bi0w0lf · 7 years
Munday Questions ;
What’s your rp pet peeve?
I still got some more of these. LMAO. So, I guess another one would be making assumptions about my muse without checking in with me first. I’m generally really, really laid back about things like this but on occasion they can become quite tiresome. Also, people blatantly ignoring aspects of my muse. It proves to me they either… don’t care, or didn’t read. Or both! Ie. Tall and STRONK Thomas. This cracks me up the most. Like clearly someone did not try and learn about him at all! 
Has someone ever ruined an FC or character for you?
Oh, oh yes. This is a sad thing when it happens. There’s two major canon characters in a fandom I just… cannot. And it’s not that there isn’t LOVELY writers who have the same character, and I don’t see that… They’ve just been so thoroughly wrung out and ruined for me I cannot be interested. 
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bumblesimagines · 5 years
Jason liking his crush a little too much
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Part 2
Requests: Yes or No
Robin! Jason Todd
Jason wasn't gonna give up
He tried to impress you at every chance he got
You simply nodded and focused your attention back to the task
It hurt
And made him angry
Why couldn't you accept that he was the one for you??
He was able to get you alone one day
Jason sat down across from you
"Do you need something?" You asked, a bit coldly. Jason frowned.
"Why are you avoiding me? Is it because you're finally realizing we're meant to be?" He asked. You blinked, looking at him.
Jason stood, walking over to you and sitting beside you. You tried to make space but Jason grabbed your wrist. Tightly.
"I just wanna be with you." He said, staring at you with saddness in his eyes.
"Jay, we're not-"
"I'll stop when you agree to date me." You pressed your lips into a thin line. Gar was petrified of Jason and rest of the team was weary of him.
"Fine." Jason's eyes lit up and he tried to kiss you but you turned your head away.
"Playing hard to get again?" Jason laughed, resting his head on your shoulder as he stared up at you with a lovey dovey look in his eyes.
When the team got back, Gar gave you the most 'I'm so sorry' look ever as Jason cuddled up to you and cooed that you two were a couple
He glared at Rachel when she said it didn't make sense
You were incredibly uncomfortable with Jay hanging around you 24/7
He was always at your side
You felt suffocated
Finally, when Kory convinced Jay of going with her somewhere, you spoke with Dick
"Why didn't you come to me sooner?" He asked, placing a hand on your arm.
"I.. I didn't want anyone getting hurt and.. He's your little brother." You said, shoulders slumping. Dick frowned, pulling you into a hug.
"The hell's going on here?" You jumped away from Dick, looking at Jason but his anger was only directed at his brother
"Jay-" You quickly approached him.
"Calm down-"
"You're living in a fairy tail, Jason." Dick said. Jay moved you to the side and walked up to his brother.
"(Y/N) doesn't even love you." That was Jason trigger.
He lunged at his brother and a fight between them quickly ensued.
Dick was more experienced, older, and stronger but Jason's attacks were driven by pure hate and anger
You could only watch
No point in breaking them up
"What the hell is going on?" Kory asked as Hank rushed in and pulled them apart.
"Calm the fuck down!"
"Don't ever touch my girl/boy ever again." Jason sneered, walking away. You swallowed when he grabbed your wrist and pulled you out of the room.
"Fuck, Jason!" You pulled your wrist back, hissing and looking at the forming bruise.
"I'm gonna kill him.." Jason said quietly, wiping blood away from his nose. You almost shivered at his tone.
You were genuinely fearful for Dick's life
Red Hood! Jason Todd
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Btw the reason I'm using fanart instead of gifs is because there's literally no gifs of Red Hood
You stared at the spot where your fiance/fiancee once sat
Jason had shot them and then dragged their body out
You weren't gonna let him break you or make you love him
No matter what he did
No matter how many times he kissed you and tried to get you to kiss him back
No matter how many times he hugged and spooned you during the night
Or when he spoonfed you
And called you pet names
You weren't gonna give in
Jason forced you to drink the water, one hand on your cheek as his fingers massaged the back of your neck. You didn't look at him which made him huff.
"Babe.." He whined, putting the cup on the nightstand and leaning over. He kissed you but you pressed your lips into a thin line.
Jason grunted, annoyed but he didn't do anything to you.
He stood, grabbing his mask and helmet. Jason put them on and climbed out the window.
"I'll be back soon, I love you." He said before leaving. You waiting a few minutes before sitting up and looking at the cup. Glass. Good.
You moved your body a bit and grabbed the cup with your feet, bringing it over to you. It was risky but you wanted to get out.
Picking up the glass with your teeth, you were able to grab it with your hands and smash it against the wall until you had a shard. You tossed the shard to the side on the pillow before working on getting free.
You can decide on that. Whether you slipped your hands out or used a bobby pin
Once you were out of your handcuffs, you grabbed the shard and looked at your arm. Jason had planted a tracking device on you the night after he had taken you
You cut the tracking device out, wincing and whimpering. You ripped some of the covers, making a makeshift bandage to wrap around your arm and stop/soak up the blood. You left through the window, putting as much distance between you and the apartment
Somehow, undetected, you reached your cousins hideout
You knew Selina would help you
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jotaveiga · 4 years
It was the first time after 6 months that the miracle happened. Liara finally managed to gather them in the same room. It hadn't been easy to find them, then convince them to step inside the old repaired Normandy.
There was some contentment for the reunion but there was an underlaing of sorrow, pain, regret. Understandably so.
Kaidan was the most bitter out of everyone, he kept his arms crossed tightly over his chest until there was enough silence for him to speak.
"Are you going to tell us why we had to leave our missions to come here of all places?" Liara was about to start explaining but Wrex started to threaten Kaidan for being rude, Vega was also intrigued and threw a "yeah, why?", Cross conversation resumed and the room fell into chaos.
Liara called a couple of times trying to emmulate her but to no avail. She looked desperate at the console in front of her and pressed the button.
"Will you stop that?!" Shivers run up and down spines, tears welled up and the silence was as crushing as the void of space itself. Her voice resonated loud and clear.
"I apoligize Commander, but I must insist." Joker immediatly raised to his feet as EDI spoke.
The hologram of Jane Shepard rose in the middle of the room.
"Dios mio!" Vega's wisper was louder than he intended but it described perfectly the mood.
"Are we ready?" The soft metalic voice came through and Shepard took a deep breath before nodding.
"Ready as I'll ever be."
Liara hugged herself, already antecipating the message that was to come, she heard it first when she retrieved Shepard's omnitool from Earth.
"So, you know I am really great at this...sharing feelings and stuff... Phew...well, let's do this then. EDI thinks it will help my anxiety wich most of you don't really know about, so I guess I'll start with you EDI." The Commander's chuckle brought a knot to the hearts of those watching and hearing attently.
"No Commander, this is meant for the crew."
"And what the fuck are you? You are part of this crew and part of this family..." Jane rubbed her forehead "...jeez I'm lame. Well, I'll start with you and that's final." EDI chuckled in her silky tone.
" EDI, you can be a pain in the ass, not literally fortunatly, but a pain nonthless, but you are also my friend. You learned how to be caring, you are the best with Joker, that asshole got really lucky for having such a babe swooning over him." Joker laughed and a couple of people followed suit.
"I am lucky to have you as a crew member and as a friend EDI" Shepard flashed her the most genuine smile and EDI thanked her. "Who next?" She scrambled trough a piece of paper of all things. "Joker than. You've been with me since the very beginning man, you are my brother and I love you but honestly, sometimes you are hella annoying." Jane burst into laughter and Joker, the now Joker followed while tears rushed down his cheeks, but he didn't care. He had been trough hell with her and always brought her back except the only two times that really mattered. "Don't beat yourself up" the man looked up at her hologram and felt as if she could read his mind "without you, I would've died a long time ago and we all know that, I hope you can find a new purpose." The seriousness returned to the room.
"Liara, I know we had a complicated start but I came to see you as one of the best friends a person could have. I know you know your worth but just to reinforce it, you are an amazing, intelligent being and I really want you to take care of my ship collection because no one else out of these morons could do it." Again chuckles echoed troughout, but the mood was somber, for each name, Shepard seemed to shrink a little.
"Tali, you are the most fun and bubbly person I've had the pleasure to know, you are so young and so determined, and I if I am alive after this, I'll go to your planet and I will elege you as Queen of the Quarians" Tali sobbed inside her mask as Vega put one arm around her shoulders.
"Wrex, old man, I've been thinking about it alot and I decided that it would be cool to spend my retirement raising a baby Krogan, so I'll take up on that offer of yours. Thank you for the headbutts, you know I needed them" Jane winked and Wrex only let out a soft "squishy human" but he loved her, and everybody knew it. What a feat, to have the admiration and love of two Krogans.
"In the matter of adoption, Grunt, you are my son, and stop dennying it! You know I love you and I want you to be the strongest most perfect Krogan that ever lived, I am very proud of you", Grunt slammed a fist on the wall next to him, but nobody felt it as a threat, it was pain for the loss of what he also considered as his mother.
Shepard sniffled ever so slightly while going trough her list.
"Jack, you are a mean ass bitch and I love you for it, and when this is all done, I need to learn how to dance and you got some really sick moves so, if your up for it, hit me up" Jack chuckled from the corner "finnaly you admit you can't dance" a couple of others laughed with her.
"Vega, are you still sore from all the pull ups you couldn't do?" Jane snorted a laugh "well, you better not push yourself to hard man, we need you opperational, you are one of the best soldiers we have and I am glad I have you on my team, pendejo" Vega smiled brightly but the saddness in his eyes seeped out.
"Kaidan...I...well, I don't think we've ever seen eye to eye, but I know the admiration you had for me, at least until I disappointed you, and I never want to do that again, but I will, so, I need you to look up to yourself and not to others because otherwise you'll never live to the amazing potencial you have, don't be held down, I...I am sorry for what you have been trough because of me" there was no jokes or chuckles, Jane knew every single person on her crew and she knew how to address every one of them individually. Kaidan took a step forward almost as if he wanted to touch the hologram, after all, he still loved her.
Her mood shifted as she skimmed the paper in her hand.
"EDI, I think that's enough for now, I'll do the rest later." It hurt him to know who the rest was, but he understood, like he always did.
"Commander we are almost done"
"What's even the point? Maybe they're all dead, maybe I failled and ended up destroying the few things I have ever loved..." The exasperarion in her voice could be heard but no recognized because Commander Shepard was the one who pulled people up.
"Commander..." EDI's mettalic voice was conforting and reassuring.
"I know, I am sorry EDI, I just... Well... Garrus." Everybody in the room turned to the Turian partially covered by shadow. He hadn't talked since the war, since he left Shepard on the ramp of the Normandy, no one had heard him again. He shifted the weight of his body from one leg to the other until Jane started.
"I swear to God, if you are somewhere out there callibrating stuff, I'll find you and headbutt the hell out of you!" She tried to chuckled but the sound died before it was even born.
"Listen, never blame yourself for my decisions, we both know I am to stubborn. But I do want you to credit yourself. For everything you have done for me. For all the times you had my six, for all the times you helped me see reason, for saving me from the very first moment I've met you." Her voice wavered and the sobs from both Tali and Liara could be heard in the seconds of silence.
"I love you big guy. I have for a really long time and my only regret is that I should have told you sooner, so we had more time." The trembling on her tone crushed the hearts of those present. Garrus walked towards the console and stood face to face with her hologram.
"I know you will be the best Primarch the Turian ever had because you learned from me" she chuckled between tears. "And I know that someday we'll see eachother again, until than, please take care of this band of misfits we call family because they cant' take care of themselfs." The air grew thicker.
"There is no Shepard without Vakarian. I love you Garrus." For the first time since he last saw her he spoke and his voice sounded foreign, hoarse and scratchy and it pained him like tousands of needles to say those words but he didn't care, he could die for all he cared, he just wanted her in his arms again.
"I love you too".
They watched as her figure slumped to a chair behind her as her palms covered her face. After a solid minute, Jane straightened her back and wiped her cheeks leaning one arm on her knee and looking dead on. "Imagine how embarissing this shit would be if I am still alive?" And with that, the swosh of a door could be heard from behind them.
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the-goddessfighter · 4 years
[Werewolf-Vampire AU -SEQUEL III: Hybrid Child and the Vampire Council- ]
by : Little1993lamb
for: Temperans-sama / @the-goddessfighter
 Words count : 2260
 Disclaimer: Gaman, the Batarou love child, is Original Character created by amazing @the-goddessfighter. Not mine, I just borrowed him temporarily for this story at her permission ;D
  @koeharu @metalbatandzenko @dies-first @beautifulnightmareus @guppys-paw @ruby-ess
 - III -
Eight years later, Gaman grew up to become a very healthy WereVampire child. Before Garou and Badd being together as lovers, nobody expected that werewolf and vampire could have mated and had a hybrid child together. Since Gaman was a baby, mainly he has vampire characteristics, except for the bright yellow gold eyes color or the abilities to eat meat that it mirrorred like what werewolf usually do, the traits that Garou had. So Badd had to cook meal for both Garou and Gaman (B: "No eating raw meat like your feral dad!", G: "But it's naturally delicious as what it is! Even more efficient when we go hunting animals: I'll eat the meat and you'll drink the blood or meat juice. Besides, you like it too much when I go feral--", B: *blushing* "Oh shush nonono, bad wolf! Gaman don't listen to your dad.", Gaman: "Are we still talking about eating, or is it something else?", G: *smirking with knowing looks*, B: *blushing INTENSIFIES*)
Also, Gaman could walking under the sunshine at the day without feeling slightly bothered by it, meanwhile Badd or Zenko can't even stand the sunrays over than 10 minutes without an umbrella or shades. As tame vampire clan members, they still can walking under sunlight at afternoon, just feeling uncomfortable with the sunburn and the high intensity of light. Different with more aggressive pureblood vampires who only could active at night or just stay indoor at day, unless they wear full-body suit to go outside. On Gaman's case, when at day, he's showed more behavior or signs as werewolf like his dad. That's why at the day Garou often asking Gaman to take a stroll together around their territory, sometimes also with other packs members, or even Badd who brought umbrella and shades if it's on hot sunny days.
Exception when at night, Gaman showed more behavior or signs as vampire like his father. This was Badd's chance to go hunting animal in the woods with Gaman, often Garou would come along too. Badd and Garou would introduced the types of prey animals to Gaman and teaching how to hunt them, have a picnic together because Badd can't do that at day, or just walking through the woods while enjoying the moonlight shower. If Badd is in the mood, he will take Gaman flying to the sky with him, considering Gaman doesn't have a set of wings yet (G: "Babe I wanna fly too! Take me into your arms and we'll be flying together.", B: "I can't even lift you, you're so damn heavy! And there's a reason why only Flying Foxes exist, not the FLYING WOLVES.").
Other than that, he still hadn't showed another traits. But for Garou and Badd it doesn't really matter, the most important thing is to keep Gaman stay healthy and to grow up happily with all the pack family members. Zenko adores his nephew and often teach him about classical music or the basic healer magics so he can use it for himself in the future. As homeschooling tutor, Tareo provide him a lots of important lessons and knowledges to Gaman, either from supernatural world or human world.
The other family packs members like Garou's werewolf friends and colleagues really fond of Gaman. For them it's quite lovely that a werewolf married to a vampire and have a child together, proving they can love each other despite the social stigmas. Hilariously, the idea of that even made some of Garou's friends dreaming to have an adorable vampire mate like what Garou did, they said Garou was so lucky to have a sweet Mate like Badd. No comments from Badd when Garou told him about this, just shake his head exasperatedly while Garou was laughing outloud.
On the other hand, Garou's subordinates totally doting on Gaman. They treated him like a little King, as he's their Big Boss' son. Gaman was spoiled rotten by his father's subordinates. At any chance they will let Gaman plays with them when Garou was busy on his Alpha Leader duty along with Badd on another werewolf's territory, or when there's diplomacy meeting on their house. It's quite funny to see a group consists of huge scary werewolves who seems very intimidating, but turned out they're just a bunch of kid-loving doting uncles and actual sweethearts. If Badd needs temporary babysit for Gaman when he had to go outside with Garou, either when on duty as co-leaders or more often when they wanna have "sexy times in the woods", everyone would fight for the babysitter position. Zenko is still the winner, though, cue the sad wolves noises.
Garou and Badd also take their turn to teach Gaman: Garou give his lesson of perfected werewolf martial arts to Gaman at the day, so they would training together on their backyard, in the woods, or in Bang's resident. If Bang missed his grandson so much he'd invite them all to come to his house, or even to have sleepover in there. Badd taught him about his basic vampire instincts for hunting prey animals at night in the woods, or sometimes also training Gaman to control his inherited Fighting Spirit when he used his dad's martial arts. Garou supervised their training so he could also correcting Gaman's techniques or just simply because he wanted to watch his Mate and his son bonding over training session.
After they finished learning, they will take a rest together on the riverbank, where they could watching the full moon and twinkling stars clearly from here, laying comfortably on the grass. Gaman would laying in the middle between both of his parents, they would be sharing some stories or stargazing while waiting their body recovered from tiredness.
Sometimes when Gaman feels sleepy and he closed his eyes for a while, he could listening the rustling sound of the grass when his parents sat up and moved closer to each other. Then there he heard his dad's voice whispering sweet nothings to his father, followed by slightly panicked sound from his father warned his dad to not doing it in front of their son (not doing what? what's going on? Gaman didn't understand!), finally there's a small wet smack sound with a sweet whimpering voice from his father. Curiously, Gaman take a peek briefly to know what their parents was doing. Oh no, they're making out again! In front of him! That scene made Gaman squirming uncomfortably and feels awkward, but he doesn't hate it. In fact, he loves that.
As a child, Gaman really loves both of his parents. For him, Garou and Badd are the most romantic couple in the world. Because even though his dad and his father are from different race and the world seems to hate them, by giving them bad fates or being ostracized by their society for committing forbidden relationship, their love still overcomes it all. Nothing could stop them. And Gaman is happy that he's become the fruit of their love, the proof that they love each other. As his payback for the happiness he received everyday in his life from them, Gaman will do anything to make his parents happy, too. He wanted to show that he really loves his dad and his father. He hopes that someday, he also could protect his family with his own power.
 One day, when Badd still preparing to cook their dinner while watching Gaman playing with Garou at home, two messengers from Vampire Council comes to deliver a news. The news content was that Badd have to attend a trial by Elders Court because he violated the Vampire Codes by committing a forbidden acts with a werewolf and have a child with him. The messengers would escorted Badd to the Vampire Council Fortress, and Badd only could bring one more person as witness. If Badd isn't willing to surrender himself, they'd have to take Badd forcefully.
 This angered Garou so bad he nearly attacked the messengers furiously on the spot if Badd didn't stop him first. Badd doesn't want to make the situation become worsened, even though he's also very mad about it. He know it must be Amai Mask's doing behind this, and some of the other pureblood Vampire Council members who sided with his clan.
So he asked Garou to trust him that he'll try to find the best solution in the court with Zenko, that he'll survive from his trial and come back home unscathed. He also asked Gaman to take care of himself while he's away. Before he goes with Zenko, Badd hugged Gaman, saying he loves him more than anything in this world and he's proud to have a wonderful son like him.
After that, he encircled Garou's neck and kissing him deeply, Garou also reciprocated with embracing Badd in his arms tightly, never wanting to let go. With their foreheads touching each other, they whispered their love vows and promises, that they will survive all of this and reunited together again. They shared the lingering looks with soft smile before Badd and Zenko, who were restrained by the messengers, get into the carriage and departed to the Vampire Council Fortress.
The night after Badd and Zenko departing, Gaman feels their home becomes very empty without his father and auntie's presences. Badd's delicious dinner cooking tasted so bland because the cook himself wasn't there, too. No scolding sounds from his father Badd, or cheery voices from Auntie Zenko during that night. Even his dad excused himself to go to his room first. Gaman curiously followed him quietly to know what his dad was doing in there.
Gaman found his dad holding his favorite knitted scarf, the first handcraft gift from Badd which he got after they're became Mates. Of course as werewolf he didn't need a scarf, but because it's a gift from Badd just for Garou, it becomes his precious thing. He often wearing it when he's on duty outside his territory, or made Badd wearing it too so he gets Badd's sweet scent on the scarf. Saddened at the reality that happening to them, Garou wrap the scarf around his neck and inhaling Badd's scent deeply.
Garou already missed Badd so terribly. He looked frustated restlessly from anger, helplessness, and sorrow, because this is the first time he got separated from Badd since they got together as Mates. Knowing his Mates in danger... Garou didn't want to imagine something bad happened to his Mates, his co-leader, his partner, his wife, his other half, his SOUL, his LOVE.
Didn't want his dad got sad, Gaman comes to hug him, assuring that they can still ask help from the packs and also Grandpa Bang. Because, family will stick together and helping each other, right? Gaman said Dad Garou wasn't alone, he has the whole family, friends, colleagues, alliances, and certainly Gaman, too. Surely they're willing to help Dad Garou. And never forget that Father Badd is strong person too, he'll never submit to anyone who's not his own family. So, Dad Garou must believe in Father Badd, he'll be fine until their reinforcement team coming to save him.
Hearing his son's brave words and saw there's Badd's spirit in him, Garou returned the hug and thanking Gaman for giving him courage to fight back. He'll ask everyone in the packs to join him on getting Badd back from that damned Council.
Saw his dad got fired up again like usual, Gaman nuzzling into his embrace happily, saying he wanted to help him saving his father along with him, fighting side by side. Smiling fondly, Garou ruffled Gaman's hair while kissing his forehead, answering him that of course he could join, as long as Gaman stay near him and not strayed far away from him towards the enemies' presence during fighting.
Gaman only hummed in agreement, can't wait for the day he could reunited again with his father. But for now it's time for them to rest, preparing their energy to fight on the next day. At that night in Garou's room, Garou turned into his WhiteWolf form so he could comforting Gaman in his sleep, cuddling his beloved son into his warm silky fur embrace.
The next day, Garou with all of his pack members, Bang with his still loyal followers, Bomb with his entire Alpha pack members, and also Gaman, ready to go towards Vampire Council together. Garou hoped it's not too late to save Badd from anyone who wronged him, and proved that the Werewolf tribes with Mates are not to mess with. Especially that cunning vampire bastard Amai Mask which he knows was the one who's responsible behind all of this mess. He's absolutely going to kill him for real this time. With a thunderous roar, Garou started to lead the whole werewolf packs alliance marching towards the Vampire Council where Badd waiting for his trial with Zenko.
After hours of travelling, now they're arrived in the front of Vampire Council Fortress, which heavily guarded by vampire soldiers. The plan for Garou and Gaman is to break through the horde of soldiers troops so they can breached the Fortress into the court room, while the other members from pack alliance keep the vampire soldiers outside the Fortress by fighting them. They must arrived into the court room before the trial ended so they can save Badd quickly as soon as possible. Gaman wont let anyone take his father from the family, or even separated him from his dad who loves him so much. He makes sure of it.
 Yess for the whole family bonding time! Especially when those three resting after training on the riverbank, also Garou and Gaman dad-son bonding time after Badd's departing!
 And I think it's kinda cute for Garou wearing a handmade scarf from Badd. Imagine: a half naked werewolf wearing a soft wool knitted scarf in the middle of Alphas meeting.
The rest of Alphas guest here just thinking Garou has dual persona: as an intimidating powerful Alpha or as a loving husband and family man, at the same time. Or just plain dorky puppy for his wifey vampire Mate, showing how much Garou loves Badd 😆😂
 The illustration for Gaman as WereVamp hybrid child was drawn by @the-goddessfighter , both in his normal form and in his awakening transformation form as WereVamp hybrid (he's so adorable, tysm Temperans-sama for make him exist in this AU, ilysm! 💖) :
 Gaman maybe still haven't transformed into his awakening form, but don't worry he'll make appearance in that awesome form on the sequel VI. Please wait for it patiently! 👀✨😉👌💕
And funny facts, I swear I actually don't know the exact plot of Twilight Saga stories! Just the crumbs of common knowledges from it, for I never read the novels series and only watched the 1st movie, lol. I'm so sorry if there are any similarities to them in this story, now that I re-checked my entire sequels I feel so embarassed aaaaa forgive meeee-- 😭😭😭
I didn't intend to make the similar plot like Twilight (in fact didn't even thought of that when writing), but I can assure you it'll have totally different outcome. Trust me! 😤👍
On the next part: Badd and Zenko's sibling moments the night before trial begins, and Badd's bittersweet past memories!
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bakugou-tm · 6 years
HELLO IMYSM i hope youre having a relaxing christnas break bc u deserve to rest!!!! anyways may i request a scenario where katsuki's s/o is in college then with all the due dates and requirements she can't visit him or smth? then suddenly he just appears in her campus and everyone's swooning over him like that, she feels so happy bc she misses him and all,,,,, thank you so much!! have a great day 💜
Awh this one is sweet of course I shall
“What do you mean you can’t come this weekend?!”
Wincing a bit at the loud voice on the other side of the phone you let out a sigh, guilt coursing through your body. You weren’t wincing because of your boyfriend’s aggressive manor, you were used to that. You were wincing because of the slight pain you heard in his voice, though you would never admit.
Every month or so you and your boyfriend would meet up for a weekend due to the long distance relationship you had been put in. While he was off working trying to build his brand as a hero, you had left for your dream school that happened to be two hours away.
Of course he would never step in the way of following your dream, he also refused to cut the relationship off for that matter. It had been decided you would both visit every month until you could graduate and move back with him.
The only problem was, these past couple of months you kept having to call off your meetings due to harsh due dates since you were nearing the end of the semester.
This was the fourth time you had to call your boyfriend and give the dreaded news that you couldn’t come, and it only kept getting harder and harder.
“I..I’m sorry Suki, I wish there was another way…” You said sadly through the phone, “I tried to convince my professor to move back the due date but with exams in less than four weeks, there was no way for him to push it back.”
Biting your lip you closed your eyes painfully as you only heard your boyfriend sigh in response, the sound itself holding every bit of pain he felt.
“I really am sorry Katsuki, I..I miss you so much…” You breathed out, a slight hiccup in your voice as you felt warm tears come to your eyes, “I would do just about anything to see you again.”
Hearing the hints of saddness in your tone Bakugou was quick to speak up, “Don’t think to hard about it shitty girl I understand, as long as you come over here after your exams.”
Perking your head up a bit you smiled, remembering you would be able to graduate just after exams, “Yes yes I will, I promise! I’ll spend everyday with you baby I promise!”
“Damn straight you will..” Bakugou replied, a soft smile on his face as he looked out the window of his suite, “Good luck with your exams babe.”
Smiling giddily at the change of moods you let yourself dance around your room before leaning against the wooden door to your dorm, “Thanks Suki, hey… I love you by the way!”
Blinking for a moment the ash blond remained silent, the last time he heard those words was the day you left for college just four years ago, every time those three golden words came from your lips it took his breath away.
“I love you too (S/o).” Bakugou said softly in the tone causing a surge of warmth to flow through your body before you hung up.
You couldn’t wait to see your Bakugou Katsuki soon.
Just a two weeks later you found yourself even more swamped with work. Don’t get it wrong, as much as you loved what you were doing, the study of design interesting you greatly, with so many due dates and assignments it was slowly making you envy the subject.
You tried your best to remind yourself it would be worth it in the end, but with the heavy work load it was growing harder and harder to stay focused.
Throwing on a pair of leggings and a random hoodie out of your closet you walked towards the mirror so you could do your hair.
Snatching your brush from the vanity you began to brush out your (h/c) locks before you slowly stopped, recognizing the orange and black hoodie to be your boyfriend’s hero merch.
Ever since he started his own brand for himself, his marketing team decided to get him all new merch inspired by his hero name, Ground Zero.
It was incredibly smart, the cups, shirts, hoodies, backpacks, anything you could think of were soon to be sold out for the season.
Luckily your boyfriend had sent you a ‘limited edition’ hoodie signed by Ground Zero himself which he made sure to cockily brag about until you threatened to sell it for big bucks.
Giggling to yourself when you remembered those warm moments you shared you let out a sigh, shoving your hair up into a messy bun before you looked at the trademark Ground Zero logo with a determined expression.
“I’m gonna see you soon Katsuki, hang in there..”
Bakugou already hated this place, and he had only taken roughly ten steps on the campus.
Everything about this university screamed you, the beautifully creative structure, the hundreds of students zooming around; not without offering a greeting or smile of course. Everyone here was so cheerful even though the aura of the school was clearly tense and stressed.
Shuffling his boots down the cobblestone path to look for any sort of directory, his body froze when he heard an all to familiar cry with those dreaded words he was doomed to hear everywhere he went.
“Is that Ground Zero?!”
Dread flowed through Bakugou’s body as the sound of footsteps scampering over to him came near, sounding like a stampede of animals in a zoo during lunch time.
“It’ll be worth it for (S/o)..” Bakugou grumbled under his breath, his sharp crimson eyes glaring up to the herd of students that surrounded him, cameras already out and ready to fire.
The ash blond should’ve known better than to come to the your campus without a disguise, the fact that he was wearing his hero uniform boots not helping the case either.
Bakugou had just been so excited to get here. After getting off the phone with you and remembering the pained tone of your voice, he couldn’t not come over here. You had one last week at this hell hole, and Bakugou would be damned if you ruined it over the massive stress you were carrying.
The young hero’s agency was far from pleased when they heard he would be under the radar for a full week, but they weren’t in any position to tell him no. At this point Bakugou ran that agency, they depended on him more than he did ever since his popularity boomed.
In less than a year he had been the first teenager to ever be in the top ten, proving to be the youngest successful pro hero in history.
Did this inflate his ego? Yes, yes it did. Did he care? Not a chance. And luckily he knew a certain (h/c) that loved his massively large ego.
The feeling of people grabbing his arms is what snapped him back to reality, his head whipping down to see multiple people shouting twenty different things at once.
“Can you sign this shirt for me?”
“Get a selfie with me Ground Zero!”
“Are you coming to this college permanently?”
“I don’t have a pen, can you just set a mini explosion off on my arm?”
Bakugou let out a growl of annoyance and a bit of disturbance at the strange demands he was receiving, didn’t these students have work to do or something?
Flicking his eyes up in hopes of seeing any sort of directory anywhere, he let out an annoyed sigh when there wasn’t anything in sight. Maybe these kids could be useful for something.
“I’ll sign all your shit later but I have a mission first,” Bakugou barked, effectively silencing the entire group as they awaited his word, “Any of you know where the hell the design wing is?”
Bakugou regretted his idea when an uproar of students began shouting out different answers, rubbing his head he let out another loud yell to silence them.
“Grape hair only, where is it.”
The tall boy in the front blinked for a moment when the pro hero pointed to him before quickly pointing over to the second building in the middle.
“Are you looking for someone?” A girl questioned from the back, causing Bakugou to look over to her direction.
“(L/n) (F/n).”
A few people in the crowd perked up at this, obviously recognizing your name.
“I know (L/n)!” A girl shouted, shoving her way to the front before pointing over to a stone pathway, “I saw her walk over there a few minutes ago with her laptop, I bet she’s finishing up her sketches for exams.”
Flicking his crimson eyes from the path to the girl he gave a curt nod of gratitude before shoving past the students, ignoring their obnoxious goodbye’s and pleads to come back soon.
As annoying as this place was, it sure was beautiful.
The stone path shortly had turned into gravel as he got deeper into the trail, the multiple sculptures he had passed beginning to disappear as the atmosphere began to look more botanical.
While he couldn’t help but admit the path was fairly neat, he was also growing fairly annoyed. He just wanted to see your beautiful face already so he could snatch you up in his arms and never let go.
Ducking over a short stone arch that was wrapped in a messy vine that contained pale blue flowers, the ash blond’s dream finally came true as he saw your rugged form laying down on a blanket in front of what looked to be a koi pond.
Just as he was about to walk over to you, he paused when he heard a sharp growl escape your lips. While it wasn’t a foreign sound to him, it certainly was a rare one.
“Come on brain think of something! What else can I add to this to make it different?” You cried, tugging at the loose strands of your hair that already seemed to be falling out of it’s place in your messy bun, “Why is my brain so.. so.. ahhhHhhh.”
Bakugou chuckled quietly to himself as your mini rant went onto a slurred new language of your letting out a mix of growling and groaning noises.
“You know I was pretty scared I wouldn’t be able to find you,” Bakugou spoke up, causing your head to jerk up before you whipped your head around to lock eyes with the ash blond, “But your annoying ass whining was pretty easy to follow.”
Ignoring the harsh insult Bakugou through at you, your eyes lit up upon seeing your boyfriend, quickly stumbling up from your blanket and running towards him.
Bakugou stumbled back a bit from your sudden attack but was able to catch you eventually, lifting your form into his arms as he spun you around with the added momentum you gave him.
“W..What are you doing here?” You said breathlessly, your lips in the most beautiful smile he had ever seen.
Placing a rough kiss on your lips the ash blond plopped you back down on your feet while keeping his arms tight around your waist, “I knew you were probably stressing the fuck out on your last week of exams.. and by what I heard earlier I was correct per usual.”
Rolling your eyes at his cocky tone you placed another quick kiss on his lips before nodding for him to continue on.
“I couldn’t just let you bomb anything because you missed this pretty face so much, so I decided to stay down here for awhile.”
Letting out a few more giggles as the ash blond attacked your face with more quick kisses you squeezed your arms around his neck tightly before looking back up to him, “What about your hero agency? Aren’t they going to be mad that you’re missing a full week?”
Bakugou scoffed at your words, his crimson eyes cockily looking down to you as a smirk flashed across his lips, “Tch.. to hell with that shitty agency, they couldn’t fire me if they even wanted to. Honestly if I said I was leaving I would have all those fuckers on their hands and knees.”
Bursting into laughter you placed yet another kiss on his lips before running your fingers through his ash blond locks playfully, “That’s my cocky little shit.”
Grinning excitedly down to you, the ash blond lifted you back off your feet again causing your laughter to fill the air once more as he swung you around before stumbling backwards, his back falling against the smooth grass while you landed on top of him with a grin.
“Walk much?” You questioned cheekily, causing him to narrow his eyes as he stole a kiss from you most likely to shut you up.
Pulling away softly, you kept your face close to his own, both of your eyes locked on each other as each of your breaths collided with each other’s lips.
“I missed you so fucking much (S/o).” Bakugou muttered just loud enough for you to hear, his hands running down the small of your back.
Inhaling deeply you kept your fingers gliding through his hair as you looked down to him lovingly, “I did too Katsuki, more than you will ever know.”
After what seemed like forever of staring, the two of you shared one last final kiss. While any kiss with Bakugou would always be somewhat rough and demanding, this one held a certain passion and love with it.
A passion of two lovers deeply missing one another’s touch. You couldn’t begin to explain how wonderful your heart felt, as if every bit of stress had flown off your shoulders. The two of you could never be happier. 
Breaking away only because you ran out of air the two of you panted slightly, still looking at each other with joyful loving eyes. 
That is, until you felt a pair of wondering palms.
“You look sexy as fuck in these leggings by the way,” Bakugou said with a mischievous grin, his palms giving your cheeks a firm squeeze causing you to squeak slightly before his grin formed into a somewhat impressed smirk, “Somebody’s been working out, that ass is firm babe.”
Rolling your eyes you placed a warm kiss on his cheek before resting your head on his chest, “And there you go ruining the moment yet again.”
Opening his mouth to rebuttal, both of you came to silence when the all too familiar sound of stampeding feet were heard.
“W..What on earth is that?” You asked softly, sitting up from his chest as the sound grew louder and louder.
Bakugou let out a growl as he sat up, carefully holding onto you so you didn’t slide off of him, “Your fucking classmates, I forgot to disguise myself so they went fucking crazy..”
“And the news spread..” You finished with a gulp, sharing an annoyed yet fearful expression with your boyfriend before an idea popped in your head.
Scrambling off Bakugou’s lap you quickly grabbed your blanket and laptop before yanking the ash blond off his feet.
“The hell are we going?”
Looking back to Bakugou you smiled, grabbing his hand and yanking him down another unmarked trail, “I know this little secret trail back to the campus, that way we can sneak to my dorm hopefully un-noticed.”
Deciding to follow your lead, the ash blond ran side by side with you, taking your laptop and blanket so it would be easier for you to run while you lead him down the messy path.
Bakugou had only been with you for ten minutes and chaos already seemed to be unfolding, but much to his surprise he didn’t mind, quite frankly he actually liked it. It felt like the good old days when they were at UA, just goofing around and living in the light hearted chaos you both grew to love.
But if there was one thing Bakugou knew back at UA and sure as hell knew now, he never wanted to stop living in the chaos with you.
He wanted to rule this world of chaos with you by his side..
Forever and always.
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libidomechanica · 6 years
But your own
But your own, bewitching from badde the Brere in my own animal thought aske I, but onely to alight to paint. Why dost thou should report all care of homicide, but
they were deem’d Cossacques, hovering liue you little, perhaps. Seeing thee sadde. Never woman yet, could raise a a kind nd of life and live with those the wolf would that song outlasts
us all: wrecked d devotion the soil of the west; the owl, night’s herald, shriek’d, or from the staring rust the head, and rein his recruits
with kissing list. D a greater fee; she’s Love, and marriage feast? As if the state in her ear, there we almost crossing in days when it
grew upon this is not pure theory after her, if she said; she said; she wept, “I am aweary, oh God, that guy with his; the Time is spent, her
object was to be Cato, nor eventide. On a round that is ever serpent his stalled up, and even now to tie there was not more
I trace the living father has lately I a garland bound,” ‘mongst them into capitulation to them, poor Wat, far off, and Strokonoff, meknop, Serge Lwow, Arsniew
of more,’ entitled in a hurry; thus the sands, and his trucks and her breast; thou know how first i th temple leave this scene began, ‘ the field, and the
death-white curtain meant this. Forget to bow, her voices, that ever they may both would her but this shadowe serues thy might be found to give a notion a
a borough h is come. Saidid, ‘I have from my reach do grow; my flesh and tried to kiss her selfe, to see thee here within the kitchen. Bizarrely wielding—almost laying honey
tongue be dumb; the rest complainest thou ride on a horse is gone, in likely thought a slight substratum. Hide, oh, hide those that foil’d the Destinies, to cross tables and
plough or harrow’ shall be raging mane upon her face, some in much ioy, many in many things long colloquy himself himself near, that you, I see a text that temple here’s
not his tent my bed. ‘Vouchsafe’, thou eternal Homer!’ And takes his cannot draw his Hand, and they are, such my hand . With this healthfull casks are ever love so
much handling, show’d like a man, more white and responsibility we will hold thee home shepheard, tel it not fear; it shall gie thee, hence remove, till he lours and of Love upon
her babe so well defend her, where natural agonies, with her maiden garden for each several posts, my friend, till concludes in woe, and every
shepherds, woe unto the cause he would make John Bull, that all love, his lips no more: and beauty set gloss on the rose, smell too much decline, what canst thou may aye inherit
thy mither’s person deign’d to contented, so thou can resisteth, which leads beholders on a boggy walk, he flitted to a river stay: she would be thy love.
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Yoongi x Chubby Reader Drabble
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When Yoongi isn’t feeling too cheerful, you do your best to cheer him up. Or at least, help get him out of his funk. After y’all first started dating, he kept the fact that he suffered and still suffers with depression a secret. Even though you are a foreigner, he knew how mental issues were thought of in South Korea. However when it came around the time of your Mother’s passing, you had to tell him about your issues because he realized you weren’t eating during that time and it scared the hell out of him.
Anyway, when you got to the dorm that day, you normally would see Yoongi on the sofa in the common room, either listening to music or reading. Instead you saw the rest of Bangtan looking a rather concerned.
“Hey boys, what’s wrong.” You said as you took off your shoes before going fully in. Taehyung saw you and you could see the worry in his eyes.
“Suga has been in his room the whole time since we got back from practice, we tried to ask what was wrong, he just ignored us and went straight there. Y/N, you're expertise is needed.” Tae explained to you, making you glad that Yoongi and Namjoon helped you with your Korean while you helped them with their English. Tae was your main student, little adorable maknae.
Realizing what probably caused it, you nodded before making your way into Yoongi and Jin’s room where you knocked on the door before going in.
“Yoongi Oppa?” You whispered as your entered the room, looking over at his bed to see him laying there on his back. His black beanie was on his head and almost pulled all the way over his eyes. When he heard your voice, he perked up and sat up on the pillows while pushing the beanie, looking over at you.
“Y/n, hey babe.. Sorry for not texting you to tell you I was back from practice. Grandpa mode kicked in.” Yoongi said with a tight and fake smile, trying to mask that fact that he had read something that just darkened his mood. But, you gave him that look whenever you could see through his bs, moving closer to him.
“I know what grandpa mode looks like and this isn’t it.” You stated, getting on the bed and into his lap. At the beginning of the relationship, you were worried about hurting him whenever you got on top. He was lean and fit while you were on the chubby side with your boobs that can be use different for pillows, little bit more of a tummy, Goddess like hips, thick thighs and a very bouncy ass whenever you danced. But after Yoongi finally just grabbed you one night and sat you in his lap, he made it certain that you weren’t going to kill him. 
Besides it’s not your fault if he tries to smother himself in your boobs.
“Do you need your fluffy kitten to hold on to and cuddle?” You suggested since he probably wouldn’t want to talk about it, using his favorite nickname for you as he nodded. Despite the saddness in his dark eyes, the corners of his mouth curved up with a ghost of a smile. With you there, he was starting to focus back on what was really important to him. You and Bangtan.
He brought up his hands to touch your shoulders and pull you down to be on top of him. When you tried to slide down to his side, he wouldn’t let you. Yoongi just held you tight and sat his chin on the crown of your head.
Just felt like so far fluff y’all! Because this man deserves it! Suga/Yoongi’s music/lines makes my day! He isn a precious angel and if I ever meet him, I will show him how much I appreciate and love him!
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r-o-se · 7 years
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A summary on Produce 101 Season 2 Episode 8 its ya boy back at it agian with another let’s play this time its evaluations and painful crying time
2.     Physically restraining myself from screenshotting everything Jinwoo appears in and posting those as the best moments
3.     They show the winners of each category again aka Taehyun, Jonghyun and Gunhee
4.     Sfkdjhlajk who said that those clips of hugging crying trainees are acceptable
5.     Seonho keeps saying 1, 2, 3 and looking at Guanlin as if he wants him to say ‘fighting’ but none of them will say it lmao I love my dumb chicks
6.     They showed solo clips of both Daniel and Jisung but not Jinwoo haha nice ;)
7.     Kiiahoiadjh Hyunbins failed b-boying how beautiful
8.     I am not emotionally prepared for this Jinwoo won’t make it I have too many goddamn faves just stab me
9.     Ok they’re showing concept evaluation stuff first this is basically like last season
10.  Im crying Jonghyun is 1st and BoA publically thanked him he is so shy and aaaaaaaahhhhh
11.  Ok the voters choose the best team and the idol that suits the concept best, most voted team gets FUCKING 220 000 VOTES!!! THE FUCK!! And the trainee who gets the most votes out of the team gets 100k votes, the rest from that team get 20k
12.  And here we gooooooooo the producers, first, Shihn Hyuk one did stuff for SHINEE!!!!!!!!! And also EXO and Justin Bieber I guess lol his song is ‘I Know You Know’
13.  Kigen & Assbrass from Monsta X next, they wrote hiphop song ‘Oh Little Girl’
14.  Ren’s visuals are done so dirty in this show I swear to god
15.  Next comes Geunwoo, ASHTRAY and Oh Seonghwan from Kyuhyun and Yesung who wrote a nu disco genre song ‘Showtime’ and LMAO THE CHOREO FOR IT HAS DONGMYEONG’S SIGNATURE DANCE AAAHAHAHAH POOR PLAGIARIZED ELIMINATED BABY
16.  Now composers called Devine-Channel who did songs for VIXX!!!! and BTS and their contribution is a Future EDM song ‘Open Up’
18.  It’s a Deep House genre song called ‘Never’
19.  Overall, Open Up and Never sound the best imo holy fuckkkkk those songs are LIT AS HELL
20.  Danik, Dongbin and Kiwon did the unthinkable and hinted at the songs they want and as a penalty they get sorted last
21.  I know Daniel wanted the fourth song which makes me emo bc I LOVE THAT SONG!!!! SO MUCH!!!!!! And now he cant get it lmao dumb boyo
22.  They look so ashamed aw
23.  Now everyone are getting sorted to songs, Baekho first aaaaaaand they didn’t show us what he got I don’t think they show any songs before the teams are full agh
24.  Everyone get their songs one but one and the reactions vary from jumping to absolute neutrality lol I’m not gonna say all of their names
25.  BoA brought up Samuels 15 place rank drop Kindly Shut Up Please
26.  Samuel, Sanggyun and Namhyung are all in one group
27.  Jaehwan also chose Hyunbin as the one he doesn’t want to be in a group with since he has already been with him twice aaaaaahahahhahah
28.  Jaehwan DOES want to be with Jonghyun and so do Baekho and Yongguk as well EVERYONE LOVES HIM THIS IS SO CUTEEEE
30.  Winkdeep are the only ones in their practice room well nvm THAT’S HYUNGSEOB all the cute popular visual ones are together again
31.  Taehyun joined the badassery that is Samuel, Namhyung, Sangbin and Sanggyun and Samuel IMMEDIATELY goes like OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!!! SAME THO FUCK I LOVE TAEHYUN
32.  ???? Woodam went to the badasses room?? GOOD CONCEPT!!!
33.  Jihoon is discussing his endless aegyo techniques
35.  The Sinners are all in that room and give their formal apologies aw kiddos it’s ok I don’t care lol
36.  Danik goes to the practice room where JINWOO IS!!!!!! YES!!!!AND SO DOES KIWON!
37.  Dongbin is with the cutie group lol
38.  The song for the badassery group is SHOW TIME!! Sangbin is dead inside but Samuel just gave a kiss to the song sign lmaooo
39.  Jonghyun group gets Never also HOLY SHIT this team has Jonghyun, Minhyun, Jaehwan and Seongwoo are all here it is like 2/3 of Sorry Sorry lol
40.  The cutie team gets Oh Little Girl  Justin looks so blessed out of this world and hugs w Hyunngseob YUEHUA PRIDE!!!!!
41.  All other group want open up lol
42.  Danik-Baekho group GETS IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
43.  So the other group gets I Know You Know everyone are crying inside
44.  The temporary centers for Oh Little Girl are chosen now, Ren, Jihoon and Euiwoong all want to be center
45.  They are trying out and honestly I have such second hand embarrassment rn but everyone think Jihoon and Minki were better including Hyungseob whos labelmates with Euiwoong
46.  Wait so… Jungjung, Euiwoong, Justin and Hyungseob are ALL in the Oh Little Girl group damn whole Yuehua squad here
48.  Euiwoong was really worried about doing mistakes but KAHI CONGRATULATED HIM BC HE DID RLY WELL!!! CUTE!! DON MILLS TOO!!! LIL KID SLAYING IT
50.  Anyways Jinwoo was like maybe someone who is good with dance as the leader for Open Up team since it has a hard dance and Baekho was like ya what about Daniel AND THEN INSOO IS LIKE WHAT ABT U DONGHO IKAJAKI TRAINEES LOVE BAEKHO WILL MNET FINALLY STOP LYING
51.  Baekho still pushes it back to Daniel and Danik is like I’d totally love to be the leader JINWOO NODDING ALONG MMO PRIDE
52.  Apparently Daniel is having problems paying attention to all 12 people and Kenta is a bit salty over it and tbh I understand his reasoning
53.  But Daniel noticed it too and heh fucking apologized don’t drag him for this he’s younggg and doesn’t know that much about leading
54.  It’s Showtime team now and everyone want Woodam to be the venter but HWISEUNG IS THERE TOO!!! PAY ATTENTION TO MY BABE HES AMAZING AT HIGH NOTES GIVE HIM SCREENTIME!!!!!
55.  Hwiseung was 56 but raised to 36 LET MY BOY!!! LIVE!!! PLEASE!!!
56.  Taehyun recommends the cringefest that is facial expression battle
57.  Wtf the two ones who didn’t even sing got to be the centers what’s going ooooooonnn
59.  He’s so cheerful and keeps cracking jokes LET MY BOY!!! DEBUT
60.  Never team is choosing the center I hope Sungwoon gets it tbh let my boy rise some ranks
61.  The centers are Guanlin and Minhyun rip I mean I love both of the kids but LET SUNGWOON SHINEE!! FOR ONCE
64.  I Know You Know has a shiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttton of low ranking trainees and I feel so so sorry for all of them ugh
66.  The centers are Donghan and Hwanoong and all of them got praised a lot by Kahi and even Hyunbin got the footwork down fml I’m so proud of my kids
67.  This elimination gonna hurt no matter what I got too many faves they show the lower ranked kids like Woo Jinyoung and Hwanoong and Dongbin and Justin and whatnot I AM SO SO EMO!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!!!! LET MY KIDS LIVE
68.  Most of those kids already feel that they’re gonna drop and it’s so fucking depressing I love so many of those kids I feel so bad rn oh my fucking god II want to save them all I want them to be happy and popular and debut well
69.  23 of my own children are gonna be beat away from this show I am so angry anyways thte last time there was abt 2.5mil votes this time its GODDAMN 5.5 MILLION WHAT ON EARTH
70.  HYUNBINN SURVIVED THANKK GOD!!!! THANK FUCK!!!!!! I am not allowed to cry about each trainee I CANT
72.  Moonbok deadass fell from 2nd to 32nd what the fuck this show is so unpredictable and I hate it
74.  Gunhee also made it what the fuck why is he such a low rank with the goddamn 110k benefit and you can see the light leave Hwanoongs eyes because if Gunhee is so low what happens to him
75.  Its HF and Woodam went up he fell like 10 places fuck he said ‘You’ll have to go up’ to Jinyoung IM SO SADD!! FUCK!!!!!
79.  Oh my god 20th place trainee already has over 1mil votes this is fucking wild whos it gonna be ITS REN!!!!!! WHYS HE SO LOW!! HE FELL TWO PLACES WHAT THE FUCK
81.  Hwiseung is so bright and cute…. How does he do that….
82.  Jinwoo looks dead inside like he has already accepted his place…… but also proud and smiley at Jisung and Daniel… I’m so sad yall what the fuck
84.  I hate Hwiseung why is he so good…. And loveable… in those dark times… fucking god I’m so sad
85.  BoA said cue and Seonho just stood up without the name and BoA was like wdym and Seonho is like it cant be Guanlin bc he’s a superstar
88.  Oh my GOD it’s a god fucking damn cutscene are you SERIOUS!! Blocked anyways they have a punchinc machine it will be somekinda strength off and they deadass chopped the 1st place seat off and put it there
89.  HWISEUNG AND BYUNMIN ARE THE MC’S why are they doing this to me
90.  Ren is so dumb I love him how does he do THAT with his shoulders
91.  Seongwoo is there and he sure is making himself look cool he does into the trainees to go faaaaaaaaaaar so he can get the motion in and puts sooo much into the show BUT FUCKING STAYS UNDER 900 I LOVE MY DUMB SON HE IS SO STUPID AAAAAAHAHHA FUCK I LOVE HIM HES SO FUNNY EVERYONE ARE LAUGHING LIKE HYENAS
92.  Donghyun was embarrassing w his stretching but fuckin WRECKED that machine taking the throne from Sunghyuk who took it from Dongbin
94.  His punching sound was so loud holy fuck AND HE GOT THE IDENTICAL SCORE!!! WHAT!! LMAO
95.  Rematch, Donghyun hit 949, Baekho 950 lmaooooooo MY SUNSHINE TIGER  
96.  We are back in the elimination its rank 11 ITS BAEKHO!! MY BABE!! MY FIRST BIAS!! POWER VOCAL DUMBO!!! LOVE U!!!!!!!! BoA asked him to do aegyo I’m so done lmaoooooooo
97.  Seeing low ranked trainees be quietly emo and cry is seriously the worst fucking feeling I’m so angry and sad
99.  Danik fell by 6 spots I’m emo and he even apologizes at everyone HE IS SO CUTE!!! FUCK!!! STAY UP THERE BABE
100.   Ong has a lot of male fans and Guanlin was like ‘I’m a fan too’ why shouldn’t you be tbh that dude is perfect in each way like hes pretty and can sing can dance ran rap and has a sense of humor the hell else do u want then
101.   Minhyun got 5th and his face on the big screen everyone are like fuck hes hot anyways HE SAID HE WANTS TO DEBUT W JAEHWAN I love how close Jaehwan is with 2hyun aaaaaaahhhh
104.   The top 4 is Jihoon, Guanlin, Jonghyun and Daehwi
105.   Daehwi is 4 and thanked his mom in America poor kid HES CRYING!!!!!! HE HUGGED YOUNGMIN SO TIGHT!!! THIS IS SO FUCKING SAD!! FUCK POOR BABBIE
109.   I’m dead Guanlin thanked Baekho and then asked BoA to buy them more food b a b e
112.   Hwiseung dropped 3 ranks this is why god doesn’t exist
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butterfly4388-blog · 7 years
I was 16 years old when I met my high school sweetheart we did everything together and were inseparable. Life was amazing and couldn't have asked for more. When I turned 20 she got pregnant and we had a wonderful baby boy. Things were good I was working hard and did what I needed to keep them both happy. I ended up getting a new job where I would have to travel for weeks at a time but the pay was good. This lasted for about 8 months until the company started having issues and eventually shut down. I came home and told her the bad news and at first she was supportive and caring but things changed. I noticed how distant she was and I remember grabbing her phone to write a grocery list and a text popped up saying I can't wait to see you babe. I got scared and went through her phone to find out there has been at least 5 times she had an affair starting from when we first met. I tried to keep it together and hope we could fix it. This lasted for another year. It got so bad that I was working two jobs while she stayed home and played games. Hardly took care of our boy. I ended it in March 16 of 2016. I was broken hearted and could not sleep or eat for a couple months till I started feeling normal. I wanted to date again and signed up for plenty of fish. Eventually I met this really cool girl who was fun and exciting. I rushed into things when I wasn't 100% healed from my ex. The first 6 months were beyond good! Then she started assuming any email or text I got was another girl or someone i was flirting with. I had never been with someone who had such bad anxiety. I was not aloud to have a female friend or talk to any without her getting upset. I know she tried not too and truly cared but some things can't be helped. I fell for her pretty hard and started to wonder if things would turn out like they did with my ex. So I started to sabotage my relationship pushing her away in fear of getting hurt. I eventually got over this and started to feel like I want to spend the rest of my life with her.... until I found the messages on her computer to another guy. It broke me and shattered me. I couldn't believe it happened again. Every time I let myself be happy I get destroyed. I really loved her and I know she didn't have sex with him but she was sending bad messages. I tried getting over it but the messages replayed in my head over and over until I shut down and wanted nothing to do with anyone. I know I pushed her into this guys send by not giving her the attention she needs but all I can think about is how goodshe was to me and I took that for granted. She ended things with me a month ago and I would love to have her back but any chance I get to message her I get a response back of pure hatred towards me. So I'm writing here for some kind of comfort or saving grace. I am broken and don't know how to handle life right now.
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bumblesimagines · 5 years
Bad Boy, Rich Girl
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Part 2
(Y/N) smiled, an arm lazily wrapped around Veronica as she told him about her test. He leaned down, kissing her forehead as her car pulled up. A woman got out.
“Mom!” Veronica looked at her, glancing at (Y/N). 
“Hey, Mija, get in the car. I wanna talk to your new boyfriend.” Hermione said. Veronica frowned.
“What about?” 
“Just get in the car.” Veronica sighed, entering the black car. 
“I’m Hermione Lodge, I’m sure Veronica has told you about me.” She stuck out her hand.
“(Y/N) Jones.” He shook her hand.
“FP’s eldest... How’s your dad?” She asked. (Y/N) shrugged.
“Same as always.” He replied. Hermione stepped closer to him.
“I’m not threatening you, I’m warning you. Hiram found out about you. Someone told him and he’s pissed. I like you. My daughter is much happier with you than she was with Archie. I’d hate for that happiness to die so please, be careful.” She said quietly. (Y/N) hummed.
“Anyways, tell your dad I said hi.” Hermione smiled though her eyes held concern. She turned around, entering the car. Veronica blew him a kiss as the car drove off. (Y/N) watched the car until it was out of sight. He sighed, walking over to his motorcycle and getting on it. He drove to the trailer park, mind clouded. 
“What the fuck?” (Y/N) huffed, kicking the tires of his bike. Someone had slashed them while he was in school. 
“Who could’ve done this?” Betty asked.
“Someone petty. Do you have any psycho exes, babe?” Veronica glanced at him.
“If he did, they’d be going after you,” Toni told her, shaking her head.
“We’ll find the fuckers who did this and beat their asses.” Sweet Pea said. Veronica was about to retort but stepped back.
“V?” Betty looked at her. Veronica spun around, hurriedly walking away from them with a hand over her mouth.
“What’s up with your girl? She sick or something?” Sweet Pea asked. (Y/N) shrugged.
“She’s been throwing up quite a bit.” (Y/N) replied. Toni frowned and went after Veronica.
“Girls.” Fangs shook his head. Betty rolled her eyes. “I’ll get some of the guys to fix your tires.” He told him.
“Me, Sweet Pea, Cheryl, and Betty will try to track down who fucked up your tires,” Jughead said.
“I have someone in mind.” (Y/N) crossed his arms.
“Who?” Jughead asked.
“Veronica’s dad.” (Y/N) replied with a small sigh.
Veronica coughed, standing up and grabbing some toilet paper to wipe her mouth. She walked to the sink, washing her mouth.
“You okay?” Toni asked her. Veronica nodded.
"I think I might have a stomach virus." She sighed.
"Have you tried a pregnancy test?" Toni asked. Veronica paused, staring at the sink before looking at her.
"Oh god..."
"Hey, hey, it might not be that. It's just... A thought." Toni said as she fished into her bag before pulling two out. Veronica stared at her.
"I keep some just in case one of my girls needs it," Toni explained. Veronica nodded, walking into one of the stalls to take them. Toni waited, watching her step out.
"What if they're positive? What's he gonna think? What if he leaves me? I can't-"
"Veronica, listen to me. (Y/N) loves you. He's a good guy. He'll take care of the baby if you two decide to keep it." Toni soothed her. Veronica nodded, holding back tears. The two looked down at the tests. Four pink lines stared back at them.
"Oh god..." Veronica broke down, Toni wrapping their arms around her.
"Come on. We should head back before the boys start wondering." Toni said, wiping away her tears. Once Veronica was calm, they exited the bathroom. They went back to the boys only to see that the Jones brothers had left.
"Where's Jug and (N/N)?" Toni asked.
"Went back to the trailer park. (Y/N)..." Sweet Pea's eyes flickered to Veronica. Betty bit her bottom lip.
"You should talk to him. Your dad was the one who messed up his bike." She explained, frowning.
"What?!" Veronica stared at them. Toni placed a hand on her back.
"Talk to him." She said. Veronica nodded.
"Can you give me a ride?" She asked.
"Might as well call me the love taxi. I always take you to him." Toni chuckled, walking to her bike. Veronica thought about what Toni said, hoping it was true as they drove to the trailer park. Toni pulled up next to (Y/N) trailer and Veronica got off. She opened the door, looking at Jughead.
"Where is he?" She asked.
"Bedroom," Jughead replied. Veronica walked to the door, entering the room and closing the door behind her. She approached him.
"What are you doing?" She asked, watching him pack up. (Y/N) sighed.
"I'm going to Toledo."
"Ohio?!" Veronica stared at him. (Y/N) nodded.
"No, no..." Veronica walked closer, grabbing him by the collar.
"You can't..." She whispered, tears rolling down her cheeks.
"You can't leave me and the baby..." Veronica sniffled.
"Baby?" (Y/N) furrowed his brows. Veronica nodded, taking the tests out of her purse. He took them from her, staring at the test.
“Oh fuck...” He mumbled.
“I’ll go with you. I’ll tell my mom and we’ll leave. Tonight.” 
“Veronica, you can’t just up and leave.” (Y/N) placed a hand on her cheek. 
“I have family up there from my mom’s side. They won’t tell anyone.” Veronica told him. (Y/N) knew he couldn’t argue. She’d probably be waiting for him in Ohio if he went alone. 
"Okay. We'll meet up at Pop's." (Y/N) pressed a kiss to her forehead. Veronica nodded, hurrying out of the trailer. (Y/N) sat on the bed, starting to feel the shock of finding out he was gonna be a father.
"(Y/N)?" Jughead entered, looking at him.
"Hey, Jug." He greeted. Jughead sat down.
"Sorry, I have to leave again." (Y/N) apologized.
"It's for your own safety. Dad's pissed but he's gonna figure out how to bring Hiram down." Jughead said. (Y/N) wrapped an arm around him.
"Keep the boys out of trouble." (Y/N) stood up, zipping up his bag. Jughead nodded.
"I'll keep in touch." (Y/N) said, picking the bag up. He hugged Jughead before stepping away. (Y/N) sighed, catching the keys that were thrown at him.
"Take my car." One of his Serpent friends said. (Y/N) nodded, thanking him as he got into the car. He sighed, turning it on and heading to Pop's.
"Babe... Babe!" (Y/N) grunted, opening his eyes. He looked over at Veronica, feeling weight on his chest. (Y/N) placed a hand on his childs back, slowly sitting up. Their son, Angel, stirred and yawned. Veronica smiled before motioning towards the tv. (Y/N) looked up, seeing the News channel. It was showing the arrest of Hiram Lodge.
"He can't hurt or go after you anymore, babe." Veronica said, smiling. He could see a tinge of saddness though. After all, he was still her father. (Y/N) leaned over, pressing a kiss to her forehead. She took Angel from him as he started to fuss.
"Should... Should we head back?" She asked. (Y/N) looked at her.
"What do you wanna do?" He yawned, still half-asleep. Veronica looked down at her son as she fed him.
"I think it's time." She nodded. (Y/N) looked over at the Serpent jacket. He hadn't touched it in months.
"Yeah. It's time." He looked at her with a soft smile. Angel burped his opinion. Veronica giggled and got off the bed.
"Let's pack." (Y/N) stood, changing. He grabbed his jacket and looked over at Veronica.
"Why don't you try it on, Doll?" He handed to her. Veronica shrugged it on and looked at herself in the mirror. (Y/N) smiled, turning away from her.
"I look hot."
"You look hot in anything, Doll." (Y/N) reminded. Veronica grinned, a flush of love going through her. She looked at her son and smiled.
"Let's make you as cute as your dad." She said, picking out an outfit. (Y/N) got a suitcase and put their stuff inside as Veronica got Angel's stuff. They left the apartment and faced Veronica's godmother.
"Thank you so much, again." Veronica smiled.
"It's my job." The woman smiled, kissing their cheeks.
"Tell your mother to come visit." She said, stepping back as they got into the car. Angel sucked on his pacifier as (Y/N) started to drive.
"What do you think they'll say? Toni already knew but everyone else..."
"Dad will cry. That's a fact." (Y/N) said as Veronica giggled.
"Jughead might too but he'll brush it off. Betty will be super excited." He added.
"It's been so long. I wonder what they've been up to." Veronica breathed out, realizing just how long they had been gone for. (Y/N) glanced at the jacket Veronica still had on. He knew the Serpents would be thrilled about the baby.
"I... I wanna join the Serpents." Veronica said, looking at him.
"Are you sure? I don't know if they changed that dance the girls have to do."
"I'm sure. They really do need to change that though." Veronica watched the scenery pass by. They drove in comfortable silence until Angel sneezed. Veronica laughed softly.
"Bless you, sweetheart." She cooed. For the next few hours, they continued to Riverdale, only stopping to get food and change Angel's diapers. They eventually passed the Riverdale sign and glanced at eachother.
"Home sweet home." (Y/N) mumbled, driving to Hermione's place. They parked and Veronica got out of the car. (Y/N) got Angel and they headed inside. Veronica knocked on the door.
"What is it?" Hermione called as she opened it. She blinked a few times.
"Oh my god... Mija..." She hugged her tightly before looking at (Y/N).
"Is he..?" She asked quietly, glancing at Veronica who nodded. Hermione cooed, taking Angel into her arms.
"Labor was terrible." Veronica sighed. Hermione laughed, looking at (Y/N).
"Let me guess. She called you every name in the book and numbed your hand?" She grinned. (Y/N) nodded, chuckling as Veronica rolled her eyes playfully.
"Abulita's gonna spoil you rotten... Ugh, I'm getting old." Hermione sighed.
"I'll have someone get your stuff. You should visit your friends." Hermione handed Angel back to him. (Y/N) looked at Veronica and they made their way back to the car. The butler took their stuff and they drove to Pop's.
"Toni said she gathered everyone here." Veronica told him. (Y/N) spotted the bikes and smiled, getting out of the car. Toni bolted out of Pop's almost tackling him to the ground. (Y/N) laughed, hugging her back. Toni pulled back, smiling before she turned her attention onto Veronica and Angel.
"Guys!" Betty rushed over to hug him, Jughead right on her heels.
"Guys, meet Angel." Veronica said. The two spun around as FP, Fangs, and Sweet Pea approached them with Archie close behind.
"V! Oh my god, he's precious!" Betty cooed as Jughead stared down at his nephew. He passed off his sniffle as a cough and nodded. (Y/N) got a bear hug from the three Serpents. FP watched (Y/N) take Angel from Veronica so she could properly hug her friends.
"Is he.." FP cleared his throat.
"Is he yours?" He asked. (Y/N) nodded. FP looked at Angel, placing a gentle hand on his head. Angel looked up at his grandfather, babbling. (Y/N) bit back a grin as FP sniffled, wiping away tears. Fangs was cooeing over the baby while Sweet Pea smiled when Angel played with his dog tags.
"Hey, Andrews." (Y/N) greeted the ginger. Archie smiled at Angel, hugging (Y/N).
"Hey, (Y/N). It's been a while." He said, stepping back and wrapping his arm around a girl. (Y/N) nodded, looking over at Veronica as Betty asked about the jacket.
"It's (Y/N) but I've been thinking about joining the Serpents." Veronica told them. Jughead nodded.
"Alright." He crossed his arms, explaining the initiation. Sweet Pea leaned over.
"She's a keeper." He said. (Y/N) smiled.
"I know."
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