#If you didn't know Sonic Battle is in my top three of favourite Sonic games of all time
pktearsoftazmily · 2 months
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starlight-phantom · 4 years
for the gamer(tm) ask: 1, 2, 4, 11, 13, 18, 24, 26, 27, 28!
1 - Handheld, console or pc?
Console, it's just the one I find easiest to use.
2 - Favourite genre?
JRPG (What a shocker)
4 - Top three video games?
Persona 5
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
Tales Of Xillia 2
11 - Do you prefer to play alone or with others?
I know this is gonna come off as really depressing, but I've never really played games with anyone before. So, alone by default.
13 - At what age did you start playing video games?
Funnily enough, I remember this very vividly. I was four years old and the first game I played was Sonic The Hedgehog on the Sega Mega Drive. I walked into the living roomand saw my mum playing it and was completely mesmerized by all the pretty colours and the music and cute character. I remember asking if I could have a go and my mum teaching me how to play. I couldn't get past Marble Zone (and to be completely honest, I still haven't to this day.... I suck at Sonic 1)
18 - Favourite video game villain?
Hmmmmmmm..... I mean, I can't really bring myself to consider him a villain but technically he is, so Takuto Maruki. I just,,,, love him,,,, so much,,,,,, his motives are so pure,,,,,,
24 - Which video game are you best at?
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, mostly because I played it so ridiculously much as a kid, I can complete most of the levels on muscle memory alone...
26 - Most disappointing video game you've ever played?
Tbh, Kingdom Hearts 3.... Although, to be fair, Kingdom Hearts 3 was never going to live up to our expectations because we had been building it up in our minds for so long...
27 - Most surprisingly good/enjoyable video game you've ever played?
Tbh, Devil Survivor 2. I played DeSu 1 because it was made by Atlus and it was okay. I like it but it didn't blow me away or anything so I went it DeSu 2 thinking it would be similar, but I actually really enjoyed it. I think it might be because it had a stronger cast of characters.
28 - One game you hate and everyone else seems to love?
I've been thinking about this for ages but nothing really seems to come to mind... If I think of one, I'll add it in.
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