liminalw0rld · 2 years
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
I'm so proud that you're into Sally Face, so naturally I'm going to help the brain rot take over you! Could I request Sal when his SO sees his face for the first time. This is a very loose request, it can be nsfw, fluff, whatever you feel like (except angsty, I can't go through too much angst with my FI)
Running Your Fingers Through His Hair
[Sal Fisher X GN!Reader]
[Warnings: like, none?]
[AN: sorry if this is severely OOC, I'm still learning about Sal lmfao. Also it's kinda short at 1.1K words,]
You hum quietly as you rest your head on Sal’s midsection as he pages through a book about one fascinating field of science or another. Your thumbs move quickly as you text Maple about the comings and goings of the world and little jokes with anything and everything in between.
Sal’s fingers are gentle and soft as he massages your scalp, every now and then breaking the peaceful almost silence the two of you are enveloped in because he’s read something absolutely riveting. “It’s a fascinating world we live in,” he says, the grin so audible in his tone alone. You wonder if he’s beaming. You’re almost certain he is.
A dreamy sigh passes from your lips when Sal massages your scalp in the right place, every now and then his fingers playing with your loose strands of hair. You combat this by taking one of your hands off your phone to grasp at his hand, playfully bringing it down to your lips to plant a kiss on the back of it.
Sal laughs and gently taps your nose as you do so. “You struck again,” he says through giggles, reveling in the feeling of your lips pressing a kiss to his wrist.
You grin. “And I’ll keep going,” you say in a mischievous tone as your eyes watch his hand once again rest at the crown of your head.
“How is Maple?” He asks, turning yet another riveting page.
“She’s alright,” you reply, reading over her messages, the ghost of a smile on your face. “And how is your reading?”
Sal glances down at you, a hum bubbling up from the back of his throat. “It’s pretty nice, y’know?” He begins. “Learning more and more by the second.”
You smile warmly and softly at your lover’s words, almost content to be back in silence with him when a thought pops into your head. “Hey, Sal?”
“Can I do your hair?”
“Can I do your hair?” You repeat, a blooming smile on your lips as you suddenly shoot upwards, knocking his hand from your head.
He gives you a quizzical glance before nodding slightly. “I mean, if it makes you happy,” he says, a breathy smile on his lips as he watches you shift around the bed the two of you are lounging on.
You walk around on your knees until you plop down behind Sal. He has such pretty hair. “Can I undo it?” You ask.
He nods, relaxing under your touch.
Your fingers are soft and nimble as you undo his pony tails, very careful to not knock his mask off in the process as you would hate to overstep his boundaries. “Do you have a brush?”
He nods, gesturing over to the mirrored dresser.
You quickly slide off the bed, palm the brush, and retake your place by Sal. Gingerly, you brush it through his blue locks. “Did you get a new shampoo?”
“I did,” Sal grins.
“Smells incredible,” you compliment, careful to not mess with the straps of his mask as you do so. You hum as you work, the two of you in that peaceful atmosphere when you begin to braid.
“Y’know what?” Sal says as he suddenly closes his book. “Would it make it easier if I-”
“Oh! You don’t have to,” you reassure your boyfriend as you briefly pause braiding his hair. “I can totally work around it, it’s no big deal,” you reassure, attempting to wave off any vibe that you might have given off that told him he needs to take his mask off in order for you to work. Honestly, you don’t mind!
Sal looks over his shoulder at you. “I think there’s this hairstyle I really want to try,” he begins, hands reaching back to take off his mask. His fingers immediately latch to the small straps, leading up to the clasps.
“Sal, you really don’t have to-”
“I want to.”
You bite your lip, watching as he takes the straps off, mask falling to his chest. Almost out of respect, you look away in case that wasn’t his desired intent, but he pauses.
“Close your eyes.”
You do, eyes fluttering shut as Sal moves around on the bed so he’s facing you. You feel his cold hands over taking yours, grasping you gently like you’re made out of the most delicate glass before he squeezes.
“Alright, open them.”
Slowly, you open your eyes and are greeted to the face of the man you love more than the sun loves the moon, for every night he died to let his lover breathe. Your eyes trace over the right side of his face where he is painted with deep scars. His teeth are visible, pearls in their own right. Your eyes follow the slope of his nose to where it ends in none, slits where nostrils should be.
Gingerly, you reach your hand upwards, gently tracing his jaw as you do so, almost careful you’re going to hurt him as he looks into you, a plethora of emotions flying through his eye, the other being made of glass.
Sal leans into your touch, eyes whispering shut as you cup his cheek, tears beginning to drop down his cheeks.
“How are you so beautiful?” You whisper in an inquisitive tone, watching as his mouth turns upwards into a relieved smile. You hold in warmly, your other hand brushing his azure colored bangs from his pretty face.
Sal chuckles softly, stars in his eyes. “You really think so?”
You press forwards, lips resting on his forehead, then his cheeks until your forehead rests against his. “I know so,” you giggle, finally pressing your lips to his.
Sal squeezes your hands even tighter, melting into your kiss.
Giggles bubble up from your lips as you kiss him more fervently, one of your hands leaving his grasp to thread through his hair. When you pull away, you look at him in full, drinking in his image. He’s so gorgeous when he smiles. “I can’t believe you were hiding this from me all this time,” you joke, fingers twirling his blue tresses.
Sal laughs heartily before stealing yet another kiss before grabbing your hand into his, moving it so it’s palm up. “I can’t believe it either,” he grins, lips planting soft kisses to your palm so whenever you squeeze it, you’ll remember it’s him and his presence.
Heat rises to your cheeks, and you blink away the sweetness, dopey smile still on your lips. “You gonna tell me about that new hairstyle?”
He smiles, beaming like the sun. “Y’know Evie Frye? From Assassin’s Creed Syndicate?”
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