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zvtara-was-never-canon · 3 months ago
The only way i could see Canon Katara interested on Zuko is if he somehow did his Heel Turn long before the start of the show and has become a freedom fighter akin to Jet, but without the murder.
Obviously, this is impossible, there is no way that a young Zuko could become a better person without his exile, his enviroment is just not place that encourage
Sorry for the last question i send, i made a mistake and send it sooner than i wanted.
But anyway, what i tried to say that, even if that ridiculous scenario that i propossed where to happen, Zuko would be a very different characther from his Canon self. Plus even if he has become Katara's type, there is no way to know if Katara would be Zuko's type on that scenario lol
Once again, guys: pre-scar and exile Zuko was already dealing with a ton of bagagge, and post-redemption Zuko was already a "freedom fighter but without the murder." Katara saw him at this worst during all of book one, at his somewhat less of dick moments (Ba Sing Se), and at his best after his redemption - and she wasn't attracted to him at any of these points.
"I don't support war, genocide and/or murder" is the bare minimum for Katara to not want somebody dead. Compassion is an obligation, not something that immediately makes a guy be a potential boyfriend in her eyes.
We have the answer of what would take for her to be into Zuko, and that answer is not "He can't be a villain anymore" but rather "He can't be Zuko." He can't be a dork that says the wrong thing in a funny way, she'd get mad. He can't want to live in the Fire Nation, there's nothing there for her. He can't be as stubborn as she is, otherwise they're gonna fight (just look at how many times she fights with Toph). He can't take himself too seriously, she'll just mock him for it (ask Sokka).
She wants the guy that literally sweeps her off her feet to charm her, or the guy that notices she's feeling left out at a party, dances with her, and smoothly tells her to ignore everyone's eyes on them because "it's just you and me." She would NOT react well to a guy that screams "SHE'S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!" in the middle of their date (just see how well it worked for Aang when he went "I mean, if it was between kissing you and dying")
And we do know what Zuko's type is: Mai. Gloomy yet sweet, bitchy yet unbothered, out-spoken yet doesn't feel she owes anybody any explanations ever, can handle herself but likes being pampered, apathetic yet caring, has nothing prove yet can be quite arrogant, stubborn yet understanding, aloof to the world in general yet obviously crazy about him in particular.
Zuko might catch brief feelings for someone like Jin (nice, sweet and cheery), but long-term he needs someone as messy as himself so he can relate, but with the kind of mess that balances him out instead of encouraging his worst traits - the yin to his yang. He was not kidding when he said "You're so beautiful when you hate the world"
Katara loves life in general too much for her and Zuko to relate to each other in that regard. She doesn't even know what the word "apathy" means. She doesn't have an "unbothered" bone in her body. Girl went through a ton of trauma and still wasn't anywhere near gloomy, quite the contrary. And she has a bad temper, just like Zuko, which they both know is a bad combo, hence them surrounding themselves with more chill people (Aang, Iroh, Hakoda, Mai, etc).
They're not each other's type AT ALL, hence there being no spark when they become friends. Hence them being not just embarassed, but weirded our and uncomfortable when people mistake them for a couple.
There's a reason zutara fics re-write their personalities completely: there's no other way to force them together because they're fundamentally incompatible. The real Zuko would NEVER be attracted to the real Katara, and vice versa.
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oneatlatime · 10 months ago
Sokka's Master
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Strange choice of master but we'll see where this goes.
The meteor shower animation is quite meditative. I wouldn't mind it as a screensaver.
How to describe something exceptional to your blind friend: "You've never not seen anything like this." It's amazing the quality put into even the tiniest of throwaway jokes.
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Are meteor strikes flammable?
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I love how whenever Sokka's disappointed he gets noodle arms. A surprisingly consistent characterisation.
Momo butt skate.
Iroh. The fuck?
ok. So he's playing a part for the guards. Why?
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Funny to think about, but as a former WWE character, Toph's probably had more hero worship than the Avatar.
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Lots to say about this! First, I stand corrected! i honestly thought that Sokka would be immune to this specific insecurity by virtue of him not being a bender. I was wrong! Second, I love how, as soon as Sokka expresses that he feels that he isn't as talented as the rest of them, the others respond by listing his actual, invaluable talents, without which the group would be completely at sea. They don't respond with "no you're perfect!" they respond with "no one can read a map like you can" and how he keeps their spirits up with jokes. They're not using false praise. They are using specific facts. I love that an episode that looks like it's going to deal with a character feeling down on themselves establishes from the get go that the character is invaluable, actually. So often, the 'low self esteem stock episode' puts the affirmation of the character's value at the end. Which means the viewer spends the whole episode being convinced that the character in question might actually be useless. Here, we're told from the start that the character is invaluable - the problem is that they do not perceive themselves to be so. Quite on the nose for a show that deals so much with identity.
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Validating Katara sweeps in and a) validates his feelings, while b) clearly explaining that his self-perception is not in line with how the others see him, which c) doesn't invalidate a) !!!!
Katara has such emotional intelligence when she chooses to use it.
Nuanced intelligent discussion of the complexities of emotions and self-perception in a Sokka episode I am so happy I am blessed the gods are shining on me today I'm sitting here twirling my hair and swinging my feet and doodling hearts on the corner of my journal
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btw that's the same face he makes when he says SUKI!!!
"Reinvigorate my battling" this boy. just. this boy.
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He lasted a lot longer than I would have with nun chucks.
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Aang the Happy Meal toy.
Some say that Halberd is still spinning today.
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Ladies and Gentlemen, I present: the 45 degree Sokka.
Some Foley artist had the time of their life with this weapons sequence.
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Why thank you for that exposition, Mr. Exposition. Now walk away and we'll never see you again.
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Toph does NOT move ONCE this whole scene and it's ever so slightly freaking me out.
Toph tells you she learned from Badgermoles and no one wants to discuss this further?!? We're going to gloss over that?
So this episode has a training montage theme.
Sokka goes freestyle on those door knockers.
That's one hell of a castle. Must be dark in there though. Tiny windows.
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Which explains the several hundred candles. This show. Set up with one hand; slam dunk with the other.
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This guy's reciting Sokka's s1 introduction on Kyoshi Island.
Sokka: Actually. I am a dumb. The Master: Sold.
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The face of someone who is definitely picking up what you're putting down.
It's been ages since I watched the episode, but is some of what the Master saying here about swords an echo of what Zuko says to the kid in Zuko Alone when he's decapitating sunflowers?
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A Sokka-less Gaang. Depressing and they know it.
The way Katara's voice actor says "oh everyone's a critic" is gold.
Multidisciplinary education vs. kid who's never been within a mile of the box he's being told to think outside of. Fight!
Yikes that was a meaty hit. Does Sokka have a nose left?
They're wearing beehives on their heads.
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Was Sokka always this short?
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The greens in this episode are such a delight.
The way he says "I'm finished!" Sounds like "Am finished" and you can actually hear the smiley emoji he throws in.
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He's good.
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What do they FEED him?
Sokka's voice actor had a great time this episode. All the voice actors had a great time actually.
Sokka invents the La Z Boy
Katara inadvertently invents a fandom war by attempting a joke.
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They're all so useless and it's wonderful.
That was all only one day? That's a lot of outfit changes for one day.
"You mess things up in a very special way." Compliment? Let's go with compliment.
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Sokka is so very Sokka this episode.
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A reason to live is coming!
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*thundering herds of shippers in the distance*
That's clever. The inciting incident gets smelted. Haven't seen that before.
This whole Iroh gets buff montage has been completely dialogue free on Iroh's part. Crazy levels of inner peace, that he'd doesn't need to snark back at the guard.
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Seriously. What are they FEEDING these children. Also how is that door that shiny.
Sokka really has it in for those door knockers.
Apropos of nothing, the clouds in this episode are all so yummy. All these soft slate colours and misty layers.
Meteoric iron is actually a thing, right?
Ok but aren't mold made swords crappy?
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I love how they managed to made a crafting montage where the character who does the least work is the one who looks like he's working the hardest.
"I saw a heart as strong as my garden decor"
"No it certainly wasn't your skills. You had none."
Creativity, versatility, intelligence, meat, sarcasm.
You've known him like two days and you can already tell he's more worthy than any man you've ever trained? Sounds like you had poor taste in students.
"No. This is my fight. Alone." Bro you are going to DIE. The first time you held a sword was two days ago. You might need the avatar on this one.
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Guard who never shuts up actually kind of has a point here. He's a dick about as usual, but it's entirely possible that the rank and file of the Fire Nation army view Iroh's actions as a betrayal. Does anyone remember in Star Wars movie number 7, or maybe 8, when that Trooper sees Finn after he's switched sides and yells "traitor!" and it's the best part of the movie? Yeah, like that.
This episode throws the concept of linear time out the window. In two days, Iroh gets swole and Sokka masters sword fighting.
Do you think Sokka's realised yet that this is his final exam?
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Yummy yummy clouds.
One in a million pocket sand shot.
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One in a million stick placement.
So this master is like a sword spirit or something. He can't be human. There's no way he could get the scabbard to fly on perfectly without seeing.
"Try Lee, There's a million Lees. There's a tea shop in Ba Sing Se that has a super cranky waiter called Lee."
This guy's just this side of committing treason and I love it.
I see this Master is a devotee of the 'Hakoda school of shoving outrageously over the top compliments into Sokka's thick skull in the hopes that 1% of them will stick.' I approve.
This last scene has gorgeous hills and skies but you'll have to take my word for it because I've hit the image limit.
Sokka's been inducted into the super secret boy band!!!
He saved space earth for Toph! He's so considerate! He's fuelling the ships!
Let's compromise and call it space dirt instead.
Final Thoughts
This episode every two minutes: Sokka, you are currently flawless and you're about to get better. Me: Yes. Yep. Yeah. Seconded. I concur.
I like it! It's great! It's 24 minutes of the writers and characters fangirling over Sokka! Of course I like it! It made me criminally overuse exclamation marks! What else can I say?
Hands down my favourite episode is Bato of the Water Tribe. For Sokka's story, this episode is Bato of the Water Tribe part 2. Of course I'm going to love it. This episode was lab grown specifically for me.
Now let's see if I can say something about this episode that isn't poorly disguised squealing.
I love how the characters respond to Sokka saying he's not special with an evidence-based refutation rather than blanket reassurance.
I love how shopping cheers up Sokka. I love how Katara knows that shopping will cheer him up. This must be something she's learned since the show started. I don't think there were malls in the South Pole. So Katara was paying attention when Sokka and Momo went through the bag saga.
I love how much the master is baffled yet impressed by Sokka. He seems almost charmed by this breath of fresh air. I think it's hilarious that, when Sokka first approaches him, he's expecting early season 1 Sokka. He'd better send Suki a thank you card.
I also really like "The way of the sword doesn't belong to any one nation." It seems obvious to us, but in a world where there are weaponisable skills that are quite literally inseparable from the nations their wielders inhabit, it's probably something no one in the Gaang has ever heard before.
Obviously the episode is a little rushed - half hour kid's show and all that - but it's still pretty crazy that you can apparently impart a solid basic knowledge of swordplay in two days.
Toph going all tsundere is funny, and makes Aang and Katara unapologetically desperate for Sokka's company twice as funny as it already is. Toph's like "whatever" and the other two spent the day making a welcome home banner.
I love how Sokka's happiness is always so loud and shameless. It makes it contagious.
This episode highlights what Sokka's actual strengths are, by instructing him in what he thinks his strengths are. If that makes sense? Sokka is brain, which he's finally starting to realise by attending brawn lessons.
He's also heart, and I'll die on that hill.
Iroh getting swole was honestly just a thing that happened. No comment really, except it was interesting to have a reminder from the guard that a character we perceive as the good guy is currently perceived as the bad guy by everyone but us. When the Fire Nation does inevitably get defeated, a whole nation is going to have to reset their worldview and that will not be an easy process.
More like this please!
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redrikki · 1 year ago
Avatar-Fic Masterpost
Gather Up Every Wayward Lock - The girls do their hair, now with 100% more character development. (Katara, Azula, Toph)
Seven Stories of Uncles and Nephews - Zuko couldn’t ask for a better father than his uncle and Iroh loves the boy like a second son.  7 very short stories written for Irko Week 2009. (Zuko, Iroh)
The Last Cheese Bender - It was amazing just how much of Air Nomad cuisine had survived, but none of the other nations ate cheese. Aang was going to change that. (Aang, the Gaang)
Playing With Fire (The Dubiously Consensual Remix) - People didn’t tell Azula no. (Azula/Ty Lee)
The Thing With Wings -  Aang had a son.  He would teach him airbending and never be alone again. (Aang, Bumi II)
Chips and Blocks - Lin called Toph ‘Chif’ for years before some well-meaning busybody taught her to say 'Mom’ instead.  Toph isn’t sure what kind of mom she is, but she knows which kind she doesn’t want to be. (Toph, Lin)
Half a Phoenix (The Out of the Past and Into the Future Remix) - Everyone has a lesson to teach.  Ozai and his granddaughter learn a lot from each other. (Ozai, Zuko, Zuko’s daughter)
Conversations on the Road to Splitsville - Tenzin and Lin were never going to work, it just took him a long time to realize that. (Lin/Tenzin, Pema/Tenzin)
Sweep, Stir, Sew - When your daughter is the Avatar, motherhood is an exercise in letting go. (Senna/Tonraq, Korra)
Ten-Thousand Words (Which Wont See The Light of Day) - A series of short stories about the ladies of the Legend of Korra. (Asami, Pema, Ikki, Lin, Ginger, Senna, Katara)
People Skills - Bolin’s not too smart but he’s good with people and he’s okay with that. (Bolin)
Element of Freedom - Opal knows what she wants, she just needs to be convinced to go for it. (Opal, Korra)
Girl, Gotten (The Heroine After Remix) - As long as Asami’s the hero, Korra’s okay being the love interest. (Korra/Asami)
Leaves on the Wind - What comes next? Two short stories about the next Avatar. (Korra, Asami, OCs)
Tales of Albuquerque - A car bombing in San Francisco lands Marshall Mary Shannon in a whole lot of hot tea or Zuko and Iroh hide out from the Flame Triad in witness protection. AtLA/In Plain Sight (Zuko, Iroh, Mary Shannon)
The Start of a Long Summer - Azula steps through a wardrobe to find a kidnapping faun and a wintry kingdom ripe for regime change. AtLA/Chronicles of Narnia (Azula, Tumnus)
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attackfish · 1 year ago
Continuation of the au where water bender zuko gets adopted by arnook? It’s such an interesting one
Continued from: [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link], and [Link].
1. Iroh has gotten as far as he has, taking over the Fire Nation fleet and forcing Zhao's suicide, based on an appearance of legitimacy, by his royal blood, and reputation of the Dragon of the West. But that sense of legitimacy only goes so far, and he knows he can't lead the fleet into outright treason against Ozai without mutiny. So he prepares to sail the fleet home, and to relinquish it into his brother's grasp. This prospect, it must be said, does not exactly thrill him. He finds himself entertaining wild fantasies about how he might avoid giving his brother back the fleet, but he's aware that unless his brother hands him a fantastic excuse on a silver platter, he's going to have to hand the fleet over.
2. Back in the Fire Nation, Azula spent Iroh's entire absence stewing in a sick sense of dread. It's a pointless, paralyzing emotion, but she can't manage to push it back or make it go away. What happens if her father conquers the Northern Water Tribe and kills her brother? What if he fails? (What if her father finds out she's the one who told her uncle his plans?) It's that last one that keeps her up at night, the last one that dogs her steps, the last one that lingers as she preens and smirks under her father's praise. It never occurs to her to confess and plead for leniency. Excuses and begging are for lesser mortals. Her father taught herbetter than that. Now that she's done it comma she just has to hope that she's covered her tracks well enough.
3. Ozai barely notices when his brother leaves. He likes it better when Iroh isn't there anyway. But he can't help but notice when Iroh stops Zhao's invasion in its tracks, takes over the fleet, and kills his pet admiral. And to say Ozai is furious is a dramatic understatement. Ozai is livid. Ozai is incandescent with rage. And in retrospect, Iroh's timing is telling. Someone must have tipped him off. And when Ozai finds out who, he will light them up like torch and rost them alive where they stand. A fate he also intends to bestow upon his traitorous brother. And anyone who went along with Iroh's order to retreat, should count themselves lucky if when Ozai is through with them, they are permitted to so much as crew a fishing boat.
4. Well, Iroh had been looking for a pretext. And here his brother has handed him one so generously. It would be horribly ungrateful if Iroh didn't take it. But it gets better, or perhaps worse, because as Iroh sails through Fire Nation waters, word reaches the fleet that Ozai has banished his only daughter, for the crime of telling her uuncle about the invasion, that he attacked her and burned her across the face, and ordered her to come home only oncd she has her brother's head, the Avatar captured, and her uncle in chains to face the Firelord's justice, so that she can undo her treason.
5. It isn't hard to divert the fleet to intercept his niece's ship, to bring her onboard, and present her, barely lucid, to the sailors of the fleet, to ask if they think that maiming a child and casting her out is justice, to ask them if they think that throwing away his only heir is the actions of a sane man, or of a mad tyrant. Once again the fate of the Fire Nation rests on a lost heir and a lost battle, but this time it is Iroh sweeping in to cast his brother down.
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 3 years ago
Three Little Changes (Part 2)
Ngl I can't believe that I haven't done an Azutara long fic before. Azutara was the first thing I ever shipped lol. Better late than never.
She hadn’t expected to see Azula back in school so soon. 
The rumors made it sound horrible, like the girl was going to be paralyzed for life or brain damaged, or something. But then again, they said that Zuko got lost at sea and died–he came back a few days before Azula.  
This wasn’t Azula’s first run in with the ocean. She still remembers the first accident. The one that happened when they were just children. The reef had done a number on her then and it had decided to have a second go. 
The ocean had never been kind to Azula and her family. She knows that a while back a hurricane had swept Ozai’s pearl harvesting business right off of the boardwalk–she doesn’t know how he had managed to salvage that. 
The lesser rumors had said that Azula was still walking and her mental wellness was fully intact but that she had some hideous, disfiguring scars. 
She does have scars, more of them added to those from her childhood accident. But Katara doesn’t find them to be anything worth noting. 
Katara looks down before she can meets her eyes and fidgets with her charm bracelet. There’s the dolphin, the scuba diver, the surf board, the palm tree, the hibiscus, and a crab. That one is her favorite, that is the one that Kya had given her before losing her battle with cancer. 
When she looks up once more she finds that Azula has only come closer. She walks with something like a slight slouch or a limp, she winces with each step and Katara can’t stop the question from tumbling out, “shouldn’t you be at home, recovering?” If every step is painful enough to have her hunched and clutching her side…”
“I don’t want to be at home.” Azula bites. “It’s boring and…” She trails off. “Nevermind.” 
Katara releases her breath. She had been certain that the other girl was going to tear her a new one. She never did have anything particularly nice to say. 
But today is different.
Today she props herself up against Katara’s locker and, after the fact, asks, “do you mind?”
She is already leaning against it and even if she wouldn’t Katara wouldn’t have had the heart to tell her to take her rest somewhere else. Even with all of the bad blood she can’t imagine letting herself watch Azula shamble to find somewhere else. 
“That seems like it hurts a lot. I don’t know if it means anything, but I’m glad that you’re okay.”
Azula’s brows furrow. “I guess that it means something.” She pauses and sweeps her bangs back over skin that is still mending where the stitches have finally been removed. “You’re the only person who hasn’t bombarded me with questions today.” 
She remembers that day vividly. It was the day things started to change. 
The beginning of the first of the three changes that she is okay with.
When a rival had become a friend.
These days it almost feels like they had never hated each other at all. That an eight year old Azula had never stolen the lunch out of her glittery dolphin lunchbox and replaced it with sand, mud, and worms from Iroh’s Marlin Mouth Pro Fishing shop.
The devious beast in question finally slips into her chair. 
“What took you so long, you’re never late?”
Azula shrugs. “Things got heated between father and Zuzu again…”
It is really all that she needs to say. Katara imagines that it must be taxing to play the mediator role all the time. “Does he still blame Zuko for what happened?”
“Among other things.” Azula replies. Katara catches the faintest pursing of her lips, that familiar furrowing of her brows. “Let's go order some ice cream.” 
“I wish that you wouldn’t just keep things bottled up all the time.” Katara comments in spite of knowing that it is best to not push her. 
“I’m alright, Katara. I’m used to it.”
But that is just it, she shouldn’t be. Katara opens her mouth to say as much but instead she replies, “I heard that they’re selling chocolate covered banana pops, I’ve been meaning to try one.” 
Azula nods. “Do you want a plain one, the one with peanuts, or the one with sprinkles.” She pauses for a beat. “Peanuts.” She guesses with a quirk of her brow. 
“Peanuts.” Katara confirms. “Let me guess, you’re getting the boring plain one?”
Azula saunters up to the smoothie shack and passes her credit card. “One chocolate covered banana with peanuts and one with sprinkles…” She shoots a look back at Katara. “Extra rainbow, please.” 
Katara rolls her eyes. 
“Extra rainbow?” She laughs upon dropping back into their seats. “What does that even mean?”
“It means, extra ‘I bet you weren’t expecting that’.”
“You’re the worst.”
“I buy you food. I think that,” Azula pauses to push her sunglasses back up her nose. “That puts me a or two step above Chan.” She leans back in the chair and stares off at the sunset. “And I give you something to make your summer evenings more thrilling.
“Are you ‘not the worst’ enough to try rollerblading with me. Sunset, boardwalk, ice cream in hand–the whole experience?”
“Ugg, now you’re pushing it.” Azula takes another lick at the chocolate and sprinkles. “That’s such a sappy date idea.” 
“It’s a romantic idea. Don’t write it off until you try it!” Katara bites into the banana, a coldness bursts over her teeth but Azula is the one who shudders. 
“I hate it when you do that. It makes my teeth hurt.” 
“It’s not my fault that you have sensitive baby teeth.” 
Azula folds her arms across her chest and grumbles something. 
“It’s alright, I don’t mind your sensitive teeth.” She follows Azula’s gaze past the swishing silhouettes of palm trees to the gold washed ocean. It is that time of the evening where the sun hits it just right, putting a sparking shimmer upon the gentle waves. When droplets of water look like beads of sunshine. Tiny liquid marbles that Katara wishes she could suspend in the air and hold. 
There is something else that she can hold and she does. She cups her hand over Azula’s. She feels the slightest twitch. It is reassuring to know that she has finally moved past jerking away and hissing. 
“Thanks for the chocolate covered banana.” 
“Yeah.” Azula replies. Her cheeks are slightly colored and she meets Katara’s eyes only for a flicker before staring off into the sunset with a renewed vigor. 
Katara can’t help but to chuckle. It is strange to think that she has warmed up to and started to understand the other girl’s cold mannerisms; a component of that first welcomed change.
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rk-ocs · 2 years ago
ATLA and the Tarot
So I had thoughts on ATLA and Tarot. Which ties with persona. 
So I submit that Aang and Zuko are both fools who go on a journey, and might or might not expand more on it later.
Katara is strength, Azula is chariot, Iroh is the hierophant, Toph a magician, mai starts off as reverse lovers and this changes over the show, Ty Lee is the sun, Sukki is Justice, and sokka after a lot of thought makes an interesting Emperor. 
Of course they have secondaries (Katara for instance has a lot of Empress energy), and act as different cards in interactions with other characters (katara uses reverse Empress energy at times with toph), and Ozai being a devil to... More then just Zuko actually. Interesting in relation to Zuko though,as like the lovers,the devil is a card about Choices.
On that choices note, lets start with Mai. 
"The Lovers reversed can point to both inner and outer conflicts that you are dealing with. The disharmony can make daily life difficult and could be putting pressure on your relationships. You should take time to think about what you are punishing yourself for, so you can fix them or let them go. At this time, you should also think about your personal values and belief system to make sure that they are aligned with what you want from your life.
A break in communication could be another possible interpretation. The foundation for your relationships may be cut off, creating an imbalance between you and your partner or loved ones. The unity normally present within the card has become lopsided. 
The Lovers reversed can also indicate that you have been avoiding responsibility for your actions. You could have made a decision that was based on your desire for immediate gratification but are now blaming others for the consequences that are catching up to you. So, you need to make amends or let go of the past and make better decisions in the future."
The reversed Lovers in a relationship or romance tarot reading can suggest there is a coldness within your relationship. What was in balance is no longer working. Some issue likely stands in the way of your relationship, and must be resolved to once again form a closer bond.
Mais relationship with her parents at the Omashu storyline are a good starting ground for this. She is not in a good place with her relationship with her parents. Her baby brother probably does not help that, as that's naturally liable to take up a lot of their attention, leaving her feeling like she does not have a lot of direction to her life when accounting for the move to Omashu (that she was not thrilled about)
Then Azula comes sweeping in with her chariot energy, and recruits her for action. 
The first major negotiation she makes with Azula is not one she makes a choice with (her baby bro for a king) ,but is probably something that stuck with her in the back of her mind. She opens up over the journey I think,although it is not a central focus as shes with the dangerous ladies trio, so the main moment we see of it is the beach episode of fireside confessions. Also softening around Zuko. 
But her moment of upright lovers did was not directly related to Zuko, however much he was framed in the context of it in the boiling rock. Its personal
"A more personal Lovers meaning that can apply to individuals is the development of your own personal belief systems, regardless of what are the societal norms. We see this as a development from the Hierophant, who made decrees and passed on his knowledge through a standardized system. This is one of the times when you figure out what you are going to stand for, and what your philosophy in life will truly be. You must start making up your mind about what you find important and unimportant in your life. You should be as true to yourself as you can be, so you will be genuine and authentic to the people who are around you."
Its not that shes suddenly become a rebel, but here is a moment where she is making up her mind about things that are important to her in life. Interesting that its at the heart of it is an imbalance between Mai and Azulas relationship dynamics that brings it to this moment. Either way, this is a moment where she takes a stand and responsibility for her beliefs, and I would have liked to see Mai explore that further, and chose and develop what she stands for,rather then just be what she was taught.
"The Chariot tarot card is all about overcoming challenges and gaining victory through maintaining control of your surroundings. This perfect control and confidence allows the charioteer to emerge victorious in any situation. The use of strength and willpower are critical in ensuring that you overcome the obstacles that lie in your path. The Chariot's message comes to make you stronger as you strive to achieve your goals.
The key message that he brings to you is that you must maintain focus, confidence, and determination through a process that will be full of winding turns and detours. If you have a plan or a project that you seem not to be sure about, the Chariot shows that you should pursue the plan with a structured and ordered approach. Your boldness will ensure that you achieve all that you should in this goal. 
In the Chariot's quest for his goal, he may display some behavior that he has never seen within himself before - competition and a desire to succeed has perhaps brought out a more aggressive part of his personality. Aggression is a natural part of human nature, and the Chariot reminds you that it can also be used to help you take charge of your situation, but also must be reined in so that it does not hinder your way forward. "
Which describes Azula rather well. Shes a rather driven individual, with a good eye and interest in strategy, and particularly how to get people to work with the strategy. She sees her surroundings and uses them well, alongside her interest in military and martial arts. She has a good eye for people in a use sense, though her lack of nuance in interpersonal relationships hinders her. 
She takes control of her surroundings,but her methods of how can leave alot to be desired at times. Namely her reliance on fear as a control tactic. Now,as a 14 year old princess emulating her father (a military king, essentially) that's not unexpected. 
But her overuse of fear as a control tactic, backfired on her in the boiling rock, and lead to a reversal that shows its self in full in the finale. Or probably it started before that,but the boiling rock is where a lot comes to the forefront. 
In the finale she is not her confident self. 
" The reversed Chariot's appearance in a reading can help you become aware of both your aggression, and your lack of willpower. It may either be saying that you are lacking in focus, motivation or direction, or that you are being warped by your obsession with your goals. In the former case, let the Chariot be a reminder that you can emerge victorious as long as you can gather the courage to do so. In the latter, your impulses may be another factor that you must rein in. To see the Chariot in reverse may suggest that you need to come to terms with the fact that you cannot always be in control.
The Chariot reversal meaning can also be an indication of lack of control and direction over your life. You are at the mercy of the opposing forces and the obstacles, and cannot seem to muster the strength to take over. You are taking everything lying down, and life is dragging in any direction that it pleases. It should serve as a wakeup call and reminder that you will need to tighten some loose ends and take charge of your destiny."
Mai and Ty Lees betrayal of her was something she could no longer control, she can't control everything, and rather then accept that, shes becoming warped with a want of success for it, and losing control of more things in her life. You can't be perfect at everything, however Azula is both a princess (and so has expectations on her), and very driven and talented and not used to losing, or having a hard time coming to grips with failure,and does not have people she would accept to guide her (her dad is gone, her friends betrayed her, her mom left, her uncle thinks shes evil)
The reversed love reading also fits here
"When reversed, the Chariot tarot love meaning can signal an overwhelming drive to find love, so much so that other goals and aspirations may have been forgotten. Sometimes, one has to remember that in life, we cannot control everything around us, and no matter what we do, we can’t make the perfect person appear to us. Showing up everyday with hope and enthusiasm is important, but so is patience. Let love find you.
A reversed Chariot in love can also signal that things may be out of balance, and you may need to work to correct them again. Make sure that your work, love, family and friendships are not suffering because you are overextending in one or another. This may be at the root of disagreements with your partner."
At the last Agni Kai, the only relationship Azula has with is work (being royalty).And in overspending in that, she is obsessing for goals that can not be reached. She is all out of balance, no friends left to her, her dad gone,and her brother come to fight her. 
"As the father figure of the Tarot deck, the Emperor suggests that you are adopting this fatherly role (regardless of whether you are male or female), providing for your family, and protecting and defending your loved ones. You may be the breadwinner or the ‘rock’ for those who rely on your stability and security.
Similarly, the Emperor represents a powerful leader who demands respect and authority. Status, power and recognition are essential to you, and you are most comfortable in a leadership role where you can command and direct others. As a leader, you rule with a firm but fair hand. You have a clear vision of what you want to create, and you organise those around you to manifest your goal. You listen to the advice of others, but you prefer to have the final say. Conflict doesn’t scare you, and you won’t hesitate to use your power to protect those you care about. And in return, those people will repay you with the loyalty and respect you deserve. Claim your authority as leader and influencer and don’t let others put you down.
The Emperor reflects a system bound by rules and regulations. You create law and order by applying principles or guidelines to a specific situation. Create calm out of chaos by breaking down any problem into its parts and then mapping out the actions you need to take to resolve it. Be systematic, strategic and highly organised in your approach, and stick to your plan until the end.
The Emperor card also signifies world knowledge and expertise. Through the course of your life, you have gained valuable wisdom and life experience, and now you enjoy offering guidance, advice, and direction to someone who might benefit from it. You may be a teacher, coach, boss, or just a good friend who likes to take what you have learned and pass it on so that others can be as wise and powerful as you."
So Sokka is at heart a scientist. He likes to create solutions to problems that have a logical progression,he likes to try to have an order, he's the one who wants schedule, who wants to be a leader, and over the course of the series learns to become a good one. Sokka is the visionary. The artist. The learner. 
He doesn't start off that way of course. At the start, Sokka is trying to use his power as older sibling, man of the tribe, and the patriarchy to lead his tribe in a way he really does not know how to. He's not particularly respected as a leader and it shows. 
"The reversed Emperor calls on you to assess your relationship with power, control, authority, responsibility and discipline. Are you expressing too much or too little of these elements in your life right now? Are they working for you or against you?
In the reversed position, the Emperor can be domineering and rigid in his thinking. The card can suggest an over-use and abuse of authoritative power surrounding you. It could originate from you or from another person, often a boss, partner or father figure. And it may be because of deep insecurities or father issues from childhood.
Consider the role that power plays in your life. Are you asserting your power and dominance in a way that leaves others feeling powerless? Or are you giving away your personal power to please someone else, often a father-figure or a person in authority? Seek to find a solution where you lead from a place of personal power and enable others to do the same. Power can be equally and constructively distributed – you don’t need to take it from others, nor do you need to give yours away.
The reversed Emperor may be a sign that others look to you as their leader or as an expert in the field but you are shying away from the role. You may fear being seen as the leader, instead preferring to hide in the shadows or stay out of the spotlight. There may be other ways you can make an impact and influence the world, such as authoring a book or training others to reach a bigger audience.
Sometimes, the reversed Emperor asks you to stand up to authority. "
"Sometimes, the reversed Emperor asks you to stand up to authority. You may feel fed up with an overbearing boss or a hierarchical organisation and feel compelled to enter a more flexible and adaptive environment. Maybe you aspire to be your own boss and work independently by starting up your own business. Or, you may seek a career where you can have greater flexibility and creativity in how you complete your work. You are sick of having to always work within the confines of a particular structure or way of doing things, and you want to break free from it."
So sokka starts in the reverse a little, starts to change his attitude after meeting and fighting justice Sukki. During which, he seeks to change his understanding of the world, and partakes in a cultural and intellectual learning experience of learning and dressing as a Kiyoshi warrior. Its not the first time Sokka  seeks to learn something when in another nation. He's intellectual, artistic, and tactical minded, and understands people better then Azula. 
Sokka and Katata and Zuko and Azula have lots to compare and contrast between eachother. While Katata and Azula could initially have comparisons made between them due to being the powerful bender younger sibs, its zuko and katara who are the more immediate emotional ones. And Sokka and Azula are the more tactical ones. And the ones aiming for leadership. Sokkas better people skills are one of the reasons he succeeds at becoming a good leader, and Azula does not. It might be a part culture thing, as the watertribe would be more communal leadership based on natives as they are, in contrast to Azulas upbringing as a military princess and child soldier. 
Now, I could write a good reading of Katara as empress in contrast to Sokkas emperor.
I could write toph as strength. But really, I lean more twords Katara for it, and its kind of a nice contrast to Azulas chariot. 
"The Strength card represents strength, determination, and power – like the Chariot. However, while the Chariot signifies outer strength and will, the Strength card speaks to the inner strength and the human spirit's ability to overcome any obstacle. Strength is about knowing you can endure life’s obstacles. You have great stamina and persistence, balanced with underlying patience and inner calm. You are committed to what you need to do, and you go about it in a way that shows your composure and maturity.
When the Strength Tarot card appears in a reading, you are fuelled by your inner strength, personal power, strong will and determination. You do not rule by trying to control others; you quietly influence and persuade. Others may underestimate your power because it is so ‘invisible’ – but you should see that as an advantage. You can control a situation without excessive, outward force. No one knows it’s you calling the shots.
Your strength gives you the confidence to overcome any growing fears, challenges or doubts. Feel the fear and do it anyway! If you have been going through a rough time and are burnt out or stressed, the Strength card encourages you to find the power within yourself to persevere. You have got what it takes to see this situation through to its eventual end. You’re a loyal friend and a solid supporter, willing to step up and be present when others are in need, and you might also feel compelled to hold space for someone who needs your strength and support.
The Strength card urges you to ‘tame’ your animal instincts, gut reactions, and raw emotions, and channel these initial responses constructively. It’s normal for feelings such as anger, rage, sadness, guilt or shame to arise in certain situations. However, it’s what you do with these emotions that makes all the difference. Now is a time when you need to be conscious of your instinctual urges and bring them into balance with the greater good. This is no time to act out in rage or hatred. Approach your situation from a place of forgiveness, love and compassion. Working with a therapist may also help you create coping strategies for what comes up."
"When the reversed Strength card appears in a Tarot reading, tune in to your current levels of inner strength, confidence and self-belief. Are you overflowing with self-confidence, or are you depleted? And how can you bring these aspects back into balance?
If you have recently experienced a setback, you may be vulnerable and lacking in self-confidence. Know that your core strength will always be with you and now is as good a time as any to reconnect with this power. In fact, you may hold more strength and resilience than you give yourself credit for – so, be kind to yourself. You can also reinvigorate your self-assurance and self-esteem by collecting evidence from your past that proves you have what it takes to succeed and overcome these temporary challenges.
Check in on your energy levels right now. You may be sluggish, particularly if you have been dedicating yourself to serving others or have been pushing hard to achieve a goal. The reversed Strength card is your invitation to take stock and restore your energy levels by resting and withdrawing for a temporary period. It’s vital that you take care of yourself so you can take care of others.
In its shadow form, the reversed Strength card can signal that you are prone to explosive behaviour, lashing out at others and becoming aggressive. You may act without thinking and end up doing something you regret later. The key is not to repress the raw emotion, but to learn how to channel it so it won’t harm others or yourself. Seek a professional to help you better deal with these emotions."
The strength card is about emotional strength.
"When you get the Strength card in an upright manner during your tarot reading, then it shows that you have inner strength and fortitude during moments of danger and distress. It shows that you have the ability to remain calm and strong even when your life is going through immense struggle. It also shows that you are a compassionate person and you always have time for other people even if it's at your own expense. 
Getting the strength card means that you are a very patient individual who is likely to accomplish anything that they put their mind to. Your resilience will greatly aid you, and your fearlessness means that you should have no issues speaking your mind. This card also indicates this kind of compassion will always be rewarded with having a lot of stability in your life either presently on in the near future."
An upside down Strength card can mean that you are (or about to) experience an intense anger or fear in your life. You seem to be lacking the inner strength that this card normally represents, meaning you might be experiencing fear, and a lack of conviction and confidence in your own abilities. This can mean that you have forgotten all about your passions and the kind of joy, happiness, and fulfillment that came with doing what you love. 
A reversed strength card in a reading might also mean that one is experiencing depression because of a number of reasons and because of that, it is draining all of the happiness from their lives.
One might end up being withdrawn from society because of the unhappiness or depression since they may feel people are the reason why they are so sad. It can also be a sign of jealousy, especially when everyone seems to be happy or excelling in every aspect of life while you are stagnating. This card indicates that you must learn to gain confidence in order to re-harness your inner strength."
Now katara is a very emotional person. She never has any trouble speaking her mind, stays stubbornly commited to her goals (learn the water whip), and is very good at supporting others, while also very willing to fight for them if they can not or will not do themself (see the earth bender rebelion she started, or the time she fought Pakku for learning waterbending rights, something that changed things for her and girls in her tribe. 
She has her morals,and has her hard lines. She does lash out emotionally when in a shakey place (a good example is reencountering Jet),and ultimately when she came across the object of her vengeance, she ended the encounter with a compassion of sorts. Not nesscaritly for him, but his mother, that he has family that would miss him too
The Sun card represents success, abundance, and radiance. Like the sun itself, it gives strength and vitality to all those that are lucky enough to feel its rays. There is much joy and happiness that is coming to you.
Because of your own personal fulfillment, you provide others with inspiration and joy as well. People are drawn to you because they are capable of seeing the warm and beautiful energy which you bring into their lives. You are also in a position in which you are capable of sharing your qualities as well as achievements with other people. You radiate love and affection towards those you care about the most. 
The card shows that you have a significant sense of deserved confidence right now. Life is currently particularly good, and the sun is shining your way as you reach the goals that you set. The Sun is one of the cards in the tarot which provide nothing but good feelings and fulfillment."
"In the reversed position, the Sun indicates that you might have significant difficulties finding positive aspects to certain situations. The clouds might be blocking out the warmth and light that you need to progress. This might be preventing you from feeling confident and powerful. You may experience certain setbacks which are damaging your optimism and enthusiasm.
On the other hand, the Sun reversed might be indicative that you are being unrealistic. It might be a sign that you have an overly optimistic perception of certain situations. These are things that you need to take into account in order to ensure that you are on the right track and your successes continue as they do."
Ty lee is pretty happy with her goals and lot in life. She generally feels pretty good with her decisions, be it going to the circus, joining Azula on her quest, and is generally an optimist. This optimism on the other hand does mean that she is deliberately not being as insightful into situations as she could be, and it also serves as a way to keep people from looking too deep into hers. 
She comes off as an airhead so brightly its blinding to other perceptions of her. She's happy to be seen this way. Her chi blocking indicates a good amount of body knowledge, both of herself and others, and outside of her sisters, she is finding fulfilment of herself and who she is as an individual
The Sun represents success, radiance and abundance. The Sun gives you strength and tells you that no matter where you go or what you do, your positive and radiant energy will follow you and bring you happiness and joy. People are drawn to you because you can always see the bright side and bring such warmth into other people’s lives. This beautiful, warm energy is what will get you through the tough times and help you succeed. You are also in a position where you can share your highest qualities and achievements with others. Radiate who you are and what you stand for; shine your love on those you care about.
If you are going through a difficult time, the Sun brings you the message you have been waiting for: that things will get better, a lot better! Through the challenges along your path, you discovered who you are and why you’re here. Now you are full of energy and zeal for the future and can already perceive success and abundance flowing to you. You are brimming with confidence because you know everything will work out – it always does! Life is good!
The Sun connects you to your power base – not fear-driven, egotistical power, but the abundant, inner energy radiating through you right now. You’ll sense it in your Solar Plexus chakra, calling you to express yourself authentically and be fully present in the world around you. You have what others want and are being asked to radiate your energy and your gifts out into the world in a big way. Tap into your power and use your Divine will to express that power in positive ways.
The Sun is also an energetic card. It reflects a time when you can expect to experience an increase in physical energy, vitality and general positivity. You are bursting with enthusiasm, invigorated and enjoying a wonderful sense of good health.
The reversed Sun is calling to your inner child to come out and play! As adults, we get so lost in the hustle and bustle of everyday life that we forget how to have fun. But spend just a few minutes watching a kid play, and you realise how wonderful and carefree life can be when you learn to let go of your worries and concerns. When you see the Sun reversed in your Tarot reading, see it as your permission slip to leave behind your work and responsibilities, even just for a moment, and play. Dance like no-one is watching, sing like no-one is listening, and let your heart and soul fly free.
The Sun reversed can mean you are struggling to see the bright side of life. You may have experienced setbacks that damaged your enthusiasm and optimism and perhaps led you to question whether you can achieve what you set out to do. You may feel depressed or left out and are no longer enjoying what you are doing. Your direction and path ahead may appear clouded or distorted.
Nonetheless, the Sun is never a negative card, so this is only temporary. The obstacles you see can be easily removed if you put your mind to it. It may just take a bit more effort than usual.
On the other hand, you may be too confident or overly optimistic. While you are confident, you may have become egotistical and out of touch with what you can achieve. Are you truthful to yourself and others? Or, are you trying to talk yourself up when you know you cannot deliver? If this resonates with you, then ask others for feedback and a reality check. Are you unrealistic? Is what you have set out to achieve achievable? Are you really as good as you think you are?
Intrestingly, both reversed cards of lovers and sun both apply to their relationship with Azula at the end. Reverse sun and being out of touch with what you can achieve, and reverse lovers is at the core imbalance between partners, or a broken ballance and perhaps avoidence of responsibilities.
Yue is probably high priestress as she provides imporent guidence to aang on his journey and herself acts as a bridge between physical and spiritual with a literal spirit within her. Good intuition too. (Expand)
But I want to end it on Zuko. While He and aang started at fool, aang ended on the world with his judgement moment being deciding how to face Oazi. 
Zuko did far less of a straightforward journey zigzagging back and forth several cards at time
Its one of the change cards. Along with tower and wheel of fourtune. Specifically is a change card about endings and new beginings
The Death card signals that one major phase in your life is ending, and a new one is going to start. You just need to close one door, so the new one will open. The past needs to be placed behind you, so you can focus your energy on what is ahead of you.
Another meaning is that you are going to go through a major change, transition, or transformation. The old version of you needs to ‘die’ to allow the new you to be created. This can be a scary time for you because you may be unsure of what will happen in the future. Even if you are scared, you should welcome the change because you are opening the door to new life events.
Death can also mean that you need to let go of any unhealthy attachments that you have in your life. This is an important part of life, so learning to keep moving forward is one of the lessons Death teaches us."
Which is are important values to keep in mind when ending a 100 year war and transforming your military nation into a peace one.
It also suits Zuko personally, as while he has unlearned a lot of learned cultural racism, he still has a long way to go before he is perfect at it, and still has a lot of change to make. He will probably struggle with it, as Zuko is not easily adaptable, but he will make it.
After a period of pause and reflection with the Hanged Man, the Death card symbolises the end of a major phase or aspect of your life that you realise is no longer serving you, opening up the possibility of something far more valuable and essential. You must close one door to open another. You need to put the past behind you and part ways, ready to embrace new opportunities and possibilities. It may be difficult to let go of the past, but you will soon see its importance and the promise of renewal and transformation. If you resist these necessary endings, you may experience pain, both emotionally and physically, but if you exercise your imagination and visualise a new possibility, you allow more constructive patterns to emerge.
Similarly, Death shows a time of significant transformation, change and transition. You need to transform yourself and clear away the old to bring in the new. Any change should be welcomed as a positive, cleansing, transformational force in your life. The death and clearing away of limiting factors can open the door to a broader, more satisfying experience of life.
The Death card has elements of a sudden and unexpected change. Death happens to everyone, no matter who you are, how much money you have, where you live, or what colour your skin is; it is the same with a significant change. So, the Death card can be a sign you may feel as though you are caught in the path of sweeping change and cannot escape its effects (especially if accompanied by the Tower or the Hanged Man). Although the upheaval may seem unwanted and painful, this massive change could bring with it a series of unexpected surprises that create new opportunities and advantages for you.
Finally, Death is a sign that you need to learn to let go of unhealthy attachments in your life to pave the way to a fuller, more fulfilled life of deeper meaning and significance. Death teaches you to let go of outworn and outgrown ways of life and to move forward from them. This is a perfect card to break a bad habit or pattern of behaviour. See this as a time to cut out excess and let go of what is unnecessary for your life. Purge the old belongings, memories and baggage that are getting in your way.
One might say he has already had an encounter with death at the end of season two, and chose to skip to the devil, and maybe that's why he skipped back cards on his journey. 
"The Death reversal meaning is still about change, but that you have been resisting it. You could be worried about letting go of the past, or you could not be sure of the changes that you need to make to go forward. Resisting the change and holding onto the past can limit your future, which can cause you to feel like you are in limbo. You should take some time to assess the ways that you have been approaching changes in your life. You may find you have been halting the changes that you need due to fears of the unknown. While you can still be afraid, you should trust that you are taking the right steps and move forward. Life moves on, so fighting passing time is only going to leave you with regrets. Death does not have to be a card of regret, especially if you heed its warning.
The Death tarot card love meaning in reverse can signal strong resistance to change when it comes to your approach and attitude to relationships and romance. This can come in the form of hanging onto a relationship that is stagnant and no longer helping either of you grow as individuals. There may also be dependence on the relationship, or you may only remain together because you feel comfortable, obligated or scared of being alone.
On the other hand, old relationships can also be revived. If you are single, Death reversed in a love tarot reading can suggest that you must avoid negative  patterns and dynamics to be able to truly engage in a loving relationship. You may have self-esteem issues, savior complexes, or wounds that you need to heal in order to find a partner that will love and respect you, and one you can love and respect in return.
As with this card’s upright version, you are being pushed to a change when it comes to your job or your career path. But in reverse, you may be doing all you can to resist this transition. You may stick around despite the unhealthy environment, the reduced pay, or the monotonous projects. Change is inevitable; this applies to our career as well as other aspects of our lives. We must learn to welcome it instead of pushing it away. When we cling to a cycle that is no longer meant to remain in our lives, we watch it slowly decay and drain us. At times, this card can also represent negative patterns repeating once again in your workplace. Do you self-sabotage? Does your defensiveness when making mistakes create trouble? Does your impostor syndrome affect how you interact with your colleagues? Consider what must be let go for you to release these unhealthy patterns."
Death is a card that Zuko dwells on a lot, and keeps coming back to. He does not do his journey in order. I would say that he has already had tower come twice too. Or more.
A judgement card moment for him,is probably going to come when he decides how his relationship with his sister is going to progress. 
He's gone through quite a journey over the series,and still has a lot to go through offscreen. But death is a fitting end point for him serieswise, as he is bringing an end to a lot of things that shaped his world growing up
Of course, Zukos family could all be judgement cards moment's now that I think on it.
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melzula · 5 years ago
Could you write a Fire Lilies blurb about Princess! Reader and Zuko 's date night in their tale of Ba Sing Se?
a/n: you have no idea how excited I was when I got this request!!!
~ part of the fire lilies series ~
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It’s a quiet day in Ba Sing Se as the Princess sweeps the floor of the tea shop and prepares for the morning rush of customers. She doesn’t get paid nearly as much as Zuko and Iroh due to only working part time, but she makes up for it by working in the dress shop across the street. It’s easy work and her employer is very kind so she can’t complain. Besides, this was the kind of simple life she had been longing for ever since her departure from home. The transition hadn’t been easy, especially not for Zuko, and she knew it would take some time to get used to, but now that they were in Ba Sing Se they had all the time in the world to settle down and finally begin a life together.
Across the way at the front counter Zuko watches y/n work silently, an unreadable expression on his face as he does so. He’s doing his best to at least try to make a life here despite how adamant he feels about the city being nothing but a prison, if not for him then for her, because she deserves it after all. It was something he had promised her long ago, and though their relationship had become worn and strained it was still there altogether, and the knots that had formed along the way were finally beginning to loosen now that they were here in Ba Sing Se.
“You know, it has been a very long time since the two of you last had the chance to be alone,” Iroh points out. “Perhaps the Princess would appreciate a romantic night out with her boyfriend.”
“There’s nothing to do here,” Zuko complains. “Where could we possibly go?”
“I’ve heard they have a beautiful fountain here,” Iroh suggests.
“I have to work.”
“Nonsense. I can cover your shift for you so that the two of you may go out together,” his Uncle offers, and before he has the chance to protest y/n approaches the counter with her dustpan and apron in hand.
“The shop is ready for customers,” she says with a small smile. “I should get going. Miss Tai asked me to open up the store today.”
“Of course. Zuko, is there anything you’d like to say to the Princess before she leaves?” Iroh asks, giving his nephew a gentle nudge to the ribs. Zuko scowls before clearing his throat and attempting a gentler approach to the question as you stand there expectantly.
“Would you like to go out on a date tonight?” He asks in a strained voice, obviously uncomfortable and out of his element. He’d never really had to ask her on a date before, she’d always just kind of been there, by his side and ready to spend time with him. Since when did a simple bowl of ramen together not count as a real date?
“I’d love to,” she giggles, obviously appreciative of his efforts, “you can pick me up from work.”
“He’s looking forward to it!” Iroh grins, and Zuko blushes with embarrassment at the delicate laughter that escapes y/n as she exits the shop and heads to work. Spirits, help him.
Zuko waits impatiently outside of Miss Tai’s shop, a permanent scowl on his lips and the urge to fuss with his hair stronger than anything he’s ever felt. He isn’t sure why he allowed his Uncle to do his hair or why he’s putting so much work into a date with his longtime girlfriend, but he knew Iroh had been right about the fact that it had been much too long since they’d last went out like this. But it wasn’t Zuko’s fault, at least not in his eyes, because he had been busy and couldn’t tend to y/n right away like she had hoped he would. The pair had been so close together yet so far apart in his years of hunting the Avatar, and when it was quiet enough his thoughts were often loud with doubt over whether or not she still loved him as much, if at all, as she did when they’d last met in their secret tunnel.
A muffled giggle is what catches his attention, y/n’s hand held over her mouth as she tries to stifle her laughter for Zuko’s sake. He wants to complain but the words die in his throat at the sight of her. Dressed in Miss Tai’s finest silk dress, the Princess looks absolutely radiant and quite literally takes Zuko’s breath away.
“Do you like it?” She muses with a sweet smile. “Miss Tai let me borrow it for our date.”
“You look... really pretty,” he finally says with a small smile of his own.
“And you look absolutely adorable!” y/n squeals, prompting Zuko’s smile to immediately morph into a scowl. She gives his cheeks a light pinch and laughs when he gently swats her hand away. “You should do your hair like that more often.”
“It took Uncle ten minutes to do my hair,” Zuko sulks as the Princess finally puts him out of his misery and ruffles the awful hairdo away.
“I’ll have to thank him when we get back,” she giggles before taking his hand and dragging him off to venture out into the city. “So what should we do?”
“I don’t know,” Zuko grumbles. “This city is nothing but dirt, I don’t know how I can possibly enjoy it.”
“Well you can’t enjoy it with an attitude like that,” the Princess argues. “There’s a cake stand over there. You like cake, don’t you?”
“I’m not in the mood for cake.”
“Then what are you in the mood for?”
“Nothing,” he grumbles, and the Princess’s once cheerful demeanor dwindles into one of disappointment. He doesn’t want to be here, she knows that better than anybody, but she had hoped that maybe by going out together he’d at least warm up to the idea of living in the city. Y/n loved Zuko more than anything in the world, but she was starting to doubt whether or not he still felt the same way about her. Their flame was beginning to dwindle and though she was desperate to keep the fire going it seemed that wouldn’t be possible without his help.
“Maybe you should just go home,” she offers quietly, releasing his hand and turning her back towards him in order to hide her growing tears. “That way you won’t have to be here when you don’t want to, a-and I can just explore the city by myself.”
Guilt weighs heavily upon Zuko’s shoulders at the sound of her trembling voice as he yet again manages to disappoint her. He wants to apologize but the words are stuck in his throat, so instead he lets out a small, awkward cough before coming up and gently resting a hand on her shoulder.
“That fortune teller booth looks kind of fun,” he suggests, and when she gives him a pointed look he says, “I promise I’ll be on my best behavior.”
“Okay,” y/n sniffles quietly, a weak smile present upon her features as Zuko intertwines his fingers with her own and guides her towards the booth. He doesn’t miss the manor in which she tightly holds his hand, almost as if she’s afraid she’ll lose him if he lets her go, and it urges the Prince to increase his pace as he guides her towards their destination.
“Yes, step right up, lovebirds!” The eccentrically dressed man encourages, immediately taking the Princess’s hand and yanking her forward to read her palm. Zuko bites back the threat that rises up his throat, and y/n watches with childlike excitement as the fortune teller scans the grooves and lines of her hand. “Ah, this is very interesting.”
“What is it?”
“I see that you’ve lived a very happy life, though it hasn’t been easy as of late. The love you have in your heart is strong, but this love will be put to the test when the time comes.”
“Sounds like a bunch of nonsense,” Zuko mumbles only to earn a glare from the Princess in return. Put to the test? Hadn’t they already been through the hardest parts of their relationship already? What else could possibly make things worse?
“You will live a content and comfortable life and die a peaceful death. Oh, and you’ll most definitely be having twins!”
“Twins!” Y/n repeats delightedly, but all color drains from Zuko’s face at the idea and suddenly he feels very lightheaded.
“Okay, thank you, that’s enough,” he finally interjects, making sure to pay the man before dragging you off to your next destination.
“We’re going to have twins!” The Princess squeal delightedly.
“How do you know he’s not just some crazy old man?” Zuko retorts.
“He could be,” she admits with a shrug, “but it’s nice to have something to hope for even if it isn’t real.”
He says nothing in response to her wishful thinking, but he must admit that he does enjoy the idea of settling down with the Princess, starting their own family, creating a new legacy. Maybe staying in one place wouldn’t be so bad after all.
After a few minutes of aimless walking the two stumble upon the famous fountain of Ba Sing Se, though it doesn’t look like much to either of them due to the fact that the lanterns aren’t lit.
“This is the fountain everyone always talks about?” The Princess retorts with obvious disappointment. “I thought it would be prettier.”
“Hold on,” Zuko says, and before y/n can question him the Prince begins to use his bending to light the lanterns around the fountain. It’s dangerous and absolutely foolish to use his bending out in the open like that, but he’d rather be thrown in jail by the Dai Lee than have his Princess be upset. Her eyes sparkle with complete and utter awe at the sight of his fire bending, recognizing the flow of his movements and admiring the beauty of the flames that dance among the lanterns.
Now lit in all of its glory, the two stand side by side and admire the shimmering water that flows from the fountain. Zuko wraps an arm around the Princess’s waist, and she happily rests her head upon his shoulder once she’s safely nestled into his side.
“Thank you for taking me out tonight,” she murmurs quietly. “I’ve missed spending time with you like this.”
“Me too... I know I’ve been difficult with the transition into our new life here, and it’s going to take some time for me to get used to. But I also know that this should have happened a long time ago, and I’m sorry it took me this long to fulfill my promise to you.”
“I don’t care about how long it took us to get here,” y/n replies earnestly. “All that matters is that we’re finally together in Ba Sing Se just like we planned all those years ago. We can be happy now, but only if you allow yourself the chance to enjoy it.”
“I want to,” Zuko utters, turning to face her and gently cupping her cheek with his hand, “and I know with your help I can.”
The Princess smiles faintly at his proclamation, and when he leans down to kiss her she meets him halfway to seal their lips together in a tender kiss. It isn’t very long or very passionate, Zuko still not used to the idea of public displays of affection due to the fact that he’d refrained from act during his time on the ship with the crew, but it’s special and beautiful all the same.
Ba Sing Se is the start of a new beginning for the a coupe, a second chance at happiness and a place where they can start over. It won’t be easy, and the transition won’t happen over night, but at the two kiss underneath the ember glow of the fountain’s lanterns, the Princess knows that they’re finally going to get their chance at happiness, and so she savors the feeling for all it’s worth.
Because the spirits know it won’t last for very long.
| tags: @rainteslerrrr @oddment-niwit-blubber-tweak @thebluelcdy @royahllty @the-firebender-girl @coldlilheart @ilovespideyyy @yiyibetch @eridanuswave @lammello @a-monsters-love @knaite-solo @zukh03s @titaniafire @dekahg @emberislandplayers @kikaninchen-2 @lozzybowe @izzieserra @melacholy @music-geek19 @thia-aep @thyunnamed @haylaansmi @nataliahaslosthershit @idkdude776 @aangsupremacy @thirstyforsometea @ihaveaproblem98 @brown-eyed-thang @djskfkdkkf @xapham @yeetletzgetitjae @misnmatchedsox |
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turtletimewriting · 3 years ago
Tickletober- Day 5 Tickle Hugs
Summary: Lu Ten had a particular way to greet his nephew.
Note: Again, yet another one that was supposed to be slightly sadder. I don’t know if it turned out sad or a little hopeful though. 
Day One!
Previous Day!
Next Day!
“Zuko!” A voice bellowed, quickly followed up by pounding footsteps running up the courtyard. Zuko whipped round before happily exploding from his mother’s arms, headbutting her without even noticing. Ursa merely chuckled it off while rubbing her chin and waved over to Iroh who had now skirted around the corner after his own son.
Zuko, only being a toddler, only really made it a few steps before the ten year old boy crashed into him, sweeping him off his feet while giggling madly. “Good afternoon, Lu Ten,” Ursa smiled.
“Afternoon Lady Ursa!” Lu Ten chirped as he still clutched Zuko. He tried to let go but Zuko only giggled at his antics and tried to hang from his neck. “Zuko! Zuko! You have to let go!”
“No!” Zuko could barely get the words out from his frantic childish giggles.
Iroh finally caught up with them all before chuckling at the sight of the two boys and started to mouth a countdown to Ursa.
 “Zuko if you don’t let go then I’ll have to use drastic measures!” Lu Ten announced like the villains in the plays he watched. Zuko only giggled louder while trying to lift his legs up to circle him more. Iroh mouthed the word ‘two’.
 “Zuko, you better let go now or else!” Lu Ten now brought his hands up. Iroh counted down to one.
 “Right! That’s it!” Lu Ten cackled before then scooping Zuko tighter into a hug while digging into his ribs. He said this exactly as Iroh mouthed the word ‘zero’. Zuko’s shriek echoed through the entire courtyard, quickly followed by three people laughing at his squeal.
“LUHUHUH AHAHAAAAAAAH MAHAHAMA!” Zuko thrashed in the hug but Lu Ten merely chuckled it off before spidering his fingers clunkily up his sides.
“Okay, boys. Okay. Lu Ten? Could you release my son?” Ursa chuckled herself and walked over to them. Lu Ten sighed before unleashing a wicked raspberry against Zuko’s neck. Zuko’s let out one last inhuman shriek.
“There we go,” Lu Ten giggled before dumping a now very wobbly and riled up Zuko who then immediately fell over in a heap of giggles, “It’s tradition to greet each other like this.”
“Oh of course,” Ursa jokingly bowed to the boy while Iroh ruffled his hair.
 Of course it wasn’t tradition. Lu Ten had tickled him before but never as a greeting, but little did anyone know, was that this very quickly became a tradition.
 “Kick back, then swing forward one step, then- AAAAAAAHH AHAHAHAAHA! LU TEN!” Zuko squealed as strong arms grabbed him into a tight hug and completely destroyed his training.
“Morning my favourite baby cousin. What are you up to?”
“AHAHAHAHAHAHA! AHAAH! LEHET GO! AHAHAHAHA!” Zuko wiggled furiously but none of his pushing arms were strong enough in face of the digging tickles in his pits.
“Oh, just some training. Eh, that sounds pretty boring. You should thank me for interrupting and bringing some cheer.”
“You’re very welcome baby cousin,” Lu Ten chuckled as he dropped the 6 year old boy dramatically suddenly.
 Zuko kept his gaze to the floor, as he was carefully instructed to when attending important events, and so he totally missed his cousin arriving and spotting him immediately. He completely missed his deranged instant evil smile as he then pranced his way over to him. I mean he also missed the look of both joy and sheer embarrassment from his Uncle Iroh to see his teenaged son giggling like an idiot while prancing over to his cousin, but Zuko wouldn’t have done anything if he did notice that look. The important part was that he completely missed everything about his cousin’s mischievousness until he found himself being pulled upwards until a strong grip. He hadn’t even started tickling yet but Zuko knew exactly what was coming and instantly burst into squealing. “Hello cousin Zuko! Fancy meeting you here at a Royal Family event!”
“Lu Ten! No, no, no, no! Not here! Not here! Lu Ten! Let me gohohhoAHAH AHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Zuko tried to stop the giggling amongst his begging but that was ruined by the gently squiggling fingers at his sides. His feet were nowhere near the ground and so he could do nothing but try to wiggle out of his grip.
“Hmm, what do you mean? What am I doing? Can’t I just hug my cousin?”
“Then how I am supposed to know what I’m doing then?”
Iroh was the one to split them up, another part of the tradition. What both of them missed was Iroh giving a stern look to Ozai’s own furious look. A silent conversation passing through them. Zuko was too young to notice that Iroh stuck by his side the entire night, even defending him from Azula’s attempts to get Zuko alone.
 “Heeeeey Zuko!” Lu Ten’s voice sounded through the courtyard like a firebender’s flame through a waterbender’s ice. Zuko then started backing up instinctually.
“No Lu Ten!”
“No what?” His cousin asked instantly from the other side of the courtyard.
“No!” Zuko frantically looked around for his clothes. He was meant to be practising his firebending and so was shirtless. He’s made this mistake more times then he cares to admit.
“I’m coming Zuko…”
“No Lu Ten!” Zuko shrieked.
“Yes Lu Ten!” Lu Ten cackled before immediately jolting into a full sprint. Zuko let out a manly warrior scream and started sprinting off towards the palace. Maybe if he found Iroh then he can take control over his wild insane son!
“NO! NOHO! LUHU TEN!” Zuko hated that he felt the phatom tickles up his sides already. It didn’t even take a few seconds before Zuko felt Lu Ten crash into him his arms immediately curling around his waist. At the very least he couldn’t lift him up anymore. But also, he was now strong enough to put up a fight. “Don’t you dare Lu Ten!”
“Don’t I dare do what!”
“You know what!” They both grunted as Zuko fell as deadweight, dragging his cousin to the floor where Zuko would have the better chance of breaking free.
“Aw, what Zuko? Still can’t say the word?”
“Stop!” Zuko roared, finally kicking Lu Ten off of him and then somehow pinning him. It would have been a more victorious moment if Zuko then didn’t immediately let go out of sheer amazement that he managed to actually fight back.
“Wow, guess you’re getting too old for our tickle hugs,” Lu Ten chuckled before actually standing up.
“I was too old when you first did it!”
“Well, I can’t stay long. I thought I better catch before I go. I’m now pretty much off.”
“Oh,” Zuko now felt any playfulness evaporate. Right, Lu Ten was actually successful enough and cool enough to go into the military and actually help his country. “Well goodbye Lu Ten.”
Lu Ten paused for a moment, suddenly looking much younger than he was, “Are you sure you don’t want one last traditional hug before I go? I-I don’t know when I’ll be back. I’d hate to come back and you’re taller than me and I can’t torture you anymore.”
“I’m not a child Lu Ten,” Zuko growled. “I said goodbye. Make sure you knock some earthbenders back where they belong.”
 Zuko walked off with a wave and Lu Ten tried to chuckle it off before yelling goodbye. The weirdest part about looking back to that day was that he almost wished he had said yes. Meh, maybe if Zuko stopped thinking back on that day then he’d forget that weird wanting of a tight hug followed with digging tickles.
 Bonus happy ending
“So that is the plan I presented to councilmen- AAAAAAH!” Zuko’s manly shriek slammed through the corridor. Suki swore before sprinting around the corner, she should’ve known better than to leave the stupid FireLord’s stupid safety with some of her newbies. Only to turn the corner to see Aang. And more importantly, Aang having scooped Zuko up in his arms and how attacking his sides in a tickle hug. The other advisors were looking around awkwardly, not sure if they were allowed to laugh at the Firelord’s misery.
“Hey Zuko! I didn’t know you had shrunk since the last time I saw you!” Aang chirped in a much deeper voice than anyone was expecting. Then again, Suki was expecting him to sound like the twelve-year-old boy she had first met. Now he was a towering lanky giant with a very… interesting few hairs across his top lip.
“AHAAHA! AAHAHA! LU TEN!” Zuko cried out amongst his frantic giggles, his ticklishness apparently never really dulling with age. Aang gave an awkward chuckle, giving Zuko one last firm tickle before dropping him to the floor.
 Suki gave him a look and Aang gave one back but Zuko didn’t seem to realise what he had said. They didn’t know much about Zuko’s childhood and it was clear that this little moment was the closest they’ll probably ever get.
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zuzuslastbraincell · 4 years ago
In an post-war fanfic redemed Azula what kind of amends Azula could do for wrecking havoc in the Earth Kingdom and conquering ba sing sa??
If I’m honest, this is a more pertinent question for Iroh, who arguably did far more damage to the Earth Kingdom as a Fire Nation general who had spent a great portion of his adult lifetime leading the military efforts against the EK, and lead several military campaigns including a six hundred day siege (and a siege that long undoubtedly causes famine and disease and poverty, and will impact the citizens regardless its success). I think it is Iroh - who spent years as a soldier, whose campaigns most likely involved many casualties - rather than Azula - a teenager who orchestrated a largely bloodless coup and then promptly left - that the people of the Earth Kingdom would more likely harbour resentment against, and though while I’m sure she is probably loathed as well (and has amends to make, for sure), she isn’t the ‘main villain’ from an EK perspective. There is arguably more Iroh can do for the Earth Kingdom in particular (and it isn’t ‘setting up a tea shop’).
That said, putting my doubts about the framing of this aside: this is a difficult question and I’m open to suggestions here. An obvious way of making amends in a general sense would be financial reparations and payments particularly to the local governments of the various EK provinces, particularly those most affected by the war. I think directly dispensing aid rather than reparations could be tricky since the largest mobilised force in the FN is the military and the military giving aid is bad, for obvious reasons. Azula could take a political role where she spearheads these efforts as part of the FN government, but the question is, while that works in the framework of ‘making amends’, I don’t think that would be advisable politically – what sort of insulting statement is it to send Azula to deal with negotiations about reparations? Like, to rub that military defeat in the EK’s faces? And while I think Azula could be useful in a political role where she is not the head of state, I question how much she’d want to do this, as well as whether it’s the best use of her talent and time. If I were to put Azula in a governmental position I think – assuming, for the moment, and this is a big assumption, that Zuko trusts her – I think she’d be far more useful dealing with the Fire Nation since she’s likely got a better understanding of the FN politically and economically. This doesn’t really have anything to do with amends, however.
In all honesty, if I were someone from the EK, what I’d be demanding for is for people like Iroh and Azula and prominent military figures and governors of former colonies to face justice – i.e. some kind of trial/assessment, some kind of legal repercussion. I think, though, realistically this isn’t something Zuko would do to Iroh or Azula – not simply for personal reasons, but also politically speaking, if you try and do a complete clean sweep in a nation like the FN, you’d have absolutely no allies or enemies left to speak of, as there likely isn’t really anyone in the political structure of the FN that hasn’t condoned atrocities at some point, and that would lead to such a vicious factional dispute that would sink Zuko’s regime before it even started (arguably helping very few people). Realistically, Zuko would probably offer pardons, and at worst, a slap on the wrist for people who decide to tow the line / concede his victory, and pursue military and political officials who refuse to do so. Despite his notoriety, Iroh would probably escape repercussions because of his aid to the Avatar (who’d probably vouch for him) and his direct involvement in underground opposition to the former regime (if you could call the White Lotus that). As for Azula, she’d likely be excused on account of her age, bonus if she’s willing to offer her public support to Zuko’s regime (which is a maybe, depends on how your redemption arc goes). I really think legal justice is just a very unlikely solution, like regardless of how much political wisdom possesses, I think that wouldn’t be something he’d concede simply for emotional reasons.
What does this leave us? She attempt to track down and round up traitors / old regime loyalists, but I question how healthy that’d be for Azula (although she would be in her element), and how helpful that is for the EK. She could try and offer her support for Zuko’s case to the court about why reparations are necessary and attempt to keep the nobles on the fence (after they have, presumably, cleared house, and decided who is worth keeping on side) but I also am not sure whether deciding who is and isn’t loyal would be great for Azula given that she had a paranoid breakdown (but perhaps I am underestimating her capabilities). If Azula were a different type of character, I’d propose fundraising/charity efforts, as weirdly anachronistic and liberal a solution as that is, but without getting sidetracked with a long paragraph about the limitations of charity to deal with systematic injustice, I also don’t think that’s something I really can see her doing.
Honestly, I’m half of a mind to say the best thing she can do for the EK is just fuck off and leave them alone? But perhaps that is a cop-out? Again, I’m open to suggestions here.
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ur-jinji · 4 years ago
looking out for you
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part ten: azula plays detective
zuko x reader smau
part 9 // part 10 // part 11
summary: in which two friends simp for each other without the other knowing
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you walked into work in uniform, ready and prepared not hurt yourself again. you greeted iroh, and then ty lee who was on her way out to go on break.
“how are you feeling?” iroh asked, a concerned look on his face.
“much better! i promise i won’t be so clumsy again,” you replied, laughing. you clocked in and threw on your apron before making your way out to the barista counter. you saw azula wiping down counters.
“you just missed the rush,” she informed. “you can grab a broom a sweep up that mess around the trash.” you looked over to the trash can she was referring to, seeing trash scattered around it.
“and while you’re at it, empty it.”
you nodded and got to it, busying yourself. azula intimidated you with her cold, bossy demeanor, so you noted to never hesitate to not do as she said. you remembered hearing stories about her from zuko. she was practically abusive to him for many years before their father was thrown into prison. after that, she received a lot of help and guidance from professionals and from her uncle iroh. she was alright for the most part now from what you’ve heard, but the girl terrified you still, especially in a work environment.
after you finished the tasks she ordered you to do, you returned behind the counter, helping her prepare drinks for the new orders.
“where’s zuko?” you asked her curiously after the last order was completed. azula turned her head to you, a smirk and an arched eyebrow painted on her face.
“i’ve noticed the way you look at my brother. it’s so obvious. now you’re asking about him like a lost puppy? it confirms everything,” she analyzed, shaking her head. you stared at her blankly.
“what?” you questioned.
“don’t play dumb. i’ve seen your tweets. i picked up on what was going on a while ago,” she said before cackling a little.
“you don’t even follow me on twitter?” you stated.
“doesn’t mean i don’t check in on who my brother tags in his tweets,” azula explained. she leaned against the counter. “i know you like him. and i know he likes you. so i’m just trying to figure out if the two of you are just boneheads who can’t see the obvious or if you’re secretly a thing.”
your eyes widened at her response, causing her to laugh.
“oh, look, there’s zuzu now!” azula said, nodding her head behind you. you turned around to see zuko looking like a deer in headlights. “we were just talking about you, brother.”
zuko sent her a nasty look. “your shift is over, azula. i can take it from here,” he told her coldly. she sent you a smirk before walking through the door that lead to the back room. you sighed as your face heated. you silently prayed to the universe that he hadn’t heard any of that conversation.
“sorry if she was being weird,” zuko said, offering a small smile.
“um, yeah, she’s definitely different,” you replied.
“did she, uh.... say anything weird?” he asked.
“a little, i guess. it’s not really worth mentioning,” you brushed off, fearing for any awkwardness.
“well, if it helps, she did say you were a good worker after your first shift,” he offered.
you looked at him with a surprised expression.
“i’ll take that.”
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taglist: @sorrythatspussynal @duh-dobrik @benerinobullshit @0-hysteria-0 @charlenasaxen @theblueslytherin @teelagurl558 @rain-cesia523 @xxoperatexx @coldlilheart
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muertawrites · 4 years ago
Two Halves - Chapter Eighteen (Zuko x Reader)
Chapter 17
Word Count: 2,200
Author’s Note: Shit’s hitting the fan y’all - not just in Two Halves but in everything else as well. I’m formatting this and ignoring all the impending doom swirling around me by drowning it out with Disney move soundtracks. 
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You wake before Zuko the next morning, which isn't hard considering you barely slept. Toph arrives under the cover of early dawn, the sky just becoming gray as her ship lands on the palace grounds; you meet her without your husband, as you never got the chance to tell him she was coming the night previous. 
“You didn't have to rush out here,” you tell her, clutching her hands in an anxious vice. “It's not safe.” 
“When have I ever cared if anything was safe?” she scoffs. “Sparky clearly needs help protecting you.” 
The words are delivered with sarcastic wit, but her fingers shake in your palm. 
You decide you won't tell her about Qiang’s threat - you don't want to give him reason to hurt anyone else. Instead, you tell her that the palace is under constant, heavy surveillance, and that you're still unsure who exactly is conducting the strange occurrences that have plagued you or what their motives are. Not exactly a lie, but enough that you feel she won't be put in any more danger. 
“Do you think you can even trust your guards?” Toph wonders, her arm clenched tightly to your elbow. 
“Suki vetted every one of them herself,” you tell her. “But… we still don't know.” 
As you walk with her through the palace, nothing feels secure - the servants that pass you all seem suspicious, the guards and metal benders that flank you all looking like strangers through the gaze of your fear. Anyone could be working under Qiang; the thought of being so unsafe in your own home, even with the people you trust most beside you, makes you ill to the point you feel dizzy. 
“Zuko should be up,” you blurt. “Why don't you spar with him before breakfast? I’ll meet you.” 
Toph’s brow furrows with unease, her grip on your bicep becoming tighter. 
“Are you okay?” she asks. 
You nod, but don't bother to put on a brave face. 
“I just feel a little tired,” you reply. “I didn't sleep very well last night.” 
Again, not a lie. 
Toph considers this for a moment, no doubt gauging your pulse, then concedes, letting you go with a firm, nervous squeeze. 
“Okay,” she says. “We’ll stay close.” 
When you see that she goes without incident, you sweep through the corridor, hastily making your way back to your own, personal bedroom, and locking the door behind you. For a moment, you stand staring at the threshold, considering pushing your vanity or wardrobe in front of it to barricade yourself in. 
Your vanity. Your wardrobe. 
It sinks in that you haven't been alone in this room since you returned from Ember Island; you moved your belongings into Zuko’s room, opting to sleep next to him and making plans to convert the room back into a sunroom. You pace the floor slowly, inspecting the bed and its thin, billowing canopy, the windows and their gorgeous views beyond lightly veiled curtains; had you stayed in this room, they'd have been switched out for heavier ones in anticipation of winter, but they remain, letting in cool air that chills the dormant space. Dust has gathered on the deep, glossy wood of your vanity, your fingers leaving streaks in their wake as they run along its edge. You pull the single drawer open as if by instinct, something catching in your chest as its only remaining contents slide out from the shadows. 
A single pai sho tile - the lotus. 
On its side, so minuscule you can barely make it out, is a series of addresses; you discovered the markings one night while nervously toying with the gift from Iroh, finding various locations around the world listed on the piece after inspecting it under a magnifying glass. You told no one of this, not even Zuko, knowing deep down that it was something Iroh meant only for you. Your fingers trace over the address in the Imperial City - a pub by the name of Ichigo’s. 
Without a second thought, you dash to the trunk at the foot of your bed and pull a cloak from its depths - the one you and Zuko used to navigate the city unnoticed during your wedding celebrations. You strip out of your ceremonial robes, folding them neatly in the space where the cloak was and replacing them with your traveling clothes. You thank the spirits for the cold weather as you pull the cloak tightly around yourself, making sure it obscures your face before leaving the room once more. 
In the corner of your bedroom, there's a hatch; it's hidden under a false floorboard, beneath a thick rug, and leads to tunnels that wind in a labyrinth below the palace. Zuko explained that they've been there for hundreds of years, known to very few select people within the palace walls as an escape for the royal family should the need ever arise. 
“It's how we hid when Aang invaded the Fire Nation,” he told you. “It's where I confronted my father and left.” 
You raise the hatch from its disguise, slipping into the hole it forms in the floor with a single candle, the lotus tile, and the knife with which Qiang intends for you to kill your husband. In a matter of seconds, the board and rug fall back into place, and you slip from the palace in the dark, the entire world above unknown to your disappearance. 
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The streets of the Imperial City are unfamiliar to you, but you make an effort to walk with sure steps. Your face is well hidden under your cloak, shadowed by the gray gloom of a silver sky, but it isn't as if anyone is curious enough to slow and peer beneath it; the air is brisk, and people rush past you in a haste to get where they need to go, back into warmth. 
Ichigo’s is on the fringes of the city, resting on a small hill beside the docks amongst a cluster of other businesses; together, they form a small alley and marketplace, its shops and stalls either shuttered or lit with hanging burners to fight off the winter cold. As you approach the bar, climbing over a set of wood steps that creak and shift under your weight, rain begins to fall. 
The inside of the bar proves much more welcoming than its surly exterior. In one corner, a fireplace burns with a wide, open hearth, a set of thick logs crackling cheerfully within. The paneled walls are decorated in an array of tapestries and promotional posters for other local businesses, and the tables that span the room are cozy and intimate, seated with cushions and placed atop tatami mats that buffer the rough wood floors. The bar itself is also quite quaint; only a few feet long and hosting about four seats, its shelves of liquor bordered by a twinkling string of lanterns and a small, handwritten message board announcing the day’s kitchen specials. What catches your eye, however, is the cluster of pai sho tables against one wall, the one farthest occupied by an elderly man in a white robe; you approach him tentatively, taking the seat opposite him and bowing respectfully under the guise of your hood. 
“Are you interested in a game?” the man asks. His voice is kindly, his mouth spreading into a grandfatherly smile as he speaks. “I don’t often find strangers willing to play against me.” 
“A game would be nice,” you reply, unsure what exactly you’re doing but knowing this man must be the reason Iroh sent you here. “Do you mind if I play with my own lotus tile?” 
“Not at all,” the man accommodates. “I too have my own set of tiles.” 
You reach into the pocket of your cloak, placing your lotus amongst the tiles set up on the game board; the man observes you carefully, leaning in to get a better look at the piece you’ve brought with you. 
“Do you mind if I see that for a moment?” he asks. “The craftsmanship is exquisite.” 
You nod, allowing him to take the piece. He turns it over in his fingers, running the pad of his thumb over the intricately carved design and holding it up to his face, inspecting it with great discretion. A nervous flicker tickles your stomach as he traces over the sides of the tile, no doubt finding the inscriptions on its surface. 
“You’ve been sent by a friend of mine,” the man finally states. 
“I believe so,” you respond. “I’m in need of some help.” 
“Then you’re in the right place,” the man says with a grin. He stands, handing the lotus tile back to you and ushering you to follow him. “Come with me. There’s another friend I’d like you to meet.” 
Wary, you follow him to the side of the bar, where he lifts a heavy curtain and slips into a back room. You clutch the knife in your pocket tightly, discreetly, hoping you haven’t just made a grave mistake and gotten yourself in more danger. He takes you through the bar’s storage room, moving aside a tower of boxes to reveal a small door, held in place by a simple, secure latch; he snaps it open, leading you through a low archway that descends into the building's basement. 
On the other side of the short passage, you find a tiny, yet nicely decorated sitting room - curtains hang from the ceiling creating a tentlike atmosphere, parted in places to reveal maps of the four nations hung on the walls. The center of the room is occupied by a large desk upon which many books and scrolls are scattered, and the air is heavy with the smoke of incense. Under the single lantern that lights the space, you spot the familiar face and humble stature of an older woman. 
“Advisor Yong,” you gasp. 
She stands in shock, pacing quickly over to you as you lower the hood of your cloak to reveal your face. She takes your hands in her own, clutching them tightly. 
“My lady,” Yong breathes with as much awe as you addressed her with. “How did you come all this way? Are you alone?” 
“Iroh gave her his tile,” the man who brought you explains. “I assume he sent her for her safety.” 
“There are tunnels under the palace,” you add. “I told the staff I was feeling ill and snuck out. Nobody knows I'm here.”
Yong guides you to the table, sitting you down beside her and telling the man to fetch you a cup of tea. The time-wisened lines in her skin seem deeper than usual, creased by a frown that distorts her whole face.
“They'll be discovering that you're gone soon,” she says, “so we must make this quick. Has Iroh told you about his membership with the Order before?” 
You shake your head, furrowing your brow in confusion. 
“The Order of the White Lotus,” Yong elaborates, “is an ancient society that operates beyond political bounds. We come together to share ancient philosophy and knowledge, but since the war… we act as a sort of lifeline organization as well. Emergency aid for those who need it.” 
“Iroh gave me that lotus tile when he was here for the wedding,” you tell her. “He must have known something I didn't because we’re in much more danger than we thought - Qiang threatened me. He wants me to kill Zuko.” 
“Qiang…” Yong mutters. “He can't be the one behind this. He doesn't have the manipulative tact to convince so many groups to act according to his will.” 
“He made it seem as if they were huge,” you continue. “He told me they had informants all over the palace.” 
“He's a good liar,” Yong dismisses, though her expression remains concerned. “Intimidating, too; that's why he was the one to threaten you. But he isn't the leader. What did he tell you? When he gave you the order?” 
“He said they'd kill my family. I don't want to lose anyone, but Katara and Aang…” 
Yong nods. 
“Aang is too important,” she finishes for you. “His death would devastate the world and put countless lives in danger. I promise, we won't let any harm come to them or anyone else.” 
She stands once more, offering a hand with which she raises you up. She continues to clutch it, gripping you as if letting go means surrendering you to the enemy. 
“I’ll call a meeting of our members within the city,” she states. “We have a few members staffed at the palace who we’ll ensure are at your guard. I’ll alert internal security and have them investigate Qiang immediately.” 
The man returns, and Yong instructs him to leave the tea and accompany you back to the palace - as far as he can without compromising the security of the tunnels. 
“Advisor Yong,” you say as you're ushered again through the passage and out the back of the pub, “we only have a week. Is that… do we have enough time?” 
Yong’s eyes sweep your face, her pupils flitting back and forth as she tries to find the right words to say.
“I won't lie to you,” she finally answers. “I don't know. All I can promise you is that we’ll do our best. We reconquered Ba Sing Se with much lesser numbers than we have now - here's hoping those odds are still in our favor.” 
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thegoldenavenger · 3 years ago
IDK if im ever going 2 finish this so here's an unedited preview of an atla fic I was working on.
I'd definitely have to restructure if I want to finish it but here's what I got so far. Mostly just the gaang visiting past Zuko events
"The Air Nation--"
"Nomads." Aang instinctively corrects at the same time Iroh interjects placidly.
"--must have something pointing to the Avatar's location."
"My nephew, when would they have had time to--"
"The cowards must have planned the Avatar's disappearance. There has to be something!" Zuko, because the small, bandaged child was Zuko, stomped through the Western Air Temple pushing open doors and sweeping dust from murals in aggravated gestures. 
Iroh sighs heavily but follows the boy. He walks like a shadow behind Zuko, hands folded into his sleeves.  Sometimes his gaze catches on a mural or shadow, but it never settles on Aang or his friends, no matter how they shout or call for attention. 
"What are you planning on finding here, Prince Zuko? The Air Nomads were peaceful people, they do not have a war room full of intelligence, nor a Lord's office of correspondence, especially not after 100 years."
Zuko whirls around to give his uncle an irate glare, not nearly as effective as the ones he would give three years in time. The bandages cling to the left side of his face, and if Aang squints he can see some kind of spotting through them. Zuko is breathing heavily already. 
"I will find something! Anything!" His hands fist by his sides as he snarls. "Father trust-- Father tasked me with finding the Avatar and I will." Zuko turns sharply and his fists tremble. 
"Of course, Prince Zuko. I merely wanted to know your plan of action." Iroh approaches Zuko gently, like a wild animal, carefully places his hand on Zuko's right shoulder. "This place is remarkably well preserved. If there is something to recover, you will find it." 
Zuko doesn't say anything, just nods once. His shoulders are drawn tight around his ears still. Iroh looks down at Zuko, tenses, and says more mildly than Aang thought possible considering: "Your bandages need changing."
"They can wait." Zuko says, shrugging off Iroh and heading into one of the Western Temple's many hallways. 
"This is weird, right?" Sokka says as Iroh follows Zuko away. 
"Why are we even here?" Toph asks, "This is the Western Air Temple, my feet don't lie, and we weren't anywhere close to here before..." she trails off. 
"Where were we?" Katara asks. Her hands have been hovering by her waterskins. 
"The better question is where are we," Sokka says.
"The Western Air Temple!" Toph huffs.
"No, I mean, yes, but Iroh and Zuko acted like they couldn't see us, and you know Zuko would've made a big deal out of us being here." 
"Not to mention Zuko is like, four years younger than he should be!" Aang says. 
Sokka and Katara turn confused faces towards him. 
"This Zuko is my age," Aang clarifies, "He should be..." and the thought escapes Aang, how old Zuko should be. Aang just knows that it isn't this. 
"Don't tell me this is some more Spirit Mumbo Jumbo!" Sokka throws his hands up in the air. 
"Maybe," Aang allows, "But it doesn't feel like the Spirit World." 
"Whatever, we aren't going to figure anything out by standing still." Toph marches towards the hallway Zuko and Iroh had disappeared in and, belatedly, the rest of them follow. 
As soon as Aang's foot touches the tile past the threshold, he is no longer in the Western Air Temple. 
"Okay, yeah this is weird." Sokka says. 
Aang has to agree. They're in the Dragon Palace just as suddenly as they were in the Western Air Temple. 
"Great!" Katara hisses, "We're in the heart of the Fire Nation! And for what--" 
"Shut up!" Toph interrupts. They all quiet and soon voices come into focus.
"Please Uncle!" That... sounds kind of like Zuko. "If I'm going to be the Firelord one day, I should know what goes on in the War Room!" 
"I have already said no, nephew."
Iroh and Zuko round the corner, and once again they don't seem to notice the out of place group hovering at the edge of the hall. 
"But Uncle! I don't--I need the experience. I'm already so far behind, this will give me a real foundation! My tutors are..." Zuko trails off.
"He doesn't have his scar!" Sokka exclaims, pointing. 
"Sokka! That's rude!" Even though her hands still hover by her waterskins, Katara doesn't pass up the chance to berate her brother.
"What, they can't see us, apparently."
"Scar?" Toph wonders, and Aang opens his mouth to inform her but looking into both of Zuko's troubled golden eyes stops him. 
"Yeah, Zuko has a, uh, scar... doesn't he?" Sokka starts. 
"Well." Katara says, looking at Zuko with the same intensity Aang feels. "He doesn't have one now."
Zuko's face is unblemished and smooth as porcelain. His eyes are wide, his brows upturned. He's still Aang's age, which shouldn't matter but-- 
Iroh has stopped walking, and Zuko beside him. Zuko bites his lip and looks away and Iroh puts his hands on both of Zuko's shoulders. "Okay, okay. But you have to promise to stay quiet. No interruptions."
"Yes! Of course! Thank you, Uncle!" Zuko bows, quickly, obviously excited by the turn of events and the two pass by the gang without taking notice of them. 
As Zuko passes a shadow covers his face, falling over his left eye and Aang can't decide if it reminds him more of bandages or a burn. 
Zuko and Iroh pass through a door, and this time none of them hesitate to follow on their heels. 
Once again the moment they pass the threshold they are in a new place. 
"Oh, yeah that's a scar!" Sokka says. 
Zuko ignores him of course, stomping his way down the gangplank of his ship into a port Aang doesn't recognize.  He's scowling, like always, and Iroh is conspicuously absent from his side.  He marches onto the dock work, catches sight of something and ducks behind a thick wooden post. 
Aang knows his friends are as surprised as him, and Zuko seems to be surprised at himself too, because he shakes his head and stalks forward again as if hiding had been instinct, not choice. 
Aang surveys the docks, tries to find what had startled Zuko, but a voice rings out before he catches sight of anything. 
"Zuko! Fancy meeting you here." The voice fills the space like oil on water and Aang turns to catch Zhao striding towards Zuko like he owns the port. 
"Zhao." Zuko says, begrudgingly, folding his arms across his chest. He catches himself and puts his arms to his sides. 
"Commander Zhao," the man corrects as he sidles up next to Zuko. Zuko rolls his eyes and continues forward. 
"I knew those two were in cahoots." Sokka points, rudely, at the two.
"Cahoots?" Katara asks.
"What two? Who's Zhao?" Toph asks, and Aang looks at Toph who has her arms crossed over chest, defensively. Aang blinks and slows his pace--because they're following Zuko, of course--so her shoulder brushes his when they step. 
"He's a jerk!" Katara says. 
"Yeah, he sieged the North Pole and killed, uh..." Sokka trails off, his face a picture of confusion. 
"I think... the moon spirit?" Aang offers, but he can't quite remember it. 
"I don't need an escort---Commander Zhao," Zuko yells, his voice cutting into their conversation. 
"Please. What trade do you think a banished traitor would be able to get without me here?" Zhao's voice was still oil-slick as it weaved through the conversation. 
"This is a neutral port!" Zuko hisses, "And our stipend is good enough--" 
"And that's why you've had to make twice the stops you normally do, or do you just like the view?" Zhao asks, and Aang sees him turn a grin towards Zuko. 
Zuko fumes, taking two steps away from Zhao and turning the full force of his glare onto him. "So you've been stalking us!" He accuses. 
"Keeping an eye on you, like I was asked to." He says, closes the space between the two of them again. "Listen, I'll negotiate a fair price for your supplies." He says, ducking his head closer to Zuko's like he's sharing a secret. 
"I don't need your charity!" Zuko yells and tries to put space between them once more. 
"And who's pay are you going to cut this time?" Zhao asks, "Surely your own budget can't take much more... restructuring. Maybe the navigator's. If it's enough to make him jump ship, then I'm sure you can step in and compensate. Well, not that he'll be able to find a posting elsewhere, serving on the Wani had become quite the black mark on your resume I hear."  Zuko's fists tighten, and he loses the fight to keep them by his side and crosses them over his chest. 
Zhao takes this as a victory, drapes his arm over Zuko’s shoulders like an old friend and starts steering him in a different direction. “Have tea with me, Zuko, we can look over your finances together.” 
“Tea sounds lovely, Commander,” Iroh’s voice cuts through the conversation as easily as the man himself inserts his body between Zhao’s and Zuko’s. Zuko’s startled face fades away as they step across the dock.
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trekkele · 4 years ago
Pre-canon Azula assassinates Ozai and frames Iroh for it?
Wow y’all really have me entirely figured out today. This is also less about that and more about…idk even.
“In the beginning,” Ursa said, sweeping the flame from the candle into the palm of her hand, guiding it counterclockwise with her finger, “when the fire benders where only dragons and the people huddled cold at the base of their mountain, the first snow fell. The people could not understand the ice that fell from the heavens, grey clouds hiding Agni from them.”
The tiny flame burst into sparks, drifting slowly down to her palm. Azula wondered if her eyes were as wide as Zukos, as bright with the flames' reflection.
“But in this village there was a girl, whose eyes had long been turned to the top of the mountain, who’s heart held a coiling flame” her mother traced a heart with two fingers, and the flame followed. “She did not fear the snow, or the cold it brought, but rather the way her people had lost their fire in the face of Agnis Shrouds.”
“And so she began the trek up the mountain, passing by the frozen stream and the trees bowed under ice, until she could see her village, tucked into the whitened valley, spread below her feet. And she sat down to wait.”
“Wait?” Azula asked, lip curling. “I thought she wanted to find a dragon? What use is waiting.”
Ursa smiled, tiny flame dancing, running up and down her palm as her fingers guided it. “The dragon was not used to strangers on their mountain. The girl knew they would see her, and come. Knowing how and when to strike,” the flames seemed to burn deep in Ursa’s eyes as Azula watched it form a tiny dagger, “is just as important as knowing where.”
Zuko gasped as the dagger flame changed to a bow flinging arrows, two swords crossed, and finally a vial dripping flame.
“And when the dragon came, the girl was still warm, and rested, and had arranged herself as though they sat in the finest sitting room, silks and tea,” Azula pulled a face that made her mother’s shoulders shake, the flame between them flickering, “and mochi all before them.” Azula grinned even as Zuko snickered. Mochi was a much better diplomatic tool than tea, even if tea was traditional.
“The dragon landed softly in the snow, settling in with wings tucked behind them. “You do not belong here” they said, rumbling like an earthen flame* and breathing colored sparks to the air. “And yet I am here.” the girl said.
The dragon glared at her, fierce and foreign. It was odd to see anger in the face of a serpent. The girl did not shake, or apologize. “Why.” the dragon swept their tail over the ground, snow piling on either side of its path, “Why have you climbed this mountain”
The flame in Ursas palm grew wings, rising slowly between them, “My people grow weak with fear. Agni has been hidden to us for the weeks of this storm and they fear or spirit has grown angry, or distant.” The dragon huffed, disdain dripping like flames from their fangs. “Did not the Great Sun bless you with fire? Do not your veins flow like the blood from a Sparked Mountaintop?” the girl still not shake. “The turtle lions blessed us with Agni’s spark, but we do not know how to use it.” she said, hands folded in her lap. The fabric of her coat was warm with her anger, but the dragon could not see the heat of her palms. He could not hear the anger in her voice.
“What the spirits did or did not give you is none of my concern, now leave me. I must return to my hoard.” Ursa lowered her voice when she spoke for the dragon, rumbling with something below her tongue. Zuko shuffled closer to Azula, who leaned closer into him.
“Your hoard?” The girl asked “are gold and coloured stones so precious that you would deny the chance to become the first master to a new class of student?” the dragon laughed. “What foolish stories do you tell of us? My hoard are my children in their eggs, and my hoard is my family. I would deny the chance to become legend for them.”
“The girl was clever, and quick, and stood before their wings could unfold. “My hoard is dying.” the dragon paused. “My hoard is dying and I am here to teach how to live.”
The dragon shook out their wings, rising to their full height and glaring down. The snow had begun to fall again, and if the girl closed her eyes, she thought she could smell the smoke from her village, the panicked silent breaths of people who could not see the sun. “I cannot leave my hoard.”
“I can.” the girl said, standing in the snow, praying to a spirit buried in clouds. “For as long as I need to.”
“Why you, little spark-bender?” the dragon said finally, their student starting to shiver.
The girl did not rejoice in her success. There was never a place for failure in her plans. “Someone had to.” she shrugged, and followed the first dragon master up the mountain.”
Ursa let the flame in palm burn down, placing it gently back to the week when it was no more than a spark.
“What happened to the village?” Zuko demanded, hands around his knees.
“The girl came back and taught them how to fire bend, using what the master showed her. Once they could learn to manipulate their chi, the villagers always felt where Agni was, and always knew they were close to them.”
“What happened to the girl.” Azula did not demand an answer. She did expect one.
“Well, the legend says she traveled to other villages and taught them to fire bend as well. And once she settled down, her children became great and powerful benders, till Agni blessed on with the wisdom to unite our people. But now,” Ursa waved the candle shut, “it’s time for bed.”
Later, after Azula learns what burnt skin smells like, how the ashes taste on her tongue, Iroh stands next to her in the garden.
The guards are uneasy. They are unnecessary too, but Azula will make allowances for their skittishness.
No one trained them to fight dragons, after all.
“Why.” Iroh asks, and Azula is tempted. It would be so easy to crack, right here, and scream her grievances to the world. To the sun, its chosen heir lying burnt on white sheets, fists clenched around his loyalty and heart weeping.
Why. She thinks instead of a girl, and a mountain, and facing a monster that is suddenly an ally in the face of greater threats.
She thinks of a heart, filled with coiling flames.
“Someone had to.” She says, eyes turned towards the sun. It winks lower over the caldera cliffs, sky clear and blue.
She never tells him how it easy it actually was.
Her Uncle does not want to know.
Ursa does not ask Why. Her mothers return to the palace is a quiet thing, hastened by the servants who remembered her and the courtiers who eyed the royal children with pity and unease.
Zuko uses their pity. Azula uses the unease. They want neither, but they will not waste what is given.
Ursa does not ask. She sits in the garden, lets Azula huff and throw scrolls and braids little twists in her hair till it is piled like black silk on her head.
Once, she holds Azula's hands in her own, and lets a flame dance over their palms. “My only regret,” she says, eyes steady even as the wind sweeps between them, “is that you did what I did not.”
“Would you have?” Azula does not want the answer. She needs it, desperately, but she doesn't want it.
“If I had known half of what he would become, the sun would not have risen on him after your first breath.”
Ursa does not ask. She does not push. And she does not expect Azula to mourn her actions.
Azula is not surprised. No one ever expects a dragon in a woman’s skin.
But she's since learned to see the glint of fangs in her mothers smile. She sees it in the mirror, after all.
[send me an ask of ‘I wish you would write’ with a story idea and ill react. I’m very suggestible, clearly]
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goddess-of-geeks · 4 years ago
Grace and Power pt. 1
This would be so much better if I came up with a name for this fic.
A/N: This is in fact not the first time I wrote a reader insert but it is in fact the most work i’ve ever put into one.
Warnings: None
Word count: 2100
You opened the flap to the tent that would temporarily house retired General Iroh, Prince Zuko and Commander Zhao. When you entered you saw two guards blocking the exit from Zuko and his Uncle with two spears.
You and Zuko locked eyes, an emotion that can only be described as shock graced his features. You gave him a tight lipped smile before looking towards your commanding officer, Zhao.
“Commander Zhao,” You said, making Iroh and the formerly mentioned look your way. You noticed a similar look of shock on Iroh’s face. “We interrogated the crew as you instructed. They confirmed Prince Zuko had the Avatar in their custody, but let him escape.”
“Now remind me,” Zhao grinned before walking up to stand behind Zuko, whose face morphed from shock to hurt and betrayal. You looked down at the ground, you hoped that you following orders wouldn’t ruin your short lived reunion. “How exactly was your ship damaged.”
Zuko looked down in defeat.
Prince Zuko and Iroh were seated across from Commander Zhao who was standing in front of his desk.
You and another guard were standing behind the young prince.
“So,” Zhao began, “A twelve-year-old boy bested you and your firebenders.”
“Wait, the avatar is twelve? You’ve spent the last, nearly three years looking for a twelve year old boy.” You said looking at the prince.
Zuko nodded in response. You looked up and pondered on that thought for a moment before mumbling to yourself.
“And I thought I had nothing better to do with my life.”
Zhao cleared his throat drawing your attention towards him.
“My apologies, sir.” You said bowing towards him.
“You’re more pathetic than I thought.” Zhao continued as if nothing happened.
You looked up at Zhao. You never understood how a man could be so cruel to a child.You knew you hated Zhao when you saw the twisted smirk that was on his face when Ozai burnt Zuko.
Zuko spoke up, “I underestimated him once, but it will not happen again.”
Zhao turned his back to the prince before stating, “No, it will not, because you won't have a second chance.”
When Zuko spoke up again he sounded almost frightened, “Zhao, I’ve been hunting the Avatar for two years and I-”
Before the price could finish his sentence Zhao turned on him hottily, flames erupting from his hand as he swept it in an arc from left to right.
“And you failed.” He finished for the prince. “Capturing the Avatar is too important to leave in a teenager's hands.” You don't understand why Zhao used that as an excuse. He watched with his own two eyes as you took on ten of his men, with nothing but a katana, during one of his training exercises.
“He’s mine now.” Zhao finished his sentence.
Zuko threw himself at Zhao in frustration and anger. You and the guard beside restrained him. While he was struggling in your grips you were rolling your eyes.
“Zuko calm down, you don't wanna do anything you might regret.” You said to him.
He ignored you, causing you to roll your eyes again.
Before Zhao could leave the tent he turned to you and the guard, Zuko still struggling in your grasps, “Keep them in here.” You and the Guard nodded.
When Zhao left Zuko gave a demonstration of his anger by kicking the table stationed next to Iroh. You and the other Guard let go oh his arms soon after.
Zuko turned to you, fire in his eyes, finger hitting you in the chest accusingly, “How could you.” He practically spat in your face.
You didn’t flinch, “How could I what?” You questioned, your eyebrows furrowed as you looked towards the prince. “Do my job?” You asked further.
Zuko crossed his arms over his chest and scoffed at your words, “Job.” He said in a sour tone. “You’re a year younger than me. How could you possibly have a place in the military.”
Iroh watched the whole interaction calmly, with a fond expression on his face. Remembering the good old days when you two would fight and argue.
“It’s not like I had a say in the matter. Zhao saved my life, sadly I’m in debt to him.”
Zuko crossed his arms and turned away from you in a huff.
Iroh stood up before walking over to you and placing his hand on your shoulder, “I am very enlightened to see you again Y/N. We should celebrate. How about some more tea!” He exclaimed. Zuko rolled his eyes, and you had a fond look on your face. You missed these two so much.
After an undetermined amount of time Zhao finally re-enters the tent.
Zuko and Iroh were seated in chairs facing one another.
“My search party is ready.” Zhao said addressing Iroh and Zuko.
“Once I’m out at sea, my guards will escort you back to your ship and you’ll be free to go.” Zhao said.
“Why? Are you worried I’m going to try and stop you?” Zuko retorted.
You felt like your eyes were gonna fall out of their sockets if you kept rolling them so much.
Zhao laughed, “You? Stop me? Impossible.”
Zuko stood up from his seat, “Don't underestimate me, Zhao. I will capture the Avatar before you.”
“Prince Zuko, that's enough!,” Iroh said standing as well.
“You can't compete with me. I have hundreds of warships under my command, and you... you're just a banished prince. No home. No allies. Your own father doesn't even want you.” 
You couldn’t believe anyone would dare utter such things to royalty, banished, yes, but still royalty nonetheless.
“You're wrong. Once Zuko delivers the Avatar to his father, Ozai will welcome him home with honor and restore his rightful place on the throne.”
You didn’t even know what you were saying, the words just began to spew out of your mouth, and you had no control over it.
Zhao turned on you, his face red with anger. 
“You’ve only been here two weeks, what makes you think you have the right to speak to a Commander in such a way.” Zhao growled at you.
You opened your mouth to retort but he cut you off.
“If Fire Lord Ozai really wanted him home, he'd have let him return by now, Avatar or no Avatar, but in his eyes the so-called “Prince Zuko” is a failure and a disgrace to the Fire Nation.”
You tried to speak up once more, but his time Zuko cut you off. You swear you were gonna stab someone.
“That's not true.” Zuko said.
Zhao turned to Zuko with a nasty face, “You have the scar to prove it.”
Zuko launched himself and the commander and you made no attempt to stop him. 
“Maybe you'd like one to match!” He shouted in his face.
“Is that a challenge?” the commander questioned.
“An Agni Kai. At sunset.” Zuko said.
You froze. Yeah you wanted someone to put Zhao in his place but you didn't want Zuko to fight in another Agni Ka, considering what happened at the last one.
“Very well. It's a shame your father won't be here to watch me humiliate you. I guess your uncle and your little girlfriend will do.” Zhao said smugly.
Zhao turned to walk out of the tent, he stopped and looked at you before saying,”Your actions will cause you to suffer major consequences. I hope you are ready to face them after you have to watch the prince face another devastating defeat.”
Zhao finally left the tent. You were glaring daggers at the spot he was previously standing.
Iroh walked up to Zuko “Prince Zuko, have you forgotten what happened last time you dueled a master?”
“I will never forget.” Zuko responded. 
Iroh, Zuko, Zhao and You were in a Fire Nation Arena. Zhao and Zuko were kneeling, backs facing one another, preparing for battle. Zhao had 4 of his men in attendance, whilst Zuko only had you and Iroh but that was enough.
“Remember your fire bending basics, Prince Zuko.” Iroh said, “They are your greatest weapon.”
Zuko stood up, “I refuse to let him win.”
His shoulder wrap fell to the ground. You swept your eyes over his muscular figure. 
A small piece of your heart shattered at the realization that Zuko was no longer that sweet 13 year boy old you knew all those years ago.
Zhao stands and turns, his shoulder wrap falling off his shoulders, as well.
“This will be over quickly.” Zhao stated.
Atop the gate a gong sounds. Both men face each other and assume firebending stances. 
Zuko fires the first shot which passes harmlessly to Zhao's left. He fires again, this time it passes without effect to Zhao's right. Zuko fires several more, the last of which Zhao blocks, satisfaction evident on his face. Frustrated and losing control of his breath, Zuko moves towards the commander, unleashing more fire from both his hands and feet. Zhao dodges and blocks them all. Zhao then crouches forward and shoots flame at a point on the ground close in front of him. 
From the corner of your eyes you saw Iroh watching anxiously.
“Basics, Zuko! Break his root!” You heard the retired General exclaim.
Zhao fires many blasts of flames, alternating between his fists. Zuko blocks each, but is slowly forced back. On the last strike Zhao uses both hands, knocking Zuko over and sending him skidding backwards in the dirt.
You hold in your breath hoping he’s okay.
 Zhao takes a flying jump at Zuko. Zhao lands as he tries to get up, but he isn't fast enough. Zhao fires right at him. Zuko rolls out of the way just in time, and as he is getting up sweeps Zhao's feet out from under him. 
You finally exhale the breath, your chest gently rising and falling.
Zuko lands on his feet, a slight smile appears on his face. Zuko walks towards Zhao, using his feet to produce small waves of flame that rush toward his opponent. Zhao is caught off balance and wobbles slowly backward. 
Iroh clenched his fist in an expression of hope, a smile beginning to spread over his face. 
Zuko finally lays Zhao out flat on the ground with a blast of fire. Zuko rushes up to him, prepared to deal the final blow. 
“Do it!” Zhao yells.
Zuko releases a blast that shoots to the side of Zhaos’ face.
“That's it? Your father raised a coward.” He sneered at Zuko.
“Next time you get in my way, I promise I won't hold back.” Zuko said.
He turned his back on the pathetic Commander and began to walk away.
You took notice of how Zhao got up and shouted in anger. He unleashed a wip of flame at Zuko. You stepped in before the flames could hit the princes back. The fire coming from Zhaos’ foot is extinguished as your gloved hand closed over his foot.
You gave the commander a nasty look. “After this horrendous display of you being a sour loser,” You said in a sweet tone, “I have decided to tender in my resignation.” You finished dropping his foot causing him to stumble and land on his butt.
Iroh and Zuko appeared to be frozen in time for a moment before Zuko rounded on Zhao.
You turned and placed your hand on Zukos’ chest, and looked him in the eye. He looked down at you.
“Don’t.” You said in a hushed tone.
Yould see the moment's hesitation in his eyes before he slapped your hand off of his chest and continued advancing toward the Commander.
“No, Prince Zuko.” Iroh said after he witnessed your failed attempt to stop the angered Prince. “Do not taint your victory.”
Iroh turned to face Zhao, a look of disdain on his face.
“So this is how the great Commander Zhao acts in defeat. Disgraceful.”
“I wholeheartedly agree.” You chimed.
“Even in exile my nephew is more honorable than you.” 
Zuko looked at Iroh in surprise at his statement.
“Thanks again for the tea. It was delicious.” Iroh said finally to the Commander
Iroh moved to leave, You and Zuko followed closely behind. With burning anger, Zhao watches them exit the gate of the arena.
Outside, Zuko quietly asked Iroh,”Did you really mean that, Uncle?”
Iroh slyly stated, “Of course. I told you ginseng tea is my favorite.”
You couldn’t help but snort at his declaration. Sending you into a full laughing fit followed soon by Iroh and eventually Zuko, as the three of you walked towards the harbor.
And that’s the end... for now.
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 4 years ago
Finally Azula
Summary: For the first time, Azula questions the direction her father put her in. 
Prompt: First Time
Azula is alone the first time she questions herself, her own desires, her own goals, her own motivations. She is alone the first time she questions whether they are truly her own or not. And she is alone when she realizes that they are not her own.
She was alone the first time that she broke down and she is alone as she does it again. The first time was worse, at least this time she knows what she is in for; visions of her mother and of Zuko and Iroh. All of them urge her to find what she wants. Yet all of them tell her to take paths that they would. And she finds herself directionless and anxious. She is almost certain that she is going to amount to nothing at all in a world that doesn’t have a place for her and no opportunities to become something great and powerful.
She wonders if she wants greatness and power at all. Greatness, maybe. Power, she isn’t sure if that is truly what she seeks. She knows that it is what her father seeks and what he had wanted for her. She knows that she doesn’t want what he wants.
But what does she want?
Sometimes she talks to Zuko. Mostly she keeps to herself, she thinks that it might be better if she does. If she keeps to herself the odds of her doing herself more damage is lessened. She stays in her room until he asks her if she’d like to join he and his friends (and her former friends) for dinner. Her agreement is rather reluctant.
It is another first time. The first time she has really talked to the Avatar and his friends outside of combat. She supposes they aren’t so bad. They aren’t like her, they aren’t damaged and hateful. They are mostly nice, but she senses that they don’t care for her. She supposes that she doesn���t blame them.
She doesn’t think that it bothers her until she finds herself wiping at subtly wet eyes a few hours later. It was such a simple thing, the dinner was, but she finds herself turning it over in her mind again and again. Scrutinizing every word, realizing which ones were off handed and out of place. And it is no wonder that they don’t like her. Decidedly, her first time speaking to them will be her last.
The first time someone knocks on her bedroom door it is the day after. She answers it, expecting to see Zuko or maybe her mother. Those two visit her often enough. The face she sees is Water Tribe. Sokka smiles at her.
“What do you want?”
“You’re cranky this morning.”
She frowns, “I’m not angry.” Apparently she simply has an unfortunate personality.
He laughs, “if you say so.”
“Did you come here to patronize me?”
“I came here to ask you if you’re coming for breakfast.”
She tilts her head. “Why?” And then she clarifies, “why did you come?”
He shrugs. “I can’t have my breakfast without a helping of dry and cynical remarks.”
Azula’s frown deepens. He offers her arm a light punch, “come on, let’s get downstairs, I’m hungry.”
She follows him down the hall in spite of her decision to never speak with he and his friends again. She supposes that if she doesn’t speak once she is down there, that she will still be true to her own word. Zuko is right, she is a liar.
The first time she gets a sense of what she wants she is in company. She thinks that company has helped her gain this sense. She is certain of one thing; she is certain that she doesn’t want to be alone anymore. She is certain that she wants to be loved.
Sokka intertwined his fingers with hers and she stares at their hands, trying to get used what is really only a small ounce of intimacy. She thinks that he is aware that she isn’t used to this. In that way he makes it easier. Discomfort and awkwardness are two givens, but he makes it as painless as it can be.
He doesn’t push her for hugs, kisses, or cuddles. But he does cup and caress her cheek every now and again. Sometimes he takes her hand and touches it to his cheek. Mostly he likes to rub his thumb over the top of her hand. He also likes to run his fingers though her hair so she lets him comb it for her every now and again, even if he snags it and fashions her top knot lopsidedly. He is much too pleased with his work for her to tell him to redo it, though she does mutter that her servants do it better.
The first time she lets him hold her is almost indescribable. It is so warm. So kind that it is disorienting. She feels weak and queasy but somehow pleasantly so. She thinks that there is a sense of vulnerability involved, but he doesn’t take advantage of it and so she leans into him, pressing her cheek against his collar and nuzzlin the top of her head in the crook of his neck. He squeezes her and it is somehow euphoric, comforting like the kiss of Ember Island sun on her skin or like a few melodic chords played on a zeither. In the strangeness of it she feels sublime and in her weakness she feels almost safe.
The first time he holds her is the first time she thinks that she might be capable of love. The first time he holds her is the first time she says it out loud, “I need a purpose.”
He blinks at her, “what?”
“I need something to do. Zuzu is the Fire Lord, you all save the world. I need something to do.”
Sokka smiles and ruffles her hair. “You can help us save the world, you know. There’s always someone or something that needs help. You can come with us until you find something that you like doing.”
Azula nods. “I like strategizing and I like…” she trails off. She likes history and firebending. She nods again, this time more to herself than to him, before saying as much.
“Well Zuko needs a lot of help keeping things organized. You can be an advisor.” Sokka suggests. “Or you can teach people lightning bending, you’re a master.”
“Master.” She tries the word. “I don’t think that I’m a master yet there are still techniques that I have to learn…”
“Then that’s what you can do! You can become a master and then teach other people what you learned. And you can go to the other nations and learn how they bend! Aang likes to command stuff like earthbending with firebending. You can do that. And while you’re in the Earth Kingdom and Water Tribes you can learn their history. And you can plan the whole trip.” He stops for a breath. “That’s like three things you enjoy all at the same time.”
She laughs but it sounds like a rather solid start.
“Are you going to come with me?”
He brushes a hand over her hair. “Of course I’ll come. If I don’t then who's going to provide the tomfoolery?”
“We could, perhaps, have an idiocy free trip.”
“Not a chance!” He declares as he gets to his feet. He extends his hand and helps her up.
With some hesitance, she wraps her arms around him. It is the first time she initiated contact. It is his permission to take a chance. The first time he kisses her it is on the forehead. She lets him do it and almost asks for another.
Perhaps she will have another when they begin their journey. She hadn’t realized that one first time could lead to so many more of them. She can’t say that it is a bad thing. The first time he sweeps her off her feet is clumsy, he nearly drops her. But he carries her back into the palace as she protests his whimsical antics. This is not a first time. She constantly questions his antics. It is, however, the first time she is willing to tolerate them and accept them for what they are.
For the first time, she feels like she is her own person. For the first time, she thinks that she is finally Azula.
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raikangaru · 5 years ago
Less Frustrated - Zuko x Reader
Warnings: explicit content (smut)
one shot
“How can you be so stupid?”,The black haired teen yells at his crew, throwing fire punches in their direction.”Zuko, I think that’s enough.”I say to the hot-headed male,”If I don’t tell them, how will I catch the Avatar!”he snaps at me, I angrily sip my tea and huff in annoyance,”She’s right, Zuko that’s enough. What’s done is done!”General Iroh speaks softly as he too sips his tea. Zuko storms off inside the ship quarters,”I hope one day my nephew will understand,”General Iroh sighs and continues to sip his tea. I finish up my tea and bid my good nights to General Iroh and some crew members that are patrolling, I slip into my room and change into my nightgown. It had been an eventful day we had gotten a tip about the Avatar but of course things did not happen in our favour which ended up with the Avatar flying away in his sky bison. It was no surprise that Zuko would be livid, the Avatar was literally in his grasp but a small fuck up messed it all up hence the fuming Fire Prince. I sighed and continued to undo the tight bindings on my hair, I cleaned the rest of the light make up I had on then I was ready for bed.
I slide into my bed, sinking in to the silk sheets making myself comfortable, my mind thinks back to the events of today. Zuko had never been this frustrated to the point of snapping at me, it irked me so much. I did my best and I guess it wasn’t to his liking, I sigh in frustration and shut my eyes hoping to drift off into slumber.
I jolt awake from my sleep, loud yelling and banging sounds from outside my door. My heart loudly beats, I quickly shuffle out of bed and slipping on a robe over my nightgown. I swing the door open, the soldiers were running and preparing themselves for whatever is on the deck. “What’s going on?”I stop one of the soldiers, he looks at me with his eyes wide,”Admiral Zhao has invaded our ship, Prince Zuko is facing him now,”I grit my teeth, that fucking scum, what is he doing here this is only gonna put Zuko in a worse mood. I nod my head and follow him out to the deck of the ship, before me Zuko and Zhao were having a stare down, Zhao shifts his gaze to me,”Lady (your name), so this is where you ran off,”his voice irritating me. “Why does it matter Zhao?”venom laces my words as I walk to stand behind Zuko,”it’s Admiral Zhao”,he corrects me.
“This is between you and me, keep (your name) out of this”,Zuko spits out, he was beyond furious, Zuko pushes me to stand back and I comply, the whole mood of the ship was tense, “hmm, I challenge you in an Agni Kai ‘Prince Zuko’! If I win I get to keep your ship, your crew, dear poor uncle and your pretty little girlfriend.”Zhao eyes me up and down, a disgusted shiver rolls down my spine and I grit my teeth even more. “Zuko, you don’t have to do this,”I hold his arm, tugging slighty to have him look at me,”no I refuse to have him treat me this way, I will finish this once and for all,”his eyes burning with determination and frustration. I could only nod at him and take a seat where General Iroh has prepared his tea set, I watch as both men face each other in one of the highest forms of duelling. I grip my robe, I trust Zuko, he has grown and trained. He was certainly a worthy opponent now, Zhao throws the first flame, the Agni Kai has begun. Zuko dodges with ease before answering back with his own flames, the fight drags on none of them backing off from each other. It was clear that Zhao was becoming tired and his throws becoming reckless, Zuko had noticed and took advantage of it, he quickly sweeps his leg knocking Zhao on the ground.
“Stand down, Zhao. It’s over,”Zuko crushes the chest of Zhao but before Zhao could say anything one of his men throws a fire punch at Zuko, on instinct I bend my own fire setting the man on fire and all of a sudden a smoke bomb was thrown. I cough out, my lungs feeling heavy, once the smoke clears, Zhao and his crew were gone, they had planned this. Zuko yells in frustration, fire coming out from his mouth and hands, he continues to throw a fit,”Zuko, stop!”I yell out to him, he was getting out of hand, he began to fight his own crew. He turns to me, eyes furious, his frame tower overs me and he grabs me roughly, his grip tight on my arm. “Zuko,”I whimper out, he doesn’t acknowledge me he just drags me below deck and pushes open a door.
I was inside his bedroom, he slams his door shut backing me up until the back of my knees of my meets the bed. “Zuko, whats gotten into you?”his eyes were a significantly darker shade of ember,”just shut up (your name), a lot of things has gone wrong today. Just be a good girl and listen to me,”he rids me of my outer robes leaving me in just my thin nightgown, he slips his hand behind my neck slightly pulling my hair, he leans my head up until our lips barely touch each other,”Zuko,”I moan as his wedges his knee between my legs grazing my pussy. He bites my bottom lip, pulling it to suck on it, he grips my head tighter as he connects our lips, he groans into our kiss. He pushes me so I’m sitting on the edge of his bed, he strips off his armour and begins to rid of his regular clothing, in one swift movement he was naked before me in all his glory. My face became flush, he was well defined, I resisted my urge to run my hands down his chest to his abdomen, too his sweet v-line and to his thick aroused length. He grips my hair again, bringing me closer to his hard shaft, he hints me to take his shaft, I hesistantly hold him moving my hand up and down his, I look up at him through my lashes and poke my tongue out licking his tip before I take in his length in my mouth.
He pushes my head, taking his length deeper, he hits the back of my throat triggering my gag reflex but he continues the up and down motion, he roughly pulls me off him saliva between me and his shaft. “Lay on the bed,”his voice was deep and demanding, I comply and lay myself on his bed, he gets on top of me straddling my waist, “this was my favourite,” with his slender fingers he burns the straps to my nightgown giving him access to my collarbones, he wastes no time and attaches his lip to it. Biting down slighty and sucking on the now tender skin, moans escape my lips the feeling heating up my sex even more. “I’ll get you some more,”he continues to burn the rest of my clothes, leaving me bare infront of him, a wide blush tints my cheeks that I had to turn away, “look at me (your name), I want to see you writhe under me,”he leans his body over me, placing his weight on his forearm. His hand finds on my erect nipple and the other finds its way between my legs, pressing it against my wet pussy, he moves his fingers in figure eights adding pressure whenever his hits my clit,”Zuko please,”I moan and grip the sheets. He slides his fingers inside me, pumping them and occasionally curling his finger, he removes his fingers and uses my wetness to lube his shaft.
“So wet for me,”he rubs my clit before sliding his full length inside me,”Zuko, so deep,”I moan out digging my nails on his forearms, he moves his hips slowly in teasing like manner, I whimper to him begging with my eyes. “Say it out loud (your name), I don’t know what you want,”he smirks at me, playfully biting down on my nipple, for sure to leave marks,”Zuko, I want you fuck me harder,”I cry out as he slams his hips against mine, hitting me deeper. I gasp as he moves his hand to rub roughly on my clit, a familiar knot forms and I know I’m about to cum, “Zuko I’m close,”I had barely whispered out, the sound of our hips clashing together echoes in his room, he pinches my nipple and it sends me over the edge, I clench around him before releasing my juices all over his shaft.
“Ohh Zuko!”a couple to sloppy thrusts and he cums undone inside me, “(your name), you feel so good.”warming up my insides. He rolls over to my side before pulling me in a sticky cuddle, my body feeling exhausted and a yawn racks my body, my lower regions sore along with my neck for sure covered in blue and black marks.
“You better be feeling less frustrated now”
m a s t e r l i s t
hey! hope this makes up for my absence, i’m still debating whether i am committed enough to write a whole story, i am currently in the middle of my semester and i’m trying to learn to speak japanese. anyways enough rambling, please leave a like if you enjoyed it, shoot me an ask / dm if you have any comments and suggestions, have a great day!
all the love xx
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