes fixed on you. 
Your mouth is dry, and her fingers are on your jaw. Her eyes bore holes in your own and she's lowering herself. In a moment of weakness, you throw a glance at your hand, still holding the half-full cup. There's an angry sound from Minji and she snarls, "Focus on me."
Minji swipes her arm at the cup, sending it flying. You watch the arc of the cup and the contents spill across the floor. She's not waiting, she's not looking. There’s not an ounce of concern within her for something so trivial.
You feel the soft wetness of her sex on your tip, she's rubbing herself on the head, the moisture spreading along the underside and Minji's face is screwed up in pleasure and her legs are shaking. She's panting and moaning and she's trying to slide down.
"Minji, are you—"
She thrusts her hand over your mouth with a growl and wild eyes. Her nails are biting into your cheek. "Not. Another. Word."
Minji's other hand is on your shoulder; using it for balance as she tries to move herself. She's lowering herself down and the head of your cock slips into her.
She's so warm. So unbelievably wet. Minji gasps and her back arches and her breasts heave beneath her slightly see-through sports top as she breathes. Her nails dig deeper into your flesh, her lips are parted and her head is thrown back, leaving her throat exposed—a pale expanse of milky perfection.
"Oh, God," she moans, the sound reverberating around the room as she slowly sinks and the walls of her cunt are tight on you. So tight. She trembles as she speaks. "You can't replace this."
Her skirt is around her waist, the material covering the sight of where your bodies meet. But you can feel it; you can feel every little movement she makes.
"I'm so wet."
So fucking wet.
"You're so hard."
Hard. So hard.
"How could anyone replace this?"
How? How could you possibly replace this?
Her cries are shrill, and the heat of her is all around you. It's the only thing you can focus on—her. You try to answer, but your words never make it past the hand on your mouth. She's panting, and her hair is wild, her eyes wide and her mouth open. And she's just riding until she can't no more. Until her muscles grow weak and until her cum leaks between her legs.
"This is what they want, isn't it? They want to fuck me. Riding them. On my knees. They want me bent over the table, or against the wall, or—or—fuck!" Her words are sharp and punctuated with gasps and moans. "Want me to cum—" she trails off into something close to a scream, her body convulsing. Her back is arched and her hips are pressed down onto yours.
She's grinding into you, and you can feel her clench around your cock. Your head is swimming, and your hips are jerking. You can't breathe. Her fingers are loosening their hold on your mouth, but you dare not speak. You're not even sure if you can.
Minji's hand is moving, sliding down your cheek, around your jaw and then gripping on your neck. She admires the red claw marks on your cheek.
"That's right," she says, her voice barely above a whisper. "They want to fuck me, don't they? They all read and write those filthy little stories and keep dreaming of the impossible. But that fucker won’t write it for them."
You can only sit and take in the way that she is glowing with the sweat, the light catching her skin and highlighting the contours of her face and her collarbone. Her small top clings to her sticky chest and leaves so very little to the imagination. Through it you see the smooth curve of her breasts, the stiffness of her nipples and below it the ridges of her toned abdomen that flexes with her slowing grind.
She's climbing off you now and pulling you up from your seat. Her arms are around your neck and her eyes are on yours. You're staring into the depth of her eyes, the black pupils large and the irises a warm, golden honey.
"You're not going to replace me, are you?"
She leans back a little and pulls your shirt up until it's around your neck. She pulls it to your mouth, feeding the fabric into it before tying some sort of makeshift knot behind your head. "Now. Not another word." Minji pulls off her own top, peeling it away from her sweat-soaked skin.
You watch as she takes a few steps back; her cotton-hugged feet on the ground, her skirt falling back over those long legs and her hands on the hem of the fabric. She's smiling at you, a wide and wicked grin. You watch her and she's watching you. She's pulling it up now and her hands are underneath it. She turns to the window. "Now you're going to pin me against this window and do me, aren't you? Nod if you are."
You nod.
Minji giggles, throwing a look over her shoulder. "I'm the best, aren't I?" 
Minji doesn't wait for you to nod again. She turns away and looks out the window—the city is alive. The rain is falling; the lights are flickering and cars are passing by far below. Minji is leaning her forehead against the glass, her eyes closed and her mouth slightly agape. Her hair is wild and messy and the light is illuminating her.
You're stepping towards her, one hand on her back, the other sliding over the curve of her ass. You can see her reflection, the smile on her lips. Her hands are on the glass, palms flat, and you're sliding a hand between her legs and over her wet, sensitive skin.
She's shivering and letting out little gasps as your fingers dance along the flesh and your fingertips tease her folds. She's whimpering, and the sound makes your cock twitch.
"Fuck me," Minji whispers, her nails scratching the window. You can't deny a woman so insatiable.
You adjust your jaw; it's so uncomfortably pinned open and you're unable to say a word. You can't tell her just how nice that ass is and how the view inside the window makes a mockery of the one outside. You can't tell her how her hair is so beautiful, or how her eyes are the prettiest you've ever seen. You can't tell her anything.
But you can tell her in another way—through touch. The thought sends a chill down your spine and your teeth sink into the material of the shirt. Minji's whining and you're slipping your fingers between her lips. She's hot, and the heat is dripping from her. It's on your fingers and it's soaking into your palm.
Minji is moving her hips, trying to find purchase on your fingers, the tip of one brushing her clit. She gasps and throws her head back. You're sliding a finger inside her, the movement easy and Minji is bucking her hips, her body trying to pull you further and deeper.
"Fuck me like I'm the only woman in the world. Like you'll die if you don't fuck me. Like there's no one else in the world who can make you feel like I do."
You're pushing her against the window, the foggy condensation from her breath and the heat of her body mar the surface. Minji is laughing—the hot and breathy kind of laugh—as you press her into the glass.
"That's it. Come on. Fuck me now,” she orders and just like that, you're doing it. She's moaning and her back arches. You're inside her and the tightness is enough to make you come undone. You're pressing her harder and harder against the window.
"That's it. Oh, yes. Harder. That's what they all want."
You're slamming into her, and she's taking it. You're not holding back. Minji is moaning and her fingers are curling, nails raking. Her voice is echoing in the room and the sound makes your skin prickle.
"They all want me like this. Bent over and begging. Oh, fuck yes."
"They can't have you." You growl through the shirt, your teeth tearing into the fabric.
"No." Minji screams, "They can't have me. They can't touch me. He can't touch me. Won't even write about me. If only he could see me now. I bet he would change his mind. Wouldn't you?"
You fuck her until the muscles in the back of your legs stiffen. You fuck her until she's screaming. You fuck her until the glass is a mess of fingerprints, sweat, and spit. Until the golden skin of her back glows with moisture.
You fuck her until your vision starts to fade and your heartbeat is so loud in your ears that it’s unbearable. You fuck her until you can't anymore.
And she's still going, her screams echoing and her body writhing against yours, and it's all too much. You need to release, and it needs to be inside Minji.
You're coming undone and your hips jerk and stutter and Minji's body is convulsing. Your cum is spilling into her, and she's cumming again and she's screaming, the sound so shrill that it hurts. You're groaning and she's shaking, the walls of her cunt clenching and drawing your orgasm out until you can't think and you can't breathe and everything is both too much and not enough.
Leaning forward so her back is flush with your chest, and she is truly pinned. Your breathing is hard, and hers is heavy and the two of you stay there for a while, frozen in ecstasy. The room absorbs the sound of your combined pants, the rain and the distant hum of the city.
Minji is the first to move, twisting herself free from the weight of your body against her. Your cock slides out. The feeling of the cool air and the absence of her body sends a shiver through you. You stumble, the shirt falling from your mouth and your vision is blurry.
Minji is laughing and you're looking at her as she is plucking away the strands of hair which stick to her face. And when she finishes, Minji steps forward and slaps you. "I told you not to make a mess."
"Minji, you made the mess."
"Shut up."
"But I—"
She grabs you by the neck and kisses you. Her lips are hot and the kiss is hungry and messy. Her tongue is in your mouth and her hands are all over you. The kiss is hard and deep and it's leaving you breathless.
She's pulling you to the ground, her legs wrapping around you and your hand is on her thigh. The heat of her core is against you and her nails are digging into your back. She's biting your lip, and she's pushing you over onto your back.
She's straddling you. Her hands are on your chest, her palms pressing down.
"What the hell has gotten into you?" you pant. Minji's looking at you with a disregard for your words.
Your cock is so tender under her rough motions, and there’s no stopping your whimper. Minji is smiling, and the sight is so sweet. "Are you complaining?"
"No," you manage to say, as a shiver runs down your spine as she lowers herself and brushes her lips against your ear.
Her tongue is running over your earlobe and she's nibbling at the sensitive flesh. Her hands are on your shoulders and her legs are squeezing your waist. "Good boy. We're not done. Not even close."
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everythingne · 23 days
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ➛ make it known (op81)
You and Oscar have been friends for almost two decades and it’s been smooth sailing, except for now—when you have to make it publically known you're pining for him to even notice.
oscar piastri x childhood bestfriend!reader smau / face claim: none :D
warnings/notes: none really? one kinda bitchy comment from oscar bc he's king of the sassy man apocalypse. i love this so much, also do we like the new insta post format ?? im kinda meh about it.
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liked by oscarpiastri, nicolepiastri, and others...
uruser: last week of cramming before the summer ( and visiting my favorite aussie in monaco ...)
user1: literally my queen.
nicolepiastri: best of luck with finals !!
⤷ uruser: thank u mama piastri !! 🩷
user2: best of luck yn!!
oscarpiastri: see u soon loser
⤷ ururser: u too bitch <3
⤷ logansargeant: what book are u reading now??
⤷ uruser: rereading pride and prejudice again
⤷ logansargeant:so we're watching it again after monaco ? @ oscarpiastri
⤷ oscarpiastri: movie night !!!
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liked by logansargeant, oscarpiastri, landonorris, and others...
uruser: ' i know im just a fool who's willing to sit around and wait for you ' 🩷
user3: stop who are u pining for queen ??
oscarpiastri: now whats all this then.
⤷ landonorris: u sound like @ georgerussel
⤷ uruser: lando don't bring more brits on my page pls im scared of u people
⤷ georgerussell: right, whats all this then?
user4: oh honey its BAD.
logansargeant: oh this is the approach?
⤷ uruser: im desperate man.
⤷ oscarpiastri: wow. i introduced you to logan and you tell him your secrets before me?
⤷ logansargeant: oscar. i beg you to use your brain.
⤷ user5: logan what do you KNOW?
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liked by laufey, nicolepiastri, oscarpiastri, and others...
uruser: new low: crying over lovesick by @ laufey
oscarpiastri: and you still wont tell me who this is about?
user6: and shes so real for this !!
laufey: NO. i didn't mean to make you cry beautiful :(
⤷ ururser: you've revived me by commenting so its ok queen <3
user7: hot take: she's pining over oscar.
⤷ user8: clearly you havent been an oscar fan since prema. this is not a new take LMAOO
user9: oscyn truthers RISE
nicolepiastri: you are too pretty to cry over a pretty song ! be brave and follow your heart !
⤷ uruser: i would if i wasnt afraid it would all go horribly wrong :(
⤷ nicolepiastri: trust me, if he's as smart as he was raised to be, it wont!! 😉
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liked by oscarpiastri, logansargeant, alexalbon, and others...
uruser: we'll end up like always.
user12: second time shes posted that handwriting....
user12: can someone explain how she and the f1 grid know eachother?? im so confused
⤷ user13: yn is oscar's childhood best friend!! her older brother karted with oscar and logan so she ussed to hang out with them a lot. shes an engineering student at MIT right now :)
lilymhe: oh my god STILL?
alexalbon: this is gonna go to after belgium PAY UP @ logansargeant
⤷ logansargeant: let me have faith alex please
⤷ uruser: i cannot BELIEVE you bet on this.
user14: is oscar writing the notes??
⤷ user15: you might be onto something...
logansargeant: we need to enact phase two. i swear it will work.
⤷ nicolepiastri: uh oh. be careful logan !!
⤷ logansargeant: i will mama piastri !
⤷user16: god speed logan
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liked by williamsracing, logansargeant, alexalbon, and others...
uruser: help me tom cruise !! (i got abducted by williams this weekend)
tagged: logansargeant, alexalbon, lilymhe, oscarpiastri
logansargeant: tom cruise, use your witchcraft on me to get the fire off me !! ( it was great to have you !!)
user17: oscar only in the group photo... logan in almost every picture... yn and logan quoting talladega nights?? we are SO OVER OSCYN TRUTHERS.
williamsracing: blue is a nice change of color for you!
⤷ oscarpiastri: no >:(
⤷ uruser: LMAO OSCAR PLS
oscarpiastri: WOW. my TWO BEST FRIENDS hang out WITHOUT ME.
⤷ uruser: you both hang out without me ALL THE TIME.
⤷ logansargeant: i am the superior driver
⤷ oscarpiastri: and who has a seat next year
user19: jealousy on oscar is FUNNY
alexalbon: i would say something but im afraid oscars gonna come at me too
⤷ oscarpiastri: 🧍‍♂️
⤷ alexalbon: @ uruser get ur man im scared
⤷ uruser: not my man
lilymhe: so fun to see you this weekend <3
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liked by oscarpiastri, nicolepiastri, logansargeant, and others...
uruser: i forgot cats get jealous....
tagged: oscarpiastri
oscarpiastri: the cat agenda is so mean
⤷ uruser: says the man literally smacking me to get my attention
⤷ oscarpiastri: it worked didnt it?
nicolepiastri: oscar has always been like that since you two were very young!
logansargeant: phase two complete. good luck soldier 🫡
⤷ uruser: thank u logan, ive got it from here
user21: did they plan to make oscar jealous?? so he would admit he likes yn??
landonorris: oh thank god he'll stop whining now
⤷ user23: HELLO?
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liked by logansargeant, alexalbon, oscarpiastri, and others...
uruser: logans plan worked?
tagged: oscarpiastri
logansargeant: and im still alive?
⤷ nicolepiastri: oscar won't kill spiders half the time, I didn't think he'd kill you, logan!
⤷ oscarpiastri: i was gonna ask kmag to hit you again (@ FIA this is a joke.)
⤷ uruser: oscar PLEASE THE FIA??
oscarpiastri: 🧡
⤷ uruser: wow u have such a way with words.
⤷ oscarpiastri: my pr team is staring over my shoulder i have to be careful
⤷ oscarpiastri: what i can say is sorry for being a blind idiot
alexalbon: i cannot BELIEVE this worked?
lilymhe: logan the mastermind, cannot wait to hear his speech at the wedding
landonorris: finally.
⤷ uruser: lando the strongest man thru this all
⤷ landonorris: i have heard oscar admit things you couldnt pry out of me.
⤷ oscarpiastri: literally what?
⤷ landonorris: ur mother is in this comment section, i can't say.
⤷ oscarpiastri: i was drunk probably
⤷ landonorris: stone cold sober. after practice during belgium?
⤷ oscarpiastri: oops.
⤷ uruser: JAW ON THE FLOOR.
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