#I've had this in drafts since the beginning of the damn show 😭
cryptidwrestling · 3 months
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marksbear · 2 years
Hi Mark 🐻
I really really like your Blog and your Stories 🤎
I wanted to ask if I may make a request? I've been thinking about Jake Seresin from Top Gun a lot lately and there are only your stories about him.
So, my request would be Jake „Hangman“ Seresin x Male Reader.
-> Jake and M/N are in a relationship, but Jake doesn't want to make it public and hasn't told the others either. He's always playing the playboy.
M/N comes to the bar and sees Jake flirting with a woman and he decides to "get revenge" and flirts with a man. Jake sees it all and becomes incredibly jealous.
Jake confronts M/N and they have a huge fight. M/N breaks up in tears and goes home. The gang try to help Jake and he tells them why he never said he had a boyfriend (fear of his dad).
The gang and even Maverick help Jake do something romantic. Jake orders M/N to the bar again and then blindfolds him. You go into the bar, which is decorated in a totally romantic way. The two eat together and talk. They finish dancing and Jake then leads M/N to the beach where the others are waiting and officially introduces him as his boyfriend.
Thank you in advance and I look forward to reading more from you. Aaaand I wish you a happy new year 🤎
Hey Anon! Thank you for liking my blog and all that means a lot to me! And I hope you like this one my friend!
And sorry for this taking so long! I meant to post it on new years but got drunk and shit and kinda forgot this was in my drafts! 😭
Warnings! Angst to fluff!,
Y/n was in a different squad. His squad was always going second after Maverick's squad. That means they always see them fly first and go to missions first.
One of the mission's Mavericks team caught them off guard and the navy needed Y/n's squad to save them.
And that's how Y/n met Hangman. Y/n thought he was irritating to save, but he dealt with him anyway taking him to safety.
Even though Jake didn't want to praise the other group he had to praise the leader. Sergeant Y/n L/n. He thought Y/n was pretty damn good at his job. The way he took care of his team and the way he showed why hes the leader was pretty good.
After they completed the mission Y/n and Jake had unrecognizable tension between each other. With all that tension in the room led to Jake cracking and asking out Y/n on a date. They spend almost everyday with each other not missing a single day without seeing the others face. Always sneaking off during classes or training to hang out.
The two were going great. Truly great. Their lives has been better with the other being by their side until Y/n tried to hold Jake's hand in public.
"whoa there Y/n." Jake moves his hand away very fast.
Y/n gives him a confused look and asks. "What? I can't hold your hand I thought we were dating-----" Y/n gets cut off by Jake covering his mouth.
"Keep your voice down..." Jake says in a hushed tone. "Look we are a thing. But not a public thing y'know? Jake adds moving his hand off of Y/n. Y/n stares at Jake like hes a ghost or something. "C'mon Y/n. Don't tell me you actually thought it was a public thing? Trust me we are boyfriends, but not like that."
Y/n didn't know why those words stung. To Y/n it's like Jake had just broken up with him. He didn't know why Jake started to treat him differently in public and private. Y/n's heart stung each time he'd think about it and especially Jake's words.
Since that day their relationship has had a crack. The sad thing is only Y/n saw the large crack not his boyfriend who looked like he wasn't and only saw the relationship as it used to be.
Y/n walks inside the bar in a good mood with some of his friends. Y/n finds an empty pool table and begins the game with some of his buddies. "Didn't think the little kids team was gonna be here." One of the girls say looking at Bradshaw and them joke around.
The little kids. Was your group's nickname for Y/n's boyfriend team name. Y/n looked up from the game and eyes widens.
Y/n grips the pool stick staring at his boyfriend watching Jake caressing a woman's lip with his thumb with a smirk. Jake leans in whispering in the woman's ear as she giggles and blush.
This wasn't the first time he saw Jake flirting with a girl. he always confronted him about it, but Jake always had an excuse and argument ready.
He was tired of his shit. If he wanted to play this game Y/n was gonna play it better. Y/n analyzed the room and got his eyes set on a man who looked good like he should be a model or something. "Play for me John." Y/n gives the stick to his friend and makes his move.
The man is sitting almost where his boyfriend is. Not close, but still close where you can hear the others conversation.
Y/n sits by the man moving his chair even closer to the man. The two hit it off kinda fast talking about all sorts of things. Once Y/n felt Jake's eyes on him he began to really make his move.
He began to give him compliments and little touches on the man. The man really did seem interested with Y/n flirting with him back even putting his hand on Y/n's thigh.
The man leans into Y/n whispering in his ear.
And that seems to finally get a reaction with Jake. Jake dismisses the girl saying "I'm not interested in you anymore." The girl looks hurt and heartbroken but walks away with some tears in her eyes.
Jake seems to move his chair around facing his boyfriend and the stranger's full attention on the two. Jake's jaw is tight as well is fist. Y/n side eyes his boyfriend sees his angry state and goes for the cherry on top.
Y/n gives the man a light kiss on the cheek. "Bye, hopefully talk to you soon?" Y/n says patting the man's back. The man gives Y/n a bright smile and a flirt wink before heading off leaving the bar.
Before Y/n gets to go back with his team he gets stopped by his boyfriend. "Y/n. What were you thinking flirting with that guy?" The blonde is gripping his boyfriend's wrist.
"What? I can't make friends." Y/n uses the excuse Jake always says when he confronts him. "It's not like we are a thing." That last line caused Jake to flip.
He shouts insults and remarks at Y/n not even caring about the tears in Y/n's eyes. "You're such an embarrassment. Theres no telling what people would say about me if they found out about you. And how could you be so selfish! Always trying to get me to come out Y/n I swear!---- " Jake stops his rant when he hears Y/n's choked sob fall from his lips and when he sees tears rushing down Y/n's face profusely no matter how much he wiped them.
Y/n storms out of the bar covering his face with his hands. Jake watches Y/n team follow after him quickly. "God. What did I do..." Jake's mind speaks for itself.
Hangman moves to the nearest window watching Y/n's team member hug him and open the car door for him. "What did you do Jake?" Phoenix asks looking outside the window beside him. The team all stare at Hangman.
After Jake tells them they all shout at him even coyote. Jake doesn't even try to defend himself knowing that he was in the wrong. "Why did you keep him a secret?" Fanboy asks shaking his head in disappointment."Yeah! Y/n is like one of the best people ever!" Bob adds in.
"Because of my father! Theres no telling what he will say or think if I come out and I have a boyfriend on the side of that."
"So, you were being a shit show of a boyfriend because of your father." Payback says starting to understand everything now. Hangman shakes his head yes.
"Someone call Mav. We gotta help this fool win his boyfriend back." Phoenix says with a plan already in mind.
Jake is standing outside the bar heart pounding out of his chest. The blonde begins to overthink his plan and himself. "What am I doing... he hates me now." Jake says covering his face with his hands and a sigh escaping his lips. His thoughts are so loud he didn't even hear a car pulling up and parking.
"Jake?" Hangman shoots his head up and smiles at his boyfriend. "Y-y/n you came!" Jake couldn't help but stutter when he saw him. Y/n wanted to just tear that smile off the blonde, but he knew he couldn't because he grew quite fond of that smile.
Hangman was nervous to give Y/n a hug, but thank god Y/n pulled Jake in his arms first.
The two stand and talk up a storm in front of the bar both of them honestly forgetting the harsh argument they shared hours ago.
"Are we gonna stand out here all day?" Y/n asks in a teasing tone which makes Jake remember his plan and cover Y/n's eyes with a tie. "Really a tie?" Y/n asks letting his boyfriend blindfold him. "Yeah do I have to bring up all the times you begged me to---" "Shut up!"
The couple laugh and joke around before Jake opens the bar door guiding his boyfriend in.
"Are you ready?" Jake asks standing behind Y/n getting ready to untie the tie. "Yes..." As soon as Y/n say yes Jake takes off the tie slowly and smiles to himself once he hears Y/n gasp.
"Jake! W-why did you do all this!"
"As an apology. I was being a real asshole and I messed everything up between us." Jake gets in front of Y/n before continuing. "You mean so much to me. I'm sorry Y/n I-I'm truly am---" Jake gets cut off by Y/n kissing him deeply on the lips.
Once the two pull away they let their foreheads rest against each other smiling and staring into the others eyes. Hangman pulls Y/n's hands dragging him to the bar.
"You did all of this?" Y/n asks looking at the romantic and beautiful scenery. "Of course I did!" Jake steals all the credit about working on the place even though it was mostly Bob and Maverick.
Hangman goes to the back of the bar getting f/n and handing Y/n's his own plate with a drink before he gets his own food sitting beside Y/n. "This is perfect. You are perfect." Y/n says eating some of the food.
The two talk about whatever is on their minds and cracking jokes. When the conversations get quiet it doesn't feel awkward at all it feels comfortable and loving.
"Do you wanna dance?" Y/n asks getting up walking to the jukebox. Jake downs his drink before getting up walking to Y/n standing beside him as he picks a song.
"Not this song Y/nnn." Jake groans seeing Y/n click on the song he honestly hates more than the whole world.
"You be the lady and i'll be the man." Y/n says with a smile putting his hands on Jake's waist.
"Do you wanna meet my team?" Jake asks sitting on the floor with his boyfriend tired from all the dancing. "I already met your team Jake." "Yeah as C/n not Y/n Jake's cool and amazing boyfriend." Y/n becomes quiet staring at his boyfriend trying to see if hes joking.
"As your boyfriend?"
"Yes. As my one and only boyfriend."
"Hell yeah!"
"So what are we waiting for let's go!"
The two jump up from the floor and run out the bar hand in hand. "Are we seriously going to run to the beach!?!" Y/n asks with a shout.
Once the two arrive at the beach Hangman takes Y/n's hand giving it a large squeeze before turning around facing him. "Are you ready?" "Of course I am." They share one last smile before walking up to the group.
The group is quick to be silent giving the couple their undivided attention.
"Everyone. I'd like for you to meet my boyfriend Y/n." Jake says pulling Y/n in front of him.
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minjeonpark · 2 years
I was wondering if Mika's illness is real or not, and if it is, how much research did it take to make it so realistic?
Because damn you've done an amazing job at showing how it's a part of her yet Not making it her only personality... its just so amazing seeing how much she can do with something so serious...
Love the story BTW, keep it up!!!
You totally reminded me that I forgot to put disclaimers at the beginning! 🤯
I'm no doctor! As far as I know (and as far as the brief yet necessary research I did) in medical terms Mika's illness is not a 100% real. Her symptoms are tho. I just tried to keep the condition of her health as realistic as I could in a world of fiction so it wouldn't sound too far fetched.
It hasnt been explained fully in the story yet - - I've purposefully given you snippets of information because the cause of it all is a main part of her... And Mika doesn't have one general illness (if that makes sense?).
On chapter 10, Lee Hyeri briefly - - almost in passing-told JK that Mika lacks antibodies and as a child caused her to develop a series of health issues and among them was Hypothalamic disfunction. In more than one chapter I purposefully mention that Mika is better off than other people with her illness because she doesn't suffer from the wide espectrum of consequences that come with it. (since its fiction I played God and only gave her 3 symptoms otherwise our girl would be bed ridden😭)
Mika's main health issue is her pathetic count of antibodies and overall nonexistent regulation of temperature that could give her more shit to deal with if she's not careful. Hence why we see JK constantly checking her body temperature since he found out and did the research. JK already knows the extent of one of Mika’s health issues and that's why in the latest chapter asks himself if Mika will get to thirty.
These are symptoms she already had and that got worse with the disfunction she developed. I'm trying not to spoil too much since it will come up a lot in the upcoming chapters but every health issue that Mika has she got when she was a child and IT IS A HUGE FACTOR within the Martins. 😬😏
Brief spoiler that really isn't one:
Garam, the therapy sessions, the frequent checkups, the medicine - - that's all Sora trying to give Mika the life she didn't have as a child. 🤭😭
I hope this ramble made sense. And I'm delighted that it sounds realistic to the readers💜💜 since I literally played God and doctor while drafting Mika’s character 😭😭
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