#If it's an independent work that's still sold online I won't scan it. Like Ume's Sol/Jack-O' doujinshi
solradguy · 10 months
saw a japanese account on twitter whos angry that you scanned the 25th ann artbook and uploaded it and tried to insist that its an "illegal reproduction" and insinuated that you arent a "real fan" for doing it lmao. i forgot how entitled these ppl can get over the preservation of media ┐⁠(⁠´⁠ー⁠`⁠)⁠┌
Yeah, it's a real big no-no in Japan to scan or reupload other peoples' works. Which, like, I can respect because in some cases it does actually hurt the artist. But ASW doesn't do western releases of a lot of this stuff and a good chunk of the comments I've gotten on those scans were from people that didn't even know it existed and then went and bought their own copies via the links I provided. So those were sales ASW wouldn't have gotten otherwise haha
There's a lot of lost Japanese media because of the aversion to duplicating media for the sake of preservation over there... Guilty Gear Raid of Arms, a JP exclusive mobile game, is lost forever because no one ripped it, for example. Vastedge would have been lost too if it hadn't been possible for western fans to get copies... It's agonizing to think about all of the art—major publisher or otherwise—that's just gone forever due to arbitrary rules about reproducing works
I should get a piggy bank to put a dollar into every time someone calls me a fake fan or "tourist" for Guilty Gear though. Probably would have around $15 saved by now lol
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