#ISO 39001 Consultants
4cconsulting · 2 years
ISO 39001 Certification: ISO 39001 Training Provider - Consulting | 4C Consulting
ISO 39001 Road Traffic Safety (RTS) is considered as a global issue, as the number of accidents that occur worldwide is constantly rising. It takes a lot for organizations to reduce and eventually eliminate accidents, deaths and severe injuries associated with road traffic crashes.
According to the World Health Organisation
Injuries related to road traffic accidents are the eighth leading cause of death globally.
Additionally estimated 1.3+ million traffic-related deaths happen every year.
The ISO 39001:2012 standard outlines the requirements for a Road Traffic Safety management system (RTS). This standard helps organizations to establish road traffic systems to reduce serious injuries and death caused by road traffic accidents. It Aids to proactively manage RTS risks, save lives, reduce lost productivity and demonstrate your commitment to both safety and social responsibility.
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Plan- Identifying the impact the organization can have on RTS, mapping its impact on interested parties, and determining the organizational scope of an RTS management system with identified needs throughout the planning. This phase also includes Establishing, documenting and communicating the formed RTS policy, assigning organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities.
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Do- For ensuring that the RTS objectives & RTS targets are met – implementing & operating the RTS management system and also making sure that all the action plans are carried out.
Check- Monitoring and evaluating RTS performance through internal audits and periodic reviews of the RTS management system. Also identifying opportunities for the continuous improvement and ensuring the RTS results are achieved.
Act- Maintain and improve the RTS performance by taking corrective action, based on the deficiencies & non conformities. Review and reappraising the scope of the RTS  ,RTS policy and objectives aimed at reducing risk of death & serious injuries in road traffic crashes.
Scope & Application Of ISO 39001
The requirements specified in ISO 22301 are generic and are applicable to any organization, regardless of type, size and product or service provided, that wishes to
a) Improve RTS performance,
b) Establish, implement, maintain and improve an RTS management system,
c) assure itself of conformity with its stated RTS policy, and
d) demonstrate conformity with this International Standard.
ISO 39001 Training
Our team of ISO 39001 Consultants offers a customized training program on ISO 39001:2015 for
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qm-consultants · 10 months
Food Safety Management
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1) Safer food 2) Less food wastage 3) Safer Kids 4) More profitable food business 5) Sustainable
Key Requirements
a) Food safety Policy b) Determination and application of SOPs c) Determination and application of all PRPs d) Risk Assessment e) O-PRPs for all high risks f) Apply GMPs for food based manufacturing units
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yuvrajrathod4c · 1 month
Achieving ISO 39001 Certification: Enhancing Road Traffic Safety
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ISO 39001 Certification is essential for organizations aiming to improve road traffic safety and reduce traffic-related fatalities and injuries. At 4C Consulting, we specialize in guiding organizations through the ISO 39001 certification process, helping them implement effective road safety management systems that align with international standards.
Understanding ISO 39001
ISO 39001 is an international standard designed to improve road traffic safety management. It provides a framework for organizations to systematically manage and enhance road safety performance, reduce road traffic accidents, and mitigate the associated risks. The standard outlines specific requirements for road safety management systems, including policies, objectives, and risk assessment processes, ensuring a comprehensive approach to road safety.
Importance of ISO 39001 Certification
Improved Safety: Achieving ISO 39001 Certification demonstrates a commitment to enhancing road safety. It helps organizations implement effective measures to prevent accidents, protect employees and the public, and ensure safer road environments.
Risk Reduction: The standard provides tools and methodologies for identifying and assessing road safety risks. By addressing these risks proactively, organizations can reduce the likelihood of accidents and their associated costs.
Compliance and Reputation: ISO 39001 Certification helps organizations comply with legal and regulatory requirements related to road safety. It also enhances the organization’s reputation as a responsible and safety-conscious entity, building trust with stakeholders and the community.
Key Steps to Achieve ISO 39001 Certification
Gap Analysis: Begin with a comprehensive gap analysis to assess your current road safety management practices against ISO 39001 requirements. This will help identify areas for improvement and develop a plan for achieving certification.
Develop a Road Safety Management System: Create a structured road safety management system based on ISO 39001 guidelines. This includes defining safety policies, setting objectives, and establishing processes for risk assessment and management.
Training and Awareness: Conduct training sessions to ensure that all employees understand their roles in maintaining road safety and are aware of the new procedures and policies.
Implement the System: Roll out the road safety management system across the organization. Ensure that all processes are integrated into daily operations and that employees adhere to the new procedures.
Monitor and Review: Continuously monitor the effectiveness of your road safety management system. Regular reviews and audits help identify areas for improvement and ensure ongoing compliance with ISO 39001.
Certification Audit: Engage a certification body to conduct an audit of your road safety management system. Successfully passing this audit will lead to ISO 39001 Certification, demonstrating your organization’s commitment to road safety.
Benefits of ISO 39001 Certification
Enhanced Safety Performance: Organizations that achieve ISO 39001 Certification benefit from improved road safety performance, leading to fewer accidents and injuries.
Operational Efficiency: Implementing a structured road safety management system helps streamline processes and improve overall operational efficiency.
Cost Savings: By reducing the number of accidents and associated costs, ISO 39001 Certification can result in significant cost savings for organizations.
Increased Stakeholder Confidence: Certification boosts confidence among stakeholders, including customers, employees, and regulators, by demonstrating your commitment to road safety.
Why Choose 4C Consulting?
At 4C Consulting, our team of experts is dedicated to helping organizations achieve ISO 39001 Certification. We provide comprehensive support throughout the certification process, from initial gap analysis to final audit preparation. Our consultants work closely with your team to develop and implement a robust road safety management system tailored to your specific needs.
ISO 39001 Certification is a vital step toward enhancing road traffic safety and improving overall safety performance. By partnering with 4C Consulting, you gain access to expert guidance and support, ensuring a smooth and successful certification process. Invest in ISO 39001 Certification to enhance road safety, reduce risks, and demonstrate your commitment to creating safer road environments.
For more information about our ISO 39001 Certification services and how we can assist you, visit our website or contact us directly. Let’s work together to achieve excellence in road safety management.
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4cconsulting-blog · 1 year
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ibexsystems · 1 year
ISO 39001:2012 - Road Traffic Safety
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A globally recognized standard, ISO 39001:2012 has been developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). It focuses on road traffic safety management systems (RTSMS) and provides guidelines for organizations to reduce the risk of road traffic accidents and related deaths through the establishment, implementation, and maintenance of effective measures. For more:https://www.ibexsystems.net/management-consulting/iso-39001/
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iso9001registration · 2 years
What is OHSAS 18001
OHSAS 18001 consultant in Bahrain certificate in Hyderabad is an Occupation Wellbeing and Security Evaluation Series confirmation for the wellbeing and well-being of the executive's frameworks, permitting an organization to control word-related well-being and dangers and further develop execution. OHSAS utilizes the counteraction idea, for example, counteraction instead of fix. This is integrated into the work insurance regulation and states that working environment well-being and well-being security ought to be treated as a solitary framework. The OHSAS Undertaking Gathering, a relationship of 43 associations from 38 nations, including public principles bodies, recorders (affirmation bodies), OHAS foundations, and OHAS driving experts, made OHSAS 18001.
ISO 18001 Confirmation Strategies
The method involved with laying out an OHSAS 18001 administration framework is like that of executing an ISO 14001 Accreditation framework:
Introductory assessment of existing projects and frameworks
Distinguishing dangers as well as pertinent regulations and guidelines
Making new methods
Staff training
Placing new projects in places, for example, inner evaluating and the board surveys
Looking for OHSAS program affirmation
Execution of OHSAS 18001.
OHSAS18K OHSAS18001 Mindfulness Preparing Project Center Group Development
Make a security strategy and objectives.
Decide perils and dangers
Evaluate the probability and effect of dangers.
Check for consistency with material guidelines.
draft OCP arrangement, beginning of OHSAS manual, Strategies
OCP and Techniques Finish, OHSAS Manual Conclusion
Approval of adequacy relating to Documentation
Documentation for OHSAS
Preparing program for inside evaluators
Directing the primary inner review and acquiring CA/Dad
Playing out the primary administration audit.
For what reason do I require well-being and security in the executive's framework?
As an entrepreneur, you are lawfully expected to give a protected workspace to your representatives. This involves doing all that could be within reach to stay away from injury or sickness in the working environment for yourself as well as your representatives.
Carrying out an ISO 18001-consistent well-being and security the executives' framework is an extraordinary method for guaranteeing that you are safeguarding your laborers while likewise meeting your lawful commitments. Decent well-being and security the board framework covers all prospects and is continually developing to guarantee that any new dangers are represented when they emerge.
WHAT ARE THE Advantages OF OHSAS 18001?
Make the most ideal working circumstances all throughout your association.
Recognize dangers and set up controls to oversee them.
Decrease work environment wounds and diseases to set aside cash and time.
Improved, more secure working circumstances will draw in and persuade representatives.
Clients and providers should see verification of consistency.
Moreover, if business-related street security is a worry, OHSAS 18001 can be handily joined with ISO 39001 Street Traffic Wellbeing to guarantee that you address the rising dangers introduced to your representatives in all business-related exercises. For little and medium-sized organizations, OHSAS 18001.
OHSAS 18001 applies to numerous kinds and sizes of associations that need to:
Lay out an OH&S executive framework to dispose of or diminish dangers to the workforce and other closely involved individuals who might be presented to OH&S perils related to its exercises.
Carry out, keep up with, and continually further develop an OH&S the board framework;
Guarantee itself of consistency with its expressed OH&S strategy;
Show consistency with this OHSAS Standard by Making self-assurance and self-statement, Looking for affirmation of consistency from parties with an interest in the association, like clients,
Looking for outer affirmation of its self-statement, as well as outside confirmation/enrollment of its OH&S the board framework.
OHSAS 18001 was made as per the ISO/IEC norms.
Section 2 of Orders This implies that OHSAS 18001 consultant in Oman confirmation in Bahrain is totally viable with any remaining ISO the executives' framework norms.
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aqsawrites786 · 3 years
A beginner’s guide to ISO 39001:
The population of the world is increasing rapidly day by day and the more populated city tends to face the more traffic on the road which leads a lot of road accident. Every 30 seconds someone is killed in a road crash – that's more than 1.2 million people per year. A further 50 million suffer light to severe injuries.  
ISO 39001 is introduced for improving the road safety management system. This standard specifies guidelines to enable an organization that interacts with the road traffic system to reduce death and serious injuries related to road traffic crashes. The requirements in ISO 39001 standard include the development and implementation of an appropriate RTS policy, development of RTS objectives, and action plans. Global management consultancy has the top ISO consultants in Saudi Arabia that are experts to develop, implement and train people on these standard requirements. Also, we are the best to provide ISO certification in Saudi Arabia.
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sojanbabu9 · 5 years
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4cconsulting · 1 year
Road Traffic Safety (RTS) is considered as a global issue, as the number of accidents that occur worldwide is constantly rising. It takes a lot for organizations to reduce and eventually eliminate accidents, deaths and severe injuries associated with road traffic crashes.
According to the World Health Organisation
Injuries related to road traffic accidents are the eighth leading cause of death globally.
Additionally estimated 1.3+ million traffic-related deaths happen every year.
The ISO 39001:2012 standard outlines the requirements for a Road Traffic Safety management system (RTS). This standard helps organisations to establish road traffic systems to reduce serious injuries and death caused by road traffic accidents. It Aids to proactively manage RTS risks, save lives, reduce lost productivity and demonstrate your commitment to both safety and social responsibility.
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Plan- Identifying the impact the organization can have on RTS, mapping its impact on interested parties, and determining the organizational scope of an RTS management system with identified needs throughout the planning. This phase also includes Establishing, documenting and communicating the formed RTS policy, assigning organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities
Do- For ensuring that the RTS objectives & RTS targets are met – implementing & operating the RTS management system and also making sure that all the action plans are carried out.
Check- Monitoring and evaluating RTS performance through internal audits and periodic reviews of the RTS management system. Also identifying opportunities for the continuous improvement and ensuring the RTS results are achieved.
Act- Maintain and improve the RTS performance by taking corrective action, based on the deficiencies & non conformities. Review and reappraising the scope of the RTS  ,RTS policy and objectives aimed at reducing risk of death & serious injuries in road traffic crashes.
Our team of ISO 39001 Internal auditor Training Consultants offers a customized training program on ISO 39001:2015 for
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eqsconsulting · 6 years
¿Qué son los Certificados ISO 9001 y para qué sirven?
La certificación de los distintos sistemas de gestión es una tendencia al alza entre las empresas. Éstas buscan disfrutar de los beneficios que les aporta la certificación, los cuales son vitales para el refuerzo de las oportunidades de comercio y gestión de la compañía. ¿Conoces los tipos de Certificados ISO que existen?
Certificación de los Sistemas de Gestión
Los certificados son documentos que admiten la veracidad de un hecho. En este caso que nos ocupamos de los certificación ISO, garantizan de forma fehaciente que se cumple una normativa ISO determinada, que los estándares están correctamente implementados.
Cuando una empresa cuenta con las certificaciones pertinentes, se diferencia de la competencia de su mismo sector. Estos certificados suponen la prueba de que estamos ante una compañía competente y confiable, por lo que su volumen de negocio se verá afectado positivamente.
Contar con certificados ISO o de algún otro tipo, permite a las empresas llevar a cabo estrategias más competitivas y ambiciosas. Esto hace que la sociedad en general y, la economía en particular, se ven beneficiadas con este impulso.
Beneficios de contar con la Certificación
Los beneficios derivados de contar con documentos certificados de las Normas ISO se ven en distintos ámbitos: de cara a los clientes, en el seno de la propia empresa o en el conjunto del mercado.
Mejora de la imagen que se proyecta hacia los clientes y la sociedad en su conjunto.
La productividad de su proceso productivo va en aumento al estar orientada hacia la mejora continua.
Incremento de la confianza del entorno de la empresa: clientes, proveedores, administraciones públicas.
Simplificación de la toma de decisiones, tanto en el contenido como en el tiempo que se le dedica a esta tarea.
Las compañías que cuentan con las certificaciones pertinentes, adquieren la característica de empresa fiable e independiente.
Incremento del volumen de negocio derivado de todos los beneficios anteriores y del prestigio adquirido al contar con el certificado ISO.
Tipos de certificados ISO y características
En función de las necesidades que tenga una compañía, le interesará certificarse en una norma o en otra. A pesar de que los certificados ISO son los más conocidos, hay muchas certificaciones en distintos campos. Las que son comunes a todas las compañías, independientemente del mercado en el que operen, son las que veremos a continuación.
Hay que recordar que los certificados de la familia de normas ISO  son totalmente voluntarios, son las empresas las que deciden obtener los títulos de la normativa ISO para demostrar su adaptación a las necesidades y cambios que se plantean en los mercados. Es un modo que se sean más valorados dentro de su sector.
Certificados ISO de Gestión de la Calidad
Certificado ISO 9001: la famosa norma ISO 9001 es la que se ocupa de establecer las directrices que ha de cumplir un sistema de gestión de la calidad. Este certificado ISO garantiza que la compañía se compromete a mantener unos estándares de calidad acordes con la norma. De este modo, sus bienes o servicios contarán con unas pruebas que certifiquen la calidad de la producción y un proceso productivo orientado hacia la mejora continua.
Certificados ISO de Gestión Ambiental
Certificado ISO 14001: con esta certificación se garantiza la correcta implementación del Sistema de Gestión Ambiental. El interés en el cuidado y respeto del medio ambiente ha ido en aumento con el paso de los años debido a la incidencia del cambio climático. Contar con el certificado ISO 14001 demuestra el compromiso que tiene una empresa con el medio ambiente, busca respetarlo y reducir al mínimo el impacto de su actividad productiva en él.
Certificado ISO 5001: a pesar de ser un sistema de gestión algo menos popular que el anterior, no deja de ser una normativa ISO muy relevante también. El Sistema de Gestión Energética es clave para asegurar que la empresa está haciendo un uso responsable de las energías durante su proceso productivo estando encaminada hacia la consecución de la eficiencia energética.
Certificados ISO de Riesgos y Seguridad
Certificado ISO 27001: esta norma hace referencia a los Sistemas de Gestión de Seguridad de la Información. Contar con este certificado asegura que no se van a cometer negligencias en materia de seguridad y que se cumplen todos los requisitos legales derivados de la manipulación de información.
Certificado ISO 22301: se garantiza que el Sistema de Gestión de Continuidad de Negocio está correctamente implantado. Al adoptar esta norma ISO se garantiza que la compañía tiene identificadas las posibles amenazas a las que está expuesta y el modo de fortalecer su propia capacidad. De este modo, se disminuye la probabilidad de que la integridad del negocio se vea comprometido y, en caso de que se vea afectado, que sepa reaccionar adecuadamente y minimice los daños que pueden darse. Este es uno de los certificados para medir la calidad ISO que más se han disparado en los últimos años con motivo de la reciente crisis económica.
Certificado ISO 39001: hace referencia a las medidas que se deben establecer para contar con la seguridad necesaria para el tráfico por carretera. Contar con la certificación en esta norma ISO, hace ver los esfuerzos que hace la empresa y el interés que presenta en conseguir la reducción de la mortalidad en la carretera y en incrementar la seguridad vial dentro de la compañía.
Certificado ISO 45001 (OHSAS 18001): la norma OHSAS 18001 está en proceso de actualización, por lo que próximamente entrará en vigor la norma ISO 45001. Esta es una de las certificaciones más famosas entre las empresas, ya que certifica el cumplimiento de los estándares del Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo. La empresa garantiza con este certificado que la seguridad y la salud de sus trabajadores en el puesto de trabajo está supervisada y no se deja al azar.
Otros certificados de calidad ISO: los Sistemas de Gestión Integrados
Cuando una empresa pone en marcha la certificación en distintas normas ISO, estamos ante un modelo de sistemas de gestión integrados. Hay determinadas normativas ISO que son totalmente compatibles entre ellas y se puede conseguir la certificación integrada en un único proceso.
Con esto lo que se consigue es un significativo ahorro en costes y, sobre todo, en tiempo para obtener los distintos certificados ISO. Por ejemplo, el certificado ISO 14001 puede obtenerse de modo conjunto con el certificado ISO 9001 y OHSAS 18001 con la integración de los tres sistemas.
¿Cuáles son las empresas que certifican ISO?
En ocasiones se entiende confusamente el término de certificaciones ISO, esto se debe a la denominación de la entidad que promulga los estándares a cumplir, la Organización Internacional de Normalización (ISO por su nombre en inglés). El malentendido viene al creer que es este organismo el que emite los certificados ISO, pero no es así, simplemente determina los estándares de cada norma. La expedición de los certificados para medir la calidad ISO le corresponde a otras entidades certificadoras externas a la organización ISO.
Para la consecución de las certificaciones ISO, el funcionamiento es muy sencillo. La compañía interesada contrata los servicios de una consultoría que prepararán todo lo necesario para poder acceder al certificado ISO. Se trata de estudiar las necesidades de la empresa, su modelo de negocio, la rama de actividad, el proceso productivo y demás aspectos relacionados con la actividad productiva.
Una vez identificadas estas cuestiones se realizan estudios que permitan su correcta implementación en el seno de la empresa y la difusión de las normativas a aplicar entre los trabajadores de la misma. Cuando ya esté todo el proceso en marcha, antes de la auditoría por parte de la entidad acreditadora, se puede realizar auditorías internas previas para asegurarse la preparación total antes de obtener el certificado ISO. Una vez conseguido el certificado ISO, la consultoría puede ejercer tareas de mantenimiento para no descuidar la implementación de los estándares adoptados, identificar desvíos de los estándares y facilitar la aprobación de las auditorías que se realizan de cara a la renovación de la norma.
Las entidades certificadoras son las encargadas de realizar las gestiones y auditorías necesarias para determinar si se puede otorgar el certificado ISO correspondiente. Estas compañías que expiden los certificados ISO, deben estar debidamente acreditadas para el ejercicio de su labor. Son entidades totalmente imparciales e independientes.
En España la entidad encargada de otorgar los certificados ISO es AENOR (Asociación Española de Normalización y Certificación), entre cuyas tareas se encuentra representar a nuestro país en las reuniones del ISO donde se debaten los estándares y traducir fielmente a nuestro idioma las normas ISO internacionales.
¿Qué empresas pueden estar certificadas en ISO?
Los requisitos para obtener los certificados de calidad ISO no son restrictivos, al contrario. En función de cada norma encontraremos que algunas normativas no son aplicables y, por lo tanto, no se necesitará contar con esa certificación.
Para muchas de las normativas ISO, no hay requisitos de ningún tipo, la mayoría están abiertas a cualquier tipo de empresa, independientemente del sector, de su tamaño o de sus capacidades económicas.
Gracias a esta certificación estas empresas son de cara al cliente un valor seguro de calidad en el servicio de sus actividades, por ello no lo dudes más y si necesitas asesoramiento y ayuda para conseguir estar en esta lista de las empresas españolas con certificados de calidad ISO. En EQS Consulting te podemos ayudar a conseguir tus certificados ISO. Conocemos a la perfección la metodología a seguir para conseguir que cuentes con las certificaciones que más se adapten a tus necesidades empresariales. Estudiamos cada caso individualmente.
Infórmate sin compromiso. ¡Estamos encantados de orientarte!
La entrada ¿Qué son los Certificados ISO 9001 y para qué sirven? se publicó primero en EQS Consulting.
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yuvrajrathod4c · 2 months
Certification Consultants for ISO 39001: Enhancing Road Traffic Safety
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In today's fast-paced world, ensuring road traffic safety has become more critical than ever. With increasing traffic congestion, higher vehicle numbers, and rising accident rates, there is a pressing need for effective management systems to improve road safety. This is where ISO 39001 comes into play, offering a comprehensive framework to help organizations manage and enhance road traffic safety. Partnering with expert ISO 39001 Certification Consultants from 4C Consulting can provide the necessary guidance and support to successfully implement this standard.
Understanding ISO 39001
ISO 39001 is an international standard specifically designed to help organizations reduce and manage road traffic risks. It outlines the requirements for a road traffic safety (RTS) management system and provides a systematic approach to improving safety performance. The standard is applicable to organizations of all sizes and types, including government agencies, transportation companies, and businesses that rely on road transport.
Importance of ISO 39001 Certification
Enhanced Safety Performance: Implementing ISO 39001 helps organizations systematically identify and address road traffic risks, leading to improved safety outcomes.
Compliance with Regulations: Adopting ISO 39001 ensures compliance with national and international road safety regulations, reducing legal risks and liabilities.
Reputation and Credibility: Certification demonstrates a commitment to road safety, enhancing the organization’s reputation and credibility with stakeholders.
Operational Efficiency: A structured RTS management system helps streamline processes, reducing accidents and disruptions, and improving overall operational efficiency.
Stakeholder Confidence: Implementing ISO 39001 builds confidence among stakeholders, including employees, customers, and partners, by showing a proactive approach to road safety.
Role of ISO 39001 Certification Consultants
Partnering with ISO 39001 Certification Consultants from 4C Consulting offers several advantages:
Expert Guidance: Our consultants provide expert guidance on the requirements and implementation of ISO 39001, ensuring a thorough understanding of the standard.
Customized Solutions: We tailor our approach to meet the unique needs and challenges of your organization, providing practical and effective solutions.
Comprehensive Support: From initial assessment to certification, our consultants offer end-to-end support throughout the entire implementation process.
Training and Awareness: We provide training programs to educate your team on ISO 39001 principles and practices, ensuring everyone is equipped to contribute to the RTS management system.
Continuous Improvement: Our consultants help establish a culture of continuous improvement, regularly reviewing and updating road traffic safety practices to address new risks and challenges.
Steps to Implement ISO 39001 with 4C Consulting
Initial Assessment: Our consultants conduct an initial assessment to understand your organization’s current road traffic safety practices and identify areas for improvement.
Framework Development: We work with your team to develop a customized RTS management framework that aligns with ISO 39001 standards.
Risk Identification and Assessment: Our consultants facilitate risk identification and assessment workshops to identify potential road traffic risks and assess their impact and likelihood.
Implementation and Monitoring: We assist in the implementation of the RTS management system, including the development of procedures and monitoring mechanisms to ensure ongoing compliance and effectiveness.
Training and Awareness: We provide comprehensive training and awareness programs to ensure that your team understands and adheres to ISO 39001 requirements.
Certification Support: Our consultants guide you through the certification process, helping you prepare for and successfully achieve ISO 39001 certification.
Why Choose 4C Consulting?
4C Consulting is a leading provider of ISO 39001 certification consultant services, with a proven track record of helping organizations enhance their road traffic safety management systems. By choosing 4C Consulting, you benefit from:
Expertise: Our consultants have extensive experience in ISO 39001 and road traffic safety management, ensuring that your organization receives the best possible guidance and support.
Customized Approach: We tailor our services to meet the specific needs and challenges of your organization, providing solutions that are practical and effective.
Comprehensive Support: From initial assessment to certification, we provide end-to-end support to ensure your organization achieves its road traffic safety objectives.
Commitment to Excellence: We are committed to helping organizations achieve excellence in road traffic safety, building a safer and more sustainable future for all.
Invest in your organization’s road traffic safety by partnering with expert ISO 39001 Certification Consultants from 4C Consulting. With our comprehensive support and tailored solutions, you can effectively manage road traffic risks, enhance safety performance, and achieve ISO 39001 certification. Contact us now.
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ibexsystems · 2 years
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ISO 39001 Road Traffic Safety Management Consultant
Globally, road traffic safety (RTS) is becoming more and more of a concern as the number of accidents increases. Reducing and eventually eliminating accidents, deaths, and severe injuries associated with road traffic crashes requires a lot of effort from organizations. As a leading provider of road safety management systems for ISO 39001 Certification UAE, Ibex System assists clients in reducing the number of serious accidents.
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iso9001registration · 2 years
What is OHSAS 18001
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OHSAS 18001 certification in Oman is an Occupation Health and Safety Assessment Series certification for health and safety management systems, allowing a company to control occupational health and safety risks and improve performance. OHSAS employs the prevention concept, i.e. prevention rather than cure. This is incorporated into the work protection law and states that workplace safety and health protection should be treated as a single system. The OHSAS Project Group, an association of 43 organizations from 38 countries, including national standards bodies, registrars (certification bodies), OHAS institutes, and OHAS leading consultants, created OHSAS 18001.
ISO 18001 Certification Procedures
The process of establishing an OHSAS 18001 management system is similar to that of implementing an ISO 14001 Certification system:
Initial examination of existing programs and systems
Identifying hazards as well as applicable laws and regulations
Creating new procedures
Personnel education
Putting new programs in places, such as internal auditing and management reviews
Seeking OHSAS program certification
Implementation of OHSAS 18001.
OHSAS18K OHSAS18001 Awareness Training Program Core Team Formation
Create a safety policy and goals.
Determine hazards and risks
Assess the likelihood and impact of risks.
Check for compliance with applicable rules.
draught OCP preparation, start of OHSAS manual, Procedures
OCP and Procedures Finalization, OHSAS Manual Finalization
Validation of sufficiency pertaining to Documentation
Documentation for OHSAS 18K ( OCP...Etc.)
Training program for internal auditors
Conducting the first internal audit and obtaining CA/PA
Performing the first management review.
Why do I require a health and safety management system?
As a business owner, you are legally required to provide a safe working environment for your employees. This entails doing everything possible to avoid injury or illness in the workplace for you and your employees.
Implementing an ISO 18001-compliant health and safety management system is a great way to ensure that you are protecting your workers while also meeting your legal obligations. A good health and safety management system covers all possibilities and is constantly evolving to ensure that any new risks are accounted for as soon as they arise.
Create the best working conditions possible throughout your organization.
Identify hazards and put controls in place to manage them.
Reduce workplace injuries and illnesses to save money and time.
Improved, safer working conditions will engage and motivate employees.
Customers and suppliers must see proof of compliance.
Furthermore, if work-related road safety is a concern, OHSAS 18001 can be easily combined with ISO 39001 Road Traffic Safety to ensure that you address the increasing risks presented to your employees in all work-related activities. For small and medium-sized businesses, OHSAS 18001.
OHSAS 18001 applies to all types and sizes of organizations that want to:
Establish an OH&S management system to eliminate or reduce risks to personnel and other interested parties who may be exposed to OH&S hazards associated with its activities.
Implement, maintain, and constantly improve an OH&S management system;
Assure itself of compliance with its stated OH&S policy;
Demonstrate compliance with this OHSAS Standard by Making a self-determination and self-declaration, Seeking confirmation of compliance from parties with an interest in the organization, such as customers,
Seeking external confirmation of its self-declaration, as well as external certification/registration of its OH&S management system.
OHSAS 18001 was created in accordance with the ISO/IEC standards.
Part 2 of Directives This means that OHSAS 18001 certification in Saudi Arabia is completely compatible with all other ISO management system standards.
How can occupational health and safety be ensured?
To help ensure health and safety in the workplace, organizations should follow the requirements outlined in the main clauses of this International Standard.
OHSAS 18001:2007 key clauses
The main clauses of OHSAS 18001 are as follows:
Clause 4.1: General conditions
4.2: Occupational health and safety policy
Clause 4.3: Preparation
Implementation and operation (clause 4.4)
Clause 4.5: Double-checking
Clause 4.6: Management evaluation.
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4cconsulting · 2 years
ISO 39001 Training & Certification Consultants - Road Traffic Safety (RTS)
ISO 39001 Overview
Road Traffic Safety (RTS) is considered as a global issue, as the number of accidents that occur worldwide is constantly rising. It takes a lot for organizations to reduce and eventually eliminate accidents, deaths and severe injuries associated with road traffic crashes.
According to the World Health Organisation
Injuries related to road traffic accidents are the eighth leading cause of death globally.
Additionally estimated 1.3+ million traffic-related deaths happen every year.
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The ISO 39001:2012 standard outlines the requirements for a Road Traffic Safety management system (RTS). This standard helps organisations to establish road traffic systems to reduce serious injuries and death caused by road traffic accidents. It Aids to proactively manage RTS risks, save lives, reduce lost productivity and demonstrate your commitment to both safety and social responsibility.
The requirements specified in ISO 22301 are generic and are applicable to any organization, regardless of type, size and product or service provided, that wishes to
a) Improve RTS performance,
b) Establish, implement, maintain and improve an RTS management system,
c) assure itself of conformity with its stated RTS policy, and
d) demonstrate conformity with this International Standard.
Our team of ISO 39001 Consultants offers a customized training program on ISO 39001:2015 for
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4cconsulting · 1 year
What Is ISO 39001 What Are Its Key Implementation Steps And Benefits
Around 1.35 million lives are cut short annually due to automobile accidents on the roads. There are an additional 20 to 50 million non-fatal injury victims, many of whom develop disabilities as a result of their injury (2018 World Health Organization).
An ISO 39001:2012 compliant road traffic safety management system (RTSMS) can help enterprises that interact with the road traffic system increase safety, lower incident rates, and lower the risk of serious injury or fatality from traffic-related accidents. By having your organization RTSMS certified, you can be sure that it is operating efficiently and in accordance with your system’s goals and policies.
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What is ISO 39001 ?
The international standard ISO 39001 establishes the framework for the Road Traffic Safety Management System (RTSMS). The danger of injuries or fatalities brought on by traffic accidents can be decreased, which can help organisations that operate with the road traffic systems. Companies that are dedicated to enhancing traffic safety will gain from implementing ISO 39001 into practise.
Certification to the standard will help your organisation implement your company’s road safety management system objectives and action plans within your operations.
Why to implement ISO 39001 for managing Road Traffic Safety?
Road injury prevention calls for systematic management throughout the public and commercial sectors, a clear focus on achieving results, and significant shared accountability. Organizations of all shapes and sizes can benefit from using ISO 39001 to manage road safety. Organizations implementing ISO 39001 can reap the following benefits;
Participate in efforts on a national and international level to stop the death and serious injury caused by car accidents.
Establish organisational dedication to a critical public concern.
Address one of the main occupational safety issues the organisation faces.
Reduce organisational accident and incident costs, as well as working days missed due to injuries
Targeting road safety hazards requires making the greatest use of the resources at hand.
Promote the company, raise its profile, and boost sales.
Boost your competitive edge in the tendering process.
Reduce the cost of repairs and insurance.
Who can apply for ISO 39001?
Regardless of their form or size, all public or private organisations that engage with the road traffic system must adhere to the ISO 39001 standard. Examples of organizations who can opt for an RTSMS system is
A company with a fleet of vehicles
A company whose employees commute by car
A business engaged in road or public transportation (bus, coach)
A corporation that operates parking lots or highways
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yuvrajrathod4c · 2 months
Training for ISO 39001: Improving Road Traffic Safety
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In today’s world, ensuring road traffic safety is a critical priority for organizations involved in transportation and logistics. Training for ISO 39001, the international standard for road traffic safety management systems, provides a comprehensive framework to improve road safety, reduce accidents, and enhance overall traffic management. This blog will delve into the importance of ISO 39001 Training, the benefits it offers, and why it is essential for organizations committed to road safety.
Understanding ISO 39001 Training
ISO 39001 is an international standard that sets out requirements for a road traffic safety (RTS) management system. The standard aims to help organizations reduce fatalities and serious injuries related to road traffic incidents. ISO 39001 Training equips professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to implement and manage an effective RTS management system.
Key Components of ISO 39001 Training
Introduction to ISO 39001: Overview of the ISO 39001 standard, its purpose, and its significance in improving road traffic safety.
Understanding the Requirements: Detailed explanation of the requirements outlined in ISO 39001, including the management framework, objectives, and performance indicators.
Risk Assessment and Management: Techniques for identifying and assessing road traffic risks, along with strategies to mitigate these risks effectively.
Implementation Strategies: Step-by-step guidance on implementing an ISO 39001-compliant RTS management system within an organization.
Monitoring and Evaluation: Methods for monitoring, measuring, and evaluating the performance of the RTS management system to ensure continuous improvement.
Audit and Certification Preparation: Preparation for internal and external audits, along with guidance on achieving ISO 39001 certification.
Importance of ISO 39001 Training
Enhanced Road Safety: ISO 39001 Training helps organizations implement best practices in road safety, leading to a significant reduction in traffic-related incidents and fatalities.
Compliance with Legal Requirements: The training ensures that organizations comply with local and international road safety regulations, reducing the risk of legal issues and penalties.
Improved Operational Efficiency: By identifying and mitigating road traffic risks, organizations can improve their operational efficiency and reduce downtime caused by accidents.
Increased Stakeholder Confidence: Demonstrating a commitment to road safety through ISO 39001 certification enhances the confidence of stakeholders, including clients, employees, and regulatory bodies.
Cost Savings: Effective road traffic safety management reduces the costs associated with accidents, including repairs, insurance, and legal fees.
Why Choose 4C Consulting for ISO 39001 Training?
4C Consulting offers specialized training programs for ISO 39001 that are designed to meet the unique needs of your organization. Here’s why you should choose 4C Consulting:
Expert Trainers: Our trainers are experienced professionals with extensive knowledge of road traffic safety management and ISO 39001 requirements.
Customized Training Programs: We offer tailored training solutions that align with your organization’s specific goals and challenges, ensuring effective learning outcomes.
Comprehensive Support: From initial training to implementation and certification, we provide end-to-end support to help you achieve ISO 39001 compliance.
Proven Track Record: With a successful track record of helping organizations improve their road traffic safety, 4C Consulting is a trusted partner in achieving ISO 39001 certification.
Investing in ISO 39001 Training is a crucial step for organizations committed to improving road traffic safety and reducing accidents. By equipping your team with the knowledge and skills needed to implement an effective RTS management system, you can enhance operational efficiency, ensure compliance with legal requirements, and save lives. Partner with 4C Consulting to benefit from expert training and comprehensive support throughout your journey to ISO 39001 certification. Contact us today to learn more about our ISO 39001 Training programs and how we can help you achieve excellence in road traffic safety management.
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