#If the only way to stop Russia murdering people in whatever territory it's trying to claim this time
mindthelspace · 2 years
Really, it’s just a shame that it was Shinzo blimmin’ Abe and not Putin. Like there is one(1) person on the planet at the moment whose assassination I’d actually support, and it’s his. 
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djinmer4 · 5 years
Ghoul Goblin (Dresden!verse)
For context, Prescott never saw Harry’s ad in this universe, thus Dresden was never called in for the Talbot case.  Conversely, Joseph Talbot had better luck finding a magical teacher in his early years, so someone else showed up.
“I’m sorry for calling you all this way, Kurt.”
“It’s no problem at all, Father Vincent.  I’m glad to help in any way I can.”  The old priest smiled at his pupil.  “Did I ever tell you that you would have been an excellent addition to the Ordo Malleus.  Sometimes I think you missed your calling, Kurti.”
The indigo man just laughed.  “I don’t think I would have made a very good priest, Father, but thank you for the compliment.  Now, what did you need my help for?”
The priest tossed a letter over to the acrobat.  “Read that then tell me what you think.”  After a few moments, gold eyes looked up.  “Talbot, that’s the name of the apprentice you had before me, right?”
“It is.  It’s also the name of a family cursed to be targeted by supernatural creatures.  Joseph wasn’t interested in being part of the Church either, but he was desperate to come up with a way to protect his siblings.”
“You do seem to pick people who aren’t necessarily Catholic or even religious.”
“My teaching is open to all.  Although you should meet Roarke.  Man’s enthusiastic, embraces the priesthood whole-heartedly.  I think you’d get along.”
“So why isn’t he here instead?”
“We’ve got rumors that a whole slew of vampires are gathering in Russia somewhere for a raid.  He’s out there trying to run down some concrete information for us.  But anyway, you read the letter.  Joseph’s pretty sure that the curse has come home to roost and would like some help in taking down the hunters.”  Father Victor sighed.  “I’d go myself, but frankly I’m in no condition to take down anything that strong and durable anymore.  I was hoping you could go in my stead and assist your fellow apprentice.”
Kurt winced, having found the photo of Carl Talbot’s torn up body.  “I also think there are two killers.  One man gets torn up while his sister gets poisoned?  Most killers don’t change their methods so quickly.  And given that the only inheritance worth claiming belongs to Joseph and he’s the one calling in the cavalry, I don’t think we’re looking at a professional on the job, as it were.  Yes, I’ll pack my bags immediately and tell the X-Men I’m taking a sabbatical.  Let’s try and stop this before it goes any further.”
“Joseph?  Joseph Talbot?  My name is Kurt Wagner, Father Vincent sent me.”  Kurt knocked on the iron gates and wondered if he should have brought the holoimager.  As much as he wasn’t ashamed of his appearance, it did make it difficult to blend into a crowd.  He had wanted to scout out the funeral earlier today but hadn’t been able to get close enough to see anyone.
An older man came out, with a shotgun pointed at his chest.  "First, prove that your human and not one of the supernatural creatures out to get me.  Second, tell me something that proves you really were sent by Father Vincent.”
“Father Vincent has the Eye of Thoth tattooed on his wrist.  As for proof-” Kurt teleported past the iron fence and grabbed the shotgun, carefully pointing it towards the ground and blocking the trigger with one of his fingers.  The other man loosened his grip and let Nightcrawler turn on the safety before handing the gun back.
“Okay, you’re the real deal.  Come on inside.”
Once inside the house, Joseph explained the situation.  “I take it you’ve heard about the curse?”
“Father Vincent explained it to me.  I take it the family is being targeted.”
“Yes,” the older man gestured to a photo on the mantle.  “Carl, Sarah, me, Alex, Madeline or Maddie rather, John Jr or JJ, and Ella.  Carl and Sarah are already dead and I don’t know what killed them.”
“Well, I’ve got some bad news for you.  I’m thinking you’ve got at least two supernatural creatures after you.  One very nasty predator, the one who ripped your brother apart.  The other was more subtle.  Has there been any updates on your sister’s case?”
“Poison then strangling.  The poison only put her into a deep sleep, then whatever it was broke inside and suffocated her with her own scarf.”
“Hmm, that’s pretty unusual.  Your brother was killed outside so it could be any number of things that are strong enough to rip a human limb from limb.  But not a lot of supernatural creatures can break into a home’s barrier to do harm to the home’s owner.”
“So either someone she invited in or-”  Joseph was cut off by the sound of a buzzer.  Checking his camera, he swore.  “Damn, that’s Deputy Sheriff Tremaine.  I’d better go see if he has any new information.  Stay here.”  Kurt watched through the window, obscured by the curtain as Joseph went out.  The officer seemed fairly sympathetic although it was clear the older man was in no mood for niceties.  They talked for a while through the fence and then- 
Kurt couldn’t see what had picked up the car and thrown it at the fence but it was clear that at least one of the attackers was in the area.  He turned to grab his swords and teleport out but it was already too late.  During the fight, Joseph had fired his shotgun out into the dark.  Instead of hitting anything, the gun misfired, tearing a hole in Joseph’s chest and knocking out the officer for a few minutes.
At that moment the police officer recovered from his daze and looked up to see Nightcrawler looming over the dead body.  The inevitable happened.  “Monster!” he screamed and pulled out his gun and started firing.
Kurt bamfed away, into the trees just beyond the edge of the property.  Things had just gotten a lot harder.
Kurt stewed in the corner of the bar and debated what to do.  Joseph was dead but he still had four living siblings who needed to be protected.  How Kurt was going to do that was the problem.  He couldn’t exactly go up to Alex and Maddie and introduce himself.  They’d probably had never even heard of the X-Men in Boone Mill.  For once, Kurt cursed himself for not bringing the holoimager.  Usually, he liked his appearance, despite all the trouble it caused, but it meant that strangers rarely trusted him.  And since Prescott had started warning everyone about him, he couldn’t exactly go around questioning people to learn more.  Even in the bar, he was completely covered up, with trenchcoat, hat, and aviator glasses.  
As Kurt continued to nurse his last beer, two more people got up to leave the bar.  He didn’t know who the girl was but he recognized Joseph’s younger brother from the photo.  Dropping off enough money to cover his tab and tip, the hunter slipped into the shadows to follow the couple.  The very least he could do was ensure that Alex got home safely.
Alas, this was not to be.  Almost the moment the couple hit a busy intersection, a brief scuffle broke out, obscuring his view.  By the time he had gotten them back in sight, it was too late.  It looked like Alex had walked in front of a bus but Kurt’s reflexes had caught the flash of movement that had preceded the screeching brakes.  More tellingly, the girl who had walked out of the bar with Alex was gone.
So.  Alex’s murdereress had waited for him to wander out into public then used supernatural speed and strength to take him out.  Probably the same creature who had murdered Carl then.  This lacked the finesse of Sarah’s and Joseph’s deaths.  Four Talbots down, two of them on his watch.  But at least he knew the human form of one of them.
Kurt paused.  Four Talbots killed, in order of birth.  What was it that Kitty had said?  Once is coincidence, twice is happenstance, three times is enemy action.  The Talbots weren’t just being targeted by two separate killers, they had turned this into a competition.  Kurt didn’t know why, probably some territorial dispute if he had to guess, but the reason didn’t matter.  He knew the next target and the face of at least one of the killers.  He needed to get Maddie Talbot behind Joseph’s walls immediately.  That would at least keep her safe from the woman and the two killers wouldn’t go after the younger siblings until Maddie had died.  That would give him more time to investigate and set up traps.
For a second time, his train of thought stopped.  He was forgetting something.  It had been the second killer who had killed Joseph, and he’d gone straight through the house’s threshold.  Twice, since he’d killed Sarah too.  So the house wasn’t a complete fortress.
Kurt shook his head.  He’d just have to hope that whatever invitation had been extended had been revoked by Joseph’s death.  The occult-obsessed Talbot must have been aware of the issue but he hadn’t had true sight.  Something had been let in unknowingly.  Kurt would have to go over Joseph’s security footage and see who had come by in the past month or so.
“Halt demon!”  Looked like he had spent too long thinking.  The sheriff and his deputy had shown up and were pointing guns in his direction.  He wasn’t too keen on letting them arrest him but he wasn’t going to let them use the surrounding crowd as a backstop.  So he let the younger one approach and even grab his arm . . . then teleported away into the woods, leaving his empty trenchcoat behind.
If Kurt had one thing to be thankful for, it was that he truly wasn’t as magical as his appearance suggested.  If he had been, he’d have had a lot more trouble kidnapping the remaining Talbots out of their beds and teleporting them to Joseph’s manor.  As it was, he barely got little Ella out in time before their house went up in flames.  The two competitors saw the end of their little game in sight and were clearly stepping up their measures to win.
Maddie was apparently a bit more prepared for this scenario than he had anticipated.  When he appeared with Ella in a cloud of smoke, she’d found another of Joseph’s guns and had it pointed right at him.
She was lucky he wasn’t actually here to harm them.  He carefully placed the waking Ella on the ground and shooed her in the direction of her sister.  Then, equally slowly, he raised his hands as a gesture of peace towards the Talbots.  “Guten abend.  My name is Kurt Wagner, but you can call me Nightcrawler.”  Seeing the gun remain steadily pointed at him, he added, “I’m a friend of your brother, Joseph.”  And silently thanked his humanity for giving him the ability to lie.
“Uh-huh.”  The gun didn’t waver.  “And you could prove that how?”
Think fast, Kurti.  “If I wasn’t his friend, how would I have known to take you to his house?”
The blonde frowned.  “True . . . but on the other hand, he died on his own property.  Maybe he just trusted the wrong person.”
“If I had wanted you dead, Madeline Talbot, you would be dead already.  I brought you here first, after all.”
“Point for your side.”  She dropped the barrel to the floor and re-engaged the safety.  “So, got any ideas?”
“I’m sure the attackers-”
“Attackers?  As in more than one?”
“Yes.  Two of them.  Anyway, one of them has already attempted to burn your house tonight.  I’m pretty sure they’re on their way here to attack again.  I need some time to set up traps to stop them.”
“Do you really think you can win?  You didn’t exactly help my brother.”
“Whoever it was, tampered with your brother’s gun before I got here.”  The young woman looked at the gun she’d been pointing at him.  “No, there were a few others that had also been tampered with, but I’ve already disposed of them.  Also, the bomb in your brother’s safe room, I deactivated too.  I don’t know who either of the attackers are but at least one of them managed to get past your brother’s precautions.”
“According to Deputy Tremaine, that person was you.”  He reached over and grabbed one of the iron implements on the table.  “Does this convince you I’m human?”
“Yeah.  Yeah, it does.”
“Gut.  Now, madchen, take your siblings and get down to the newly re-safened safety room.  I’ve got some monsters to drive off.”  Maddie nodded and turned to herd her brother and sister downstairs.  But before she left she asked him, “Do you really think you can win?”
Kurt pulled out his swords and the C4 he had brought.  “Fraulein, your brother was good but I’m better.  I destroy vampires for a living.  I’ll be able to handle these two.”
The first to charge in was the girl.  But she wasn’t a girl now.  Instead, she had grown, her height rising by at least 30 cm, her shoulders widening like a gorilla’s and her mouth opening to become a giant maw filled with shark-like teeth.  In her giant hand, she held the badly mauled but still breathing deputy sheriff.  “Come out, hunter!  Bring me the girl or I’ll eat this man for a snack before taking all three siblings!”
“Verdammt!”  Kurt started one of his traps.  He got in Joseph’s car and sped straight for the duo.  Just before he hit, he teleported out, grabbed the sheriff then teleported away again.  He dumped the man on the porch and turned to the ghoul.  The car’s momentum had carried her into a tree but that didn’t mean much to a ghoul.  She had braced herself against the tree and was starting to lift the car to throw at him.
Kurt detonated the C4 he had packed into the car’s trunk.
The explosion pulverized the ghoul and to add insult to injury, set off the two extra jerry cans of gas he had included.  The German watched then dodged the claw that came hurtling out of the conflagration.  “Foolish hunter, did you think that would kill me?”
“No, but this will.”  Kurt teleported onto her shoulders, grabbed the ghoul’s head, then teleported off again with her head.  And only her head.  He dropped it on the driveway and tasered it for good measure.  “Try regenerating from that!”
He heard clapping and turned.  The other killer had arrived.  “I’m impressed.  Not only did you take Ambre out, but you found the time to disarm the traps in the saferoom.  O now need to worry.  Now that LaChaise is dead, I’ve won our wager.  No need for me to go after any of the other Talbots.”
Kurt retrieved his swords.  “Nice try.  But I am a Monsterjager.  It wouldn’t be right for me to let a human hunting abomination go free.”
“Suit yourself.”  The creature stepped into the light.  It had the sharp teeth and asymmetrical features of a goblin.  “One question,” Kurt panted as he warded off a blow that would have taken his head off if it had connected.  “How did you get past the thresholds without an invitation or losing your powers?”
“I didn’t.  I’ve been the local handyman for the past 20 years.  No one suspected me in the first place.”  As it turned out, maybe the goblin had a reason to avoid fighting the ghoul.  He was good, stronger and faster than an ordinary human.  But Kurt was better.  And in the end, it was a simple matter of a hidden steel sword (coated with dark, non-reflective oil), lodged in the shade of a bush, and teleporting away when the goblin charged what looked like a disarmed opponent.  The steel went straight through the goblin’s heart, instantly killing him.
Kurt waited to see if any more supernatural creatures appeared.  But as the sun came up, he went inside to let the Talbots out of the safe room.
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alexsmitposts · 4 years
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It is Not China, but the Western World that should be Defined as the “Real Sick Man” Not long ago, the Wall Street Journal insulted China, calling it “the Real Sick Man of Asia”. China retaliated, and then the U.S. counter-retaliated. Emotions have been running high, journalists got deported. Suddenly, various Chinese officials expressed publicly what many in both China and Russia have been, for weeks, articulating in sotto voce: that it was perhaps the U.S. military establishment, which brought the new type of coronavirus (COVID-19) to Wuhan, in order to harm China and bring the world back, through complex backroads, under the West’s control. Suddenly, the world feels very uncomfortable. The way it is governed is clearly perverse. People do not always know why, they just feel frightened, prickly and insecure. Actually, they always have, during the last few decades, but this is somehow becoming “too much”. Countries do not trust each other. People do not trust each other. People do not trust their governments. Capitalism is despised, but nations have been robbed of alternatives. I work all over the world, and I observe all this. What I see, I do not like. Increasingly, I am fearful that what has been set in motion by Washington and London, may not end well. That a tragedy is waiting right around the corner. *** For many years I have been warning that imperialism is murdering tens of millions of people, annually. Predominantly Western imperialism, but also its offshoots in some places where the elites learned from their former colonialist master how to brutalize conquered territories, such as Jakarta, New Delhi, or Tel Aviv. Genocides and modern-day slavery have become the vilest reflections of modernity. Not the only ones, of course, but the vilest. I recently wrote for this magazine (NEO), that I have never seen the world so fragmented. Travel, Internet, Social Media – they all were supposed to improve the world, and to bring people closer to each other. They did not. I see confusion and disinformation all around me. People travel but do not see or understand. They stare at computer screens for hours each day, as they used to stare at the television screens, but they do not have any clue how the world functions. People used to come to us, philosophers, for advice. We used to interact. Not anymore. And look at philosophy itself: it has been reduced to a dry, controlled university discipline by the regime. Before, to be a philosopher used to be identical with being a thinker. Now, pathetically, a philosopher is an individual with a university degree in philosophy, which is issued by some college that is part of the establishment. And anyway, now almost each and every individual, at least in the West, believes that he or she is a philosopher; self-absorbed, posing and posting on social media, using selfies, with grotesquely boosted egos. Something has gone wrong. Almost everything has. Humanity is facing tremendous danger. Why? Because it does not understand itself. Its dreams have been reduced to some low, pathetic, sad ambitions. Its lofty ideals that were formed over long centuries have been belittled by the Western nihilist narrative. *** And then, a new coronavirus hit. Do not underestimate the coronavirus! It may have the mortality rate of an ordinary flu, but it is much more dangerous than that. Its danger is predominately psychological and philosophical, much more than medical. It arrived, unexpectedly, and illustrated to the world, that there is no global unity, no solidarity, anymore. Countries are acting and reacting in extremely brutal ways. It is frightening. It all feels like some of the bad, second-rate horror films produced by Hollywood. Governments are pointing fingers at each other, irrationally. Airlines are lying, robbing customers, while claiming that they are protecting them. I recently “escaped” from Hong Kong, after Korean Air unceremoniously cancelled flights to China, doing nothing to re-route stranded passengers. I flew for 5 days to South America, home, through several Asian airports, by the most bizarre routes, north and south and north again, then via Amsterdam and Suriname, zig-zagging through Brazilian cities, before reaching Chile. Peculiarly, at one point along the way, I ended up in Seoul, where I was earlier told I was not supposed to be to begin with, experiencing the proverbial South Korean racism on my skin, and going through outrageous humiliation and interrogation after uttering, at the gate before departing for Amsterdam, that North Koreans definitely treat people with much more respect and dignity than Seoul. I will write much more about this, in the near future, but this is not supposed to be the main topic of this essay. What is essential is that the logic itself has collapsed. The behavior of many countries has become irrational, if the rationale is supposed to be synonymous with the advancement of humanity and improvement of the lives of human beings. Now things make sense only when seen from the point of view of the desire to control and usurp, plunder and humiliate. And the coronavirus? Is the United States trying to take advantage of the situation, to monopolize the cure, and to save its economy and currency, at the expense of billions worldwide? On March 15, 2020, The Sun reported: “Donald Trump aides ‘offered huge sums to a German company in a bid to grab the coronavirus vaccine for Americans only.’” One day later, on 16 March, 2020, the Mail Online, amplified the story: “German officials are trying to stop the Trump administration from luring German biopharmeceutical company CureVac to the US to get its experimental coronavirus vaccines exclusively for Americans. President Donald Trump has offered funds to lure the company CureVac to the US. The German government has made counter-offers to make the company stay, according to a report in German newspaper Welt am Sonntag. An unidentified German government source told the paper Trump is trying to secure the scientists’ work exclusively, and would do anything to get a vaccine for the United States – ‘but only for the United States.’” The behavior of the Empire could easily make one sicker than the coronavirus would itself. *** The United States occupies and antagonizes countries and then it punishes them when they try to protect themselves. Israel does the same. And so, do Indonesia, India, and NATO as a block. Turkey is turning into a maniac. Iran, Venezuela and others are screaming, brutalized for absolutely no reason by sanctions and embargoes. Russia is being constantly smeared, just for helping injured nations, in the Middle East, Africa and Latin America. I watch all this and I wonder: how much further can all this go? Is all this banditry and idiocy going to go on from now on, and forever accepted as a normalcy? But back to the coronavirus. It is all connected to what I mentioned above, isn’t it? Billions of people are now being stripped of their rights and will, pushed around, and fully controlled, everything justified by a disease with the mortality rate of an ordinary flu? And do people notice that the victims are now being treated like criminals, something that would have been unimaginable just a couple of decades ago. China, infected by the U.S. or not, is being continuously insulted, isolated and smeared. Western anti-Chinese propaganda kicked in, almost from the start of the epidemy. How ugly; how monstrous! Western propagandists are alert, waiting, monitoring the world. Like piranhas, they attack with lightning speed, whenever blood is spilt, or a piece of flesh gets exposed. When disaster strikes, they take full advantage of the weaknesses of their opponent. They go for the kill. And there is nothing human in their behavior. It is a calculating strike against the victim. It is the surgical swing of a scalpel, designed to kill, in the most terrifying way. China reacted in totally the opposite way: when Italy got infected, Chinese medics offered their help. They flew to Italy with medicine and equipment. And China is not alone. Whenever disasters strike, anywhere in the world, Cuban doctors and rescue commandos take off, as long as they are allowed to travel and help. Venezuela, too. It used to supply cheap fuel, even to needy people who happened to be citizens of its arch-tormentor – the United States. And Russia, in whatever form (as the biggest Soviet Republic, or as the Russian Federation), it has been helping dozens and dozens of decimated nations: by treating their sick, educating their students, building infrastructure, spreading culture through books and music, all in local languages. Russia does not talk much: it just does, performs, helps. And so do China, Cuba and others. *** I want to see the world united. I want to experience humanity embarking on a beautiful project: improving the planet, searching, together, for an egalitarian system, with no misery, no incurable illnesses, no depravity. But I am not naïve. I see what the West and its extreme capitalism and imperialism are doing to the world. And I am convinced that only the classic isms are capable of evoking compassion and solidarity in the people. Propagandists in Washington and London tell you the opposite; they will lie to you that Communism and socialism are dead, or at least totally outdated. Do not trust them; you know that their goals have nothing to do with improving life on our planet. Whatever you hear from them, trust the opposite. Right now, our human race is like a sick, very sick person. Not because of the coronavirus, but because of the response to the coronavirus. China is not at all the real sick man of Asia. No matter how it happened, China got infected, but then it rose to its feet, fought with great determination and courage, and began obliterating the disease. Chinese doctors, Chinese people in general, are now celebrating. They are ecstatic. They are winning, their first hospitals dedicated to the coronavirus patients are now closing down in Wuhan. Their system is clearly victorious, created for the people. Almost simultaneously, China has started to help other countries. Actually, China and its people are behaving like human beings are supposed to behave. And, if that is called “sick”, then what is “healthy”?
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caredogstips · 7 years
The age of joke
The long speak: It used to be precisely a word now it is a way of life. But is it is necessary to get down the banter bus?
Its the most fucking laughable storey, isnt it? We went to watch fucking dolphins, and we ended up in fucking Syria. Last-place summertime in the Mediterranean party resort of Ayia Napa, Lewis Ellis was wielding as a guild rep. I represent, it was fucking 8am, he told an Australian website soon afterwards, and the last fucking golf-club had closed, and we remembered, We can still depart dolphin watching. Well blag our mode on to a fucking craft and croak dolphin watching.
But when the boat voyaged so far that Cyprus disappeared from panorama, Ellis explained, they started to worry. Why are we so far from tract? they questioned the crew. Were fucking miles away and weve got no fucking wifi. Something, Ellis said, had been lost in rendition; his exuberant season as a shepherd for the useds party pilgrims used to go terribly awry. The gang wasnt taking them to watch dolphins: they were going to a Russian naval basi in the towns of Tartus, on Syrias Mediterranean coast. Yeah, it is a little ridiculous.
It was , nonetheless, a fib that had legs. Hungover lads boat errand boob territory them in Syria, wahey-ed the Mirror; British holidaymakers board defendant barge in Ayia Napa and be brought to an end in war-torn SYRIA, laughed the Express. If you envisioned these headlines at the time, you may dimly remember the rest. A stubborn trawler captain, chugging doggedly onwards to Tartus, where he turfed the friends out upon territory; interrogation at the mitts of Russian intelligence officers; mutual hilarity as the Russians realised what had happened; and, after a red-hot banquet, a speedy tour of the expanse, and a good darkness sleep, spots on the next angling boat headed back to Cyprus. It was never made clear why the captain had let them on the craft in the first place, but whatever. Everyone lapped it up.
Reflecting on the whole circumstance five a few months later, Ellis, a 26 -year-old with a business position and a marketing lords, couldnt altogether wrap his head around it. I ponder I experienced 35 narratives about us, he told me. I read about myself in the Hawaiian Express, do you know what I symbolize?( Notwithstanding that there is nothing to doesnt appear to be any such newspaper, yes, I emphatically do .)
What became it really weird to see the media pile in with such unstinting passion was that the storey was total cobblers. I could not belief how unsophisticated they were, Ellis said, a top memo of hilarity still in his tone. We were just having a chortle! It was banter!
Lads: this is the age of joke. Its long been somewhat about the banter, but over the last few years, it has come to seem that its all about the banter an unabashedly bumptious posture that took up a position on the outskirts of different cultures in the early 90 s and has been larging its road towards the centre ever since. “Theres” hundreds of banter groups on Facebook, from Banter Britain( no memes insinuating child abuse/ dead children !!!) to Wanker Banter 18+( Have a laugh and keep it sick) to the Premier League Banter Page( The only ruler: keep it banter ). You can buy an I banter jugs on Amazon for 9, or an Archbishop of Banterbury T-shirt for 9.99.
There are now four sprigs of a restaurant announced Scoff& Banter. When circumstances were going badly at Chelsea FC under Jos Mourinho, it was reported the team had banned all joke in an attempt to focus their subconscious, and that word appeared in the newspapers, as if you would know exactly what it entail. Person has created a banter map of London using a keyword scour on the flatshare website SpareRoom, indicating exactly where people “re looking for a” roommate with good banter( Clapham tends to facet prominently ). When a 26 -year-old man from Leeds constituted for a selfie with a baffled aeroplane hijacker, Vice swore it the high-water rating of banter.
Lewis Ellis( left) and friends in Ayia Napa, pretending to be in Syria. Photograph: Lewis Ellis
If you are younger than about 35, you are likely to hear the expression all the time. Either you have banter( if you are funny and can take a pun) or you dont( if you arent and cannot ). The mainstream, in summary, is now drink and asleep on the sofa, and banter is delightedly drawing a penis on its forehead.
As banter has risen, it has expanded. Long a word used to describe submerged sayings of fraternal charity, it is now likewise a word allows one to excuse uninhibited exhibitions of masculine bravado. Today, it is segregated by class, seized on by brands, picked over by psychologists, and regretted by culture reviewers; it is dominant, fiercely contested and exclusively hazily understood.
And so, whether he purposes it to or not, Ellis use of the expression parent some questions. Is he shedding his pile in with the most prevalent division of the blokeish mainstream, a sanitised and gracious gaiety that elongates from lad-dad panel shows to your teammates zinger about your dreadful haircut? Or is he lining up with the misogynist impersonators of the Bullingdon club, a sprinkling of prejudiceds, and, as we shall identify, an actual murderer purveyors of a malicious and insidious masculinity that insists on its indivisible dominion and calls you a slut if you object?
Ellis isnt preoccupied by these questions, but for what its worth, he does say that he and his friends never had the slightest planned of going to Syria. We werent actually trying to clown anyone, he told me, although Im not sure thats wholly consistent with the facts of the case. We were out for a saunter, and we went across this area that gazed actually run down, we thought it was like Syria. So we apply it on the team reps[ Facebook] page that thats where we were. And everyone started liking it. And then one of the people who contacted us was from LADBible which is like the Bible, but for LADS so we pronounced, well have a mess around here. Well tell a completely ridiculous tale, see if the media believes it. Find if we can become LADBible famous.
It did, we are able to. Eventually, the truth “re coming out” , not thanks to any especially determined investigative journalism, but because Ellis cheerily admitted on Facebook that his narration of superb foolishnes was a story. Hahaha what a prank, he wrote, with some justification.
The confession simply raised another repetition of notice. Books that had picked up the legend in the first place resurfaced it with new headlines to manifest the daring of the fabrication; social media useds adduced it as evidence for their own views of young men, or the media, or both. The Russian delegation Twitter account announced it a telling illustration of how many Syria( and Russia) stories are made up by UK newspapers, which was great geopolitical banter. The courtesy entertained Ellis, but he alleges it wasnt the stage. We simply thought it was funny, he responded. People are too serious. I hinder being told to grow up, but I still want to have a good time. Ive had the jobs, Ive got the education. But when Im off production, I want to escape.
Ellis is an enthusiast and an optimist. He is, he told me late last year, hopeless to take every opportunity, simply to enunciate yes to everything I can. We were on a nighttime out in Manchester with his pals Tyson, John and Chris. In such courses of the evening, the following circumstances knew their mode into my brew: fingers; salt; vinegar; mayonnaise; a chip; saliva; a 10 greenback; and, I hazily recollect being told after the fact, at the least two shootings of vodka.
Everyones got a thought in the group, Ellis said, as we walked from one saloon to the next. One person, hes not even that ugly, we say he looks just like a Peperami. Tysons get this mole on his appearance, its like a Coco Pop, so youve got a Coco Pop on your appearance. I looked like Harry Potter when I was a kid, so they announce me Potter, thats my moniker. Every single one of us has something. So you youve gone Chinese attentions. Youre Chinese.
For the record, I didnt think this was OK, but coming after such a harmless litany, it didnt seem malicious enough to confront. Of course, tacit promotion is what shapes such offensive epithets a platitude, and so it is a matter of concern that it saw “i m feeling” mysteriously accepted, just as it had when John perforated me softly in the pellets when I arrived. There was no doubting Elliss candour: as he spoke, the sheer daft beautiful of male friendship seems to astounded him, almost to the point of physical suffering. We just take the piss out of each other, and thats how we establish our passion , he spoke. So many group converses on the phone, and you just take the piss until they cry . And its like, when youre certainly killing them, you go, Ill stop if you miss, because you know they cant say yes, so you exactly keep going. Then we arrived at the next rail, where I was made to drink something called a Zombie.
Early in the evening, before any of this had eroded my ability to take helpful notes, Ellis smashed off from talking as we moved down wall street and sidled into a window display at Next Home, where he Tracey Emined a carefully established bottom by climbing into it and reeling around. Everyone cracked up. Contribute “the worlds” a shriek, Ellis tends to think, and the world will smile back at you. Jump on a craft, and youll end up somewhere enormous; stimulate the boat up, and youll got to get faster. Its all about having fun, its all about the banter, he articulated, after hed rejoined us outside. Banter is about realise “the worlds” a more exciting place.
If nobody can agree on what joke is, thats scarcely a new difficulty. The first habit of the word recorded in the Oxford English Dictionary comes from memo Restoration lad Thomas dUrfey, also known for his hit hymn The Fart, in a sarcastic 1677 participate called Madam Fickle. Banter him, banter him, Toby, a character called Zechiel urges, which may be the first time that someone called Toby was so instructed, but certainly wasnt the last.
The OED also notes early attempts at a description by Jonathan Swift and Samuel Johnson.( Speedy mentions a banter upon transubstantiation, in which a cork is turned into a horse, and fair enough, revolving a stopper into a mare “wouldve been” classic joke .) Both “re a bit” disgusted by the word, and neither unearths often of an origin narrative: by their chronicles, joke is so coarse that it rose, amply structured and without antecedent, out of the mouths of oafs.
As it is about to change, though, the OED is not at present amply able to handle the banter. According to Eleanor Maier, an associate editor on the dictionary, a research of earlier English texts reveals that a number of previous patterns are missing from the dictionarys definition, which is now being first drafted in 1885 including a quote from a 1657 rendition of Don Quixote.( After examining the history, Maier told him that she would be adding banter to the listing of introductions that are up for evaluate .)
dougie stew (@ DougieStew)
Welcome to London #BagelGate pic.twitter.com/ KcJoz0ycZU
February 26, 2017
In recent years, joke has barged into our lives at a impressive time. Googles Ngram Viewer, a implement that assesses( with some limitations) the frequency with which a period shall be published in a large database of written sources, finds that banter popped up approximately twice as often in 2008, the most recent year plowed, as it did in 1980.
But banter plugged away for a very long time before it became an overnight success. In the 19 th century, it often designated a kind of formal sparring. Even as the term progressed over the 20 th, it continued to seem a bit prissy. In the House of Commons in 1936, Ramsay MacDonald, the former Labour prime minister who had recalled in a brand-new sit after losing his old one, was subjected to a great deal of banter Dear old-time Granny MacDonald !, among other witticisms.In 1981, a Guardian report that chess champion Anatoly Karpov and his handlers have succeeded in protested at his challenger Viktor Korchnois constant cross-board talk ran under the unlikely headline: Chess joke banned.
Such floors do little to prepare us for what banter has become. Consider the viral video that became known as #bagelgate earlier this year. In the recording, a minor hassle broke out on the 00.54 improve from Kings Cross to Huntingdon, and then for no plainly related rationale the status of women who had a large crate of bagels decided to put one on the heads of state of the person sitting in front of her, and then another after “hes taking” it off and hurled it out of the window, and another and another, and then everyone in the carriage started chanting hes got a bagel on his head, and eventually the slightly spoddy prey who is me when I was 13 and someone filled my pencil client with Mr Kipling apple pies( squashed, exuding) because I was fatty completely lost and hollered Get the fuck out of my appearance !, and then another campaign broke out on the programme, and then the police got on to the teach, and every single person fell into not-me-guv stillnes: this is not Granny MacDonalds joke any more.
If it is hard to understand how these activities can fall under the same umbrella, it should be noted that a phenomenon may predate our choice of expression to describe it its precisely that the act of description draws it most visible, and perhaps more likely to be imitated. At some place, though, joke became the call for what British boys already regarded as their natural tone of voice. There is a very deeply embedded folk culture in the UK of public ribaldry, extreme satire, facetiousness in other words, of laddishness, speaks Tony Thorne, a linguist and cultural historian. What you might think of as banter now is rooted in that tradition.
That tradition firstly flogged itself to banters mast in the early 1990 s, and polemic soon followed. In June 1992, a Guardian storey headlined Police fire sex banter officer, about the removal of a sergeant for sexual harassment, entered an early skirmish in the modern banter battles, and its significant brand-new bed to its meaning in the wild: The move is seen as part of the Metropolitan polices desire to reassure women officers that what has previously been tolerated as banter is greater acceptable. Two year later, the cubs mags arrived.
The first edition of Loaded magazine appeared in May 1994, with a picture of Gary Oldman on the figurehead inhaling a dog-end, under a placard that showed him a super cub. What fresh crazines is this? the editors note spoken. Loaded is a new publication dedicated to life, liberty and the endeavours of fornication, booze, football and less serious matters Loaded is for “the mens” who guesses he can do anything, if merely he wasnt hungover.
If banter chagrins you, James Brown, the magazines firstly writer, is quite an easy bogeyman. As he recognise himself, he composed a claim that defined a genre. Loaded was swiftly recognised as a foundational text for a resurgent and exuberant masculinity that had been searching for public showing. While it was always overtly horny, the publication was initially more interested in a lonesome, slackjawed and self-ironising acknowledgment of -Alisters( one reversible posting had Cindy Crawford on one side and a steam train on the other) than the grot-plus-football formula that successors and imitators like Maxim, Zoo and Nuts milked to shattering. But the committee is also flirted with something murkier.
To its pundits, Loaded and its imitators aimed to sanitise any particular hooliganistic worldview with a tactical renunciation. Banter emerges as this relentless gloss of incongruity over everything, told Bethan Benwell, elderly lecturer in speech and linguistics at the University of Stirling and the author of several newspapers on mens publications. The constant explain of sexist or homophobic feelings with this winking that says you dont really mean it. Benwell drawn attention to Loadeds emblematic strapline: For men who should know better.
Brown is denying that his periodical fabricated banter. Instead, he tells, it captured a zeitgeist that the media had previously failed to acknowledge; the kinfolk culture that Tony Thorne refers to, brought forward into the open. Before Browns intervention, GQ had extended John Major and Michael Heseltine as embrace hotshots, for Gods sake. I took the advantages and the mentality of the young men that I knew, and I give them in a publication, Brown suggested. Im not responsible for the atmosphere of the later entrants to the market. We were criticised because we fancied wives , not because we maligned them.
The thing about Loaded was that the mode we wrote manifested the way we were with our mates, he went on. Theres definitely a act that exists in the male outlook: you take the piss out of the person or persons you like, and you ignore the people you dont.
Accept this as your starting point, and dissents become exhausting to prolong: what youre objecting to is an behave of affection. Of route, “its what” stimulates it insidious. Because Browns account remainders on the intention behind the publication, and Benwells on the effect it had, they are impossible to reconcile. Its a very difficult act to withstand or objection without looking like the stereotypical humourless feminist, said Benwell. But by laughing, you are complicit.
Loaded leaved this new various kinds of banter escape velocity, and it has started to colonise other worlds. On BBC2, for example, David Baddiel and Frank Skinner were staking out their own territory with Fantasy Football League, a mixture of sketches and personality chit-chat that managed to be enthusiastic and satirical at the same occasion, and reached its peak when the pair became national icons, thanks to their Euro 96 chant, Three Lions. While a long-running joke about the Nottingham Forest striker Jason Lees pineapple haircut seems flatly racist in retrospect Baddiel did an impression of him in blackface by and large, the colour was milder and more conventional than the publications were: this was the insight of colleges and universities graduate slumming it before starting on grown-up life.
Baddiel implied that laddism is likely to be dominates a range from ogling to literature, depicting a line to Nick Hornbys memoir of life as an Arsenal fan, Fever Pitch. Hornby formerly said to me that all this stuff you are familiar with, imagination football and his journal is gentlemen speak about things that they like and for a while in the mid-8 0s they werent allowed to, he said in 1995. Ive always liked football and Ive always liked naked women, and its easier to talk about that now than it was eight years ago. Those explains manifest a kind of sneer at its pundits that you could often detect in Fantasy Football League, even as its hosts protested that they were just having a laugh though Baddiel himself is denying that view. Twenty times on, he, like Brown, is at hurtings to draw a line between the approach that he and Skinner popularised, and the forms that arose afterward. I approximate me and Frank did specialise in joke, he said in an email. In a hour before it was known as bantz.
Over the next 10 times, two things happened that ushered in persons under the age of joke.( You might call it matured joke, except that its too the opposite .) First, instead of just has become a circumstance that happened, it became a situation that people talked about. Then, as it became a more tangible culture make, everyone started trying to make money out of it. The watershed instant, the forms equivalent to Dylan extending electric, was the invention of Dave.
Like most good theories, it examines simple enough in retrospect. Before Dave was Dave, it was UKTV Gold 2. The precede channels gathering share was 0.761%, and no one could tell who on globe it was supposed to be for. But we had the contents, remarks Steve North, the channels brand director in 2007 and content of a specific kind that the existing appoint did very little to communicate: Have I Got News for You, They Belief Its All Over, Top Gear. Sees said they adoration the repartee, the comedy. It reminded them of spending time with their funniest friends.
The first issue of Loaded magazine, from May 1994
The target audience was highly specific. It was men marriage or in relationships, maybe with young children , not going to the inn as much as they used to, enunciates Andy Bryant, managing director of Red Bee, relevant agencies brought in to work on the rebrand. And they missed that camaraderie.
Their purpose thus fixed, North started to run brainstorming periods at which people would shout out recommendations for the call. One of the ones we compiled was Dave, he enunciates. We felt, enormous, but we cant call it that. But then we reputed, Its a replacement friend. If the audience really pictures it as that, if they see it as genuinely providing the banter, maybe we can really pay it a name.
They employed their hunch through its paces. The market research corporation YouGov was commissioned to test Dave alongside a cluster of other refers( Matthew and Kevin were also on the shortlist ), but nothing else had the same everyman resonance. For us, Dave is a sensibility, a place, an spirit, a sense, announced North, his tone astute, virtually gnomic. Everyone has their own gumption of who Dave is, thats the important thing. Its difficult to find anyone who doesnt know someone called Dave.
Now the channel had a firebrand, it needed a motto. Lots of people claim they played a part in the identify, announces Bryant. But it was just as important to encapsulate what the channel was all about. And at some part someone, I dont was well known that, wrote it on members of the board: The dwelling of funny joke. The rebrand contributed 8m brand-new spectators in six months; Dave watched a 71% increase in its target audience of affluent young men.
Conceived by the first generation of senior professionals to have grown up with joke as an unremarkable part of their demographics culture desegregate, the canal crystallised a change, and accelerated it. In 2006, The Ricky Gervais Show, in which Gervais and Stephen Merchant relentlessly poked fun at their in-house jerk savant Karl Pilkington, became the most popular podcast of all time. In 2007, its first year of Daves rebrand, Top Gears ratings shoot from below 5m to a record high-pitched of 8m. The following year, QI moved from BBC4 to BBC2.( A tie-in volume written the same year, QI: Advanced Banter, sold more than 125,000 transcripts .)
North checked the kind of fraternal pestering that was being monetised by his canal, and the panel shows that were its lifeblood, as fundamentally benign. The key happening is that its two-way, he responded. Its about two parties riffing off each other.
But like his 20 th-century forebears, he can see that something ugly has advanced, and he wants to keep his brand well away from it. Bants, he added with dislike. That circumstance of cover for dubious behaviour we detest and hate it massively. When we propelled, it was about enjoyable, being light-hearted, maybe pushing one another without being disrespectful. When people talk about Ive had a go at that person, great banter no, thats just nasty.
By the become of the decade, as other labelling bureaux simulated the success of Dave, banter was everywhere, a folk tradition that had acquired a strange kind of respectability. The all those people who celebrated it werent precisely fellows in the inn any more: they had spending ability and organisation allies on their surface. But they were, by the same token, more visible to commentators. Invasion from an underdog can be overlooked; aggressivenes from the establishment is serious enough to become a matter of public concern.
Take Richard Keys and Andy Gray, Sky Sports brand-defining football presenters, who got themselves up to their cervixes in some highly bad joke in 2011. Keys accused dark armies, but everybody else blamed him and Gray for being misogynists. We knew this because there was footage.
The firestorm, as Keys called it, centred on claims that the two men had said and done heinously sexist acts off-air. Most memorable, at the least for its phrase-making, was the time in which Keys eagerly requested his fellow pundit Jamie Redknapp if hed smashed it it being a woman and asserted that he could often be found hanging out the back of it.
Gray became promptly. In the days before he followed, Keys burned hot with sin in a series of mea-sorta-culpas, specially focused on the strip in which he conveyed his derision at the idea that the status of women, Sian Massey-Ellis, could be an aide referee in the Premier League.
It was just banter , he suggested. Or, more exactly, just a bit of joke, as he mentioned Massey-Ellis had assured him she understood in a later telephone conversation in which, he added, much joke elapsed between us. She and I enjoyed some joke, he protested. It was lads-mag joke, he contended. It was stone-age banter, he acknowledged. We liked to have banter, he explained. Richard Keys was sorry if you were offended, but likewise, it wasnt his faulting if you didnt get onto. It was just banter, for goodness sake!
Up to their necks in some particularly bad banter Andy Gray and Richard Keys in 2011. Picture: Richard Saker/ Rex
Keys insistence that his correct was simply a failure to move with the times was nothing new: banter has always seemed to carry a longing for the past, for the purposes of an guessed age before male love was so cramped by the tedious obligations of feminist scrutiny. But while his underlying deems were painfully dated, his thought of joke was only modern: a sly expansion of the words signify, and a self-conscious contention that it provided an impregnable defence.
The Keys variation understood banter, first, as a catch-all means of disavowing responsibility if someone was hurt; and, second, as a means of reinforcing a bail between two beings by being cruel about a third. The comparison wouldnt satisfy got a couple of alphas like Keys and Gray, but both strategies accompanied it closer to a style of communicating with classically feminine associations: gossip. Deborah Cameron, the Rupert Murdoch( lol) Professor in Language and Communication at Oxford University, argues that the two modes of interaction follow basically the same organization. People gab as a trust competition, she alleged. You tell someone your unsayable private secret, and it bonds you closer together. Theyre supposed to do now reciprocate with a confidence of their own. Well, banter works in the same way now. You say something appalling, and you see if the other person dares to top your remark.
The trust game in joke was traditionally is expected to be: do you trust me when I read were friends in spite of the aim circumstances Im replying about you? But now theres two seconds version of the game: do I trust you not to tell anyone the mean thoughts Im announcing about other parties? I repute initially it was a harmless event, enunciated Cameron, whose analysis is rooted in an repository of male group conversation, predominantly entered by her students, that goes back to the 1980 s. But then it started to be used as an excuse when gentlemen were caught out fully participate in forms of it that werent so harmless.
It comes down to context and meaning, says the comedian Bridget Christie. The gentler pattern of joke is still knocking around, she suggested, but now it exists alongside something darker: I obtained The Inbetweeners youngster banter hilarious, because it was equal and unthreatening. But there is obviously a world of difference between a group of teenage boys benignly taking the piss out of each other, and a bigot being racist or misogynist and trying to pass it off as a joke.
Trace the rise of banter, and you will find that it corresponds to the rise of political correctness or, anyway, to the backlash against political correctness gone mad. That word and just joke reflect each other perfectly: one denoting a priggish culture that is deemed to have overreached, the other a laid-back culture that is deemed to have been unfairly reined in. Ironically enough, merely joke does exactly what it alleges political correctness of, seeking to close down argument by say to you that making is settled by category rather than material. Political correctness is saying that a racist prank is mainly racist, whereas banter asserts that a racist pun is mainly a pun. In the past, the men who use it rarely had to define it, or to explain themselves to anybody else. Today, in contrast, it is mentioned all the time. The biggest change isnt the banter itself, remarks Bethan Benwell. Its the explicit call of the word as a disclaimer.
By sheer repetition and by its give as an unanswerable defense, joke has altered from an abstract into a vast and calcified description of wars as well as texts: started from a lane of talking to a way of life, a form that inadvertently became a worldview. He joked you, people sometimes remark: you always used to banter with your copulates, but now it often sounds like something you do to them. Once it was directionless, inconclusive yak with wit as the engine that drove it, said the comedian Russell Kane. Now, if I errand you up, thats banter.
You might think the mortification suffers from Keys and Gray would have constituted banter less plea as a get-out, but not a bit of it. Banter, increasingly, seems like the first sanctuary of the indefensible. In 2014, Malky Mackay, who had been fired as manager of Cardiff City Football Club a year earlier, was caught having transported textbook that referred to Chinese beings devouring bird-dogs, black people being criminals, Jewish people being avaricious, and lesbian parties being snakes all of which were initially optimistically defended by the League Managers Association as letting off steam to a friend during some friendly text letter banter. The comedian Dapper Laughs, whose real identify is Daniel OReilly, established himself as jokes rat king, with his very own ITV2 display, and then completely lost after he suggested that an audience member at one of his gigs was gagging for a assault. A man was convicted of assassinate after he mashed his friend against a wall with a Jeep Cherokee after an disagreement over badger-baiting, a course of action that he added had been intended as banter. Another trounced the throat of someone he had met in a pub and described the accident as a few moments of joke after 14 or 15 pints. Both are now in prison.
By any sane quantity, joke was falling into dishonor, as often a disguise for malice as a word for the ribaldry of fellows on the lash. Still it did not go away: instead, the worst of it has mutated again, insisting its expert in public and saving its creepiest partialities for the shadows or, at the least, for the company of five, or 10, or 20 of your closest mates.
At the London School of Economics, it started with a circular. Each year at the universitys freshers fair, LSE Rugby Football Club shared a banterous primer on rugby culture. In October 2014, suggests the then-president of the student solidarity, Nona Buckley-Irvine, a student has now come to her in tears with a emulate in her hand. The brochure “was talkin about a” trollops, slags, crumpet, mingers, and the desirability of misogyny; there were legislating cites to the frights of lesbian mortification and outright lesbian gluttony. Anyone charmed by all this was invited to sign up for the team and meet the banter register, entitling them to participate in the exchange of chappish email conversation.
To anyone with a run knowledge of university laddism, it was hard to suppose a more everyday iteration. Still, after the unreconstructed chappishness of the circular has now come to sunlight, the association knew it had a problem. It questioned a collective justification admitted that we have a lot to learn about the injurious effects of joke, and promised to organise a workshop. But there are still reason to be sceptical about the magnitude of that commitment.
When Buckley-Irvine and her peers published a report on the accident, they memo a fibre of others, including an antisemitic assault on a university ski tour to Val dIsere in 2011. And there were other follies it didnt mention. According to two people who were present, one club dinner at an Indian restaurant on Brick Lane ended with a stripper having bottles thrown at her when, already intimidated, she refused to take her invests off. She obscured in the toilet, and had to be escorted out by a member of staff as the team vandalised the restaurant.
Photograph: Alamy
According to five people who were either members of the rugby society or closely associated with it, one notorious elderly member was widely thought to be responsible for the booklet.( He did not respond to requests for explain .) But when they came to defend themselves to the student uniting, members of the squad fell back on one of “the worlds largest” revered mainstays of laddism: all for one, one for all. Theyd clearly worked out a line, mentions Nona Buckley-Irvine. No private individuals was responsible. They were sorry. It was just joke. Thats what they all said.
The accountancy firm KPMG, which sponsored colleges and universities wider Athletics Union, “ve decided that” banter was not an specially helpful firebrand association, and moved funding merit 22,000. The students uniting decided to disband the golf-club for the academic year. The decision moved some commentators to disgust. It was a gross overreaction, a former unit member told me. We were the best-behaved unit when it came to actually playing rugbies but they censored that bit and they couldnt proscribe any of the rest.
Others took a less measured tint. I had old-fashioned members emailing me and calling me a tyrant, articulates Buckley-Irvine. Expecting me if I didnt understand that it was just joke. Rugby actors sung mistreat at her on nights out, she told me. They shoulder-barged her, and called her a cunt.
These kinds of interactions would tend to take place on Wednesdays, also known as boasts night, at a prohibit in Leicester Square. Sports night was the apotheosis of the rugby organizations bleak solidarity. In homage to what you might call the wingers-before-mingers code, for example, representatives from the squad who were expected to dress in dress werent allowed to speak to women before 9pm. So they would just holler abuse instead, one girl former student, who Ill call Anna, remembered. One chant, she replied, get, Nine nos and a yes is a yes. At the time, Anna thought that it was all a pun. Beings would say, Its precisely banter all the time. After everything. Absolutely everything, she spoke, sitting in a cafe in south London. If you were convening someone brand-new, saying they had good banter, that was a reasonably high congratulate. Whereas if you dont go along with that material, its seen as, you cant take the chat, you cant take the banter. And its not to be considered as having a stance against it. Its seen as not being able to keep up.
After the rugby squad was disbanded , good-for-nothing much altered in plays night social life. Many members of the club still went on the same darkness out; they are only colonised other squads. They still addressed girlfriends as Sarah 2 or Sarah 8 depending on how attractive they considered them out of 10; they are continuing had shouted speeches about their copulation lives in front of the women they had slept with but refused to acknowledge.
That culture was not confined to Wednesday nights. Anna recollects a person who took her portrait as she slept, naked, in the bunk they were sharing, and circulated it to another non-university plays crew via WhatsApp. She wasnt meant to see it on his phone.
Ask anyone well-informed where joke resides now, and theyll give the same reaction: WhatsApp groups and email yarns, the safe seats of the lad class. What youd get out of those WhatsApp threads, its a different world of drama, one former member of the football club pronounced. The details of girls people that youd read, a few amusing jibes, that was the limit for me. But where reference is moved on to, like, really, really bad trash, always about sex it was too much. Those strands are the source of everything.
If the threads were an store, they were by no means the limit. Banter, by common consent, wasnt confined to lampooning each other: it was about action. If you dressed up for a night out, one girl student remembered, “its just” kind of status quo that you could have your arse grab. It was just like, Oh, that was kind of strange, but OK, thatll happen. Like everybody else willing to speak about it, her position of that culture was perplexingly nuanced, sometimes self-contradictory. It seems spooky, she said, but that tell me anything, some of my best nighttimes were there, and like it was enjoyable. But then she enunciated: What was defined as serious just got so pushed . I envision for someone to lodge a complaint they would have to be actually hurt.
Anna recollects lots of sketchy incidents. She remembers nighttimes when her choices faded into a blur, and she wondered if she had really been in control. But at the time, I would never call it out, she remarked. And then, youre all living in vestibules together, and the next day, its like: What did you do last nighttime? Thats funny. Thats banter.
When Anna thinks about the behaviour of some of “the mens” she knew at university, she find it hard to pin down exactly what she recalls of them. Theres one in particular who sticks in her recollection. On a Wednesday night, he was a joke person, she told. He was a Wednesday animal. But the rest of the time, he was my friend.
Controversial though all this was at the time , no one seems to think that it will have expenditure the perpetrators often. Ive tried so hard to leave all that behind, said the former is part of the football crew. But those guys theyre all going on to run banks, or the two countries, or whatever. The senior rugby boy who numerous held responsible, by the way, has territory on his hoofs. Today, he has a activity at KPMG.
In 2017, every new instance of banter is immediately discerned and put through the journalistic wringer.( Immorality Joel Golby, who wrote the definitive verse on the bagel thing, has made a career from his exquisite close readings of the structure .) But when each new absolute myth rises, we dont typically have the context to shape the essential points finding: do the proponents tend towards the harmless excitement of Ellis and his copulates, or the frank hatred of the LSE rugby boys? Is their affection of irony straightforward, or a mask for something else?
As Richard Keys and Dapper Laughs and their cohorts have polluted the idea of joke, the commercial entities that endorsed its rise had now become uneasy with the label. They wanted it to go viral; they hadnt expected it to runs postal. Dave, for example, has plunged the residence of funny banter slogan. Its not about classic male mood any more, its a bit smarter, alleges UKTVs Steve North. We certainly say it less than we used to.
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Read more: www.theguardian.com
The post The age of joke appeared first on caredogstips.com.
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hammerofthezods · 7 years
Movie Review - Red Dawn
Bonus feature: At the end of this review are several discussion questions for you to use if you are in a movie club and want to do Red Dawn. 
Oh my god, you guys. You have to see this movie. If you love to learn about how to defeat commie assholes in 1980's Colorado, this is the movie for you.
Red Dawn is a movie about a bunch of high school kids who have to live in the woods and fight Russians after the commies try to take over America. The main guy in the movie is Patrick Swayze. If you recall, Patrick Swayze played Darry in another totally badass movie called The Outsiders.  There are other way famous people in Red Dawn as well. Charlie Sheen is in it and so is C. Thomas Howell who, oh yeah, also happened to be in the Outsiders and was called Pony Boy in that movie. Charlie Sheen wasn't in the Outsiders, but I really think he should have been. He would have been one of the rich kids if he were in it. If you aren't familiar with The Outsiders (which what the hell is wrong with you?), C. Thomas also played that faggy guy Monroe in the best sports movie ever, Sideout. The lady characters in Red Dawn are played by Jennifer Grey, the whinny girl from Dirty Dancing, and Leah Thompson who seems like she was in tons of other movies but I can't think of any right now. 
So what happens is that all the high school kids are in class learning about some dumb shit when a bunch of Russian parachute men land on the playground and start doing army stuff. The teacher is like "I'm in charge here, Russians, so you better tell me what's going on". The Russian guys laugh right in his face and then explode all of his organs with machine guns. The kids see this and are all like "Oh, fuck! We gotta go live in the mountains."  So they all jump in a Ford Bronco and haul ass out of there. Before they leave town, they stop at the local sporting goods store to get guns and bows & arrows and many canned goods. So now they're up in the mountains and Patrick Swayze says "Listen up, losers. Me and my brother Charlie Sheen have been in these mountains tons of times with our dad, so we're in charge. If you don't like it, then I'm going to fight you in and around this campfire that I built." The only kid who doesn't like it is this sniveling ass nerdy guy who is the class president. He voices his protest and then gets fought by Patrick Swayze right in front of the fire. Patrick wins so now the class president falls in line and works for Patrick and Charlie.
So all the kids are just hanging around in the woods eating canned food and being so sad because of the Russians. They also do hunting stuff and this one time C. Thomas Howell shoots a deer or an elk or a lion or something. Patrick and Charlie tell him that he has to drink the animal's blood if he wants to be part of their hunting club. C. Thomas drinks the blood and tries to act tough about it, but you just know he's worried that now he has Elk HIV or something. 
Eventually, the group runs out of canned goods so they decide to go back into town to find out if it's now Russia. They sneak into town and this one girl tells them that their dads have been taken to jail that is really just a fenced in area. 
They guys head over to the fence jail and see their dad hanging out there and coughing a bunch. Alright, this part was so super sad that I can barely stand it. Their dad says that this is the last time they'll see him because he is going to cough himself to death. Patrick and Charlie start crying and I totally cried with them. So powerful, you guys. C. Thomas also cries because his dad isn't there. Seriously, this scene is not even a little bit chill. When everyone finishes crying, the kids leave and then go to this other guys house. The guy gives them some food and other stuff, but says that they also have to take his two granddaughters with them and they do. Guarantee that the first thing they thought about was trying to get naked with the teen girls. 
So now they're back in the mountains and everyone is really dirty, but somehow none of them ever grow any facial hair. This kind of sucks because surviving in the mountains pretty much means that you have to have a beard like all the time. Anyway, they're doing all this survival stuff like killing animals and sleeping in sleeping bags. Then they start to get pissed and want to fight back against the Russian invaders. They start small by killing a few at a time, but then they get a taste for Russian blood and become like these totally badass mountain fighters. When they kill bad guys they always steal their stuff so eventually they have all kinds of guns and missiles and horses and other army stuff.  They decide that they need a name for their survival team so they choose "Wolverines" because of high school football. The funniest part is when the Russian leader finds out that their name is Wolverines, he's all like "What the fuck is a wolverine?" Hah. Idiot!
One day when one of the girls is out hunting for Russian men to murder and rob, she stumbles upon this guy in a sleeping bag or parachute. She's about to kill him because he doesn't know the Capitol of Texas but he tells her to cut that shit out and that he's an American pilot who was shot down from the sky. She takes him back to the camp and C. Thomas rolls up on him all tough like and the guy totally thinks that C. Thomas is so lame which he is. Anyway, now the pilot is friends with the Wolverines. He thinks it way sucks that they have to get up so early everyday to kill Russians but he does it anyway lest he get fought by Patrick Swayze in front of that fire. One day, Jennifer Grey gets a major crush on the pilot and wants to do it with him so badly, but I don't know if they did or not because the movie doesn't show it. They probably did, though, because you should have seen Jennifer go into heat when she was with the guy. 
This other time, the Wolverines are hiding from a Russian tank that came to shoot them when C. Thomas Howell loses his shit and literally tries to fight the tank. This is a terrible idea and at one point the downed pilot guy gets shot or lanced or something. Anyway, he dies and oh my god, Jennifer Grey is so damn sad. It's probably a good thing, though because eventually the pilot would have gone to jail if he ever did any sex stuff with her because he's a full grown male adult. 
At this point, the Russians are so pissed at the Wolverines for being the best at mountain fighting. So now the head Russian sends these gunships up into the mountains to hunt down the murderous teens. It ends up working pretty well because the Wolverines only have horses which don't have any big Vulcan guns or missiles attached to them. Even if they did, though, how would they even have been able to aim them accurately? There were no computers or anything on the horses either. So Jennifer Grey gets killed by the Russian gunships, or it might have been Leah Thompson. C. Thomas also gets machine gunned which, I didn't even care when that happened because he was kind of getting on my nerves anyway.
Now what happens is that the Wolverines are seriously short on teenagers to kill bad guys with. They decide that Patrick and Charlie will go into town and distract the Russians so that the others can get away into American territory. So the brothers head to town and start to BRING. THE. FUCKING. HEAT.  Dirty Dozen style. They're just smoking bad guys left and right with their guns and hand grenades. At one point they throw like 50 grenades at just two guys. This is way violent and is also a great way to send the message that you don't even care how many of your weapons you have to use on a couple of commies. So, Patrick and Charlie are legit in it to win it. There's just pandemonium everywhere as the Russians apparently are inept as fuck (see: Afganistan circa 1983). Finally, Patrick and Charlie hide behind artillery guns on a train, but the head Russian guy, who is Aztec or some other kind of Latin, sees them and says that it's time for a fucking showdown. Patrick sneaks up behind him and says something way badass so the Latin guy spins around and they both shoot at the same time. They're like ten feet apart so I don't know why their organs aren't blown all over the place when they get hit but whatever. Finally the Russian/Latin guy dies and Patrick has that same exhausted look on his face that he had when he tore that guy's larnyx out in Roadhouse. 
Now we see that the other teens have made their way to American territory and they are way grateful that Patrick and Charlie Rambo'd all those Russians to death. We never hear what happened to the brothers. I'm guessing that they just started going town to town beating the shit out of Russians until there were no more left. The end of the movie shows that there is now a plaque honoring the Wolverine teens for their survival and murder skills. 
So, as you can tell, Red Dawn is so damn good. What makes it the best is that Patrick Swayze is just every kind of tough and is really the reason that America won the Cold War. When you watch this movie, though, you might want to skip past that way sad scene at the fence jail because you will cry and then feel sad too.
In case you're in a movie club and want to analyze Red Dawn, here are a few discussion starters:
Patrick Swayze is no doubt the best player on the high school football team. How many touchdowns do you think he scores in an average game?
When Patrick Swayze asserts his dominance early on in the movie, didn't you just know that this was going to happen?
When the teens found those horses, how long do you estimate that it took for Patrick Swayze to say that he gets first pick?
Prior to the Russian invasion, do you think that Patrick Swayze played other sports besides football, like wrestling?
Depending on your answer to question four, do you believe that Patrick Swayze was the best wrestler in the state? The country? The world?
Do you think that Patrick Swayze had a Golden Retriever named "Ranger"?
How many girls has Patrick Swayze made it with? 
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