saltnpepperprentiss · 2 years
Always and Forever
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Hope x fem reader
Au that idk where exactly it fits in but I'll leave that up to you. It kind of follows Canon except reader is somehow a tribrid too. Anyway Hope is not having the best day and reader appears and cheers her up, in the softest way 🥺
Hope yall enjoy, especially you @huskyhunny 🤗
Its fall time. Hopes favorite season , when the earth adorned its vibrant shades of reds , oranges , yellows and browns. The brunette stands before her easel , starch white and a contrast to the view from her bedroom windows. Mystic falls was washed in all the warm colourful tones an artist could dream of. The sky a murky grey foretelling the downpour it would soon bring and the whistling of a ghastly cold wind that made the branches in the woods even shiver. She knew many would be adorning the fall uniforms essentials by now. A yellow orche scarf with burgundy stripes running horizontally across it ,their schools emblem adorned on one end , the blazers now with long sleeved shirts or maybe their red or yellow (really preferences to each student) cardigan or vest with the sigil of the school found above the right breast. The plaid pants was opted for over the skirts this time of year or if a part of a club would sport the tracksuits instead.
Not everyone saw the wonders in such weather , how the grey of a once bright blue sky wasn't mundane but rather serenity. A promise of natural calming bliss that only a grey sky could give as it almost always accompanied rain. There was another contradiction. Little droplets of water plummeting the earth and soaking everything in its wake. Though the wolves describe it to be a run like no other , they often complain of the cold that follows and the heavyness of wet fur complying to gravities rules. Other students find the wet dog smell way too pungent and rue the poor teardrops of nature for ever falling to begin with. Hope thinks otherwise. She sees them as nature's way of cleansing the earth (must be her witchy side), of days spent in a firelit room bathed in orange light and listening to the persistent pitter patters that aided as a melody to stories told from a time longer ago,, from a man whose lived through them all. Its a promise of large puddles the next day when the sky stops its cleaning and allows for rainboots to thrash and kick at its remains, of happy cries when the murky water touches bare cheeks , rosy from all the joy shared between mother and daughter.
Hope looks away from the window , tries to quell the nostalgia , quiet the thoughts that she could never share those memories again. Never have someone to share that joy or paint beside her as the rain continues its job time and again. Her aunts weren't  too fond of the winter chill or its watery promises and although sitting before a fire with popcorn and hot chocolate watching classic movies was fun in its own way , it never made her feel as happy as enjoying the natural moments nature had provided them. That's why when Freya had told her over a phone call she'd rather not reminisce in those days, opting for the rather brighter more warmer moments from the sun and its special season , did Hope truly feel alone.
Her sad thoughts were interrupted by the abrupt thuds against her dorms door. The bronze handle swiftly turning on its own , the locks clicked open and the door swung in to reveal a sheepish looking y/n with two mugs of what looked to be hot chocolate with one too many marshmallows.
"Mind if I join you?" The  girl asked although she had already stepped inside and let the door shut probably with the same spell used to open it. A visible chill passed through her.
"Hope its like Antarctica in here!" y/n exclaimed. She made her way to the Mikaelson and set the mugs down on the desk. Its then that Hope notices the girl is clad in a sweater , her school scarf and beanie and the ever present black leather jacket. She's wearing the timberwolves football sweatpants and the whole look seems ridiculous but just shows how not big of a fan the other tribrid is of the cold.-wait y/n doesn't even do any sports, nor has she ever been at mystic falls-
"That's my sweatpants!" Hope finally says. Not even giving it a thought before saying it. She watches y/n freeze for the slightest minute , cheeks rosey and lips quivering as if on the verge of defending herself when her y/e/c eyes lands on the scene behind her.
"Your windows are open! That's why its below freezing point in here!" y/n stomps towards the windows as if it were the greatest enemies shes ever faced. She shuts them with a force that might have shattered them and turns to scowl at the rooms inhabitant.
"Are you trying to catch a cold?!" YN reprimands.
"It wasn't open that long" Hope says , "Besides the cold does not bother me and shouldn't you either , you're a werewolf"
"What ever you say Elsa" the y/h/c girl falls onto the neatly made  bed and ignores the eye roll from the Mikaelson. "I might be a wolf but that does not mean I enjoy the temp drop and for you to assume that is stereotypical to your own kind"
"Well its not my kind "Hope says and twirls the dry paintbrush in her hand. She hasn't even set out her colour palette yet , all her paint is still stored in its tubes.
" Oh yes it is fellow tribud" YN remarks and smirks at the groan erupting from Hope's lips.
"Seriously YN ? That nickname is so lame" the brunette practically whines out. Her arms crossed as she stares at the girl casually lazing on her bed. YN knows  Hope isn't a fan of the nickname her ex boyfriend coined the two with years ago when he'd finally acclimated to the school. She also knows Hope isn't a big fan of the boy at all at this point but as always YN enjoys teasing the shorter girl to her hearts content.
"Auw cmon its actually a good nickname" YN continues "we're the only two of our kind and we're close" the other tribrid shrugs, "I happen to think tribuds is fitting to our little duo"
"Keep this up and I'll kick you out" Hope warns.
"Auw cmon Hopey I brought you hot chocolate" YN sits up and bends forward for the mugs , wisps of steam still floating up. Hope finds it surprising how any steam could find its way through the horde of marshmallows smothered atop the drink. Hope's gaze jumps from the co-ordinating blue and red mugs to the puppy pout YN is shamelessly sporting and releases an audible sigh.
"It better be good" the brunette mumbles , giving in and taking a seat beside the taller girl.
"Ouch, you wound me Mikaelson" YN says with faux sad expression , handing the blue mug over.
"Well what can I say" Hope starts before taking a sip of the hot chocolate. Its good , as expected. YN never seems to disappoint, not even with a cup of hot chocolate. "Its in my blood"
YN let's out a laugh , one that's filled with endearment and warmth. She scoots closer , mindful of the hot liquid and nudges the brunette's shoulder with her own.
"So are you going to tell me what's got you so worked up , more than usual that is"
"Ha ha" Hope rolls her eyes again at YN 's jab. "Why would you think something's bothering me?" The Mikaelson tribrid asks and when turning to face the y/h/c haired girl , is met with a raised brow.
"You zoned out in front of a blank canvas is never a good sign tribuddy"
Already annoyed by the nickname Hope looks over to the canvas as if it had betrayed her. "What if its just artist block?" she retorts.
"Its not because when you have a block you're glued to Pinterest looking for reference photo's until inspiration hits" YN raises her cup to take a sip then points accusingly , "also art block Hopey doesnt put walls up and accuse her favorite person of not knowing her and her little niches"
"Bold of you to assume you're my favorite person" Hope grumbles poking a marshmallow before looking up to see YN give her that knowing brow raise , driving her point home.
"Okay so I'm a little bit guarded today!" Hope let's out and drops the paintbrush she'd forgotten even having in her hand. She let's out a sigh, taking another sip and letting the warm liquid make its way through her insides hoping the heat could bring comfort to a never-ending ache in her heart. She's brought out of her slight reverie by the soft hand of YN, who squeezes her knee gently as if to remind her that she is here. She is here and will always be.
"I won't force you to talk Hope but know that when you do feel ready, my shoulder is here for you and so are my ears"
Hope rolls her eyes at the way the girl worded her supportiveness. Yet that was one of the many reasons why she was so fond of the you. Your outlook on life was so different hell everything about you was just.. Different and enticing and oh so endearing the tribrid had difficulty picturing a life without you. It was impossible.
"I can't really put what it is im exactly feeling into words but" Hope chews at her lip then gives YN a sad smile. "something about today makes me miss them even more"
You watch her fiddle with the ear of her mug, she darts her gaze away from yours, deciding to keep focusing on the little white treats in her cup.
"it's crazy I know, it's been years and I'm still hung up on it"
She's got tears in her eyes, you know because her lashes seem moist like she'd just tried to bat those salty drops away unnoticed. But you did, you always do. So you take her cup, despite her slight protest she allows it and watches you place it on her desk. You come back to your place on the bed and pull her into your body, arms wrapped around her so tightly you can feel her body tremble as she let's out her cries into the crook of your neck.
"you're not crazy for missing them Hope. Grief doesn't have a time limit you know." you stroke her back with your thumb, making small circles as you continue, "Just know I'll always be here for you Hopey"
"it's not up to you" you hear being mumbled against you and you pull the smaller girl closer. No one deserves the trauma the young Mikaelson had been through and to think she had to face most of it alone still breaks your heart.
"says who" you say with bravado, "I'm not ever leaving your side Mikaelson not even death could keep me away"
You both know Hope has a point, especially the life you both live any day could mean your last. Yet you were sure of your own words, you were holding your world in your arms and there was nothing you wouldn't do to keep the girl who had already suffered so much from being happy. So if death were to ever come knocking you'd meet it with fangs bared and claws out.
"promise?" blue eyes meets yours, staring from below long lashes it makes her suddenly seem younger, as if she somehow de-aged to the little girl who had shouldered too much and held powers she never asked for.
You pull her even closer not wanting any space between you especially since you were trying to warm the shorter girl with your body heat after leaving her window open on such a cold day. One hand coming to cup her cheek, stroking it as if you were holding the most prized possession this world had and smiled at her "I promise"
Kissing her forehead you whisper the words against her skin,
"always and forever"
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