#If you want to know anythin else lmk I'd be happy to go off!
freezinglemur · 2 years
Winter in Tranquill
Some of the (winter) holidays in Tranquill bc someone said I could go off and I did. Maybe a bit too much but um uh ye, you can skip through if there’s a specific one you want to read about. I'd be happy to answer any questions about em!
@starstruck-shadow @impulsivexcreator (Hope you don’t mind the tag, /lh) 
We'll start with Lorelight, which is what Ion celebrates (and Five sometimes joins him for the last days of). This is the lumenangle holiday, though some kona celebrate it too.
It's a week long and has a candleholder-esque centerpiece of sorts to the holiday that's usually kept where it can most easily be seen and accessed, on a nice table cloth or an important book to you or your family. This thing is often referred to as the 'Lorelight Candle(s)' or the 'Lorelight Flower(s)' and the one to light it is known as the 'Lorelighter'
The 'flames' float above the individual 'blooms' which are enchanted in nature (aside from floating they're also special in the sense they can't cause fires!). The largest bloom (the one with the blue orb-like light) will always light itself in the evening, and then you light one of the smaller ones each day, adding more as the week progresses (one the first day, two the second, three the third, etc.) You share stories every night for the first 6 evenings around the Lorelight Flowers.
On the 7th day, all lit 'flames' will leave the Lorelight Flowers, dancing and forming images, telling a story that is important to you or your family if your with them, and sometimes they will tell multiple. The lights return to their place when finished, and will go out when morning arrived. The largest bloom will not light itself again until next Lorelight after this.
Lumenangles will decorate for Lorelight with candles and glass orbs that usually contain light gathered at the Summer Solstice Celebration earlier in the year. This sunlight is often used to light the Lorelight Flowers, but it's not a requirement. Food is often made with sunflecked honey (a honey made by sol bees that contains bits of light magic and sun beams) and is known to give a warm feeling inside after consumption. There are special 'baths' of this honey you can soak in, which are warm and contain healing properties. Those with scars or skin injuries will visit these at this time of year for this reason. It's a tradition to try this around Lorelight at least once in one's lifetime.
Onto some kona winter holidays! They have a few in this season. Five celebrates both of these, and Ion tends to leave a gift for him as a way to take part in his friend's holiday.
The Frostfall Festival is held the first week of winter to celebrate its coming, and lasts three days. Snofrost flower garlands are strung up on trees and planted around town due to the fact they grow in winter and resemble snowflakes. Frost is frequently "grown" on the edges of windows as a nod to the festival's name and for added decoration.
This festival is spent decorating the town or city for the winter on the first and half of the second day, with the later half of it and the third day being used for celebrating with drinks, food, and displays of magic using frost and snow frequently mixed with snofrost flower petals.
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Next would be Crystalhearth, lasting a day. The week leading up to it is usually spent around town getting gifts or seeing sights, while Crystalhearth eve is usually spent making tea or cocoa with a loved one before heading off to sleep.
On the day of, gifts are exchanged and opened, and stories are exchanged and told to the youngest members of the house if there are any. Games with crystals and dice are usually played, and it's custom to sit around a fireplace when doing so.
Every household will have their own traditions and food they make, but it's a day meant to be spent with those dear to you, typically partners, friends, or family. Kona typically decorate for Crystalhearth with ice and ice crystals, snofrost flowers, icicle lilies, poinsettias, and special evergreen willow branches. Hanging up a glass ornament for each family member and/or pet somewhere is also a common tradition, though not everyone is known to do this.
It is advised if you celebrate Crystalhearth with kona that you are prepared for a lot of food, as most enjoy making it and have many recipes they try this time of year. Desserts are most prominent, but plenty of other more filling foods are commonly made as well.
The night of Crystalhearth is often finished by snuggling up with those you care about, typically cuddling together in a sleepover-esque fashion or on an oversized bed until morning. Making warm drinks upon waking up is also a common occurrence after the holiday.
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