#Idk why it isn't letting me write prompt fill in one tag
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leighsartworks216 · 1 month ago
Not my fandom, but #15 for Zayne?
Zayne x gn!Reader
Prompt from this list
15 - hugging each other
I didn't intend to actually write these tonight bc I have a lot of downtime in the morning and I Need Sleep, buuuuut this one hit different idk
Warnings: hurt/comfort, caretaking, pre or early relationship, depression, food, hugging, crying
Word Count: 857
Main Masterlist
First Love and Deepspace Masterlist
Second Love and Deepspace Masterlist
Tag List Form
Zayne knocks on the door lightly. It's late. Far later than is normal to be visiting. He'd hate to wake up one of the neighbors and give them a bad impression of you, especially right now.
You'd been practically radio silent all day. He's so accustomed to you sending him emojis and random videos, to have absolutely nothing come in was disconcerting. On top of that, when he messaged you asking if you were okay, it took several hours before you responded.
I'm fine. Just tired, sorry.
Did you stay up late last night?
Yeah, I guess.
Are you feeling well?
Don't worry about me, Zayne. I'm perfectly fine :)
Each insistence only stirred that uncertainty in his gut. You may not want to inconvenience him, but he needs your intrusion on his life. Otherwise, it would be the same, day to day. A cold, dark existence, with a sweet treat the only thing to draw him away from the mundanity.
He knocks again, slightly louder.
The door opens a crack. Your face is obscured in shadow, hidden from the dim light of the hallway, but from what he can tell, you look rough. You don't meet his eyes. You just stare at his tie.
"H-Hey," you draw out, trying to act casual. Maybe he'd believe the act if you weren't hiding. "What brings you here, doc?"
He inhales. Why must you keep insisting on putting barriers between you? "I'm not on duty, at the moment," he reminds you curtly, but his tone softens as he continues. "I wanted to make sure you ate something today, so I got takeout from a restaurant on my list."
You stare at the plastic bag of takeout he holds. He can see the gears turning. The hesitation as you realize the amount of food he's gotten. "Zayne, I-I can't possibly eat that much."
"I ordered some for myself. I haven't had a chance to eat dinner yet." He nods his head slightly toward the door. "May I come in?"
He watches with bated breath as you debate your options. He can see the way your eyes flicker from the bag to him, like you're weighing the pros and cons. You get food, but you have to let him in. From the faint growl of your stomach, it would seem that the choice is made for you.
You slowly open the door.
The apartment is dark, which isn't surprising. Still, Zayne navigates it with no issues. He toes off his shoes and replaces them with the guest house slippers with familiarity. You trail behind as he heads for the kitchen. He adjusts the lights to be set to a dim glow, allowing for enough light that he can see what he's doing without being too harsh on your eyes. Though, now that he can see, he can see the heavy bags under your red-raw eyes.
"Did I wake you?" He keeps his voice purposefully low.
You stand by the doorway, arms crossed, as you watch him bustle about. He retrieves two plates from the cabinet and divides the containers from the bag into what's his and what's yours. As he does so, he removes the lid from one of the containers and slides it over to you. The warm aroma of soup fills the room.
You shake your head. He watches from the corner of his eye as you sidle over, slippers scraping quietly against the tile floor. When you pick up the cup of soup, it feels like a brick has been removed from the wall.
He transfers food to the plates. A healthy serving, to be sure. He tries to keep the amounts relatively similar, but it's clear he's added slightly more to your plate than his own. Once they're ready, he sets your plate in front of your seat - designated as such from the times he's come over in the past - and his plate in front of his seat. Before he sits, he reaches up into the cabinets once again to retrieve some glasses.
Arms wrap around him from behind, nearly startling him into dropping the cups. Your head rests against his back. Your hands hold onto each other, as though resting them against him would be the thing to make him pull away.
"Thank you..." you mumble, only just loud enough for him to make out.
He moves like he's trying not to startle a wild animal as he lowers two glasses to the countertop. He sets a hand on your arm, to keep you from letting go, as he turns in your embrace. His arms wrap themselves over your shoulders, around your back, hands flat against you to draw you into his chest. Your hold tightens around him. Your hands fist his work shirt. Your head is tucked securely under his chin.
He says nothing of the way you shudder as your breath catches in your lungs. Nor does he say anything as he feels a wet spot form in his collar.
Instead, he rubs your back in soothing motions. "Please tell me the next time you're hurting," he pleas in a whisper. "Don't shut me out."
I'm gonna put my little end note here that I had on AO3 cuz I still feel like gloating:
"I feel the need to gloat about the title because it goes both ways!!! Zayne needs your intrusion on his life because otherwise he'd be no better than Dawnbreaker, but you also need his intrusion on your life to help you through whatever's bringing you down!!! Very proud of this"
Tag List:
@the-golden-jhope @deepzombieyouth @huen1ngk41 @armycaratlover @cheesemachine44 @nyx2021 @angel-jupiter @thelittlebutton @pikachuzhc @pomegranatepip @cordidy @an-ever-angry-bi @thejysemongko @deusfoundry @hawtlineblingz
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mistress-of-vos · 2 months ago
// Long post:
The fact that the Ra's al Ghul tag is always filled with anything but Ra's al Ghul content drives me nuts.
I get into the tag, hoping to see someone else who enjoys Ra's. I hope to see discussions of his lore, comic panels, fun facts, or at the very least ship posts about him and someone else.
Instead, and somehow, it's always Ra's' hate OR hate towards Bruce's love interests and/or children.
I can't freaking believe the Ra's al Ghul tag is filled with Selina Kyle hate. This is exhausting. Ra's is NOT his children and even less his children ships. I don't care how annoyed you're that your ship hasn't gotten content or whatever, it literally has NOTHING to do with Ra's so why the hell would you tag him!?
Ra's is his own character. He's a wonderful character with a complex history of loss, mourning and love for mother earth. He has felt the pain of death too many times and yet stays decided to save mother nature. He's not some puppet in the background you can always pull as some "point" regarding ships that don't involve him!
Ra's has so many love interests on his own and a handful more given to him by fandom. People could get invested on that rather than constantly reducing Ra's to some old guy with a ship shirt that doesn't even add or lessen anything. How is his support a reason for a ship to be canon anyway? Bruce literally DOESN'T care and never will, and if you want to be angry at Bruce always marrying the same woman then... Idk, write fanfic?
It's just so tiring. 9 out of 10 posts in the Ra's' tag have nothing to do with him. I actually smile when I see stuff such as Danny Phantom crossovers because at least in those Ra's gets to be a villain of his own. I smile at Miraculous LB prompts because it's nice to see Ra's being on his own as a villain. I very much prefer those posts in the tag rather than posts that have NOTHING to do with him.
And this even isn't ship hate because I'm a non canon shipper and couldn't care less what people ship. But it does annoy me to have a character's tag spammed with content that doesn't involve the character in any sense. Imagine if I kept tagging Cassie in KonTim posts! It would be very annoying, wouldn't it? Well, that's what this fandom does and I don't understand why! The lack of manners here and in Twitter it's crazy, it's like people are trying to be annoying rather than appeal to the public. And then people wonder why fandoms are so violent.
And it's not only a problem here I swear every DC character and ship tag I follow is taken over by haters. Constant spam that either doesn't involve the character at all or straight up hate towards the character/ship. Everyday I block at least ten accounts. Everyday.
I just... I just wished there were genuine Ra's' enjoyers out there and not fake fans who are only using Ra's to prop up some of his children and their ships. I wished I would meet someone who was like "Hey I'm a big fan of Slade Wilson/Ra's al Ghul!" because I would love to hear their thoughts on an actual Ra's' ship and what it means. I want to see more of Ra's, not his children!
And I know this post won't change anything. I know fandom very well and I'm aware Ra's is cursed to always be used as a puppet, hell, DC actually killed him just to give all his elements to one of his children (and make said child ooc anyway). Ra's will never escape from this, not in canon nor in fandom, and it saddens me because he's so much more than people think he is! Ra's could be as big as Lex Luthor, Joker, or Slade Wilson yet no one will let him.
In the end, nothing will change. Ra's is a forgotten, used character condemned to be torn apart to prop up his children. Never a man of his own, never allowed to be free, never happy. And yet I'm still here, hoping and waiting for the day he will fly again.
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fluffyllamas-23 · 7 years ago
*flops* I’m still laughing at the fact that I told @taylor-tut that this probably wouldn’t be up for a while, but here we are, with this fresh platonic lady friendship whump. 
Paisley had thought that life after graduation would be perfect. She had this image in her head of graduating from college, and then immediately landing her dream job.
This isn't the case. 
Instead of landing her dream job, she's still exactly where she was during school, but instead of going to school and working two jobs, she's working three jobs and not going to school.
She's kicking herself for not choosing a major with a bigger job field, instead she chose to be a music major (honestly, what the hell was she thinking? Who let her make this important of an adult decision by herself? Whoever it was deserves to be fired).
She wants to be a music producer, and she really thought she would have been on her way by now, but here she is, four months after graduation with no career (she doesn't even have an interview anywhere). She's been working her ass off, between the coffee shop, clothing store, and reception at a physical therapy practice, she's exhausted and is in desperate need of a break.
The break she needs, comes in the worst way possible. It started off as a pretty minor cold, but of course, she had pushed through it.  Instead of it being something mild like it should have been, it morphed into an awful combination of the flu, strep and bronchitis. Her doctor ordered her to stay in bed as much as possible, because he was worried that the bronchitis was going to turn into pneumonia. She decided to listen, because bronchitis was bad enough, and she was positive that pneumonia would actually kill her.  
It was only day two of this God-awful illness, and she was on the couch underneath a blanket, watching some stupid show she was already sick of.
Daytime television sucks ass and she still has at least another week of this.
It’s a strange feeling to go from working constantly, to not being able to do much of anything, and she kind of hates it.
She isn't sure if she actually hates it, though, because she's miserable and has no energy to do anything but lie on the couch and watch shitty TV.
She glances down at the coffee table, which is littered with the thermometer, a box of tissues, used and crumpled up tissues, cough drops, multiple cups of tea and water, her antibiotics, painkillers, and cold and flu medicine.
Ashton comes out of her room, running around in a panic.
“Where’s the fire?” Paisley croaks, pulling her blanket up to her chin.
“I start work tomorrow and I still have so much shit I have to do. I'm going to be gone all day,” she starts and then pauses when she sees Paisley curled up underneath the blanket, shivering. “Are you sick?”
“A little.”
“Shit, you sound bad. Are-are you okay? Do you need anything? I can-”
“-chill. I already went to the doctor, everything is fine.”
“You went to the doctor? On your own? Are you dying? Is Hell freezing over? Are pigs-”
“-Very funny.”
“Okay, but how long have you been sick?”
“I dunno...like a week and a half or something.”
“...how did I not notice you've been sick for a week and a half?”
“You've been busy. I'm fine, don't be dramatic about it.”
“What did the doctor say?”
Paisley shrugs, averting her gaze and waving Ashton off, “oh...you know.”
“No I don't. That's why I'm asking you.”
“It's the flu...and strep...and...uh...bronchitis.” 
As if on cue, she goes into a coughing fit, and Ashton’s eyes widen in horror.
“What?!” Paisley squawks.
“Why do you always push yourself until you're dying? Why are you like this?”
“Go away, you're annoying me,” Paisley grumbles.
Ashton rolls her eyes, “whatever. Okay I'm leaving, feel better. Don't die, okay? You sound horrible.”
“Wow, thanks for this brand new piece of information,” Paisley gripes.
“How are you such a smart ass even when you're on your deathbed?”
“Why are you so dramatic? Oh my God.”
“I'm still mad at you,” Ashton grins, “but I have to go.”
“Good. Go away, leave me alone with my shitty daytime TV.”
As soon as Ashton is gone, Paisley starts coughing again. She's been coughing so much and so hard that her throat feels like it's been ripped to shreds, and she sounds like she's losing her voice.
She doesn't feel any better, her entire body is throbbing with a heavy ache, and she's chilled to the bone. She’s had a fever for nearly a week now, and the last temperature check was reading in at one hundred and one point eight. The fever had drained her, and she feels weak and listless and just...completely sapped of energy. 
Paisley has been sleeping a lot more than normal, and while naps usually make her feel rested and refreshed afterwards, she just feels even more tired and run down each time she wakes back up.
Her throat is bothering her so much that she's avoided eating, and the lack of food is making her lightheaded. She's nearly passed out on three different occasions, which is bad, and if she wasn't so out of it from the fever, she would be more worried.
Her head throbs angrily, the headache has settled itself behind her eyes and in her sinuses, and her whole face and head just feel so heavy.
She can feel the congestion crackling in her lungs with each inhale and chest-rattling coughing fit.
She hates this with every fiber of her being, and she's so mad at herself for letting it get to this point again. She's almost twenty three, she should know better by now.
Her phone rings later that afternoon, forcing her out of yet another restless nap.
She fumbles with it, not wanting to open her eyes, which are already burning from exhaustion.
“Hello?” She rasps.
“Hello!” A voice chirps, “is this Ashton Taylor?”
Paisley rubs a hand over her face, “no, this is Paisley Rhodes, I’m her roommate, um, whom am I speaking with?”
“This is Julia Morris, I'm with Adams and Company. I’ve been trying to reach Ashton, but she isn’t answering her phone. This was the secondary number she listed on her application.”
Paisley rolls her eyes. Ashton is terrible with her phone - half the time she forgets it at home, and when she doesn't forget it, it's either dead or on silent at the bottom of her purse. Either way, she almost never answers it.
“She said she was pretty busy today,” Paisley pulls the phone away from her ear to clear her throat. She grimaces, fuck, that hurts. “Can I take a message?”
“We had told her that she needed to be here at nine tomorrow morning, but we’re going to be training all of our new employees at seven thirty.”
It briefly crosses her mind to get up and grab a pen and paper, but that's too much effort. She’ll just put it in her phone later.
“Seven thirty, got it.”
“Great! Thank you so much, Paisley.”
Cabinets shutting, and someone shuffling around wake Paisley the next morning.
She feels like she's forgetting something, but her head is fuzzy and she's having trouble remembering much of anything.
“Ya think you can be a little louder?” Paisley croaks, her voice muffled by the blankets, “I don't think the people next door heard you.”
“Oops, sorry. How are you feeling?”
“Fine,” she lies.
“Uh, I call bullshit, but I have to go. I'll see you tonight. Do you want me to pick up dinner or anything on my way home?”
“Uh...maybe some soup?”
“Sore throat?”
“Yeah,” Paisley mumbles.
“Will do,” Ashton nods, “alright, I'm leaving. Feel better, get some sleep.”
Paisley takes her advice, but is woken up by the front door slamming shut loudly.
“PAISLEY RHODES. WHAT THE FUCK?!” Ashton shrieks, storming into the living room.
“What? What happened?” Paisley mumbles, completely disoriented.
Ashton is shaking with anger as she stands in front of Paisley, clenching and unclenching her jaw and glaring at her (very) sick and confused roommate.
“When were you going to tell me I needed to be at work at seven thirty instead of nine?!”
“What the fuck?! Do you know how stupid I looked? Do you know how pissed off they are with me?! Paisley, they almost FIRED ME. I had to fucking BEG TO KEEP MY FUCKING JOB. THEY SENT ME HOME. WHAT. THE. FUCK. IS WRONG WITH YOU?!” Ashton screeched, tears filling her eyes. “How could you do this to me?!”
“I'm so sorry, I'm so, so sorry, Ash, I didn't mean-I'm sorry,” Paisley is sobbing now, tears are blurring her vision. She's so upset that she's hyperventilating, she's sucking in breaths because she can't breathe, and then she's coughing. It’s a horrible, horrible cough, too.  Her lungs are crackling and seizing, like they’re trying to claw their way out of her chest and up her throat. 
Ash’s eyes widen, all the anger disappearing as it's replaced by worry and anxiety.
“Shit. Shit, I’m sorry for yelling, Paisley, breathe,” Ashton instructs, pulling Paisley into a sitting position.
She crouches in front of her, putting a hand on her cheek. She's immediately concerned by the steady, rolling heat that greets her touch. “Hey, hey, hey, it's okay. It's okay, relax, deep breaths.”
Eventually, her breathing goes back to normal, but she's still in tears.
“I'm so sorry, I meant to leave a note...I m-meant to, I really did, b-but I d-don’t feel w-well and was t-too tired to get up, a-and then I f-fell asleep-” she chokes on another sob. “I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to sc-screw everything up...I d-didn't m-mean t-to, please don't h-hate me. You're all I have left, please don't be mad, I'm so sorry.”
Ashton pulls her into a hug, stroking her hair and rubbing her back as Paisley cries.
“Paisley, it's okay, I'm not mad, it's okay. Please relax, come on, you're okay.”
Her sobs finally begin to die down, and once they stop, she slumps into Ashton, exhausted.
Once she's lying back down, Ashton grabs the thermometer and sticks it in Paisley’s ear.
It beeps in at 103.6.
“Shit,”  Ashton hisses, and grabs the bottle of cold and flu meds, and all but forces it into Paisley. “Swallow this, and for the love of God, don't choke on it.”
Once she's satisfied that Paisley won't choke and die, she grabs a clean dishtowel from the kitchen, wets it and gets a few ice packs out.
Paisley wakes slightly when the dishtowel is on her forehead and the ice packs are on her chest and stomach, but Ashton shushes her.
“Go back to sleep,” she says, letting out a sigh of relief.
Paisley would be okay. She was going to make sure of it.
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srslysierraa · 3 years ago
Hello! I hope your days are going well!~♡
I heard requests were open!
Lemme get Sun or Moon…or both getting a lil jealous. That’s all I really got. I just feel they get super jealous super easily. Clingy daycare attendants (affectionate)
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[part 2 here]
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Prompt ;; the Daycare Attendants has always been known to be quite.. protective. It's just in their nature, whether it be with kids or even with you. And yet, this feeling of "protectiveness" is quite, unfamiliar to them. Just the sight of seeing you with someone else that isn't them makes them feel, unpleased, to say the least. So what do you do when an animatronic who's job is to be overbearing gets even more overbearing?
Type ;; fluff, one-shot. tw: slight possessive behavior.
Char. Involved ;; sunnydrop [fnaf sb]
A/N ;; I've been so busy recently with work, making a report, and piano practices. Couple that with me being sick today and having a writer's block and now you have someone who barely has any motivation to even open drafts. But i finally got a small burst of motivation for this request so i hope this brings back my mood of writing and get me rolling to finish the other requests, also i hope this isn't bad bc honestly idk just how much my writing capacity is rn- with that being said, I'll do sunny for now, and follow up with moon as a part 2 next time. I hope that's okay. Enjoy!
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The sound of faint pitter patter and stomps of little children as well as adults filled the giant establishment of a pizza place, blaring colors from flickering fairy lights and LEDs bringing the whole thing to life. Giggling kids, talking animatronics, human chatter, background music as well as sound effects from the different arcade games scattered around the Pizzaplex, as you brushed away the wrinkles or dusts from the lower part of your uniform.
In this massive place they call a restaurant and or what is practically an arcade, your part is to be the guide, and by that? Stand around look pretty, make sure no kids gets hurt, give directions to confused families, make sure no one sneaked in, make sure things are clean, and alert authorities when something major happens, be it security or a mechanic. That being said, you're usually stationed around the Daycare, huddled around numerous of tiny innocent human beings just trying to have fun, so there's not much to really do when the Animatronic guarding said Daycare with you is a clean freak, night watch, parental animatronic themselves.
At this point, you might as well give your job to the ever welcoming Sunnydrop who resides in the Daycare. I mean, he does everything for you anyways so it's not like that much would change, but sometimes you do wonder why he would go as far as to not let you talk to pretty much anyone who's just trying to ask for directions. You swear Sun just materialize out of nowhere when anyone your age starts walking to you for whatever reason.
At first you thought that's just how he's programed to be, a bit - no, a LOT hyper as he multitasks his work with the kids together with cleaning whatever trash he finds. Quite normal at first, then you realized he's also there to answer every question each person is trying to ask you. Hm, maybe it's just the parental urge he's programed with in order to do everything himself? Now if you squint at things, it could be called a normal thing for him to do, until he escalates that is.
And escalate he does.
Over time is arguably even worse than the last, it went from him just trying to take your job and do your job for you to him actively trying to stop you from doing your job. Asking you to just take a rest inside the Daycare, telling you to let him handle it, and what's even weirder is that he doesn't seem to do this with quite literally anyone else - animatronic or human employees. And after having enough of it (aka you being scared this'll get you in trouble by your higher-ups), you finally walked your way to the daycare, and out of nowhere two cold hands wrapped themselves around your torso as you're slightly lifted up from the ground and spun around. There he is.
You smiled. Though it was a really fun and nice gesture, you're here for a talk, not games. Not long after a few quick taps to his shoulder, he plopped you down and you asked him what he's doing, while doing the courtesy of telling all the kids that you're holding a block building challenge, with whoever has the biggest and coolest build wins extra chocolate and candy. Them being in the range of 5-7 quickly stumbled over to the building blocks area, while you hold onto Sun for dear life who's seemingly also wanted to participate in the challenge.
He halts when he felt your weight on his, as he looks back with that signature smile on his face. A little hum of curiosity and confusion errupted from his voicebox, two slender hands sliding themselves to the side of your head, cupping your cheeks softly yet intensely in a way in which one would play with the face of a calm kitten. "Yes, Buttercup?" He asks, sweet melody entwined with every word he says. "Sunray, can we have a talk?" This earned both a giddy squeeze to your cheeks from the nickname and a head tilt of curiosity from the Animatronic though he nodded nonetheless, a hand by your back while an arm slithered it way down to your legs, picking you up bridal style as he effortlessly jumps and ducks and runs to a secluded area near the ballpit.
He halts abruptly when he reached his destination, tossing you lightly in the air before catching you again and setting you gently on the ground. The jingle of the bells on his arms rung, as he continuously moves all around you as you try to arrange the words you'd be using towards him. "Sunshine?" "Hm?" His immediate response caught you off guard in a way that it shouldn't have, but you brushed it off. "Why are you not letting me do my work?" Arms crossed and a puffed out pout, tone condescending in a way that you'd want him to tell you. A small mechanical noise errupted from him, as he tries to make sense of what you're saying.
"But you're here right now, in your uniform, you're working! What do you mean?" Any other guard or workers would've snapped at him or just immediately leave when he said that, it sounded like he was messing around, like he purposely acted oblivious to piss someone off. But you knew better, that line of words that he just spewed out was as genuine as ever. Turns out when an animatronic designed to be around kids, mostly interacts with kids, and has the attention span of practically a kid, there's gonna be a time or two where they'll be as oblivious as a kid despite supposed to be the grown up between them, go figure.
“Yes but, Sunny, i’d also need to do my job, you know? And these last few days you’ve really tried your best to stop me.” Arms crossed and pouted, you look directly at the sun themed creation, his hands on his mouth as he lets out a gasp. “No no no! I didn’t mean to do that at all!” He panics, worrying that he might’ve done something extremely bad. Hands on his faceplates as you tries to calm him down, he slows down, slowly looks at you as he droops. “Sunshine! I- I didn’t mean to! Really!” “I know, i know, it’s okay. I’m just here to ask why you’ve been doing it? Insistently trying to stop me from answering people i mean,” 
“Oh,” A huff came from him as the tone of his voice drops a bit, crossing his own arms as he looks away. “I don’t like it.” You blinked, well that was straight forward. “Like what?” “The way you talk to them, i don’t like it,” a little 'hmph' left him as you tries to make sense of his words, were you rude to people, did you say something bad? "I don't get it, did i do something wrong?" You asked, but the way he shakes his head proved you wrong, "No! Of course not! You were amazing, Sunshine! It's just, you were smiling and happy and nice and sweet to them, and..." he paused, fingers fiddling together as he tries to think of what else to say in order to convey his emotions, but it all only ended with "No!" "..no?"
He nods, hands enclosed together to form fists, only for it to be shaken up and down in a way a little kid would be if they didn't get the attention of their parents. "No more talking to people! I don't get to see you speak that way that much, it is unfair!" The sighed you just released was exhausted, though you can't exactly help but smile as you did so. It was adorable, he was adorable, this situation though frustrating - is adorable. You're just happy he's made of metal because in honesty? The urge to pinch his face would've overcame you by now. "So basically, you were mad because i was being nice to them?"
It took a while for him to realize what you said, and to actually process it. Huh, okay now that you word it like that, it actually sounds bad. ",,that's a bit of an oversimplification.." "Is it?" You asked, both hands on your hip as you give him a slight attitude, the whole situation was funny to you, especially Sunny and the way he's trying to process how maybe he's been over doing it, just a bit. "Sunray, i have always been nice to you, you know? I think you're adorable!" "I know.." "And if you need anything, you can always come to me. We can also spend time together, alright?"
The droopy animatronic sprung back to his bright energetic self, hands covering yours as he practically jumps all around now due to the recent words you've told to him. He nods, "Really?! HOORAY! In that case! Please please please just stay in the daycare with me and the kids! Oh oh! We can do finger painting, or or arts and crafts! We can play hide and seek! And-" "Sunny!" Sudden silence was created as you yelled out his name to get his attention, him freezing mid talking to hear what you have to say. "I can't stay with you all day though, alright? I still need to work."
It took exactly 0.5 seconds for him to go back to how he used to be, drooping and sighing exaggeratedly as his head hung low, you chuckled as you try to get him to stand upright. "C'mon Sunny, what's gotten into you suddenly?" It took a few seconds for him to answer, and when he eventually did, "Don't work, pleeaaseee?" As much as you wanted to, you can't, and so you shook your head, "No can do Sunlight, i need the money you know?" "Do you have to answer all those people?" "Well it is what they stationed me to do, so," "But.."
Whatever sentence is there, he didn't seem to finish it, as it trails off leaving only the sound of his mechanical whirring back. You brought his chin (?) up, making him to look at you in the eyes. "Why do you not want me to work hm? It almost makes you sound jealous," a soft laugh escaped your mouth as the painted mouth on his face would've frowned if it could. "I am not! Only bad kids are like that," "Then would you be okay if i work and talk to other people again?" "No."
In the end you had to compromise with him in some way, as you only laughed slightly at his insistence. It really is like trying to convince a child. "Sunny, how about this, i go to work... And then i spend my breaks in here with you?" "Oh! Really!?" You nodded, as Sunny's hands cheered again with happiness. "Alright! Hmph. I suppose.. you can talk to people again.. but don't smile as much!" The sentence caught you off guard, and you can't help the choked laugh that came out. "What? But Sunray, if I don't smile, what if they think I'm being mean?" "But you're not bullying them!" "Still, it's always polite to smile when talking to other people!" Of course he had to crossed his arms and look away, furiously grumbling as he does. "Fine... You can smile." With that sentence, you released a smile of your own furiously thanking him as you closed the distance with a hug.
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You walk back to the front of the daycare where numerous people come and go, kids ran about as parents slowly follow them in the back. As it turns out, a guy who seemed to be in the same age as you approached in a very confused demeanor, hands on his phone as it seemed like he just finished calling someone. "Excuse me! Do you know where Fazerblast is? My little sister went to play with her friends and i agreed to pick her up, but i seemed to be lost." It was an easy question, you nodded and went to open your mouth to answer, only to hear the Daycare doors open.
"Why yes! Mr. Fazbear's amazing playplace would be near the main stage! You can go there if you-" "Sunny." You stopped him, tone in your voice explaining that you can handle this on your own. You went back to the man in front of you, as confused as he is due to the situation, "You can go up those stairs and go through the elevator, there should be a map bot that can guide you to the Main stage personally." You smiled. "From there, take the escalator up, Fazerblast is next to Monty Golf, the map given from Map Bot should help."
The man thanked you profusely, and you only nodded and thanked him in return for going to the Pizzaplex, not once did Sunny left your side as you look at him with both your hands on your hips. "Sunny." He looks away, avoiding your obvious gaze as he fiddles with his fingers, "Well! That's done, now we can go back into the Daycare and play!"
Oh dear, i guess putting things back on track isn't as easy as you thought.
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julianightmare · 2 years ago
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I posted 147 times in 2022
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I tagged 20 of my posts in 2022
#authors of tumblr - 4 posts
#author - 4 posts
#writer - 4 posts
#writer of tumblr - 4 posts
#fnaf sb headcanons - 3 posts
#fnaf:sb - 3 posts
#security breach - 3 posts
#headcanon - 3 posts
#writers of tumblr - 3 posts
#fnaf: security breach - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 102 characters
#and i don't care if anyone who reads this decides they like this idea for their own stories\characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
What My Labels Mean to Me
Since it's that time of year, I've decided to make a post talking about exactly what my sexual and gender labels mean to me personally.
I'll be going in order of when I figured each out.
Bisexual: I'm attracted to people regardless of gender, but I don't consider myself pan since gender is still partially a factor for my attraction (if that makes sense). And I don't think omni fits since how I'm attracted to them isn't the same for all genders\sexes.
Demiromantic: This one I don't know how to explain well. I just know that I don't for romantic attractions\attachments unless I'm already close with someone. Maybe it's because I already know I get along with the person if we're already friends. I just know that platonic love has to be there first before romantic can even think to form.
Hell, this also kinda plays a part when I get crushes on fictional characters. They only form after I've been exposed to a lot of media of them (usually fan made) and I already liked them as a character to begin with.
Demigirl: Literally just figured out I'm this last year, though I'm still figuring it out as a whole.
I still align partially with my AGAB, just not completely. Best way I've thought of it is to imagine genders as flavors on a soda fountain, but girl\female was running low on syrup when my cup was filled. The flavor is still there, just not as strong as "normal".
Thank you for taking the time to read this, and happy pride!
8 notes - Posted June 20, 2022
By now we should all know about this in game item. Kinda hard to miss it since it's in soda machines all around the pizzaplex, there are the 4 cans we can pick up to boost stamina, and drinking massive ammounts of it is part of Sun's list of things he suggested he and Gregory to do together.
My brain, being the way that it is, has formed questions and ideas around this fictional beverage. I know it isn't that big in the grand scheme of things in universe, but the writer in me wants an excuse to add on to the mess that is fanon world building. (idk if that's an actual term, but it is now.)
In the game we only see four flavors of fizzy faz mentioned\shown in any of the messages and soda machines. Except for in the daycare. The daycare seems to have, at least, one of those freestyle soda fountains that let's you add extra flavor to a base soda flavor (mostly seen at fast food places from my personal experience).
Why bring up the machine in the daycare? Well that leads into my next point.
I like to think that there are actually more than 4 flavors of fizzy faz. Specifically I think there are three other flavors, plus a sugar free\diet variation of all the flavors. The three other flavors will be expanded on in their own headcanon, since they are character specific. (I'm sure y'all can guess who.)
Considering how much of a big deal the fazbear brand seems to be in universe, I wouldn't put it past the company to sell the soda outside of the pizzaplex. It just makes sense to me. You can basically find it at almost any store that sells soda. You can't get it out of a fountain anywhere besides the plex, but you can sure as hell stock up on cans and bottles.
There isn't much of a difference between the can you got at the gas station and the ones at the pizzaplex, mainly that the ones sold at regular stores are a bit dulled down in flavor. It's not even that noticable, but subconciously you can tell.
Besides the obvious of the characters doing ads for their flavors, there is one main marketing thing they do with fizzy faz sold outside of the pizzaplex. Some of the bottles have a "lucky cap" which will have a code that could mean free or discounted admission to the plex. Cans of it have a similar things, sometimes the boxes of 12 packs will have a code like the lucky caps printed on the inside.
9 notes - Posted March 8, 2022
These are the three other fizzy faz flavors I mentioned in the previous headcanon. If you hadn't guessed before, these will be flavors themed for Sun, Moon, and DJ Music Man. I came up with these because I wanted them for my AU, though anyone can use them for their AUs if they want to.
Sun- Strawberry Pineapple
Moon- Blue Raspberry
DJMM- Cotton Candy
Bonus Flavors (mostly because I know several AUs have at least one of these two as part of them):
Foxy- Rootbeer
Bonnie- Cherry Cola
-I had several ideas for Sun's, and it was hard to settle on what flavor to make his.
-Moon's was originally gonna be called Blue Moon Raspberry, but then I remembered none of the others have special flavor names like that.
-Sun's was also gonna have a special name, when I wanted to make it a citrus punch type of flavor (Sunny Citrus).
-Bonnie's is cherry cola because the diner in Bonnie Bowl gives me 50s diner vibes, and 50s diners make me think of cherry cola for some reason.
-Yes, DJMM's is cotton candy because of his color scheme.
-Foxy got rootbeer because I figured it'd be a kinda funny joke with him being a pirate and all (plus it's nearly 1:30 AM at the time of writing this, and I can't be bothered to come up with something better).
I also have a fizzy faz flavor in mind for my animatronic fan oc, but I'm saving that for her bio. Though that does give me an idea. If any of you have an animatronic fan oc, what would their fizzy faz flavor be?
17 notes - Posted March 8, 2022
Idk if anyone has done this yet, but this idea just popped into my head.
The Coven from Monster Prom dressed as The Hex Girls from Scooby Doo (and maybe hex girls dressed as the coven).
You're welcome.
18 notes - Posted October 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
You know the posters in the game that advertise the sun drop and moon drop candies? Well I've seen multiple people talking about Sun and Moon being able to dispense them. Though I haven't seen people talking about how they dispense the candies. Naturally that got me thinking, which lead me to think about other things that could be related to this.
Basically, the candies come out of a hatch in the palms of their hands. Specifically sun drops come out of the left hand and moon drops come out of the right hand.
Now, factoring in the idea that they can only give out the candy that corresponds with their theming (meaning Sun is only able to give out sun drops and Moon is only able to give out moon drops), we can talk about which hand is their dominant hand(s). I'd like to note that I think their body as a whole is ambidextrous, but as individuals they ended up favoring one hand over the other while going about their day to day lives. They just both ended up favoring the hand that their candy comes out of. So, Moon is right handed and Sun is left handed. It was kinda a subconscious thing for both of them, but it worked out for the best.
If they were to ever get their own separate bodies then they'd be able to dispense their candy from both hands, but would have the same dominant hand that they had when they were just one robot.
(Also, this is just something I thought was cute, but sun will sometimes dispense a candy while holding someone's hand. It's a nice little surprise he likes to do for people for many reasons.)
57 notes - Posted January 17, 2022
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