#IC : verse ( main )
orangetintedglasses · 1 month
@forgivenpunishment replied to your post “He's looking a bit distracted today... and a bit...”:
"Hey, I've been lookin' all over for you... you didn't say anything when you left. Wasn't sure if you were pullin' a fast one on me." Wolfwood puts a hand on Vash's shoulder and shakes him playfully. He doesn't figure that Vash will run away from him again, but the distant way he's been acting is odd, to say the least.
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The contact ripped through him like a shockwave, and it took every synapse in his brain to keep from crying out (in pain? In surprise? Something else?). Crap, r-right, he... should've said something, went back and said... but he hadn't been thinking...
The blond made himself perk up all the same, though, trying to ignore the way his stomach flipped and surged now that Wolfwood was close-- "s-sorry! Sorry-- n-no, just needed some air, and... kind of wandered off."
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nxtahxro · 8 months
continued from !!
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❝ yeah, and now you kinda gotta learn how to… be a wolf, again. being an alpha is different than what you're used to, man. ❞ stiles has no doubt about the goodness of scott's heart, he never has.
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mugunghwc · 2 months
Rei stood in front of the mirror, taking in her reflection. Her hair, intricately styled and adorned with delicate kanzashi hairpins, framed her flushed features. The shiromuku kimono she wore was heavy, or perhaps, it were her nerves that kept her feet glued to the ground. Its white silk glowing softly under the room’s warm lighting.
Naomi adjusted the folds of Rei's kimono, ensuring it draped perfectly, her hands moving with the expertise of someone who did this for a living, even on such a special day. Rei's smile was tinged with a hint of guilt, a reminder of her mother's absence. She had chosen not to involve her mother, fearing disapproval of the man she had decided to marry and start a family with.
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"I feel I look silly," Rei admitted at last, glancing at her reflection in the mirror. The layers of fabric did help conceal her belly, but the reality of being the centre of attention was finally dawning on her. It wasn't shame or guilt; it was simply the overwhelming thought of all eyes being on them. She reached up, her fingers gingerly touching the headdress, as if tempted to hide her features.
"If I wasn't pregnant, I'd definitely look forward to the sake exchange," she added, an airy laugh escaping her lips in an attempt to ease her nerves with humour. Naomi, ever mellow, pulled out her cellphone and motioned for the others to gather closer. "Let's capture this moment," she said with excitement rising in her voice. "Rei's last moments before becoming a married woman. Who would've thought?"
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therainbowinhell · 7 months
@hellsmayflower liked for a starter! [X]
Charlie was curious- she swore she's seen this woman before, a friend of Angel or Alastor, maybe? With how busy she's been with her own stuff, she wasn't so sure.
Nevertheless, it's not like the demon princess has formally presented herself to the other, so maybe it was about time. Besides, didn't the woman look too much like a...human? That caught her attention even more so, make her heart skip a beat, even.
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"Hello! Can I help you with something? I swear it's not the first time I see you, but I thought it was about time I presented myself to you."
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starrymused · 28 days
This place was mad creepy and for what? Just because it was the location of the biggest Pokémon graveyard in the region didn't mean the entire town had to have this weird vibe. It didn't help that the locals 100% played into it all, ready to tell some random ghost story to any traveller that stopped to listen. Just a few minutes ago, some lady tried to tell him he had a ghost hand on his shoulder! The hell? It reminded Blue of that place in America that heavily leaned into alien shit just because there might have been a UFO crash there back in, like, the 60s or whatever.
"Eh?" Blue turned his attention back to Nurse Joy who'd just handed back his tray of Pokéballs. "What did you say?"
"I asked if you were going to stay the night in the inn? The rooms here in the center have all been rented for the next few days because of the memorial event being held in the tower."
"Nah, I was just gonna keep going."
Nurse Joy glanced at the clock, which read that it was now 8pm, which wasn't all that late but not the best time to continue on with a journey either. Blue waved a dismissive hand as her gaze returned to him (how she could even look away from him in the first place?) and started for the door.
"It's cute for you to worry about me but I ain't scared of whatever ghosts you people say creep about this place." Obviously, there were ghost Pokémon. It was literally a type of Pokémon! He even had one currently on his team!
"Anyway, catch ya later, don't go missing me now— AHH!" Just as he turned around to open the door leading back out to Lavender Town, Blue ran right into a shadow person in the doorway! Shit! Nobody said anything about shadow people! He immediately grabbed a magazine from one of the holders nearby, rolled it up, and raised it to bash the being over the head with. Okay, so maybe smacking a supernatural entity from the beyond with a flimsy magazine wasn't the best idea in the world but it could work!
Until he realized that the figure standing before him wasn't a ghost at all and was actually just—
"You." He growled as the other person lowered their hood and revealed themselves to be none other than his arch-nemesis. "What are you doing creeping about in a weird cloak?!" Okay, on closer look he could see that it was just a normal rain jacket but it had looked like some freaky cloak in the moment! "Little old ladies live in this town, you know! You could have sent one of them to their grave!"
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scarletbellatrix · 4 months
@raiiryuu sent: "We will survive and afterwards, we'll… get some ice cream. or go to a nice restaurant."
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IT'S ONE WAR AFTER ANOTHER, and the fighting just never ends. She wonders if it's going to be the narrative of her life until the end of time. Constantly in battle, survive, and repeat. The guild, her family, had always been worth fighting for. They are her source of strength, giving her the drive to never give up. She'll always be a warrior until her last breath.
        But even with her determination, that doesn't mean she's fearless. And it's time like this, when she's alone with her thoughts, that she gets to ponder. She considers this as a possibility to be her last battle. She will give her all. She intends to win, but with their odds at this moment, there is no guarantee. If they are defeated, she just hopes that she'll be taken out first. She doesn't want to experience the loss of comrades and go through that heartbreak.
        She's seated by the grass, her knees drawn up to her chest, her arms around them. Deep in thoughts, her guard completely down, until she senses his presence and hears his familiar voice. She snaps out of her cogitation and looks up at him, her lips quirking into an amused smile. ❝That sounds like a great plan.❞ A very hopeful one, assuming there's a tomorrow for them. ❝I didn't peg you to be the type with a sweet tooth, though. Then again, maybe the rumors are true. . .❞ She ends the statement with a teasing lilt to her tone.
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silentbutsadistic · 5 months
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"You look like a refined woman who enjoys a nice tea party. Quite exquisite taste in fashion as well. It's so difficult to find someone polished in a place like this." Remilia is currently on visit to Hell, but has decided to abandon her royal chaperone for a bit and explore with her human servant guarding her.
"You've sparked my curiosity, would you mind telling me your name?"
One of Neo's ears twitched when hearing the voice of the vampire. At first, she didn't know if she was referring to her, but all in all, she was the only one with some class around this neighborhood.
Cannibal Town was another story.
The small fallen angel raised an eyebrow once facing Remilia better, eyeing the other from top to bottom, and letting her wings flap a few times, specially as she took notice of...the...human? That accompanied her.
This felt so out of place for some reason...
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After narrowing her eyes a little, she then smiled, and let out a soft hum before offering the vampire a business card that now rested between index and middle fingers.
In this one, 'Neo' could be read. And just right under her name, 'Assassin', her profession. If the vampire was to turn it around, she would also find her phone number...or at least one phone number, and the address.
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eventyrlys · 4 months
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It's been a really rough and really long day. She started it off at Oscorp - doing some tests and research for yet another couple. To make them happy and help them achieve their dreams. Her dreams. Because even with all the money, knowledge and resources in the world... they haven't succeeded in doing it themselves and honestly.. it just got quite disheartening sometimes.
After Oscorp, she went on to the hospital to tell he happy couple the good news and went on to the next patient to start helping them. It used to be fulfilling work. Freya's specialized in fertility and helping people who struggle finally achieve their dreams? Yeah it absolutely used to make her happy too. But now, after trying for two years already with no results, after having WAITED trying for another two years because they weren't sure they'd be able to have a healthy baby with Harry's genetics into the mix.. That happiness had turned into envy. Not that she'd ever show it to anyone but her husband - or that she'd ever even mention it to anyone else.
And it wasn't bad every day. Some days she was doing rather alright about it. Today wasn't that kind of day. It was rough, long and exhausting.
So.. when she got home from work today - instead of taking a quick shower or heading into the kitchen to prepare dinner as she always liked to do to keep her mind off of things.. she heads over to the couch - where her husband is working on something on his laptop. Something she didn't know the importance of - but quickly decided it wasn't important enough as she takes the laptop and sets it on the coffee table, lying down on the couch, on her side, with her head in his lap instead, a pout on her lips. She doesn't say anything. Doesn't greet him. For a moment? All she needs and wants is to be near him, breathe him in and be comforted.
There's more time for conversation later. Not now.
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atomiqueen · 4 months
♔ — memes / accepting!
@radiaking said: ❛ what are you looking at? ❜
        He's not really wrong to ask; she has been staring at him across the fire for the better part of a minute. Perhaps waiting for him to notice. Perhaps not. Either way, her mind is in another place. Namely, the place they camped almost two weeks back, with the broken down wall he shoved her up against. The place where they did what they just...haven't talked about since, for whatever reason.
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        “I'm thinking we should have sex again,” she states, in matter-of-fact. Head cants to the side, eyes scanning his face for some reaction in the flickering firelight. “What do you think?”
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orangetintedglasses · 3 months
@forgivenpunishment // one taser might not do it, but what about...?
Holding off a wave of people was no small effort.
Keeping an army off the back of another person while throwing yourself in harm's way, regardless of your strength, was something noble. Something that deserved praise, recognition; the undertaker's efforts would not go unnoticed.
... unfortunately for him, though, it wasn't Vash that they wanted. It wasn't Vash that would be swarmed by fully-amped stun batons and tasers and more bodies trickling in, crowding the hall to prevent escape, or even basic movement that might've allowed him to get the upper hand as some old, croaking voice shrieked don't kill him! We need him alive, he's useless to us dead...!
That had been nearly an hour ago, now, though. Trivial. Shouts and crackles of electricity had been replaced by the din of machines; the hum of glaringly bright surgical lights; the slow, steady blip of a heart monitor keeping track of vitals as six men bustled around the surgical table that they'd strapped him to. They'd cut him out of his clothes to save time, as well; naked save for the various nodes and monitors they'd fastened to him, and a clean, white sheet over his hips that went down to mid-thigh.
Was that sparing his dignity, or theirs? It didn't really matter, did it. No, no, what mattered now was how the subject was feeling whenever he came to again--
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mxthbladed · 4 months
Something that a lot of people didn't consider about having wings was that, unless they were very specifically for hovering, they were not that great for trying to reach things without causing a bigger disturbance. So it was that she had to use a ladder as she hung new curtains.
She had just finished as she heard the door open and she called out, "Welcome! I'll be just a second!" For a moment, Vaggie contemplated just leaping down and using her wings to break the fall but decided against it. Not everyone and their brother needed to know her status. Instead, she slid down the ladder and turned to the newcomer, only to pause; this was most definitely not a sinner demon. "What's a hellborn doing here at the hotel?" she asked slowly, clearly ready to go on the defensive.
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mugunghwc · 4 months
@badheart cont. x
He could have picked that voice out from a sea of people speaking. It had been stuck in his head ever since that first time he visited the club. She had lulled him to sleep that night, and like the call of a siren, he had fallen victim to it—captured by its beauty. Shintaro had told himself that it must've been the timing, finally reaching his breaking point mixed with the alcohol that he had consumed on that day. However, before he could test that theory, she was not there on the next night. That's where he learned that her performance were more of a rarity rather than a commonalty.
Seeing her here, of all places, confused him greatly, making him for a moment believe that he had hit his head after being tossed away. A hand was subconsciously placed against the back of his head when he finally turned his body towards her, meeting her stare with half a smile. Shintaro wasn't even aware of it.
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"Ah, it's you," He first acknowledged before glancing over in the direction she was referring to. Even he knew that room was occupied by that Han guy, but why would she suggest it after letting him know that trying his luck with Fukuhara's men was a bad idea? Was she really concerned over the 'bad energy' that came from that room? Shintaro appeared curious, but even more-so, about her. "I didn't know you were a nurse," he confessed, looking rather sceptical about it considering the kind of make up that she was wearing. It didn't fit her profile, even if it could explain why she wasn't a regular at that club, it wasn't enough to convince him that something wasn't off about her being here. After all, she worked at a club owned by Endo's people. It was why he had even bothered with checking it out—to find any kind of info. "Xiao Li, was it?" Acting aloof just to see how she'd be in return.
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normaltothemax · 1 month
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“They’re dead, and it’s all my fault.” The words sounded hollow, but he didn’t think anyone could blame him for that. After all, the hunt went south because of him. People got hurt, got killed, because of him. Because Sam got scared and froze, like a baby. It didn’t even matter that he got hurt too—that’s what he deserved, wasn’t it? A fitting sort of punishment for a screw-up like that.
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therainbowinhell · 7 months
@hells-greatestdad liked for a starter! [X]
"Heeeey, dad!" With a small smile, the demon princess approached the other, holding her hands close to her chest.
"Now that I at least seemed to change some things around here- do you plan on visiting more?" After all, the blonde always went out of her way to change people and improve their situation, yet...it was about time she also tried to fix her own relationships with her parents.
Or at the very least, with Lucifer.
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"It would be a pity if after all the effort we...uhm...fell so silent to each other like before." She was looking elsewhere, perhaps awkward? And biting her tongue to not mention how much she actually missed her mother, as well.
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daddymothxxx · 5 months
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"I better get SO many pictures. And, like, one whole GOSSIP damn it."
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frost-eyed-autumn · 6 months
Homecoming || starsburned
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Standing outside of here now was a weird feeling. It wasn't as though he'd ever been to this place before - Dazai's place, the one he'd taken up in after leaving the Port Mafia. He'd never once visited it or even given it a glance, hardly even knowing it existed. Even when he did learn about it, he never made a point to come by.
Yet, standing here now was surreal in a way. The Black Lizard and a scattering of their men were on standby elsewhere, watching and blocking off every street and alleyway leading in and out of this city block, to make sure no one they didn't want could get through while the two of them worked. Not the police, not civilians, and certainly as fuck not the ADA.
The latter was highly unlikely at this hour anyway. The deep hours of night had always belonged to the Mafia; that never changed. Once morning hit, it wouldn't matter if they knew. Everyone here would be long gone with a job well done.
"You're really sure about this?"
Dazai, dressed to conceal his identity as just another Port Mafia grunt, stood beside him. Chuuya's hands were shoved into his pockets, his coat customarily hanging off his shoulders with the sleeves dangling loose.
They'd discussed it at length ; Dazai's leaving the ADA. More importantly, faking his death so that he could do so without hassle. They didn't need those Agency toddlers getting some kind of bullshit in their minds about staging some rescue operation over something that was inevitably Dazai's choice and Dazai's choice alone. As much as Chuuya would deeply enjoy the Agency giving him an excuse to crush them, he knew better than to instigate anything if it wasn't on Mori's order.
Everything was set to make this night happen. They'd discussed every step at length and how to make it look convincing. Both Dazai and Chuuya had plenty enough experience killing people, so it wasn't hard to imagine just how a murder scene should look.
The biggest complication in all of that would be potential civilian witnesses, which was the largest hole in their plan they would have to cover, and the part they'd spent the longest discussing, but they'd come to a reasonable way to handle that too.
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"You know, once this is final, there's no going back. I have no doubts the Agency would be fine taking you back and I'm sure you could come up with a convincing excuse for your absence if you ever decide you liked being with them better after all,--"
After all, the Agency were soft and, frankly, gullible. If Dazai fabricated some story about how he'd been attacked and taken prisoner or held against his will, likely they'd believe it. It wouldn't be hard to trick them into letting him come back with few, if any, questions.
"--but the Port Mafia isn't going to let you get away with betraying them twice. Matter of fact, I'd hunt you down and kill you myself, for real this time. You'd better be absolutely certain this is what you want."
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