cheritzheadcanonz · 1 year
maybe this is too weird, but when I played jaehee's route for the first time, I just thought the dynamic with Zen was really cute. There's a photo of them together in a cafe, it's just adorable, him taking care of her and sending you updates. this made me ship all three (mc X zen X jaehee). Zen would be like "look how cute how amazing our gf is" and we pamper jaehee like she deserves ughhhj I just love them so much
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"maybe this is too weird, but when I played jaehee's route for the first time, I just thought the dynamic with Zen was really cute. There's a photo of them together in a cafe, it's just adorable, him taking care of her and sending you updates. this made me ship all three (mc X zen X jaehee). Zen would be like "look how cute how amazing our gf is" and we pamper jaehee like she deserves ughhhj I just love them so much "
That's doesn't looks like a hedcanon, I don't know
But I have more blogs like @cheritz-shitposting
And @otomegameconfessions
That's suits to you guys tell me your sins :3
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doridoripawaa · 2 years
You know how I did the RFA's best girls? Yeah, well, think about the Idols favorite Routes instead. That's a challenge.
Okay, I was going to wait until the end of Superstar s2, but I'll just add the Liella girls later. I'm impatient. Wheeze.
I'll go by group, then by year, and I'll then smile->cool->pure within each year!
Rin would enjoy Saeyoung's route the most! She loves cats, so Meowy gives his route bonus points, but I think she'd also really enjoy joking back and forth with 707. When Luciel in the apartment turns colder and more secluded... Rin wouldn't give up on him. Rin's best friend since childhood is Hanayo, who is an exceptionally timid girl with a lot of dreams but a lot of doubts. I think Rin would want to stick by Luciel til the end. Also, gender. Rin is highly trans girl coded, and seeing Saeyoung be no biney would be very neat for her.
Maki would unexpectedly enjoy Zen's route. She's someone whose family pushes her towards a prestigious career path of being a doctor, but her true love and passion lie in the arts. She's a musician at heart even if she has a doctor's brain. She'd definitely scold Zen for being too reckless as a teen, but I think she'd find his route therapeutic because she can watch him work hard for his own dreams.
Hanayo would love Jaehee's route. Hanayo was too afraid to follow her dream of becoming an idol until her friends gave her a push. She'd cheer for Jaehee who works so hard but doesn't feel passionate about her work. As soon as Jaehee shows interest in the coffee project, Hanayo would be her biggest fan urging her to pursue her dreams.
Honoka is a dreamer but also a go-getter. In that sense, she'd like Zen's route. He went after his dream without reservations, and she'd admire how he works to make a name for himself. She's also kind of... lacking in the intelligence field, so maybe she'd relate to Zen there.
Umi is no nonsense, so a gut instinct may say Jumin, but she'd feel far too restricted. I think she'd enjoy V's route. Solving mysteries, escaping a cult, getting answers, and freeing an overly self-sacrificing character from the clutches of his own guilt. Umi would probably play one of the OS routes then go "THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS WITH V?" She's fixing him. She's pulling his ear and talking sense into him.
Kotori, by contrast, would probably like Jumin's route. She can be strangely possessive herself. She also hates making decisions. But her tender heart would instinctively know which answers could soothe Jumin's troubles and save Elizabeth the 3rd.
Nico is a workaholic who'd also love Jaehee's route. She almost failed in her dream of being an idol, and she'd refuse to let Jaehee give up on choosing a future that made her happy. Nico is honestly super passionate and determined and caring beneath the memes.
Eli is kinning V and really I think that says all that needs to be said.
Nozomi only cares about Rika's Behind Story. Nozomi didn't even want to play until she heard about Jaehee, and then when she saw Rika? Oh, dear. Nozomi is getting the lore and smothering her in affection. Nozomi is gonna either help Rika or make her worse.
Hanamaru is going to be a Ray route kind of girl. First of all, since she grew up sheltered in a temple and has little knowledge of modern technology, she would actually hop in a van to a mysterious location because some guy called and asked her to help him. Sob. More importantly, she's a big reader, and she'd fall for the fairy-tale aspect of Ray's route. But she'd be down for the darker parts, too! She's quick to humor fallen angel Yohane, after all. She's surprisingly adaptable.
Yohane might find a weird interest in Jumin. Their autism presents in exact opposite ways: embrace vs. suppress. But I think she'd find him neat. He's intelligent and practical, but he gets caught up in whimsy too. And Yohane did kidnap a dog once.
Ruby isn't playing. She just isn't. Ruby's androphobia would stop her. I'm not even trying to be "oh she's too lesbian" she's literally afraid of men. But she likes hearing Hanamaru and Yohane talk about the game!
Chika is kind of in her coming-of-age story throughout her arc. Finding herself, finding her dream, finding her strength. She'd appreciate Yoosung, who has seen himself as inferior and boring compared to everyone else and desperately wants to be more than that. Chika became an idol because she was chasing a shine in the sky. Yoosung is a shooting star. It works.
Riko likes V route specifically for that one bad ending. You know the one. She's immediately looking for any fanart or doujins.
You is going to adore Jumin. His route may not end up being her favorite from a story perspective, but a character who's diehard loyal to his childhood friend and has been secretly yearning this entire time? She can relate. She will complain when trapped in his penthouse, but she'll also like the aquarium in the background. Pfft.
Mari is going to kin Saeran because she knows what it's like to have an oppressive mother who tries to force her into things and use her as a dress-up doll, a puppet, rather than a person. Mari is eccentric and outgoing and over-the-top at first glance, but she's actually a deeply sentimental person who's scarily dedicated to her goals. Also she'd like Unknown's goth thing. Mari is our heavy metal enthusiast, after all.
Dia is going to be the yin to Mari's yang, as she tends to be. Her favorite route would be Saeyoung's, because she's a devoted older sister and she understands why Saeyoung would go to such extremes for Saeran. I think she secretly embraces his goofy side, too. Dia acts strict and stern, but she's a huge dork beneath it all.
Kanan understands the stress of being torn between duty and passion. She needs to help with the diving shop for her family, but she wants to be an idol at school again. She's self-sacrificing to a fault. So, yeah, she's gonna like V's route. He's torn between his duty to the RFA but his passion for Rika... which, is itself born of his supposed "duty" to his mother by helping a broken young woman all alone. He's complicated. Kanan will like the hug CG.
Rina is here for the hacking battles between the twins, whether 707 or Ray route. Ultimately she goes soft for Saeyoung because he makes Meowy and she has canonically made her own Meowy.
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Shioriko is gonna like Jumin's route but won't admit it. He's a little too assertive in doing what he thinks is best for MC, and she sees herself in that from before she joined the idol club. They both need a nap and a hug. And therapy.
Shizuku is gonna adore Zen. She's a theater kid! She thinks he's amazing for being true to himself and not hiding! She's writing Zumin enemies to lovers fic though!
Kasumi is going to like Yoosung's route. She's tired of being treated like a baby, tired of being treated as not a good enough club president. But she also prides herself on her cuteness and loves to emphasize it. She's gonna relate to Yoosung a lot.
Ai will love 707 from the start, because he's goofy and she loves bad puns. She loves smiling and having fun. Ai also has a soft heart, and she'll be good about Luciel during the tough days of his route. She'll sympathize with his sorrow, because she felt awful when she thought her sister figure resented her for pursuing a dream and leaving her behind.
Lanzhu is... someone who has always struggled to make friends. And she kind of became a spoiled, isolated tyrant because of it before saved by the power of friendship. I can't believe her favorite "route" is Rika's Behind Story (actually I can).
Setsuna's favorite route is Saeyoung's because she's got masks on masks, too. They both have had to sacrifice their own selves to protect what they love. Also she's super into his cosplay.
Ayumu is DEFINITELY gonna love Ray's route. She'll enjoy the whole route, but she's going to adore Ray in particular because she sees a lot of herself in him. Preparing a fluffy pink room... for the object of his obsession affection... with flowers and floriography sprinkled throughout. Yeah, she's into it.
Kanata is another doting big sister, so Saeyoung for her! She works herself into the ground for Haruka's sake, and she'll empathize with Saeyoung for all he's done for Saeran. Also they both need a nap. Please.
Karin is someone who comes off as cool and mature, but she's actually kind of insecure and has immature moments. I feel like Jumin would be her favorite. Plus she'd understand why he's keeping her there, considering she has an awful sense of direction and needed to be chipped by her friends.
Emma, the sweetest girl, is going to like Jaehee's route. Emma is big on family, and her heart would break for Jaehee who's all alone. Emma traveled all the way from Switzerland to Japan to pursue her dreams, and I know that conviction and huge heart will be cheering for Jaehee all the way.
Mia can't play Another Story because she's only 14. Tragic. Guess her favorite has to be Yoosung. She knows how gifted burnout feels. Yoosung was a spectacular student in high school but now he's lost and stuck. Mia felt stuck and hopeless with her music for a while, too, even while being hailed as a prodigy.
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Mania, or Annaliese as she prefers to be called (or just Anna, just anything BUT the literal synonym of insanity, (Kaya your naming conventions are strange indeed) (cough* she was named Mania before the Thedian language even existed (btw Thedian is basically just English cus I'm too lazy to make a language and just no) soo oof Kaya didn't know the world mania would end up as a synonym of insanity) *cough), in ECF, is the goddess of hate, but that is a purely figurative title that she was given by some humans she's long forgotten that is too far spread and widely known for her to make people stop calling her such. 
She 5'0 tall and has short black hair and brown eyes as seen in the picrew above.
I'll be calling her Anna for the rest of this post by the way, since even if she's a fictional character I want to abide by her wishes.
A fun fact, I was contemplating giving Anna dissociative identity disorder originally as another one of the goddesses, Harmonia, has Bipolar Disorder (which is easier to write because it does not entail multiple personalities) and I wanted to try giving another goddess a mental illness besides depression (which most of them have), but realized I honestly didn't know enough about it nor understand it that well, and nor could I fit it into her character so scrapped it. And so I didn't want to give her it because I just didn't know how to write it or really describe it. It just didn't make sense for her either.
Also, if you couldn't tell most of my characters have something that's semi-dark about them, that's because I find most characters with darker pasts that influenced them greatly make more interesting characters for some reason, at least in my experience. Not every character has to be dark in some way for them to be good characters (I point to Jaehee who is the least dark of all the Mysme characters I think or maybe I'm wrong because I kind of forget about her a lot...sorry Baehee!) but...meh.
Anyway, Anna has a serious hatred for her body due to it being...well, more childlike in nature. Flat chest, short, not very curvy body in general...just a lot of insecurities and body hatred in general. Anna is also very childlike in personality (despite being billions of years old) but tries to force herself to act more like the adult she's meant to be. She's the shortest of all of her fellow goddess "sisters" despite Xomura being her "younger sister" and she despises that. She lashes out at everyone a lot but tries to be calm and collected most of the time but sometimes she just can't keep her anger from getting out of control. In a sense, she feels like an adult in a child's body whilst suffering from frequent regression to a childlike mindset. 
Anna in a modern AU is basically the same except she is instead overall a NEET who relies on Kaya's huge fortune to like, you know, live. She has no idea what to do with her life in that AU and both her original version and modern au she honestly feels suicidal when she's at her worst. 
Anna tries to act like she is super formal, calm, and collected, but she's not. She has a habit of rambling, she gets mad at people for very little things, she honestly just is something of a child in a lot of ways.
Which is partly Kaya's fault.
You see, Anna was always babied by all of her "sisters", even Xomura, who is YOUNGER than her and technically should be babied more since she is THE YOUNGEST. But due to all of her sisters growing far quicker and taller than her and overall she just always looked like a child, in general, she was babied a lot more and spoiled even. 
She despises Kaya for the fact she never really taught her how to be an adult.
And Kaya honestly never wanted her to grow up.
Anna just never matured.
Anna actually has a love for writing, as it lets her just let out all her thoughts without having to say anything allowed in her childish voice (which she also hates but talking is kind of unavoidable) and she also likes to write stories where she can pretend she has a far more adult-like body. Uh...her perception of an "adult woman body" is kind of uh...skewed.
She dreams of having the definition of a "perfect" body. Like, looking like those women with big boobs and lots of curves that you see in magazines or something.
It's a very fantastical and unattainable dream.
Anna also has a very strange love for macarons. Especially strawberry ones. She just really likes them honestly. 
I'm not sure who Anna would get along with of the Mysme cast to be honest. Zen, maybe??? Yoosung??????? Hmmmmmmm- I really just don't know. 
I think Yoosung might be best. Zen might a little on the nose when it comes to self image issues and while he empathizes with MCs with the same struggle; It is harder for him to help if that MC fixates so much that it's hard for even him to help them. I said Yoosung simply because that idea of him cheering on an MC who has their own passion makes me smile. I think she needs someone who is her own age and treats her with respect instead of treating her like a baby. Our boy Yoosung knows what that feels like, that's for sure.
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Dude... I wanna headcanon plz... You did that gay thing so I hope u okay with this one. Could you please do how the members would react to MC being a dude? +Unknown and V. I'm one of those rare dudes that play and it would make me extremely happy.
Okay! no problem and sorry bc it took me ages to answer this :( 
he’s really surprised 
didn’t expected a boy 
and well… Saeyoung made him really confused by your identity
but he doesn’t care 
is not like he hasn’t had a crush on some boys in the past 
that’s why he never got a girlfriend 
because he didn’t wanted it 
and taling to you made him realize it 
he just want you with him 
only you 
but the rest knows this? 
he hasn’t tell them 
he never got a girlfriend but that didn’t mean he didn’t liked girl… at least that was the rest thought 
thanks to you he find his way to tell everyone 
most of them actually knew it 
Saeyoung knew this, I mean they both were best friends 
and Zen of course saw him looking at boys (getting a bit jealous bc he’s way better looking than them) 
he’s a bit (too much) surprised 
and at first he’s distant 
of course he doesn’t know you 
and you’re acting weird 
I mean he’s way too good looking 
but he’s not into boys 
or is he??
he actually starts questioning it 
you’re really nice 
and when you chat with him he can’t stop smiling 
but he’s never been with a boy 
and girls are his thing 
but… you’re there 
always there with something nice to say 
and something inside him starts growing 
at first he doesn’t know what to do 
“Okay… I like him… now what” 
flirt? well he can do that 
but is the same way with boys? 
he doesn’t really know what to do but at the end it works
because you’re at his door 
and hell his heart goes crazy 
“Okay… I know I hasn’t told you this… and this may sound weird but I think I like you…”
she got it at the first moment 
I mean… she was basically gay so it was so obvious for her
but didn’t say a thing 
and your friendship got stronger and stronger 
and when you told her she was like 
“well… I knew it, and I know what is like…” 
gay pals 
there is a reason why he was still single at his age 
he didn’t wanted rumors 
that wasn’t good for the company 
and of course he didn’t wanted a distraction 
but you entered the RFA
and he was slowly getting more and more active on the chat 
he was up until very late just to chat with you 
it was not like him 
but he couldn’t help but fall for you 
you were so calming 
and he needed that 
but his dad got a girl for him 
how could his dad not know this??
he didn’t wanted to tell him 
he was afraid but really wanted to be with you 
of course it was complicated 
but when Sarah showed at his apartment 
that was it 
he NEEDED to kiss you 
and this was the moment 
of course the rumor came but there was nothing more to do 
the day of the party he decided to tell everyone 
“I heard some rumors about me liking men. And I don’t think is a good thing, rumors are always a bad thing and the company is not about who I like or not. But to tell the truth, no, I don’t like men, I like one man and he’s the one who made this party possible.”
Bi baby 
of course he likes you from the start 
but that doesn’t change the fact that he’s not good 
not good for you 
and he hasn’t been with a boy this whole time 
the agency may not like this 
and he doesn’t want to put you in danger 
tries to hard to keep you away from him 
but failed 
of course he loves you 
and he can’t keep this love hidden 
“I love you, but you can’t love me back. Please don’t do it…” 
but your warm heart is there for him 
at the end he realizes that is impossible for him to be away from you 
the agency doesn’t give a shit 
as long as he does his work is fine 
and that is a big relief for him 
“I'll make sure to keep you safe”
he’s just trying to save you from the shit he put you in 
doesn’t want to fall in love 
doesn’t want to love someone so much that it will end up hurting them 
of course doesn’t know he likes you 
but you’re so kind 
so nice 
and is like an epiphany to him 
you’re always on his mind 
of course the situation with the mint eye is not the best for a relationship at the moment 
and he doesn’t know what to do 
he has only been with girls 
and his ex was a crazy bitch (lol sorry I hate her) 
but you don’t care 
he can’t take his time to love you 
and he does
damn he does 
but at the end he gives you the bright love he has
and is all for you 
okay but in mint eye he got some dudes
of course it wasn’t serious
he doesn’t have any motives to be ashamed 
no one cares about it 
but he’s not supposed to fall for you 
you’re part of his plan 
he can’t do this 
but he finds himself thinking about you at nights 
and when he wakes up the first thing on his mind is you 
you you you 
all the time you 
so he can’t do more but tell you this 
he’s super jealous about the other guys on the RFA and even in mint eye 
dones’t want anyone to get near you 
when mint eye is over 
he need treatment 
and he can’t see  you for several months 
and when he finally comes back home 
shit he just wants to see you 
and tell you that he’s fine 
and he can be with you now 
“I am fine now, please believe me… I won’t do bad things, I just want to be with you… please” 
My mind is empty :( sorry
I kind of based this on their routes 
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Hi! I love your posts a lot. May I ask for a request, like a scenario or something with RFA + Unknown... Maybe like something happened and the MC lost her memory and what they'll do next or something.. idk. Thank you very much, I'll continue to support you and your post.
You’re such a sweet anonny, thank you for the kind words!! I really liked this idea so I formatted it a bit differently. Basically, the first part, before the under the cut part, is meant to be like a prologue of what happens to MC. I did it this way because I didn’t want to be repetitive, so I hope that it’s okay! I truly hope that you enjoy!! ^^
You and your lover were driving to a secluded nature reserve for a date. The two of you kept looking into each other’s eyes lovingly, it was officially your first anniversary as a couple. Your lover took one of their hands off the steering wheel of the car to take a hold of your own hand in a loving gesture. The two of you looked into each other’s eyes one more time before you heard a loud crash, the last thing you saw was the look of horror on your lover’s face before everything went dark.
“She should be waking up soon, let me know when she does.” He doctor told your very anxious lover as he headed to treat another patient.
A drunk driver hit your car that day, somehow your lover survived with only a few scratches while you were barely alive. You lover was snapped out of their thoughts when you stirred awake, they happily asked if you were alright. But your answer would haunt them for who knows how long as you said
“I’m sorry but who are you? And where am I, or rather… who am I?”
The second those questions left your mouth, tears streamed down Yoosung’s cheeks
“W-what do you mean? You’re MC silly!”
“M-MC? That’s me? I’m sorry but again, I don’t really remember anything.”
Yoosung used both of his hands to cover his tear-soaked face, he couldn’t believe that his own reckless driving caused you to lose your memories
“Um excuse me, but you said my name is MC, does that mean you know me? Are we friends or something? What’s your name?”
Wiping away the last of his tears, Yoosung determinedly grabbed your hand, gently rubbing the back of your palm as he said
“Yes I know you MC, I know almost everything about you! I know your favorite color, favorite type of music, even what you like on top of your pizza! Believe or not, I’m actually your boyfriend. My name’s Yoosung and I promise to tell you everything about you.”
From that moment on, Yoosung did whatever he could to help trigger your memories back in any way
He stopped playing video games and even took some time off of school in order to help with your recovery
You would only rarely get memories of your past back, making you feel discouraged but Yoosung was always there to support you
No matter what it would take, Yoosung would find a way to retrieve your memories but until then, you learned everything about yourself from your loving boyfriend
Zen holds back his tears and puts on a convincing smile that only a true actor could do
“You’re funny Jagiya, now come on, let’s tell the doctor that you’re awake and fine and go home.”
“Huh? Is ‘Jagiya’ my name or something? Do you know me or something?”
Zen’s heart was breaking at the seams, if only he had been more careful driving his motorcycle then he wouldn’t have to endure this immense feeling of guilt
But this was Zen’s mistake, he was going to help you regain your memory no matter what
“Haha no sorry, Jagiya is a nickname that I call you. Your real name is MC and you’re the most beautiful, talented, graceful, and wonderful person that I know. My name is Zen and I’m even lucky enough to call you my girlfriend.”
Your eyes lit up and a small blush spread across your cheeks to the tips of your ears as Zen noticed you suddenly became more bashful
“S-so you mean to me that I’m dating you? But you’re like, the most handsome man I’ve ever seen! I must’ve done something right to have someone like you in my life.”
There was his MC, his perfect girlfriend
Zen stayed at home with you as much as he could, showing you some small videos of you and him singing together to try and jog your memories
He’d sing you to sleep every night, making sure you were fast asleep before he let himself cry over the guilt
Zen wouldn’t rest until he helped you gain your memories back, it was his duty as your boyfriend to do so, thus began the long mission that he would fulfill someday
Jaehee holds her head in shame as she soon realizes how much damage she caused because of careless driving
She didn’t want to sugar-coat things, Jaehee decided at that moment on to face this problem head on since she caused it
“You’re name is MC and mine is Jaehee. You… you lost your memories because of a car crash. It’s all my fault MC, I was the only driving and caused all of this, I’m so sorry but I promise you that I’ll help you get your memories back alright?”
“You seem like such a nice person! I how that we were good friends, I’d love to have a friend just like you!”
At that moment, Jaehee realized how much it sucked being called a friend instead of a lover so she made a mental note of never calling you they again
“We’re actually girlfriends MC and I love you with all of my heart, we’re going to get your memories back together.”
“That’s good and all, but I’m more happy for the fact that we’re girlfriends! Thank you so much Jaehee, lets do this together!”
So Jaehee because your personal caretaker, trying all different kinds of techniques like brewing your favorite type of coffee to help trigger some memories back
Things weren’t easy for either one of you, there were days when the two of you just wanted to give up - But Jaehee never did, she wouldn’t stop until the day you had all of your memories back
Jumin didn’t believe it, or rather, he didn’t want to believe the damage he had caused
He’ll always blame himself for letting you convince him drive that day, he knew he should have just been stubborn and told you no
But moping around wasn’t Jumin’s plan, he was going to fix this, he was going to get your memories back no matter the cost
“MC. That’s your name. You’re the most imaginative and kind person I know. This is all my own fault so I promise you that I’ll get your memories back.”
“Er, thank you sir. You seem like such a selfless and important man yourself so please, don’t worry about me sir.”
He felt his heart shatter, even in your state you were more worried about him then your own self
“My name’s Jumin, not sir. And you’re my girlfriend MC so no task is too big if it involves you. I will help you MC, you’ll get your memories back.”
“Alright thank you sir Jumin!”
Even with no memories, you still managed to make Jumin crack a smile
He took some time off of work to be with you and show you all kinds of photos, videos, and items to try and get your memories back
Only the best doctors were hired to help retrieve your memories and they all believed that you were truly making progress
Jumin would do anything to help you, you helped him deal with his own emotional issues, he hoped dearly that your memories would come back to you but until then, he would be there to help you every step of the way
Was Seven always going to be cursed to ruin the lives of the one’s he loved?
He hated himself so much for trying to show off his driving skills in one of his precious cars, but that was the past and Seven knew that he needed to help you
“You’re name is MC and I’m Saeyoung. We were in a car crash and it seems like you lost all of your memories. I’m so, so sorry MC, I know that you can never forgive but please let me try to show you how sorry I am!“
Seven was grasping onto your hand, his head lowered in shame as tears started cascading down his face
"Saeyoung huh… that’s a nice name! You seem to care about me a lot, thank you but you don’t have to be sorry. I’m sure it was just an accident.”
How you could be so kind and forgiving even through you had zero memories about your life is something that Seven would never understand
“Okay I’ll start right now! So you’re MC, you’re a party coordinator for a group called the RFA. We’re dating and I’m madly in love with you. You think I’m funny even though a lot of other people would disagree. And-”
“Easy now Saeyoung, lets go a little bit slower okay? Why don’t we start talking after I get released from the hospital.“
From that day on, Seven was always by your side, giving you all kinds of facts about yourself to help recover your memories
Your progress was almost non-existent and every night when Seven made sure you were fast asleep, he’d go to his own room and cry as the feeling of guilt never left
But Seven never gave up and he never would give up, not until you got your memories back so he could finally marry you at the space station
Saeran knew that happiness never lasted long in his miserable life
His jaw clenched when you asked him those questions, why did someone as innocent and kind as you have to be the harmed and not him?
"You’re… my MC. I just- I’m so sorry, this is all my fault.”
Saeran stood up and quickly made his way to the door, not wanting to burden you any more with his presence as well as not wanting you to see him cry
“Wait! You still haven’t told me your name. Please, don’t go. I’m confused and no one else is here to see me so that must mean we know each other right?”
As much as Saeran wanted to walk right out of your life and let you be, he couldn’t
He wasn’t going to run away or be like his idiot brother and push you away, Saeran was going to get your memories back
“I’m Saeran. We were… a couple. I’m going to help you get your memories back alright? Now let’s go, I hate hospitals.”
So Saeran started taking you to familiar places, such as the ice cream shoppe and the park, to try and help recover your memories
He’d tell you stories about your past along with his own, being completely honest with every word that he said
Saeran knew that you may never get your memories back but one thing he knew for sure: he would never stop trying nor would he never stop loving you
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