bossbotmgr · 4 months
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ilikedetectives · 2 years
How's Forspoken running on your pc?
It runs SMOOTHHHH like butter, so far not a single lag/jitter and I was playing on 4K Ultra High everything + ReShade during my 3-hour gaming session, maintaining around 40-60fps (DLSS off). Now tbf my gaming rig is EVGA RTX 3090 FTW3, i7 9700K, 64GB DDR4 RAM, and the game is installed on a Samsung 870 EVO SSD. Besides my old CPU (recommended for Ultra settings is i7 12700K, mine is 3 generations behind), everything meets the Ultra settings. What I'm surprised is even though I max everything on graphics, the game only uses ~5.5GB of VRAM which is surprisingly low (RE Village can eat easy 13GB). I'll go explore the map more and see how the game runs with 50+ enemies and more magic combats + fast parkour (was going to do that but then I run into a calico cat guest so I got distracted). I tried the demo on PS5 and it runs just as smooth, though the textures aren't as good as PC (which makes sense). The world seems a bit empty, there's some good spots in between but mostly it's quite bare like FFXV. I haven't seen something Altissia-equivalent to make up for the empty spaces yet.
Maybe I'm used to dealing with Ubisoft's signature optimization so I'm more lenient, but Forspoken runs WELL. For context, my PC with a RTX 2080 Super (also 64GB RAM) that exceeds AC Valhalla's recommended specs for Ultra (x) and guess what? I can't get the horse go too fast or the game would crash or game crashes instantly when I get to Ravensthorpe; for an entire 6 months I couldn't play the main campaign because the game simply croaks upon entering England. Same deal with Far Cry 6, the clothing and tattoos textures are still soup, despite HD textures mod pack (there's a reason my photos of Dani I have to make the outfits out-of-focus asdasdassa). FC6 textures are ok on Xbox Series X and PS5 though so it's obvious that PC optimization got shafted. One last thing I want to add is Forspoken has a demo, so people can try it out and see if it's for them. imho it's way better than hyping a game, provide no demo, and then the game turns out to be an optimization disaster upon launch, which then you have to wait a couple weeks or months for a fix *shrug*
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5hfanfiction · 6 years
Why Did I Get Married? (Camren)
Part Twenty Six: Back To Reality
“I’m here with, Camila Jauregui, and we’re talking about her newest album….‘The Hurting, The Healing, The Loving’,” James Corden; a renown talk show host said as he introduced the pop star. “We’re all dying to know, when is this highly anticipated album dropping?”
Camila smiled. She was way too excited for the release of this album, as it was as she dubbed 'her baby’. “Well, James, my baby will be dropping….drumroll please,” the audience laughed once they heard the drumroll. “September 21st! I’m so excited to share this with everyone, not just my fans but anyone who listens to my music. I hope it resonates with the broken, and I hope they know that their healing is coming. It may not be right now, but it’s coming.”
James grinned. “You heard it here first, folks. Camila Jauregui’s third studio album is dropping in two months! I don’t know about you all, but I am honestly super excited for this album!” The crowd murmured in agreement. All of Camila’s fans had been awaiting this album since before she even announced it was in the works, and it was finally going to be released and bless their ears. “Okay, so question, what’s your favourite song that you have on the record?”
Camila groaned. “Everyone keeps asking me this, but truth is, all these songs are my babies, they’re pieces of me. It’s like when your kids come and ask you which one of them is your favourite.”
James snorted. “Oh, trust me, I know the feeling.” The crowd laughed along with him.
“But, if I had to choose, I feel like my favourite song would be 'Like I’m Going To Lose You’.” This had been a part of Camila’s 'The Loving’, and a featured artist she had on it was John Legend. “And I know, you’re going to ask why, but I think it’s my favourite because it revolves around a situation between my wife and I.” Camila ran a hand through her hair. “I think…um…when we love someone, something that we forget is that at any given moment the person can be gone; be it death, divorce or whatever it is. And I feel like we don’t truly cherish someone until they’re gone. So I wrote that song after coming to the realisation that my wife won’t be here forever, so I plan on loving her like I’m going to lose her. Unconditionally, because we aren’t promised tomorrow.”
You might think that you don’t matter in this world, but because of you someone has a favourite mug that they drink their coffee out of every morning.
Someone has a favourite song, that whenever it comes on the radio, they can’t help but belt the lyrics out, not giving a shit whether they sound good or not.
Someone reads a book or watches a movie that you recommended and they get so lost in the little details, and they can’t help but wait to talk to you about it.
Don’t ever think you don’t have an impact in someone’s life. Your fingerprints can’t simply be wiped away from the little acts of kindness, from the way you love someone, it can’t go away just like that.
“Aw that’s literally the cutest thing I’ve heard all day!” James gushed. “Do you think she’s watching your interview right now? Do you have something you’ll like to tell the woman that stole your heart?”
Camila laughed. She didn’t think her wife had been watching the interview because she had to be at work at an insanely early hour. Nicholas Dos Santos was going to need her to photograph some of his models and that was going to take a few hours.
“I don’t think she’s watching right now, but even if she isn’t, I just want you all to know that this woman has my entire heart,” Camila placed her left hand over her heart and smiled. “I love her with everything in me. I know that no matter what…she’ll be mine. She’s my home.”
“Mrs Jauregui - Cabello!”
It had been an extremely long day of running back and forth in her photography studio. Lauren was accustomed to all of this but today, she wanted everything to be perfect. Working with Nicholas was her childhood dream and she needed to impress this man, even though he had expressed on more than one occasion how much he fancied Lauren and Natasha’s work.
Lauren slid into her car, slamming the door shut, she rested her head against the steering wheel and shut her eyes for a bit. She just needed a moment of calm before heading home.
Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case. Her phone rang, groaning as she picked up the phone, once the voice rang through the speaker, she knew it was her sister.
“Heyyy, sissy!” Maggie greeted her sister. “Where are you?”
Lauren groaned. “I’m heading home. I’m so tired. I’m just going to dive into my bed and…die.”
“Very cryptic, hermana,” Maggie yelled at someone in the background, telling them to put something back. “But no can do, you’re coming to Val’s restaurant. You know where that is right?”
The older Jauregui mumbled an incoherent answer.
“Listen here, you dumb bitch, how many times do I have to tell you to stop eating the fucking food! She isn’t here yet!” Maggie yelled.
The person yelled back; the culprit being Dinah Jane, Camila and Lauren’s mutual friend. “Listen here, Jauregui, I would end your shit. Do not talk to me like that!”
Lauren snickered. “Mags, Dinah, the both of y'all need to behave.”
“Ugh!” Maggie let out frustratedly. “Just be here in twenty minutes before I murder this whore.”
Lauren laughed loudly. “Okay, fine. I’ll be there soon. And in case Dinah kills you, just letting you know that I love you.”
“Love you too! Now bye,” they both hung up.  Lauren hadn’t the slightest clue as to why her sister wanted her to come to Valetina’s restaurant, she just assumed that they were having a get together that Camila had planned last minute.
However, what Lauren had completely forgotten was that her 27th birthday was today. With all the work she was doing building up to today, it had slipped her mind. Of course, people wished her on her social medias, but she didn’t have the chance to check it, nor did she like social media to begin with.
Me, on the other hand, Twitter and Snapchat are my faves. I’m always lurking, scrolling…judging.
Anyway, it hadn’t been the first time Lauren had forgotten her birthday, in fact maybe it was the fourth or fifth. Unknowingly to her, Camila had planned an intimate get together with their families and close friends. She knew Lauren wasn’t too keen on extravagance, so the smaller, the better.
It was a twenty minute drive to Valentina’s restaurant. A pretty high end restaurant, might I add. Lauren parked her car and got out. She wasn’t greeted to people jumping out of nowhere, screaming 'Happy Birthday’, but rather Camila, Dinah and Maggie bickering about some birthday decorations.
Lauren cleared her throat loudly, the trio stopped and turned towards the noise, only to be greeted with their guest of honour.
“Laur!” Camila pouted. “You’re not supposed to be here yet.”
Lauren laughed. Izzy came charging at her mother, almost tripping in the process. She scoped the child up in her arms. “Feliz cumpleaños, mama!” Izzy wrapped her arms around her mother’s neck.
“Happy Birthday!!” Everyone else yelled out because it made no sense anymore as they weren’t prepared for Lauren’s entrance. Upon surveying the room, Lauren saw her parents, Sinu, Valentina, Becky, Dinah, Normani, Ally along with their families. Then there was Natasha who was chatting with Hailee; who recently ended things with her newest boyfriend, then there was Maggie and Ariana.
Lauren smiled. “I can honestly say that I’m surprised. I had completely forgotten about my birthday with everything that was going on.” She wrapped an arm around her wife pulling her close. “Thank you all for coming.”
“I don’t know how you can forget your birthday, babe,” Camila placed a kiss on her wife’s lips. “It’s the day the earth was blessed with such an amazing woman like you.”
Dinah cupped her hands over her mouth and yelled. “Smoothhhh.”
Camila smirked and sent a wink at her friend, “It’s the Cabello genes, baby.”
“Hear, hear!” Becky raised a glass of juice as her mother wasn’t going to allow her to drink anything alcoholic.
Maggie approached her sister and engulfed her in a hug. “Twenty seven has literally never looked any better,” she winked at her sister. “But! Let’s get you out of that hideous work attire,” the model linked arms with her sister, not before telling everyone to let the party begin.
Maggie popped open her trunk, and began rummaging through clothing bags.
Lauren laughed. “You have cocktail dresses in your trunk? Really, Mags?”
The younger Jauregui rolled her eyes. “Of course I do. I’m not an animal, Lauren.” She pulled out a jeans, and paired it with a shirt. It wasn’t something Maggie would wear because she goes all out, but her sister wasn’t extravagant; only when it comes to cars anyway. “Throw this on and go enjoy your party.”
Lauren took the outfit, but as her sister went to walk away, she pulled her back. “Hey, Mags?”
“Thank you,” Lauren gestured to the party. “I really appreciate it.”
Maggie smiled. “You’re welcome, but I only did the heavy lifting. Your wife is the one who planned everything. You should be thanking her.”
Which was true. Camila had been the one who was planning Lauren’s birthday party. She didn’t want to do something over the top, but rather a small get together with Lauren’s loved ones.
“Although,” Maggie smirked. “I think you’re doing a pretty good job thanking her almost every other night.”
“O-okay,” Lauren blushed. “I think I should change and head back inside. You know, can’t keep my guests waiting!” She sprinted inside to change into her outfit, leaving her sister behind who was laughing uncontrollably.
After opening up a few gifts from her friends, and interacting with everyone, Lauren needed some time to herself. She grabbed a plate of food and headed out on the veranda to look at the cars that were passing by. Surprisingly, Camila was already there sitting on a bench, lost in her own thoughts.
Have you ever looked at the love of your life, when they’re doing absolutely nothing and find yourself falling more and more in love with them?
One day, you’re gonna meet this great girl or guy in life. And from the moment your eyes lock with theirs, you’ll know that they’re trouble. They’re going to have a weird sense of humour, they’re going to have an attitude, they’re going to drive you crazy. They’re going to make you do things you never thought you would’ve done. They’re going to make you see the world in a different light.
But, most importantly, they’re going to make you feel things you’ve never felt before.
You’re going to love them against reason, so no matter what, don’t get tired of them.
Don’t give up on her.
Because you knew from the moment your eyes locked with hers, the moment she took your breath away, you knew that she was….worth it.
“You’re staring, Jauregui.”
Lauren snapped out of her thoughts and she smiled to herself. “How can I not? You’re absolutely stunning. Especially in that dress.”
“Flattery would only get you everywhere,” Camila turned her head, and sent a wink to her wife.
Lauren approached the woman, taking a seat next to her. “But as beautiful as you look in that dress, I’ll love to see you out of it,” she whispered into Camila’s ears, causing her to shiver at the thought.
The brunette hummed. “I’ll keep that in mind when we get home, if you aren’t too exhausted.” She took the birthday girl’s hand in hers, pulling it onto her lap. “Listen, Laur, I know it’s your birthday but I need to tell you something.”
“LAUREN! CAMILA!” Ariana burst out onto the veranda where the couple were. “What are you two doing out here? The party is in there.”
“Why are you yelling?”
Ariana paused for a moment contemplating why she was yelling in the first place, but she shrugged. “I don’t know,” she giggled. “Oh by the way, Milz. I didn’t get the chance to tell you, but I’m really excited to be joining you on tour! Just us girls taking on the world!!”
The moment the word 'tour’ left Ariana’s lips, Camila could practically feel Lauren’s eyes glaring into the side of her head. When Camila didn’t say anything, and Ariana had saw the look on Lauren’s face, she knew she had messed up.
“WHAT’S THAT MAGS?!” Ariana pretended as though her girlfriend was calling her, as she tried to escape this very awkward situation. “COMING, BABE!” The pop star ran away, because she was sure some shit was about to go down. And she didn’t want to be a part of that.
“So,” Lauren began. “Tour, huh?”
Camila cringed. “Mi amor, please let me explain.” She turned to look at her wife, who was surprisingly calm, but she was pretty sure Lauren was about to murder her.
“Oh, go right ahead, amor,” Lauren smiled. “Tell me all about your tour.”
“It’s not…it’s not set in stone as yet,” Camila began. “I mean, maybe it is, but if you don’t…if you don’t want me to go, we can cancel it and I um..” She tried to find the right words, but she was so afraid of messing up the progress that they had made over the past few months. Camila wanted to tell Lauren about the tour, but every time she was about to, something interrupted them, and honestly? She was just too scared of her wife’s reaction.
Lauren sighed heavily and pinched the bridge of her nose. “Camz… I love you, I really do, but why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
“I was scared…”
“Scared of what?”
Camila turned away from her wife. “We we’re finally happy again. You, me, Izzy…then…then I have to leave again. And after everything we’d lose all the progress we made, and you’ll hate me and Izzy would hate me.”
Lauren took Camila’s hands in hers in an attempt to comfort her. “I could never hate you, amor. I’m mad and definitely sad, yeah. But hate you? I can’t ever do that.”
Camila sighed but she didn’t say anything.
“I just wish that you would talk to me about these things you, know? You can’t keep hiding your career choices from me, especially when I’m obviously going to find out.”
“I just…I just didn’t want us to go back to the way we used to be,” Camila frowned. “But I know me not saying anything wasn’t a good decision on my part.”
Lauren blew out heavily threw her mouth and stood. She lent against one of the pillars of the building, not saying anything. “I don’t want to fight with you, Camz.” She turned and looked at her wife. Sadness evident in Camila’s brown eyes. “But it just hurts when you have to leave, you know? I know it’s your career and I’m not asking you to choose between your family and your career. I just want us to be able to discuss these things. I just…want to have a say, you know?”
Camila nodded slowly. “I know, and I completely understand. It’s just even after therapy, it’s still a process, and it’s still hard, but…I want us to figure this out together.” The brunette stood and walked towards her wife, taking one of her hands and intertwining their fingers. “Do you want me to go on tour?”
“I do,” Lauren didn’t miss a beat. “I know how much this means to you and I know how much you love your fans, and how much they love you. I don’t want to come between that, I just want us to be with you, as a family.”
“Do you think we should move?”
The photographer kinked an eyebrow. “Move? What do you mean?”
“Like…I don’t know? To New York” Camila suggested. “Most of your clients are there, then I’m there most of the time because of work…it I don’t know, it makes sense.” When she saw the confused expression etched on her wife’s face, she began to mumble incoherent things. “Never mind, I’m just being silly.”
Lauren shook her head 'no’. “It’s not that. It’s just…everyone is here. My family, yours…and Izzy. All Izzy’s friends are here.”
“Izzy doesn’t really like her friends besides, Elijah, Moana, Destiny, Imani and Elena,” Camila pointed out, but then she sighed. “It was stupid anyway.”
“What was stupid?” Dinah asked as she stepped outside, Ally and Normani trailing behind. “This is literally your twenty seventh birthday, Ralph Lauren, what on earth are you doing outside here?”
Normani took a sip of her drink. “We should be doing body shots! I call dibs on, Camila.” She playfully winked at her friend’s wife, who blushed red in embarrassment.
“I just followed these two out here to ensure that they weren’t going to do anything stupid,” Ally said, throwing her friends under the bus. “You both look glum, what’s going on?”
Camila sighed heavily, and passed her hand over her face. “I’m going on tour.”
Lauren rolled her eyes. “Really, guys?”
“I mean, we’re just saying, things don’t usually end well for the both of y'all when Mila tours,” Dinah pointed out. “What are you both gonna do?”
“Camila, suggested we move.”
“Oh, damn. To NYC?” Ally asked, causing Camila to nod. “That actually doesn’t sound like a terrible idea. She’s always there cause of her music, then sometimes she’s in LA, but I mean it’s not a bad idea.”
Which is true. Most of the time Camila was in New York recording her songs, doing interviews, then she would be back and forth between Miami and New York. Occasionally she would have to go to LA, but that wasn’t as often as New York.
“But then there’s Izzy,” Normani added. “Uprooting a child from a stable environment can hamper their friendships and relationships with other people. These effects are most problematic for kids who are introverted and those whose personalities tend toward anxiety and inflexibility.”
Dinah snorted. “Did you read that off some magazine or something?”
“Actually, yes I did,” Normani retorted. “I like to be well informed for my clients.”
“BUT!” Ally interrupted the two before they started bickering. “Maybe you should include, Izzy in your discussion. Not right now though, she’s playing with Dante, Maggie and the kids.”
Lauren sighed and looked at her wife. “Camz…I love you. I really do. Home isn’t four walls to me, it’s two eyes and a heartbeat.” She trailed her hand down Camila’s arm. “Home is wherever you are, and if moving is what seems best, then we can do it. But we need to include Izzy in this.”
Camila smiled softly and nodded.
“And obviously, we’re going to constantly be in NYC now!” Dinah said excitedly. “Can’t miss out on baby Camren’s precious years.”
Camila laughed. “Of course not, DJ. Mi casa es vuestra casa.” She then looked at wife. “What about me being gone for tour? What happens then?”
Lauren paused and thought for a moment. “I mean, I can always let Hailee manage my company. She’s very capable of doing that. And I can become a freelance photographer. Travel around with you, whichever country your career takes you, and do jobs for people.”
“And Izzy?”
“We can home school her,” Camila thought out loud. “Hire someone, with a child at least who can travel with us and can teach Izzy for the time that I’m away.”
It may seem a bit too drastic. Having your family on the road with you, but it seemed like the only logically idea, especially if you don’t want your partner to give up on her dreams.
If you didn’t want her to stop doing what she loved.
And if we were being honest, Lauren never truly liked sitting behind a desk. She always wanted to travel the world, be adventurous and do what she loved. But when the time came, she chose something practical over her dreams and just went with it.
Minor details would have to be worked out, but this was something that the Jauregui - Cabello family had to talk about together and then go ahead with. Well, only if it was beneficial to all of them, especially young Isabella as she was just a child.
“Hey, princesa,” Lauren took a seat next to her daughter who was staring at a slice of cake. The child seemed as though she was deep in thought, until her mother startled her. “Whatcha doing?”
“I’m thinking,” Izzy said. She had her tongue caught between her teeth, eyes not leaving the slice of cake.
Lauren smiled fondly at her child. She ran her hand through the child’s ponytail. “What about?”
Her daughter didn’t say anything for a moment.
“Mama?” Izzy looked at her mother randomly. “What’s your birthday wish?”
“I wished for us, as a family to be happy always. No matter what happens, that we’ll come back to each other.” Lauren picked up a fork and cut a piece of the cake to feed her daughter.
Izzy smiled once she tasted the cake. “Because we’re family and that’s what family do!”
“Exactly, princesa.” She tougher Izzy’s face tenderly, smiling fondly at her. “Why aren’t you with your friends?”
Izzy shrugged. “They annoy me when I play with them too much.” Lauren laughed. “I like Elena more, but she couldn’t come to your party.” She pouted.
“Maybe next time you can invite her home for a sleepover. Does that sound better?”
Izzy nodded furiously. “Yes! I can’t wait.”
“Hey,” Camila approached her wife and daughter. “Are the two of you bonding without me?” She fake pouted, looking adorable as hell.
Lauren patted her lap so that the woman could take a seat. “C'mere, let’s bond.”
Izzy grinned happily. The child was always overly excited when she saw her parents’ interacting with one another. She didn’t know what truly went down between the two, but she knew they weren’t happy then, but now seeing all the strides her parents were making, the child couldn’t have been any happier.
“How’s your birthday going, babe?” Camila asked her wife. “Got everything you wanted?”
Lauren buried her face in the crook of Camila’s neck, inhaling her scent. “I couldn’t have asked for anything more, if I’m being honest.” She looked up and smiled at their daughter. “Being here with the both of you, with my friends and family? What more could I want?”
“Probably some birthday cake, if you know what I mean,” Natasha butted in. She pulled up a chair and took a seat amongst the family. “Am I right, or am I right?!”
Izzy handed her plate of cake to Lauren. “You can have some of my cake if you want, mama.”
Natasha laughed loudly. “She’s so innocent like you, Camzii.” The woman patted Camila’s hand.
Lauren rolled her eyes playfully. “It’s okay, princesa. You enjoy your cake. Natasha is being an idiota.”
Izzy shrugged and continued to eat her cake, ignoring the adults around her.
“So,” Natasha began. “How’s my best friend in the whole wide world doing?”
Camila and Lauren exchanged a look. “What do you want, Tasha?”
The Dominican giggled and rolled her eyes. “I don’t want anything,” she said but the couple wasn’t buying it. “I’m serious! Oh my god, when I try to be nice, you don’t want my niceness?” Lauren kinked an eyebrow at her. “Okay, fine. I was wondering if Hailee is like…I don’t know… single?”
“I mean, from what I know she recently broke up with her boyfriend,” Lauren said. She ran her fingers through her wife’s hair mindlessly. “Why do you wanna know?”
Natasha shrugged. “Oh, no reason. I was just wondering.” The table fell silent, until Camila grew bored and decided on dragging her wife up on stage with her so that they can perform.
“Anyway,” Camila stood and pulled Lauren up along with her. “Let’s sing!”
“Camz…” Lauren whined. “I don’t want to!”
It wasn’t that Lauren was a terrible singer, she just didn’t really like to do it. It was always Camila’s thing, the same way Camila didn’t like photography or having her photo taken, but due to her career, she had no choice but to grow accustomed to it.
The reason why Camila and Lauren had worked so well was that they both respected each other’s wishes. They didn’t force each other to do something they didn’t like or didn’t want to. But even if the other was uncomfortable with something and they knew their partner wanted to do it, they always pushed away their fear or dislike of something.
Especially Lauren, she was always the shyer, more reserved one amongst the two.
When Lauren is with Camila, she’s different. In a good way of course. She smiles and laughs more. She doesn’t have to pretend that everything is okay, when it’s really not. She can let her guard down. She can allow her walls to crumble without the fear of being hurt.
Camila doesn’t feel hurt and alone when she’s with Lauren. Instead, she feels safe and loved. She’s easy to talk to, and Lauren listens. She doesn’t have to worry about holding anything back because Lauren doesn’t judge her. She doesn’t ever feel insecure or sad, because she knows that she’s the only one that Lauren wants.
When you’re with someone, they’ll show you that they really do care, and  they’re not just pretending.
When you’re with them, you’re different.
You’re happy.
Camila and Lauren sang effortlessly.
Whenever they’re together, whenever they do something together, it just flows so naturally. That’s when you know that they’re your person.
That’s when you know they’re the one.
Lauren took Camila’s hand in hers and pulled her close, the microphone in the other as she held it close to her lips.
“Everybody’s talking about heaven like they just can’t wait to go, Saying how it’s gonna be so good, so beautiful,” she trailed her hand down Camila’s arm, gazing lovingly into her wife’s beautiful brown eyes.
“Lying next to you, in this bed with you, I ain’t convinced, 'Cause, I don’t know how, I don’t know how heaven, heaven…” Camila brought Lauren’s hand to her lips and kissed her palm. “I love you,” she mouthed as she stared into Lauren’s eyes.
“Could be better than this (heaven) Could be better than this (heaven, heaven),” They sang together, as the music slowly faded in the background.
Once the song was over, Lauren dropped her microphone on the floor, and cupped Camila’s cheeks. “I am so in love with you, Camila Jauregui. So irrevocably in love with you.”
She kissed Camila with every ounce of passion that she had burning inside of her. Every ounce of love and need that she had for this woman. That she had for her wife. She kissed her like it was going to be their last kiss.
Don’t ever take the one you love for granted because you never know when you’ll run out of time. The thing about some relationships is that they just end. You can compare it to a star. They burn bright and brilliant for quite some time, and then for no particular reason, they just reach their end. Nothing goes wrong.
In a sense, I guess, they just burn out.
So embrace the time you have with someone. Love them like you’re going to lose them. Give them your all, only if they’re deserving of it.
Love with no regrets.
Wattpad: Commander_Camren
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longcat707 · 8 years
Omg love your HCs!! They are all so cute!!!! >V
(THANK YOU ANON! I GOT YOU!)~~~~~~~~Zen: • Honestly, it wasn’t very long in your relationship you started holding hands. • Basically it was your first date. • The both of you were just walking in the park together. Laughing, and getting to know each other. • And my god you looked so perfect. He actually wanted to just kiss you. I mean, the sun was shining on your flawless skin, the wind blew stands of (H/C) hair in your face..it was breath taking. • BUT HE KNEW THAT MIGHT GET WEIRD ON A FIRST DATE S O!!!! • He slowly inched his hand down beside yours, and began interlacing your small, delicate fingers in his larger ones. • hEBLUSHEDSOHARD, BUT MADE EYE CONTACT AND YOU JUST- WOAHMAN HEY WUDDUP AHA. • After that, he never really likes going out in public without your hand in his. ~~~~~~~~~707: • This cheeky little sh- • After he finally realized his true feelings for you, and stopping pushing everything and everyone away (anti-social much? Me too.) • He asked you to go to a cat shelter with him. • After all, Vanderwood didn’t say his partner couldn’t have a cat and just so happen to..bring it over. A lot. • Does this count as your first date? Well, technically. You’ve hung out a lot, but never really anywhere but the parties and RFA members houses. • “(Y/N)!!! This cat is just so cute! You should have it! I’ll even pay!” • “Seven- I- I can’t take care of a cat?!”• He B E G S. • And for the first time, he gently grabs a hold of your hand, holding it tightly in his. • He places a kiss on your cheek, and gives you the cutest little pouty face. • At this point, you’re a blushing, awkward mess. • “Uh-m uh..some soft hands you got there..”• He smirks for a moment, before thinking of the dumbest thing he can say in that moment. • “thanks, I use a lot of lotion. If you catch my dri-”• “O K A Y SO LETS GET THE CAT AND SKADADDLE OKBYE NOW, FUNTIMES WOO.” • But you never did seem to let go of his hand, the rest of the day, at least. ~~~~Jumin: • You would think it would take a while for him to get all..lovey dovey with you. • But it was kind of a happy medium.• So basically, it was the 4th-5th ‘date’• Really doesn’t want to rush things. He’s a firm believer that love takes time. • But when it happens, it’s actually kind of sweet. • You’re lying on his couch, waiting for him to come back in with the breakfast he 'couldn’t wait to make for you’ • He walks in the living room to check on you, smiling over at your resting figure. • He can’t help but want to keep walking towards you. • And soon, he can’t even control himself? • “Jumin? What are you-” • He picks you up, and sets you down in his lap, all whilst placing you hand in his. • And he doesn’t even really say much. Other than he “felt like it” when questioned on what he was doing. • This was cute, comfortable and all, but.. • “whats that burning smell??” • “..Shi-”~~~~~Jaehee: • okay this is so obvious but. • coFFEE DATEEE!!!• Or at least, on your way to. • It’s a really cold morning, the two of you have been dating for a couple weeks now. So, you decided to bundle up, and grab some coffee. • Now, she didn’t have gloves. You would think she would, but ohhoho, Nope she is not prepared. • Thankfully, you have a trick up your sleeve. A smoothhhh move, this way it won’t be awkward to make the move. You go, (Y/N).• You take off the glove on one of your hands, and hand it to her. • At this point, she’s looking between you and glove, a bit confused. • You then place your uncovered, warm hand in her freezing one. • “What are you waiting for, silly? Put on the other glove~” • You smooth mother- • She’s a blushing mess, really. But she adores you. ~~~~~~Yoosung: • Sweetbbyboy • he’s so innocent. He’s never even held hands. • One day, you’re playing games with him at his place, and well…beating him. • “How are you so good at this?!” Yoosung frustratedly says. • “I guess I’m just a pro.” • He gives you an 'o really’ look, with the intent of picking up his game. • But he needed motivation. • “if I win this next round, you have to hold hands with me the rest of the day. Minus when one of us needs to go to the restroom.” • He still lost tho, lol. • But, you couldn’t help but want your own prize. • “how about we do it anyways?” • HES SUCH A MESS.• YOUR HAND IS SO!!! CUTE! AND SOFT! AND JUST!!!!! HE WANTS TO HOLD IT FOREVER!!!! • Yes, you’re that couple. • The one that is always painfully close and always holding the others hands. • But he loves every minute of it. And so do you. ~~~~~ V: • It was not long at allll before you help hands. • Before he got eye surgery, he needed your “help” to get around. So, he wanted you to hold his hand and guide him around so he could get the things he needed to get. • But he could actually see well enough. • He just wanted to hold your hand. • You had butterflies, he had butterflies, you two were honestly just lovey messes on the inside. • But you loved it. • (bonus) • When he got the eye surgery, you had no idea. And he made you hold his hand again…however, something was off. It seemed he was bringing you along more than you were to him.. • “V- can you..” • You were then cut off by none other than Jumin, who just so happened to be driving by. • “V! How’d that surgery go?” • gASP! ~~~~~~ Saeran: • Okay so he was not getting physical ATTT ALLLL!!! • And this kind of frustrated you. • Yes, sweetie I know you’re bad with human interaction buT WE HAVE BEEN DATING ALMOST 2 MONTHS PLS LOVE ME. • So, RFA helped you come up with a plan. A jealously plan. • Yep, you were gonna try and get Saeran to get all jealous and protective over you. Maybe even get him to get a little closer. • It started small, You’d have Yoosung start flirting a little with you in the group chat.• Plan fails, and Saeran just leaves the chats with no word. • You knew you had to step up the game. • One day, you and Saeran go out for a walk around town, just casually talking with each other. • When you 'coincidentally’ run into Zen just up ahead. • “(Y/N)! Hey! You look cute today!” • You weren’t expecting him to say that of all things, so you couldn’t help the tiny blush that appeared on your face. • “Awh, tha-” • This is when you felt your hand get tightly enveloped by another. • Saeran was jealous. • And unafraid to show it. • “Looks like I’m interrupting a little date~ see you on he messenger, later! Have fun you two!” • When Zen leaves, Saeran still doesn’t let your hand go. • “You know..this is actually kind of..nice..” He awkward says. • cuE HEART E X P L O S I O N • ERROR (Y/N) • YOU DID IT. • From here on, he starts becoming more and more physically affectionate~ thank you, Zen!
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