#I've started sonic rush and it's been okay but I haven't played in a while so I don't really remember
rapidhighway · 10 months
I'm not sure if you've been asked this in the past, but I'm curious what your favourite sonic game is?
I haven't finished that many but I started a lot skcndkxj i really like both SA games, love SA2, love unleashed so far, love mania so far. I like all of them for different things though
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squeiky · 2 years
Why I love sonadow
(Haven't talked about/posted about my love of sonic on this blog but go figures I'd write about my fav ship first before literally anything else-)
So this is mostly a ramble, but I a few points to make on why exactly why I love this ship and just basically rambling about every little details that make the ship so lovable in the first place.
So for starters, I love this ship, and I'm willing to sail on it till it sinks. I find their dynamic quite entertaining as the two work as a competitive duo, have a really nice dynamic, and the two are pretty similar in terms of ideals and the fact that it's very much hammered in that shadow is one, if not maybe the only one, who is only equal playing field with sonic. I find that it's very refreshing to see someone who isn't always left behind his trail, and can actually keep up and even RIVAL that of sonic.
After the events of SA2 what started my true love for this ship statted to form. It was during the very final ending. (Of course the small seeds of banter and how sonic would influence shadow to slowly becoming his best self as well as shadow slowly gaining respect for the blue blur also made me love it-but this is what got me on board y'know?)
-I remember the fight where sonic and shadow team up to defeat the bio-lizard and I loved the cute little lines the two shared during the battle.
Sonic's little "are you okay?" And "you need rest! Let me handle this!" lines are just so wholesome- it's just a cute detail that I feel gets overlooked. You usually don't see these sides of sonic anymore, and it's so hilarious that he's saying this all while shadow is too busy monolouging- it's so sweet.
I find it very endearing that even though he should be focusing on defeating the bio-lizard like shadow is, he just spends his time worrying about shadows wellbeing. (Shadow does the same for sonic, just less often.)
Also, during the sonic q&a shadow's treasured moments is of sonic attempting to save him which I find also very endearing. (Sonic's reaction was also very cute.) Though the topic of sonadow was brought up and them immediately dismissed made me feel really sad, but I'm okay with that fact anyhow as I can understand why.
Theres also that one poster of shadow and sonic being a "swashbuckling duo" which I know everyone thinks about the "swashbuckling" part but they all skip over the "duo." Like, it's just those 2. There is a reality where these 2 are together, not only as pirates (MY FLAG MEANS DEATH-) but as a DUO??! Meaning not only are they working together on a LITERAL SHIP, but also- they are known to go swashbuckling adventures together. Also shadow is the captain and I can't state it enough how I love the fact that THIS IS A THINGGGG!!!!
(I know this is far fetched, but let's be real- the only pirates that exist in the sonic games are sonic rush. Hey, if there's 2 versions of sonic why not make it 3?)
Also, let's not forget sonic's "looking out the window scenes" and the his talk with Rouge about shadow (he called him a hero, and honestly that is the sweetest most saddest thing I've heard in very in a very long time), as well as his "sayonra shadow the hedgehog"
Rouge spent more time with shadow than sonic so understanbly she'd understand sonics sadness as these 2 have spent more time with shadow than anyone else (I'm not counting eggman, he is an enabler and helped lead shadow down a self-destrutive and literally destructive path. He doesn't count, not ever will he count.)
It's just Sonics tiny gestures of greif, like looking out through that window, the Sayanora when no one was around, the small "are you okay?" ,and sassy banter between the two is just so sweet, fun and entertaining to see.
(This is a bit more on shadow but I feel it's a necessary part into understanding why this works so well-)
Also, shadow's writing has been fluctuating in quality almost as much as sega's own games. It's safe to assume the consensus that shadow is the "angry edgelord who hates sonic for some random reason and always fights him beacuse bla bla bla" isn't very true and I feel like that idea is what really makes this ship weird for some other people. (Or it's just not the type of ship they'd like, which is fine by me.)
Shadow, to put it simple.. is a very compassionate character with a lot of trauma put on him. He didn't know how to handle/process that trauma, and spending like what? 50 years, trapped in an isolated cell, unaging, left alone with no one to help him escape, getting your memories tampered with, having your ego fed with the "ultimate lifeform" stuff, as well as having noway to talk, cope, or even process the fact that your best freind- the only person that has (to my knowledge) treated you like an actuall conscious being, that isn't a weapon or some science project to get some cure- just got murdered by you guessed it! Humans! Not to mention the leader of the "humans" aka the government led this???!!
It puts a pretty sour taste in your mouth if you ask me.
So when I see the edgelord shit really ticks me off. Beacuse at the end of it all, shadow isn't really sonic's rival (even that one Lego sonic spinoff game literally refers to shadow as sonic's "freind" along with amy, knuckles and tails like come ON people!!) He's just another one of his freinds.
Besides, shadows been through about mabye 3 whole identity crisises? Which in my book is more than enough for shadow to either be gay or trans(cis or not) and honestly it's quite fitting.
Not to mention, as a mlp fan, I have to say.. the amount of comparisons I can make to blue gay pony and the blue maybe gay hedgehog is far to many. (I mean for crying out loud- the chaos emeralds are literally the colors of the rainbow, and sonic is about a few furry points away from shoots rainbow lasers at his enemy's yknow?)
(Also the soundrack escape the city has "follow my rainbow" lyrics randomly in that track, and so I cant unhear/unsee the idea of like- running away from you home beacuse your not accepted or whatever- and it's all like "follow me" and "set me free" and what not and it just *chef kiss*! Like, yah foo! "Set me free" from the realityy~~ so we can bee togetherrr foreverrr~~?? Or somethimg??)
Also to drive this thing home, sonic is literally shadow's adventure.
Though it was thanks to his popularity that allowed him to revive from thy dead, I do think it was an understatement to say that in some ways he didn't have fun around sonic while he was alive.
The whole "faker" stuff was quite a fun banter in my opinion, and sonic is one of the most frequent non-team dark character shadow communicates with.
(Going on about the "faker" stuff: though I don't have any recollection or proof of it, but if shadow has infact called sonic "faker" atleast once, it's actually more endearing than as an insult he tries to pose it as. The whole conversation went as "faker? Your not even good enough to be my fake!" (Which is a hilarious way to say, "no u") so saying that would be admitting that sonic of all creatures has met the guy's standards.. Which I find oddly amusing.)
It's conversations where it's just the two of them (like the iconic "what you see is what you get!" Scene) where I see those cracks in his "too Kool 4 skool" and the "dark, mysterious edgy boy" persona fall.
Though the facade doesn't really start to fall apart until later on in the game (and never gets as far as Rouge and omega do) it's safe to say that makes sonic the 4th (well technically the 2nd or 1st) character that shadow might be okay with letting his guard down around.
I guess there's a part of me that really wants this to work. I like the pining aspect it brings, the angst and well as the wholesome. I like to see shadow happy, and I like to see sonic happy as well. What really got me going is the saying that they're equals in a way. They don't "complete" eachother but they complement eachother in a good way.
They're similar yet different, and their different views of the world can show the other another side, a darker and lighter side to the world they live in. Sonic gives shadow that light and shadow give sonic that dark. Yin & yang.
I don't think they HAVE to be romantic with eachother, I like the idea of it, (mostly beacuse I like picturing them watching late night movies together like the night owls I just know they are!) But them being freindly rivals everynow and then, or just freinds is good enough for me as well. ( I enjoy all sides of this sonadow pizza pie.)
I find it nice that they have this unstoppable duo vibe, like nothing can really take em down when they're together. I like the fact that (don't quote me on this as im sure where I heard it from-) at times it's said that even their thoughts catch up with one another (ADHD headcannon for sonic and ADD for shadoww~) and I find that they're just so in sync it's amusing.
Also I love thinking about sonic being this sassy, talkative, distracted mess of a hedgehog whilst shadow is the dresses to impress, not as talkative and probably hyperfocuses on way to much stuff, secretly a softie, also mess of a hedgehog. Add mess + mess = more mess and I love it! It's like a spaghetti and meatballs! Both make a big mess when handled improperly but when cooked by someone who knows what they're doing, it tastes delicious.
And that's my ted-talk on my little hyperfixation of my favorite ship. I needed to get it out and I hope maybe someone finds this and considers this maybe one of their favorites too!
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