#If you think Hamas is only “anti-Zionist” then you're fooling yourself at this point
a-very-tired-jew · 3 months
Sort of From the Horse's Mouth
For months people have been talking about how Hamas has long planned to infiltrate and influence Western countries that they not only disagree with fundamentally, but also want to violently overthrow. Hell, experts on Hamas and other terrorist groups have long documented this course of action prior to any of us speaking about. I have talked about this ad nauseum regarding the 93 Philadelphia Meeting tapes that the FBI submitted as evidence during the HLF trial in the 00s. But that may not be enough for some people.
Edit: Thanks to @nerdypagan1 for pointing out that this is not their website.
However, I am going to keep this post up. Why? Because the materials contained on the website are very similar to materials we have seen in the past from Hamas on their actual website (I thought this was legit because the actual one is inaccessible at this time). Furthermore, the language, intent, and materials displayed below are in line with what is in their charter, has been expressed by their members and leadership, and experts on the group have stated and published on (e.g. Vidino and Levitt).
The likelihood is that someone took materials from their old website, telegram, and other sources and put this together.
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Fig. 1. Hamas's four principles that guide their actions.
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Fig. 2. The 5 stages of Hamas's activities in other countries. Hamas tells us exactly who they are, what they're about, the actions they take, and their agenda. These two images are from their website (which is just their name .com). They openly admit that they mislead and misinform people around the world. They openly admit that they create organizations to convince people of their ideology and garner support. They openly admit that they want a theocratic fascist state and will kill to get it.
These are not "Freedom Fighters".
These are not "Liberators".
These are theocratic fascists who will do anything to get what they want. If at this point you're still denying the intent of a theocratic fascist terrorist state and its openly stated goals, course of action, and intent then I don't know what to say to you. I would hope that even the terrorist group admitting to all of this would cause some self reflection. But somehow I think a good number of people are so invested in hating the West and being antisemitic that they will mental gymnastics away even the most blatant admissions.
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