#I've received a bit of fanart of scenes like this so i figured it was about time i write one
livelaughwhump · 1 year
For the five sentence prompts. (just read the strays drabble and am in love with dumpling!)
Dumpling curled closer to Elliot, purring softly.
Dumpling curled closer to Elliot, purring softly. Elliot gasped, sitting bolt upright at the unexpected soft touch. Tears were coursing down his flushed cheeks and his hands were shaking with the violent tremors left behind by his nightmare. His racing heart began to slow as he recognized the fluffy gray fur and bright green eyes of his companion. Dumpling looked up at him, tilting her small head to one side.
Elliot stared at her, his lower lip quivering. "S-Sorry," he said, softly, wiping at the tears on his face, though they didn't cease. "You-You scared me." Dumpling unfurled from her comfortable position, stretched her back and tail, and began to trot over to where Elliot laid his head back down on his pillow.
Dumpling pawed at the hand that was hiding his tear-streaked face, only to brush her soft head against his cheek. Her whiskers and fur scrubbed away his tears and tickled his skin and he giggled. Elliot sniffled and smiled at her, scratching her tiny head as she leaned into the touch.
"Thanks, Dumpling," he whispered. She curled up beside his face and purred softly until they both fell asleep.
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wrenaspun · 4 months
tagged by @princessniitza to answer several questions and tag five people!! Thank you frond 🥰 Let's go:
1. How did you get into writing fanfiction? A fanart blog! After I finished the HP series I was googling it passionately and in so doing found fanart, followed it to a wordpress art blog, and then upon an offhand comment about fanfiction googled 'harry potter fanfiction'. And the rest is history
2. How many fandoms have you written in? 7 that i've published on ao3! I think 9 if we count stuff I've posted elsewhere, and probably a few more if we count stuff I've written but not published
3. How many years have you been writing fanfiction? My first one was published in mid 2013.... 11 years. Good lord
4. Do you read or write more fanfiction? Oh read, for sure. I keep a spreadsheet for both reading and writing -- I'm nearly at 6million words read thus far this year, vs 80k written. A slight disparity !
5. What is one way you’ve improved as a writer? Loool is it cheating to say in every way?? I think if you compared any of my fics now to those of 11 years ago they would simply not be in the same league. But I'll say my command of language, and my ability to communicate emotions more subtly.
6. What’s the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project? Polythene growing tunnels, firewood growing and coppicing techniques, for one fic I read (bits of) the muqaddimah and the safarnama of nasir khusraw... I'm sure there are more but I tend not to end up using much from my more unhinged research holes lmao
7. What’s your favorite type of comment to receive on your work? All of them of course, but the ones that dive into specific lines or story elements they liked are a special gift
8. What’s the most fringe trope/topic you write about? I think amnesia and selkies are the 2 I've returned to across multiple fandoms :')
9. What is the hardest type of story for you to write? The long ones with lots of plot and moving plates, alas! I've been wrestling with the main longfic I'm working on for ages and ages, but we forge on
10. What is the easiest type? I don't know if there's anything that binds them, but there is a type of fic that just comes bubbling up from my id and demands to be written, and those tend to come out relatively quickly and smoothly! 'bathed in light' was one such fic, and 'send me a little word' was another
11. Where do you do your writing? What platform? When? Scrivener! But it's version 1.9 because the update to v3 made everything look different and frightening. And as for when/where it's usually late night, on my couch or in bed
12. What is something you’ve been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day? My beloved film reviews fic -- though it is less a case of intimidation and more a case of "but if i want to write fictional film reviews of 5 films that get made about the historical figures King Laurent and King Damianos I have to first sort out what the future film industry looks like and how it developed and did they have a Hays Code also? How did their censorship policies change over time? And when did three-strip technicolor get dropped in favour of eastmancolor, and were there any wars or geopolitical conflicts which shaped the production of contemporaneous films, and is there a 1948 New Artes v. Paramount antitrust case that breaks up the distribution channels and affects the way that independent productions are able to come onto the scene, and and and ----" SO basically you can tell I did film studies. And ALSO what DATES would I use for the speculative future of this secondary world fantasy ?? But I do hope that one day I will power thru my brain's panicked worldbuilding questions and write this fic!!
13. What made you choose your username? I was looking through the Hepcats Jive Talk Dictionary for reasons I no longer remember and saw the entry 'spin a wren = dance with a woman' which I thought was so cute that I made it my ao3 name. Wrenaspun is just a silly play on that :')
tagging without pressure @kybelles @sideraclara @folfar @thevorpalsword @penguinmerchant 🥳🥰
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corishadowfang · 1 year
Any or all! ✨(favorite comments?) 🦋(favorite character to write?) 🎨(fan art you’d like to see) 🤔 (would you write something canon?)
(For this)
✨️ Out of the comments you’ve received on your fics, what are two or three of your favorites?
THERE ARE SO MANY. Seriously, I've been super lucky in that all my readers have been amazingly kind. I want to cheat a little and say that all of the comments on Fallen Stars have currently made me cry a little bit, haha, just because I expected it to like...appeal to myself and like two other people, and then a whole bunch of you appeared. (Uh, I know some of you guys are on tumblr, so you, @blazernot, @kicktwine, @serenedash--you guys have all made me cry happy tears over the last week-ish, haha.)
BUT ALSO--a lot of the comments towards the end of Dandelion Seeds made me super emotional. Some of the final comments I got from you, @hallowed-nebulae, @chibifightfu, @roxasthatisastick, and a whole bunch of other people just made me super emotional, because that fic was such a big labor of love and I was so happy that it resonated with so many of you guys.
...Basically, a lot of you have made me emotional, haha, and I feel like I don't say it enough, but: thank you guys so much, both for the enthusiasm and the kindness. Ya'll are amazing.
🦋 Which character is your favorite to write?
Skuld!! I adore all of the Union Leaders, haha, but I think I've just been in Skuld's head so often (between...three long stories that I've written for her now) that I'm very attached to her.
That said, Luxu is also a ton of fun. He's that kind of manipulative, "you can never really tell what he's thinking" archetype that's really fun to explore. He's unsettling, and there's a lot going on in his head, and it makes it really hard to figure out what's genuine about him and what isn't. It makes him complex, and that's super interesting.
🎨 If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
ANY AND ALL. Haha, seriously, though, I'm excited any time I see fanart for my stuff. If I really had to choose, though, Skuld's confrontation with Luxu from On the Edge of Daybreak comes to mind, just because it was such an intense scene to write (and so much fun to finally get to).
🤔 Would you ever want to write something canon if you got the opportunity?
Oh, man, I have...so many mixed feelings on this one. Because on the one hand, getting to write canon KH content would be AMAZING. But on the other, it'd mean I probably couldn't write/read KH fanfic anymore, since there can be legal complications around that. Plus, I'd also...probably feel a little weird about it? Mostly in the sense that I don't feel like I deserve it more than anyone else, aha. So...it's a strong maybe.
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daydadahlias · 1 year
16, 17, 20, 40🗿, 44, 56 for the writer game :D
how are u today?
why thank u for asking <33 im very curious abt this little face emoji and cant wait to figure out the reasoning when I go look at question 40. also i'm great! I finished my sophomore year today!! summer and fanfic here i come <3
from this ask game <3
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
oh too many. always too many. literally cannot even count the amount of docs in my google drive. i'm trying to focus on MiM right now but there's this fucking weird mashton fic tentatively called Sweet Tea I want to write at some point that's about Ashton owning a rodeo. it's like... subversive sugar daddy.
17. What do you do when writing becomes difficult? (maybe a lack of inspiration or writers block)
talk to friends! If I'm really struggling with something I'll hop on over to someone (usually Ashley these days <3) and say "hey, do you have any ideas for this?" Or, sometimes, I just like to talk through things and I'll solve my own problems by just discussing them w/ someone!! Molly and Crystal especially are great sounding boards <3
20. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
yeah, to be honest I think if you've read all my stuff, you'll notice I'm a bit of a one trick pony. I reuse the same lines, the same style, over and over again. I say "just" a lot and "well" and "made to love" and stuff like that. My dirty talk is basically the same in every fic lol. I incorporate writing/theatre into a lot of fics as well! And I'm a whore for some violent imagery. Like the whole "it's so BLANK it hurts." Usually it's shit, like, "it feels like home so much it hurts." I love describing love as being painful <3
40. If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
hehe ok now i know what the little rock guy is for. well, I'll just say that fanart is literally the nicest thing ever and I dont think I will ever have enough words to accurately express just how much I love receiving stuff for fics. getting art/moodboards/edits is just a whole other level and something I never really considered I would get when I first started writing fanfic. and I have a little folder on my computer where i save every moodboard / piece of art anyone's ever made me for a fic bc it's a really really beautiful thing I'll never take for granted. As for specific stuff... uHhh. I don't know!! I can say that I always love black and white style the most and, like, sketchy stuff. I don't know, my favorite thing is seeing what people choose to draw / make!! i wanna know what readers like; it doesnt really matter what I like. <3
44. What mistakes do you keep making no matter how many times your beta corrects you?
most of my mistakes are html formatting. and, then, grammar stuff is usually just, like... I happen to look over it. i swear i know grammar you guys i do it for a living :sob: but sometimes it sneaks through the cracks. im also an overwriter by nature.
56. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
oo my dialogue. I think I make people talk like people and that shit is hard to do. because my dialogue used to be <33 really really bad <33 so there's definite improvement. I think you can see it just between my earlier fics and now tbh. I've definitely improved as I've kept writing!!
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