#If Lenny doesn't scare me in that 'DOn't worry about it' scene then I don't think you wrote him right lol
slendytubbiesdeaddove · 2 months
Kinda related to my first ever Dark Lenny fic
Guardian really wanted to know what they were hiding down there. Robin and Anne would change the subject when he tried talking about it. He couldn't help trying to figure a way down the stairs even despite the sharp look and tone Lenny would throw at him. Guardian thought he was peeking very well around the corner as the scientist walked up the stairs and key locked the door to the basement with his keycard.
"Guardian, how many times am I going to catch you around here?" His sharp purple eyes glare suspiciously at him.
The white Fluff always froze under this specific glare as if invisible restraints held him still. Along with the usage of his name, Lenny very rarely used anyone's name.
His brain struggled to find an excuse to why he was just peeking around the corner.
"I...uh...I was just wondering where you were."
Lenny didn't even roll his eyes as if such an act would release Guardian from his line of sight. "I was working, any other further questions?"
His tone made it clear that Guardian better NOT have further questions. So he shakes his head.
The tall Teletubby finally takes his gaze off him and straightens his lab coat while Guardian nearly sags in relief.
"Now run off to somewhere where your nose actually belongs."
Logic told him that this is a sign that he should stop trying to get down into the basement.
Two weeks later he's going to be wishing he listened to the logical side of his brain.
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Can u write a scene between Rose and Lenny where she gives him her stamp of approval in a way that only Ross Weissman knows how to give a stamp of approval
He doesn't usually receive letters on scented stationary, but he doesn't know what he expected from Midge's mother.
This, he supposes.
Dear Leonard -
Please meet me at the following address at Thursday at 1 pm.
"Fuck," Lenny huffs.
The tea house he shows up at is huge, and ornate, and in his black suit and tie he sticks out like a sore thumb. But he finds Rose Weissman quickly and stands there awkwardly.
"Hello," he says.
Rose smiles and gets to her feet, briefly shaking his hand. "Hello, Leonard. Thank you so much for meeting me."
"Well, it's not every day I get such nice-smelling mail," he tells her. "I figured I should take it seriously."
"Please, take a seat," she says, as they both sit down. "I'm assuming you're not a tea fan."
"I don't suppose they have gin," Lenny tries.
Rose just stares.
"Coffee's good," he says quickly.
Rose beams and orders his coffee for him. "Do you like rugelach, Leonard?"
"Sure," he shrugs.
She orders that, too, and they both sit in silence, Lenny folding his hands on the table as he watches Midge's mother and she watches him.
Rose Weissman is a very prim woman. A well-dressed, pretty lady with a lot of dignity and poise. It's hard for him to see any of Midge in the woman. Maybe her pasture. Her fashion sense, sure. But Rose is subdued. Proper.
He just saw Midge two nights ago, and he already misses her. That's not something that's ever happened to him before. Not really. Longing for a feeling, sure. But a single specific person? This is so new.
The coffee and rugelach show up quickly and Lenny is thankful for something else to do other than sit awkwardly.
"Now," Rose says as she sips her tea. "I wanted to speak with you about Miriam."
"O...kay," Lenny says, swallowing his coffee. "What about Midge?"
"Things seem to be going well with the two of you."
"I think so."
"You've been seeing each other for six months."
"Yes," he confirms, going over the plan for their six month anniversary dinner in his head quickly. "Six months tomorrow."
"Miriam seems very happy," Rose informs him. "Relaxed. At ease."
He doesn't tell Midge's mother how many orgasms it's taken to get Midge to that point. Nope. Nope nope. "Well, she's been a good influence on me, as well."
"Yes, you're looking well," Rose comments. "Your color is good, you're obviously eating a bit, your cheeks aren't as sunken in anymore."
He finds himself turning a little red. "I uh..."
"The point is, I spoke with Abe," Rose goes on. "And he's already given you his permission to marry Miriam."
Lenny blinks, remembering that particular awkward conversation. "He did."
"Well. This is my permission," Rose informs him. "I'm going to take Miriam out of my matchmaking book."
"You have a matchmaking book."
"Of course I do."
"And I'm taking Miriam's name out," Rose tells him. "Because as far as I am concerned, she is settled. She has you."
He stares at her for a long, long moment, and the millions of different things that can go wrong in all of this. Relapsing back into his addiction. Being convicted and thrown into a workhouse. Beaten up by some uppity cops and winding up in a coma. There are a million ways he could leave Midge without really meaning to.
He takes a breath and nods. "Yeah. Uh. Yeah."
"Should I not...? Take her name out of my book...?"
"Can I be honest with you, Rose?" he asks.
"That depends."
"I'm scared," he admits.
Rose goes quiet, looking speechless.
"I've never felt for anyone the way I feel about your daughter," Lenny tells her. "I really love her. And I'm worried I'll fu-...screw it all up."
Rose regards him silently for a long moment before speaking again. "The point of a relationship is to see those things through together. I think that's what Miriam ran from with Benjamin. What she never quite had with Joel. Perhaps something that was missing from your first marriage as well?"
He looks down at his coffee. He doesn't have to answer for Rose to know she's right.
"Be scared, Lenny," Rose tells him. "But be scared together, with Miriam." She sips her tea. "In the meantime, I'll take her name from my book. Eat your rugelach."
And he does.
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