#ISIS Iraq Animated video
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antonia-gergely · 1 year ago
Vitamin P - New Perspectives in Painting
Artists I like from the first edition of this book series.
Francis Alÿs
b. 1959 (Antwerp, Belgium)
Best known for Paradox of Praxis I, 1997, where he pushed an ice cube through the streets of Mexico City. Fluxus and the performance art revival of the 1990s comes to mind, but I'd rather focus on his comparatively underrated paintings. 'Francis Alÿs blurs the boundaries between melancholy and humorous story-telling by means of seemingly naive paintings and drawings that form the basis for small animated films addressing socially critical actions and studies relating to everyday life on the streets of his chosen home, Mexico City.' https://www.sammlung-goetz.de/en/exhibitions/francis-alys/
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Francis Alÿs, Paradox of Praxis I, 1997 (still)
'Francis Alÿs is best known for his films, installations, and performances called paseos in which he wanders through urban streets. For the past three decades, however, the Mexico City-based, Belgian-born artist has also been quietly painting en plein air, sometimes in extraordinarily remote or conflict-ridden locations. Alÿs completed some of his works when he was embedded in northern Iraq with Kurdish Peshmerga fighters who were driving ISIS out of Mosul.
[Sally] Tallant tells artnet News that Alÿs makes what he calls his “tiny paintings” everywhere he goes, but has never shown them before as an exhibition. Alÿs did, however, include a small preview of this body of work in a powerful video shown in the Iraqi Pavilion at last year’s Venice Biennale. Called simply (Untitled, Mosul, Iraq, 31 Oct 2016), it showed the hand of the artist attempting to paint a battle going on around him. Later, he wiped all the pigment away.'
from Artnet in 2018 (https://news.artnet.com/art-world/francis-alys-three-decades-paintings-liverpool-biennial-1245461)
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Francis Alÿs, Outskirts of Mosul, 2016
'He consistently directs his distinct poetic and imaginative sensibility towards anthropological and geopolitical concerns centred around observations of, and engagements with, everyday life, which he has described as “a sort of discursive argument composed of episodes, metaphors, or parables”. His multifaceted projects include public actions, installations, video, paintings and drawings.'
'Francis Alÿs presents a selection of postcard-size paintings from the 1980s to today under the title Age Piece. Executed in the tradition of classic plein air painting, these works allude to the condition of global tourism in the contemporary art scene. Many of the paintings were done while scouting new locations for future film projects, often in conflict zones such as Israel and Palestine, Afghanistan and Iraq.'
from Liverpool Biennial website (https://www.biennial.com/artists/francis-alys/)
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Francis Alÿs, Le Temps du Sommeil. 1996 – present, series of 111 paintings (ongoing). Oil on wood, 11.5cm x 15.5cm
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'Accompanied by instructions and postcards which resemble a diary, the work relates in an oblique way to visions of games and exercises seen in many of his actions and films. This series is being shown at IMMA before it travels to Tate Modern, the first stage in an international retrospective of Alÿs’s work.'
IMMA (https://imma.ie/whats-on/francis-alys-le-temps-du-sommeil/)
As I have mentioned, I'm integrating text into my work, and this shows me a very new and bold way to do so. Scrawling, scribbled letters alongside a stamp that would remind anyone who grew up in or before the 2000s of their primary school notebooks or the expiring nature of things like milk sitting in the fridge door. There's something about Alÿs. " My work is a succession of notes and guides. The invention of a language goes together with the invention of a city. "Each of my interventions is another fragment of the story that I am inventing, of the city that I am mapping" quoted in IMMA article.
'Upon entering the room, a seemingly endless sequence of small pieces, alternating between text and paintings, line the walls. The small dimensions require the viewer to approach closely and encourage engagement with the work. Almost all paintings are composed in the same way with a red background and a small, circular setting of olive-coloured grass and a dark green sky where different scenes unfold. Alÿs has compared this technique to the early Renaissance Veduta.  Veduta are detailed paintings or drawings of a town or city where a distant scene was inserted into a landscape.  In later years, however, all artists who employed the Veduta feature were also involved in the painting of Capricci, defined as imaginary scenes, and this would seem an equally appropriate reference for Alÿs’s visions, where figures are repeatedly engaged in seemingly absurd and surreal activities.
While scenes within the green oval are executed with precision, the images also contain splatters of paint and sketchy, white drawings suggesting speedy execution, suited to the  capturing of fleeting thoughts.'
'Rather than serving as an explanatory piece for each painting, the texts accompanying the visual add to our understanding of the narrative. Many of the texts recount journeys undertaken in the past.'
from Paper Visual (https://papervisualart.com/2010/04/20/francis-alys-le-temps-du-sommeilirish-museum-of-modern-art-26-february-23-may-2010/)
I like his visual methods. Very airy, dusty, often warm tones with subtle yet existent brush marks. Representational work, with slight abstracted elements outside of the Veduta feature he alludes to. Magritte comes to mind in his Temps du Sommeil series.
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187days · 3 years ago
Day One Hundred Fifty-Eight
Today I started my APUSGOV class (which is studying state and local government now that the exam is over) by asking them what they know about bears. These are northern New England kids, so they actually know quite a lot, particularly about the black bears that are common here: don’t feed them, don’t leave trash out, don’t get between a mama and her cubs, they can be scared off if you make yourself big and make a lot of noise, they’re not likely to be aggressive unless provoked, it’s illegal to kill them without a bear hunting permit unless they’re an immediate threat to people/livestock....
You might be wondering why I was asking about bears. My students wondered that, too, initially, until I handed them this piece about the town of Grafton: Libertarian Utopia Ruined by Bears — No, Seriously. That’s how I led into a lesson about the FSP, which is a force these days in NH politics at the local and state level- and really highlights a few things about this state that are unique and interesting (like the amount of power given to local governments- and therefore to the participants in town town meetings- as well as the tax structure, the size of the state legislature, and so on). Students read a few articles about the project, its successes and failures, its impact in various towns (not just Grafton- that one’s just fun to lead with), and its growing influence in Concord.
It’s definitely the most animated post-exam class we’ve had. Also, there were brownies in the main office, so I went and grabbed enough for the class. Clearly, I lean more socialist than libertarian (though I wasn’t really seizing the means of production... just the product). Also, if anyone’s reading this and seriously having an “OMG, socialist indoctrination!” moment, relax, it’s just a joke about me being a dessert thief. 
My World students delved into the fight against ISIS and its aftermath in Iraq and Syria today with a video about the recapture of Mosul, an article about the siege of Raqqa, and some charts and images showing the damage done to cities in both countries. It was clear that even though ISIS had lost control of territory, much of it was badly damaged- uninhabitable, even, in some cases- and they (correctly) guessed that ongoing violence and the pandemic slowed or stopped a lot of the rebuilding efforts. So it made sense to them why people continued to flee in 2020 and 2021. Why and how they ended up in Belarus last winter? That’s next class. 
I taught right up to the bell in two of my sections- and close to it in the third- because students had so many questions and comments. And that’s a great thing, especially at this time of year and with such a complex subject. If I’m holding their curiosity, keeping them engaged, I’m doing this right.
It was another really nice, warm day at practice, and my sprinters were in pre-meet mode: strides, starts, relay passes, done. The regular season is coming to a close at the end of this week (we have meets tomorrow and Saturday), so everyone’s really focusing on qualifying for the post-season or moving up the rankings if they’re already qualified. It’s exciting, and I’m hoping for some good performances tomorrow!
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chiseler · 4 years ago
Edison and the Rise of the Snuff Film
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“Fog and smog should not be confused and are easily separated by color. Fog is about the color of the insides of an old split wet summer cottage mattress; smog is the color and consistency of a wet potato chip soaked in a motorman’s glove.”   – Chuck Jones
The Execution of Mary Stuart was made in August of 1895, produced by Thomas Edison and directed by Alfred Clark. It has a running time of 18 seconds and depicts the last moments of Mary, Queen of Scots. It is notable for several reasons: as the first costume drama period piece—still a wildly popular genre in the Republic, as proven by The Tudors or Game of Thrones; and as the world’s first horror film (Méliès’ Le Manoir du Diable, which usually takes this accolade, was made the next year). It is also thematically linked to the most famous American flick, our Revelation of St. John or Epic of Gilgamesh: Zapruder’s footage of the Kennedy assassination. This 60-second saga, shot by a Ukrainian-born clothing manufacturer, is so famous that it is probably impossible by now to watch it like one watches other films. The massive literary exegesis/sequel, The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy, some 26 volumes in length, shows clearly the aura of holiness around a reel that can hardly be called just a ‘movie’.
Despite its relative obscurity, Edison’s Mary is a more influential production than is usually given credit. Its lingering effects include the modish cult of ‘snuff’ films, short clips showing actual murder with a violent sexual patina, as well as the execution propaganda of insurgent studio systems—most notably those of the Levantine organization, ISIS.
The similarities are instructive, formally and practically. The ISIS films also use editing at the denouement, but unlike Edison’s, they do not actually show the moment itself. The focus is instead on the horrible aftermath (at least visually), in order to work on the schooled imagination of the viewer. In the most crucial difference, the ‘star’ is actually murdered. Perhaps their most ambitious production, Though the Unbelievers Despise It, took four hours to make and features at least four cuts, not to mention the lives of some 20 Syrian soldiers. But we will here concentrate on the films that show a single slaying, such as Another Message to America and Its Allies, as the true exemplars of their cinema. Its larger-scale spectacles can never hope to compete with even the most pedestrian shots of the aerial bombardment of a city. But when they work pared down to the essentials, ISIS’ productions are a match for anyone’s.
Here, the sophistication of cinema ISIS relies on color and several well-placed edits, while the static position of the camera remains a self-conscious homage to early documentary. ‘Realism’ is a deliberate pose, as the framing of the films make clear—the executioner may be the real executioner, or just one of ISIS’ soldiers, as the killing is not shown on camera; the empty desert behind the statue-like figures is a stark abstract strip. The films were made in studios with high production values and sophisticated technology, a fact that has led some people to see them as off-Hollywood psyops projects produced with Saudi or American assistance (or at least with the sponsorship of Adidas, as footage of their columns’ early marches into Syria plainly shows). Whatever the case, simple elements are used to maximal effect. The use of free distribution platforms, a sadistic insight into audience fetishism, and the need to produce images for a legitimacy far beyond mere international recognition make ISIS anything but ‘medieval’ fundamentalists. As the movement declared its state, it also declared a foundational myth and for this myth, it knew it must create a cinema.
In Edison’s film, Mary is played by Robert L Thomae, which seems to have been his only role (he is mentioned in several sources as an employee of the Edison Company and may have been a choice of the moment, as with ISIS’ executioner-actor). The action is as follows: Mary steps up to the headsman block. The executioner lifts his axe, dispatches the last Stuart and then holds her severed head up for the audience—that is, for the courtiers and for the film viewer, a dual audience. A crude edit allows for the substitution of a mannequin, making the film also an early example of Grand Guignol special effects.
Historical killings on film were first done as mock-ups. There is film of Archduke Ferdinand reviewing his troops, but no one shot the assassination. Zapruder’s film can be seen an American remake: it shows the doomed President reviewing not his soldiers but the people outside Camelot; his motorcade passes and the good king dies with assassin off-camera (depending on who you ask). There is also footage of Czar Nicholas and other heads of state, but by the time of the First World War newsreels were utterly ubiquitous: anyone could appear on film. The early immortality of the nobles had quickly vanished forever. They were condemned to look like actors or be subsumed into family vacation footage. Zapruder’s accidental film returned some of the glow of eternity to history caught on celluloid, yet constant repetition since then has taken it apart frame by frame and it has disappeared into memorabilia.
Conversely, ISIS’ productions are avant garde agit prop: glowing images brilliantly worked in an uncanny mise-en-scène, a martial, immediate nostalgia for Year One. The use of green screen shows that the production team is more interested in color than with naturalism and is willing to spend money and time for scenes that could have easily been shot verité (Influence of Hollywood on ‘Caliph’ al Baghdadi’s cinema, rather than the 9th Century Baghdad school of optics—which shows again that he is no traditionalist). Offscreen fans blow the hair and flags of the participants; the executioner appears on a miraculous nuclear plane, half future earth and half divine ordination. Obscenely, the Day of Judgment in one man’s death is reduced to a symbol, then reduced again to a threat for tourists. As the brutal killings occur off-screen, the rather clumsily-simulated aftermath is obviously an aesthetic decision. Deciding what is shown and what is not marks every single filmmaker, from a kid with his cellphone to the Bollywood mogul.
ISIS may be most remembered for its cinema—if you discount its innumerable victims in Syria and Iraq, as the Western media always does. Its shrinking land holdings should properly be considered a last pitch to a captive audience or a vast studio lot now under hostile competitor control. Their films are exercises in total Technicolor modernism, with aspects both archaic and experimental, as befits their robust and seductive ideology. There is a Pirandellism even in their military operations—though they are hardly the first. The attack on Palmyra was Epic Vs. Epic, staged in front of the ruins as if these ruins were Caberia or Intolerance. Caberia was partly written and promoted by D’Annunzio; Intolerance was De Mille’s agonized revision of Birth of a Nation, the latter an opportunist attempt at making money from the perverse visions of lynch mobs.
But the greatest invention of Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, the self-proclaimed (studio) head of ISIS, comparable to Howard Hughes but somewhat distinct from ISIS as a collective auteur project, was himself. More lost than the fabled reels of Ambersons and Greed, the final cut may rest deep in impregnable Langley or in the sub-basement of an Ankara post-production house, never to see the light of day. All we have are these eerie franchises played out with grave seriousness in places where empires compete, scored with real screams. Fake desert, fake Caliph, fake enemies.
The contradiction of supposed ‘snuff’ films is that they have always existed, but as war footage or disaster reels, easily available for free on prime-time television or called up via a million online videos. The selling point is the illegality and home-made aesthetics of ‘outlaw’ works, made for an exclusive conspiratorial club—of which the films of ISIS are really no different than a Netflix True Crime series. They combine the savviness of Silicon Valley with Old World American shell game, brute force and reaction, the poetry of murder and the thrill of feeling like you are the only one watching. For that reason, we can trace a line from Edison straight to the throat-cutters, passing through the gardens of those quiet suburbs our haunted secret agents swear to protect. The real art of the ISIS Corp lies in its Fordian project for a total community, a reworking of the past that is cinematic and available to everyone. It was the United States that understood the epos of the past needed to be self-reflecting if they were to be at all. Pharaoh must be an actor playing Pharaoh (Jack Hawkins, say), just as ISIS’ Caliph—far more film Pharaoh than historical Caliph, neither righteous nor even louche—must be an actor who employs another actor, just as al Baghdadi apparently did for his voice-overs and his doubles (one of them wearing a Rolex). To accuse ISIL, ISIS, Dae’sh of fanaticism obscures the professional, provocative point of their filmmaking. Like CIA, they adhere to a solid critique of realism, similar to Langley’s promotion of Abstract Expressionism in the 1950s against the USSR’s Stalinist line on socialist realism.
The representation of death obsessed Edison as much as it did ISIS. His company competed with Westinghouse in what was called ‘the war of the currents’, with Edison promoting a direct and Westinghouse an alternative current to power the electric chair. His West Orange laboratory was used to test his design on animals, most famously on Topsy the Elephant in 1903—which Edison naturally filmed. The two firms finally reached a temporary compromise, and William Kimmler was successfully electrocuted on August 6, 1890. But the killing was botched and agonizing to behold—also the case for ISIS over a century later, who could not allow itself to be seen as incompetent on film. Swiftness says efficiency, and the way around the problem was death offscreen, a sword stroke made all the more poignant by being put into relief. As for Edison and electrocution, Judge Dwight’s ruling had stated that “although the mode of death described is conceded to be unusual, there is no common knowledge or consent that it is cruel; it is a question of fact whether an electric current of sufficient intensity and skillfully applied will produce death without unnecessary suffering.”
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Edison made The Execution of Czolgosz with Panorama of Auburn Prison in 1901, six years after his Mary Queen of Scots film. Leon Czolgosz had assassinated President McKinley that same year and was indeed executed, but Edison’s film was a fake, made to sell his new improved electric chair after the Kimmler debacle a decade earler. A far more ambitious work than any of his previous, perhaps because product placement was involved and contracts were to be won, it begins with a long panoramic shot of dead trees and marshland, ending on the walls of the prison and a cut to the interior. There are four cuts in the film and the execution of the anarchist Czolgosz is more convincingly rendered than the earlier death of the Scots Queen. The establishing shot of the lonely area prefigures those of ISIS in their fastness, and the film is so roughly pixelated in contemporary digital reproduction that this landscape looks like a model in an atom age monster movie.
That the eyes see for a few seconds after decapitation is a perpetual folktale. Also that beheading, like drowning and the chair, is quick and comparatively painless.
by Martin Billheimer
[1] I admit here to not actually having seen any of the ISIS oeuvre. There is no point—they have been seen by millions and watching them would be like falling into the Zapruder spiral. Looking for clues and secrets is an arrogant pastime which reduces everyone to the misery of an 'expert'. It has been noted that ISIS' films do include audio of the off-camera killings, which are real if not in time, just as the ‘confessions’ of the doomed men, recited over the earlier part of the films, are also ‘real’. This adds to the dislocation of watching a ‘mock’ execution which ends in a real one, with 'real' sound over posed images. The whole cruel and disorienting puzzle makes, I imagine, a viewing experience that is both indelible and banal.
[1] Though none of these torture and sex films were actually discovered at the time of the craze (1970s), they did surface later, made by killers who were inspired by the very public investigations launched to uncover them. The original legal targets were standard fare—a series of Japanese shockers with the moniker Guinea Pig (the filmmakers had to show the old rushes in court to prove that their actresses were very much alive, giggling and covered in red syrup); or utter trash, like 1975’s Snuff, which was picketed after the film’s producers spread a rumor that its totally unconvincing killings were real ‘South American’ murder footage.
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synthient · 5 years ago
Okay this is a half baked theory, but I just asked myself the question “if Forbidden Memories is the original rough draft version of Memory World, then why would they have released the game years before the series ended, potentially spoiling major plot points?” so here’s A Scenario:
KT submits his horror/comedy gaming manga to Shonen Jump. It gets picked up. He’s expecting to do about 50 chapters, then move on to another project.
Death-t is (apparently) popular enough that Shonen Jump pressures him to continue the series. KT is like, “fine, I’ll do two more arcs: Duelist Kingdom, and Finale Arc.”
Finale Arc is originally planned to be much, much shorter than the Battle City/Memory World/Ceremonial Duel combo we ultimately got. Probably around the length of Duelist Kingdom (which ran for about a year).
KT writes a rough outline of Finale Arc. He hands it off to Shonen Jump, who hands it off to Konami, who starts working on a Finale Arc video game adaptation.
Duelist Kingdom is midway through its run, and it’s doing well enough that Shonen Jump wants KT to extend the series even more. He massively rewrites and expands Finale Arc (and creates Malik as a representation of his pushy Shonen Jump editors–there’s an authors note where he says that’s Malik’s origin lmao). The series gets dragged out for another 5 years.
With the extensive rewrites to Finale Arc, the game Konami was working on won’t really be canon anymore. But they’ve sunk enough time and money into its production that they don’t really want to scrap it, so they decide to release it anyway. Whatever. It can be a neat little non-canon au now.
Based on the plot of Forbidden Memories, here’s what Finale Arc might have been like:
It’s basically a mashup of Battle City and Memory World (or rather, BC and MW are Finale Arc stretched out like taffy) 
Things that don’t exist in Finale Arc: Malik, Rishid, the Ghouls, the God Cards, TKB/the Kul Elna massacre, Mahad, Mana, Kisara, the Ceremonial Duel(?)
Like Battle City, Finale Arc starts with Kaiba throwing a tournament. In this version, he somehow gets his hand on the Rod (maybe Isis gives it to him?), and he throws the tournament because Set’s spirit possessed him.
Yugi duels his way through the tournament. A bunch of old opponents (+ Isis) are there. About half the contestants are Millennium Item wielders, and each time he beats one, he earns their Item. It’s a very standard shonen tournament arc/Collect Em All storyline
Yugi’s final opponent is Kaiba. Possibly the Kaibcorp War Crimes backstory stuff is wedged in here somewhere? That seems to have been planned by at least the time the DM anime started airing (altho it’s pretty awkwardly wedged into the existing manga as well). Anyway, Yugi beats Kaiba and takes the Rod. He’s Collected Em All now
Using the Millennium Items, Atem time travels back to Ancient Egypt. A version of Memory World that’s much shorter, much less political intrigue-y, and not a commentary on the Iraq War (because that hasn’t happened yet) ensues
The author’s note where KT says he’s “finally figured out the ending” is, uh, from Battle City. So was Forbidden Memories’ “Atem just lives out the rest of his life in Ancient Egypt and this somehow doesn’t cause a zillion paradoxes” ending the original ending? Or had a vague idea of the canon ending been planned, but he hadn’t worked out all the details? Or was the last bullet on KT’s outline just “??????” ? We Just Don’t Know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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alexsmitposts · 6 years ago
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YouTube and the War on Truth As of June 2019, YouTube, owned by Google Corporation, with a long history of peddling “big data” to spy agencies and right-wing extremist groups, is going to “clean house.” Their claim, that they will remove all “hate speech” and unspecified other “objectionable material” is a huge threat against free speech around the world. You see, Google’s YouTube has actively molded a world of its own, financially partnering with the fake, the inane, the absurd while deeply censoring free speech from day one. For years, YouTube has run an obscure system of fake volunteers financed by think tanks and spy agencies, hundreds of them housed in special facilities in Haifa, Israel, that ban users whose material reflects badly in Israeli apartheid. Moreover, YouTube has provided, in partnership with the highly secretive military contracting firms, Idea Groups and Jigsaw, to give terror groups like al Qaeda and their many “nephews” along with ISIS, “on the fly” covert communications and operational intelligence. The same “troll rooms” in Haifa that clean free speech from YouTube help secure private posting boards for ISIS and other terror groups who communicate their operational plans using comment boards on videos. This was the ISIS fallback when their use of Facebook chat was exposed, and the NSA began tracing terror cells through their “Zuckerman channel.” ISIS and al Qaeda members simply stay logged into their YouTube app and run “tear sheet” coded transmissions under the protection of Google Corporation. More than that, this process, using YouTube chat to plan terror bombings, mass shootings or gas attacks is taught by advisory groups financed under Google Jigsaw’s program of fostering “democratic resistance to tyranny.” Google financed resistance organizations have been active in support of what they term “democratic movements” in Syria, Egypt, Libya, Sudan, Somalia, Ghana, Cameroon, Nigeria, Ukraine, Georgia, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Bahrain, Sri Lanka, Italy, France, Germany, Belgium and two dozen other nations. Our projections show that these groups have been tied to assassinations, literally hundreds of bombings, kidnappings and mass rape, theft of antiquities, massive arms trafficking and, of course, manipulation of the media. In fact, the Google-Facebook partnership which includes YouTube, operates cells on 3 continents with a playbook taken directly from NATO’s failed Gladio operation. For those unaware, Gladio was established by NATO in the late 1970s to train resistance fighters in case of a Soviet invasion of Europe. Gladio, however, soon became Black September, the Red Brigades and eventually ISIS, according to our sources. For 20 years, Gladio terror attacks, an organization intended to fight the Soviet Union, terrorized Europe. History is now repeating itself, but the scale is a thousand times greater. Liars Decide What is True YouTube’s earliest targets are to be BDS, the movement to force governments to use Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions to enforce UN resolutions involving Palestine. It is good to note that over 45 % of what is called Israel, without Gaza, Golan or the West Bank, is legally the Palestinian State of Judea and Samara, in accordance with UN resolutions with BDS programs directly in accord with international law as stated in the Fourth Geneva Convention. YouTube has decided to operate outside UN resolutions and to oppose the authority of the International Criminal Court at The Hague and the Geneva Convention. Naming YouTube-Google-Facebook a “rogue state” is legally supportable. Calling them the Deep State may well be even more accurate. From the New York Times, June 5, 2019: “YouTube announced plans on Wednesday to remove thousands of videos and channels that advocate neo-Nazism, white supremacy and other bigoted ideologies in an attempt to clean up extremism and hate speech on its popular service. The new policy will ban “videos alleging that a group is superior in order to justify discrimination, segregation or exclusion,” the company said in a blog post. The prohibition will also cover videos denying that violent events, like the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut, took place. YouTube did not name any specific channels or videos that would be banned. But on Wednesday, numerous far-right creators began complaining that their videos had been deleted, or had been stripped of ads, presumably a result of the new policy. “It’s our responsibility to protect that, and prevent our platform from being used to incite hatred, harassment, discrimination and violence,” the blog post said.” It is funny that the Times mentions Sandy Hook. A prominent American academic is facing a defamation trial for editing a series of papers by independent journalists who comment on inconsistencies in the official narrative. Our own investigation of the incident, from a counter-terrorism, counter-intelligence standpoint found massive irregularities in the investigation and handling of evidence and, moreover, the fact that funds used to punish or silence members of the independent press, is of mysterious origin. In fact, so many investigations are botched or rather faked. For some years, I managed security firms that, among other capabilities, investigated critical incidents, including air crashes, mine disasters and terrorism. Most of our investigators and forensics experts came from the FBI or other agencies. The mechanism believed to have been employed at Sandy Hook was certainly employed at 9/11, at Khan Sheikhoun in Syria, during the murders of John and Robert Kennedy along with the alleged Skripal poisonings in Britain. In case after case, as is easy to ascertain, governments are overthrown, bombing attacks ordered, countries invaded, sanctions employed, all based on “findings” from fake investigations of incidents where the real perpetrators are those who benefit, as is always the case, from the mayhem and suffering caused. Of course now, YouTube has stepped in to remove the offending videos, which include CBS anchor Dan Rather reporting the arrest of Mossad agents with explosives on the George Washington Bridge on 9/11, videos of tactical nuclear weapons used against Yemen or outside Damascus in May 2013 and, most telling of all, the statements of dozens of witnesses describing how the White Helmets stage gas attacks including, in one video, 40 former White Helmets themselves. Are we seeing an agenda here? This reminds me of a personal experience. I had just returned from Nairobi where I was tasked with making recommendations to the Interior Ministry after the infamous shopping mall attack that killed 71 people. When I got home, a local attorney asked for pro bono aid in investigating a fatal car crash involving two vehicles that hit head on outside Wauseon, Ohio. The police investigation, made entirely on the scene in less than 30 minutes, found a young woman driving one of the vehicles responsible of homicide. Our investigation showed that, at the scene, the young woman was refused medical care though in critical condition and was later arrested based on a coerced confession made while she was in a semi-coma in the intensive care unit of a local hospital. She nearly died during the helicopter ride, something worth note. There was one problem. Both cars were found in the lane where the young woman was driving and the other driver, an older woman, had actually crossed over the line and caused the accident. Review of medical records showed the older woman to have been heavily drugged on Ambien, a hypnotic sedative and a cocktail of opioids and anti-psychotic drugs. She was, medically, a “zombie.” Worse still, when the “black boxes” were downloaded from each vehicle and uploaded into a “full physics” crash simulator, the animations, which exactly mimic car movements, steering, speed, braking, easily demonstrated that the police had faked the investigation. A review of the officers involved showed that they had performed hundreds of similar investigations, all with no forensic evidence, all simply fabricated. It isn’t just traffic accidents, criminal investigations of all kinds are much the same, pick a guilty person, engineer fake evidence, and send them to prison. There’s a pattern here. If an official source comes forward, then we have a whistleblower, a “criminal.” They can’t be believed. In fact, they must be hunted down and imprisoned. If it is an independent journalist, they are “conspiracy theorists” and YouTube erases their work. If video evidence is so compelling it cannot be ignored, then it is “fostering hate” and is removed. Being policed by the police is bad enough, being policed by tech companies controlled by extremist political movements, which aptly describes all Google and Facebook functions, redefines tyranny.
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political-affairs · 11 years ago
Steven Joel Sotloff
Steven Joel Sotloff (May 11, 1983 – c. September 2, 2014) was an American-Israeli journalist. In August 2013, he was kidnapped inAleppo, Syria, and held captive by militants from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS). On September 2, 2014, a video was released of ISIS beheading Sotloff.[6][7] Following the execution, U.S. President Barack Obama stated that the United States will take action to "degrade and destroy" ISIS.[8]
Early life and education 
Steven Joel Sotloff held both Israeli and American citizenship, although his Jewishness and Israeli citizenship were not made public during his work in Muslim countries or during his captivity for fear that the information might endanger his release.[4] He was the son of Arthur and Shirley Sotloff of Pinecrest, Florida.[9][10][11] He is a grandson of Holocaust survivors.[12] He grew up in Pinecrest, Florida,[13] graduated from Kimball Union Academy, a private boarding school in Meriden, New Hampshire,[14] and later attended (but did not graduate from) the University of Central Florida with a major in journalism from 2002 to 2004.[15][16] He studied at theInterdisciplinary Center Herzliya in Israel from 2005 to 2008.[17][18] Sotloff previously worked for Temple Beth Am Day School in Florida.[19]
According to Al-Jazeera, Sotloff was in Qatar and wrote a letter of application dated May 29, 2010, to the Arabic for Non Native Speakers (ANNS) faculty at Qatar University.[20] He later traveled around the region with a Yemeni mobile number. His career began during the Arab Spring.[21] Sotloff had worked for the news magazine Time, as well as Christian Science Monitor,[22] The National Interest, Media Line,[5] World Affairs,[23] and Foreign Policy, and has appeared on CNN and Fox News.[9] His work has taken him toSyria a number of times, as well as taking him to Egypt, Turkey, Libya, and Bahrain.[24]
In 2012 he reported in Time magazine, about Al-Qaeda fighters and commanders from Libya flocking to Syria, and shipping Libyan captured arms and ammunition on its way to join the fight to topple Bashar al-Assad's regime.[25][26] He was also was in a reporter team that returned to the compound in Benghazi where the US ambassador and 3 other Americans had been killed on the night of 9/11 that year. He interviewed Libyan security guards who were at the site during the attack.[25][27][28] Fox News reported accordingly aided by an animation, that black Islamist flags were seen and foreign words heard, concluding that the claims by 'Nusrat Al-Sharia' – affiliated with Al-Qaeda, were in fact correct.[29] He named a Libyan militia operative, Ahmad Abu Khattallah, as the head of the Al Qaeda affiliated group (Nusrat al-Sharia) that attacked the US compound and as the man who himself masterminded and lead the attack.[30] He later reported on a tit for tat retaliation pattern following the US attacks on those that committed the attack on the ambassador's compound in Benghazi. A week before entering Libya, he had written from Turkey about the Alawites ��� believers of Assad's religion, and their support for Assad in Turkey, while another article written on the same day, told about Alawites inside Syria who were against Assad.[31]
Janine Di Giovanni, the Middle East editor of Newsweek, told CNN, "he was concerned that he had been on some kind of a list, and this had been around the time that ISIS had been showing up and taking over checkpoints that had been manned before by the rebels. And he thought he had angered some of the rebels, he didn’t know which ones, by taking footage of a hospital in Aleppo that had been bombed, and he had been very concerned about this."[21]
After his death, Felice Friedson, Sotloff's editor at The Media Line, called him "one of the most courageous, talented and insightful journalists that I have met".[32]
Kidnapping and death[edit]
Sotloff was abducted on August 4, 2013, near Aleppo, after crossing the Syrian border from Turkey.[24][9] He was held in Ar-Raqqah.[5] His family kept the news secret, fearing harm to him if they went public. His family and government agencies were working privately to gain his release for the past year.[33] On August 19, 2014, the terrorist organizationISIS released a video titled "A Message to America", showing the beheading of fellow journalist James Foley.[34] At the end of the video, ISIS threatened U.S. President Barack Obama, telling him that "his next move" will decide the fate of Sotloff.[35]
However, only days after this threat was released, the U.S. stepped up airstrikes against ISIS, firing 14 missiles at various ISIS Humvees near the Mosul Dam.[36]
Shortly after the release of the video, a petition was started on WhiteHouse.gov, calling for President Obama to save Sotloff's life.[37] The petition attracted thousands of signatures within days.[38] On August 27, 2014, Sotloff's mother released a short video asking Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi to release her son.[10]
On September 2, 2014, the SITE Intelligence Group[39][40] discovered the video of Sotloff's execution on what they called "a file-sharing site" entitled "A Second Message to America" and released it to their subscribers.[41] The video was delivered as a "second message to America" to halt airstrikes in Iraq,[42] and shows Sotloff's beheading execution by a masked man, apparently Jihadi John, the same person who killed James Foley.[43][44] In the video, the executioner says, "I'm back, Obama, and I'm back because of your arrogant foreign policy towards the Islamic State, because of your insistence on continuing your bombings and on Mosul Dam, despite our serious warnings. So just as your missiles continue to strike our people, our knife will continue to strike the necks of your people."[45] The White House confirmed the video's authenticity.[46]
0 notes
kansascityhappenings · 5 years ago
Tweet purportedly from gunman in Pensacola Navy base shooting suggests al Qaeda inspiration
PENSACOLA, Fla. — Much remains unknown about the Saudi Air Force officer who attacked Naval Air Station Pensacola in Florida on Friday morning. US Defense Secretary Mark Esper stressed Saturday the investigation is in its early phases.
“I can’t say it’s terrorism at this time. I think we need to let the investigators of the FBI do its work,” he said.
Two law enforcement sources told CNN that the shooter, who was killed by responding law enforcement agents, has been identified as Saudi national Mohammed Alshamrani.
Just minutes before authorities were first alerted to the deadly shooting, a Twitter account aligning with his name posted a message that raises the possibility the attack was inspired by al Qaeda and its founder, Osama bin Laden.
The message, addressed to the American people, repurposed words used by bin Laden and the American al Qaeda terrorist cleric Anwar al-Awlaki.
In recent years, jihadi attackers have mostly been animated by sympathy to ISIS, but the group never seemed to eclipse al Qaeda inside Saudi Arabia, despite the more than 3,000 Saudis who, according to The Soufan Center, traveled to Iraq and Syria to join ISIS and other groups.
While many jihadis around the world gravitated toward ISIS after they declared a caliphate in Syria and Iraq in 2014, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s terrorist group never attracted the kind of support that bin Laden did among jihadis in the kingdom, nor posed anything like the threat al Qaeda’s 2003-2006 terror campaign posed the House of Saud.
With al Qaeda maintaining significant support in Saudi Arabia, there will be concern the attack in Florida may provide an opportunity for it to strengthen its standing among global jihadis in the wake of ISIS losing its land and its leader. Thousands and thousands have been killed in terror attacks carried out by the two groups around the world over the years.
Twitter account posted shortly before alert of attack
The first call alerting law enforcement of an incident at the Florida base came about 6:51 a.m. (7:51 a.m. ET), according to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.
Twelve minutes before, at 6:39 a.m., a Twitter account with the handle @M7MD_SHAMRANI posted a message addressed to the American people, declaring hate for Americans because of their “crimes” against Muslims.
CNN has been unable to verify the source of the tweet which was previously reported on by SITE Intelligence Group. Law enforcement has not commented on it.
However, given the shooter was training at a US naval air station, it is notable that the Twitter account @M7MD_SHAMRANI re-tweeted a Military Times post about last month’s fatal crash at Vance Air Force Base in Oklahoma.
The Twitter message posted Friday morning made no reference to an impending attack.
The Twitter account is listed as being created in 2012. Before it was taken down on Friday afternoon, CNN was able to capture some of the tweet activity by the account.
When asked about the account, Twitter spokeswoman Aly Pavela confirmed the account was suspended and said, “That’s all we have to share.”
Several aspects to what was written in the message point toward al Qaeda inspiration.
The Twitter message stated, “America as a whole has turned into a nation of evil.”
Those were the exact words American terrorist cleric Anwar al-Awlaki used in a message posted in March 2010 in calling for jihad against the United States, suggesting the person posting the message was deeply familiar with al-Awlaki’s propaganda.
Before he was killed in a drone strike in September 2011, al-Awlaki had become a senior figure in al Qaeda’s affiliate in Yemen. In the years before and since his death al-Awlaki’s online sermons provided inspiration for many of those plotting jihadi terror in the West.
US troops in Saudi Arabia anger jihadis
The words of bin Laden also appear to have influenced the individual posting the Twitter message.
In January 2010, bin Laden stated in an audio message, “The United States will not dream of enjoying safety until we live it in reality in Palestine.”
“You will not be safe until we live it as reality in pleastain [sic], and American troops get out of our lands,” read the message posted Friday morning.
It has been well documented that the presence of US troops in Saudi Arabia in the 1990s created great anger among jihadi sympathizers in Saudi Arabia. It was a key factor in turning bin Laden toward confronting the US. The attack in Florida comes at a time when the US is again building up its troop presence in the kingdom. The Pentagon announced in October that it is set to deploy 1,800 more troops.
The Twitter message posted Friday made repeated reference to US support for Israel, another key theme of al Qaeda propaganda as illustrated by bin Laden’s January 2010 statement.
In recent months, the @M7MD_SHAMRANI Twitter account retweeted at least one news article alleging Israeli mistreatment of Palestinians. The penultimate tweet from the handle, which the account’s timeline indicates was posted this month, was a retweet of a Times of Israel tweet from December 2017 containing the “Full Text of Trump’s speech recognizing Jerusalem as capital of Israel.”
In recent years, al Qaeda has attempted to incite and exploit anger in the Muslim world over the issue. For example, the Trump administration’s decision to relocate the US embassy to Jerusalem was seized upon by al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri when he called for continued confrontation with the United States in a message posted on the 17th anniversary of the 9/11 attack.
No group has claimed responsibility for attack
Although the Twitter message posted by the @M7MD_SHAMRANI account made no explicit mention of al Qaeda, its repurposing of the words of bin Laden and Awlaki suggests the shooter may have been deeply familiar with the statements of al Qaeda leaders, may have been to some degree inspired by them, and may deliberately have chosen to use their words.
Establishing the complex mix of factors that are likely to have inspired the Florida attack is not straightforward.
The decision to quote bin Laden and Awlaki does not definitively indicate al Qaeda provided the main inspiration. Unlike al-Qaeda’s leader Ayman al-Zawahiri, who is a hate figure in ISIS circles, both bin Laden and al-Awlaki, who died three years before ISIS declared it had established a caliphate, have been revered by ISIS’s supporters.
By Saturday afternoon, no terrorist group had claimed the Florida attack.
In the years after ISIS captured global headlines by taking control of large swaths of Syria and Iraq, the large majority of attacks by jihadi sympathizers in the West appeared to be inspired by ISIS rather than al Qaeda. Online pledges of loyalty made by attacker after attacker to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi gave ISIS openings to claim ownership of many of the attacks.
But ISIS’s position as the lodestar of the global jihadi movement is now in question. It was notable that Usman Khan, who killed two in the vicinity of London Bridge last month, made no online pledge to ISIS. Khan had initially been radicalized by al Qaeda propaganda.
Khan and several other extremists were convicted in relation to a plot to attack the London Stock Exchange “inspired by the ideology and methodology of Anwar Al Awlaki,” according to court documents from 2012.
In the wake of ISIS’s loss of all its territorial holdings in Syria and Iraq and the death of its leader in October, a concern will be the Florida attack may have provided al Qaeda an opening to strengthen as it competes with ISIS for leadership of the global jihadi movement.
from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports https://fox4kc.com/2019/12/07/tweet-purportedly-from-gunman-in-pensacola-navy-base-shooting-suggests-al-qaeda-inspiration/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2019/12/08/tweet-purportedly-from-gunman-in-pensacola-navy-base-shooting-suggests-al-qaeda-inspiration/
0 notes
johnchiarello · 6 years ago
The Seed
THE SEED Genesis 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. https://youtu.be/Bx2bCUCqTxY The Seed https://ccoutreach87.files.wordpress.com/2017/01/1-5-17-the-seed.zip ON VIDEO- . ‘I thought you were one of us!’ .Alice pool closes down .Media bias [who’s doing ‘fake’ news again?] .Mosul- U.N. vote- etc. .ISIS- Shia- Sunni .Protoevangelion .The coming seed [child] .Eve’s child will crush his head .Abrahams son will bless the world .David’s offspring will sit on the throne .Jesus fulfills it all .Ishmael and Isaac .Jesus is the Lion of Judah NEW- In my Galatians study I talked about the promised ‘seed’- Galatians 3:8 And the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, In thee shall all nations be blessed. God promised to bless the world thru one of the offspring of Abraham. We also saw in my Samuel study that God made a promise to King David that one of his sons would sit on the throne ‘forever’- 2Samuel 7:13 He shall build an house for my name, and I will stablish the throne of his kingdom for ever. These promises were fulfilled thru Christ. The first promise of a coming Messiah was given to Eve in the creation account-Genesis 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. We call this the Protoevangelion – meaning the first time we see the good news [gospel]. At the time of Christ they were awaiting for a Messiah who was prophesied to come. Yet they were looking for a deliverer In the natural sense- meaning someone who would save them from the ‘occupation’ of Rome. Yet- Jesus fulfilled the promises in a different way- He told us his kingdom was not like the world’s kingdoms- John 18:36 Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.
God made these promises to various people thru out the history of the Old Testament. The main figures he gave these promises to did not understand all of the implications at the time. Abraham obeyed God- yet the promise of a son- Isaac- came to pass thru many trials. David had his struggles as well- yet he did Father Solomon- experienced divisions in his kingdom and family- but yet the one seed- the one child spoken about- was still to come. The first promise foretold that this coming deliverer would ‘bruise his head [satan] and he would bruise his heel’- Genesis 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. Hmm? Heel? The prophecy was fulfilled at the Cross. Yes- Jesus would indeed suffer a bruise- wound- in this battle. Yet- it was thru this ‘bruising’ that he would fulfill the promise. Yes- he is the seed of Abraham- that would bless the world. He is the Son of David- that would arise to sit on the throne. And he is the woman’s Son- who would suffer an injury- And in doing so- would redeem the world- Hebrews 2:14 Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil;
PAST POSTS [These are my past teachings that relate to today’s video ‘The Seed’] GALATIANS [Links] https://ccoutreach87.com/2016/12/26/galatians-1/ https://ccoutreach87.com/2016/12/30/2nd-samuel-3-homeless-friends/ https://ccoutreach87.com/2017/01/02/galatians-2/ https://ccoutreach87.com/2017/01/10/galatians-3/
https://ccoutreach87.com/hebrews-updated-2015/ https://ccoutreach87.com/john-complete-links-added/ JOHN 19 https://youtu.be/iS9OG-fiBL0 John 19 https://ccoutreach87.files.wordpress.com/2016/10/10-13-16-john-19.zip John 1:36 And looking upon Jesus as he walked, he saith, Behold the Lamb of God! ON VIDEO- .Media bias .Yemen rebels shoot at us .Iran nuke deal .My question for Margie Rose? .animal rescue .Voter I.D. laws? .Did dead people vote? .Passover .No broken bones .Gamble for the coat .Final sacrifice .Made damn sure the Pilate washed his hands… NOTE- just a brief note before I post. In the news right now we are seeing- every night- the ‘advance’ on Mosul- a city in Iraq that ISIS took. Why is this- now- a major news story? [Beside the nonstop talk about Trump]. Because it is an effort- by the media- and our country- to change the narrative. Meaning ‘look- we are really attacking- and killing- ISIS’. ISIS has had this city for about 2 years- many of the people in the city see ISIS as their defenders- because they are on the religious side of ISIS- in the division within Islam. The Iraqi govt. forces are not on the side of some of the citizens in Mosul- and the history is when the Iraqis take back a city- with our help- the people are treated like ISIS. So- we- the U.S. – are willing to side with the actual murder of some of the citizens in Mosul- simply because it serves our political purposes leading up to the election. It gets the story on the front lines ‘look- the Obama administration [who Hillary was secretary of state] is really doing a great job fighting ISIS’. Yet- when [if] the city falls- what will happen next? In a year or 2 [or a month after the election in the U.S.] it will either go back to ISIS- or the Iraqis will persecute the citizens [kill] who they see as siding with ISIS. Some in the city sided with them because ISIS gave them a type of government- which they did not have under the American backed Iraqi leadership. So- that’s why you are seeing this as a top story- sad indeed.
PAST LINKS [verses below] NOTE- The proclamation of John ‘Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world’- In Latin the term is Agnus Dei- as a boy we sung this hymn in Catholic church ‘Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world- have mercy on us’. [Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis.- this is the full phrase in the Latin – taken from John’s declaration- where the Christian song/chant comes from] JOHNS GOSPEL LINKS- https://ccoutreach87.wordpress.com/2016/06/14/amos-5/ https://ccoutreach87.wordpress.com/2016/06/15/jesus-christ/ https://ccoutreach87.wordpress.com/2016/06/17/father-abraham/ https://ccoutreach87.wordpress.com/2016/06/21/the-flood/ John 3 https://ccoutreach87.wordpress.com/2016/06/25/the-well-john-4/ https://ccoutreach87.wordpress.com/2016/06/30/john-5/ https://ccoutreach87.wordpress.com/2016/07/05/john-6/ https://ccoutreach87.wordpress.com/2016/07/09/john-7/ https://ccoutreach87.files.wordpress.com/2015/08/8-10-15-john-14.zip https://ccoutreach87.wordpress.com/2016/07/16/john-8/ https://youtu.be/f8VpxlYM_kU John 8- ‘who the Son sets free’ https://ccoutreach87.wordpress.com/2016/07/25/john-9/ https://ccoutreach87.wordpress.com/2016/07/31/john-10/ https://ccoutreach87.wordpress.com/2016/08/05/john-11-the-8th-sign/ https://ccoutreach87.wordpress.com/2016/08/10/i-found-a-verse/ https://ccoutreach87.wordpress.com/2016/08/13/john-12/ https://ccoutreach87.wordpress.com/2016/08/19/samuel-john-hebrews-review/ https://ccoutreach87.wordpress.com/2016/08/22/john-13/ https://ccoutreach87.wordpress.com/2016/08/26/john-14/ https://ccoutreach87.wordpress.com/2016/09/04/john-15/ https://ccoutreach87.wordpress.com/2016/09/15/john-16/ https://ccoutreach87.wordpress.com/2016/09/24/john-17/ https://ccoutreach87.wordpress.com/2016/10/04/john-18/ I mention Corinthians and Ephesians on today’s video- below are my studies- https://ccoutreach87.wordpress.com/1st-2nd-corinthians/ https://ccoutreach87.wordpress.com/ephesians-highlights/
Exodus 12:46 In one house shall it be eaten; thou shalt not carry forth ought of the flesh abroad out of the house; neither shall ye break a bone thereof. Numbers 9:12 They shall leave none of it unto the morning, nor break any bone of it: according to all the ordinances of the passover they shall keep it. Zechariah 12:10 And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they [parts] ANTI- CHRIST- [Church Unlimited notes- 2nd- 3rd John] 3John 1:11 Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doeth good is of God: but he that doeth evil hath not seen God. https://youtu.be/7dfLhO2HBf8 anti- Christ [2nd, 3rd John] https://ccoutreach87.files.wordpress.com/2016/10/10-23-16-anti-christ-2nd-3rd-jn.zip ON VIDEO [past posts below] .See my Hillary drawing [sorry] .Who is anti-christ? .Some thought Hitler .Apostles relate to the bride .Soteriology .Was John a theological liberal? Mosul .Iraq- Libya .ISIS .Sunni- Shia division .Execution- or human shields- or just murder? .Abortion .Docetism refuted [parts] OBADIAH- Obadiah 1:7 All the men of thy confederacy have brought thee even to the border: the men that were at peace with thee have deceived thee, and prevailed against thee; that they eat thy bread have laid a wound under thee: there is none understanding in him. https://youtu.be/LaG8b0etYK8 Obadiah ON VIDEO- .Peace treaty? .Leaked emails .How to skew the polls .Do I like to lynch Black people? .The 1 dollar cheese story .Homeless stuff .Iran- Yemen- Libya- Syria .The shores of Tripoli .ISIS .Turkey .Britannia ruled the seas- and lost .Mosul NEW- In this small book- 1 chapter- we read of the judgment of God upon Edom. They were a people that felt like they were unstoppable. The alliances they made were their downfall. As I read the book the other night- it made me think about our present situation. Let’s see if I can hit some high points. [parts] NEWS- [Mosul- 3 Americans shot and killed yesterday in Jordan- Wiki leaks reveals real corruption] I mentioned the last few weeks about our actions in Mosul Iraq. The U.S. is backing up the overthrow of this city- for political purposes. I mentioned how the Iraqi troops we are backing are Shia [Muslim division] and some of the population of Mosul are Sunni. Should we be backing up a ‘genocide’- meaning one group [Iraqi Shia] wanting to eliminate another [Sunni]. I saw a report on PBS news- the interviewer brought up the fact that the tanks that are now rolling into Mosul are flying Shia flags. Meaning- they are not there to ‘liberate’ people- but to murder Sunni. I saw another report where the U.S. backed Iraqi troops shot bullets ‘blind’ into a hiding place. The report on U.S. news did not say if women and children were hiding in there- and if they were murdered by U.S. backed troops. The military man that was confronted with the question ‘why are U.S. backed tanks flying Shia flags’- he avoided the question- and used ‘spin’. As of now- its possible women and children have been murdered- with the backup of U.S. power. That’s wrong. 3 of our men were shot and killed in Jordan yesterday- Last year a Jordanian captain shot 2 Americans. In yesterday’s incident the Jordanians claim the U.S. men did not stop at the gate- so they killed them. Yet- there are resentments that our men are there. The U.S. says it is investigating- because we don’t want it to ‘strain relations’. Meaning- yes- it’s possible they murdered our men- but- it’s more important to not have such a bad headline right before the election- because it might make Hillary and her record on foreign policy look bad. So- maybe they simply murdered our men- but- we have more important political things. Our nation is obviously divvied on the election- and it’s shocking to actually see the corruption in our government that was exposed the last few weeks by WIKI leaks. It shows a level of collusion within politics that covers up for those who have connections. The FBI agent who tipped off the Clinton people about an investigation into the emails- broke the law when he did this. The government’s official response was ‘when he tipped Clinton off- he was using his own personal email- so that’s ok’. People have gone to prison for stuff like this- but it is showing you a level of corruption inside our government. This is not simply a ‘Trump- Clinton’ thing- it is a national corruption scandal. [parts] (1143) THE FALL- God puts man in the garden, he gives him only one restriction ‘don’t eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil’ sure enough, he does! The serpent [satan] tempts Eve in 3 areas, the tree is good for food [lust of the flesh] good to look at [eyes] and can make you wise [pride]. In 1st John 2 we see these three areas mentioned as the common categories of all other temptation. These were the same areas the devil used on Jesus in Matthew 4. The temptation to Eve essentially said ‘look at this God of yours! He wont give you the freedom to do anything you want, he is withholding such a good tree from you’ sounds like the philosopher Freud, he taught that the problem with man was Gods restrictions. That if man would cast off the limits that religion imposed upon them, then all would be well. But what man did not know was that these basic limits were for his own good. When man would choose to walk out from under Gods limits, he would suffer for it. In this chapter [Gen. 3] we also see the great prophecy of the child of the woman eventually crushing the serpents head [called the Protoevangelium- Latin] a prophecy about Christ’s future victory at the Cross. God also covers man with animal’s skins, a type of the future sacrifice of Christ on behalf of man. Man tried to cover up with leaves, God said it wont do, so he sacrificed the life of an animal and used the skins as a covering. The wages of sin is death, the price was paid. In Romans chapter 5 Paul will show us that death and sin passed upon all mankind from Adams sinful act, but thru the obedience of one man [Jesus dying on the Cross] righteousness comes to those who believe. This is the basic Christian doctrine of original sin. Some refer to this as the federal head theory of redemption. I believe it’s vital for Christians to have a grasp of this doctrine. In the 19th/20th centuries you had liberal theologians deny the doctrine of Jesus dying on behalf of man. Along with this they also denied that original sin existed. Most believers realized that this denial was heresy and avoided it, but some are playing with the idea again. The bible clearly teaches the substitutionary atonement of Jesus Christ on the behalf of man [Isaiah 53] and it is a foundational doctrine for all true believers. To some it seemed unfair to charge God with the doctrine of original sin, and along with it the doctrine of Penal substitution [Christ being punished for us] these are core Christian truths, if people want to deny them, that’s their choice. But to be a Christian in the biblical sense of the word, these truths are necessary, they are part of the foundation of all true Christian churches.
VERSES- Genesis 3:1 Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? Genesis 3:2 And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: Genesis 3:3 But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. Genesis 3:4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: Genesis 3:5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. Genesis 3:6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. Genesis 3:7 And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons. Genesis 3:8 And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden. Genesis 3:9 And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou? Genesis 3:10 And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself. Genesis 3:11 And he said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat? Genesis 3:12 And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat. Genesis 3:13 And the LORD God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat. Genesis 3:14 And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life: Genesis 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. Genesis 12:1 Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee: Genesis 12:2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: Genesis 12:3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. Genesis 15:1 After these things the word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward. Genesis 15:2 And Abram said, LORD God, what wilt thou give me, seeing I go childless, and the steward of my house is this Eliezer of Damascus? Genesis 15:3 And Abram said, Behold, to me thou hast given no seed: and, lo, one born in my house is mine heir. Genesis 15:4 And, behold, the word of the LORD came unto him, saying, This shall not be thine heir; but he that shall come forth out of thine own bowels shall be thine heir. Genesis 15:5 And he brought him forth abroad, and said, Look now toward heaven, and tell the stars, if thou be able to number them: and he said unto him, So shall thy seed be. Genesis 15:6 And he believed in the LORD; and he counted it to him for righteousness. Acts 2:22 Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also know: Acts 2:23 Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain: Acts 2:24 Whom God hath raised up, having loosed the pains of death: because it was not possible that he should be holden of it. Acts 2:25 For David speaketh concerning him, I foresaw the Lord always before my face, for he is on my right hand, that I should not be moved: Acts 2:26 Therefore did my heart rejoice, and my tongue was glad; moreover also my flesh shall rest in hope: Acts 2:27 Because thou wilt not leave my soul in hell, neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption. Acts 2:28 Thou hast made known to me the ways of life; thou shalt make me full of joy with thy countenance. Acts 2:29 Men and brethren, let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch David, that he is both dead and buried, and his sepulchre is with us unto this day. Acts 2:30 Therefore being a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne; Acts 2:31 He seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell, neither his flesh did see corruption. Acts 2:32 This Jesus hath God raised up, whereof we all are witnesses. Acts 2:33 Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted, and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, he hath shed forth this, which ye now see and hear. Acts 2:34 For David is not ascended into the heavens: but he saith himself, The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, Acts 2:35 Until I make thy foes thy footstool. Acts 2:36 Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made the same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ.
Hebrews 11:8 By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went. Hebrews 11:9 By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise: Hebrews 11:10 For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God. Hebrews 11:11 Through faith also Sara herself received strength to conceive seed, and was delivered of a child when she was past age, because she judged him faithful who had promised. Hebrews 11:12 Therefore sprang there even of one, and him as good as dead, so many as the stars of the sky in multitude, and as the sand which is by the sea shore innumerable. Hebrews 11:13 These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. Hebrews 11:14 For they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country. Hebrews 11:15 And truly, if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned. Hebrews 11:16 But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city. Hebrews 11:17 By faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac: and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son, Hebrews 11:18 Of whom it was said, That in Isaac shall thy seed be called:
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Galatians 3
Sunday sermon 3-24-19
2017- Jan- Nov stuff
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List of possible hoaxes known:
Ballistic missiles
Ball earth
Space station
Cruise missiles
Nuclear power plants
Jet engines
Power storage
Ancient rome
Ancient Greece
Ancient Egypt
Ancient history
Nuclear weapons
Nuclear bombs
Atomic bombs
Nuclear power plant failures/catastrophes
Speed of light
Ball earth
Population numbers
Number data of countries and the world
Richest people
Resource hoax
Conservation of mass
Conservation of energy
Free energy true or not
Moon landings
Black holes
Religion believed or not
God believed or not
False relitgions believed or not
Muhammad believed or not
Records of history
Mongol empire
Ancient india
Ancient china
Aliens demons
Jesus believed or not
Demons believed or not
Angels believed or not
Camera lens
Fisheye lens
Earth flat or round
Earth flat or ball
Ufos believed or demons or not
Aliens believed or demons or not
Big bang
History of india
Ottoman empire
Arab history
Turkish history
Us history
Black moors
Black Egyptians
Moorish world empire
Pre-Columbian contact between continents
Quantum physics
String theory
Quantum mechanics
Hypersonic reenertry
Space probes
Other solar systems
Solar system
Extrasolar planets
Ocean garbage patches
Shape of earth
Ball earth
Spherical earth
Native American history and identity
Mound builders
Ancient india temples
Ancient india
Technological level
Stone age to bronze age to iron age idea
Cold war
Nuclear missiles
North  Korea
Aircraft carriers
Supercomputer defense systems
Intercenptor missiles
Thor system missil defese
Ballistic missiles
Terror attacks
Boston bombing
7/7/7 London
Resource limits
Derren Brown
Laws of physics
Conservation of momentum
Resource limits
Nuclear bombs
Atomic bombs
Nuclear tests
Nuclear power plants
Khmer Empire
Chola kingdom
Srivijayan empire
Majapahit empire
Spanish empire
British empire
Us history
Us colonial history
Us pre-Columbian history
100 years war
Turkish history
European history
Greek history
Irish history
English history
French history
Spanish history
Moroccan history
Moorish history
Moabite history
Jewish history
Saudi  Arabia history
Chinese history
Japanese history
Egyptian history
Island count
Island shape
Island count
Arctic islands
Oil origin
Oil amount
Chemistry of oil
Ancient sites
Archeological sites
Ancient history
How much of the earth is green rather than desert
Fake deserts
Planted sand
Fake sand in Egypt
Fake sahara desert
Sahara desert sand
Gobi desert
Sonoran desrt
Atacama desert
Bonneville salt flats
Great plains
mysterious lines and circles
land amount
land limits
amount of continents
amount of regions
other continents
Shangri la
How earth works
Time travel
Unable to multiply
Unability to create
Ancients were stupid idea
Idea that people lived for hundreds of thousands of years without advancing or accomplishing anything
Native American lack of civilization idea
Australian lack of civilization idea
African lack of civilization idea
Age of buildings
Age of sites
Modern history
Korean war
Vietnam war
Iraq war
Interceptor missiles
Iron dome
Syrian missile attacks
Al Qaeda
Al Nusra
Boko Haram
End of the world
Leaders are cisgendered or trans idea
Leaders are all in the same side together or are independent idea
Leaders are actors/actresses or real idea
All the world’s a stage or the world is real idea
What is seen
Camera lens
Flat earth or ball idea
Flat earth which theory is true idea
Pearl harbor
The blitz
Plane crashes
Helicopter crashes
Train crashes
Boat crashes
Animal swarms
Things falling from the sky real or not
Saints real or not
Miracles real or not
Weather warfare or not
Cryptocurrency reality and purpose
CERN real or not or true purpose
Weather control or not
Petroglyph reality or not and interpretations
Natural disasters
Supervolcanoes or not
Volcanic eruptions or not
Lava destroying towns or not
Tsunamis real or not
South America nomes
India sites real or not and interpretations
China sites real or not and interpretations
Japan sites interpretations and real or not
Native American sites how many are real and interpretation of sites
Americas sites real or not and interpretations
Ancient world in the Americas
South America sites real or not
Asia sites
Oceania sites real or not and interpretations
Polar sites real or not and interpretation
Africa sites real or not and interpretations
Australia sites real or not and interpretations
Antarctica sites real or not and interpretations
Polynesia sites real or not and interpretations
Pacific sites real or not and interpretations
Underwate sites sites real or not and interpretations
Spac sites sites real or not and interpretations
Indonesia pyramid
Ancient Greece are the megaliths part of Ancient Greece or not
Ancient Rome are the
The Americas megaliths are they native American, Spanish, modern or something else and what else ideas including aliens and atlantis and Lemuria and pre-Columbian contact ideas
Irish in the Americas
Polynesians in the Americas
Australian aborigines in the Americas
Pacific contact between cultures before Columbus and Magellan
Atlantic contact between cultures before Columbus
Irish in new  Zealand
Irish in china
Trade routes
Age of sail/discovery/exploration possible or not
Did the people in history exist or not
Were people who they say they were
Are people who they say they were
Are people real or holograms
Advanced technology real or too advanced
Tesla technology
Longitudinal waves
Free energy real or not and which machines are real and does it occur in nature/world idea
Technology what is real and does it match the bible
Self driving cars
Ai robots true purpose
Sentient World simulations
Speeches like Geordie rose demon takeover or just talk
Demon takeover possible or not
Chemtrails real or not
Chemtrails whats in them and purpose and links to population control, bluebeam, create disease in population, alien, ufo, demon, and other ideas
Weather getting colder idea and link to population control and demon ideas
AI dolls and AI sex dolls real purpose and demonic possession idea
Electricity what is it idea
Electricity demon takeover and sigils idea
History of technology when were things invented and improved
Levitation real or not
Levitation videos
Magicians real or not are they demons or demon assisted idea
Voyages in the Age of sail/discovery/exploration are they possible with the details suggested such as cargo crew distance navigation ocean waves/currents ship size.
Slave trade real or fake
Slavery possible or not
Slave rebellions real or not
Africa history how much is fake or all of it fake
Empires possible or not
Large wooden ships are they possible or not
Age of sail and discovery
Colonization possible or not or not enough technology
Colonial America history
Ghosts real or not and what are they ideas
Ghosts demons or not
UFOs/Aliens are they demons or not
City sites
Nubian pyramids
Mysterious places real or fake
Caves with aliens or technology inside
Dulce base and the alien idea
Area 51 and the alien or advanced technology or flying UFOs idea
Walmart tunnels
Underground tunnels
Egypt under tunnels
Tunnels under the ocean
Evolution missing link skeletons
Black or white or olive-skinned Moors
Black or white or olive-skinned or mix Ancient Egyptians
Megaliths sites
Antarctica pyramid
Crop circles
Ufo abductions
Demons are aliens or not idea
England white horse petr
Ireland glyphs
Irish pyramids real or fake
Mauritius pyramid
Canary pyramid
Italy pyramid
India temples purpose age supernatural whats inside are they real how many are real interpretation of use and interpretation of carvings
Ancient mali
Ancient Ghana
Songhai empire
Benin empire
Great Zimbabwe
Ibo sculptures
Benin bronzes
Africa artifact is the detail possible or not
Spanish cathedrals and statues
Spanish cathedrals and statues details possible or not or too advanced
Automatons and early modern technology which wer real
History of industrial revolution who invented which machines, how many were around, who improved the machines, which machines were real, what counts as industrial revolution
Artifact detail possible or not
Artifacts real or not or not what they say
Ancient Egypt real or not and what was it idea
Ancient technology or supertechnology real or not and which were real idea
African empires which were real, how advanced were they, and other ideas
Ufo encounters real or fake
Rendlesham air force base UFO real or not
Progect Serpo real or not
Does the US Gov really study aliens
Ecuador pyramid
Ecuador cave and links to giants
Father Crespi arfitacts real or fake Ica stones real or not
Ancient Americas artifacts real, fake, modified, or made-up stories idea and which are real and interpretation
Vidos of mysterious creatures real, cgi, man in suit, prop, or real, and the if it is real what is it idea linking to demons/aliens/cryptids
Cryptids real or not and are they illusions/animals/demons idea
Cryptid footage and stories/pictures real or made up or faked or animal or what is it idea
Bigfoot/yeti/yowie/alma/skunkape real or not, is it a man in costume or mistaken animal idea, is it there, is it elaves/trees/pareidolia, and ghost/interdimensional/demon ideas
Jersey devil real or not and what is it and demon idea
Moon base
Mars base
Mars base is it real, walmart/mall, cgi, human or alien idea
Space sites
Nazca lines
Australia figures
Nazca figures
North America Stonehenges
North America mounds real or fake, who built them, how were they built, when were they built, are they natural, when were they built, and the moors/Atlantis/megaliths/Mormon/giants/demons idea
South America structures/buildings/pyramids/mounds/earthworks which are sites, which are real or fake, when were they built, are they natural, how were they built, and who made them and giants/irish/Celts/Malians/Polynesians/Altantis/Lemuria idea
Britain/Ireland Stone circles
Carving technology
Origin of technology aliens, God, demons, human and how was it possible
Britain/Ireland mounds how were they built
Ancient Egypt sites which are Ancient Egyptian and are they real or fake and how modified are they.
Irish glyphs are they real and whit are they
Irish sites
Irish mythology which groups are real and what are they if any of them and which stories are real, were artifiacts real, who are the supposed gods and mythical creatures link to aliens demons and other ideas, and interpretation
Russian mythology real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation
English mythology real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation
French mythology real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation
Celtic mythology real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation
German mythology real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation
Australian mythology real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation
Papuan mythology real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation
Native American mythology real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation
Native South American mythology real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation
Pacific mythology real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation
Oceanian mythology real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation
New Zealand mythology real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation
Polynesian mythology real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation and links to demons/aliens
Siberian mythology real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation
Mongolian mythology real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation
Tatar mythology real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation
Turkish mythology real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation
Brazilian mythology real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation
South American mythology after Columbus real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation
American mythology after Columbus real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation
Egyptian mythology mythology real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation
Middle eastern mythology mythology real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation
Asian mythology mythology real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation
Korean mythology real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation
Chinese mythology real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation
Japanese mythology real or not, is it modified, how modified is it, and interpretation
Islam real or not
Muhammad real or not
Skyships/airships real or not
Magonia imagined or links to ufos/aliens/demons
Black death real or fake, and if real what is the cause, and the did aliens/demons cause it idea
Frenc Polynesia or marquesas carvings are they people or demons or aliens and what are the tools and interpretation
Egyptian and ancient image interpretation are they letters or technology or representations or symbols
SAGE system
Radar systems
US radar
Satellite imagery cgi or combined airplane imagery
Wealth amounts
Richest people
Poorest countries
Richest countries
Money numbers
Country numbers
Number of islands a country has
Technology which are fake which are real
Tesla technology
Free energy which claims are real which are fake or scam
Canada missile defense system
Serial killers
People are they trans or not
Sugar what are the real details
Chemicals are they safe or not, and is the gov covering up unsafe chemicals
Chemicals in food
Chemicals in plastic
Petroglyphs do they show portals, giants, wizards and demons
Carvings do they show portals, giants, wizards and demons
Ancient petroglyphs, images, and carvings, do they show advanced technology
Ancient images do they show portals, giants, wizards, and demons
Jet aircraft
Sight distances
Turbines is it air powered
Turbines are they free energy
Oil fuel does it come from the ground or where does it come from
Engines cand they work are they possible
Jet engines can they work
Computers are they possible
Electricity what is it and why is it everywhere
Electricity does it cause harm
School shootings
Boston bombing
Nuclear icebreakers are they
North pole is it real
South pole is it real
Russia islands many with unpronounceable names are they real or not how many are there
Arctic islands
Antarctic islands
Falkland islands
South Georgia
South Sandwich islands
Bouvet islands
French Antarctic territory islands
Flat earth geography and real shape
6 day war
Middle east wars
Gaza war
Antarctica on flat earth how fare does it extend
Flat earth is there land beyond Antarctica
Dimension travel is it real or not
Time t
Taured is it real or not
Laxaria in Sakria does it exist or not
Lizbia does it exist or not, and is it Lisbon, Lesbos, or
Continent definition are there 7 or not or is it regions
Continents are there more tha
Northwest passage
Northeast passage
Ship crashes
Space junk
Falling space stations
Space stations
Chinese space
Russian space
3 mile island
Human body
The mind
Human mind
The human mind
Continental drift
Explorer voyage details
Explorer journeys
Nuclear test
Vietnam war
Korean war
Iraq war
Gaza war
6 day war
Missile attacks
Syria missile attacks
Yemen missile attacks
Gaza missile attacks
Volcanic eruptions
Climate history
Climate change
Global warming
Continental drift
Continental drift Cuba Haiti Panama impossible motion and Australia move fast
Tesla roadster
Fake countries
Special relativity
Spacetime warp
4 fundamental forces
Subatomic particles
Particle colliders
Fake politics
Fake elections candidates selected and prechosen winner is placed
Continent shapes
Island shapes
Islands in the oceans
Islands near continents
Islands near other land
Islands near other islands
Antarctic geography
Antarctic climate
The arctic
Antarctic bases
Antarctic research bases
Atlantic islands
Arctic islands
Pacific islands
Indian ociean islands
Antarctic islands
Polynesian islands
Polynesian history
Polynesian history were they the first and was it continuous or several
Indonesian islands
Islands in seas
Islands in lakes
Antarctic stations
Geography modified or cgi land
Cgi stations or
Lighting effects on google earth land/buildings
Images cgi or studio set somewhere else
Fake or modified or real islands
Fake or modified or real land
Fake or modified or real continents
Island and land locations
Island and land shapes
Glaciers and ice and snow
Climate hoax
Tornado hoax
Hurricane hoax
Lights hoax
Ufo hoax
Drought hoax
Starvation hoax
Africa hoax
Africa poverty hoax
India poverty hoax
Nepal poverty hoax
First world poverty not recognized
Poverty hoax
Money hoax
Country hoax
Country hoax not real
Micronation hoax not real
Asgardia hoax
Document hoax
Supplies hoax
Cargo plane hoax
Cargo drop hoax
Supply drop hoax
Weapons hoax
Military vehicles hoax plastic and cardboard
Military planes hoax pla
Military hoax parades
North  korea hoax
North  korea parades
North  korea events
Middle East events lots most common place of origin outside of asia
Asia Events hoax second most common
Other regions events hoax
Antarctica events hoax
Plane crash hoax
Train crash hoax
Weather how much is fake, real or modified
Chemtrails how much is chemtrail or contrail if any chemtrails
Events hoax
Stockpile hoax
Fort Knox hoax
Gold hoax
Metal hoax
Mining hoax everything involved with hoax material
Elements hoax
Chemical hoax
Chemical origins hoax where are they really from or are they synthesized
Oil hoax
Politics hoax
National anthem
National legends nonsense and heavily modified stories like thanksgiving
National stories just for show
News hoax
Drought hoax
Somaliland drauthg hoax
Africa child starvation hoax
Child starvation hoax
Africa villages how many are fake, real, modified, supported, or film sets
Africa only poor areas filmed
Advancement hoax how advanced
Technology how advanced is technology at a given time, and what is hidden, also connect with made up nonworking technologies
Other countries in space
Land how much land on the earth whether flat or ball or whatever shape
Russia space
Private space
Israel space
other country space
space organizations
nonprofit organizations how many are real
Vatican what is in the library, Jesuit involvement, what
Budgets what is real or changed or hoax
Debt what is real or changed or hoax
Money origin is it really money or made up to serve as money
Supernatural how much influence
God how much influence
Jesus how much influence
Paganism distraction from Jesus and God or not
Mythology how many are real events, how much is promoted as distraction from Jesus and God
Gods are they believed as a tgoo
Magic how much works
Spells how much works
Voodoo how much works
Santeria how much works
Witchcraft how much works
Wicca how much works
Ascended masters
Akashic records
Homeopathy is it real how much does it work
Dowsing how well does it work if at all
Quantum is it real, how much is real, is it a distraction from ether, is it a distraction from Jesus and God
Law of attraction real, not real, how powerful is it, is it satanic or not, is it a distraction from Jesus and God
Popular figures are they actors/actresses, paid, or not
New age is it created or promoted by Satan, how much does it work, or does it work at all
Evolution was it created by Satan, how real is it, how much of it is real
Planets hoax
Planet names why after pagan gods/goddesses
UFOs are they demonic, reversed technology, real at all, how many are real and what are the real ones
Antarctic island real or not how much how many
Arctic islands are they real, and how many are real, modified, or hoax
Antarctic stations
Antarctic stations
Global warming climate change
Antarctic stories
World stories
October island
Russia Arctic islands
Arctic islands
Peter island
Belleny islands
South orkney
French southern and Antarctic lands
South Georgia real or not
Falklands probably real
Falkland war
Vanuatu probably real
Continents are they connected in different places or at all
Continents were they connected in the past like amexum, atlantis, lemuria, hyperborea, mu
Fake stations on islands
Ile st paul
Ile Amsterdam
Kerguelen base
Kerguelen island/s
Hawaii faked images or more land than said or real
Casey station
Commondante ferante station
O’higgins station real or ake
Chilean station antarctica
Ukraine station antarctica
Bharati station
King Sejong station
Bellingshausen station
Mc Murdo station
Czech station
Amundsen-Scott station
Tahiti how big how many or real
Shape of Tahiti and land
Tahiti several islands labeled Tahiti, all islands in French Polynesia sometimes called Tahiti, mostly bora bora labeled Tahiti
More land on earth labeled under same name or not
Easter Island
Lusitania ship hoax or real probably hoax
Mesoamerica civilizations
Sioux real or not
Navaho real or not
Inuit/Eskimo real or not
Native Americans are they the first
Native Americans real or not
Pacific islands are they real now many how real how much land fake pictures or not
Vehicles power source and engine
Cars power source and engine
Trucks power source and engine
Buses power source and engine
Pacific islands
Diego Garcia probably real
Ocean islands
Bora bora several or
Multiple of each islands or
Multiple continents or same
Rodrigues island real or not, probably real
Reunion real or not
Mauritius real or not and link to dodos
Adegey island
Extinct animals
Dodo birds
Skunk ape
Jersey devil real or demon or not real
French plane crash in Atlantic
Atlantic ocean crash
Plane crashes links with fake videos of them
Ocean floor
Ocean creatures real fake, modified, or some real, how many are real
Fairies real or fake, are they wasps, are they al cardboard and cgi if not wasps
Marshall Islands
Diego Garcia
Diego Garc
Giant squid
Ghost real or not, are they demons, how many are real, are all demons or some ghosts
Airports and link to fake airport video and population hoax
Population numbers
Richest people in the world
Chinese countryside far more green than shown on satellite/aerial images
Turkish countryside far mor green than shown on satellite.
Country countrysides far more green than shown on satellite/aerial images
saudi  arabia countryside
iraq countryside
Azerbaijani/Azeri countryside
Country countrysides how green are they really
Arable land how much is there really
Deserts how empty are they really
Deserts how dry are they really
Deserts how large are they really
Ice events
Noreaster real how sever
Rain real or not severe
Floods real or fake
October islands
Arctic islands
Russia islands
Nepal earthquake
Nov 23
London bridge attacks
Manchester bombings
Ariana Grande bombings
Sonoran desert fairly gren
Mojabe desert
Gobi desert has plants and sand placed
Sahara desert has plants and sand placed
Namib desert has plants and sand placed
Kalahari desert
Australia desert
Vehicle/bus hits bridge
Animal swarms bees, bugs, etc.
Gaza war relocation and destruction and construction
WW2 relocation and destruction and construction
Millions of years
Billions of years
Sea level
Sinking islands
Sinking Venice
Areas rising or falling in elevation over time
Comandante Ferraz Antarctic Station
Numbers connection with physics is the model the same and checks needed before saying it is
Serial killers
Connection between math and physics
Interpretation of physics
Interpretation of the world
Serial killers
Criminal detection techniques how many are real and which are made up or modified
Jack the Ripper real or fiction, what actually happened
Satanic rituals did they occur or not
Levitating people how many actually levitated
Levitation videos are they real or fake, usually with strings, poles, cranes, and CGI
Pizzagate fake but relevance to other events/hoaxes
Walmart children real or not
Child abduction and sacrifice by elites stories
Crime rings
CERN true purpose or fake
Dwave true purpose or fake
Sandy Hook
School shootings
Shootings and bombings which are fake which are real
Turkey coup Erdogan
Physics actually supernatural
Famous and well known people
Celebrities trans and actors and Masonic/elite
Politicians trans and actors and Masonic/elite
Pretty much everything
Weight volume and chemistry
Water what is it and where does it really come from Jesus/God, already there, chemical reactions, and/or what
Oil what is it and where does it really come from, ground, synthesized, found, and is it infinite abiogenetic, alchemy
Alchemy is it real or not, how much of it is real, does it work
Synthesis one element to another
Transmutation one element to another, alchemy and plants
Plant transmutation
Elements which ones are real, are the other ones createable, how many are fake, are there stable useable ones beyond 118? Can they be used in propultion
Are elements elements or just normal materials presented as other or elements.
Elements is it really supernatural, demonic, and idea pieces and Godly rather than material
UFO propulsion real, hoax, or demonic, and links to elements
Reversed engineered ufo real, hoax or demonic
Population. Really 1 billion instead of 7 or 8 or 9 billion
Gasoline why does it float
Ice does it float for the reason they say
Miniature forces
Wandervalls force
Hydrogen bonding
Hydrophobic hydrophilic
Oil products what are they really
Plastics what are they really
Food is
Biology is it consistent
Plants how do they grow and hybrids reproduce, but animals hybrids can’t reproduce
Physical chemistry
Water mysteries
Types of water
How body works
How works
How animals work
How mind works
The mind
The brain is the soul hidden
The soul dismissed as fake but is real
Christianity dismissed as fake but is real
Miracles dismissed but many cases of miracles are real
Continents how many are there, also shape, geography, climate terrain, size, etc.
Regions how many are there, also shape geography climate, terrain, size, etc.
Islands how many are there, also shape, geography, climate terrain, size, etc.
Oceans how many are there, also shape, geography, climate terrain, size, etc.
Seas how many are there, also shape, geography, climate terrain, size, etc.
Sakria Laxaria, Taured, etc, are they real or not
Mauritius real or fake probably real, has geography that matches the images and maps and fake geography that doesn’t, links to dodo bird
Reunion could be real or fake, many different areas supposedly on the same island
Reunion images some match some don’t but google shows different island shape entirely
Islands not the islands shown on map
Land not what is shown on map
Oceans not what is shown on map
Continents not what is shown on map
Seas not what is shown on map
Mandela effect real or not
Do petroglyphs really show portals giants beings/demons/aliens and wizards/sorcerers and who are the gods/goddesses sen
Gods/Godesses who are they aliens demons, real people with magic powers, normal smart people, or made up
Tour/travel guides are they showing the real islands and lands/waters
Dodo bird
Passenger pigeon
Rodrigues Island different on the map than the images
Colonies in Americas were the people already there from a collapsed or higher civilization?
Races are the blacks and whites native to the Americas
Costa  Rica links to land or island Mandela effect and dodo bird supposed sightingUSA
How advanced were aboriginal peoples of the world
Megaliths are they real or fake
Asuncion Island
Mayotte fake or real different islands shown as Mayotte and does not match the map
Sabertooth tiger
Primitive men
Evolution humans
Evolution fossils
Geneology /ancestry how much is real
DNA is it real
Google imagery made to look like ball earth
Car crashes
Miracles are they real or faked and cause of them
Cities and their events
Locations and their events
Singapore, Michigan
Raising of Chicago real or not
Mudflood is it possible and did it happen or not
Extreme weather events
Ice crashing against the shore
Ile st. Paul(several of them)
Heard and mcdonald islands
Kerguelen islands (several or different)
Orcadas Base
Vanuatu (several of them)
O’Higgins Station
Halley VI Station
Bharati Station
War imagery
Americdan revolution
Liberty bell
American revolution trinkets
Museum artifacts
Historical artifacts
George Washington George 3 or not
Tsunamis how many are real how much damage
Plate tectonics
Lakes how formed
Mountains how formed
History of technology
Direction of human advancement have humans just regaining what was possible before been are humans even going backwards rather than evolving in technology
Nonhuman intervention in earth
Demon involvement
Alien involvement
Mary dyer
Anne Hutchinson
Founding of America different or even Moors involved
Colonal America
White privilege
Leaders actually puppets
Continental divide
Northwest passage location and how many
How mountains formed
Origin of humans
Origin of life
Stories purporting to be real how much is real
Battle of quebec was it real or even possible
Battle of Montreal was it even imagined
American revolution real or not French fleet seems useful after having
Trafalgar fake too many versions, general was shot, French had just won the American revolution, also number code
Battle of fallen timbers and war cannons and horses mysteriously appear and natives not have
Tecumseh war they would have already won the Pontiac war and Tecumseh would have another
Battle of Thermopylae problems everywhere, the Greeks would lose in minutes
Battle of marathon someone else would replace the fallen general, and the Persians would not leave, also the Persians supposedly have a million soldiers
Pontiac war smallpox blankets or not and they already took all the forts
Northwest Indian war
Wild West
Wild West outlaws
Spanish American war
Mexican American war
War of 1812
Transcontinental railroads
Transcontinental railroad
Trans Siberian railway
Construction feats longer than mentioned
Buildings how build by who and when
Fomenko how real is it
History how much is real and what details are real
Continental divides
Mountain formation
River borders
Northwest passage is it real and how many
Rivers being separate idea, actually connect
Who built the railroads
Famous figures were they real
Who built the buildings and how
Black build railroads really Irish, Germans, and Chinese
Blacks build things really Irish, Germans, and Chinese
Blacks built buildings how many actually
Blacks did things how much and how many were actually working on such
Black inventions most not really invented by them
Inventions by race
Puddling furnace
Open hearth furnace
Airplane engine
Train engine
Car engine
Bus engine
Truck engine
Tractor engine
Powertools when invented and which designed worked or didn’t work
Motorboat when invented and does it work as said
Appliances when invented and does it work as said
Machine engine
Leonardo which worked which didn’t how many did he really design and what oned did he really design
Inventors which machines worked and which were flights of fancy
Quotes how many were actually said by the person claimed if said at all
Ancestry geneology genetics dna has been faked before, how much is real if much at all
Roads how made, what made of, how long last etc.
Concrete how made, what made of, how long last, etc.
Skyscrapers who built was it really the Irish, and concrete how does it stay up, and when built, and how work, how long to build, how many people, how are they built, which pictures are of real work if any and many other issues
Construction projects how long does it take and how many are real or are as hard as claimed
China construction projects are they really better and faster than the “West” ones.
Tunnels how long to dig
Construction project labor before mid 20th century, who is working on such if people supposedly die on it every other day, safety, how long to build, how built, etc.
Power plants
OTEC power plants
Wave power plants
Tidal power plants
Ocean power plants
Sun power plants
Hydroelectric power plants not powerful enough possibly, free energy or other used possible
Coal power plants
Oil power plants
Nuclear power plants
Car how works probably real
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digi-lead · 7 years ago
The Syrian Conflict in five minutes
The Syrian Conflict in five minutes
Update (9/01/2014) This animation was published on June of 2013 and since then many new developments have occurred: The rise of ISIS and the loss of influence of the Free Syrian Army; the consolidation of Assad’s power and the destabilization of Iraq among others. Although I would love to update the video, I have moved to other projects, but I believe the causes of the conflict and the events…
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jackanton203-blog · 7 years ago
I Was Held Hostage By Isis. They Anxiety Our Unity Greater Than Our Airstrikes.
Greater states of consciousness are naturally intriguing to people because most of us naturally recognize that things are simply simpler to recognize when we aren't shed in our normal day to day troubles that afflict us from day to day. Nowadays, a lot of individuals are coming to be health aware which is why most people are trying different techniques in order to enhance their wellness and also at the same time by seeing to it that they should attempt different things when it comes to improving the health and wellness of their enjoyed ones. Excellus BlueCross BlueShield has actually assigned the August Family members Birth Place at Unity Hospital as a Blue Distinction Center for pregnancy treatment. Computer Animation: Usage Timeline, Anima2D, Particles, and limited integration with Various other as well as maya 3rd event devices to stimulate straight within Unity. Trump's comments stimulated an online argument, with people sustaining the head of state utilizing the hashtag #BoycottNFL and those backing the opposing gamers utilizing the hashtag #TakeAKnee. This Kickstarter project is not simply to increase funds for printing but likewise to motivate enthusiasts of the Spencer household's art to participate in the excitement of releasing a major magazine and also exhibition. I assume it's an impression to assume that individuals that have actually led us this far and also declared freedom are going to just leave because a regulation is released," Mr Olivella said of the charge of Article 155 and the Spanish government's termination of Catalonia's whole pastoral team. An area of developers sharing their job, procedure, as well as existing tasks. In a time when even phones have substantial visual power under the hood, why do so lots of developers continue to make games with a visual design based around typical 2D art designs, such as pixel art? Similarly, in like fashion, since we are produced in the photo of God, we need to enjoy one an additional because our shared love - our common problem, our mutual accessory, our common bond - aids hold the body of Christ with each other. The programmer, Kazuya Noshiro, Chief Executive Officer of video game advancement firm ViRD, shared a short video clip of his face (mostly) masked right into the background of his kitchen. Individuals thinking about establishing commercial top quality 2D and 3D video games either expertly or as a pastime. Unity 3D, the increasingly prominent WYSIWYG-- ish engine for structure computer game, does a great deal of things truly well. The adhering to video games show how good Unity games work, in addition to providing you a concept concerning how they will certainly look and also play. The new Improvement has to do with freeing God's individuals from the church (the institution). Duty Playing Gamings can be complex monsters to develop, with numerous interacting gameplay systems. To remedy this, I produced my very own YouTube video collection focused on Unity game development, where I have actually had the advantage of helping countless other individuals expand their enthusiasm for game growth. Occasionally it's less complicated for us to think of an Angel enjoying us. Assuming God loves us might be too big of a believed to cover our head around. If we remind ourselves that even though our life experience takes many forms and also deals with, we can much better hold room for the makeover we seek if we hold ourselves and also others in the Presence, understanding, and also BE-ing of the Unified Area of Love. Ms McDonald is expected to invest a lot of her time south of the border but as the leader of an all-island event she will additionally need to keep a close eye on growths in the various other territory. " Angela is the unity prospect, she is not flinching as well as will certainly test Jeremy but for the purpose of the event we are enabling him more time to do the ideal point. The reason it has to do with the papacy is that the king of the north" is the king of Babylon (Ezekiel 26:7) as well as during completion, it's not about a city in Iraq, but spiritual Babylon with half a dozen clues in Revelation 17: a harlot involved with federal governments and kings is decked with gold (affluent) and also scarlet (shade of cardinals), inebriated with the blood of saints (eliminated 50-100 million in middle ages times when it had assistance of federal governments) and also is Mom of Plague" as it was behind the Campaigns, World War and II Should you loved this short article and you wish to receive details regarding just click the following web site i implore you to visit our web-site. .
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usnewsaggregator-blog · 7 years ago
Jordan's 'Holy War on Dogs'
New Post has been published on https://usnewsaggregator.com/jordans-holy-war-on-dogs/
Jordan's 'Holy War on Dogs'
AMMAN—Jordan’s “holy war against dogs” began in late October, after a two-year-old girl, Malak al-Qaraan, died from a rabid dog’s bite. Malak was outside with her family when a stray dog appeared and bit her face, according to her uncle, 23-year-old Abdullah Rawashdeh. When they got to the hospital, the doctor stitched up her wound without treating or checking her for rabies, Rawashdeh said. Three weeks later, Malak was dead.
Shortly after the death, Jordan’s grand mufti—the country’s top religious scholar—said on a radio show that it’s permissible to kill a dog that’s attacking you, your children or your livestock. Human life is more valuable than animal life, the mufti said. Listeners took his words as a fatwa, an Islamic legal ruling, kicking off a dog hunt that swept the Hashemite Kingdom. The radio show’s host, a Jordanian journalist named Mohammad al-Wakeel, started a hashtag in Arabic: #together_to_eliminate_stray_dogs. Within days, Jordanian municipalities were poisoning or shooting hundreds of stray dogs across the country.
On November 8, Jordanian media reported that more than 800 stray dogs had been killed in the city of Karak alone. On Facebook, a video circulated of pre-dawn snipers in the city of Zarqa, driving around in the early morning to shoot stray dogs out of the backs of their trucks. More than 1,400 comments quickly accumulated, many of them praising the snipers for destroying the dogs who were threatening Jordan’s children.
Others protested the killings, circulating homemade videos and petitions bearing grisly images: rows of dog carcasses lined up on the street or piled in the back of a truck, blood smeared across their fur; dogs writhing on the ground, twitching from poison or glassy-eyed in a pool of blood; a bullet-ridden pup with several toes missing, limping across a tile floor to nuzzle at a bowl of food.
Foreigners began to criticize Jordan’s policies, with dog-lovers in Colorado and Michigan sharing a counter-hashtag: #stop_killing_them_jo. “Dogs are being hunted down and shot because the country’s religious leader has declared a holy war on dogs,” declared one U.S. organization’s petition, calling for an end to the “unprecedented massacre” of street animals in the Hashemite Kingdom. “I encourage you NOT to travel to Jordan and spend your hard-earned money there,” wrote one American woman on Facebook. “America is the 4th largest group of tourists in Jordan. If we hurt their tourism sector, they will be forced to reconsider.”
Jordan generally presents itself to the West as a moderate and progressive country—the week that the dog killings began, Jordan was hosting an international science forum at the Dead Sea, calling for research collaboration as a pathway to conflict resolution—but it is also more socially conservative than many of its Middle Eastern neighbors, especially in terms of religious attitudes. There have been extremist attacks in the country, most recently in December 2016, when 19 people were killed, including a Canadian tourist, in a shooting at the Karak castle, a popular tourist site. Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the founder of al-Qaeda in Iraq, which evolved into ISIS, was Jordanian. Jordan is also one of the top sources of foreign fighters for ISIS in Iraq and Syria. These realities may help explain why some Westerners, hearing about the canine catastrophe, took it for granted that religion was to blame for the killing spree.  
But the peculiar thing about Jordan’s “holy war on dogs” is that it doesn’t exist, according to Jordan’s Dar al-Iftaa, the institution that issues religious rulings. The mufti’s words were never intended as a command to kill, said Ahmad al-Hasanat, secretary general of Dar al-Iftaa. “It is forbidden to kill dogs like this,” said al-Hasanat. Contrary to portrayals of the fatwa as a brutal imperative to kill, the original fatwa only allowed killing of a dog that is threatening one’s life, al-Hasanat said. “If there are dogs living on the streets, no one is saying to kill them.”
The potential issue with fatwas is not that they are strict religious commands, but the opposite: They are non-binding religious opinions, only sometimes put in writing, that are left open to the individual’s interpretation and choice of whom he wants to obey. Typically given as answers to individuals’ specific questions, fatwas are based on deliberation and analysis by qualified religious scholars called muftis. The difference between fatwas and court rulings is that no one is obligated to follow a fatwa; it’s not a law, and ignoring it incurs no penalty.
“Religious authority is not forced,” al-Hasanat said. “We only give advice. If someone takes it, great. If not, what can we do? I give him a fatwa, and he decides.”
It’s not unusual for a fatwa to cause conflict, said Jenny Berglund, a religion professor at Södertörn University in Sweden. “When there was an Iranian fatwa saying it was okay to kill Salman Rushdie, for example, a lot of people went around trying to kill him,” Berglund said.
The lack of force in Jordan’s fatwa system is what enabled Jordanians to misinterpret the grand mufti’s words, even as they acknowledge the importance of having religious approval for killing. “In Islam, if you want to kill animals, it’s not easy. But if the animal is a threat to humans, you can kill it,” said Rawashdeh, uncle of the girl who died. “It would be forbidden to kill dogs if the mufti didn’t speak this way.” The girl’s death had been caused equally by the dog and by the doctor’s mistake of not treating her for rabies, he said. Still, he supported the supposed fatwa. “Any stray dog should be killed, because they hurt people,” he said.
Dogs have long been considered unclean in most schools of Islamic law, said Berglund, who published a paper on the status of dogs in Islam. But there is no basis in the Koran or hadith for mass killings of dogs—nor is there an imperative to do so in the fatwa. The driving force behind Jordan’s dog shootings is not Islamic government, it seems, but Jordanian people’s preexisting irritation with an uncontrolled stray dog problem. In 2014, for example, local media reported that residents were asking the municipality of Zarqa to get rid of strays after dogs attacked an elderly woman and several children, but that the officials refused, saying that killing dogs was forbidden and against Islamic law.
“Probably a lot of people in Jordan are just fed up with stray dogs. It’s a very human thing. You pick up this fatwa to get rid of the dogs harassing your family and stealing food,” Berglund said. “If this mufti had said it’s permissible to kill horses or donkeys, people wouldn’t have started to kill horses or donkeys. There are plenty of fatwas on helping the poor, too, but look how many people do nothing for the poor.”
In this case, religion may be serving people’s social aims, not the other way around. Whereas foreigners assumed the “war on dogs” was coming from the demands of strict religious authority, it may actually be the opposite: Jordan’s religious flexibility has allowed space for dog-haters to use a fatwa as an excuse to kill them.
On November 12, Jordan’s Dar al-Iftaa issued a new fatwa, quoting the Koran’s call for mercy toward animals and clarifying that animals should only be killed in self-defense, and even then, only humanely. Yet the killings have continued, and will go on unless legal and social solutions are found.
“It’s forbidden to kill dogs like this. It’s outside the fatwa,” al-Hasanat said. “But this is just my advice.”
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tendance-news · 7 years ago
Scene of Deadly Attack at Egypt Mosque
At least 235 people were killed when militants detonated explosives and sprayed gunfire at a crowded Sufi mosque near Egypt’s Sinai coast.
Publish Date
November 24, 2017. Photo by European Pressphoto Agency. Watch in Times Video »
CAIRO — Militants detonated a bomb inside a crowded mosque in the Sinai Peninsula on Friday and then sprayed gunfire on panicked worshipers as they fled, killing at least 235 people and wounding at least 109 others. Officials called it the deadliest terrorist attack in Egypt’s modern history.
The scale and ruthlessness of the assault, in an area racked by an Islamist insurgency, sent shock waves across the nation — not just for the number of deaths but also for the choice of target. Attacks on mosques are rare in Egypt, where the Islamic State has targeted Coptic Christian churches and pilgrims but avoided Muslim places of worship.
The attack injected a new element into Egypt’s struggle with militants 
because most of the victims were Sufi Muslims, who practice a mystical form of Islam that the Islamic State and other Sunni extremist groups deem heretical. And it underscored the failure of President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, who has justified his harsh crackdown on political freedom in the name of crushing Islamic militancy, to deliver on his promises of security.
“The scene was horrific,” said Ibrahim Sheteewi, a resident of Bir al-Abed, the small north Sinai town where the attack took place. “The bodies were scattered on the ground outside the mosque. I hope God punishes them for this.”
A Sinai police officer said the dead included at least 15 children. A witness put the toll even higher, saying he had helped gather the bodies of 25 children.
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Hours later the Egyptian military carried out several airstrikes near Bir al-Abed targeting militants fleeing in four-wheel-drive vehicles, an Egyptian military official said.
World leaders quickly condemned the mosque attack, with President Trump denouncing it as “horrible and cowardly.” He said later that it explained why the United States needed a border wall with Mexico and restrictions on immigration, which he referred to as “the ban.”
Donald J. Trump
Will be calling the President of Egypt in a short while to discuss the tragic terrorist attack, with so much loss of life. We have to get TOUGHER AND SMARTER than ever before, and we will. Need the WALL, need the BAN! God bless the people of Egypt.
7:49 PM - Nov 24, 2017
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Mr. Sisi has struggled to impose his authority over Sinai since he came to power in a military takeover in 2013. Islamist militants who had found a safe haven in Sinai for attacks on Israel then turned their guns on the Egyptian armed forces.
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Location of attack
Bir al-Abed
Image via Google Earth
But even by recent standards in Egypt, where militants have blown up Christian worshipers as they knelt at church pews and gunned down pilgrims in buses, the attack on Friday was unusually ruthless.
“I can’t believe they attacked a mosque,” a Muslim cleric in Bir al-Abed said by phone, requesting anonymity for fear he could also be attacked.
No group claimed responsibility for the attack, but in the past year a local affiliate of the Islamic State has killed a number of Sufis in the area and singled out the district where the attack took place as a potential target.
The attack started midday during Friday Prayers when a bomb — probably set off by a suicide bomber, security officials said — ripped through Al Rawda mosque in Bir al-Abed, 125 miles northeast of Cairo. As worshipers fled, they were confronted by masked gunmen who, witnesses said, had pulled up outside in several four-wheel-drive vehicles.
The gunmen set fire to cars parked outside the mosque to hinder escape, and opened fire on ambulances as they arrived on the scene, a government official said on state television.
Mayna Nasser, 40, who was shot twice in the shoulder, drifted in and out of consciousness as he was rushed to a hospital. “My children were there; my children were there,” he said, according to Samy, a volunteer emergency worker who drove him there and who declined to give his last name.
Local emergency services were so overwhelmed that some of the wounded had to be transported to the hospital in the back of a cattle truck, he said.
Many were taken to the general hospital in the main northern Sinai town of El Arish, where medics described chaotic scenes as staff struggled to deal with a flood of dead and wounded, many with extensive burns or severed limbs.
Most worshipers at the mosque were Sufi Muslims, who practice a mystical form of Islam that some extremists consider heretical. 
European Pressphoto Agency
“We are swamped,” said one medical official, speaking by phone on condition of anonymity. “We don’t know what to say. This is insane.”
Other victims, like Mohammed Abdel Salam, a 22-year-old construction worker, ended up in a hospital in the nearby city of Ismailia. “I wish I never stopped to pray,” he said. “I’m not even a Sufi. I was just there by accident.”
Mr. Sisi convened an emergency meeting of top security officials, including the interior minister, spy chief and defense minister. “The military and the police will take revenge,” he said in a televised speech.
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Until a spate of attacks on Christian churches this year, Egyptian militants had avoided large-scale assaults on Egyptian civilians, perhaps because such attacks tend to backfire. After a massacre in Luxor that killed 62 people, mostly tourists, in 1997, President Hosni Mubarak began a sweeping crackdown that crushed an Islamist insurgency centered in southern Egypt.
When a new insurgency flared in north Sinai after the military takeover in 2013, its leaders were careful to focus their attacks on uniformed security forces. But as those militants embraced the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, they have gradually set aside that lesson.
An Islamist militia in Sinai, Ansar Beit al-Maqdis, pledged allegiance to the Islamic State in 2014 and has since proved to be one of its most effective local affiliates. The group’s deadliest attack targeted a Russian jetliner that crashed shortly after takeoff from Sharm el Sheikh in 2015, killing all 224 people on board.
In an interview published in an Islamic State magazine last January, a commander in Sinai outlined the group’s hatred for Sufis and their practices, including the veneration of tombs, the sacrificial slaughter of animals and what he termed “sorcery and soothsaying.”
The interview, in English, identifies Rawda, the district where Friday’s attack occurred, as one of three areas where Sufis live in Sinai that the group intended to “eradicate.”
Abdallah Abdel Nasser, 14, being treated at a hospital in Ismailia for wounds suffered in the attack.
Amr Nabil/Associated Press
It featured a photograph of a black hooded figure brandishing a sword over the kneeling figure of an elderly Sufi cleric, Sulayman Abu Hiraz, who was executed in Sinai in late 2016. The Islamic State said the cleric, said to be 100 years old, had been killed for practicing witchcraft.
Many residents of Bir al-Abed, on the main road through northern Sinai, are Bedouins from the Abu Greir tribe, which is predominantly Sufi. Residents said that despite recent Islamic State threats, the town had been largely peaceful.
The Islamic State, a Sunni movement, has long considered Sufis, along with Shiite Muslims, apostates, and has a history of attacking their mosques in other countries. Sufis may be Sunni or Shiite but most are Sunni.
Since 2016, when the militant group released a video describing Sufism as a “disease,” it has claimed attacks that have killed at least 130 worshipers at Sufi shrines, most of them in Pakistan. Elsewhere, the Islamic State has made a spectacle of bulldozing Sufi shrines, describing their removal as a form of purifying the faith.
Egyptian security forces have closely monitored Islamic State fighters returning from Syria and Iraq, amid worries that an influx of battle-hardened jihadis could insert a volatile new element into Egypt’s militant mix.
In October, Mr. Sisi ordered a major reshuffle of his security team after an ambush in the desert left at least 16 Egyptian security officials dead. That attack was later claimed by a previously unknown group called Ansar al-Islam, which is believed to have links to Al Qaeda.
Friday’s attack was a blow to Egypt’s hopes that it could stem the tide of Islamist violence in Sinai through the government’s sponsorship of a Palestinian peace initiative involving Hamas, the militant group that controls Gaza.
Islamic State militants have previously used tunnels into Gaza to obtain weapons and get medical treatment for wounded fighters. One benefit for Egypt of the peace initiative, which Egypt’s General Intelligence Directorate has mediated, is greater control over those tunnels.
In a statement, Hamas denounced the attack as a “criminal explosion” that “violates all heavenly commandments and human values” because it attacked a mosque. “It is a grave challenge to Muslims worldwide,” the group said.
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johnchiarello · 7 years ago
 …2"For behold, darkness will cover the earth And deep darkness the peoples; But the LORD will rise upon you And His glory will appear upon you. 3"Nations will come to your light, And kings to the brightness of your rising. 4"Lift up your eyes round about and see; They all gather together, they come to you. Your sons will come from afar, And your daughters will be carried in the arms.… Is. 60
 News- [World and local] https://youtu.be/CHwRkZeMQ8w
 .In defense of Facebook- Google- etc.
.Manafort raid
.James Clapper and the NSA
.Hillary Clinton- wheres’ the special prosecutor?
.James Comey ‘the matter’- Huh?
.Local homeless deaths and the real time unsolved murders- right now in Corpus Christi
.Why is the local media and DA Mark Gonzalez focusing so much on the 40 year old clod case?
.Federal Marshals here
.P.B.S. and N.P.R.
.Very sad indeed
.The Asia tour
.The NPR reporter made reservations at a North Korean restaurant- in China!
.I guess Trumps lying?
.The Biker shootout in Waco
 Student from Turkey- https://youtu.be/ApZEkaUftGA
 As I was sitting with some homeless friends- a car pulled up. It was a college student from Turkey. He asked the guys if he could take some pictures- he was doing some project on homelessness. I thought it surely was a first [from a person from Turkey] so I turned the camera on- and got a video- of the person who wanted to take pics of us. He thought I too was homeless- but I filled him in- hope you enjoy.
 Acts 28- https://youtu.be/JNtaYP1cqEs
 I made this teaching video today [11-14-17]- and finished the Acts study.
I usually don’t post these the same day that I make them- but being I did a roll out today [all vid’s- text- same day] I decided to post the video ahead of time.
 In the coming week I’ll still post the regular teaching for this chapter.
Note- as most of you know- I review the videos before I post them-
Just to cover my tracks!
 I never make threats- or say things that might incriminate me- but I am posting this video before I review it.
I’m worried- because when I talk about local issues- cops- The DA- stuff like that- I’m might slip and say something wrong- but to be honest- I have not checked this video yet.
 I just hope the authorities don’t review it- before I get a chance- not saying that I slipped and said something wrong- but you never know?
Enjoy reviewing it brothers- and do me a favor- if you think I need to edit it-
Just let one of my homeless friends know- they will get the message to me.
 God bless you all- and once again- I thank you for watching this video- and helping me with the ministry-
 Wonderful Media- https://youtu.be/VtfKtv7phtU
 .Roy Moore- step down- https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/13/us/politics/roy-moore-alabama-senate.html
.Kevin Spacey
.Bush 41- http://www.cnn.com/2017/11/13/politics/george-hw-bush-groping-allegation/index.html
.The Clintons https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2017/11/14/cnns-jake-tapper-the-media-treated-bill-clintons-accusers-badly-n2409451
.Fed vehicle on my way home
.Corpus Media
.Questionable homeless deaths in Flour Bluff- were they homicides?
.Clear and present danger
 PAST POSTS- [ More news links at bottom of this post]
Being I talked about Turkey today- below are just some of my past posts where the word popped up [that’s why yo see these sections on the posts]-
Though unplanned- yet you might also find some profitable teaching in these sections-
 https://youtu.be/7dfLhO2HBf8  anti- Christ [2nd, 3rd John]
ON VIDEO [past posts below]
.See my Hillary drawing [sorry]
.Who is anti-christ?
.Some thought Hitler
.Apostles relate to the bride
.Was John a theological liberal?
.Iraq- Libya
.Sunni- Shia division
.Execution- or human shields- or just murder?
.Docetism refuted
Obadiah 1:7 All the men of thy confederacy have brought thee even to the border: the men that were at peace with thee have deceived thee, and prevailed against thee; that they eat thy bread have laid a wound under thee: there is none understanding in him.
https://youtu.be/LaG8b0etYK8  Obadiah
.Peace treaty?
.Leaked emails
.How to skew the polls
.Do I like to lynch Black people?
.The 1 dollar cheese story
.Homeless stuff
.Iran- Yemen- Libya- Syria
.The shores of Tripoli
.Britannia ruled the seas- and lost
NEW- In this small book- 1 chapter- we read of the judgment of God upon Edom.
They were a people that felt like they were unstoppable.
The alliances they made were their downfall.
As I read the book the other night- it made me think about our present situation.
Let’s see if I can hit some high points.
NEWS- [Mosul- 3 Americans shot and killed yesterday in Jordan- Wiki leaks reveals real corruption]
I mentioned the last few weeks about our actions in Mosul Iraq.
The U.S. is backing up the overthrow of this city- for political purposes.
I mentioned how the Iraqi troops we are backing are Shia [Muslim division] and some of the population of Mosul are Sunni.
Should we be backing up a ‘genocide’- meaning one group [Iraqi Shia] wanting to eliminate another [Sunni].
I saw a report on PBS news- the interviewer brought up the fact that the tanks that are now rolling into Mosul are flying Shia flags.
Meaning- they are not there to ‘liberate’ people- but to murder Sunni.
I saw another report where the U.S. backed Iraqi troops shot bullets ‘blind’ into a hiding place.
The report on U.S. news did not say if women and children were hiding in there- and if they were murdered by U.S. backed troops.
The military man that was confronted with the question ‘why are U.S. backed tanks flying Shia flags’- he avoided the question- and used ‘spin’.
As of now- its possible women and children have been murdered- with the backup of U.S. power.
That’s wrong.
3 of our men were shot and killed in Jordan yesterday-
Last year a Jordanian captain shot 2 Americans.
In yesterday’s incident the Jordanians claim the U.S. men did not stop at the gate- so they killed them.
Yet- there are resentments that our men are there.
The U.S. says it is investigating- because we don’t want it to ‘strain relations’.
Meaning- yes- it’s possible they murdered our men- but- it’s more important to not have such a bad headline right before the election- because it might make Hillary and her record on foreign policy look bad.
So- maybe they simply murdered our men- but- we have more important political things.
Our nation is obviously divvied on the election- and it’s shocking to actually see the corruption in our government that was exposed the last few weeks by WIKI leaks.
It shows a level of collusion within politics that covers up for those who have connections.
The FBI agent who tipped off the Clinton people about an investigation into the emails- broke the law when he did this.
The government’s official response was ‘when he tipped Clinton off- he was using his own personal email- so that’s ok’.
People have gone to prison for stuff like this- but it is showing you a level of corruption inside our government.
This is not simply a ‘Trump- Clinton’ thing- it is a national corruption scandal.
(1143) THE FALL- God puts man in the garden, he gives him only one restriction ‘don’t eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil’ sure enough, he does! The serpent [satan] tempts Eve in 3 areas, the tree is good for food [lust of the flesh] good to look at [eyes] and can make you wise [pride]. In 1st John 2 we see these three areas mentioned as the common categories of all other temptation. These were the same areas the devil used on Jesus in Matthew 4. The temptation to Eve essentially said ‘look at this God of yours! He wont give you the freedom to do anything you want, he is withholding such a good tree from you’ sounds like the philosopher Freud, he taught that the problem with man was Gods restrictions. That if man would cast off the limits that religion imposed upon them, then all would be well. But what man did not know was that these basic limits were for his own good. When man would choose to walk out from under Gods limits, he would suffer for it. In this chapter [Gen. 3] we also see the great prophecy of the child of the woman eventually crushing the serpents head [called the Protoevangelium- Latin] a prophecy about Christ’s future victory at the Cross. God also covers man with animal’s skins, a type of the future sacrifice of Christ on behalf of man. Man tried to cover up with leaves, God said it wont do, so he sacrificed the life of an animal and used the skins as a covering. The wages of sin is death, the price was paid. In Romans chapter 5 Paul will show us that death and sin passed upon all mankind from Adams sinful act, but thru the obedience of one man [Jesus dying on the Cross] righteousness comes to those who believe. This is the basic Christian doctrine of original sin. Some refer to this as the federal head theory of redemption. I believe it’s vital for Christians to have a grasp of this doctrine. In the 19th/20th centuries you had liberal theologians deny the doctrine of Jesus dying on behalf of man. Along with this they also denied that original sin existed. Most believers realized that this denial was heresy and avoided it, but some are playing with the idea again. The bible clearly teaches the substitutionary atonement of Jesus Christ on the behalf of man [Isaiah 53] and it is a foundational doctrine for all true believers. To some it seemed unfair to charge God with the doctrine of original sin, and along with it the doctrine of Penal substitution [Christ being punished for us] these are core Christian truths, if people want to deny them, that’s their choice. But to be a Christian in the biblical sense of the word, these truths are necessary, they are part of the foundation of all true Christian churches.
Genesis 3:1 Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?
Genesis 3:2 And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden:
Genesis 3:3 But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.
Genesis 3:4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:
Genesis 3:5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.
Genesis 3:6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.
Genesis 3:7 And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.
Genesis 3:8 And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden.
Genesis 3:9 And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou?
Genesis 3:10 And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself.
Genesis 3:11 And he said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?
Genesis 3:12 And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat.
Genesis 3:13 And the LORD God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.
Genesis 3:14 And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:
Genesis 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
Genesis 12:1 Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:
Genesis 12:2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:
Genesis 12:3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
Genesis 15:1 After these things the word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward.
Genesis 15:2 And Abram said, LORD God, what wilt thou give me, seeing I go childless, and the steward of my house is this Eliezer of Damascus?
Genesis 15:3 And Abram said, Behold, to me thou hast given no seed: and, lo, one born in my house is mine heir.
Genesis 15:4 And, behold, the word of the LORD came unto him, saying, This shall not be thine heir; but he that shall come forth out of thine own bowels shall be thine heir.
Genesis 15:5 And he brought him forth abroad, and said, Look now toward heaven, and tell the stars, if thou be able to number them: and he said unto him, So shall thy seed be.
Genesis 15:6 And he believed in the LORD; and he counted it to him for righteousness.
Acts 2:22 Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also know:
Acts 2:23 Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain:
Acts 2:24 Whom God hath raised up, having loosed the pains of death: because it was not possible that he should be holden of it.
Acts 2:25 For David speaketh concerning him, I foresaw the Lord always before my face, for he is on my right hand, that I should not be moved:
Acts 2:26 Therefore did my heart rejoice, and my tongue was glad; moreover also my flesh shall rest in hope:
Acts 2:27 Because thou wilt not leave my soul in hell, neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.
Acts 2:28 Thou hast made known to me the ways of life; thou shalt make me full of joy with thy countenance.
Acts 2:29 Men and brethren, let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch David, that he is both dead and buried, and his sepulchre is with us unto this day.
Acts 2:30 Therefore being a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne;
Acts 2:31 He seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell, neither his flesh did see corruption.
Acts 2:32 This Jesus hath God raised up, whereof we all are witnesses.
Acts 2:33 Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted, and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, he hath shed forth this, which ye now see and hear.
Acts 2:34 For David is not ascended into the heavens: but he saith himself, The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand,
Acts 2:35 Until I make thy foes thy footstool.
Acts 2:36 Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made the same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ.
Hebrews 11:8 By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went.
Hebrews 11:9 By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise:
Hebrews 11:10 For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.
Hebrews 11:11 Through faith also Sara herself received strength to conceive seed, and was delivered of a child when she was past age, because she judged him faithful who had promised.
Hebrews 11:12 Therefore sprang there even of one, and him as good as dead, so many as the stars of the sky in multitude, and as the sand which is by the sea shore innumerable.
Hebrews 11:13 These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.
Hebrews 11:14 For they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country.
Hebrews 11:15 And truly, if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned.
Hebrews 11:16 But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city.
Hebrews 11:17 By faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac: and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son,
Hebrews 11:18 Of whom it was said, That in Isaac shall thy seed be called:
   Note- Please do me a favor, those who read/like the posts- re-post them on other sites as well as the site you read them on- Thanks- John.#
21 And he began to say unto them, This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears- Luke
https://youtu.be/-obZ4-MoPYE  Apologetics- Philosophy- Prophets
.Nietzsche’s  madman
.Kant- Camus- Sartre
.I have less dollars now!
.Fairview cemetery
.’I will never rot in the grave’- huh?
.U.N. vote
.Israel and Palestine- another view
.Pluralism or exclusivism?
.Moral, Natural law theory
.Redemption of the cosmos too
.Russian hacking- enough already!
.We hack too [and much worse]
.Cause and effect
.Love your neighbor as yourself
.Yes- The Muslim- Jew- Hindu - etc.- Jesus commands it
 Born in Northern Greece- in 384 BC.
The most famous student of Plato- attended Plato’s Academy for around 20 years.
 His main disagreement with Plato was on his theory of Forms.
Plato believed that the ‘idea’ world contained the forms of all things we see in the physical realm.
 Aristotle taught that substance itself was the main thing- that the forms of what we see in the natural realm come from matter itself.
 He spoke about Potentiality and Actuality- that is the material things have in ‘seed’ form the final product.
 The acorn has the Potential of becoming a tree- the fetus has the Potential of becoming a man- etc.
The form is already embedded in the thing itself- it does not exist in the ‘idea’ world of Plato.
 Aristotle loved and admired his teacher- yet Plato had somewhat of a disdain for his most famous student.
Plato passed over Aristotle to head up the Academy- twice.
 As things go- Aristotle went and started his own school- called the Lyceum.
 Aristotle did not just teach Philosophy- but Biology- Logic- Ethics- Rhetoric.
Some refer to him as the first real scientist.
 His development of the laws of Logic- Cause and Effect- play a key role in the Scientific Method till this day.
 Aristotle taught that the main way we gain knowledge is thru sense perception and experiment.
 As we study the natural order of things themselves- we gain understanding from them.
 What we refer to as the Empirical method- knowledge gained thru the observation and experimentation of things.
 He referred to God as the Final Cause- not the First Cause.
 He believed in God [some debate this- Aristotle himself called him God in his work on Metaphysics] and called him the Prime Mover.
 As I said before- a big thing with the early thinkers was the origin of Motion- who started the ball rolling- so to speak.
 Aristotle credited the source of all motion to an ‘un- moved Mover’.
 He gave the attributes of God to his Mover- said he had no beginning- was not material- an eternal and imperishable substance.
 So- why the Final Cause?
He said God attracts all things to himself- so in his mind- motion started by attraction- not by a ‘push’ so to speak.
 This is interesting indeed- in modern physics we see that the universe is undergoing a continual expansion- heading somewhere- of course we believe this somewhere is God himself- the source of all things.
 Isaac Newton agreed with Aristotle on this point- he referred to it in his 3rd law of Physics.
 The medieval Muslim thinkers called him ‘The First Teacher’- and Kant [who we will get to later in this study] credits him with the bulk of what we know today as the Laws of Logic.
 Aristotle taught that the main activity of God was thought.
The bible says that thru Wisdom and Understanding God made things [‘Wisdom builds the house- Understanding establishes it- and thru Knowledge it’s rooms are filled with all pleasant and precious riches- Wisdom is profitable to direct- the words of the wise are like nails fastened by the masters of assemblies- as a wise master builder I have laid the foundation’- various bible verses found in Proverbs- Ecclesiastes and Paul’s letter to the church at Corinth] - in a way Aristotle was right.
 One of his key contributions was the Syllogism- you start with a Logical argument- you engage in Deductive reasoning- and come to a Conclusion.
 A famous example would be ‘All men are mortal- Plato is a man- Plato is mortal’.
 Aristotle did not believe that something comes from nothing- a phrase that will come up a lot as we progress in this study is ‘ex nihilo nihil fit’- meaning Nothing comes from Nothing.
 He was also what we refer to as a Teleolologist- he believed that there was design and purpose in the created order of things.
 He saw design in the universe- world.
 Many today embrace an idea that there is no purpose or design- that the design we see in the material world is by accident- and furthermore some say all that we see- CAME FROM NOTHING.
 I can’t stress enough that this is simply not possible- I don’t say this from the Christian view point alone- but from a scientific one.
 Science deals with the observation and testing of things- we look into the material world and come to certain conclusions based on what we see- observe.
 One of the most fundamental observations that science SEES- is what I quoted above- NOTHING COMES FROM NOTHING.
 That is- every effect has a cause.
 This is important for our day- because many have capitulated to the view that all things CAME FROM CHANCE.
 Not only is this statement illogical [chance is simply a word- this statement ascribes Ontological status to a word- which is impossible].
 But it is scientifically not true.
 Because science shows us that things do not ‘pop into existence’ without a cause- from nothing.
 True science in no way contradicts belief in God- no- it backs it up.
 Aristotle- as well as most of the great thinkers we shall cover- came to the conclusion that there had to be some immaterial thing [being] that was the cause of all other things.
 Now- why did he argue for a PRIME MOVER?
 Because he believed that the universe was eternal- if there ever came a time when science showed us that the universe had a beginning point- then the argument would be over.
 The Theists [those that believe in God] would win.
 Sure enough- in the 20th century that’s exactly what happened.
 Today Physics teaches us that time- space- matter did indeed have a beginning point- what we refer to as the Big Bang Theory.
 If the early thinkers had this knowledge- then the argument for a Prime Mover would be moot- because instead we would have a Prime Starter- see?
  Aristotle is credited with writing the second greatest work on Ethics from the ancient period- called Ethics [the first one being Plato’s Republic].
 He wrote on political theory- believed that Aristocracy [rule by the excellent] was the best form of government [sort of like Socrates Philosopher Kings].
Aristotle’s most famous student was Alexander the Great.
 During Alexander’s conquests- he took a huge team of scientists with him- they collected all types of specimens from these conquests- and Alexander brought them back to Athens and they were used at the Lyceum for further study.
 It has been said that this was the most expensive scientific enterprise up to the day of the modern space program.
 He taught that the intellectual virtues can be taught directly- but the moral ones HAD TO BE LIVED FIRST.
 The bible says ‘the fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom’.
 I agree.
 Proverbs 3:19 The LORD by wisdom hath founded the earth; by understanding hath he established the heavens.
Proverbs 3:20 By his knowledge the depths are broken up, and the clouds drop down the dew.
 Unfinished study- will complete over time.
Today’s video [and post] is one of those ‘spur of the moment’ ones-
I made the video/post  yesterday- ‘off the cuff’-
I’m at the ranch as I write- and have no WiFi out here- or I’d post it now- I also don’t have my on-line concordance- so I’ll try and remember exactly where some of the verses are and add them in [I do have my on-line bible saved to the drive!]
This video/post is in keeping with some of the stuff I’ve been recently teaching.
As Christians- we often look for the things we are supposed to do.
Which is fine- but what I have learned in my experience of doing ministry for many years- is many Pastors/ministers- learn a certain pattern/form- early on-
And as well-meaning as these men are- they often unconsciously do not realize they are violating scripture in their efforts to do the right thing.
When people feel God has called them ‘to preach’ [ called into ministry] most of the times they are taught that this means ‘starting a local church’.
In the American mindset- this means starting a nonprofit 501 c3- either renting or building some type of structure to meet in-
And then teaching a form of giving- usually called ‘the tithe’ [meaning 10 percent]-
And then saying ‘the local church is this place/501c3- the storehouse- and you will be cursed if you do not tithe to the storehouse’.
And without realizing it- in the more extreme cases- actually teaching people that they will fall under the curse of God- if they do not put 10% of their income into the ‘local church’.
This verse from Malachi is often used- Malachi 3:8 Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings.
Malachi 3:9 Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation.
Malachi 3:10 Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.
 And this basic idea of ‘church government’ is then propagated thru out the land.
I’ve discussed this recently- and for these short videos- I just want to note that the New Testament churches we read about in the bible- are talking about communities of believers living
ATHEISM- APOLOGETICS [links added- long version]
http://wp.me/a4V5qQ-7R  Kant, Hume, Sartre
http://wp.me/a4V5qQ-6E Apologetics- Kant, Hume
http://wp.me/a4V5qQ-62  Apologetics
http://wp.me/a4V5qQ-6F  DaVinci code
http://wp.me/a4V5qQ-7Q  Something from nothing- Quantum Leap
http://wp.me/a4V5qQ-7O  Multiverse
Locke taught that each man has individual rights- and he empowers government- an elected designated body- to have rule-
Yet- that government exists solely for the benefit of the people- and when/if that government ‘forgets’ this- the people have a right/duty to revolt.
Locke’s ideas were formed at a time when his own government experienced a sort of revolution [1600’s- England].
The people revolted against monarchy- and replaced it with a sort of Democratic Parliament-
Referred to as the bloodless revolution or the glorious revolution.
The king [or today- queen] would still play a role- like a figurehead- but the power was in the people- willingly given over to a Parliament.
The political ideas of Locke influenced our founding fathers- and our Declaration of Independence and Constitution are in parts almost word for word taken from the writings of Locke.
Locke believed in natural law- that morality was indeed a universal reality [some scholars/thinkers will say that Locke does not fully embrace the Christian concept of natural/moral law].
He taught that  knowledge comes from man’s experience- the things he interacts with thru the 5 senses.
That man is not born with innate ideas [like the early Greek thinkers said] but his mind is a Tabula Rasa- or blank slate at birth.
This is an Empirical understanding of knowledge.
Locke also believed in the concept of the separation of church and state- this idea was not unique to our founding fathers- no- they got it right out of the writings of Locke [his parents were Puritans- and they obviously influenced their son].
Locke’s political views were-
Contractual [social compact]-
These ideas differed from the early Greek thinkers [especially Aristotle] who held to a naturalistic view- meaning that nature itself ‘intended’ for certain individuals to have rule over others [the smarter should have rule over the ‘less smart’- and of course Aristotle saw himself in the more nobler crowd!]
Locke also believed in religious toleration- a view held by most in the Western world today.
He saw the Right to private property- as a natural right.
He believed that denial of the existence of God would lead to anarchy in the long run.
He believed that the cosmological argument for the existence of God was valid [called teleology].
I think I mentioned him on today’s video [I am writing this before I review the video and add the bullet points].
In the study of philosophy- he is not known for deep thought- or new ideas.
He lived in the 5th century B.C. - died in the 4th in the biblical city of Corinth.
Diogenes believed in ‘living with less’- he was known to have slept in a ceramic pot- he lived and ate on the streets- and was basically like many of my homeless friends.
Yet- he felt in doing this he was a sort of ‘prophetic’ sign to the world around him.
He is believed to be the first to refer to himself as a ‘cosmopolitan’- meaning a man of the world- and not identifying with any one city.
He was born at Sinope- [Modern day Turkey] traveled to Athens- the main center of wisdom/philosophy.
Attended the lectures of Plato- and interrupted them
He disputed Plato’s interpretation of his teacher- Socrates.
And had a memorable encounter with Alexander the Great.
The story goes [there are a few versions of it- maybe more along the line of myth] that Alexander wanted to meet with Diogenes- and he heard he was in town [Corinth] so Alexander went to meet him.
Upon arriving at the spot- he greeted Alexander and told him he would fulfill any request that the Cynic asked.
Diogenes replied ‘Move over- you’re standing in my sun light’.
It is said that as Alexander left- and made the statement ‘If I were not Alexander- I would be Diogenes’.
How true- well we will never know for sure.
He did live at a time- and in a place- where the famous philosophers would come from.
He believed rejecting wealth- and the comforts of life- were a statement against the society of his day.
He purposefully challenged the ‘normal’ way of life- by being different- and at times- vulgar.
It is said that he carried a cup- for drinking.
And he saw a young boy one day- drinking from the brook with his hands.
He then threw away the cup- realizing that ‘the god’s’ had given to men the basic things to survive- and he really did not need all the material things of life.
Like I said at the top - he is not known for his great thinking ability- but he was respected by the stoics-
Note- Do me a favor, those who read/like the posts- re-post them on other sites as well as the site you read them on. Thanks- John..#
   I read a piece form the N.Y. Times- they went into Libya and investigated the reports of the deaths of many civilians caused by NATO and the U.S. during the ‘no fly zone’ debacle.
 They found evidence of many civilians that were killed. They presented the report to the new leaders of Libya- they could care less.
 In Benghazi- the main city in the eastern half of Libya- they were openly flying the Al-Qaida flag.  We just spent 10 years and many lives fighting in Afghanistan. Why? Because they gave territory to Al-Qaida- they gave them a place to work out of.
 We fought the Taliban for 10 years over this. Yet in a few months NATO and the U.S. gave Al-Qaida their own capitol to fly their flag- I mean the terrorists must be thinking ‘if we knew these guys were this stupid- we would have never bombed the towers’.
 In Tripoli- the real capitol of Libya- the various militia groups [terrorists] are all claiming they are the security/armed forces of Libya. I heard a doctor- on N.P.R. - not a right wing radio show- he said in his hospital these various militias are all trying to take charge- they walk around with guns- sometimes walk into a room and shoot a patient who they think is not on their side- and the doctors say they have no security at all.
 Under Gadhaffi things ran well- like a normal society- now their country is a terrorist haven- run by these guys.
 I could go on and say the same for Egypt- and tell the stories of how the military have been killing protestors in the street. All these things are being done under people that the West [we- NATO- France] have enabled by removing their former leaders.
 And France this week passed a law making it a crime to deny the genocide that took place in Turkey in the early part of the last century.
 Yes- the Ottoman Turks did slaughter many Armenians- Christians- at the time. And getting Turkey to officially admit this has been a problem for years. But France passing a law to make it a crime to deny it- while they just finished committing ‘crimes against humanity’ themselves- by killing all the Libyan civilians- it’s just too much.
 Okay- let’s start a brief overview of some church history. Over the next few weeks I want to hit on the 16th century Protestant reformation and try and cover some of the key figures of the movement.
 Martin Luther- the German reformer who had the most influence in the movement was born and raised in Germany.
 As a boy his parents were peasant farmers and eventually his dad became a miner and became a very successful businessman- he would go on and eventually own 6 foundries.
 He sent his son to law school- and young Luther excelled. At the age of 21 he accomplished more than many of his peers. One day on his way home from the university a thunderstorm broke out and Luther was almost struck by a bolt of lightning.
 In fear he cried out to Saint Ann [the mother of Mary] and said ‘Saint Ann- if you save me I will become a monk’ [Ann was the patron Saint for miners- thus Luther was familiar with her].
 He was spared and off to the monastery he went. Luther eventually became an ordained priest and even though his dad initially was upset that his son became a priest- yet he was proud of his boy later on.
 Luther would eventually make a Pilgrimage to Rome- on foot [a few month walk from Germany to Rome!] and what he saw devastated him. Rome- and the Vatican- were in bad shape. Many of the priests lived in open sin- and the city that he saw as his headquarters for the faith- well it was a mess.
 Luther made the famous penitent walk/crawl up the stairs of the Lateran church [this church was the most famous church before the construction of St. Peters. The actual stairs of the church are the same stairs that Christ walked up during his trial under Pontius Pilate. Yes- you hear many ‘stories’ while studying church history- things like the relics or left over pieces of the Cross- well these stories are usually fake. But the stairs of the Lateran church are indeed the same stairs that Christ walked on- the early ‘church’ builders dismantled the stairs at Pilate’s court in Jerusalem and installed them at this church building in Rome].
 When Luther got to the top of the stairs- it is reported that he questioned the faith- he had a crisis of faith and thought that maybe the whole thing was a sham.
 Okay- as we do a few more posts over the coming weeks- I want you guys to see that the main players of the Reformation were sincere Catholic men who had many questions about what they saw as corrupt in their own church. These men did not want to start a breakaway church- they simply wanted to reform the church they loved.
 Keep in mind that Luther excelled during his legal studies- he had a keen legal mind- this will be important later on when we see the debates he has with Rome over the doctrine of Justification by faith- the letters of the apostle Paul [Romans- Galatians] use lots of legal language- and his early education will help him in these debates.
 Okay- that’s it for today. Maybe do a Google search on Luther and familiarize yourself a little with the history.
 The ‘readings’ for this week are 2nd Samuel 6-7 and Psalms 89. See what they have in common.
Note- Do me a favor, those who read/like the posts- re-post them on other sites as well as the site you read them on. Thanks- John
  (594) . Let me cover some church history. I have had someone argue with me about the history of Islam. Not a Muslim, but a Christian who was saying ‘why do you say Islam started in the 7th century, it started around the 11th’. My answer was ‘Muhammad lived in the 7th century’. Not to hard to see this. So I thought I should cover some history. During the time of the rise of Islam, the Christian church was already dividing from east and west. After Constantine [4th century Roman emperor] consolidated the Roman Empire in the 4th century he set up the capital city of the eastern empire, Constantinople [named after him]. As time progressed the western church would take on the form of Roman Catholicism, the eastern [Constantinople area. Modern day Turkey-Istanbul] would be known as ‘Orthodox’. Though the official split of eastern and western [Catholic-Rome!] churches occurred in 1054 AD, yet the division started years before. The official split is called ‘the great schism’ of the 11th century; it would not be until 500 years later that the church would have her ‘reformation’. The official reason for this split was over a rather silly thing. For centuries the Catholic church had an expression that said ‘the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father’ than they included ‘he proceeds from the father and the Son’. Well the eastern brothers didn’t like Rome telling them what to believe and used this as the official reason to ‘have the schism’. To be honest the divisions were coming for years. After the Roman Empire consolidated under Constantine, he tried to strengthen the eastern territories of his empire and for centuries you had the struggle for which region would be the most influential. At first you had 5 major areas that were divided under 5 main Bishops. As time went on the argument would be ‘which bishop has the most say so’ and it was really a power struggle. Finally Rome said ‘the bishop of Rome is the FIRST AMONG EQUALS [a term that many in the Protestant strain of the discipling movement would later embrace] he holds Peters seat’ and this is really where the divisions started. Eventually Muhammad would rise and Islam would take control of the eastern capital. This later became the reason for the crusades. The Catholic church wanted to regain the territories that she lost in the east. The eastern churches are very much Catholic in many ways. They also hold to a view of Christianity that sees man being ‘joined’ with God and becoming pleasing to God thru Christ’s grace uniting with us and making us like him. A perfectly scriptural view, but a different emphasis from the strong intellectual power that you read about from the western fathers of the church. The Catholic church is noted for her social action in ways that the eastern church is not. So both of these communions have good things to bring to the table. The Orthodox [eastern] churches would not be affected by the major social and political upheavals that took place in the west. The Renaissance, the Reformation and the Enlightenment had major impacts on western Christianity, while not affecting the eastern church in the same way. During the 13th- 15th centuries you would have ‘pre reformers’ rise up in the western church. John Wycliffe, the great Catholic Priest who was at the center of learning in France would become known for his translating the scriptures into the common language. Then you have John Huss and John Knox [3 Johns, scripture says 3 fold cords are not easily broken!] who would have their own influence in western Christianity. At this time you had whole movements of believers who would be seen as neither ‘western or eastern’ but restorationist [the restoring of the early practices and beliefs of the church] Peter Waldo would be the Father of the Waldensians and in the 12th century you would have the Albigenses in the south of France. These groups would be looked upon as ‘cults’ [though the term was not used yet] by the traditional church. So you can see how the church has been growing and reforming ever since the first century. Even though we see many divisions that exist till this day, there are strides being made for unity. The eastern and western church are very close to‘re uniting’ once again. While I do not personally hold to the doctrine of the Pope being the occupier of Peter’s seat, I also see him as a Christian man who is striving for unity in Christ’s church. Some believe the whole attempt for outward unity is futile. The more ardent Protestants see it as ‘the one world church of the anti christ’ I reject that language out of hand. Well I hope you got something out of this short overview of world history [real short!].
 It's time to appoint a special prosecutor in Clinton email investigation
 © Greg Nash
The competing partisan echo chambers eerily strike the same chords.
From the left: The investigation into the death of four Americans in Benghazi back in 2012 was a Sienfeldian investigation into nothing. In fact, the right was simply serving us all up a big nothing burger.
And from the right: The investigation into the 2016 Trump campaign’s alleged collusion with Russia is nothing more than a partisan witch-hunt. The left hasn’t accepted the results of a lawfully held election; ergo, the appointment of a special prosecutor.
 Yes, the partisan bickering and finger-pointing can be so insufferably exhausting. The promises of “swamp-draining” — Nancy Pelosi during her 2006 ascendancy to House Speaker and more recently, Donald Trump’s signature stump speech line — really just signals more of the same.
So, I make the following demand with a bit of advised caution. History inside the Beltway has a habit of repeating itself.
But with all due haste, a special prosecutor needs to be appointed to the “closed” Hillary Rodham email investigation.
I can hear the cacophony of howling now — Here we go again, yet another undeserved attack on the Clintons. Or, maybe this — Republicans just can’t leave it alone. She was exonerated by no less an authority than the former FBI Director!
But in recent days, following the revelation that then FBI Director James B. Comey had already drafted an “exoneration speech” some two months before his infamous July 5 public statement, there has been a steadily building hue and cry from many corners that a special prosecutor needs to look into the case.
Comey’s decision, it appears, had been formed prior to FBI agents having had an opportunity to interview Clinton and a number of her top aides. On the heels of the inexplicable and unprecedented granting of head-scratching conditions to the Clinton team, came Comey’s decision not to charge, well before key witnesses were interviewed. Why?
Also, why were certain devices laden with evidence allowed to be destroyed?
And why were strict limiting parameters emplaced on the review period of the computer hard drives?
As a retired FBI agent with some two and half decades of investigative experience, I struggle to comprehend why these types of allowances were conceded to a person under investigation.
Former assistant U.S. Attorney Andrew McCarthy posited in National Review, the decision not to prosecute was determined long before, back when President Obama essentially dismissed the notion that Clinton’s actions had endangered national security. As McCarthy opines, Obama was providing cover for Clinton because Obama, himself, had communicated with her on the unauthorized email account.
Comey, it has been theorized, was taking his cue from the chief executive.
Or, as President Trump tweeted out on Sept. 1.
Wow, looks like James Comey exonerated Hillary Clinton long before the investigation was ov3r and so much more. A rigged system
So, was it rigged?
Well, we don’t know. So, let’s look at what we do know. And then, if the pieces don’t add up or lend to a reasonable suspicion that skullduggery was afoot, let’s have that special prosecutor appointed forthwith.
We know that Clinton was exonerated by a legal calculus of trial sufficiency meticulously laid out by Director Comey. He intuited that Clinton had no intent to place national security in jeopardy via her shoddy handling of classified information, therefore, no crime.
Legal scholars continue to debate this misapplication of the statute.
But there is no debate over the fact that even Comey was aware of and concerned by the overt politicization of the Obama Justice Department.
When James Comey testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee on June 8, he shockingly allowed that then Attorney General Loretta Lynch had instructed him not to refer to the Clinton email investigation as just that — an investigation — and instead commanded him to refer to it as a matter.
The fact that Lynch’s directive in wording neatly aligned with the Clinton campaign’s own downplaying of the seriousness of the crime was lost on no one outside a partisan echo chamber.
So, let’s reiterate what we know.
We know that President Obama put his finger on the scale which ultimately led to the issuance of “marching orders” to his FBI Director.
We know that Attorney General Lynch attempted to help cast the Democratic presidential candidate in a better light by the deft manipulation of semantics.
And we know that Comey testified back in September  2016 that he made the ill-fated decision to go forward with the FBI position not to prosecute Clinton after her interview by the investigative team.
This, however, proved not to be the case, as we learned this past week, when it was disclosed that Comey had drafted a statement that cleared Clinton some two months before the investigation had reached its conclusion.
As any investigator or prosecutor worth their salt could tell you: We don’t reach conclusions until all the facts are in and have been fairly weighed and considered.
The disgraceful unabated leaks sympathetic to the anti-Trump collective continue to hobble the current White House’s ability to get anything accomplished. And while they serve to burnish the former administration’s questionable decision-making and partisan calculus in the Clinton email investigation, this is the point where a moral imperative meets an overwhelming amount of evidence.
It is also where an abundance of smoke makes necessary the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate the probable fire.
And though a decision to do just that will be assuredly maligned as a partisan effort, I feel the American people deserve to know why a politician was presumably treated differently than you or I would.
And if we deem the Russian collusion investigation appropriate and necessary, should we not also appeal to the Attorney General to appoint a special prosecutor in the email matter as well?
This isn’t a case of whataboutism. It’s a clear-cut case about doing what’s right.
James A. Gagliano is a CNN law enforcement analyst and retired FBI supervisory special agent. He also serves as an adjunct assistant professor at St. John's University and is a leadership consultant at the Thayer Leader Development Group (TLDG) at his alma mater, the United States Military Academy at West Point. Follow him on Twitter @JamesAGagliano.
 The views expressed by contributors are their own and not the views of The Hill.
 VERSES- I did teach from Isaiah 6 on the above video- ACTS 28- here’s the chapter-
Isaiah 6:1 In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the LORD sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple.
Isaiah 6:2 Above it stood the seraphims: each one had six wings; with twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly.
Isaiah 6:3 And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory.
Isaiah 6:4 And the posts of the door moved at the voice of him that cried, and the house was filled with smoke.
Isaiah 6:5 Then said I, Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts.
Isaiah 6:6 Then flew one of the seraphims unto me, having a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with the tongs from off the altar:
Isaiah 6:7 And he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged.
Isaiah 6:8 Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.
Isaiah 6:9 And he said, Go, and tell this people, Hear ye indeed, but understand not; and see ye indeed, but perceive not.
Isaiah 6:10 Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and convert, and be healed.
Isaiah 6:11 Then said I, Lord, how long? And he answered, Until the cities be wasted without inhabitant, and the houses without man, and the land be utterly desolate,
Isaiah 6:12 And the LORD have removed men far away, and there be a great forsaking in the midst of the land.
Isaiah 6:13 But yet in it shall be a tenth, and it shall return, and shall be eaten: as a teil tree, and as an oak, whose substance is in them, when they cast their leaves: so the holy seed shall be the substance thereof.
www.corpuschristioutreachministries.blogspot.com  [Main site]
  Note- Please do me a favor, those who read/like the posts- re-post them on other sites as well as the site you read them on-  Copy text- download video links [Wordpress- Vimeo] make complete copies of my books/studies and posts- everything is copyrighted by me- I give permission for all to copy and share as much as you like-  I just ask that nothing be sold. We live in an online world- yet- there is only one internet- meaning if it ever goes down- the only access to the teachings are what others have copied or downloaded- so feel free to copy and download as much as you want- it’s all free-
Thanks- John.
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newstwitter-blog · 8 years ago
New Post has been published on News Twitter
New Post has been published on http://www.news-twitter.com/2017/03/19/huffington-post-george-w-bush-gave-us-donald-trump-now-he-wants-to-be-forgiven-18/
Huffington Post: George W. Bush Gave Us Donald Trump. Now He Wants To Be Forgiven.
We’ve all seen the picture. It’s the opening of the National Museum of African-American History and Culture, and George W. Bush is sharing a brief snuggle with Michelle Obama. The first lady, maternal and forgiving, has both arms around the former president, who looks like he wants a tummy rub.
When the hug went viral last September, it triggered a once-unimaginable bipartisan “Awww!” that echoed throughout social and established media. Dubbed “The Embrace Seen Around the World” by The New York Times, the photo seemed to hold the power of magic, or at least the power of the most adorable cat video: It cast a spell accelerating a general public softening toward a man once widely scorned as a historic failure, dismissed by many on the left as a blood-spattered buffoon who belonged in a cell at The Hague.
Humans are nostalgic by nature, and history is full of once-reviled public figures who enjoyed later reassessments. But where reputational rehab used to take a generation or two, Bush is trying to loosen the clutches of market-fresh infamy.
If he succeeds, he will have his own presidency to thank. The immediate context for the “normalizing” of George W. Bush is the rise of Donald Trump. But Bush’s policies created the conditions that brought Trump to power, and only in the wake of his own trademarked disasters does he look tame by comparison.
The museum hug and its afterlife showcase the internet’s power to turn anything — even yesterday’s calamities ��� into today’s cute moments. It’s also a worrying sign about our capacity for collective memory. As such, it suggests something deeper and arguably more frightening about America than even the current administration.
Left: President Bush looks out over Hurricane Katrina’s devastation as he flies back to Washington on Aug. 31, 2005. Right: Bush sits with New Orleans high school students Ashantae Martin (left) and Ronjae Pleasant at an event marking the 10th anniversary of Katrina on Aug. 28, 2015. 
Bush’s advocates and former officials knew all along that presidential records are inevitably re-evaluated. Years ago, they began working to revamp his image in the eyes of the public. The reassessments started even before Bush left office, with the rise of the tea party and the weakening of the old Republican Party establishment. Vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin was the first trigger that got liberals thinking maybe W. wasn’t so bad after all. (A parallel re-evaluation was underway on the right. Among followers of Palin, who morphed into tea partiers and later into Trump die-hards, Bush was considered little better than Barack Obama.)
These early rehab efforts gained traction with the 2013 release of W.’s oil paintings. The simple portraits — including one that could have been titled “I’m taking a bath and these are my feet” — seemed to confirm old suspicions that the 43rd president was just a confused simpleton in the hands of a Cabinet of wicked Vulcans. During his presidency, this view was just another cause for derision.
During Obama’s second term, it helped spawn an ironic reconsideration widespread enough for Vanity Fair to declare Bush “a hipster icon.” BuzzFeed went further, describing the born-to-wealth Bush as an “outsider artist” and offering “15 Reasons George W. Bush Should Come Work For BuzzFeed Animals.” There was less appetite for, say, “15 Iraqi Children Who Died Agonizing Deaths During The Initial Bombardment Of Baghdad” or “15 Ways Bush Policies Helped Decimate The Wealth Of Working Americans To Benefit The Ultra-Rich.”
Left: Aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln on May 1, 2003, President Bush declares major fighting over in Iraq. The banner reads “Mission Accomplished.” Right: Bush’s paintings of wounded veterans hang at his presidential library in Dallas on Feb. 28, 2017. He also released a book with 66 portraits of vets who served in Iraq and Afghanistan.
By the time Trump clinched the GOP nomination last year, Bush’s approval numbers equaled Bill Clinton’s ― a huge turnaround since Bush’s ignominious departure from office. Among Republicans, a narrow majority had returned to rating his presidency “a success.” Then came the cute-bomb of the “Embrace Seen Around the World,” followed more recently by the release of Bush’s coffee table art book, a sit-down on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” and a People interview about his besties status with Michelle.
In these and other forums, Bush declared racism bad and criticized Trump’s ban on travelers from seven (now six) Muslim-majority countries. It all contrasted nicely with Trump’s blatant Islamophobia. For those desperate to escape the awful reality of the present, Bush’s comments reinforced the comforting delusion of a big-tent bipartisan #resistance that will return everything to the halcyon days of a completely sane and not-at-all racist Republican Party.
“Bush worked hard to sow tolerance for Muslim-Americans, convinced — like President Obama — that respect and openness was an asset in the fight against jihadists,” Slate’s Jamelle Bouie wrote in November 2015, as Trump’s candidacy rose on the back of his proposed Muslim ban. “Now more than ever, this is what the Republican Party needs to hear.”
As president, Trump has shifted Americans’ vantage point on Bush, who seems competent, well-spoken, tolerant and humane by comparison. The first Trump-era host of “Saturday Night Live,” Aziz Ansari, addressed this collective confusion in his monologue.
“What the hell has happened? I’m sitting here wistfully watching old George W. Bush speeches,” Ansari said. “Just sitting there like, ‘What a leader he was!’ Sixteen years ago, I was certain this dude was a dildo. Now, I’m sitting there like, ‘He guided us with his eloquence!’”
Left: Ignoring reporters’ questions, President Bush turns to leave after announcing his support for a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage on Feb. 24, 2004. Right: Bush appears as a guest on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” on March 2, 2017. 
Missing amid much of the reaction to Bush’s sensible words was the memory of his deeds. Americans have a gift for bathing the past in a warm light. A few generations back, things were better, we always seem to imagine — the children more respectful, the adults harder working, the institutions less corrupt, the population more unified.
This knack for rewriting is what allowed Richard Nixon, a divisive president who left a trail of carnage in his wake and barely escaped federal prison at the mercy of a presidential pardon, to die a respected statesman and geo-strategist. It’s what allows his scheming secretary of state, Henry Kissinger, to grow old on vacations with Democratic presidential candidates and bask in laughs during musical numbers on Comedy Central. It’s also what’s helping Bush.
There are, at least, a growing number of backlash pieces. They point out that Bush did much to create the very conditions that gave rise to Trump ― which, in turn, is driving his own expedited rehab.
Much has been made of the idea that the current president is a reaction to the previous one ― a “whitelash” against eight years of Obama, in Van Jones’ phrase. While the argument contains a grain of truth, it is an oversimplification that misses the deeper relationship between Trump and the chaos left behind by Obama’s predecessors. This would be the same chaos that hatched the Islamic State and crashed the economy, lighting a spark beneath a transatlantic, right-wing, ethno-populist movement.
What the hell has happened? … Sixteen years ago, I was certain this dude was a dildo. Now, I’m sitting there like, ‘He guided us with his eloquence!’ Aziz Ansari, hosting “Saturday Night Live” on Jan. 21, 2017
Consider the yawning wealth gap in the U.S. The 2007-2008 financial crisis erased the stored wealth of millions of lower- and middle-income people around the world, the vast majority of whom have yet to recover. Nationalist movements date their current surge to that global crisis, which was preceded and followed by Democratic administrations that also pursued pro-Wall Street policies.
Bush bears a more direct responsibility for the misery in the Middle East. When he took office, al Qaeda was a fringe factor in the Muslim world. The Bush administration’s failure to prevent the 9/11 attacks, followed by the non-sequitur invasion and occupation of Iraq, gave rise to ISIS and the world we know today. Bush, it should be remembered, had plenty of warning: Millions marched in opposition to the Iraq invasion, a street echo of the Arab League’s ominous admonition that such a move would “open the gates of hell.”
Brennan Linsley/Pool/Getty Images
A photo of President Bush hangs alongside other government and military leaders in the headquarters of the U.S. Naval Base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, on Jan. 20, 2009.
Trump is an admirer of torture and other Bush deeds that have only driven extremists’ recruitment. Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, waterboarding, contempt for international law — surely we all remember the list.
Or do we? Given the media’s role in rehabbing him, it seems necessary to note that Bush also hated the press. As Jacobin’s Branko Marcetic reminds us, U.S. forces under the Bush administration killed multiple journalists, including shelling a hotel known to be full of international reporters. Two Reuters photographers died that time. Maybe this is what Trump had in mind when he told Bill O’Reilly, “We have a lot of killers. You think our country is so innocent?”
Without Bush’s two most fateful decisions ― letting Wall Street run amok and invading Iraq ― it’s hard to imagine Trump’s metamorphosis from a second-rate reality TV star to president of the United States.
Left: President Bush disavows anti-Muslim sentiment after 9/11, speaking at the Islamic Center of Washington on Sept. 17, 2001. Right: At Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, Spc. Charles Graner and Spc. Sabrina Harman pose with naked, hooded prisoners who were forced to form a human pyramid.
Hazy nostalgia for George W. Bush carries broader risks. If Bush really wasn’t so bad, then Trump is more of a dramatic switch from ages past than he’s already been judged. His administration is a comet carrying alien life, as opposed to the edge of a continuum stretching back through decades of Democratic and Republican misrule. Normalizing Bush weakens our already weak grip on history, making it that much harder to see how today’s political harvest was also cultivated by the administrations of Clinton, who signed NAFTA and unleashed Wall Street, and Obama, who continued the Wall Street bailouts and allowed 90 percent of wealth creation during his tenure to accrue to the top 1 percent.
If Bush had never been president, or an execution-happy Texas governor, he might be a great buddy to talk baseball with. Even now, despite everything, it’s possible to empathize with his anguished conscience and maybe grant him whatever fleeting solace he finds in his paints and his bubble baths. But that’s really between him, his minister and his therapist. The country cannot afford any more sentimentalized politics.
Paul J. Richards/AFP/Getty Images
President Bush is informed of the attacks on the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001, while attending a school reading event in Sarasota, Florida.
If Trump’s election has any value, it’s as a wakeup call to stay focused on the forces and interests behind the masks. This was never going to be easy. Humanity is blessed and cursed with an ability to repress memories, especially traumatic ones. Voluntary and enforced forgetting has long been used to strengthen social cohesion. In ancient Athens, statues of Lethe, the god of forgetting, were erected as reminders of official decrees to let go of recent civil wars.
The “Embrace Seen Around the World” has shown us how much harder remembering will be under the spell of social media, which may be shrinking our historical depth of field faster than Bush’s secret energy task force helped melt the Antarctic ice sheets. The habits of mind encouraged by social media are part of the new velocity, the constant internet-powered churning and re-appropriation, that is driving our great forgetting. A decade ago, The Onion imagined the U.S. Department of Retro warning that the nation “may be running out of past.” The joke concerned recycling yesterday’s fashions at Urban Outfitters, but it hinted at a world where George W. Bush is recycled on national television and the pages of Time magazine.  
The internet can also be a tool for resisting memory loss. In the past, scholars, columnists and other elite gatekeepers drove public rehabilitations, re-tailoring reputations for acceptance at the latest dinner party. But those gates are no longer kept, and the public that chooses to forget can also choose not to. In the leveled, noisy fields of the internet, they can say, “No, this must be remembered.”
Bush helped birth Trump, but he also revived the soul of national resistance. That resistance can’t stop Bush and his fellow ex-presidents from trying to rewrite history and making tens of millions of dollars on the lecture circuit. But Americans can remember what these presidents did and why they belong on the other side of the barricades. Or at least back at the ranch, standing before an easel.
Aude Guerrucci/Pool/Getty Images
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caveartfair · 8 years ago
Trump’s Newly Released Federal Budget Eliminates NEA—and the 9 Other Biggest News Stories This Week
Catch up on the latest art news with our rundown of the 10 stories you need to know this week.
01  President Trump’s budget proposal calling for the elimination of the NEA has been met with fierce criticism from the arts community.
(via the Washington Post and the New York Times)
After months of speculation that the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) would be subject to elimination, President Trump’s budget proposes that that the organization’s $148 million in funding be slashed. Current NEA chairman Jane Chu released a statement expressing disappointment with the proposal, emphasizing the geographical diffusion of projects funded by the NEA. The plan, which appropriates federal funding, still needs to be enacted by Congress through what will be a lengthy and contentious process. During that time, the NEA will continue to operate per usual. While right-wing writers like George Will generally applaud the plan, according to the New York Times, arts advocates are looking to sway conservative representatives in red states into protecting the agency’s budget. Outgoing director of the Met Thomas Campbell called the agency’s potential elimination a “terrible disservice to the American people.” Critic Philip Kennicott wrote in the Washington Post that the cuts amount to “carefully calculated attacks on communities, especially those that promote independent thinking and expression, or didn’t line up behind the Trump movement as it swept to power through the electoral college in November.” A PEN America petition opposing the elimination of the NEA—and fellow agency the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)—has been signed by prominent artists like Jasper Johns, Cindy Sherman, Barbara Kruger, and others. Though the NEA has long faced challenges from the right, Trump is the first acting president to propose the elimination of the agency.
02  The damage done to Mosul’s archaeological museum by ISIS is being assessed after Iraqi forces retook the museum last week.
(via AFP)
After government troops recaptured the institution last Tuesday, archaeologists and reporters were allowed to enter the site this week, finding the museum had suffered massive damage. ISIS forces looted antiquities that were small enough to carry, leaving all of the museum’s cabinets empty, and destroyed large-scale sculptures and objects—some of the destruction was captured on video that spread widely in 2015. “Antiquities weighing more than four tonnes were impossible for them to steal, so they were destroyed on the spot,” said Iraqi archaeologist Layla Salih. Once regarded as Iraq’s second-most important museum, its holdings included major Assyrian and prehistoric Hellenic antiquities. Three of the Mosul museum’s most valuable works were destroyed—two “lamassu” sculptures and a large winged lion. The museum itself is in ruin and among the few objects that survived are two coffins of 13th-century Shiite imams.
03  The 78th edition of the Whitney Biennial, curated by Christopher Y. Lew and Mia Locks, opened Friday to rave reviews.
“Irony, be gone,” said Whitney director Adam Weinberg on March 13th as he inaugurated the 2017 Whitney Biennial—the first to take place in its Meatpacking District location. The phrase was uttered softly and without emphasis, but the words can be seen to summarize the 2017 edition of the biennial, curated by Lew and Locks. The duo’s show is direct and unapologetically concerned with the state of American society and the individual lives of American citizens, without being drawn into sentimentality or ever becoming too noisy or polemical to lose its impact.
04  Animal activists are protesting Damien Hirst’s forthcoming exhibition in Venice.
(via Hyperallergic)
Italian animal rights group 100% Animalisti docked in Venice at around midnight on March 6th and headed to the Palazzo Grassi. Once there, they dropped off 88 pounds of dung and a banner that read “DAMIEN HIRST GO HOME! BECCATI QUESTA OPERA D’ARTE! 100% ANIMALISTI” (which translates to “Here is my piece of artwork”). The group has previously protested the works of Maurizio Cattelan and Hermann Nitsch. Hirst has long come under fire for the use of animals in his work, from sourcing a tiger shark for his notorious The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living (1991) to causing the deaths of some 9,000 butterflies in 2012 for his show at the Tate in London. Palazzo Grassi and fellow Venice museum Punta della Dogana will present Hirst’s first major show in Italy since 2004, which spans both venues and is slated to open April 9. Titled “Treasures from the Wreck of the Unbelievable,” the show will present a new body of work that is reportedly “10 years in the making.” Though little is known of the work—aside from two brief trailers that depict underwater sea life scenes—the New York Times reported that the 250-piece series “resembles jeweled buried treasure covered with coral as if just pulled out of the ocean, like relics from the lost city of Atlantis or Captain Nemo.”
05  Robert Smithson’s land art sculpture Spiral Jetty has been named Utah’s official state work of art.
(via Salt Lake Tribune)
The Utah Senate and the Utah House of Representatives have both voted to designate the late American sculptor’s monumental 1970 work, Spiral Jetty, as a “state work of art.” Smithson’s sculpture, located in rural Utah, sees 1,500 feet of black basalt rock coiled near the northeastern shore of the Great Salt Lake. The legislature also adopted ancient rock art sites found across Utah as a “state work of art.” As representative Becky Edwards told The Salt Lake Tribune, the bills are “a nod to the prehistoric people who lived in our state and an acknowledgement of the contemporary land art that is so unique in our state.” Representative Christine Watkins called Utah “one of the most important rock art theaters in the Western hemisphere” in reference to what she described as at least 12,500-year-old ice age art. The rock and land art will join other current Utah symbols including the state insect (honeybee), state tree (Quaking Aspen), state animal (elk), and state cooking pot (Dutch oven).
06  Following a series of protests, a contemporary art gallery in London known for hosting far-right speakers has shut down.
(via Shutdown50)
The campaign to close LD50 Gallery—run by Lucia Diego and Alexander Moss—began earlier this month following a Facebook post by Diego in support of President Donald Trump’s Muslim ban. Revelations that the space had previously hosted numerous far-right speakers as part of an alt-right art exhibition also sparked controversy. On Tuesday, the group “Shut Down LD50” announced that the landlord of the Dalston space had asked the tenants to vacate the building. “As of April there will no longer be a racist cultural centre operating in Hackney,” the organization said in a statement. The gallery’s sign has been taken down, though their website remains active, accusing their opponents of “regulating free-speech and contemporary Art galleries.”
07  It turns out the Mona Lisa is smiling after all—at least, according to scientists.
(via ScienceDaily)
A new study from of the University of Freiburg has found that the mysterious woman at the center of Leonardo da Vinci’s most famous painting is generally perceived as happy by viewers. Researchers showed participants the painting’s lips unaltered, alongside eight other versions in which the Mona Lisa’s lips were modified to curve slightly upwards or downwards. Despite the purported ambiguity of her facial expression among art historians, the study determined that a majority of observers viewed the actual curvature of the Mona Lisa’s lips as an indication of happiness. An enduring mystery not addressed by the study is why, exactly, the woman is smiling to begin with.
08  Oral arguments began in the First Amendment lawsuit over a high school student’s painting that was removed from display on Capitol Hill last month.
(via the St. Louis Post-Dispatch)
The work sparked controversy because it depicts police officers as animals within a composition centered on protests in Ferguson. The painting, by David Pulphus, was one of 400 pieces that hung in a Capitol Hill tunnel after winning an arts competition. Republican congressmen, who took issue with the work, surreptitiously and repeatedly removed it from the wall; it was returned three separate times. A formal complaint lodged against the work eventually resulted in its permanent removal. Missouri Congressman William Lacy Clay, who sponsored Pulphus’s inclusion in the exhibition, then sued the office which oversaw the arts competition. Lawyers for Pulphus and Clay made their case on Wednesday, arguing that taking the work down violated Pulphus’s free speech rights and calling for the work to be reinstated. A key legal question rests on whether the works on the wall amount to government speech, in which case the government can exercise editorial control over what is on the walls. But if the work is considered private speech made in a public forum, removing the piece violated Pulphus’ first amendment rights.
09  After a nearly four-year trial, acclaimed South African photographer Zwelethu Mthethwa has been convicted of murder.
(via Hyperallergic)
On Thursday, a Cape Town judge found Mthethwa guilty of murdering 23-year-old sex worker Nokuphila Kumalo. This verdict brought the drawn-out trial—during which time the photographer maintained his innocence, but refused to testify in court—to a close. Mthethwa became a suspect in the case in April 2013, after footage of Kumalo being severely beaten was released by CCTV; she eventually died from blunt force trauma. While a psychiatrist testified that Mthethwa could not remember the night of the murder, the judge countered that the defendant’s story appeared to be “untruthful and fabricated.” Mthethwa is a celebrated photographer who is represented by Jack Shainman Gallery in New York. His portraits of South Africans have been collected by illustrious museums including the Met, LACMA, SFMOMA, and Centre Pompidou. His bail has been withdrawn, and his sentencing is scheduled for March 29th.
10  Art Jameel announced a long-term partnership with the Met and plans to build a contemporary art institution in Dubai.
(via Art Jameel)
As one component of a multi-part initiative to support art and culture of the Middle East, the non-profit organization will open its first permanent exhibition space, Jameel Arts Centre Dubai, in winter 2018. Designed by UK-based architecture firm Serie Architects, it will offer 1,000 square meters of gallery space and host shows that draw from the Jameel Art Collection along with special solo and group exhibitions. A curatorial council including Jessica Morgan, director of Dia Art Foundation, and Murtaza Vali, a curator and writer, has also been established to guide the institution’s exhibition and growth strategy. Simultaneously, Art Jameel has forged a partnership with New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art, which, according to Art Jameel’s press release, “will enable the Museum to acquire works by modern and contemporary artists from the Middle East.” In recent years, Art Jameel has introduced several visible  projects that connect the Middle Eastern art community to the West. In 2006, it joined forces with the Victoria and Albert Museum to establish its Jameel Gallery of Islamic Art; in 2009, they established the biennial Jameel Prize for “contemporary art inspired by Islamic tradition.”
—Artsy Editors
Cover image: Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images.
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