#If you're in LA check the KnockLA guide out for a pretty solid progressive understanding of the various races and measures
maeamian · 2 years
Hey, if you're in the good ol' US of A, this weekend would be a great time to make a plan to vote if you haven't already, maybe set aside an hour or so to read up on what's going to be on your ballot and how to cast it if you haven't already. Depending on your state you can maybe even just get that bad boy in this weekend rather than wait for Tuesday, but either way it's a good time to figure out what your plan for it is since that deadline is coming up quick.
Vote411, Ballotopedia, and Vote (all dot org) have sample ballots that you can use to get a sense of what yours is going to look like and what choices you're going to need to make, a lot of local organizations will also have voter guides that can give you a bit more of an ideological perspective on the issues, who the progressive candidate is what the ecologically sound vote is on this measure, that sort of thing. This weekend's a great time to become an informed voter if you haven't taken the time yet!
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