#Ideas That Will Make Your Wedding Day Extra Special
chuluoyi · 1 year
✎ LOVE ENTRIES — an anthology | gojo satoru
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a series of episodes of your life with the strongest sorcerer throughout the past and present
genre: canon compliant (2006-2018), mostly fluff, suggestive content, hurt/comfort
more: moodboard | extra scenarios 💌 | reader’s CT | ko-fi
p.s. got an idea for the next entry? drop it in my askbox!
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☆⌒.*・ entry year : 2006—2009
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entry # attraction ➴ to think it started with your crush on his best friend...
entry # rivals... in love? ➴ gojo is in shambles—so suguru might have a crush on you too?
entry # say no! ೀ valentine's special ➴ valentine's is around the corner and word has it that you're going on a date with geto...? no way! gojo is going to make sure that you're saying no! ever wonder how gojo finally gets you to become his? be prepared for a confession of a lifetime!
entry # stupid liar ➴ no way. impossible. you couldn't possibly be jealous of gravure idol gojo likes so much now... or could you?
entry # unconcealable ➴ your boyfriend may not show it, but the six eyes are his burden to bear. you know it firsthand when he falls into your arms for the first time
entry # love wins all (soon!) ➴ haibara's death. geto's defection. nanami's leaving. when everything goes wrong in your third year, the last thing you would expect is your boyfriend breaking up with you. but to gojo, this is a moment of truth—and through this, you'll realize why he chooses to stay with you for good
⭑ — ☁️ side stories
rivals... in love? — extended cut!
hot, hot summer!
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☆⌒.*・ entry year : 2010—2017
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entry # finally mine 18+ (soon!) ➴ gojo says he’ll make you droll when you have your first time together. you are determined to seduce him to turn the tables!
entry # stay with me (soon!) ➴ comes the biggest conflict in your relationship when you realize that you might be pregnant. this event, for better or worse, will change the trajectory of your relationship forever
entry # wife her up (soon!) ➴ it's a canon event that animals and babies aren't particularly fond of the strongest sorcerer… but you, you’re always going to be his no matter what
entry # insatiable 18+ ➴ your boyfriend is hot and wild, and he has one problem: he always finds you too pretty to resist
entry # forever ➴ the three times he asked you to marry him
entry # newlyweds 18+ ➴ you and your new husband make out in the most inappropriate place possible
entry # kyoto: the onsen incident 18+ ➴ it's your first trip as a married couple and you should be excited—until a shameless woman makes a move on your husband!
entry # to my beloved ➴ bad days don't mean the end of the world, and your husband is making sure you know that
entry # my wife, all mine ೀ valentine's special ➴ years pass, but one thing that's constant is how annoyingly your husband is in love with you. with the new school year comes a fresh batch of first years, and gojo is determined to make you look at his way—he's way better than those youngsters, and he's going to show you just that!
entry # wedding anniversary 18+ ➴ seven years of dating, two years of wedded bliss, and gojo is having his greatest existential crisis yet... all because this year, you apparently have forgotten the most important day of your lives
entry # daddy-to-be ➴ in which you're worried about how he'd react to you carrying his baby
entry # sweet felicity ➴ what do you get the man who already has everything for his birthday?
entry # protect ➴ the word “protect” now means so much more to him
⭑ — ☁️ side stories
05.56 P.M — how gojo gets arrested by the police
07.55 A.M — gojo cheated on you last night
12.34 A.M — blindfold play 18+
12.55 P.M — first ultrasound
04.18 A.M — six weeks pregnant with gojo’s baby
08.45 P.M — cockwarming 18+
11.07 P.M — what if you get a divorce?
03.12 A.M — ungodly hour cravings
07.30 P.M — gojo vs your pregnancy hormones
before the dawn — finding out about geto's ultimate betrayal hits you hard
08.25 P.M — at the end of this pregnancy journey, you fall in love with your husband once again
baby pics — photo album of baby satoru
⭑ — extras 💌 pregnancy diaries ❀
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☆⌒.*・ entry year : 2018—present
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special entry # through megumi’s eyes (soon!) ➴ megumi’s life ends and starts when the strongest sorcerer takes him in. see your love story through his eyes, his hidden feelings, and extended scenes of several love entries!
entry # baby ➴ a domestic life with your husband and baby
entry # heaven's fury ➴ sometimes you forget that your husband has burdens as the strongest sorcerer alive. when he goes back home from a bad day and you're the first person he comes contact to, you're made aware of it once again
entry # wife ➴ in which the new batch of first years are unaware that their eccentric teacher’s wife is the pretty woman roaming the school grounds
entry # sick days ➴ who holds the fort when you fall sick? of course, it's your lovesick husband and baby!
entry # mission: baby steps! ➴ the three times gojo tried to make his baby love him (and how he miserably fails)
entry # the babysitters club ➴ in which yuji, megumi and nobara are tasked with the most important mission ever by their teacher—watching over his baby son!
entry # throughout heaven and earth ➴ a sudden mission. a curse beyond your grade. all hell breaks loose when gojo realizes that there are hidden machinations behind the incident that befalls you
entry # baby to the rescue ➴ in which gojo recruits your baby son to “save” you from a credit card salesman
entry # beach day 18+ ➴ in which the three of you (you, your husband and baby) spend the weekend on the beach!
entry # treasure ➴ the strongest sorcerer meets his match in his petulant son, who inherits his six eyes and is having trouble with them
entry # curiosity 18+ ➴ when gojo is found out by his own son during your nighttime activities
entry # all of me ➴ you understand that some things in marriage just needs compromise. and he soon understands too, when you're at your most vulnerable and he fails to be by your side when you need him the most
⭑ — ☁️ side stories
09.45 P.M — how scared he is to lose you
11.10 P.M — meeting the newborn for the first time
06.27 A.M — gojo with his baby in the morning
06.20 P.M — baby doesn’t let gojo kiss you
11.52 A.M — gojo will show baby who is here first
10.00 A.M — gojo trying to get his baby say his first word
02.33 P.M — baby going to the aquarium for the first time
07.02 A.M — morning with you and his toddler son
08.12 A.M — why your son isn’t in your wedding
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© CHULUOYI. do not copy, repost, modify, or translate my works in any platforms.
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Hello again everyone! Thank you all so much for the overwhelming support for the last part of the "Merlin accidentally conquers Camelot" au! I've had so much fun writing this au, and I'm so glad that you've all enjoyed it too! This will probably be the final part of this au (for now), since I have more au ideas to share with you all, but I'll probably revisit this au some day! For now, I'm approaching two pretty big tumblr milestones, so I'm working on an extra-special au to post in celebration of those (and I won't give anything away, but I think that this new au may be my best one yet, so stay tuned)!
Also, warning, this one is a long post! Be prepared!
Now, onto part four of this au! You can find part one here, part two here, and part three here!
As it turned out, planning a royal wedding was no easy feat.
Merlin had thought that simply adding a quick and (hopefully) painless wedding ceremony at the end of his coronation would make everything go smoothly. After all, the castle would already be decorated, they'd already have all of the important lords in attendance, and everything needed for a consort's coronation ceremony would already be there.
However, when Merlin announced to the lords and the steward in charge of preparing his coronation ceremony that he'd also need a quick wedding and coronation to take Arthur as his consort, they reacted with so much shock and horror that Merlin thought for a second that he'd accidentally announced that he was ordering their executions instead. The only person in the council room who didn't look like death itself had just appeared before him was Gwaine, who took advantage of he shocked silence following Merlin's proclamation to start laughing so uncontrollably that he doubled over and had to grab the wall for support.
Merlin had expected some shock and pushback from the council at his decision, not... this. All of the lords on the council had gone as pale as parchment, some trembling in their seats with fear. What on earth...
"Sire," the ever-unflappable Geoffrey called out, jolting Merlin from his confusion at the state of terror that had gripped the other council members, "while such a marriage would not be unlawful, it would certainly be unprecedented. I'm not questioning your judgement, I know that establishing yourself as a strong ruler this early in your reign is paramount, but are you sure that this is the best way to go about it? I'm certain that the citizens of Camelot will accept you as their rightful ruler as soon as they witness their true power for themselves, so taking the former king as your war prize isn't entirely necessary to show your dominance over the land."
The lords grew several shades paler at Geoffrey's words, and the trembling councilman sitting next to Geoffrey leaned in to fearfully hiss something into the librarian's ear. Merlin watched with growing confusion as Geoffrey's eyes went wide at whatever had just been whispered to him, and he rushed to speak once more.
"Of course, if this decision was made as some form of revenge or humiliation towards the Pendragon line, that is well within your right as a conqueror, Your Majesty. We would simply advise you to take the disgraced king as a concubine, perhaps, instead of your official consort. As a ruler, you must now also consider the issue of one day producing legitimate heirs, which can only be borne to you through your consort."
Merlin blinked, desperately trying to follow whatever logic Geoffrey was using. Take Arthur as a concubine?! Had the old man gone insane?! And Merlin certainly wasn't concerned about heirs, since if he got his way, then his reign wouldn't last longer than this week!
Still, with most of the council looking like they were being plagued by waking nightmares, they weren't likely to listen to Merlin's very reasonable objections to being king in the first place, so Merlin just had to get them off his back until the wedding.
After a deep sigh, which made most of the council members flinch back with a still confusing amount of fear, Merlin addressed Geoffrey's concerns.
"Thank you for your input, but I'm afraid that my decision has already been made on this... issue. I will be taking Arthur as my consort at my coronation, and my decision is final. And don't concern yourself with the topic of heirs, that will be sorted out shortly."
Several lords choked on the air at Merlin's last comment, with a couple outright fainting at his words. Merlin's brows furrowed even more with befuddlement. What... what had he said that garnered such a reaction?! He was just telling them not to worry about it!
(Meanwhile, unbeknownst to Merlin, the lords had a very different idea of what their new king- a powerful, brutal warlord and sorcerer- had planned. They interpreted Merlin's intent to marry Arthur as an act of revenge against the son of the man who killed off so many of his people during the purge. It apparently wasn't enough for the mighty Emrys to defeat his enemy and leave him with nothing to his name. No, this ruthless new king of theirs planned on forcing the former king into a life of humiliation and servitude in the court that was once his own. To a king, that must be a fate worse than death.
These lords, who were some of the most active and complicit members of Uther's purge, looked at the punishment that Emrys had planned for Arthur and thought if that's what happened to the king, what's he going to do to us?!)
The days went by quickly after that meeting, with Merlin's time being filled with a never-ending list of his new duties and things that needed to be done before his coronation, not to mention organizing the coronation itself and the subsequent wedding (which Arthur didn't know about yet, as Merlin had been deliberately avoiding the dungeons after his last conversation with Arthur).
It took the better part of a week for everything to finally be prepared for the official coronation ceremony. The ceremony itself would consist of Merlin being crowned in front of the court (a nauseating thought for Merlin himself), the vassal lords and knights willing to swear fealty to him taking the oath of loyalty, and finally Arthur being handfasted to Merlin and crowned consort.
Merlin was, for once, thankful for the amount of work that he had to do over the days leading up to the ceremony, as it kept his mind busy and his thoughts away from the pit of self-loathing that had taken up permanent residence in his head. After all, what kind of friend stole everything from the person they love the most in the world and then turns around and forces that same friend (and unrequited crush) to marry them?!
Merlin had attempted to rationalize his selfish decision to keep Arthur in the dark regarding his plan to reinstate him as king by telling himself that if Arthur didn't know about the wedding until the last minute, then he would spend less time worrying about it in the long run after he was king again! Besides, if Merlin's plan worked, they would only be married for a day or two, so there was no reason to get Arthur worked up over that by telling him earlier!
Truly, Merlin was not being a complete scumbag by doing this, he was just looking out for his friend's best interests and mental wellbeing! This would all blow over in a a matter of days anyways, Merlin was certain of it.
Still, Merlin found himself anxious and pacing the floor of his room on the morning of the ceremony. He had sent a team of servants and guards to retrieve Arthur from his cell and prepare him for the ceremony, so he likely wouldn't see Arthur until he was brought into the great hall for the handfasting ceremony. However, he still worried over Arthur's reaction when he learned what exactly when was being prepared for.
This worry lingered in Merlin's mind and consumed his thoughts throughout the entire day and into the coronation ceremony, so much so that his own coronation seemed like a blur to him. One moment he was standing in the great hall in front of the assembled crowd of lords and knights, and in the next, he was sitting on Arthur's throne with Arthur's crown on his head, with the crowd shouting "long live the king".
The sound of it almost made Merlin sick. Those words should never be directed at him, but he'd make this right soon enough. He just had to suffer through this ceremony to appease those disloyal lords who had turned their backs on their true king.
Perhaps the worst part of the coronation itself was the ceremony in which the lords and knights willing to pledge their fealty to him took an oath declaring such. It was no surprise to Merlin to see those weasels on the council of lords pledging themselves to save their own skin, but the knights who showed up to pledge their fealty were... very unexpected.
Look, Merlin had assumed that it would just be Gwaine and a small handful of guards and younger knights that he had roped into his mischievous scheme swearing loyalty so him. All of the other knights with their wits intact would surely still be down in the cells of the dungeon, holding true to their prior oaths of loyalty and keeping their true king company.
What Merlin did not expect, however, was for nearly a quarter of all of Camelot's knights to take a knee before him and pledge their loyalty, led by a highly amused Gwaine, who was no doubt enjoying every minute of this. Merlin quickly scanned the crowd of knights, trying to take count of who all had turned their backs on Arthur and could no longer be trusted.
Gwaine, of course, came at no surprise. Many of those assembled were commoner knights whom Arthur had taken in, including Percival, but the giant regularly got pulled into Gwaine's nonsense, so this wasn't truly that much of a shock if Merlin thought about it. There were a fair number of noble-born knights in the crowd, including all of those whom Merlin had noted had a softer outlook on magic. And then, of course, there were a decent number of pompous, high-born knights who had never given a lick about magic or loyalty, they just wanted to preserve their own wealth and power no matter the cost.
Merlin narrowed his eyes at the cluster of those knights. All the rest had logical reasons to side with Merlin, between Gwaine's persuasiveness, solidarity between the lower class, or a connection or sympathy towards magic, so they would be allowed to stay in court after Arthur had retaken his rightful throne. But these knights? These cowardly snakes had to be dealt with at the first opportunity. But how could he get rid of them without people becoming suspicious?
... Wait a minute, Merlin was king now! He might only have that title for a day or so, but in that time, he could certainly use it! (And he absolutely was not using this as a tactic to prolong this part of the ceremony so that he had a few more minutes of peace before the wedding began.)
Right, but how was he going to play this? He couldn't exactly just announce that he wanted those knights to leave because he wanted them gone before Arthur took over again.
Merlin narrowed his eyes at the group of treacherous knights and noted how they squirmed a bit under his gaze, with even some of the people around them shuddering. Right, he looked like a ruthless and powerful sorcerer to them now. He could use that to his advantage.
As the knights finished reciting their oaths, Merlin held up his hand, signaling for them to stay in place. The knights did so, but a confused and concerned murmuring started buzzing around at this strange departure from the normal ceremony. Slowly, Merlin lifted his hand and pointed at the assembled group of knights in the back.
"You lot. In the back."
The murmuring died down the instant Merlin opened his mouth and was instead replaced by an oppressive dread weighing down the ornately decorated hall. If Merlin wasn't trying so hard to keep a straight, intimidating face, he would have winced at causing such a wave of fear with nothing more than a few words.
Hesitantly, one of the called out knights stepped forward, addressing their new king.
"Yes, your majesty? Is there something you require of us?"
Merlin held back the urge to smirk as an idea, and a very satisfying one at that, formed in his head. He quietly cleared his throat and put on his most imperious "Emrys" voice that he could muster.
"I can sense insincerity in your hearts with my magic. Just as you abandoned the previous king, you would also turn your backs on me at the first opportunity to do so. Do not even attempt to deny it, you know just as well as I do that this true. I cannot trust any such men as knights of mine."
The group of knights went pale as Merlin called them out for their flimsy loyalty, and at once whispers began fly in the crowd. Perhaps they were intrigued by this show of his "powers"? Were they scandalized by this public shaming of a group of high-ranking knights?
Either way, the knights immediately began groveling, begging Merlin to let them keep their positions, their wealth, their power, but Merlin dismissed them with a wave of a hand and publicly revoked their knighthoods. The murmuring of the remaining people in the great hall grew louder as the disgraced former knights made their way out of the hall, no doubt intimidated and scandalized by how quickly their new ruler was purging his court of the disloyal.
However, with the loyal knights having taken their oaths and the untrustworthy ones having been cast out, the coronation ceremony was now officially complete, meaning that Merlin could no longer stall what would come next.
Merlin sat still on his stolen throne, trying his best not to fidget with nervousness as Geoffrey gave some traditional speech that had to be done before the doors of the great hall opened to let consort walk down the aisle to the throne.
After a couple minutes, Geoffrey's monotonous voice became nothing but a buzzing in Merlin's ears as he stared at the doors of the hall, desperately trying to imagine any scenario where those doors wouldn't open to an Arthur who was filled with nothing but rage and betrayal.
All too soon, Geoffrey's droning speech ended, and the trumpets in the hall announced the arrival of the soon-to-be-consort and signaled for everyone of lower rank to stand. Merlin's heart leapt to his throat as he jumped to his feet, even though he was the only person in the room who didn't need to. Ever so slowly, the doors to the hall swung open, revealing... Arthur.
Merlin damn near choked on his own saliva at the sight of him. He had seen Arthur in a wide range of states over the years as his manservant, ranging anywhere from sleep-rumbled to solemnly prepared for battle. But this... he had never seen anything like it.
Merlin couldn't decide if whoever had been in charge of dressing Arthur and preparing him for the ceremony ought to either be promoted to Arthur's personal tailor or immediately banished. In place of Arthur's usual surcoat and chainmail for official ceremonies, which was what Merlin had foolishly assumed the servants would dress Arthur in, there was... a monstrosity that would haunt Merlin's dreams for the rest of his life.
Merlin didn't even know how to begin to describe it. The garment that the servants had no doubt forced Arthur into, as Merlin knew that he would never wear such a thing of his own accord, was somewhere between a set of intricately intertwined robes and a dress, which hugged Arthur's shoulders, upper arms, and thighs, highlighting the muscles there. Most of the outfit appeared to be made out of a rich velvet, dyed in a majestic royal blue that both looked entirely out of place on Arthur and brought out his eyes like nothing Merlin had ever seen before. And dear gods, was that lace on there?! And why the hell did the outfit need elbow-length lace gloves?!
(The servants who had been in charge of dressing Arthur for the ceremony had assumed that their brutal new warlord would probably want his war prize to look as far from a warrior as possible, in order to further prove that he had beaten the previous rulers. So, they selected a delicate and elegant outfit for Arthur in the hopes of appeasing their new king.)
Merlin swallowed dryly as Arthur slowly began making his way down the aisle with measured footsteps. The movement snapped Merlin out of whatever temporary madness the outfit had sent him spiraling into, and Merlin finally locked eyes with Arthur.
Merlin winced at the sheer amount of rage that Arthur managed to fit into one glare as he took another step towards the throne that was rightfully his. Merlin tried to give Arthur his most reassuring smile, but he was almost certain it only came across as a nervous grimace.
Just go along with this, Merlin tried to beg of Arthur with only his eyes. Their bond had always been one that allowed them to communicate without words, and Merlin prayed that their connection would hold strong once more and get his message across to Arthur.
Neither Arthur's impressive glare nor his furious scowl let up though, but he kept his pace towards the throne steady, which Merlin decided to take as a good sign. After all, if Arthur truly did not any merit to this impromptu plan, why would he still be walking of his own accord towards the altar?
Still, as Arthur grew closer and closer to the altar prepared for the handfasting, his eyes became darker with rage as Merlin winced. Yes, this would certainly be harder than it needed to be, but this had to be done to get Arthur back on the throne! Surely Arthur would understand that!
After what must have been an eternity, Arthur finally reached the altar and, ever so slowly, walked around to stand at a fidgeting Merlin's side.
As Geoffrey began yet another speech that had to be done before the handfasting took place, Merlin quietly turned to Arthur and gave him a small smile, trying to a least let Arthur know that everything was alright, that everything would turn out fine.
That little smile, it seemed, turned out to be the final straw for Arthur. Merlin wasn't even entirely sure how it happened.
One moment, he was standing next to Arthur in front of the altar, with the only sound in the room being Geoffrey's boring voice. And in the next, there was a savage war cry coming from Arthur, who was now armed with a sword, and a decent amount of screaming coming from the crowd.
It spoke volumes about Merlin's state of mind that his first thought upon seeing Arthur run at him with a blade in hand wasn't get back, dodge! but was rather that dress is tight, where on earth did he hide that sword?
However, Merlin's sense of self-preservation wasn't nearly as terrible as Gaius accused it of being, as his second thought was I should probably try to avoid getting stabbed at my own wedding.
Reluctantly, Merlin gathered his magic, ready to disarm Arthur and hold him still if need be. Arthur could stab Merlin later if he really felt like it, but Merlin needed to at least officially make Arthur his consort and heir before Arthur did that!
However, to Merlin's surprise, rather than trying to run Merlin through, Arthur instead stabbed at the wooden handfasting altar, sinking his blade deep into it. Merlin carefully kept his eyes on Arthur as the other man viciously pulled off one of the dainty lace gloves and threw it on the ground at Merlin's feet.
Dumbfounded, Merlin stared at the thrown glove on the floor and then looked back up to stare at Arthur, not quite getting what Arthur was trying to tell him here. Did he just really hate the outfit? Or was it this whole marriage plan that he objected to?
"Pick it up."
Arthur nearly started growling, his rage apparently rising with Merlin's confusion.
"It may not be a proper gauntlet, since you have denied me such a dignity, but it will suffice for this. Pick it up, King Emrys. I challenge you to a duel in single combat for the throne of Camelot. You may have defeated my sister, but you did not defeat me! I am no prize for you to claim!"
Merlin simply blinked, completely thrown off by this turn of events, while loud shouts started erupting from the crowd. By the time his mind caught up to what Arthur had said, Arthur had taken up his sword from where he had struck it into the altar and was pointing it threateningly at Merlin again.
As Merlin's shock wore off and he finally understood what exactly Arthur had just done, he had to fight back the urge to scream into the sky with frustration as yet another one of his plans to reinstate Arthur as king had just been ruined by the obstinate clotpole himself. Couldn't the prat just let Merlin help?!
With his frustration rising, Merlin glared down at the thrown glove. While a duel would certainly allow Arthur to retake the throne, Merlin wasn't entirely sure how his magic would react to such a fight. Merlin would never consciously hurt Arthur of course, but who knows if his magic would strike out in self-defense?!
And, besides, formally accepting and preparing the duel would take days. And, in Merlin's opinion, this whole farce has gone on for long enough.
"No. I will not accept your challenge."
Arthur's face went red with anger at Merlin's refusal.
"You are just as much of a coward as the rest of your kind, sorcerer! You would not even grant me the opportunity to take back what's mine!"
Merlin bit back a frustrated scream at that. Arthur would be getting his throne back if he just followed through with any of Merlin's plans instead of ruining threm!
Merlin took a deep breath and sighed on the exhale, trying the rein in his own anger. He just needed to go through with this ceremony, and then everything would be fine.
With a quick flash of gold in his eyes, which had Arthur flinching back (and didn't that just sting?), Merlin turned Arthur's blade into dust had Arthur's glove fly back onto his hand, setting everything right as it had been before Arthur had pulled out a sword and all hell had broken loose.
"That's enough! I've been trying to restore you to your rightful position as king this entire time, and yet you push back at every opportunity! I am not about to let you sabotage your own destiny! So, here's what's going to happen!"
Distantly, Merlin heard the wind outside whipping around, like his own frustration and stirred nature itself into a frenzy.
"You are going to stand here, complete this ceremony, be named my heir, and then retake your throne when I abdicate! Are we clear?"
Arthur, who still looked rather shaken at Merlin's display of magic, scowled, but still nodded his head. Merlin, satisfied by this, turned back around to face the shocked crowd.
"And do I make myself clear to all of you?! There will be no more interruptions of this ceremony, and Arthur will take back his throne!"
The frightened crowd went silent at Merlin's outburst, seemingly relenting to Merlin's demands.
Merlin then turned to Geoffrey, who was still standing in front of the handfasting altar with the rope in his hands.
"Now, Geoffrey, I would greatly appreciate it if you would get a move on here. I don't want to wear this stupid crown for any longer than I have to."
The only indication that Geoffrey gave that he was surprised by Merlin's outburst was a mere uptake of his eyebrows, rather reminiscent of Gaius's signature look. Without further ado, Geoffrey tied Merlin and Arthur's hands together, declaring them to be now married in the eyes of the gods of the Old Religion.
(Merlin tried to ignore the hurt and longing that built up in his heart in that moment. How many times had he dreamed of something like this? But he never wanted it to happen like this. This was Merlin's dream come true, but it was all wrong. In that moment, Merlin didn't dare look at Arthur, too afraid of what his dearest friend thought about this grievous overstep of boundaries.)
Immediately after Geoffrey untied the handfasting knot, Arthur's coronation as consort began. The ceremony itself went smoothly, but Merlin's heart broke both at the sight of Arthur kneeling before him, waiting to be crowned, and at the furious glare Arthur gave him as he gently put the consort's crown upon Arthur's head, officially naming Arthur as his heir.
As soon as Arthur stood from where he was kneeling, applause broke out from the crowd. Someone (Merlin heavily suspected Gwaine) started a chant of "long live the kings!", which caught on quickly. Merlin winced again at the chant, not daring to turn and look at Arthur's face.
Still, Merlin reminded himself as he took a deep, calming breath, everything was coming along. Arthur was now officially his consort and heir, and all that was left to do... was the copious amounts of paperwork finalizing his abdication.
Yeah, no. Merlin wasn't going through that process when he could just take care of it here and now.
"Citizens of Camelot, on this most joyous day, I, King Emrys, abdicate the throne!"
Even though he had made his intentions clear only a few minutes earlier, shocked whispers flew around the crowd, like they hadn't truly believed that he would go through with it.
Merlin couldn't help the grin that was forming on his face. Finally, everything would be set right again!
"I am no longer your king, and as per the laws of the kingdom, the throne now rightfully belongs to your true king, Arthur Pendragon!"
With that, Merlin reached up and yanked the crown off of his own head, marched over to a dumbfounded Arthur and, without any hesitation, replaced the consort's crown on Arthur's head with the true crown.
"There, that's much better," Merlin whispered to himself as he gazed upon Arthur, finally looking like himself again, but he was certain that Arthur must have heard it too, as Arthur's eyes went wide at his words.
But that was a conversation for another day, as Merlin was now done here. This entire calamity was over, and now Merlin was going to savor its end.
Merlin turned back to face the crowd once more with an undoubtedly crazed grin.
"Goodnight everyone! Be sure to obey your true king! In the meanwhile, I'm off to bed for my first full night's rest since this nightmare started!"
And with that, Merlin merrily skipped out of the great hall, made his way to his cramped room in Gaius's chambers, and slept soundly.
Bonus Scene!
Arthur: Busts into Merlin's room
Merlin, unwillingly woken up from the best sleep he's gotten in years: Ugh, what do you want you prat?! You're king again, aren't you?! Don't you have kingly duty to be attending to?
Arthur: Merlin you idiot, you abdicated the throne.
Merlin: Yes, and now you're king again. You're welcome!
Arthur: But you never dissolved our union!
Merlin: Huh?
Arthur: A divorce can only be granted by the same ruler who authorized the marriage! You know what this means, right?!
Merlin: Yeah, that you can just declare us to be not married anymore and we can all be on our way.
Arthur: No, YOU were the ruler who authorized the marriage, and now that you've abdicated, you can't dissolve the marriage! Legally, no one can!
Merlin, turning pale: What?
Arthur, looking weary: Yes, apparently it's some legal technicality that Geoffrey cited from Bruta's code. I've spent all morning arguing with him, but there seems to be no way around it.
Merlin: So... what you're saying is that we're stuck being married to each other.
Arthur: Yes, you buffoon, that's exactly what I'm saying! Now, get up!
Merlin, feeling incredibly guilty over this entire situation: Arthur, I'm so sorry, I take full responsibility for this, I never should have forced you into-
Arthur, cutting him off: Let's go. We don't have much time before the rest of the castle is up and about, and I'd rather us not be seen here.
Merlin, confused but complying: Arthur, where are we going? Why don't you want us to be seen here?
Arthur, blushing: It would reflect poorly on the king if word got out that he let his consort sleep in this dirty broom closet on their wedding night, wouldn't it?
Merlin, blushing: Ah, I suppose it would.
And that's a wrap for this au for now! I hope you've all enjoyed this story!
A huge thank you for everyone who asked for this continuation! (and holy cow there were a lot of you!! Thank you all so much!)
@magic-mushroomss @miyriu @whole-buncha-snakess @achillesuwu @aerismoon
@tidalwavesandthunderstorms @marki9 @isaidno @retro-wallflower @samwinjester
@lascienzadellafantasia @sugar-coated-prat-dragon @theoldfroglady @ryeallytired @mind-of-a-crow
@whynotreinventmyselfeveryday @likeapaperplane @odinjm @orliththedragon @aglmry
@caraspud @aostrek-236 @justaz @slippysalt @coffee-shop-gay
@the-king-and-the-druidess @theroundbartable @fanfic-library-for-me @linotheghost @scuttlingsleipnir
@guiltyscarlet @cinnabon-sweetroll-tiramisu @247merthur @veryroadpartystatesman-blog @verxen
@lascienzadellafantasia @jareicanon @arrowlovesdragons @juliairian @thesuperstitiousoldelf
@lovermyme @bootprivileges @rem-the-moth @hippielittlemetalhead @ole-to-you-nonetheless
@lordmushroomkat @starchaos01 @reynaharmonia @anastasia0614 @starlight-crow
@wheneverfeasible @savlikesbluengreen @fuckingdeadinsidetm @notquitehumanwrites @purplesandwichtiger
@rocks-d-xerxes @olli-is-a-fish @luluzealand2565 @dangerhumming @tireddruid
@spiralingtowardtheabyss @mundaneone @anxiousdragoncollector @catface233 @bennedict
@elementalpirate4 @bertolio @vadis-protenus @chaosofbelievers @floating-on-avalon
@merthurogies @justaz
And, as always, thank you all for reading through my ramblings! :D
I'll see you all next time!
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hoshifighting · 4 months
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— Synopsis: Where, while you show off your new lingerie sets that you bought, Jun is enchanted by the lingerie with embroidered flowers, something different, that enchanted his eyes. — WC: 2k — WARNINGS: Smut, penetrative sex, oral (f. receiving), fingering (f. receiving), praising, squirt & etc.
Jun had always been the epitome of a supportive boyfriend. Whether it was your college work, cooking a new dish, or even finding the perfect dress for a wedding, Jun was there, ready to assist. He made everything feel effortless, always taking care of the details so you didn’t have to worry.
“Jun, I really don’t know how to tackle this assignment,” you’d sigh, frustration evident in your voice.
He would slide over, peering at your laptop screen. “Let me take a look. Maybe we can brainstorm some ideas together,” he’d suggest with a gentle smile, and before you knew it, the daunting task felt manageable.
In the kitchen, you once struggled with a recipe you’d never tried before. Jun found the perfect tutorial online and stood by your side, guiding you step by step until the dish was ready, his patience never wavering.
And when it came to shopping for that perfect dress for a friend’s wedding, Jun’s patience shone through. You spent hours in the mall, trying on what felt like a hundred different outfits. Yet, Jun never complained. He sat outside the dressing rooms, offering genuine opinions.
“That one’s nice, but I think the blue dress brings out your eyes more,” he’d say, making the decision-making process so much easier.
His opinions always seemed spot-on, which is why you’d come to trust his judgment on many things, especially when it came to your wardrobe. Shopping with him became an enjoyable experience rather than a chore.
Today was another shopping day, and you were on the hunt for a new outfit for an upcoming event. As usual, Jun was by your side, carrying your bags and offering his thoughts on the clothes you tried on.
“What do you think of this one?” you asked, stepping out of the fitting room in a sleek, black dress.
Jun looked up from his phone, his eyes lighting up. “You look amazing. But maybe try it with those heels we saw earlier?”
You nodded, smiling. “You always know what looks best.”
After a few more outfits and Jun’s invaluable input, you finally settled on a dress. As you walked out of the store, you linked your arm with his, feeling grateful for his constant support.
“Thank you for always being so patient with me,” you said, leaning your head on his shoulder.
Jun chuckled, giving your hand a squeeze. “It’s easy when I’m with you. I just want to make sure you’re happy.”
He says that with the greatest naturalness. – While you were freaking out inside.
As you arrived home, Jun noticed you were carrying a few extra bags, including some from a lingerie store he knew well. He had bought you gifts from that store before, particularly on Valentine's Day.
“When did you buy these?” Jun asked, curiosity and a hint of excitement in his voice.
You smiled, placing the bags on the table. “When you went to get ice cream,” you replied nonchalantly.
Jun's eyes lit up, a playful smirk spreading across his face. The thought of you picking out something special while he was away added a spark of anticipation.
Later that evening, after dinner and a cozy time together, you both retreated to the bedroom. Jun sat comfortably in the poltrone, eagerly waiting as you prepared to show him the new lingerie. He could hardly contain his excitement, his eyes following your every movement.
First, you stepped out in a stunning red set, the vibrant color highlighting your curves beautifully. Jun's jaw dropped, and he couldn't help but cover his face, cheeks flushed red. “Wow, you look incredible,” he mumbled from behind his hands.
You giggled, twirling around to give him a full view. “You really think so?”
“Absolutely,” Jun nodded, peeking through his fingers, his eyes filled with admiration.
Next, you slipped into a sleek black set, the lace and satin combination making you feel both elegant and seductive. You strutted around the room, feeling confident under Jun's appreciative gaze. “This one is my favorite so far,” he confessed, his voice slightly hoarse with desire.
“You're too sweet,” you replied, feeling a rush of warmth at his words.
Finally, you emerged in a delicate white set, the purity of the color contrasting beautifully with the sultry design. Jun couldn't take his eyes off you, his face still a deep shade of red. “You look like an angel,” he whispered, his praise as genuine as ever.
You walked over to him, leaning down to place a soft kiss on his lips. “I’m glad you like them. You always make me feel so beautiful.”
Jun smiled, his hands gently holding your waist. “That’s because you are. And I’m the luckiest guy in the world.”
You stepped into the room, adorned in a pastel floral lingerie, a departure from your usual style. You knew it, and Jun knew it too. But this time, instead of his usual enthusiastic response, Jun remained silent. He simply stared at you, his gaze sweeping over your figure from head to toe. His mouth hung slightly open, his chest rising and falling deeply with each breath.
Concerned by his lack of reaction, you couldn't help but ask, “Don't you like it?”
Jun didn't respond with words. Instead, he closed the distance between you in a few swift strides, his movements purposeful and determined. Before you could even react, he pressed his lips to yours, his hand firmly holding the nape of your neck while the other encircled your waist.
Your eyes widened in surprise at his sudden action, but you quickly melted into the kiss, allowing yourself to be consumed by the warmth of his embrace. His lips moved with a fervent passion, igniting a fire within you that quickly spread throughout your entire being.
As he gently laid you down on the bed, Jun's eyes remained fixed on you, his gaze intense and unwavering. His hands began to explore your body with a tenderness that sent shivers down your spine. Fingers traced delicate patterns across your breasts, down your belly, until they reached the band of your panties.
You held your breath in anticipation, your heart racing with excitement. But instead of removing your panties entirely, Jun surprised you by simply pushing them to the side. A soft gasp escaped your lips as his fingers found their target, circling your clit with a feather-light touch.
The sensation was electrifying, sending waves of pleasure coursing through your body. You arched your back instinctively, pressing yourself against his hand as he continued to tease and tantalize you. 
As Jun's fingers slid inside your wet pussy, you couldn't help but arch your back in response to the delightful sensation. A low moan escaped your lips, your body instinctively pressing against his hand as he began to explore your gummy walls.
"You're so beautiful like this," he murmured, his voice filled with reverence as he gazed upon you. "Every curve, every sigh, it's all so perfect."
Your cheeks flushed crimson at his words, and you couldn't help but cover your face in embarrassment. "Stop it, Jun," you protested weakly, though the desire that burned within you betrayed your words.
But Jun was undeterred, his fingers never faltering in their ministrations as he continued to lavish you with praise. "I can't help it," he confessed, his voice low and husky with desire. "You drive me wild, you know that? Just seeing you like this, so hot, so pretty..."
His words sent shivers down your spine, and you found yourself squirming beneath him, unable to contain the desire that coursed through your veins. With a gentle touch, Jun reached out, his fingers brushing against your cheeks as he gently pulled your hands away from your face.
"You don't need to hide from me," he whispered, his eyes burning with a fierce intensity. "I want to see all of you, every part of you."
Jun's response was immediate and decisive, his actions speaking louder than words as he lowered himself between your thighs without hesitation. As his warm breath ghosted over your sensitive flesh, anticipation coursed through your veins.
Without a word, Jun buried his face in your heat, his tongue flicking out to taste your arousal. A moan escaped your lips at the touch of his tongue on your clit, pleasure radiating out from where his lips and tongue touched you.
"Please," you whimpered, your voice thick with need as you pressed against him, urging him to go deeper. "I need you, Jun. I need you to fuck me."
But Jun simply chuckled against your skin, his movements deliberate and unhurried as he teased you with languid strokes of his tongue. 
You writhed beneath him, your fingers tangling in his hair as your body begged for release. But Jun was relentless, his ministrations driving you to the brink of madness as he expertly toyed with your bud.
And then, just as you thought you couldn't take it anymore, Jun's touch changed, becoming more insistent, more demanding. With a low growl, he devoured you, his tongue delving deep inside you as he consumed you like his last meal.
With a final, desperate cry, you reached the peak of ecstasy, your body convulsing with the force of your release. Jun drank in your essence greedily, his tongue working tirelessly to draw out every last drop of your pleasure.
As you eagerly anticipated his next move, Jun teased you with his cock, allowing you only the briefest of touches before pulling away again. Your frustration mounted with each fleeting contact, but Jun seemed to relish in your desperation, his eyes sparkling with mischief as he toyed with you.
"Patience, my love," he whispered, his voice dripping with desire. "Good things come to those who wait."
With a wicked grin, he finally positioned himself at your entrance, his cock throbbing with anticipation. You could feel the heat of his arousal against your skin, sending shivers of pleasure coursing through your body.
And then, with a single, smooth motion, he plunged deep inside you, filling you completely. You gasped at the suddenness of his entry, your body clenching around him in ecstasy.
"God, Jun," you gasped, your voice strained with pleasure. "I think I could cum just from the feeling of you sliding inside me."
Jun's chuckle sent shivers down your spine as he teased you, adjusting your legs to rest on his shoulders. The new angle made you feel him even deeper, and you couldn't help but moan in pleasure.
"Feels good, doesn't it?" Jun murmured, his voice husky with desire. "I love seeing you like this…"
You could only nod in response, your breath hitching as he continued to thrust into you relentlessly.
"You're so beautiful like this, taking me so well," he murmured, his voice filled with admiration. "I can feel how much you want me, how much you need me to fill you up." 
"You're mine, all mine," he growled, his thrusts becoming more urgent. "No one else can make you feel like this, can they? Only me."
You whimpered in response, unable to form coherent words as pleasure washed over you. Jun's words fueled your desire, pushing you closer to the brink of orgasm with each passing moment.
Your words tumbled out in a desperate gasp as pleasure consumed you. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, I'm gonna cum, Jun!" you cried out, feeling his cock driving you to the edge. The sensation of him sliding in, wet and sharp, only intensified the pleasure coursing through you.
As you felt the knot unraveling in your belly, you came around him, your body pulsating with ecstasy. But Jun didn't stop there; he continued, spreading your legs wide as he gazed into your eyes with unwavering intensity. He captured every expression on your face, savoring the way you looked as you cummed.
pleasure crash over you. When Jun let out a choked moan, his face contorted in bliss, you felt a gulp of anticipation. His hot cum filled you, triggering another orgasm that ripped through you, causing you to squirt around him.
As his cock slipped out of you, you felt his cum mixing with yours, spilling out from within you. Jun watched you with awe, his eyes wide with amazement at the sight before him.
Jun leaned in close, his hands gently caressing your trembling body as he whispered soothing words to coax you from your orgasmic haze. He pressed soft kisses to your forehead, cheeks, and lips, his touch gentle and reassuring as he helped you come down from the intense high. You melted into his embrace.
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kingofbodyrolls · 1 year
Friendcation (m) | myg | series masterlist
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Going camping with your best friends seemed like a brilliant idea when you initially made the plans. But when you harbor secret feelings for one of them, what will become of you being close confined for three months? Trouble, that’s what.
→ Pairing: Yoongi x reader (female, “Y/N”) → Other characters: Jimin, Jungkook, Taehyung, Namjoon, Hoseok and Seokjin. → Trope: friends to best friends with benefits to lovers (they be messy and confused, lol) → AUs: non idol!au, camping!au, roadtrip!au, mechanic!au (Yoongi is a mechanic) → Genre: humor, (slight) angst, smut and fluff → Rating: mature/explicit/R18 (This is mature/explicit content, so minors, please do not interact.) → Word count: 131.6K (things got out of hand, lol and it's mainly smut 💀) → Disclaimer: I do not own BTS or know them personally and this work of fiction is purely fictional and for entertainment purposes only. The actions and personalities described in the story do not reflect those of BTS— it’s just fiction. Also, if you would kindly read the tags/warnings before reading, that would be lovely: and if you don’t like whatever is described in the tags, just hit return and find something else to read. Thank you 🌸 → Warnings/tags: will be tagged for each individual chapter. But it does contain smut, almost in every chapter (not the first though). → Taglist: Closed. → Status: Completed! (I'm still doing some extras for it now and then)
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🍃 Chapter 1 Summary: As exhaustion and stress threaten to consume you and your friends at work, Yoongi comes to the rescue with an enticing proposal: a collective vacation—a friendcation. Amid the backdrop of breathtaking landscapes and shared adventures, your feelings for him only deepens more. Yet, his lingering gaze holds secrets you can't ignore, leaving you to wonder if it conceals something deeper—an unspoken connection that may forever alter your friendship. Word count: 11,9K | Read → chapter one 🍃Chapter 2 Summary: When you get a flat tire, you think it’s bad luck, but when you fall flat on your ass and Yoongi offers to massage the pain away, has your luck finally turned? 😜 Word count: 12.7K | Read → chapter two 🍃Chapter 3 Summary: When you and Yoongi visit his family in Daegu, and he introduces you as his friend, it rubs you all kind of wrong. But what are you even to each other, other than best friends with benefits? Word count: 11.9K | Read → chapter three 🍃Chapter 4 Summary: It’s the last weeks of the vacation being just you and Yoongi, and you’re going to savor every last bit of it. You do some hiking, relaxing and discover new sides to yourself that you didn’t know existed. Word count: 17.7K | Read → chapter four 🍃Chapter 5 Summary: Namjoon, Hoseok and Seokjin have finally joined you on your trip and it’s going great; you have a tremendous amount of fun (some at your expense), laughter and talks about life. Namjoon suddenly asks you where you think this thing with Yoongi is heading, and to be honest you don’t really know yourself – you just know that you love him. Word count: 23K | Read → chapter five 🍃Chapter 6 Summary: Your vacation is coming to an end but your thoughts are spiraling and filled with anxiety as a tiny mishap makes you question your future with Yoongi. Word count: 11.3K | Read → chapter six 🍃Chapter 7 [finale] Summary: Melancholy shrouds you and Yoongi in your last days of vacation – time to get back home to the daily grind. But when you can visit Yoongi in his garage, is it really so bad? Word count: 11.3K | Read → chapter seven
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🍃Wedding special Summary: Yoongi has done everything in his power to make your wedding truly special, what he couldn’t plan for was the rain. But fret not, a bit of rain will not make your day less special when it’s surrounded by friends and family. And your wedding night? Well, being pushed down into the sheets by Yoongi is easily one of your favorite things. Word count: 12.2k | Read → the wedding special
🍃Honeymoon special Summary: You and Yoongi travel to Scandinavia for your honeymoon, well more like babymoon. You camp, fish, hike and enjoy nature as you always do, and you even go surfing! Word count: 8.7k | Read → the honeymoon special
🍃Pregnancy special Summary: You and Yoongi try to get pregnant, but it doesn’t go as planned, as the road isn’t easy. But he’s your rock, and he’ll stand with you through thick and thin 💜 Word count: 7.5k | Read → the pregnancy special (coming soon!)
🍃Winter special Summary: You’re in labor and live outside of the city, and it just happens to be Christmas time, there’s a lot of snow. Will you and Yoongi be able to make it to the hospital before your baby arrives? OR– The one where Yoongi fucks you into labor and crashes the car. Word count: 10.3k | Read → the winter special
🍃Baby special Summary: TBA Word count: 3.5k | Read → the baby special (coming soon!)
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→ Author’s note: Thank you so much for reading! 🌸 I appreciate every like, comment and reblog, and please don’t be afraid to let me know what you think;  your kind words makes me extremely happy 💜
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imasoftieforbarb · 10 months
Hi! This had been on my mind for some time and im wondering if u can write it? Clay with a fiancee that unlike like most trolls is an introvert? And doesn't go out much. She looks tired, like messy hair and sleepy eyes.
It's because she has 4 older brothers of whom the oldest has a sickness which makes him bedridden, so she takes care of him. The other brothers have gone their seperate ways- only visiting once every 5 months or so. And could you also do brozones reaction to this? Take your time and thank you!
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Clay x Introvert Fiancé Reader
He knew your family situation was sorta like his
He just didn’t know the extent of it
The way you guys met was through Viva
She introduced him to you cause you were pretty low key and he was too tired for upbeat-ness
When he asked you to be his fiancé you sat him down (after you said yes with the biggest smile ever) and explained the full story behind your family
The reason you leave Putt Putt Village every month? To look after your older brother who’s seriously ill
Your other brothers? You have no idea where they are
He comforts you through it all- he gets special permission from Viva to leave with you to look after your brother together
No way in hell is he gonna let you go through that alone
On your journey to where your oldest brother lives, he explains his family situation
And you both talk about it- a heart to heart
You definitely both start crying
I like to hc Clay as someone who likes to read to his S/O
So he reads to you to help you calm down and sleep
He meets your older brother who is absolutely ecstatic to meet ‘the famous Clay who’s got my little sister swooning’
You glare at him playfully from behind Clay
Clay enjoys spending time with your brother, who tells him that he’s happy you’ve got someone to lean on now
Clay sees how hard you work to make sure your brother has everything and is comfortable
Clay also meets the nanny (who apparently has a crush on your brother)
When you leave, your brother demands that he gets to come to the wedding and tells Clay to take extra good care of you
When he meets his brothers again, he introduces you but makes sure they don’t encroach on your personal space
Explains that you’re an introvert
They all go “aaaaaaaah gotcha” then start bombardons you with questions from a safe distance
They didn’t get the hint
You don’t go with them- Clay insists you stay in the village, he doesn’t want you in danger
You have a heartfelt hug and kiss before you run off to delay viva from finding out
“You gotta promise me you’ll be safe”
He presses a final kiss to your lips before softly resting his forehead on yours
“I promise”
It takes everything in Bruce to not cry
You do join in the journey with viva- you wanna make sure he’s alright
You end up being the one to free him from the shoulder pads and you have a quick hug through the diamond before they leave to trip Velvet
You stay with Viva and Poppy whilst the brothers cry for Floyd
Clay introduces you to Floyd as soon as possible
You end up getting along pretty well-
Then one day, when Brozone, Poppy and King Peppy are visiting Putt Putt Village to pick up Viva but also see the full extent of it
Your three other brothers show up
By this point your wedding is approaching and you’re stressing out a little bit
But you’ve also told Clay, and the others about your relationship with your other brothers
And even Poppy can see that the bond can’t be fixed
So when they show up?
They’re met with an angry Clay refusing to let them see you knowing how much it hurts when they turn up just to leave
Disappointed Bruce and Floyd who just look on with deadpan expressions, shaking their heads
JD runs to get you- letting you know that you have a choice and you don’t have to see them
You end up seeing them, holding Clays hand for comfort as you do the bare minimum of introducing them to everyone
Asking your brothers what they want now, only rolling your eyes when they tell you they need various things from you
You kick them out of the village, telling them the only way they can come to your wedding is if your older brother lets them come
They all pale cause there’s no way that’s happening
Clay holds you whilst you have a little cry
100/10 husband material
Let me know if I should do a PT2 the wedding!
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spidybaby · 1 year
Be quiet, please
Summary: Kylian got a little too drunk and decided to share some information he isn't supposed to.
Warning: Slightly cursing.
Part two
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"Princesa, do you want another drink?" Neymar asks you, noticing the glass in your hand is empty. "Please," you hand him the glass with a smile.
Your attention goes back to Melissa and Fayza, Melissa was telling you a story about her recent trip. From time to time, you turned your attention to the dance floor, Kylian was dancing with Bruna, she's trying to teach him some Brazilian dance.
You can't help but smile, dizzying off from the conversation with the two women.
The party was something Kylian wanted to do, not being a very party guy himself, he asked you to help him plan it. And if you were honest, you did an amazing job, all his teammates and their partners were there, his parents, his brothers and close friends too.
"I mean, that's good for me. What about you, y/n?" Melissa asks you. You turned back to her a little embarrassed because you have no idea what they're talking about. "Yes," you say, trying to save the talk.
Fayza can't help but laugh while Melissa just looks at you with a funny expression. "You have no idea what we're talking about," she says as she joins Kylians mother. "Sorry, I zoned out." The blush on your face only grows.
"Melissa was talking about meeting for breakfast tomorrow, just us and Lana," Fayza tells you. You smile really hard, loving how they always involve you in every activity they do. "I'll love to. Let's have brunch at the cute cafe we visited last time, " you suggested happily.
"Princesa, your drink, extra special for my good friend," ney interrupt the conversation handing your drink to you. "Miss Lamari, Melissa, would you like something else to drink?" He offered happy. Ney decided to be the bartender helper since he couldn't really dance because of his injury.
They thank him and accept the offer, ney goes back to the bar to prepare the drinks. "I was thinking," you say, pausing to drink a little of the cocktail. "Ky asked me to start planning the wedding, he wants to have a summer wedding and I want to ask you to help me."
The thought of your wedding with him makes you excited. Since he proposed back before the World Cup, you started saving ideas for dresses, venue ideas, and daydreaming of what everything was going to look like.
Fayza moves closer to hug you, excited at the idea of you finally joining the family as her sons wife. She helped Kylian with the proposal, helped him pick the ring, and practice his speech. She was the most welcoming woman on earth. Since day one, she was arms open to you, knowing as soon as she met you, you were there for the long run. She wasn't wrong.
"I can't believe it's been a few months since that, you know I love you like a sister, count with me on anything."
When you moved to Paris, you didn't expect to find love and a family that loved you and protect you. Not expecting any of that to go so well as it's going.
"Thank you, both of you"
You hug them easily as you were in the middle of them. Ethan walked close to the scene and asks what's going on.
"What's going on is that Melissa wants to dance, and you're taking her," you say, watching Melissa roll her eyes at you but accept dancing with her little brother in law.
Verrati and Marquinhos saw this and decided to invite you and Fayza to dance, accepting the offer you move to the dance floor. Some Brazilian music is playing, probably a request from one of the team guys. Loving to see Ney and Marquinhos break the dance floor with their moves, tonight only being Marquinhos.
Kylian saw that you and Marco were dancing and smiled. He was happy to have you, happy to see how you blend amazingly into his world, not thinking of anyone more than you to do it.
"Go, Kylian!" Bruna yelled as he got the steps correctly this time, after what it seemed like a whole night trying. "Go, Kyky. Go, Kyky. " Sergio and Pilar cheer for him. Antonella and Leo are trying to imitate the dance as bruna directs the whole choreography.
You took Ethans hand, dancing a little bit with him while Melissa and Marco dance together, Marcos wife lost at the bar laughing with Neymar. Everybody's having fun. Everybody's relaxing, forgetting about their worries for a moment.
After a good time on the dance floor, Fayza and you go back to your seats. You are tired from the workout you did in the morning, cursing yourself for it. After a few songs, Melissa frees herself from Marco, handing him to Bruna, and she accepts excited to teach more dance moves. It was her night, and nobody denied it. We just accepted it.
Kylian left the dance floor when his eyes and yours made contact, walking your way, you open your arms for him to get into them, embracing you while you kiss his cheek. "You did it amazing, amour. Such a dancer, " you smiled, pulling away from him,
You both laugh, and he takes a seat next to you and in the middle of Melissa and his mom. "Maman," he yells, a little more drunk than usual, something is not common in him, but tonight you're happy he's letting go, knowing he needs that "Je vais me marier." (I'm getting married) Fayza, and you let out a laugh. Finding adorable the way he's so excited about it.
"I know, my love. I can't be happier for you, " she says, caressing his cheek as a love sign. She has the same thoughts as you, Kylian has a very pressured life, so it's good for him to let go and enjoy his youth.
Kylian recliners himself into you, his head into your shoulder, giving him access to your cheeks and neck, something he didn't take for granted, kissing you cheek multiple times. "Ky, stop," you pull away a little, not wanting him to start something he's not supposed to. Not in front of his mother.
"Tu n'aimes pas que je t'embrasse?" (You don't want to kiss me?) His expression turns into a hurt one, "Chérie, s'il vous plaît" (honey, please) he tries to kiss your cheeks again, but you move your face, making him pout harder this time "You weren't denying my kisses this morning while I was inside of you." You move your hand to his mouth, stopping him to finish his sentence. Melissa can't help but let out a loud laugh, Fayza laughs with her while shaking her head. "Amour, be quiet, please."
He takes his hand into yours and moves it, freeing his mouth. "Est-ce que je te fais de l'effet?" (Do I make you feel good?) He whispers into your ear.
You can't help the blush that creeps into your face. "Ky, be quiet," you whisper to his ear. "Why? maman sait ce qu’on fait" (mom knows what we're doing). With every single word of him, you can feel your face turn more red. Thankfully, the color of the lights helps you.
"Maman, elle m’a fait me sentir si bien ce matin" (mom, she made me feel so good this morning) kylian tells his mother, laughing casually, not caring a single bit about the meaning of his words. "Et peut être que je vais te faire sentir bien, ce soir" (And, baby, Ima make you feel so good, tonight) You try to hush him again, but his hands on yours difficult you the work.
"Oh Chérie, you're so drunk right now, " Fayza, who is enjoying the moment, knowing damn well she'll use it to mess with him later, tries to shush him. Melissa, on the other hand, is enjoying everything, not caring to make him stop but decide to help you. "Kyks, come with me, I want another drink," she says while taking his hands and pulling him off of you.
You stay there, ashamed that Kylian says that in front of his mother, deciding to drink your cocktail, looking at everything but the eyes of your future mother in law. "Y/n, Chérie, don't worry." She says, feeling your discomfort and laughing at how embarrassed you were. "But I have the feeling I know now why you wanted a brunch and not an early breakfast," she joked with you, which makes you laugh, you love the way she always makes sure you're comfortable.
You can't deny that even though you feel embarrassed, you lived for these moments. Yes, it was something you were going to be mocked about for a long time, but hey, it's the memories that count.
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artssslut2 · 1 month
Pinky Promise
Art x Lily x Reader
Summary: It’s Lily’s birthday and Art wants to give his little girl the best day ever.
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It was the night before Lily’s birthday and you and Art were staying up extra late to get ready. Tashi had started coaching three new players since Art retired. She had been gone a lot for work after they got divorced, Lily missed her a lot but would call her everyday. Lily loved you though, she always did. Art waited a while before letting her meet you he wanted to make sure you were the one first. Once you met Lily and he saw how the two do you got along he put a ring on your finger almost immediately. Lily was the flower girl at your wedding and was beyond happy about getting you as a bonus mom. You were younger than Art, he knew that you wanted more kids, he didn’t mind that idea he actually loved it. Lily also loved it, she had been begging for a sibling since the day you got married. And now here you were eight months pregnant with another little girl. This was your first time around but Arts second, he was more relaxed since he had been down this road before, it was calming for you. Art loved that he was around for everything that was something he couldn’t do with Lily.
Lily was Turing eight and Art was of course going all out for his little girl. Art missed Lilys third birthday because of a match and he has never been able to forgive himself, he knew she wouldn’t remember but it still made him sad. So now he always made the day special.
Lily was a dancer, she had played tennis for a little bit but she didn’t really like it, tashi was mortified but art was relieved. He didn’t want her to be put under all that pressure. After quitting tennis Lily started taking ballet classes and she loved them, she was an amazing dancer easily the best in her class. Art never wanted to put pressure on her, he wanted her to be a normal kid but dance became the thing she loved the most, she wanted to dance all the time. So Art had been working non stop on her own dance room in the basement. He put in dance flooring, mirrors and a ballet bar, he lined the walls with all her trophy’s and medals and old costumes. Seeing Art be such an amazing dad made you love him even more, you couldn’t wait to see him become a dad again.
“Do you think she’ll like it?” Your husband asked hanging some streamers by the door, you looked at him and smiled
“Of course she will. She’s gonna love it.” You wrapped your arms around his torso he leaned against you a little. You noticed Art seemed off “you okay baby?” You asked softly. He took a deep breath
“Mhm. I just don’t want her to feel left out… when she was a baby I wasn’t there as much as I wanted to be. Now with this baby I will be here, all the time. I’ll never miss a birthday or anything, what if she thinks it’s because I don’t love her as much as her sister?” Art asked looking at the floor putting his hands in his pockets. You waited a minute, you knew he struggled with self doubt about fatherhood and it broke your heart because he was the greatest dad.
“She won’t Art I promise. We won’t let that happen. Look at all you are doing for her… everyday you are showing her how much you love her. She’s smart and she knows the baby might take up more of your time but she knows you don’t love her any less. Neither will I, I love her more than anything Art just like she’s my own, okay?” You told him grabbing his hands, Art looked at you with glassy eyes and gave you a little smile. Art loved you so much. He never thought he would meet someone after Tashi but somehow he lucked out and met the love of his life. He knew you would be a great mom to your own children, but Lily was also your baby.
“I love you.” He said kissing your head and pulling you in. You smiles against his chest. “alright let’s go to bed we have a big day tomorrow.” He took your hand to lead you out of the room.
The next morning you both woke up early so you could be awake before Lily. Art had the whole day planned out for her. You both waited downstairs for her to wake up. Finally you hear little feet running down the stairs, Art walked to them
“Do I hear my Eight year old?” Lily giggles jumping into her father’s arms and giving him a big hug, “oh my gosh you look a year older do you feel a year older?” He asked holding her up and dramatically examining her,
“No!” She laughed trying to catch her breath, seeing their interaction made you laugh
“Happy birthday Lily Pad.” You told her joining them in the living room with a gift bag,
“Thanks, what’s that?” She asked staring at the pink bag pointing at it
“We wanted to give you one of your gifts now so that you can use it today.” You smiled handing her the gift bag and kissing her head
“Can I open it now!?” She asked very loudly bouncing up and down, you and Art laughed and nodded. She ripped the tissue paper away and dug into the bag. You had gotten her a new outfit, Lily loved fashion and dressing up. It’s how you first bonded, you work in fashion it’s actually how you met Art.
“Oh my gosh! It’s so cute!” She shrieked holding the light pink romper up, there was also a matching bow and shoes in the bag.
“You wanna go put it on?” You laughed moving her bed head from her face,
“Yes! Thank you y/n!” She said jumping into your arms squeezing you so tight then running up to her bedroom to change. You looked at art and he had the biggest smile on his face, a smile he only got when he watched his two favorite people.
“Your the best” he said coming over and kissing you,
“It’s easy when she’s the best.” You smiled
“Y/n! Can you come do my hair!?” Lily shouted from upstairs, you both laughed and you headed up to help her.
Once Lily was dressed and had her hair done she was asking about breakfast. You told her that she should ask her dad so you went to your bedroom to find him. He came out of the bedroom and showed off his shirt to his girls,
“What do you think, how do I look Lily Pad?” He asked doing a spin. He was wearing a shirt that said “girl dad” on it, you and Lily got it for him when you found at you were having a girl.
“It’s perfect!’ She giggled, she loved getting her dad clothes you both would often go shop for him together.
“Lily we have two more things for you before breakfast, the first isss…” he dramatically held out his words to build suspense
“Daddy! What is it daddy!” She asked bursting with excitement Art pointed at you so you could finish his sentence.
“We are giving you a yes day. Whatever you want to do we have to say yes too.” You smiled presenting the offer to the little girl. Her eyes lit up and she looked so happy. You could see wheels turning in her brain thinking of what she wanted to ask first
“Can we get Starbucks for breakfast?!” She asked enthusiastically, of course that was her first request. Art looked at you like he was thinking of what to say
“Hmmmm…” he said dramatically like he might say no “of course we can baby.” Lily laughed “but before we go we have one more thing.” He said reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small wrapped box.
“What is it daddy?” She asked scrunching her eyebrows just like her dad does
“Open it” he handed it to her and she tipped it open, she gasped. It was a necklace from Tiffany’s that had her birthstone on it, it was way too expensive for an eight year old but art didn’t care.
“It’s so pretty daddy! Thank you so much I love it!” She said wrapped herself around him. She looked at the box again
“But wait. There’s earrings too I don’t have mine pierced.” She said confused
“Well we thought since your eight now…” you told her you didn’t need to finish she knew
“No way are you serious?!” She looked back and fourth between you and art and you both nodded. She squealed and jumped up and down then kept into Arts arms and held onto him as tightly as a little girl could, he laughed enjoying this moment.
The day went on perfectly, you loved watching Art be a father, you loved that you could share the joy and be lilys bonus mom. When Lily got her ears pierced Art was more nervous than she was. Lily was trying to be brave and had a very focused look on her face while she sat in the chair alone.
“Are you nervous?” He asked his daughter
“No… but can you hold my hand daddy?” She asked timidly, Art chuckled
“I’ll do you one better.” He told her lifting her up and placing her on his lap. You filmed as she got her ears pierced she didn’t even flinch. You showed Lily a picture so she could see and she loved them
“I look beautiful!” She gasped
“Yes you do baby.” You smiled
Lily picked her favorite place to eat dinner of course.
“Can you guys say yes to one more thing?” Lily asked while eating her Mac and cheese “can I pick the babies name?” She smiled giving her best puppy dog eyes, you and Art looked at each other knowing you would have to say no but wanted to humor her
“Hmm… well what are you thinking Lily pad?” You and Art had had a list of names but hadn’t been able to decide, you wanted to go with an L name to match Lily.
“Luna.” She said confidently “Then we can call her Lou Lou.” She pled her case
“Was that your favorite name on the list?” You asked her, she nodded. You looked at Art
“We will think about it I promise.” Art smiled holding out his pinky, she smiled back giving him a pinky promise. You did really like the name, it would be special if Lily chose it.
Once you all got home you gave Lily what seemed like a thousand presents, pink and purple wrapping paper covered your living room floor. Lily was a very grateful little girl she didn’t act spoiled in the least, even if she was a little spoiled by her father. After she opened her last gift and blew out her birthday candles Art stood up,
“Lily we have one more gift for you.” You saw lilys eyes open wide
“Another one?” She asked surprised,
“Your daddy worked veryyyy hard on it” you added
“Follow us okay Lily pad”
You led the little girl to the basement, the last few months you told her she wasn’t allowed down there because they were doing renovations, she quickly saw that there was nothing new and looked confused then you covered her eyes
“Since you have been working so hard in dance class we wanted to surprise you with a… “ Art opened the door slightly to what used to be one of the guest bed rooms “dance room!” He threw the door opened and you uncovered lilys eyes
“WHAT?!” She yelled running in the little girl was speechless she looked like she could cry, she was quiet then hugged you both
“This is the best gift in the whole entire world.” She said squeezing tightly, Art kissed your cheek while in the group hug,
“Well why don’t you teach me some moves?” Art laughed, Lily ran to the middle with her dad. For the next hour Lily taught, well tried to teach her dad her new ballet routine. It was adorable. She wanted you to learn it too but Art told her when your center of gravity was back to normal she can but not right now.
Art was a great tennis player but he was definitely not a ballerina like his daughter. You laughed so hard at the pair watching the routine you almost peed your pants. It was such a perfect day with your little family.
Now Art was putting Lily to bed. It was past her bedtime but since it was her birthday it was fine. Lily called Tashi on Arts phone like she did every night then Art read her a story, Art kisses her head and was about to leave when she asked
“Today was the best day. But daddy my wish didn’t come true.” She said frowning a little. Art furrowed his brows and knelt back down
“How come Lily pad? What was your wish?”
“I wished that the baby would be born today.” She sighed, Art smiled a little. He was slightly relieved that she didn’t say it was something he could’ve done.
“That would have been pretty cool baby. But the baby needs to grow a little bit more before she can come out remember?” He asked softly stroking her hair. She nodded
“Yeah… I just really want to meet her it’s taking sooo long.” She told her dad and he smiled, he thought about how long nine months would seem to an eight year old
“I know Lily pad I wanna meet her oo. But she will be here so soon, before you know it… I promise.” He told her holding his pinky out again
“Daddy do you think I’ll be a good big sister?” She asked looking at him with her big eyes, his heart melted
“I think you might just be the best big sister in the entire world.” He smiled kissing her head, and He believed that completely.
Art got ready for bed then joined you under the covers pulling you close, you had been thinking about what Lily said earlier
“You know Luna is pretty cute.” You whispered Turing over to look at Art
“Yeah?” He asked sitting up on his forearm
“Yeah.” You nodded
“Then Luna it is.” He grinned ear to ear putting a hand on your stomach then leaning down to kiss it. What a great day.
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avoxrising · 9 months
The Feral One • Ch 18
Finnick x Y/N
Series Masterlist Link
Ahhh I love the wedding part
Content Warnings - None :)
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You wake up to find yourself in the extra bed in Finnick’s room, your memories continue to flood back in. Why did you think asking Peeta would be a good idea? Why didn’t you listen to Finnick when he said you shouldn’t ask?
He notices you are awake and brings you a glass of water.
“Is that why you don’t want to sleep with me?” you ask him. He looks back at you with sad eyes.
“I didn’t want to trigger you,” he replied. “Once I realized you didn’t remember it felt wrong to. I couldn’t do that with you knowing you were in the dark about what had previously happened, but at the same time I knew that not reminding you was the better option.”
“I don’t know if it would trigger me,” you admit. “I don’t want it to but I’m scared it might. And what if I trigger your memories too?”
Finnick sighs as he sits down next to you. “Then we will just have to work through them together.”
“Together,” you smile.
The day of your fake wedding quickly arrives. You had been staying in Finnick’s room since your breakdown because your doctor agreed it was best for you. Finnick still had to carry sedative but he hasn’t had to use it.
You are quickly whisked off to Katniss’ room to get ready. Your fear of touch is somewhat back but having the prep team verbally explain to you what they’re doing before they touch you made it bearable.
They worked quickly, keeping your makeup simple and leaving your hair down and in its natural texture. The look was so different than a traditional capital look. You loved it. They even covered up the scar on your face, giving you a gentler look.
When you finished putting on your dress, you exit the bathroom to find Mags standing there with tears in her eyes.
“Mags!” you gasp, running to the woman and pulling her into a hug. Last you had heard she was in hiding in District 4.
“The rebels were able to fly her out last night,” Effie explains as she watches your reunion. “She wanted to be here for your fake special day.”
“Beautiful,” Mags mumbles as she touches your face. Thank goodness your makeup was waterproof.
You clutched her arm tightly as if she may disappear at any moment. You hadn’t hugged her since before the incident nor had you really spoken to her since. Despite your recent setback, you were making progress.
“Will you walk me down the aisle?” you ask her and she eagerly nods her head. The prep team hands you your shoes to put on and you finish getting ready, eager for the practice run of something you hope to do for real in the future.
Walking down the aisle felt surreal. Why were you so nervous for a fake wedding? You told yourself it was because of the cameras and let Mags continue to walk you towards Finnick.
Finnick looked stunning in Peeta’s old suit. His hair was also kept in its natural texture and his face was makeup free. Mags gave him a kiss on the hand as she handed you to him.
The ceremony was a traditional District 13 one. Plutarch had asked if you wanted to incorporate any District 4 traditions but you both said no, wanting to save them for a real wedding.
District 13 does not do vows. For them, marriage is more of a formality than a romantic occasion. Finnick and you stand there facing each other as the officiant reads off District 13’s proclamation of marriage. When the reading is done, you lean in for a kiss.
Your first public kiss with Finnick garnered cheers and cries from the crowd. Never in a million years did you ever think you would be able to love so publicly, not with Snow’s threats looming over your heads. Something about this felt so right, and you promised yourself that after the war you would marry Finnick; for real.
The reception was beautiful. Effie had picked a colorful array of flowers to decorate the hall with and Peeta had made you a wonderful cake. You spent the evening dancing with Finnick and chatting with the attendees. Eventually the event winded down and Plutarch thanked you for the footage.
The deal was done. You could now officially live with Finnick.
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damiansgoodgirll · 9 months
can you please do an story about Damian and Reader where her "friends" forgot her BDay and Damian is the only one who recognize something was wrong and she's telling him that's her BDay and he makes it an unforgettable weekend and later confess to her?!
damian priest x reader
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bday party
realising that it was your birthday and none of your friends wished you an happy birthday or asked you if you were doing something for that day actually hurt you.
you’ve been there for every one of your friends, for their birthdays, their weddings, whatever party they wanted to do. you’ve always been there but no one was there for you on your own special day.
being in an other city, away from your family, hurt you more. they were the only one to remember your birthday but the fact that they weren’t with you left you with a sense of sadness washing over you.
you hoped that maybe your gym friends remembered since you talked about it for the past week but once you hit the gym everyone greeted you normally, like nothing changed.
the only person to notice your humor was damian, you’ve met him when you started going at the same gym but everytime you talked it was mostly small talks. some about your personal lives and some about your jobs, a part of that, you weren’t that much friends. you were texting over instagram sometimes but not about anything in particular.
you’ve always found him attractive and truth be told you loved watching him in the gym but you knew you weren’t his type. you weren’t the type of girl a gym person like him would date.
but you couldn’t be more wrong.
damian had a crush on you. he developed feelings since the moment he saw you. he couldn’t get enough and his stalking abilities made it easier for him to find your instagram. he wanted to ask you out so bad but he didn’t know what kind of life he could give you. he was away from home all the time and he knew he couldn’t bring you with him.
he thought about those things all the time but that never stopped his feeling for you.
he wasn’t sure what was going on but there was something in your looks that was telling him that something was off.
“hey y/n! you okay?” he asked softly approaching you.
“hi damian” you greeted him with your soft voice “yes everything okay” you smiled.
“you sure? you know you can tell me if there’s something bothering you…” he smiled at you. a genuine smile you haven’t seen in months.
“it’s just…it doesn’t matter…”
“it does matter if it’s the reason i haven’t seen you smiling or laughing all morning” he teased.
“well, it’s my birthday and…well, none of my friends remembered it but it doesn’t really matter…” you awkwardly said, trying to not sound childish because in your mind it sounded stupid being mad for something like that.
“happy birthday hermosa” he said hugging you.
you never felt that hot in your life.
“t-thank you…i really appreciate it” you smiled.
“do you have any plans or things you wanna do today?”
“i actually have to finish some work but i was thinking of maybe watching a movie and ordering some pizza tonight since i’ll be alone anyway…” you whispered the last part and damian caught that too.
“text me your address after lunch, i’ll pick you up and take you somewhere nice” he said leaving before you could actually reply.
and so you did.
you had no idea where he was taking you so you tried to be elegant but not too extra at the same time.
he took you to a cinema and you both comfortably watched the new hunger games movie and ended up eating some pizza at the cute place near your home.
“you really shouldn’t have done it…maybe you had other plans today” you felt a little apologetic.
“no other plans, trust me…”
he loved spending the day with you. he got to know you better. definitely better than the usual ten minutes talk at the gym. he got to know what you liked, how you loved your pizza, what drinks you drink, what music you like to listen, what movies and shows you like to watch and more. he was comfortable with you and he wished every day was like this.
“still…you didn’t have to do it for me…” you smiled.
“i loved doing it for you” he said seriously, his eyes never leaving yours and you felt butterflies all over your body.
“then…thank you so much for the night” you whispered.
“you’re very welcome…even if you haven’t eaten the cake yet…” he said before taking a candle from his jacket and lighting it up for you “make a wish hermosa” he said with his deep voice.
“i think it already came true…” you teased back. before you could eat your piece of cake, he gently grabbed your hand and kissed the palm of it.
“it could be like this every night if you want to, you know…” he whispered, keeping your hand close to his lips “i really like you y/n and if you give one chance i could show you how i feel about you…”
“okay…” you whispered.
“okay” he smiled and kissed your hand again, making you forget about the cake.
honestly? fuck the cake if he could give you dessert every night.
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wordsinhaled · 2 years
ok, actually coffeeshop AU has consumed me because just imagine
morpheus pining for hob, in his kitchen at midnight in his black t-shirt and skinny jeans and bare feet, blasting "the lovecats" and "just like heaven" and making fancy truffles... his sister letting herself into morpheus' flat in the middle of the day and it smells like coffee and kahlua; she comes into the kitchen to see morpheus assembling a tiramisu, humming "i melt with you"...
("who's got you singing, then?"
"no one, my sister.")
morpheus takes his next wedding cake contract without complaint, when normally they make him maudlin because he hasn't been in love for so long, and that's when people really know something is up with him
hob pining for his nameless customer, making his own homemade flavored simple syrups, roping any friend who comes over to his place into trying a new coffee drink, all, "what does it feel like to you, when you drink this?"
("what do you mean, man?" "in your heart. what does it make you feel?" "caffeinated."
"ugh—no—i mean, yes, obviously, but... do you feel cared about?"
"...i suppose? you could just give him your number, you know." "god, are you serious? he'd toss it in the bin straight away. he barely even looks at me." "and you think your extra-special flat white or your rosemary latte or whatever is going to change that?" "i can hope! and it was lavender. though he might think a rosemary one is nice, thanks for the idea—")
just... the two of them both losing it over each other and yet completely convinced that's not the case
@levionok @valeriianz
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joedirtymadre · 7 months
This one is ok, I think it’s pretty cute. (SENKU X READER) Other than that still taking requests!
“Hey (Y/N)! How’s it going?” Yuzuriha called out. “Hi Yuzuriha, and nothing much, just tending the garden. I planted some ginger and green onions a while back. Senku really likes them in his ramen so I was hoping to surprise him for our anniversary,” I explained. “Oooh well they look nice! And wow has it really been a year already? That’s so exciting! I’ll make you a cute dress for the special day!” Yuzuriha said, with determination. “You don’t have to! Plus it’s tomorrow! I’d feel bad for putting an extra project on top of everything else you have to do,” I explained. “No, trust me I got this!” Yuzuriha yelled as she ran away, probably heading to begin creating it. I smiled at her enthusiasm and continued tending the crops.
“Hey (Y/N),” I heard Senku call out. “What’s up?” I asked as I quickly stood up and sped walk over. Don’t want him finding out what I’ve been growing in my spare time. “I’m setting up a team to go investigate the caves past the forests,” he explained. “Ok, so who are you planning on taking?” I asked. “Well I need a small team, so probably Chrome, Kohaku, Magma, the big oaf, and Ukyo. Just wanted to give you a head’s up cause it’s a long journey, so we’ll probably be there the rest of the week,” he explained nonchalantly. “Oh… well when were you planning on heading out?” I asked nervously. “Tomorrow, duh,” he said. “Oh… umm… alright then. I guess the caves might have valuable supplies,” I mumbled. “Yeah, that’s why we’re heading out at the crack of dawn,” he smiled. “Yeah ok… but Senku, have you forgotten anything? Anything… special?” I asked, hoping he didn’t. “No? Why do you ask? Why are you acting all weird all of a sudden?” He frowned. “No reason! Just… no reason. Hope you have a safe trip, I’ll be waiting for your return,” I said softly and began walking towards my hut.
Senku’s POV
That was strange… (Y/N)’s never acted like that before. Am I forgetting something? Her birthday? No… or maybe… “Hey Senku! Where did (Y/N) go?” Yuzuriha called out and she and Suika came over with a basket of flowers. “Yeah! We wanted to know if she likes any of the flowers we picked out,” Suika smiled. “Flowers? For what?” I asked, confused. “For your versary!” Suika cheered. “Anniversary,” Yuzuriha corrected. I froze. Anniversary? She’s been keeping track? Oh god- “You forgot,” Yuzuriha said with a dark aura around her. “N-No what gave you that idea?” I scoffed, trying to keep the act up. “Yo Senku! We’re still heading out tomorrow right?” Chrome called out, with Gen and Kohaku behind him. “You idiot…” I mumbled, feeling Yuzuriha’s aura darken. “You know… for a genius you sure act like an idiot,” Yuzuriha said as she placed a tight grip on my shoulder.
“What’s going on? And why does Yuzuriha have a black aura around her?” Gen asked. “Our dear old Senku, forgot his anniversary date,” Yuzuriha explained. “Anniversary?” Chrome asked. “Yes, an anniversary can mean many things, like a wedding, or when a country was established. In this case it’s celebrating the day our beautiful (Y/N) and evil scientist started dating,” Gen explained. “Thanks for making me sound like an even bigger asshole,” I sighed. “I mean, you did forget a special date,” Kohaku said. “Is that why (Y/N) shut herself in her hut?” Nikki asked as she walked up. “Man, how are you gonna dig yourself out of this one, Senku?” Gen smirked. “And you told her about the plan of going to the mountains!” Chrome groaned. “You screwed up big time,” Kohaku frowned. “I know, I know. But luckily for me, I know how to make up for it,” I smirked, and quickly began telling everyone a plan.
The Next Day
Your POV
I woke up, and quickly began changing. I walked out and noticed it was late morning, “Senku and everyone else has probably left already,” I sighed. I walked over to my garden and began harvesting the vegetables that I planted. “Just because Senku’s not here, doesn’t mean I can’t have a delicious bowl of ramen,” I said softly. “Hey (Y/N)!” I turned once I heard Suika’s voice. “Oh, hi Suika. How are you?” I smiled. “I’m good, but can you help me with something?” She asked. “Sure!” I smiled. She quickly led me to the main building, I walked in and found Ruri weaving flowers together. “Oh wow, are you making floral crowns?” I asked, as I sat down next to her and Suika followed. “Yep! We’re celebrating today! So we want to make floral crowns for whoever would like one,” Ruri smiled. “Oh wow! Who are we celebrating today? Is it somebody’s birthday?” I asked, and began grabbing some flowers to behind weaving. “It’s a secret! But this is someone who everyone loves, that’s the hint,” Suika said. “Hmm… ok then! How many should we make?” I asked. “As many as you can, the whole village may want one,” Ruri explained. I nodded and the three of us began to work.
“Wow (Y/N), you quite…fast,” Ruri said in shock. “Yeah like Yuzuriha!” Suika added. “Haha, well I used to help her on her projects a lot. So I guess I learned how to keep up,” I smiled. “I see, well why don’t you wear this one? I think it suits you best,” Ruri said as she handed me a beautiful crown with only hydrangea flowers. “Oh wow, these are my favorite!” I smiled, as I placed the crown on. “Well I’ll see you guys later! Since we’re all done here,” I smiled and quickly got up, but was stopped by Suika. “H-Hold on (Y/N)! I think Gen told me that he wanted your help too!” Suika stumbled as she stopped me. “Really, well alright then. I’ll head over to him right now,” I smiled. “I’ll go with you!” Suika said as she rushed to follow me.
I walked towards Gen, but Suika rushed over quicker. I watched as Suika whispered something to him in a panic, before the two looked over towards me. “Uhh… do you not need my help Gen?” I asked, confused by the looks on their faces. “No! No, dear (Y/N). Just Suika reminding me of the project I needed help on,” he smiled. “Ok, so what’s the project?” I asked. “Just need some help with… umm… with working on my makeup?!” He said, or more like questioned? “Uhh, your makeup?” I stared blankly. “Yes! It’s just that a true mentalist needs to be able to lay-pay both roles successfully! And ever since we’ve been stuck in the Stone Age I’ve had trouble remembering how to use the products Senku has created for Kohaku,” Gen sighed. “Oh, well no problem…” I said slowly. “Perfect!” He smiled and guided me towards the building Ruri was in again. “Oh hi (Y/N), welcome back,” Ruri smiled. “Hi again…” I laughed awkwardly. “Alright (Y/N) here are the products, now make me feminine,” Gen smiled. “Ok,” I said, determined.
I kept trying to do Gen’s eyeliner with black ink, but he kept moving… “Gen… if you move one more time I swear I’m gonna knock you asleep. And then there’ll be no issue of you moving,” I smiled darkly. “Cary-say! A-Alright, I won’t move anymore,” he said nervously. “Perfect,” I grinned. 5 minutes later and we’re done. “Ta-da!” I said as I showed Ruri and Suika the product of 30 minutes. “Wow! Gen looks so pretty!” Suika said. “She’s right, the makeup really helped his feminine features show,” Ruri clapped in fascination. “Hmmm… I have an idea, why don’t I do your makeup (Y/N)? You know, as practice,” he explained. “Uhh.. I think I-“ I was quickly interrupted. “Oh please, dear (Y/N). I’d appreciate your upport-say,” he begged. I sighed and nodded, sometimes it’s tough being a people pleaser…
After an hour of Gen doing my makeup he was finally done. “Oh my gosh, (Y/N) you look so beautiful!” Suika exclaimed. “Wow! You look amazing!” Ruri smiled. “Haha, thanks. I haven’t really worn makeup, even before the blast,” I smiled softly. “Well, I think that’s all the help we need. You look extremely ired-tay, so go rest up early today!” Gen exclaimed as he pushed me towards the door. “O-Oh, ok,” I stuttered and was pushed out of the building, I sighed and walked towards my hut, I guess he’s right. It’s not like I had any other plans… I walked towards my small home and saw Ginro carrying a large bowl of paint? “Oh Ginro need some-!” I was cut off by Ginro tripping, leading to the paint coat my clothing. “Oh (Y/N)! I’m so sorry! It was so heavy! Please don’t tell anyone!” He said as he ran off. “Alright then…” I sighed and headed home to change my clothing.
I walked to my small home, and walked in to see something on my bed. “What’s this?” I asked myself, and walked closer to realize it was the dress! “Oh wow, Yuzuriha really outdid herself!” I said in astonishment. “Well I’d hate to wear it because I’m not celebrating my anniversary, but at the same time it’d be a shame to let all her hard work go to waste!” I smiled and quickly changed. It was an all white dress, with the resemblance of a white lily. I placed the dress on a look into the small mirror Senku made and took steps back to see myself in the small frame. “I look like a flower, and Gen really did an incredible job with the makeup,” I smiled. I spun around like a little girl, wearing a dress for the first time. I continued laughing and spinning until I heard a knock on my door. “I wonder who that is?” I asked myself as I walked over and slowly opened the door to Gen. “Oh wow, Yuzuriha really created an amazing dress,” Gen smiled softly. “Hi Gen, how can I help you?” I asked. “Well I was sent to retrieve you mi’lady,” Gen said, causing me to tilt my head in confusion. He held out his hand and I took it leading to him pulling me outside.
“Gen? Where are we going?” I asked him, as he led me deeper into the forest. “You’ll see soon enough,” he said. We continued walking and I saw a few lights leading to an open area. We walked closer and saw a flower field, with everyone eating, dancing, and playing together. “(Y/N)!” Suika said as she ran up. “You look like a flower!” She grinned. “Thank you,” I smiled. “Gen what is all of this, who did this?” I asked. “Why don't you find out for yourself? He’s waiting for you,” he said and directed me towards the middle of the flower field. I followed his direction and found, “Senku?!” I called out. “Senku, what are you doing here?” I said when I ran up to him. “What do you mean? It’s our anniversary, and I wanted to celebrate my flower,” he said, while wrinkling his face after saying flower. “Sorry, I know that was pretty cheesy, but I know how much you love your flowers. I hope you like the crown I made… Well, Yuzuriha gave up trying to teach me and took over,” he chuckled. “It’s beautiful, and the dress she made too! Oh Senku I’m so happy you’re here, but- Senku I didn’t make you your gift,” I said, worriedly. “It’s fine, just having you deal with me is enough,” he said. “Now come here, let’s dance. I know how much you like to,” Senku said. “Really?! Ok let’s go!” I smiled.
Finally the night came to an end. Everyone except Senku and I congratulated us and eventually took off. “Now that the riff-raff went to bed. Follow me,” he said. He took me to another clearing with a giant view of the stars. “Oh wow!” I said as I stared at the stars. “Senku, it's beautiful,” I smiled. “Yeah, glad you like it. I thought you would,” he smiled. Senku brought me out of my sky gazing and pulled me into a hug. “You know I love you, right (Y/N)?” He asked. “Yeah I know…” I said and pulled him into a kiss. We pulled away and stared into each other’s eyes. “Just promise me you won’t forget our anniversary next year,” I laughed. “Ha, so I guess I couldn’t play it off as a surprise huh?” He asked, while scratching the back of his head. “Nope!” I smiled. “Man… that damn mentalist gave it away I bet,” he chuckled. “Yep, but you did make it up at least. This was an amazing day,” I said and pulled him into another kiss. “You know… that does look like a wedding dress. I wonder how you’d look in a real one?” He asked. “Senku? The brilliant scientist suggesting marriage?” I teased. “Well a brilliant scientist needs a jack of all trades by his side,” He said and pulled me in for another kiss.
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norrisreads · 1 year
Photograph #MS47
PAIRING: mick schumacher x reader
SUMMARY: scrolling through photos, you’ve found some photos that holds great memory and can’t help but to reminisce the moment
WARNING: FLUFF! the cutest and shortest fic i’ve written 😭💗
FC: sooyaaa__ on ig
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‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵
you are the type of person who’d rather have tons of pictures of your love ones rather than yourself and being that type of person means you’d have to transfer pictures regularly to clear up space.
films and dslr wasn’t really ideally for you as you’ve never really taken photography as something you’d think of doing it for life but rather just taking pictures as a memory.
here you are laying on your bed, head laid on the headboard and your phone being supported by your pillow looking through your gallery, you were given a week break off school and since icloud have been notifying that your storage has been used up, you guessed it’s time for your monthly delete session.
the first picture, you got to was a picture of you celebrating with mick’s family on Christmas. Your family weren’t that big on celebrating Christmas, as someone who’s been born to a family with no siblings, it can be quite lonely sometimes and mick thought it’ll be a great idea for you to celebrate christmas with his family.
Corinna, Michael, Gina and you were close, you would sometimes pay them a visit when school hadn’t really taken a huge stress of you. Days when mick would go for his race, you’d be there standing alongside with his family and seeing his face in search of you and his face automatically brighten up once he sees you was something you’d enjoy seeing.
You aren’t a huge dog lover, especially when you grew up with 2 tabby cats, named after your favourite characters last name, reid and green. When you first met angie, it took quite a convincing from mick for you to be close to angie, but the more you came over the more angie had taken a liking to you.
The photo was one of the core memory, and a photo you’d always love to talk about because that was the moment between mick and you was something you will always treasure.
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Then a photo of mick walking through the streets of japan with you were found. It was rare for you to be there for him in races, and when you told him that you’ve decide to accompany him to the Asia races because it was closer to your home country and you’re able to make a quick stop to your home afterwards, he was happy and quickly booked tickets for you.
The stop to japan was the first ever time you had stepped foot in Japan, and with mick knowing this was your first ever visit, he wanted to make it extra special.
But with the flight being delayed, the both of you happened to reach around 10PM where most of the shops were closed or closing soon , so mick and you were casually taking walks nearby the hotel finding for food places that was open.
In the end the both of you settled on 7-eleven food.
Mick had taken multiple photos of you which of course was taken on his phone, one photo was captured with you posing along the streets.
“stand there babe, you look beautiful, let me take a photo”
mick took out his phone from his pockets, and signalled you a countdown and took the photo.
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After scrolling through photos you’ve selected to transfer them to your thumb-drive, you’ve finally found the one photo that you’ve been trying to find.
A photo of mick during the afterparty of your wedding, it was held privately within close friends, family and of course drivers were invited. You had ask for Daniel to take photos for your wedding, and you could say he has a talent in it.
By the end of the day, Daniel dropped you a link that had 200+ photos of your wedding and you and mick had went through all the photos in one sitting in the living room of your new home.
You settled on a photograph of mick wearing a suit being nervous on walking down the altar and mick settled on a photograph of you in the wedding dress, because the moment mick saw you walking down the altar with the wedding dress on, he realised you’re the woman he would love to be with till the end.
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“still transferring the photos?”
there he was, walking towards you with a hot chocolate and a bunch of marshmallows floating around, just the way you like it.
“yeah, my storage has given up on me, which means i’ll need to transfer more photos” you took a sip and placed it by your bedside.
“these are our wedding photos right? we have these photos hung, and it’s in the folder Daniel send us, you can just delete them away my love” mick said while looking at the photos that had successfully transferred to your laptop.
“that’s cruel, i love to have them on my phone. It’s a great memory mick, if i had the chance to marry you again, i will” you gave kisses to his cheeks which led to his ears getting redder
“it’s been a year since we got married and your ears still gets red when i kiss you, Mick Schumacher”
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—✩࿐ end note: this fic is highly inspired by photographs by ed sheeran! Let me know what’s your take on it, i think this might be one of my favourites because i’m someone who takes a-lot of photos for memories 🤎
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buckyalpine · 2 years
nah cause imagine babe, bucky coming to sam and steve one day like “who is ned fulmer and why is everyone talking ab him??” and sam’s the one that responds, “he was a member of the try guys who made his entire personality about his wife and loving her only for everyone to find out he’s been cheating on her. in fact, he kind of reminded me of you, with how obsessed you are of y/n.”
and bucky’s like ??? what the fuck ?? you’re his entire world and the thought of cheating on you is painful. like his stomach hurts and his ass itches just thinking ab it. he could imagine his momma ready to beat his ass, no hesitation. so the next couple of days, he goes on social media just to flaunt how much he loves his baby.
Bucky would never cheat
OMG this is sooo cute also I burst out laughing for this making his ass itch LMAOOOO
It's been all over this social media feed, which he's still trying to figure out. Everyone's loosing their minds and he has no idea why. He walks into the living room to see Sam and Steve talking, and the name Ned comes up again.
"Who is Ned"
"That guy from this group on social media, these 4 guys who try things together,. Anyway, this one guy, Ned, talked about his wife all the time, this man was was in love with her. Literally, his whole was dedicating to loving his wife. Turns out, he's been cheating on her with someone they work with"
"What the fuck" Bucky never understood cheating, just leave for fucks sake.
"Seriously, all he did was talk about how everything reminded him of her and how amazing she is, just like how you're always on about y/n"
Bucky's eyes grew wide, absolutely not, whoever this bitchass Ned was nothing like him. He would never ever in his 100+ years of life cheat on you. His mother never got the chance to meet you but if she did, she would have loved you like one of her daughters. If he cheated on you, she would have beat his ass on the streets with the first thing that came to her hands, and there would be no option to tap out (let's be real, he knows Steve, Sam, Thor, Clint, Tony, his momma would tag team and take turns)
BUT HE WOULD NEVER EVER. He adores his baby too much, the thought alone makes him nauseous, he could never hurt you. The only time he would make you cry is when he's pouring his heart out to you and telling you how special you are and when he's railing you with his fat fucking co-
ok chill.
He run's around the compound to find you, he has to cuddle and kiss you and just hold you. When you're in his arms, he wants the entire world to know. He's never active on social media (he has like 1 post after tony pestered him about needing an online presence). He decides to put up one more picture, nothing too fancy. Simple. Your head resting on his chest, your face slightly covered. His arm wrapped around you protectively.
Caption: Mine
Likes: 54,234,664
Comments: too many to go through
Tony: jealous but low key happy cause you're both so cute but he's 100% posting a thirst trap after this.
The day you get married, social media goes crazy. All the wedding day pictures. The reception. All the anniversary pictures. All the baby bump pictures. All the pictures with your kids. All the pictures of just you.
The difference is, he doesn't have to actually say anything. No extra long captions. Everyone can just see it. The way he looks at you. The way he protects you. The way his heart is all just for you.
Everybody knows.
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marlena-immortale · 2 years
A Valentine’s Surprise
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Summary: You’ve been feeling a little left out in your relationship so your four partners show their love to you with a surprise for Valentine’s Day. 
CW: SMUT, orgy, oral sex, anal play, double penetration, food play, spit play, alcohol  
Word Count: 5.2k
Masterlist ⭐️ Taglist ⭐️ Kofi
You wake up to a cold and empty bed, which is out of the ordinary. For the past few months, you’ve been used to waking up all wrapped up in the limbs of your four beautiful lovers, slowly taking in the world after a well needed deep sleep for all of you, usually caused by the various bedroom activities you got up to the night before. 
But this morning is different. As you regain consciousness you remember falling asleep with all of them late last night. So where could they have gone so early without telling you? You start to feel a little left out, which doesn’t help how you’ve already been feeling lately. You know that your partners love you and that you’re an equal part of this relationship, but sometimes it feels like you’re on the outside. You’ve been feeling that way ever since their management’s album release celebration idea happened to be a wedding ceremony. You know it was just publicity for the band and that you couldn’t have participated in it even if they wanted you to. It all feels a little irrational to be upset about so you haven’t brought it up to your partners, but you’re sure they can sense something has been a little off recently. 
You drag your tired body out of bed to pick up your phone you must’ve left on the dresser and find a handwritten note on top of it sealed with a heart shaped wax seal. It reads:
To our beloved Y/n, 
Happy Valentine’s Day. 
Today, we want you to feel just as special as we know you are. So be ready by 7pm, we’ll send a car to pick you up, and check the closet for our first Valentine’s gift to you.
Love you always, 
Victoria, Ethan, Thomas, & Damiano
You immediately can’t stop smiling, happy that they not only didn’t just leave you in the middle of the night, but are preparing a surprise just for you for Valentine’s Day. Feeling much more invigorated than before, you make your way to the closet and open the door to find a beautiful long red silk dress with a very high slit up the side. You hold it up to your body in the mirror and can’t help touching the smooth fabric you’ll soon have all over your skin. Looking over to the other side of the closet, there’s a white box with a big red bow on it. You unwrap the bow, giddy to see what else they’ve gotten you, to find the softest sexiest set of lingerie you’ve ever seen. There’s a matching bra, panty, and garter belt set, all red with black details. It’s gorgeous and you remember the high slit in the dress and blush, thinking of how the thigh garter and strap will be visible to anyone looking. And your blush deepens knowing that this is exactly what they must’ve planned when they picked this out for you. Your head swims with thoughts of what they’ll be wearing and where they could be taking you and what your night may consist of. 
You quell your excitement for now by focusing on getting ready so you can be perfectly put together for them, deciding to take a relaxing bath before anything else. Mostly to kill time as you can’t get any actual work done thinking about what’s in store for tonight. 
— — — 
After your bath, you do your hair and makeup in the way that makes you feel prettiest, adding just a bit of extra blush than usual to complement the red of the dress and match the occasion. It’s finally time to slip into the lingerie and the dress and you put them all on so carefully despite them clearly being made well enough to withstand a bit of wear and tear. You look at yourself in the mirror one last time, feeling like such a princess in this outfit, so excited to see your partners and get to kiss them and leave lipstick marks all over them. The love you feel for them is truly unmatched in this moment. They must’ve gone to such great lengths to make tonight happen with their busy schedules, and not to mention them successfully keeping it all a secret from you. How they managed to do that with Damiano’s blabber mouth you’ll never know. You think about how cute they must’ve been while planning this. Vic probably took the lead, directing the boys on what to do and them following along. Ethan probably picked the venue and Damiano probably picked the outfits. And you can just imagine Thomas complaining with every task he’s given but secretly loving putting this much attention and detail into planning something for you. 
By the time you’re smiling to yourself in the mirror thinking about how adorable your partners are, you get a text from them in your group chat, telling you the driver is pulling up now. You get in the car, texting them that you’re on your way, even if you don’t know where that is yet.
— — — 
You step out of the car, taking in your surroundings, to see your favorite restaurant. They must’ve planned this so far in advance; this place is always booked. How sweet of them. It’s a little chilly out so you’re glad you paired your outfit with one of Vic’s big fluffy white fur coats. 
Walking into the restaurant, the hostess leads you to a section you’ve never been sat before, the balcony. Your partners must’ve reserved the entire private balcony for this dinner. As soon as the doors are opened and you lay your eyes on them, you can’t help but smile seeing all their beautiful faces. Their outfits are coordinating reds and blacks to match your own. Vic is wearing the most beautiful short black slip dress with red stockings being held up with similar garters to yours, and a red jacket. Thomas is wearing an all red suit with a black harness underneath. Damiano is wearing a black and red suit with a sheer black top underneath. And Ethan is wearing a sheer black blouse, red wide leg dress pants, and a small pretty red bow in his half-up hair. They look so amazing and you realize that with the matching colors and fabrics, you all make the perfect, complete picture together. 
“I love you guys so much,” you tell them, unable to contain it anymore. 
“Aww we love you too sweetheart,” Vic greets you first with a hug and a kiss, and then everyone takes a turn wishing you a happy Valentine’s Day and trying to keep their kisses to a PG level while you’re still in semi-public. 
The dinner is lovely, just as it always is at this restaurant, and the company is even better, your connection with them feeling so natural and conversation flowing easily. 
“We were going to make you a homemade dinner, but someone can’t even cook pasta without setting it on fire so we booked a reservation here instead,” Damiano says, sending a glare in Thomas’s direction, who just laughs and shrugs innocently. 
“You’re going to be even more surprised with what we have planned next,” Ethan barely gets out of his mouth before Vic shoves his shoulder, barely even moving him an inch, and tells him, “Shhh, you’ll ruin the surprise!” Now you’re even more excited to get on with this night. 
After dinner, they lead you back to the car where you all squeeze into the back, even though there’s plenty of room one row up. It’s more cozy this way. 
“How’d you like your dinner baby?” Ethan asks, your legs basically on top of his.
“It was really great, thank you guys. Today has been magical already.”
“Just wait babe, we have so much more to show you,” Thomas teases with a wink and a squeeze of your exposed thigh. 
The car parks and you realize you’ve not been driven home, you’re at a hotel. They must see your confused expression, thinking the rest of the night would be spent in your shared bed together. 
“We may have booked a nice hotel suite for the occasion.” Vic informs you.
“Nice? Babe, we booked the nicest hotel suite. You’re gonna love it!” Damiano corrects her, dragging you by the hand to the elevator. It’s a beautiful, ornate hotel that must cost a fortune to stay at. You decide to not ask questions and just enjoy the luxury. 
In the elevator, no one can seem to keep their hands to themselves. You can feel hands gently wrapping around your waist from behind and little kisses being snuck on your neck and jaw. Your own hands have somehow wandered to Ethan’s hair, undoing his pretty bow as he stares at you with his intense eyes. 
Your jaw drops as soon as the elevator door opens to the most beautiful hotel suite, decorated with rose petals all over, leading to the bedroom, and the perfect low warm lighting that makes it feel comfy, even with how fancy it is. You follow the rose petals to the bedroom and see a huge bed they must’ve specially requested. There’s ice buckets full of expensive champagne bottles, and silver trays of chocolate covered strawberries, and bouquets of red roses all around you. It’s the perfect cliche Valentine’s Day dream come true. 
You’re so in love and so grateful for your lovers that if you don’t get your lips on them right this second, you’ll start crying. So you do exactly that, turning around to grab the first you see, Ethan, and pulling him in for a kiss. 
“This is amazing. Thank you, I don’t even know what to say.” you try to get out, your eyes not knowing who or what to focus on. 
“Then don’t say anything, just enjoy this gift with us.” Vic says confidently, leading you over to the giant bed. “We made sure to get the extra big bed, so we’ll have plenty of room to play around without worrying about someone falling out of bed and breaking their dick.”
“I didn’t break my dick! … Just bruised it a little,” Thomas says back, remembering that night with a laugh. 
You all hop onto the bed together, with plenty of room to spare, and you see Damiano who is looking at you all with such big heart-eyes.
“I just love you all so much. I’m so happy to have you guys in my life, I don’t know what I would do without you.” he says, and you all bring in your most romantic of the group for a big hug, sharing similar sweet sentiments to each other. 
“You know you guys didn’t have to do all this for me, I would’ve been just as happy planning something for you instead,” you tell them, starting to feel a little guilty that you weren’t involved in the planning of this at all. 
“Well, you can help plan next year’s Valentines celebration,” Ethan starts. “But this year, we wanted it to be special for you.”
Thomas continues, “We know we haven’t had a lot of time lately to see you and we know you’ve been feeling a little left out. So we wanted to show you how special you are to us.”
“We love you y/n, and you deserve all of our love and more,” Vic says, arms around your shoulders. She leaves a sweet kiss on your cheek as you hold back tears from how adorable they’re being and how they know exactly what you needed to hear. 
You take a breath, clearing your head, before saying what you really want at this moment. “Well, now that I know how much you guys love me,” you tease, “how about we put this bed to good use huh?” They seem to like this idea, needing your go-ahead before switching the tone of the evening to something more fun.
You all strip each other of your nice outfits, not wanting to get them all sweaty and dirty, when you see what they’ve been hiding underneath. They all have on coordinating lingerie too and the only thought in your brain is oh fuck they look hot. You’ve never seen Thomas in something so slutty and it’s got you reeling. He’s fidgeting around under your gaze in his tiny little red lace g-string thong that does absolutely nothing to cover him, that black chest harness you spotted under his jacket earlier, and nothing else. When you finally tear your eyes away from him, you spot Damiano next, showing off his beautiful black sheer panties and bralette combo with a matching black silk floor length robe he’s put on. Ethan is wearing super short and tight red boxers that attach to garters that wrap around his thigh muscles that he could probably bust out of if he flexed them hard enough. And Vic looks drop dead gorgeous in her red lace thong bodysuit and matching thigh garter bands. Your own panties they picked out for you are starting to get uncomfortable with how wet they’ve gotten you just by being in their presence with these sexy lingerie sets. 
Thomas spots the fresh chocolate covered strawberries and picks one up to feed to you. You accept the treat, looking him in the eyes while you wrap your lips around it, effectively distracting him, but he spills a little chocolate onto your chest. 
“Hey Thomas, don’t get our girlfriend all messy … at least not yet,” Damiano says.
“It’s okay, I don’t mind. He can just lick it off to clean it up,” you tell him. Thomas’s eyes light up. He smirks before letting a bit more chocolate drip onto you, this time lower down your cleavage.
“Oops,” Thomas says in his most innocent voice. You all giggle at his very cute behavior, but the moment his tongue starts lapping at the chocolate right at the low neckline of your lingerie and he stares up at you with his big eyes, your giggles turn a little breathier. 
As you let yourself be distracted by Thomas’s tongue slipping lower and lower, you feel more hands on you. This time, they’re from Ethan, gently laying you down onto the soft bed against the mountain of pillows. 
You then see Vic crawling on top of you with something in her hands. A bottle of opened champagne in one and a bottle of chocolate sauce in the other, smiling down at you, already stripped down completely. Now you have something else to get distracted by. And while you are, Damiano takes the opportunity to take your lingerie off too, kissing the newly exposed skin with each tug of the fabric. He runs into Thomas, still licking at your chest and guides him to follow, leaving sloppier, deeper kisses after Damiano’s gentle chaste ones. 
You look around to see where Ethan has gone and find him behind Damiano and Thomas, stripping them and himself of their lingerie. It’s a shame you don’t get to stare at them in it for longer but you’re just as happy to see their completely nude bodies on top of you. 
With everyone in a more nude state, Thomas, who has been extra lovey and clingy tonight, decides he wants to be even closer to you and wedges himself between the bed and you, allowing you to lie your head on his chest and sit between his long legs. Ethan and Damiano are on either side of you, their hands seemingly everywhere; playing with your nipples and teasing your thighs and kissing your neck and playing with your hair. It all blends together when their hands are pleasuring you so nicely. 
Vic is tired of waiting and mounts your lap, shoving Thomas to move his legs so she can get on top of you. “Let me get in here too, honey,” she tells Thomas as she climbs on top of you. He complies, but only to pull her in to straddle the both of you, the extra height making her pussy rub against your lower stomach. You can feel how wet she is and it turns you on, being trapped between Thomas’s boner and Vic’s wet pussy. 
“Mm, you feel so good baby, do you like having my pussy all over you?” she asks. All you can manage in response is a nod.
“Oh c’mon, we know you can do better than that. We’ve heard you be very naughty before. Don’t make us force it out of you.” Ethan encourages you.
Ethan’s words definitely break your spell of silence. “Yes, yes I love it. I love having you pussy on me Vic!” 
“Ah there she is, our naughty little vixen. Good boy Ethan, getting her to speak,” Damiano teases Ethan who is not usually the submissive one in this pair. 
“Careful sweetheart, or we may have to punish you after we finish our celebrations today,” Ethan threatens so sweetly. Damiano just smirks and bites his lip in response, excited to see how his lovers will punish him. 
Vic gets you all back on track to the task at hand by pouring some champagne into your mouth and then kissing you, letting her tongue taste the liquid between your lips.
“Mm, sweet, just like you,” she says, punctuating with one more kiss to your lips. “I wonder how it would taste elsewhere on this delicious body of yours.” She then pours it down your chest and watches it drip down your body onto Thomas’s. Damiano and Ethan take their turn to lick it off of you, making sure to get every drop. 
Vic lifts one of your legs and pours it slowly starting at your ankle so it flows down your leg and she sensually licks it all the way to where it stops on your thigh and drips down to Thomas’s. 
You hear Thomas huff and everyone turns their attention to him. “It’s all over me too but no one seems to be licking it,” he complains with a pout.
“Aww, does our baby want some attention too?” Vic asks. “He’s right, we shouldn’t let this champagne go to waste.” Everyone goes to lick the excess champagne off of his skin while you turn your head to kiss him deeply, feeling every twitch and moan of his while he basks in the feeling of all of their tongues on him, licking and kissing his thighs and hips. 
While Ethan and Damiano busy themselves with getting the last remnants of champagne off of you and Thomas, Vic then gets out the chocolate sauce next. She tests it out by pouring a little bit onto your chest, prompting Ethan to lick it off first, saying, “you like sweet things.” 
He complies, licking it off your chest, right above your nipple and it’s a different feeling to them licking the champagne. It’s thicker and he has to really lick hard to get it all off which feels so good, not to mention Vic must’ve heated up the sauce because it’s nice and warm on your skin. She pours it in little designs on your skin and Ethan and Damiano lick it up so enthusiastically. 
“Slow down there boys, there’s enough to go around I promise,” Vic teases but they ignore her, lapping up the chocolate just as eagerly. 
“Do you want to try some Thomas?” Vic asks and Thomas nods. She pours some in her own mouth and then prompts Thomas to open his mouth by pulling down his bottom lip, letting the chocolate sauce and her spit drop into his mouth before kissing him passionately with the sweet sauce between their lips. 
When she breaks her kiss with Thomas, she gives the other boys something to do by pouring some sauce on both of your nipples and pushing their heads to lick it off. Then she spreads yours and Thomas’s legs and fits herself between them. She drips the sauce on your inner thighs and lets it drip down onto Thomas’s as well, watching as it slowly falls. She licks both of your thighs and then goes a bit higher, first teasing Thomas right under his balls to hear him whimper before diving into your pussy with her tongue. She knows your body and your reactions so well and she always eats you out like you’re her last meal. She’s got you grinding into her face because it just feels so good especially with Damiano still licking your nipples and Ethan kissing your neck and Thomas’s hands gripping your hips and you are in fucking heaven right now.
Thomas’s grip on your hips slowly starts turning into him desperately grinding your body down on his dick and moaning under you. Vic takes notice once her pace of licks on your clit is altered.
“Hey, I know you’re horny, but quit using our girlfriend to jerk yourself off, you’re messing up my rhythm,” Vic teases, but it just seems to make Thomas harder under you. 
“Pleeaase Vic, I need her pussy so bad,” Thomas whines desperately.
“Hm, hold on. I have an idea,” Vic says with a mischievous look on her face. She whispers something to Ethan before getting off the bed. You try to follow her with your eyes but Ethan blocks your vision by climbing between your legs and leaning down over you, his long hair stopping you from looking over his shoulder.  
“Hi,” he simply says, giving you such a sweet and gentle kiss, only to catch you off guard by hiking up your legs around his waist to control your body and push you further up onto Thomas’s chest. Now your brain stopped working because you can feel both Thomas’s and Ethan’s cocks resting right on top of your pussy. They seem to be affected by this too and both gasp. 
“Um hello, can I be in on this secret plan too?” you hear Damiano say from beside you. Ethan rolls his eyes and smirks but pulls Damiano over and holds his hand, bringing it between your bodies to wrap around both his and Thomas’s cocks. His fingers don’t fit all the way around both but he does his best to jerk them both off against each other. There’s too much friction though so Damiano takes it upon himself to spit onto their tips, spreading the saliva all around to smooth the feeling and when they start getting into it, he bends over to lick at them too. 
And you’re just sitting there, legs spread wide with Damiano licking and sucking Thomas and Ethan together so close to your pussy but not close enough. It’s torture and you make it known with a loud whine, to which Damiano laughs and teases you even more by periodically blowing cool air over your pussy or “accidentally” bumping into it on his path of licking the cocks, or just barely gives you a lick before taking his tongue back to the boys and frustrating you even more. 
Just in time before you shove Damiano’s face into your pussy in retaliation for his teasing, Vic comes back with lube. “Dami honey, open her up with your tongue first,” Vic tells him.
You smirk at him, feeling like you finally got your way, and Damiano giggles before pushing Ethan out of the way dramatically and picking up Thomas’s cock, but not without a kiss to the tip first, and gently moving it to the side so he can make room for himself to feast on your ass.
After about ten wonderful seconds of his tongue licking around your rim, he stops to complain, “Thomas, your cock won’t stay where I left it.”
Thomas just laughs at his wild statement, “There’s not much I can do about that.”
“Everytime I move it, it just comes right back and twitches on my cheek. I swear you’re doing it on purpose.” 
Thomas stops himself from laughing even louder. “Okay okay, I’m very sorry on behalf of my cock for not staying where you put it.”
“You and your cock are forgiven,” Damiano says, trying to keep his straight face before giving Thomas’s cock a kiss of forgiveness, which only makes it jump more. You try to put yourself back into a sexy mood which you have no trouble doing once Damiano switches to gently rubbing lube into your hole with his finger just barely pushing in. 
You look off to the side to see Ethan and Vic have made use of this time by making out with each other, Vic straddling Ethan and grinding on his lap while she pulls his hair and kisses his neck thoroughly. 
The stretch of Damiano’s tongue teasing your rim and his now two fingers inside you feels so good that you push yourself down onto them, making Thomas hold your waist to his body to prevent you from moving so much. 
Once he’s done, Damiano gives your hole one last kiss and gets Vic’s attention away from Ethan's mouth to show her what a good job he’s done, smiling up at her.
“Aww, you did such a good job baby,” she praises, giving him a little scratch under his chin, loving his cute reactions to her being more dominant. “Okay, now Ethan, you come here.”
She directs Ethan to kneel between your legs and then slowly guides Thomas’s cock into your asshole. You focus on the smooth stimulation of him against your walls to distract yourself from the discomfort of the stretch. Thomas moans and whimpers and is so loud about it because you're still so tight even after Damiano’s stretching and with plenty of lube. You hang onto Thomas’s hip, digging your nails in as you brace yourself. Then Ethan pushes himself into your pussy and you suddenly feel so full and so surrounded and protected by your lovers.
 They get into a rhythm of Ethan holding your hips to move your body up and down onto Thomas’s cock while he shoves in and out on beat, like he’s playing your bodies like he plays the drums. While you get used to the feeling, Dami positions his cock right next to your head, guiding you to turn your head to suck him off. You don’t have much range of motion in this position so he slowly starts fucking into your mouth instead.
You slide your mouth off of him for a moment to say, “Dami, your thrusts are so off-beat from Ethan and Thomas.” You can’t help wanting to feel like the melody of a song they’re making just for you, using your body as their instrument. 
Thomas helps him out by using one of his hands to jerk the rest of Damiano’s cock that’s not in your mouth in time with Ethan’s thrusts. It all feels so good and just like music the way they’re all thrusting on quarter and eighth notes on the same rhythm together. 
While all this is happening, you’re missing the touch of your girlfriend so you pull Vic in too, who replies saying, “I was trying to figure out how to fit into this but now I have the perfect idea.” She lays herself on you backwards on all fours, her knees barely touching the bed on top of two people, with her pussy in your face and her own mouth on your clit and Ethan’s cock as he slides in and out. Ethan seems to love this idea, his moans getting louder. You start obediently eating her out while moaning on her pussy that drips down your chin.
“Hey I was using that mouth,” Damiano says, now with his dick just resting next to your face.
“Then maybe you should put your dick to better use,” Vic says, coming up for air from between yours and Ethan’s crotches.
Dami decides to do just that and comes around the back to prep Ethan’s ass before beginning to fuck him, letting Ethan’s thrusts into you be the guide for how quick he fucks him. He rubs Ethan’s big muscles, feeling how they move under his fingers, and plays with his hair and neck and even the base of his cock as it slides into you. 
Everyone is moaning and pleasuring each other and it all feels so connected and synchronous, you don’t even feel like separate people anymore, just one big mass of bodies and pleasure. 
“Fuuck, Ethan I can feel you through y/n. You both feel so fucking amazing,” Thomas says, almost screaming at this point.
“Mmh I know baby, I know. You feel so good too, doing such a good job for me, keeping up with my pace,” Ethan replies, his voice so fucked out. You’re all just chasing your pleasure now, working together to make each other feel good and reach your finish lines.
“God, you guys are gonna make me cum. It feels so good. I never want to leave this bed,” Vic says, her words reverberating against your pussy and Ethan’s cock. 
Ethan starts hammering into you and shoving you onto Thomas’s cock even harder, a tell tale sign he’s close, not that anyone can blame him, fucking your pussy, Vic’s tongue on his cock, and Damiano’s cock up his ass. But even with all that stimulation, you still come first, the feeling sneaking up on you with the level of pleasure being so high for so long, moaning and writhing between all of your lovers and all you hear is their mumbled praises and you feel them all around you and this truly is heaven. You’re so out of it you only barely register feeling Thomas buck up into you and cum in your ass before Vic grinds her pussy into your face and you lick up all her wetness. 
Ethan holds off for as long as he can but eventually cums deep inside you. And you can tell Damiano came because of his very dramatic orgasm screams that you will never get tired of, clenching around Ethan’s cock that’s still inside of you when you hear them. 
You’re all out of breath and still inside and on top of each other as you recover from the intense fucking. You slowly and reluctantly part from each other but only enough to get some air back into your lungs. You all refuse to leave each other’s sides, stroking and lazily kissing at whatever sweaty skin is in reach, to show your gratitude. Everyone’s blissed out and a little out of it still but you all mumble your barely coherent vows of love and adoration for each other. 
You lay there, between your four lovers, feeling content and satisfied while you all come back to reality until one voice speaks up louder than the rest. 
“So uh … this suite has a really big shower and it looks like we all need to get cleaned up right about now huh?” Thomas suggests, not wanting the fun to end just yet. 
Taglist: @little-moonbeam-666 @stardustingold @iosonoarina @maneskindiva @ohdamiano @maneslut @theimpossiblehologramtree @iamtashaquinn @snakesofindia-sursesaji @noeprd27 @que--sera--sera @bethanysnow @brookeraggi @shadowy-lady-collective  @itsmaneskinbitch @h1ppieth1ngs @m3tamorphos3s
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yourhighness6 · 7 months
What is your favorite Zutara headcanon?
I hope you have an amazing day! ^.^
I'm so sorry this has been sitting in my inbox forever! I haven't had a chance to answer asks and I kind of forgot about it, so I'm going to give an extra long answer to make up for it lol. I have a few that are tied for first and second, so bear with me.
Firstly, I absolutely love the idea of Zuko helping out Katara with the chores after he joined the gaang. It just makes sense that he would try to help her out, and that he would feel guilty and try to do extra work. Of course, it takes Katara awhile to actually appreciate his help, but after TSR they actually manage to have fun together while they're doing dishes and laundry together, and she can't imagine it any other way.
This one is kind of cheesy, but I love the idea of them both being musically inclined, but in different ways. Zuko is obviously great at the tsungi horn, but he's an absolutely awful singer, and Katara can't play an instrument to save her life, but she has the voice of an angel. They like practicing songs with each other to let off steam, and even after the war whenever Katara finds herself in the Fire Nation or Zuko in the water tribe, they still get together to make a bit of music. They're also both wonderful dancers, Zuko from growing up learning dances in the FN court, and Katara because it's a big part of her culture, and she also just thinks it's fun. Zuko never really liked to dance, because it reminded him of being boxed in at court, but Katara shows him some different steps and he actually enjoys himself for once. In an AU where they end up together, their kids grow up combining the dances of both their cultures and creating new trends in both the FN and the SWT.
This one isn't really Zutara-centric, but Toph teases the HELL out of them. She literally goes around making the snarkiest comments and she will not stop until they are both blushing like tomatoes.
In an AU where they get together, they are the second in the gaang to get married, after Suki and Sokka but before Aang and Teo (I said what I said). Their wedding is obviously a huge event, and Sokka and Aang are the groomsmen while Toph and Suki are the bridesmaids, obviously. Katara is super into wedding planning and picking out her dress. Uncle Iroh helps her with the plans and buys fireworks and organizes the guest list and Zuko rebels against the both of them at every turn because he doesn't really want a huge, ostentatious wedding. He eventually realizes that this is way more important to Katara than it is to him, though, so he stops trying to get them to tone things down and only helps her with the planning when asked, to give her all the creative freedom her heart desires. In canon (where they don't get together) I like to think that Zuko would be Katara's 'man of honor' at her wedding with Aang. Partially because of pining and angst, but mostly because they want to be there for each other and see each other happy, even if they aren't going to be the ones spending their lives together.
Zuko would be the first one to realize his feelings for Katara, but he'd be in denial for so long that by the time Katara realizes her feelings back, they're at about the same place when it comes to their relationship. She's the first one to say "I love you" and even though it takes him a little time to say it back, it's only because he's scared to be so vulnerable with someone at first. She gives him time, and his love confession ends up being simultaneously the most awkward and the most romantic thing in the world. Zuko is the one to propose and Katara says yes without question.
They end up having two kids, twin girls named Kya and Ursa after their mothers. Kya, the nonbender, is set to inherit the throne, and Ursa, the waterbender, has a special gift for healing. Zuko only wanted one kid because he was afraid of messing them up, but he ends up being a wonderful father. Katara is a great mother as well, of course, and she loves to teach Ursa waterbending while Zuko helps her incorporate firebending moves into her fighting style. Kya feels a little left out of these family training sessions at first, but Zuko teaches her how to use the dao swords, her Aunt Mai teaches her how to throw knives, and her Aunt Ty Lee teaches her chi blocking, so she's just as deadly as the rest of her family.
Katara's first project after becoming firelady is to help spearhead pollution reform and create industrial regulations that help the FN become more environmentally friendly. She eventually travels back to the village in "the Painted Lady" with her daughters to show them the value of respecting nature.
This one also isn't very zutara-centric, but I don't think Katara and Azula would ever really reconcile. Although she becomes good friends with both Mai and Ty Lee (who are dating, obviously), she can never forgive Azula for some of the most traumatic events of her life. Zuko and Azula do eventually have a healthy relationship after Azula realizes the error of her ways, but she decides to move away from the palace of her own accord. There are too many bad memories there.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my headcanons! These are the only ones I can think of right now but I probably have more somewhere in my brain.
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worriedvision · 9 months
Had an angst idea that I needed to share with you. Just imagine x character that out of drunken impulse bought an engagement ring. Next day all sober x character considers returning the ring, but they just hide it telling themself that they'll do it later. Time pass and reader founds the ring getting emotional until they find out x character never had the intention (or not yet) to marry them
Gender neutral reader, gonna do this with Gorou lol. Angst ending because it's an angsty idea and I want an angst ending haha. Kinda short, at first I was gonna go with Alhaitham but Gorou seemed more likely lol.
"Hey, do you really love them? How come you never bought the ring?" A comrade asks Gorou, nudging him as he eyes the ring that seemed like a good idea. "It's not like you're just newly together."
"B-but what if they don't like it? I-I just want to be sure everythings right!" Gorou protests, the comrade pointing to the discount. "...I suppose I can keep the ring hidden until I figure the rest out..."
Well, he didn't think very far ahead. When he woke the morning after the drinks, he didn't hide the ring at all. He landed up forgetting about the whole evening, not remembering the conversation nor the thought of purchasing the ring due to impulse. You land up sleeping in, having had a busy day of work the previous morning and wanting the extra sleep.
You wake up to see the ring sitting right there, sitting neatly in an opened box. You gasp, excited at the idea of Gorou finally proposing to you - you never made the move, knowing how easy he was to fluster - before closing your mouth and pretending you hadn't seen the ring. The whole day, you were excited to have Gorou proposing - it didn't even need to be a whole special ocassion, even an evening stroll before he proposes would have been more than enough to satisfy you.
Unfortunately, he doesn't do this. In fact, when he returns to your shared room - you out running errands - his ears perk up in fear as he realises his mistake last night. He wasn't ready for a wedding, or for a marriage in general, there was too much on his plate. Too much at risk, and too much to go wrong.
He rushes to return the ring to the vendor, only realising you were standing close by after making eye contact - his hands now filled with the mora he got in exchange for returning the ring.
"You...I..." You trail off, riding down the high of a possible proposal when seeing Gorou rushing to return the ring. "Oh..."
Gorou doesn't even say anything - he didn't want you to get hit with the reality that he wasn't ready for proposing to you, he could tell you were excited based on how hard this hit you. He wanted to tell you that he loves you, that the ring wasn't a 'mistake' but rather he wanted to buy a ring worthy of you - not some discounted ring.
But all Gorou could do was watch on, opening and closing his mouth as he watches you walk away, the joy depleted with each step before you sprint away.
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