#If I feel like talking about it I'll do some good old fashioned RETCONS BABEY
Future Gohan Survives AU Part 3! The Waiting Game
20 minutes after Trunks left to go to the past, Gohan woke up. Again. Gohan looked like he was pleased with himself. Bulma was at his bed with a bowl of meat soup in hand. Gohan looked Bulma in the eye
"Trunks left to fight Frieza, didn't he?"
"Good. I have complete faith in him."
"Are you mad at me?"
Gohan fell silent to think about what Bulma was mad about. Then, he hit himself in the head on purpose because he realized that Bulma was obviously pissed because he literally woke up to fight her son just to pass out
"Look, Bulma, I'm an idiot. I shouldn't have fought Trunks. What I did was moronic and when Trunks gets back from the past I'm going to apologize to him. I'm sorry. Really I am. I'm an idiot-"
Bulma finally snapped
"Oh my God will you shut up?!? You're not an idiot! Odds are, you're one of the wisest people I know! I get that you're angry you missed out on Trunks' training, I get that you're sad because you think you failed Trunks, I get it! But whatever funk you're under, I need you to work through it before Trunks gets back! He's going to be the future! Let's try to not be like your father and leave the future in some less traumatized hands!"
Gohan was speechless. He knew that he was off, but he didn't expect to be told that in such a straightforward manner. He was completely aghast. He figured that he should might as well do what Bulma says. Plus, he's absolutely starving and Bulma's the only one with hot stew
"Yeah. You're right. Thanks for that."
Bulma calmed down. She had gotten that visibly overwhelmed to prove a point. But, when she snapped at him, she realized something.
Gohan's only 23.
She realized that Gohan's really just a kid. When she was Gohan's age, his father was fighting Piccolo Jr. Sure, that was stressful, but that's nothing compared to everything Gohan's gone through. Bulma comes to a conclusion, that she's going to be a mother of two children. Just one of them is going to be a lot more stubborn and have a lot more of a savior complex than the other.
"Yeah, dummy. I'm happy to help. Now eat this soup I made for you. You haven't eaten real food in literal years. Do you need me to feed you?"
Gohan shakes his head
"No thanks, Bulma. I'm ambidextrous, so I didn't lose my dominant hand. But I appreciate the help!"
"Alright, kiddo. I'm gonna go, call me if you need me!"
Bulma exits the room
"Hey Gohan?"
"Yeah Bulma?"
"I love you, kiddo"
Gohan took a pause. Nobody told him that in years. He shed a single tear. He'd missed being validated. He'd missed his mom. Gohan figures that he definitely needs to stop by to visit once Bulma will let him out.
"I love you too, Bulma"
Bulma shut off the lights before leaving
"Goodnight, kiddo. Now go get some rest. You need it"
Over the next few months, Gohan began to train. In both physical and mental. Gohan decided to finally properly learn a one armed technique: The Makankōsappō. Gohan had tried his best to visualize how Piccolo used the move. Luckily, he had a couple of recordings to figure how out how Piccolo used his stance. So, naturally, he copied that. He took as many notes as he possibly could. Gohan wished that he listened to Mr. Piccolo more when he was describing how to the use Makankōsappō.
After a month and a half of trying and failing and taking notes, all Gohan could manage to do is just shoot his Kamehameha through his fingers. Gohan punched a tree and it snapped in half
Gohan felt a familiar hand place itself on his shoulder
"It's because you're not focusing your energy into your hand, runt."
It was Mr. Piccolo. Gohan didn't know how that's possible, and he didn't care. He began to bawl tears of joy and hugged Piccolo. He then fell through Piccolo's body and prompty ate the curb like a total champ. Piccolo chuckled to himself, wiping away a tear that he would vehemently deny if asked about it.
"Sorry, runt. I'm just a voice and a vision. I figured that the least I can do is bother King Kai into playing a free game of telephone at least once. Being on King Kai's planet with your father and Vegeta has basically been my equivalent to Hell anyways."
Gohan then heard the piercing voice of King Kai
Piccolo chuckled again
"Okay, lemme teach you this real quick before King Kai decides to kick me off his planet. He's already done it to Yamcha and I've got a feeling I might be next"
And so, Piccolo and Gohan began to train. Piccolo taught Gohan how to use his signature move, and for a few hours, everything felt perfect. Just a master and his student, training. It reminded him of the old days, when he was training with Piccolo for the Saiyans. Only, this time things were different.
Gohan and Piccolo were equals here
After four straight hours of training, Gohan finally did it. He finally used the Makankōsappō. Flawlessly, too. Piccolo gave his usual 'nice job, runt' and King Kai told him that he had five more minutes due to the fact that he had to feed Bubbles soon. Piccolo took the form of a vision once more and looked at Gohan straight in the eye
"Look, kid. I know I haven't been all that present, and I'm sorry. But before I go, I just wanted to let you know that I'm so proud of you. I love you more than you could ever know. And you're going to be a great teacher. I believe in you wholeheartedly. Continue training Vegeta's brat to your fullest extent. He may not say it, but I know that Vegeta's proud of his son. And I know that your father is proud of you. Next time you get the chance, try and talk to him. He'd love to talk to you again,"
Piccolo began to tear up
"I love you, my student. My family. My friend. I hope to see you again after you send those Androids packing down to Hell. I believe in you!"
Gohan felt a flurry of emotions. He felt the happiest he'd ever been. He felt odd that he wanted to talk to his father again. He'd hated Goku ever since he died. Maybe he's finally learning to move past his trauma like Bulma had told him to. But, most of all. Gohan finally knew that fate and the gods were on Trunks and his side.
Gohan finally had hope.
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