#Idgaf about the other characters; when I saw this character It's IMMEDIATELY a new favourite event
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sadists-corset · 1 year ago
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This computer is having a chokehold on me. It's sooooo... I think I hauve Covid.
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explode-a-pult · 7 years ago
All the Hogwarts Mystery asks 🤗
1. Did you use your real Last Name in the game or not? Why?
yeah, well–i used jay, but I used my real last name lol 
2. Which house did you take and why? (Any back stories why you took it?)
I chose Ravenclaw!~ I mainly chose it because I am a Ravenclaw in like…every quiz I’ve ever taken? thats a lie I’ve gotten slytherin before a couple times
3. Opinion on Rowan?
they’re just a pure lil ravenclaw like they were made for ravenclaw idk why they didn’t keep them in ravenclaw but anywho~ i adore them–i mean, they’re a lil nerd and a bit lame in what they think is ‘cool’ but i still love em
4. Favourite character so far and why?
hmmm idk i mean, everyone is in love with penny or bill but i’m just meh on it all…i love good ol’ minnie the most, probably lol (I can’t spell her name I’m dumb I know shhhhh)
5. Who did you take with you on the first adventure to discover what’s behind the door and why? (Did you take Penny or Ben. And if you haven’t come that far, who do you plan to take along with?)
I took Ben because I didn’t have enough friendship for Penny UnU
6. Which character are you most excited to meet in the game? (This can be characters that haven’t appeared in your friend list, for example Charlie Weasley)
Tonks, probably~ Or even the twins, who are supposed to come in your seventh year
7. Have you heard any theories about the game? If so, which one?
8. Opinion on Merula?
uUuuuuuuUUUuuggggh just malfoy as a girl tbh like so in love with my character but so repressed… she’s pretty annoying tho too, sometimes like gurl just leave me alone and let me solve this mystery–OR help me solve it since you want to figure it out so bad like bruv chill… also, that hair? what is it? why do you have one streak? 
9. Favourite teacher?
I love McG the mostest even if i can’t spell her name flitwick is a close second tho
10. What do you think about your Prefect?
fucking annoying ass chester that motherfucker i fucking hate him omfg i wanna sock him in the face always fucking ‘didn’t lose more house points did you?’ ‘you haven’t gotten in trouble recently, i’m impressed’ like bITCH get on my level i’ve got the house up 60 points over the second place house BY MYSELF like brooooo i’ve earned over 200 points this year alone and i’m only half way through second year bUT NO, I LOSE 40 POINTS ONCE AND NOW I’M A TROUBLE MAKER, fuck you chester you lil shit. cursing slytherins when they’re not paying attention ass, not doing shit for the house ass, always on my ass ass… also, making me feel bad for not being able to volunteer for that slytherin altercation side quest, fuck yooooouuuu 
so yeah. that’s what i feel for my male prefect. never met my female one yet.
edit: I was being nice. I got us 93 points ahead of the second place gryffindors.
11. Do you care about your brother Jacob? Why?
idk I guess I do? I just think ‘what if it were renee/ray/my other siblings’ and i’m like i would be surprised they did this bec they’re all fuckin introverts and not really ambitious enough to try find something enough to break rules? so it’s like…eeeehhhhhh i try to care but I’m more interested in like, being at hogwarts tbh
12. Are you more interested about Vaults or what happened to your brother?
probably what happened to my brother, because like…it drove him mad? what did it? watch, the vaults are just gonna be some stupid thing like the philosophers stone or s.t that’ll get moved at the end and that’s why the cursed vaults were never brought up in the books xD
13. Hogwarts Mystery or The Cursed Child? Best story so far?
I never read the cursed child bec fuck that. i’m not reading about a kid named albus severus like lmaooo
14. Any ideas what can have happened to your brother?
nope! merula says she knows but she’s not telling like the lil bitch she is. says he hasn’t got much time now so like??????????? is he dying?????
15. What do you hope you will get to do in the game?
uh romance people and actually fly around and duel more and actually get to befriend people without having to do stupid side quests like bruv
16. There is a lot negative about the energy bar, can you give something else about the game that you think is really positive? Can be anything!
you get to go to hogwarts, what’s the big issue? stop complaining about shit yo like have you tried other energy based games? shits ridiculous, especially in the money grubbing ones like kim k’s or even in the idol ones or those otome games like goddamn they’re expensive once you start hitting higher levels because you’ll end up needing gems and shit to refill your energy, meanwhile this one is every hour 50 you get a full bar again 
17. Some stuff have appeared in the game that they never had in the movies, what are you happy have appeared in the game?
peeves is cool. you get an energy from tapping on him. also, depending on which house you choose, you get to see what they look like…also also you get to go to different areas that weren’t in the movie like filch’s office and shit, also hogsmeade is available in third year so i’m excited for that
oh, also! spells! like spongify seems like i’d use it all the time bec squish
18. Can you think of a song that suit to the story?
do you believe in magic
lol jokes idk not off the top of my head
19. How has the game affect your life? (is it hard to play because you’re at school/job? Has it affect your sleep schedule? Affect your phone?)
it really hasn’t affected me in any way other than having a new game on my phones? idk i guess it does take some time outta my life but i usually stick to 1 hour missions because that usually depletes my energy for two hours but i get like 40 attribute points or 1000 coins because i force reset the app when i get rewards so it takes maybe 20 minutes a mission? 
20. How many have you told about the game?
i saw the tweet about it and went BOI, screenshot it and sent it to my sibs group chat and was all ‘fi you think i didn’t download this immediately’ and then showed my neph tex it when he asked what i was playing and he downloaded it and apparently my bro-in-law has it but idgaf about that but anyway yeah…
21. Who do you think Barnaby Lee is and what do you think he has purpose in the game?
i think he’s bae tbh 
lol fuck watch it being my brother using polyjuice to try find the vaults again aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh 
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