#I've had straight A's on all of my previous english assignments
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Bro I have to write and record an argumentative speech, write a literary analysis, get started on a short story with a pre-determined theme, write a reflection of the previously mentioned tasks and what knowledge and experience I got from them, as well as start planning for my oral examination which I apparently have to choose a subject for??? and make a powerpoint for???? Why did they not give me more details about the *final, most important examination in my course*?????
The only redeeming qualities of these tasks is that I get to choose the movie I write my argumentative speech about (I'm supposed to argue for why it should be movie of the year, aka just infodump about why it's awesome), and that the only requirement I've been given for the short story is that it has to be about "the unknown" in one way or another
But none of that matters because they didn't tell me anything about needing to write a text for the final oral examination???? Or that I need to have a powerpoint???????? What do you mean "What subject have you chosen for your oral examination?"?????? I WASN'T TOLD THERE WOULD BE WRITING INVOLVED
Smh I hate private-owned education-based companies
Like bro maybe put some money into an actually comprehensible website, teachers that don't hate their students, and classrooms that actually have heating instead of buying that new car that just entered the market, just a thought
I am very angry about this entire system, this company is ass and it's no wonder they're closing later this year (something I found out ***after*** applying for and accepting two courses and showing up for the voluntary in-person introduction.)
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tobiasdrake · 2 months ago
Digimon Adventure 02x08 - The Loneliness of the Digimon Kaiser / Ken's Secret
Previously on Digimon Adventure: During a mission gone sideways, Hikari was left behind enemy lines. Daisuke, Takeru, and Taichi quickly swooped in to be nearby while she rescued herself and liberated the enemy territory. They returned home to find an irate Koushiro who had come up with this cool new name for their Digivices but then no one was around to hear him infodump.
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For once, we don't skip straight to Computer Club. Instead, we find Daisuke practicing with his team at Soccer Club, while the other junior Chosen Children and Taichi watch.
Right before an opposing player can take the shot, Daisuke slides in and intercepts, scoring some applause from Takeru and Iori and some cheering from Miyako and Hikari.
Taichi: Daisuke! (English) Nice play! Daisuke: Ehehehe!
After practice, as the sun begins to set, the coach gathers his team with a toot of his whistle.
Coach: Gather up! We have a practice match coming up this Sunday. We're going to be up against the team that recently won the Tokyo Boys' Soccer Championship: Tamachi Boys' F.C. Players: (collective gasp)
The acronym "F.C." stands for "Football Club". Officially, the sport is called football in Japan, though it's colloquially better known as soccer. American Football, meanwhile, is "American Football".
I idly wonder if the name "Tamachi" is a reference to Tamagotchi, the V-Pet that Digimon shares a friendly rivalry with.
Daisuke: (excited) Coach, isn't that the team that genius kid plays on!? Coach: That's right. Ichijouji Ken-kun.
Oooo, the fucking chills from all that tension. Daisuke's about to have a destined rival battle with Ichijouji Ken. That's exciting, 'cause of how Ken's the best player in the league. Definitely not for other reasons.
In the dub, Tai playfully teases Davis for that slide.
Tai: You walk much, Davis? Davis: Ehehehe.... (After the match) Coach: Alright team, hustle in! Let's go! Quiet down! I've got an announcement to make. Alright, our first scrimmage is this Sunday. It's against last year's #1 team in the league. Players: (collective gasp) Davis: That's the team with that brainiac kid! He's good at soccer, sports, he's good at everything! Coach: Hey, hey! Watch the name-calling! He's Ken Ichijouji.
As localization goes, Dub Team did a great job Americanizing this dialogue to feel natural to the American conception of what a high school sports coach sounds like.
I personally prefer my dialogue un-localized because I want to experience as close to the original cultural context as I can. But for the assignment they had, this is perfect.
Though the dub coach doesn't actually tell the kids which team they'll be playing. Just "Last year's #1 team".
Cut to Computer Club, where Digimon activities for today have been postponed in favor of googling the shit out of Ichijouji Ken.
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Miyako: Ichijouji Ken-kun from Tamachi Boys' F.C. hit a record of 45 goals in the last tournament, leading his team to victory. Taichi: That's amazing! It's more than twice the previous record! Iori: O_O Calling him a genius was not an exaggeration. Daisuke: He'll make for a great opponent. We never had a chance to face each other in the last tournament. Takeru: You never faced him because you didn't make it to the finals, right? Daisuke: Don't bring that up!
Takeru pointing out that Daisuke is a Krillin salivating about fighting a Vegeta. He has his skills, but he is no Ichijouji Ken.
Hikari: Can you win this? Daisuke: This isn't about winning or losing. Right now, he's the idol that soccer players across the country are all aspiring to become. I'm hyped just to have the chance to play against him! Miyako: (sweetly) ~Hey, Dai-chan...?~ Daisuke: Gck! D-Dai-chan?
Clasping Daisuke's hands between her own, Miyako seizes the opportunity to ask him a question that's burning in her heart.
Miyako: When you meet Ichijouji Ken-kun, can you get me his autograph? Iori: Didn't you say that you weren't interested in younger people? Miyako: (glare) What difference does one year make? My mom is a whole three years older than my dad. Iori: Ah.... Daisuke: Why don't you just get it yourself? Miyako: Oh. That's a good idea. Hikari: (to Daisuke) We'll all come and support you! Daisuke: (excited) Really!? Chibimon: (Suddenly in Daisuke's room) And I'll come too, Daisuke! Daisuke: YES!!! I'll show this prodigy everything I've got!
There's a super awkward cut to Daisuke's bedroom near the end of this conversation despite Chibimon seemingly continuing the conversation from the previous scene.
Aww. Poor Iori. Miyako was definitely his first crush and that wasn't gonna happen 'cause she's 12 and he's 9. We're all getting that vibe, right? There's not very many contexts in which she would have had to say that to him.
When you're 35, three years is nothing. But to a 12-year-old, it might as well be 15. Especially in that direction.
In the dub:
Yolei: As Captain of his soccer team, Ken Ichijuuji led his team to victory last season by scoring a record-setting 45 goals!
That's impressive but you should pronounce his name correctly. This is especially noticeable when the coach just said it right three seconds ago.
Tai: Whoa! This kid may even be better than I am. Cody: I bet he could be in the Olympics if he wanted to. Davis: He's not so tough! I never even got a chance to beat him, 'cause we never played his team last season. T.K.: You guys got knocked out early. You didn't even make the playoffs! Davis: Very funny, T.E.! Kari: You think you can beat him? Davis: Oh, I don't have to flat-out beat him. If I can just make it a close game against a guy like that, then I'd be a living legend. And everyone knows how much chicks dig living legends. Yolei: ~Oh, Davis~! Davis: Uh-oh, it's happening already!
Lot of ego floating around the room here. Tai's so full of himself that he'll only concede to Ken maybe being better than him. Daisuke's primary concern is the sheer competitive rush of being able to play against an athlete of Ken's level, while Douchebag Davis just wants to use his match against Ken as an opportunity to score with girls.
Davis is still doing the "Pronouncing T.K.'s name with the wrong letter" thing even though it was established last episode that he knows T.K.'s name. So he's definitely just doing it now to be aggro.
Yolei: When you see Ken on the soccer field, will you get his autograph for me? Cody: ~Yolei and Ken, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G~! Yolei: Hey, Cody, watch it! Besides, I didn't say I wanted to kiss him, DUH!!! I just want to marry him! Cody: Oh. Davis: If you want to meet him, ask for his autograph yourself! Yolei: Oh! I guess I could do that. Kari: Let's all go to the game and you can ask him then. Davis: Hey, don't you want my autograph? DemiVeemon: (suddenly in Davis's room) Can I come to your game too, Davis? Davis: Sure! You can watch me wipe the field with Mr. Perfect. I'll show them who's the man!
No sign of a doomed crush from Cody in this version. He pokes fun at Yolei for her crush on Ken, and she offers the worst defense I've ever heard in my life. XD
(An ironic one too, given that the dub team definitely didn't know what the future would hold for these characters.)
Bit of Japanese contextual confusion here. In the original, Kari's statement that "We'll come and support you," comes directly after Daisuke encourages Miyako to approach Ken herself. So the natural flow of conversation suggests that she's offering to support Miyako in her quest for Ken's attention.
Not helping is that Hikari is looking at both Daisuke and Miyako as she says this. It isn't until Daisuke's response that it becomes apparent that she meant, "We'll support Daisuke in his soccer game," returning to the original topic.
The dub splits the difference and has Kari phrase it in a way that offers support to both of them.
The dub also picks this moment, after Davis has gotten himself fired up, for their first commercial break. They're building anticipation for the impending soccer match.
Sunday morning. Daisuke and his team warms up on the soccer field, waiting for the Tamachi team to arrive.
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Crowds are already gathering in the stands, including Taichi and the rest of the junior nakama. Iori and Miyako have brought Upamon and Poromon, though Tailmon and Patamon don't seem to be in attendance. Hikari's holding Chibimon instead.
Hikari: GANBATTE!!! Miyako: (excitedly tugging Poromon's wings) GET 'EM!!! Taichi: GANBARE, DAISUKE!!!
It would be typical to wish Daisuke ganbatte for an upcoming competition in general. It's used in many contexts in Japan, one of which is simply encouraging someone who has a big event coming up.
But with the reality of prodigy child Ichijouji Ken as Daisuke's rival, encouraging him to persevere through hardship and see it through to the end takes on a greater meaning.
The honking of a bus's horn, coupled with cheering from girls waiting by the road, heralds the Tamachi team's arrival. Miyako also turns to look, though the rest of Daisuke's crew remain focused on the field.
Daisuke: They're here. (Bus pulls up) Girls: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Miyako: Hmm? Daisuke: It's time, Ichijouji Ken.
In the dub:
Kari: GOOD LUCK, DAVIS!!! Yolei: DON'T FORGET TO HUG KEN!!! Tai: GIVE HIM A KISS TOO!!! Hahahaha.... Davis: Ha. Ha.
It's funny because it's the #1 ship in the 02 fandom. XD Yolei and Tai were ahead of their time.
Yolei makes no noise when the bus pulls up, so it's easier to miss her turning around.
Girls: EEEEEEEEEEE!!! Davis: Enjoy the attention while it lasts, pal!
Davis still thinks he's going to win this.
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Miyako: (happily crushing Poromon like a stress ball) I'm really about to meet him~!
One by one, the Tamachi team disembarks from the bus. But excitement turns to disappointment as the final player steps off and the doors close. Ichijouji Ken was not among them.
Girl 1: Huh? Where's Ken-kun? Girl 2: He isn't here? Daisuke: Huh? Hikari: He's not.... Takeru: It seems he didn't come. Miyako: Why? WHY ISN'T KEN-KUN HERE!?!? Iori: I... I don't know how to answer that.... Miyako: (angrily crushing Poromon like a stress ball) WHY!?!? Poromon: Don't take it out on me!
Poromon made a terrible mistake in coming here. Iori is visibly distressed by the rough treatment of Poromon and will continue to be for the remainder of the soccer game. But he's also too polite to try and stop it.
In the dub:
Yolei: (happily crushing Poromon like a stress ball) Oh, I can't believe it's really him!
While the opposing team disembarks, Davis psyches himself up with some internal monologue.
Davis: (thinking) When I woke up this morning, I was just a regular kid. When I go to bed tonight, I'll be king of the world. Tai: I really hope Davis hasn't gotten in over his head. (The opposing team finishes; Ken isn't here) Davis: (thinking) Tai probably thinks I've gotten in over my head, but I'll show him. Davis: (surprised) Where's Ken!? Kari: Where is he? T.K.: Izzy? No, we're waiting for Ken. Yolei: Uhh, we know that. KEN'S NOT COMING, IS HE, CODY!?!? Cody: Will you stop asking me if I say yes? Yolei: (angrily crushing Poromon like a stress ball) No, I won't. Poromon: Lucky for me, I have no spine.
Lot of laugh lines in this section. The Tai and Davis bit is cute. XD Kari and T.K. play a very brief round of Who's On First. Yolei's comical abuse of poor Poromon is downplayed.
Well, there's only one good way to find out what's going on with Ken: Ask someone. Daisuke runs over to the Tamachi team to find out.
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Daisuke: Umm... Is Ichijouji-kun coming today? Player 1: He knows about the match, but I have no idea if he'll show. Player 2: Unlike us, he's got a lot on his plate. Daisuke: (sigh) That sucks... Taichi: DAISUKE!!! COME HERE A SEC!!!
Taichi's gone down to the field to offer his kouhai a bit of coaching.
Taichi: Even if Ichijouji doesn't show up, these guys are still a championship team. Don't let your guard down. Daisuke: Y-Yeah.... Takeru: (from the stands) DAISUKE-KUN!!! THIS MIGHT BE YOUR CHANCE TO WIN AGAINST THE CHAMPIONSHIP TEAM!!! Hikari: THAT'S RIGHT!!! GANBATTE!!! Daisuke: (cheering up) Yeah! I can do this!
Daisuke's disappointed because he isn't really here to win. He wants to play against Ken for the sportsmanship of it. But the encouragement of his friends gets his head back in the game. Though one person is still upset.
Miyako: (stretching Poromon like a stress ball) Why didn't Ken-kun show up!? What did I even come down here for!? Iori: Miyako-san....
That poor Digimon. XD Nobody warned Poromon that Miyako's the kind of person who hits things when they're excited.
In the dub:
Davis: Hello! Uh, excuse me? Any of you know when that Ken kid's gonna be here? Player 1: Well, he's got a soft drink commercial to shoot and a meeting about having a soccer ball named after him. Player 2: Ken hardly has time to play soccer anymore. Davis: (disappointed) I'll never get to play him. Tai: HEY DAVIS!!! Davis: Huh!? Tai: CAN WE TALK!?!? (Davis goes over to Tai) Tai: Even if Ken doesn't show, his teammates are still champions. If you're not careful, they'll use you as the soccer ball. Davis: No way. T.K.: (from the stands) BUT YOU GOTTA KNOW, IF YOU PLAY REALLY WELL AGAINST LAST YEAR'S CHAMPIONS.... Kari: WIN OR LOSE, YOU'LL STILL BE A HERO!!! Davis: Yeah! I'll still be a living legend! Cool! Yolei: (stretching Poromon like a stress ball) Why do I have to stay here if Ken isn't here!? It's not like I don't have important things I could be doing, y'know! Cody: What about Davis?
The dub offers a concrete explanation for Ken's absence. Whereas, in the original, the implication that no one in this field is aware of is that Ken routinely skips out on his team to do Digimon Kaiser stuff.
He's withdrawing from the world to pour himself into his dominion over the Digital World, because he's disconnected so heavily from the people around him that it's the only thing giving him joy.
Play begins with a soccer montage, as Daisuke's team goes head-to-head against the Tamachi boys.
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Davis leads the dub into the montage with one line.
Davis: (thinking) I've gotta play as well as Ken. I've just gotta!
But both versions let the soccer montage play out to only the sound of a lyrical background song. The Japanese version has 僕は僕だって Boku wa Boku Datte, or "Because I'm Me", a new track for this scene. The dub uses Let's Kick It Up, one of their big action fuck-em-up songs they've started using for their Show Me Your Brave Heart/Break Up action moments.
Both of these go really well with the scene, which sees the two teams competing for the ball until Daisuke lands a diving headbutt to score the first point of the game.
Hikari captures the moment on her camera.
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Daisuke: WHOA!!! You caught the moment perfectly!
I disagree. That picture makes it look like he's illegally clutching the ball in his hand due to a trick of perspective. Hikari caught the worst possible angle for this photo.
Chibimon: YOU WERE SO COOL OUT THERE, DAISUKE!!! Daisuke: (boastful) Naturally! Takeru: Ganbatte for the second half. Taichi: You're leading by one point, but don't go on the defensive. The other team will notice and use it against you. Daisuke: I'm fine, I'm fine! I'm gonna go for a Hat Trick--
The sound of girls suddenly shrieking with glee pulls everyone's attention up to the road. Stepping out of a taxicab, Ichijouji Ken has arrived.
Daisuke: (serious) He's finally here.
In the dub:
Kari: It's rewinding... There! You look good on camera. Davis: Thanks, Kari. I so kicked butt out there, huh? DemiVeemon: And you kicked the ball really good too. Davis: Yeah, that too, huh? T.K.: You nailed that shot, Davis! Tai: Hey, you guys only lead by one goal. The game's still wide open and Ken could still show up! Davis: Yeah, so? What's Ken gonna do? Please, if he was here right now, I'd show him-- Girls: IT'S HIM!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! (Ken gets out of the cab) Davis: Me and my big mouth....
The dub opts for an irony gag in place of Taichi's coaching. It comes off a bit shallower but still vibes with the original scene. That also had Ken's arrival ironically cut down Daisuke's growing bravado over his successful goal.
It's basically the same moment, but filtered through Davis's braggadocious characterization instead of Daisuke's serious, competitive characterization and played for comedy.
As the girls in the stands shriek with joy, Miyako... is one of them.
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Miyako: (happily crushing Poromon like a stress ball) It's really him! It's really him! (screaming over the chorus) IT'S ICHIJOUJI KEN!!!
Miyako screams so loud, it's impossible for Ken to overlook. He turns to glance over at whoever that was. He practically hisses at the sight, as startled and horrified recognition falls over his face. But then, after a moment, he composes himself into a sinister grin. Slowly, Ken descends the stairs to join his team on the field.
Coach: Glad you could make it, Ichijouji-kun! Ken: (cheerfully) I'm sorry I'm late. I had some important matters I needed to take care of. Coach: No, no. I'm just glad you made it. Will you be playing in the second half? Ken: It would be my pleasure.
This is about to get ugly.
The dub talks over the tension of Ken's arrival with a lot of silence-breaking banter.
Yolei: It's Ken! I don't believe it! I must be dreaming! Somebody pinch me! (Cut to Ken noticing them) Yolei: (offscreen) OW!!! (Ken notices the Chosen Children) Yolei: He's looking right at us! Ohh! I'm going to faint! Davis: (thinking) So that's what all the fuss is about? I don't know. He doesn't look so tough. (Ken composes himself into a sinister grin and slowly descends the steps.) Tai: For all the attention he's getting, that guy sure knows how to keep his cool. Davis: Hey, I'm cool! Tai: More like lukewarm! Haha! Davis: That's so funny I forgot to laugh.
Completely different vibe. They keep an ominous tune playing in the background but crack jokes over it to avoid letting the tension settle in.
Coach: Hey, Ken! We're really glad you could make it today. Ken: (neutrally) Sorry I'm a little late, Coach, but there was something important that I had to do first. Coach: Don't worry about it. We're just happy you found the time for us at all. Can I put you in the game now? Ken: If that's what you want.
On its surface, Ken's last line lacks the punch of the original's 喜んで Yorokonde. Original Ken wants to be put in the game. He's gotten over his initial shock at seeing who his competitors are, and now he's relishing the opportunity to publicly humiliate Daisuke. This one is for all the setbacks he's suffered in the Digital World.
With Dub Ken's line, you can infer some false modesty. He's playing a role, feigning subservience to a man who's about to give him what he wants anyway. He trades out the delicious, punchable smarm of the original for an eerie, almost inhuman neutrality.
The game reconvenes. At last, Daisuke and Ken meet on the soccer field.
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Daisuke: Nice to meet you. I'm Motomiya Daisuke.
Ken doesn't respond. Instead, he looks over at the stands, where the others are watching.
Miyako: (squeezing Poromon tightly) He's even more handsome than he was on TV! I can't believe he's younger than me! Iori: (neutrally) I don't like him. Hikari: GANBATTE DAISUKE-KUN!!! Takeru: (English) FIGHT!!! Taichi: DAISUKE!!! YOUR OPPONENT IS JUST ANOTHER ELEMENTARY SCHOOLD STUDENT LIKE YOU!!! YOU CAN'T LOSE!!!
Oh, yeah. I've been thinking it with how closely and sadly Iori's been watching Miyako go off about Ken, but he is definitely jealous.
Ken listens to all of this, grins, and then finally returns Daisuke's introduction.
Ken: It's a pleasure to meet you.
In the dub:
Announcer: Now substituting #7: Ken "The Rocket" Ichijouji! Davis: You must be Ken! I'm Davis. Nice to meetcha. Ken: ... Yolei: (squeezing Poromon tightly) Oh my gosh! He looked right at me, Poromon! Can you believe he's even cuter in person than he is on TV!? Oh, I could just hug him all day! Cody: He's not an accordion, Yolei. Kari: HE'S JUST A KID LIKE YOU, DAVIS!!! T.K.: YOU GOTTA OUTRUN HIM!!! Tai: YOU CAN DO IT!!! AND EVEN IF YOU CAN'T, WE WON'T THINK ANY LESS OF YOU, MAN! Ken: (grin) Some nice friends you got there, Davis.
I think Cody's line is referencing the rough treatment Yolei's been piling onto Poromon in her overexcitement. But contextually, it sounds like he's saying Ken isn't an accordion which... Uh, okay, I don't know why he would be but thanks.
"You gotta outrun him." Thank you for explaining soccer to me from the stands, T.K. XD
I kinda love Tai's "Even if you can't, we won't think less of you." Culturally, that sense of perspective plays a big role in the American sense of sportsmanship. There is no shame in losing to #1. Hell, "We didn't beat the championship team but we played hard and earned their respect," is like the most common way that American sports movies end.
It's also about as far removed from the sentiment expressed by ganbatte as possible. Ganbatte isn't about doing your best or trying hard; It's about getting it done. Not about putting in the effort but about achieving the result. Focus up, harden your resolve, and do what is necessary to complete the task. Persevere and overcome.
And yet, that isn't entirely how Japan approaches competition. After all, the sentiment Tai expresses here is in line with how Daisuke is approaching his match with Ken: He's not playing to win. He just wants to test himself against the best. It's complicated.
The whistle blows and the match begins!
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Ken flows past Daisuke before he even knows what's happening.
Tamachi Player: Ichijouji!
The player on kickoff passes to Ken, who dribbles around every single member of Odaiba Elementary's defense and shoots straight into the goal. In a single play, he's tied the game.
Daisuke: S-So fast.... Miyako: Ahaha! (English) Nice Play, Ken-kun! Iori: He just tied the score.... Miyako: Yeah, because Daisuke isn't nearly as cool as Ken-kun! Taichi: (defeated) They're on completely different levels. He's not on the level of an elementary school student. With technique like that, he could be playing for the youth league.
As Taichi speaks, Ken meets Daisuke on the field in the middle of another play. Ken flicks the ball up with his heel, passing it straight over Daisuke's head to catch it on the other side. Daisuke doesn't even slow him down.
Hikari: You're right. His plays are completely different from everyone else on the field. Takeru: He can see the whole field of play. Hikari: You can tell, Takeru-kun? Takeru: It's the same way with basketball. He's able to keep track of where all his teammates and opponents are, and that's why he's able to score so many goals. Miyako: KEN-KUN IS EVEN COOLER THAN I THOUGHT!!! Iori: Miyako-san....
While they're discussing how cool Ken is, a montage of Ken plays out on the screen. He's unstoppable, managing to score 9 goals to Daisuke's pitiful 1.
The dub adds some dialogue over Ken's initial play.
Tai: (excited) Did you catch that move!? Kari: He's fantastic! Yolei: Back off! I saw him first!
XD For all the dub's foibles, they understood the assignment with Yolei today.
(Ken scores) Announcer: Goal scored by The Rocket! Davis: Houston, we have a problem. Yolei: He's so amazing! And did I mention dreamy? Cody: Would you like for me to pinch you again? Yolei: Yolei Ichijouji. Ken and Yolei Ichijouji. Tai: (defeated) Now that Ken's tied up the game, I wonder how it's going to affect Davis's confidence? (Ken flicks the ball around Davis) Davis: WHOA!!! (Montage of Ken scoring) Tai: Davis isn't looking too good out there. (Ken scores again) Tai: Ouch. (Ken scores again) Kari: He's running circles around him. It's like Davis isn't even there. T.K.: Easier shooting goals into an empty net. Ken has more than just skill; He leads his team like a general leads an army!
The general vibe that Ken's better than Davis makes it across, but the dub undersells how wide that gap is.
Ken isn't just good; He's playing at a professional level in a game between school clubs. It's just like his award-winning computer programming; He's gifted far beyond his years, operating at a level that is achievable but is inexplicable for a child of his age and experience.
Daisuke had as much hope of beating Ken in this match as a high school baseball team might have of beating a Major League team. Fortunately, Daisuke isn't here to win. By his own admission, he just wanted a chance to play against someone of Ken's caliber. So. Y'know. Wish granted.
But rather than analyzing Ken, the dub uses this space to assess Davis. He's losing. That's. That's really all there is to say about Davis. He's getting murdered out there.
They do finally bring up Ken "commanding his team like a general" to segue into the next bit, which sees Ken calling out the play for his team.
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Daisuke: Shit! It's really come to this.... Ken: Open the right side! Defenders, raise the line three meters! Last Formation D!
As usual, Ken's team easily scoops the ball and passes to Ken, while he gets into position to strike.
Girls: SCORE THE TENTH!!! Daisuke: YAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Ken: Huh?
Out of nowhere, Daisuke slides in with that same technique we saw him practicing at the start, intercepting the ball before Ken can shoot and sending Ken tumbling to the ground. The toe of Daisuke's shoe rips Ken's sock, drawing a thin but visible line of blood.
Taichi: No foul! (English) Nice, Daisuke!
The ball rolls away out of bounds and the match is called for time. Tamachi will have to settle for only nine goals today.
Announcer: 9-1, Tamachi Boys F.C. wins! Crowd: THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!
In the dub:
Davis: I don't believe this guy! He's not just good, he's great! Ken: Stick to the playbook I wrote, everybody! We have got him on the run! All fullbacks and midfielders, move up! (Ken's team scoops the ball and passes to him) Girls: GO ROCKET GO!!! Davis: NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Ken: Huh? (Davis intercepts the ball, tripping Ken in the process) Tai: Nice tackle! Have a good trip, Ken! See you next fall! Announcer: Time's run out and the green Tamachi team led by Ken "The Rocket" Ichijouji wins nine to one! Crowd: YEAH!!! WOOHOO!!!
Surprisingly, Ken's blood makes it into the dub uncensored. Probably because it's too plot relevant to try and cut.
After the match, Daisuke makes his way over to the Tamachi team's huddle to talk to Ken again.
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Daisuke: Hey! Ichijouji-kun! Are you okay? After what happened to your leg, I mean.
Daisuke looks down at Ken's leg, which now has noticeable red stains around the injury.
Ken: (smiling) Ehh, that's no big deal. Daisuke: I'm glad to hear it. Man, you really do live up to your reputation! I couldn't keep up with you at all! Ken: You made a magnificent play right at the end there. I was expecting you to come from the other side. Daisuke: Well, when we were losing that hard, it only made sense to go straight for the leader. Ken: Mm... But that was the first time we've ever failed to score with that formation. Daisuke: (excited) Wow, really!? Ken: Motomiya Daisuke-kun, was it? (Ken holds out his hand) Ken: Until next time. Daisuke: Ah! (Daisuke shakes Ken's hand) Daisuke: You too!
Daisuke and Ken part on good terms, leaving Daisuke with a sense of fulfillment for playing so well against the legend.
In the dub:
Davis: Hey Ken, is your leg alright? Sorry about that tackle. I guess I caught you off-guard.
Again, the blood makes it uncensored into the dub.
Ken: (smiling) I barely felt it. Too busy thinking about scoring goals. Davis: So I guess you heard? Your teammates probably told you about how I was dominating the field, how unstoppable I was before you got here? Ken: I dunno, someone may have mentioned something about your play. If you keep it up, you might win a championship. Davis: Well, once you came along and you guys got so far ahead, I just figured it was all or nothing. So I just went for it on that last play! Ken: I was obviously focused on scoring another goal and didn't see you coming. That play never fails. Davis: Well, it did against me! Ken: Indeed. Well, my worthy adversary, farewell. (Ken holds out his hand.) Ken: Until we meet again in battle! Davis: Huh? (Davis shakes Ken's hand) Davis: "Worthy adversary"?
The words are similar but the tone is completely different. Davis is just trying to gloat and Ken's being passive-aggressive, lacking the cool confidence and friendly demeanor he shows in the original.
Dub Ken even makes excuses for his temporary embarrassment. He plays his bit about "I expected you to come from the other side; This is the first time that play ever failed!" as defensive whining.
With that match behind him, Daisuke walks home with Taichi and the junior Digimon team, while they unpack everything that just happened.
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Hikari: You don't even seem upset that you lost. Daisuke: "Daisuke-kun," he said! The genius remembered my name! Oh, I'm probably gonna brag about that for weeks! Miyako: (tugging Poromon's face) Mrrrrrgh! I missed out on getting Ken's autograph! Iori: Miyako-san.... Takeru: But that Sliding Tackle at the end was amazing! Hikari: Yeah! Chibimon: I was excited too! Daisuke: Really!? Pretty soon, maybe they'll pick me for the Japanese National Team! Taichi: At least play a decent game before you start talking like that. Apart from that one play, this was a total stomp. Daisuke: (deflated) You're too strict, Taichi-san!
"Sliding Tackle" is in English. Poor Daisuke. Taichi's not wrong but still. Rude.
As the group passes by a pedestrian bridge, we zoom in on the bridge to find Ken still in his uniform, stalking them. His face curls into a wicked grin as we go to commercial.
In the dub, Davis has already begun the bragging Daisuke said he'd be doing.
Davis: Then we shook hands and he said he admired me! Tai: (sarcastic) Oh, come on! Kari: I've never seen you this happy about losing a game! Davis: It wasn't so bad! And guess what! He called me his worthy adversary! I mean, The Rocket practically said I'm just as good as he is! Yolei: (tugging Poromon's face) I can't believe you didn't get me his autograph! Cody: Need a pinch?
Cody's stuck on that pinch and it's starting to get weird.
T.K.: That sliding block you did was ultra-cool, Davis! Kari: Yeah, cool! DemiVeemon: It made my toes tingle! Davis: You know what I predict? I betcha that Ken and I are gonna be on the same championship team some day! Tai: I think you're getting ahead of yourself. Maybe you ought to try something first: How about you try scoring at least one goal against him! Davis: Ugh... Very funny, Tai, but I guess you got a point. I'll have to try that....
I would say, "Sorry, Davis, but Yolei already called dibs; We've talked about this".
But. Uh.
The shippers have spoken.
The dub gives Ken some silence-breaking dialogue for his parting shot.
Ken: Hehehehehehe.... Ken: (thinking) Go ahead. Laugh while you are still able. For the time draws closer to when you shall bow before me. No one is my equal, as you shall find out soon!
From there, they agree that their second commercial should go here.
The next day, in Computer Club, Miyako has something very important to talk to Daisuke about.
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Miyako: Daisuke. Hold out your right hand. Daisuke: Ehhh!?
He has no idea what's going on, but he complies.
Daisuke: Like this? Miyako: If I hold this hand, then it will be like I'm shaking hands with Ichijouji Ken-kun.
Miyako reaches for Daisuke's hand and gets almost to the point of skin on skin contact before she recoils and pulls back.
Miyako: No! I can't!
Cut to outside the school, where students can be seen walking home. Miyako screams so loud it can be heard from all the way out here.
Miyako: MY STRONG PERCEPTION WON'T ALLOW ME TO SHAKE HANDS WITH DAISUKE!!! Daisuke: @_@ .... Takeru: What is going on over there?
The disastrous yet inevitable consequences of combining Love and Purity into a single character, that's what. Poor Daisuke just walked into this room and got yelled at for being undesirable. XD It's gonna be that kinda day, huh?
In the dub:
Yolei: Gimme your hand! Davis: Why!? Yolei: I'll tell you why: Because I said so! Davis: Huh!? (Davis holds out his hand) Davis: (reluctant) Here ya go.... Yolei: Since you shook hands with Ken, if I shake hands with you, it will be almost like I'm shaking hands with him! (Yolei tries, but pulls back) Yolei: Ugh! Oh, I can't do it! It's not the same! (Exterior shot of the school) Yolei: I'll wait to shake hands with my beloved in person. Cody: (sarcastic) Oh, brother.... T.K.: Just what are you doing, Cody?
Awkward. Yolei refuses to tell Davis why she wants him to hold out his hand only to immediately explain herself anyway one line later.
They don't use the gag of Miyako screaming about Daisuke's undesirability so loud that the entire building can hear it, so the exterior shot of the school ends up being a weird, random cut.
Then, because they didn't have Yolei scream all of a sudden, T.K. has nothing to react to. So instead he asks for an update on Cody's activities at the computer, while clearly not looking at Cody at all.
Suddenly, a beep at the computer alerts Iori to new activity.
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Iori: What's this? Upamon: Iori, what's wrong dagyaa? Iori: Take a look at this.
The map shows a single black square amidst an ocean of white squares.
Hikari: He put a Dark Tower in a place like this? Takeru: That wasn't there yesterday.
Behind them, Daisuke remains frozen in confusion while Miyako stares down his hand, steeling her resolve.
Iori: He must have built it last night. Takeru: What's this area like? Iori: (English) "Death Valley". (Japanese) Which means it's called 死の谷 Shi no Tani. Upamon: But there's nothing there dagyaa. Hikari: Why is it in the middle of nowhere? Takeru: What is the Digimon Kaiser planning to do there? Iori: He may be establishing a foothold, which he can then use to expand his territory outwards. Takeru: We should do something about that now! Hikari: Yeah! Takeru: LET'S GO, DAISUKE-KUN!!!
Daisuke remains where we left him, with Miyako trying to bring herself to touch him.
Miyako: Mrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh.... Daisuke: Could you hurry up and decide?
XD At least he's a good sport about it.
The dub doesn't have the sudden alert chime. It does have T.K. prompting Cody about his activities, but Cody doesn't respond like he's answering T.K.'s question.
Cody: I can't believe it! Upamon: You're dreaming! Let me pinch you! Cody: It's a Control Spire! Kari: What's it doing there!? Gatomon: Controlling. Spiring. The usual. Cody: It must have been built overnight. Amazing.... T.K.: So just where is it located? Cody: I'm not sure. This map doesn't list the points of interest. Upamon: It's the Forbidden Valley of No Return. Kari: Why do bad guys always name things like that? T.K.: It's in the job description. It's right after really stinky breath. Cody: Even if this place was called the Valley of Duckies and Bunnies, with a Control Spire there, there's trouble. T.K.: We've got to destroy it before it's used to control all the Digimon, yeah? Kari: (gasp) Right! T.K.: What are we waiting for!? LET'S GO, DAVIS!!! (No urgency from Davis and Yolei) Yolei: .......... Davis: Are you really sure about this? Digi-Port Open.
The dub kids treat this like it's an ordinary Control Spire situation. We lose both:
Why we shouldn't care: It's in the middle of nowhere. There's nothing there for the Kaiser to threaten. Why we should, actually: The Kaiser might use it as a staging ground to invade other territories.
Scrubbing both of these elements balances to zero and leaves us right back at business as usual. "The Emperor is setting up shop in some random place and we should go stop him."
I really like Davis awkwardly giving the deployment phrase.
The Chosen Children cross over and enter Death Valley. It's a barren, lifeless desert. Utterly unremarkable save for the Dark Tower in the distance and the Gate television they came from.
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Hikari: There really is nothing here. Daisuke: (spotting the tower) There it is! Takeru: Still, we can't get careless. We don't know where the enemy might be hiding. Iori: That's true.
The children make their way across the desert, keeping an eye out for where the attack might come from. Unfortunately, they don't consider down. Miyako and Hawkmon suddenly plunge into the ground, vanishing in a second.
Miyako: WAUGH!!! Hikari: Miyako-san! Tailmon: Hawkmon!
Then it takes the rest too. Hikari, Takeru, and Iori vanish into the earth, along with their Partner Digimon.
Group: AHHHHH!!! Daisuke: W-What the... What just happened!? V-mon: Careful, Daisuke! This might be the enemy's trap!
I'd place good odds on that. Leaving Daisuke and V-mon topside, the rest of the team plunges into a mysterious dark abyss.
In the dub:
Kari: Wow, this Valley sure does look Forbidden alright. Davis: A few Duckies and Bunnies would spruce it up!
XD That got me.
T.K.: Come on, quit kidding around! The Digimon Emperor could be around here anywhere so stay sharp! Cody: Let's stay together.
As they start walking, the team's given some extra dialogue to break the silence.
Yolei: I think this valley is kind of quaint and homey. Davis: More like homely! Kari: Quiet, you guys. We don't want the Emperor to hear us coming. (Yolei vanishes) Yolei: WHOA!!! Kari: I bet he heard that. Gatomon: My gosh, they're gone! (The rest of the group vanishes except Davis) Group: WHOA!!! Davis: GUYS!!! Did you see that, Veemon? You okay? The ground just ate our friends! Veemon: Maybe it will swallow us next! (Cut to the dark abyss) Group: AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
Takeru does have lip flaps for the very short line they cut from him during the fall, but it happens so fast that you probably won't notice if you aren't looking for it.
The extra dialogue is cute. I do feel like they missed an opportunity here to have the ground eat Yolei while she's talking about how it's actually kind of nice here.
Davis and Veemon flatly explaining the tension to each other loses me, though.
Up topside, Daisuke digs frantically in the sand to try and get to the rest of his team.
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V-mon: Daisuke, shouldn't we contact Taichi and the others!? Daisuke: No! That would take too long! Worthless piece of shit Digimon Kaiser! Kaiser: (disembodied voice) You seem to be in a lot of trouble. Daisuke: Ah!
Apparently the secret incantation to make the Digimon Kaiser appear is to curse him out. That explains why he seems to be everywhere in the Digital World.
Daisuke: DIGIMON KAISER!!! IS THIS YOUR HANDIWORK!?!? Kaiser: I've taken custody of your precious nakama. You'd better come quickly if you ever want to see them again.
Daisuke and V-mon break into a sprint, gunning it for the Dark Tower. with Daisuke cursing some more while they run.
Daisuke: GODDAMMIT!!!
Finally, they cross the sands and reach a rockier set of hills where the Dark Tower is mounted. They climb the first rocks and find the Kaiser waiting above.
Daisuke: DIGIMON KAISER!!! Kaiser: Huhuhuhuhu... Thank you for coming all this way.
For real, I half expected him to have a makeshift soccer field set up like, "Apropos of nothing I CHALLENGE YOU!!!" Etemon used to have one; We could repurpose that. XD
The dub, of course, will not let Davis swear like that.
Veemon: I think you better call Tai to help us out. Davis: No way, Veemon! That will take way too long! Help me dig before we find more trouble! Emperor: (disembodied voice) More trouble has found you! Davis: Huh!?
Okay, that's a sick line. A+
Davis: Digimon Emperor, what have you done!? Where are my friends!? Emperor: Your friends, as you call them, are here with me. Come and see for yourself if you dare.
As Davis and Veemon take off running, they're again given some extra dialogue to break the silence.
Davis: Run, Veemon! The ground could open up and swallow us at any second! Veemon: I wanted to start getting some more exercise but running for my life wasn't what I had in mind! Davis: I'm more worried about our friends right now! Veemon: We're coming! (Davis and Veemon crest the lower rocks) Davis: The Emperor's voice came from this direction! Veemon: I hope so! Whew! Davis: There he is! You're gonna get it! Emperor: Huhuhuhuhu! (sarcastic) Oh, I am so scared!
...I think Davis has failed to make the connection between the pitfall traps and the Emperor's challenge. XD He's dim, it's fine.
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Daisuke: WHERE ARE THEY!?!? Kaiser: Can't you see them right in front of you? Daisuke: What?
The Kaiser raises his right arm to the side, drawing Daisuke's attention to a nearby land bridge. The rest of his nakama and their Digimon are all tied up and dangling from the bridge.
Most of the Digimon are tied simply with bindings around their midsection. But for some reason, Patamon's wings are bound separately and then the Kaiser stuffed the rest of him in a bag.
(I'm gonna guess that this is because his Air Shot/Boom Bubble is fired from his mouth.)
Everyone else is worried and apologetic but Miyako's like, "Get me the fuck down from here before I spit on you from range."
In the dub:
Davis: LET MY FRIENDS GO!!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH THEM!?!? Emperor: Take a look! Your friends are at my mercy! And so, it would appear, are you. (Emperor draws Davis's attention to the dangling team) Davis: OH NO!!! GUYS!!! Kari: DAVIS, SAVE YOURSELF!!! T.K.: RUN!!! YOU CAN STILL ESCAPE!!! Cody: DON'T TAKE YOUR EYES OFF THE EMPEROR!!! Yolei: WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!?!? SAVE ME!!!
Rather than apologizing, Kari and T.K. encourage Davis to abandon them to their fates. Cody offers tactical advice, while the gag of Yolei having a very different reaction to the rest of them makes it through.
Unfortunately, this isn't the full extent of the Kaiser's trap.
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Daisuke: I'LL GET YOU DOWN RIGHT NOW!!! Kaiser: STOP RIGHT THERE!!! Aren't you worried about the lives of your nakama? Daisuke: What!? Kaiser: COME OUT, DELTAMON!!!
The mountain behind the land bridge suddenly explodes, revealing the colossal Digimon that's been lying in wait.
Deltamon is an Adult-stage Virus-attribute Composite Digimon. Deltamon came from the same evolution tree as Gazimon and Gizamon. A Gizamon that was poorly cared for would become Raremon, but if they were at least trained exceptionally well, they'd become Deltamon.
Narrator: Deltamon! A Dragon-type Digimon with a metal head on their right arm and a skull head on their left. Their special attack is Triplex Force!
The narrator says they're 竜型 Ryuu-gata or "Dragon-type" but the Digimon Analyzer blurb reads 合成型デジモン Gosei-gata Dejimon or "Composite-type Digimon" plain as day. I think Gennai might have licensed this rundown out for the American Izzy to write.
An interesting detail that goes unmentioned in the rundown is that all three heads are separately aware and generally pretty selfish. This is an easy detail to overlook as the other two heads could just as easily be interpreted as decorative blasters or something. Omegamon's Garuru Cannon doesn't have its own distinct consciousness.
Questions for later. Right now, we have a kaiju-sized Digimon to deal with.
Kaiser: It's about time to feed this Deltamon. Your nakama will make for a good meal. Hikari & Miyako: NOOOOOOOO!!!
...I guess Takeru and Iori are fine with it because they don't pipe up.
Daisuke: STOP IT!!! I'LL NEVER LET YOU DO THAT!!! Kaiser: Let me!? Who do you think you're talking to? Their lives are in my hands now. Daisuke: Tch!
In the dub:
Davis: DON'T WORRY, I'LL THINK OF SOMETHING!!! Emperor: Think fast! Davis: Huh!? Emperor: Your time is running short. Whoops, time's up! Haha! Davis: Oh no! Nrgh! Emperor: AWAKEN, DELTAMON!!!
That Davis takes the Emperor at face value when he says "time's up" and reacts before there's anything to actually react to is amazing.
Veemon: Maybe it's a Ducky or a Bunny! (Deltamon explodes from the mountain) Davis: OH NO!!! Just what is that thing, Veemon!?
Goddammit, Veemon. That got me again. XD Getting a lot of mileage out of Cody's flippant observation.
Veemon: (rundown) Deltamon is a Dragon-type Digimon with a metal head for one hand and a skull for the other! His attacks are Triplex Force and Serpent Bite! Emperor: What luck that you all dropped by. See, it's Deltamon's dinner time and I think eating all of you will make a well-balanced meal, don't you!? Daisuke: Oh no you won't! I'll never let let you get away with this! Emperor: It appears that you have no choice! If you want me to show mercy, you must beg for it! Davis: Huh!?
See what you did, Gennai? Now the Americans think this is a Dragon Digimon too. Go to the timeout corner.
Apart from the Japanese script tricking the Dub Team into regurgitating bad info, this is all pretty solid. Though they do start the "beg for it" bit early, which has some subtle characterization effects.
There is one funny thing though. They kept the name Triplex Force which will be convenient for dealing with lip flaps later but renamed Skull Fang, Deltamon's other attack which is listed on their Digimon Analyzer readout but will not be used in this episode. They brought it up just to rename it. Okay, guys. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
...oh hey, the shrug emoji's face is the letter tsu in Katakana. Neat.
Sorry. ADHD.
Now that their predicament is clear, it's time for the Kaiser to lay out his conditions.
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Kaiser: If you want to save them then, let's see... Why don't you kneel before me? V-mon: Do what!?
Daisuke does it immediately and without hesitation.
V-mon: Daisuke...? Daisuke: Please. Let them go. Kaiser: "Please"? How about "I beg you".
Daisuke bows low, in supplication.
Daisuke: I beg you. Please let them go. Kaiser: (enjoying this) V-mon! Step on his head! V-mon: Ehhh!? Daisuke: It's fine. Do it, V-mon! V-mon: But-- Daisuke: Everyone's lives depend on us, so hurry up and do it!
V-mon swallows down his reluctance and does it, stepping down on the back of Daisuke's head.
V-mon: Sorry. I'm sorry, Daisuke. Kaiser: Hahahahaha HAHAHAHAHA!!!
Here we see the extent of Daisuke's loyalty to his nakama. For their sakes, he swallows his pride without hesitation.
In the dub:
Emperor: You heard me, pathetic loser. On your knees and beg! "Please, Master, spare my friends." Davis: Ugh. (Davis kneels) Veemon: Don't, Davis.... Davis: Please, Master, spare my friends. Emperor: "Please, Master, spare my worthless friends." Davis: (bows low) Please, Master, spare my worthless friends. Emperor: That's excellent! Now, Veemon, restrain him! I command you! Veemon: NEVER!!! Grrrrr grrrrrrrrrr.... Davis: It's okay, Veemon. Do what he says. Veemon: Davis.... Davis: Do it for the others. If it will save our friends, obey the Emperor. (Veemon steps on Davis's head.) Emperor: Hahahahahahahahaha!
It's a minor nitpick, but starting the "beg me" bit a line early means Davis does actually have to overcome some hesitancy here. We don't get the same effect where Daisuke just drops down and does it on the spot.
Still, the heart of this moment rings true. We still see how dedicated and loyal Davis is to the others.
The one issue here is that the Emperor says to "restrain" Davis but. Like. Stepping on his head isn't doing much to restrain him, so that's awkward. Especially when Veemon lets Daisuke up a moment later.
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Kaiser: This is so pitiful to watch, I actually will show mercy. Daisuke: Really!? Kaiser: But, it can't be everyone. Daisuke: (gasp) Kaiser: Deltamon is very hungry after having to wait for so long. I'll only spare one person. Your choice. Daisuke: What!?
Deltamon roars, waiting for Daisuke's choice.
Daisuke: Then... Only one person....
The Kaiser holds up a small hourglass.
Kaiser: You have until the sand runs out to make your choice. If I don't have your answer by then, they all die. Hikari: DAISUKE-KUN!!! I'LL BE FINE!!! CHOOSE SOMEONE ELSE!!! Takeru: I'LL SACRIFICE MYSELF; PICK SOMEONE ELSE!!! Miyako: I DON'T WANT EVERYONE ELSE TO DIE!!! I DON'T WANT TO BE THE ONLY ONE SPARED!!! Iori: WE WILL RESPECT YOUR DECISION, DAISUKE-SAN!!! Daisuke: W-What do I do? Who do I choose...?
It honestly speaks well of Daisuke that he doesn't immediately and reflexively pick Hikari.
In the dub:
Emperor: Seeing you squirm is so delicious. You're so entertaining, maybe I should take pity on you. Davis: Yeah? Emperor: As you can see, Deltamon has only three mouths but there are four children. Therefore, you may have one. Sadly, I cannot spare them all. Choose who will be spared.
I love that rationale for only sparing one. That's clever. A+
Davis: So I have to choose!? (Deltamon roars) Davis: I can't do it! How do I pick one over the others!? (Emperor holds up an hourglass) Emperor: This must be done delicately. Delicately! You have until the sands run out to choose. And it isn't long, pretty boy. It isn't long! Kari: DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME!!! SAVE ONE OF THE OTHERS!!! T.K.: GET OUT OF HERE, DAVIS!!! GO AHEAD, SAVE YOURSELF!!! Yolei: OH SURE, MAKE ME LOOK BAD!!! FINE THEN, DON'T SAVE ME!!! Cody: WHATEVER YOU DECIDE TO DO, DAVIS, WE TRUST YOU!!! SO THINK OF SOMETHING!!! Davis: I, uh... I just don't know what I should do! The sand's running out! How am I supposed to choose only one of my friends and sacrifice all the rest!?
I also really like Yolei's line here. Caving to social pressure is a good way of explaining her jump from "GET ME THE FUCK DOWN" to suddenly offering herself up to be eaten like Kari and T.K.
While Daisuke is paralyzed with indecision, the sand in the hourglass counts down.
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Kaiser: Better hurry up before the sand runs out. Daisuke: I... I.... Kaiser: Are you just going to abandon your nakama? (amused) Guess they aren't your friends. Daisuke: I...! Fuck! FUCK!!! Kaiser: Hahahahaha! Kaiser: (thinking) You wounded my pride. This anguish is exactly what you deserve.
Yeah, in case it wasn't already obvious, the Kaiser's inner monologue states it outright. This is revenge for Daisuke intercepting one of his shots in the soccer match. All of this is because he didn't get to make that tenth goal.
Clearly, Ken is the real victim here.
In the dub:
Emperor: Like sands in the hourglass, so are your friends' lives. Davis: I just, I... I can't do it! Emperor: Will you throw all their lives away? Is that what you call friendship!? Davis: THEY'RE ALL MY FRIENDS!!! Davis: (thinking) Kari! T.K.! Cody! Yolei! Davis: AUUUUUUUGH!!! Emperor: Hahahahahaha! Emperor: (thinking) You brought this on yourself. You made me look like a fool! Now you must suffer!
Solid. The dub's doing a pretty good job of handling the sadistic choice with all the dramatic gravitas that it deserves. And, contrary to several previous episodes, are playing Davis completely straight.
Kaiser: Time's up.
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He finally knows one of their names and this is what he does with it.
Deltamon's heads all turn together away from the children. Now they advance on Daisuke instead.
In the dub:
Helpful. Thanks, T.K.! I'll be careful where I step!
Daisuke and Veemon freeze up as Deltamon advances. The colossal monster stomps towards them and--
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--suddenly stumbles when their massive foot collapses a sinkhole underneath.
Kaiser: What!?
Digmon emerges from the dust cloud.
Daisuke: Digmon!? Horusmon: V-MOOOOOOOON!!!
Horusmon, Pegasmon, and Nefertimon fly in from the rear.
(Horusmon flies by) V-mon: Horusmon! (Nefertimon flies by) V-mon: Nefertimon! (Pegasmon flies by) V-mon: Pegasmon!
The other four children then arrive on foot, catching up to Daisuke.
Takeru: DAISUKE-KUN!!! We're all safe! Daisuke: Guys!? Then what are--
The jig is up. All of the dangling captives transform back into their true forms: Those shapeshifting impersonators, the Bakemon.
Bakemon is an Adult-stage Virus-attribute Ghost Digimon. We saw a lot of them during the Vamdemon arc. They were pretty much the default Nightmare Soldier of Vamdemon's forces. They also featured in Jou and Sora's duo episode for the initial File Island arc.
By this point, their capabilities as bakemono, supernatural shapeshifters who pretend to be other things in order to deceive humans, are well-established. This was pretty clever of the Kaiser; I guess he's been brushing up on his Digimon after Gomamon embarrassed him.
Narrator: Bakemon! A Ghost Digimon whose head is covered by a cloth. Their true identity is shrouded in mystery. Their special attack is Hell's Hand!
Yeah, turns out this was just the meanest prank. The Kaiser wasn't actually going to execute 4/5 of the human kids; He was just weaving an illusion to traumatize Daisuke. This whole trap was just so he could flex on Daisuke for a bit and feel better about himself.
In the dub:
Veemon: Davis! If you've been holding back and planning a surprise attack, now would be a good time to yell "Surprise!" Emperor: Haha! (Deltamon stumbles into the sinkhole) Davis: Surprise? Veemon: Very funny! Emperor: What's going on!? Digmon: Surprise? It isn't even my birthday! Davis: It's Digmon! Huh!
Really should listen to the original lines when dubbing audio to get the delivery down right. This line is supposed to be a confused WTF "It's Digmon!?" Because, y'know, this character currently exists in two separate places. That's weird and surprising.
But Davis delivers it with a jubilant "It's Digmon!" Like. Yay! Digmon is here! He made it! The only indication that there's anything weird about that is the little "Huh!" at the end of it.
Halsemon, Nefertimon, and Pegasusmon: INCOMING!!! (Halsemon flies by) Veemon: Pegasusmon! (Nefertimon flies by) Veemon: Halsemon! (Pegasusmon flies by) Veemon: Nefertimon!
(face palm)
Veemon calls them all out as they fly in, like he does in the original script, but he calls them all by the wrong names. What the fuck, Dub Team.
Obviously, this is a sorting error. It's supposed to go Horusmon, Nefertimon, Pegasmon but instead they have Pegasusmon, Halsemon, Nefertimon. Pegasusmon got moved to the front of the list by mistake.
But. Fuck, that is embarrassingly sloppy. Again, I am left baffled by the fact that they clearly didn't watch the finished episodes of their show just once before releasing them to broadcast.
T.K.: It's an illusion! We're alright! Davis: But if you're here, who's that!? (The Bakemon reveal their true selves) Yolei: Eww, gross! Davis: What are those things!? Veemon: (rundown) Despite their obvious dental hygiene problems, Bakemon are able to accurately impersonate any other creature! Their attack is called the Dark Claw!
I would have had T.K. or Kari do the rundown since they have so much experience with these things, but this works too.
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V-mon: They were just Bakemon! Kaiser: YOU FUCKWIT!!!
Wormmon finally enters the scene, crawling meekly over towards the Kaiser.
Kaiser: Why couldn't you hold them off just a little while longer!? Wormmon: Sorry, Ken-chan.... Daisuke: What a cowardly trick! Let's go, V-mon! V-mon: Got it, Daisuke! Daisuke: DIGIMENTAL UP!!!
Fladramon Armor Evolves, which is great for him but the fight's happening in the air right now.
The Bakemon cluster together and advance as a unit. But then, as they approach Horusmon, Nefertimon, and Pegasmon.
Kaiser: FORMATION C!!!
At his command, the Bakemon split into three groups of three. Where the ninth came from is beyond me since there should be four for the Children and four for the Digimon. They circle rapidly as they advance, disorienting their opponents.
Kaiser: (English) ATTACK!!!
The Bakemon suddenly attack at once, pummeling the Partner Digimon.
In the dub:
Veemon: He made the Bakemon look like our friends! Emperor: I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!! YOU DUMB BAKEMON!!! I HAD THAT KID RIGHT WHERE I WANTED HIM!!! Wormmon: (whining) It's not my fault...!
They have the Emperor yell at the Bakemon instead of at Wormmon, only for Wormmon to then react as if he were the one being yelled at anyway.
Davis: I can't believe he pulled that trick on me! Go get him, Veemon! Veemon: It will be my pleasure. Davis: DIGI-ARMOR ENERGIZE!!! (Veemon Armor Digivolves to Flamedramon) Emperor: BAKEMON, YOU GAP-TOOTHED FOOLS!!! ATTACK!!! (The Bakemon approach the Partner Digimon as a cluster) Emperor: NOT ME, THEM!!! (The Bakemon split up) Pegasusmon: HERE THEY COME!!! Halsemon: They're everywhere. Nefertimon: Like mosquitos! Emperor: ATTACK THEM!!! (The Bakemon pummel the Partner Digimon) Davis: I never saw mosquitos do that!
They fucked this up so bad. The point of the formations here is to callback to Ken's "Last Formation D", the movement that nearly scored his tenth goal before Daisuke intervened. Ken is leading the Bakemon the same way he leads his soccer team.
They cut the formations from the soccer match and they cut them out again here. Instead, they replace them with a bumbling minions joke that doesn't even work, because the animation clearly shows the Bakemon approaching the enemy before Ken cuts in with "Not me!" Zero effort went into this gag.
They took out a deliberate parallel and replaced it with a stock Cartoon Supervillain gag that doesn't fit the animation.
Watching the Bakemon attack, Takeru offers his assessment.
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Takeru: The Digimon Kaiser! He's keenly aware of where his enemies and allies are at all times, and he's using that to call out effective instructions! Daisuke: The Digimon Kaiser, huh?
While everyone's focused on the fight, Daisuke slips away from the group.
Fladramon: KNUCKLE FIRE!!! Digmon: GOLD RUSH!!! Kaiser: FORMATION F!!!
Fladramon and Digmon cut loose with fireballs and flying drills. But at the Kaiser's command, the Bakemon all back off in unison, evading every last shot.
Kaiser: And next is-- Daisuke: YAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!
Out of nowhere, Daisuke tackles the Kaiser, throwing them both off the edge of the hillside and sending them tumbling down together.
Yell that a little louder, why don't you?
In the dub:
T.K.: The Emperor is controlling them! The Dark Rings the Bakemon are wearing are the key! He's ordering them around like a general leading his army! Davis: Not for long! I'm gonna get that guy!
Credit for recognizing the important parallel to the soccer game here. T.K. compares the Emperor to "a general leading his army" just like he did for Ken back at the game. But since they cut out all the strategic assessment of Ken's abilities, all they have to support it is an awkward re-explanation of how Dark Rings work announced as if it were a shocking realization.
Flamedramon: RRRGH!!! Digmon: HRR EUGH!!! Halsemon, Nefertimon, & Pegasusmon: AHHHH!!! Emperor: BAKEMON, FINISH THEM!!!
I don't know why they don't call their attacks but just make grunting exertion noises.
That said, XD The animation for Fladramon and Digmon unloading on the Bakemon is super janky and honestly looks like they're shooting at Horusmon, Nefertimon, and Pegasmon. So the dub has the three of them react to being friendly fired at and it's amazing.
And then we whiplash right back into shit, as the order for the Bakemon to back off and avoid the attack is inexplicably "Finish them".
The fact that all of the Kaiser's commands are just the English words "Formation [Letter]!" seems to have stumped the Dub Team when they got the translated script.
Emperor: I have them now. Davis: NEVER!!! (Davis tackles the Emperor) Wormmon: I'll stay and guard the hill!
Not sure if that's meant to be a Star Wars reference but it does feel like a Star Wars reference. Comparing Ken to Darth Vader is... Yeah, that's fair.
Sliding down the hillside, Daisuke wrestles with the Kaiser, using the Kaiser like a sled. The Kaiser seems remarkably nonchalant about it so that cape must be really good for tumbling.
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Daisuke: I won't be beaten by a hostage-taking coward like you! Kaiser: I'm on a completely different level from all of you! I'm a genius! Daisuke: Who cares!?
Once they reach the bottom of the hill, the Kaiser uses their momentum for a skillfully-executed throw, tossing Daisuke across the chasm.
Deltamon charges up the attack with all three of their heads, leveled straight at Daisuke.
Kaiser: Goodbye, Motomiya Daisuke-kun.
Yeah, the Kaiser so far has been out to capture or force the Chosen Children into surrender. But he's out for blood this time. He is unambiguously about to kill Daisuke.
In the dub:
Davis: You tried to take over the Digital World and destroy me!? Well, I'm taking you with me!
The dub takes its third commercial break here, with Davis and the Emperor sliding down the hill. We return on Davis talking again.
Davis: You call yourself the Digimon Emperor!? What's with that!? Emperor: I am a genius! I cannot lose to a child like you! Davis: Like me!? You are like me! (Emperor throws Davis off at the bottom of the hill) Davis: You're a kid just like us! Emperor: I THINK NOT!!! DELTAMON, TRIPLEX FORCE!!! (Deltamon charges up the attack) Emperor: SAY GOODBYE!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Dub's still pushing that point that for all his grandeur, the Emperor is just another kid. And I appreciate them for that.
They also don't softball this moment. Ken is going for the throat here even in the dub.
Where the dub is weaker is that, again, we don't have the Emperor saying Davis's name. It's such a twist of the knife in the original. Daisuke was so happy that Ken remembered his name, and this is what the Kaiser does with it. It's a betrayal of the pedestal that Daisuke's placed Ken on.
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Fladramon: NOT SO FAST!!! Daisuke: FLADRAMON!!! Fladramon: We won't lose to anyone! FIRE ROCKET!!!
As Deltamon fires, Fladramon wreathes himself in fire and dives straight down the beam. He closes distance and slams into the Evil Ring around Deltamon's waist, shattering it.
In the dub:
Flamedramon: Hello! Davis: Flamedramon! Flamedramon: Why leave so soon? The party's just starting. FIRE ROCKET!!! Davis: Flamedramon, aim for the Dark Ring!
You know, I'd think Flamedramon would be used to this by now and wouldn't need the guidance. But it doesn't hurt. Last thing we want is to get overenthusiastic and kill one of these guys again.
While the Kaiser's busy with Daisuke, Daisuke's plan proves successful. The Bakemon are disoriented for lack of clear leadership, floating aimlessly around and trying to figure out what to do.
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Nefertimon: Without the Kaiser's instructions, the Bakemon are panicking. Pegasmon: Leave this to me and go for the Dark Tower! Nefertimon & Horusmon: Understood!
Nefertimon and Horusmon peel off, leaving Pegasmon behind.
Pegasmon: SHOOTING STAR!!!
Pegasmon's stars cut through the aimless Bakemon, breaking off their Evil Rings en masse. The rest of the team converges on the Dark Tower.
Horusmon: TEMPEST WING!!! Nefertimon: ROSETTA STONE!!! Digmon: BIG CRACK!!!
(That second shot isn't misaligned; There's a weird black line that fills in just a tiny bit of the right side of the frame during all three of the stock animation attacks here. No idea what that's about.)
Together, their combined attacks bring the obelisk crashing to the ground.
Chosen Children: HOORAY!!!
See, Ken? This is where smugness gets you. So proud of his super-intelligence but he's also set himself up as the single point of failure. Horusmon, Nefertimon, and Pegasmon were able to adapt to changing circumstances and make plans without their squad captain needing to order them around. That's why they beat his ass just now.
Individual exceptionalism falters in the face of collective cooperation.
In the dub:
T.K.: It's working! The Emperor's power over the Bakemon is weakening! Pegasusmon: It's now or never! This is our chance to attack! (Nefertimon and Halsemon peel off) Pegasusmon: STAR SHOWER!!! (Pegasusmon takes out the Bakemon) Digmon: Target the Control Spire! Halsemon: TEMPEST WING!!! Nefertimon: ROSETTA STONE!!! Digmon: ROCK CRACKING!!! (The team brings down the Spire) Digmon: There she blows! DigiDestined: THEY DID IT!!! Davis: They sure did! Yes!
"The Emperor's power over the Bakemon is weakening"? Uh. Why? Was Deltamon a load-bearing conduit he was routing the Dark Digivice's power through or something?
With the tower brought down, that just leaves Daisuke facing down a now defenseless Digimon Kaiser.
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Kaiser: (gently) Unbelievable. To think that I'd be beaten the same way twice. Daisuke: Twice? Kaiser: (smiling) That was a tactical error on my part. I forgot that when your back's against the wall, you stop caring about what's happening around you and just go straight for the leader. Daisuke: What are you talking about!? Ah!
It's at that moment that Daisuke notices a bloody stain on the Kaiser's right ankle
Daisuke: (gasp) That wound on your leg! (realizing) That's impossible. It has to be a coincidence.... Kaiser: It's no coincidence.
The Kaiser stands up, pulling off his dark glasses and revealing his eyes to Daisuke.
Ken: It's exactly what you think. Daisuke: It... It can't be. Ichijouji Ken! Ken: I'll concede defeat for today. But from now on, I'm going to fight you seriously. AHAHA AHAHAHAHA!!!
An Airdramon swoops past out of nowhere. Ken leaps into the air, mounting his Airdramon and vanishing into the sky. Leaving behind a dumbstruck Daisuke struggling to deal with this revelation.
Daisuke: I... I admired you so much.... You're the same age as me, but you're amazing... So why... WHY THE HELL IS THIS HAPPENING!?!?
Poor Daisuke. The funny thing is, Ken wasn't even hiding it this whole time. He reveals his identity himself at the end. He wanted Daisuke to know.
He must have been so disappointed when Daisuke didn't pick up on the subtle hint of name-dropping him twice.
In the dub, Ken isn't as civil and oddly friendly about his defeat.
Emperor: No... NO!!! WHAT WENT WRONG!?!? MY MASTER PLAN WAS INVINCIBLE!!! (smiling) I see I neglected to factor in that you're one of those "all or nothing" types. I can't believe the same person made me look like a fool twice in the same day! Davis: What do you mean, twice? (Davis notices the bloodstain) Davis: Hey, how'd you get that cut on your leg!? ...wait, are you...!? Could you possibly be...!? Emperor: I COULD AND I AM!!! (The emperor stands up and pulls off his glasses) Ken: KEN ICHIJOUJI!!! Davis: WHOAAAA!!! I'm dreamin'! Ken is the Digimon Emperor!? Ken: The one and only. Well, Davis, farewell for now, my worthy adversary. Until we meet again in battle! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! (Ken escapes on an Airdramon) Davis: I really looked up to you, Ken! I dreamed of being just like you some day. Now that I know you're my sworn enemy, all I can say is... And I mean this... YOU CAN KEEP YOUR CRUMMY AUTOGRAPH!!! Narrator: Now that Ken's secret is revealed, can the DigiDestined find a way to defeat him? Keep watching Digimon: Digital Monsters!
...did you look up to him? I sure didn't get that impression. The way I remember it, you were just hyped because you thought if you could beat him, you'd win over all of his fangirls.
This kinda blends into the Assessment so we'll just put this here.
Assessment: This ending continues to be loaded with callbacks. Ken basically repeats the same parting line he gave Davis at the soccer game. They understood the assignment; I just don't think they did a very good job executing it.
The eerie civility from the original is completely lost, despite that being so critical to the heart of this episode that it's literally titled for it. "The Loneliness of the Digimon Kaiser." That's what this episode is about.
Somewhere inside of him, Ken kinda likes Daisuke. He's lonely. There's a part of him that wants to connect. That wants to be friends and rivals and all those things with this kid.
It's why he goes to all the trouble of revealing himself. There's no pragmatic purpose to that. Ken gains nothing by letting Daisuke in on the ironic symmetry. He just. He wants Daisuke to know that it's him. He wants their relationship to be Daisuke and Ken, not Daisuke and the Digimon Kaiser.
But this is all stuff that he doesn't know how to process. He can't even connect emotionally to his Partner Digimon. And so he expresses himself in the only way he knows how: Through violence, domination, and destruction of an enemy.
Ken is, and I mean this in the best way, a My Little Pony villain.
While the dub goes for, in his own words, a "Worthy Adversaries" rivalry. Davis has earned Ken's respect as an enemy, but that's as far as they go. For the dub, this episode is just about the revelation of Ken's identity. It goes no deeper than that.
...and also Iori definitely has a doomed crushed on Miyako. Poor kid.
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underthetree845 · 1 year ago
ask game
Hello darling! Thank you for the ask (<3)
😅 (What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?)- God, um, I have this one x reader thing I wrote, and it was the very first piece of fanfiction I ever came up with. I wrote it in eighth grade (T-T). It wasn't super terrible and I didn't say "orbs" instead of eyes even once, I just kind of didn't know what I was doing. No planning took place, it was just a little forced, but I'm kind of proud of myself for just getting it out. It was an Armin/fem reader thing where they were going to a party dance thing and there was a confession. Kind of like a less evolved version of my recent masquerade fic, actually. I guess I enjoy writing dancing. I know I was young and everything but I'm so thankful that I hadn't figured out that I could actually post on fanfiction websites yet, I kept writing and thankfully (at least I believe/hope) that I got better. ✍ (Do you have a beta reader?)- I do not. I'm not against it or anything, I just don't. I do have this one friend that I send e v e r y t h i n g I write to though, albeit after it's published because she's not really an experienced writer (not that she's bad, just not the right person to ask for feedback). She's even read that dance fic I mentioned in the previous question.
🛒 (What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.)- Mutual pining is a big one for me 😭. Whether it's friends to lovers (which is what I mostly write), strangers to lovers, enemies, coworkers, etc. etc. there will always be mutual pining at some point. Even if one has had feelings for longer and I depict the growth of the other's feelings (which I find really interesting). Also- random- but I feel like hand holding/focus on hand touches is always a light thing I find myself wanting to incorporate. Not sure why.
🛠 (What tools/programs/apps do you use to write?)- I like to use google docs. It syncs to my phone too so I can write on the way to school or in public if I'm bored, stuff like that. Straight up writing in the tumblr drafts scares me, it's too easy to delete O.o. I oftentimes keep one doc for notes (if it's a longer fic) and write the fic separately. Fun fact though, when I started out, I was actually using the notes app on my phone. That didn't last long, but I still have my first few unpublished 8th grade fics on there.
💖 (What made you start writing?)- Okay so what made me REALIZE that I liked writing was my English classes in school. I've always been a bookworm- ever since I was a little kid- so it was amazing to me that I was able to create stories and show them to people in the same way real authors could. So middle school me loved doing creative writing assignments, I always went way over the wordcount, I loved reading books, etc. etc. Eventually I start getting into fandom, and through internet browsing, I come across fanfiction for the first time. I have to say, it kind of blew my mind. It's hard to explain that I never really stopped reading as much as I did in middle school and elementary school, I just read a lot more ~digital works by unpublished authors~ now (and I still do read books, I'm currently reading Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson and I love it). The rest I kind of already explained. I tried my hand at it for awhile in the notes app, eventually made an account, read, liked, etc., started posting, and the rest is history. :)
👀 (Tell me about an up and coming wip please!)- *Rubs hands together.* Okay, so: First of all, I'm ALMOST, almost I swear! I'm almost done with the next chapter for my ongoing fic. I'll probably post it sometime next weekend (I don't know if you follow it but there's that). I'm currently working on a Dazai oneshot with the pocky game (you know what that is, right?) And then someone sent me a jealous Chuuya request which I plan on completing after my other two wips since they won't take long.
🤗 (What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?)- EEEE! Okay okay!
Dear new writers, WE ARE SO HAPPY TO HAVE YOU HERE. Please don't be shy! Reach out, interact, share your work (if you want to) and there will be people who say hello back! Remember, don't compare yourself to other writers. We all started at some point. We all had a first post, we all make mistakes, we're all human. On that note, don't beat yourself up about making it perfect! Getting out a first draft is a great first step. It can include notes, errors, run on sentences, and that's fine because it's a draft! You do not have to be perfect, none of us are. Do not feel bad about not having the time to write, or even if you do have the time but lack the energy. Take care of yourself first always! Remember to have confidence in yourself. You created something that wasn't there before and put it out into the world and it's a story and it's yours and that is amazing in every aspect. Don't give up on yourself, take care of yourself, be kind to yourself, and you will slowly but surely find your place in the writers' community! <3
Thank you again for the asks! I hope all of you sleep well tonight. <33
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echo-three-one · 4 years ago
Whatever It Takes
It's Task Force 141's first mission after gathering intel about the whereabouts of Samantha Coleman. Gary and the rest of the team proceed to briefing and would probably head straight to their rescue mission. Do these mini summaries even make sense? Find out soon.
Chapter 3 to another story made by Ray (echo-three-one) Comments and Reviews appreciated! I hope you enjoy! Love you all ❤️
Previous Chapter : Soap - F.N.G.
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"Run Through the Jungle"
Gary "Roach" Sanderson
Task Force 141
Task Force 141 - Mess Hall
Gary was almost done with his raccoon story when the PA system alerted them of an immediate briefing. Simon nodded to him and got up making his way to the briefing room. Gary also noticed the rest of his squad from earlier walk to the door, and was France crying on Alex? Much to his curiosity, he went to John who was still sitting by the chair.
"Anything you want to tell me, Soap?" he asked, patting his comrade's shoulder. 
"Bugger off, mate. Let's just go to the meeting." he replied, Roach couldn't tell if he was sad or disappointed or mad, but it may have something to deal with France crying.
"Whatever mate. I'm always here if you want to talk it out." he assured, and he was in fact true. It's been a month since the Task Force was created and Gary was the team's therapist, everybody's friend and ally no matter what. He always felt that he could feel everyone's emotions and believes he could be a sponge for someone who's unable to deal with the trauma. Ghost was one of his customers, he had a lot to deal with and Gary was always there for him.
"Few hours ago, our informants intercepted with a group of armed men on a safehouse near the borders of Germany. They told us that there was a man named Augustus who happens to be our step closer to Nero." Gary took note of the information General Shepherd relayed, his scribbles became faster as the General continued.
"We also received word that our hostage, Samantha Coleman is with them in one of these houses. We have to proceed with caution as this area may be rigged with traps or surrounded with tangos." he added.
"As for rules of engagement, fire only when fired upon. This is a local settlement and civilians may be anywhere. We don't want to create unnecessary civilian casualties just to retrieve a single person." he instructed. Gary took a quick survey of the room, everyone looked at the screen intently, he could see MacTavish's eyebrows furrowed in anger, France's eyes were downright sad and Alex, despite being a CIA agent, actually looked worried.
"As for assignments, I'll let your captain take the floor." Shepherd concluded and exited the area, Price then stepped forward and began briefing.
The silent chirping of the crickets echoed from the nearby forest. Gary took a cold exhale and leaned on the railings just outside their quarters. 
"Big day tomorrow, huh?" Ghost surprised Roach as he spoke.
"Yeah, it's been a long time since I spotted, but I still know the basics." Gary answered. He and Ghost were assigned for sniper support a few clicks away from the Alpha Team lead by Alex and the Bravo Team lead by Captain Price.
"Your math is good and fast?" Ghost asked, chuckling at the question. Gary inhaled before he answered the question.
"Yeah. Try me." he dared, glancing at the masked man.
"Suppose there's a target about 516 meters far, the wind is one half value." Ghost planned out the situation. Gary's gears started turning as he scratched his freshly shaven chin.
"Five degrees. Descending." he muttered. Ghost thought about it and agreed.
"Yeah. Your math is still on point." he mused laughing at him.
"What do you think Nero is up to? I mean it all doesn't add up. And what's with erasing memories?" Gary flooded the man with questions. Simon just pondered without saying any words.
"I dunno mate. I'm as baffled as you are." he replied, waving to Alex and France who were out on a late night walk.
"Say Gary, what's the deal with the new girl? One minute she looks tough as nuts then the second Soap comes in she's fucking crying?" Ghost rambled. Gary could feel a hint of jealousy but not entirely. It's as if he's mad and jealous at the same time.
"Well, we were too far from their table and I couldn't hear anything. Maybe they had an argument while Soap was out with her on the training room?" Gary speculated, he saw Simon's fists clench as he left his side.
"Eh. Not that I care anyway. Get some rest, spotter. Big day tomorrow." he remarked and went to his room.
"Yeah yeah." he replied waving at the two walking around the oval. They both waved back and Gary yelled good night to them before entering the quarters himself.
Gary plopped on his bed and closed his eyes. He was actually nervous enough that he could hear his own heartbeat, he took deep breaths and lulled himself to sleep. He wanted to see to it that they save the hostage tomorrow and a perfect sleep is what he could contribute right now.
Gary hated the ghillie suits. It was heavy, uncomfortable and animals sometimes land on you, but it does the job well. Treading the dense forestry just above the safehouse, Gary and Simon head out to look for a perfect spot.
"This one's got a view of the houses." Ghost whispered, signaling Roach to move forward.
"This is Echo Three One, we've cleared the two houses on the right, all empty. Over." Alex reported over their comms.
"Bravo Six copies that and the two houses here are also clear." Price reported.
"Looks like it's going to be the one on the far side." Soap concluded.
"I've got eyes on the safehouse. There's no activity on all windows. Proceed with caution." Ghost reported.
"Rog." Price replied.
"Copy that, eye in the sky." Alex replied.
Gary put out his spotting scope and placed his eye behind the lens.
"I've got my eyes on them, Ghosty. Alpha Team is on its way." he whispered.
Ghost rolled some knobs on his sniper making a soft clicking sound as he spins it.
"Don't call me that, Bug. I have eyes on Bravo Team. Still no movement from the safehouse." 
"This is Alpha Team, approaching the left side of the safehouse."
"Bravo Team is Oscar Mike as well."
"Roach, did you see that?" Ghost whispered.
"Yeah. The winds are shifting." Gary noted, sticking out a tool that detects wind speed.
"Three Fourths value at 400 meters. 15 miles per hour. Adjust to 15.3" he informed, calculating on Ghosts still shoulder with a pen. Decimals are too dangerous to calculate mentally. Ghost's sniper clicked once again to adjust with the wind, he took a deep breath and his targets stabilized once again.
Leaves rustled behind them, Roach quickly held on his rifle and slowly turned back to check if it was an animal. Nothing, but before turning back on his scope, he saw a black figure from the corner of his eye.
"Bollocks. We've got movement on our Six." Roach reported. 
"Remember our ROE, Roach. Fire only when fired upon." Price reminded.
"I'll take care of it from here. You go check on that." Ghost said as he turned back to his scope.
"Roger that. Be safe." Roach quickly ran to the direction if the rustling.
He couldn't make out much of the figure, but he was sure enough it was human. He tried to look for areas where the leaves were disturbed but with the wind picking up, he was clueless. Then there it was again, movement. He quickly dashed to it's direction, not wanting to get lost again. His boots slapped the fresh soil as he made his wauy to a clearing.
'Left, right then left by the rocks.' Gary mentally noted his each turn so he could easily remember but when he's chasing someone whom he felt like it doesn't know where it goes, then it's a whole different story.  
Gary was alone in the windy forest, in pursuit of a person who's out on the woods at five in the morning. He wanted to go back but there's something that bothered him and convinced him to keep chasing it.
"Roach, you okay? They're almost in the safehouse." Ghost pointed out.
"Yeah haaaah… I'm still haaaah… hot on its trail." Gary panted. He suddenly turned when he heard a yelp.
"It's a girl. It might be our hostage." he radioed and followed the direction of the sound.
Soft sobs and English curse words could be heard from where Gary emerged. This alerted the injured female and she plead at the British solider.
"Please. I'm not an enemy. I'm I'm- I don't know who I am or where I am… Please. Don't hurt me." She was an American girl, possibly around 20-30 years old and had blonde hair wearing a black tank top and grey sweatpants, there were a few bruises on her arms and she was threatening him with a stick.
"Maam, put down your weapon and calm down. I will not hurt you." he dropped his weapon slowly on the ground stepped forward, his hands both raised.
"Good good. I need help." she whimpered, looking at her sprained ankle.
Gary immediately took his ghillie off and ripped a piece of his sleeves to wrap around the sprain, treating it with something from his medical kit.
"There you go… You're feeling better now? Maam?" Gary accommodated. The unknown blonde nodded in agreement.
"So.. you don't know who you are?" Gary asked.
"All I know is that I'm with another girl, Brunette." she added.
"I located the one out on the woods. She's American but I can't ID her. She's about 20 - 30 years old, short blonde hair." Gary informed.
"Is that Maxine?" Alex and France simultaneously replied over comms.
"Excuse me. Do you go by Maxine?" Gary asked politely. The girl quickly covered her ears and screamed.
"Aaaaaah! My head hurts!" She yelled. Gary was quick enough to cover her mouth as soon as she opened it as to not give away their presence.
"I don't know if that's a yes or a no guys. But that definitely is a reaction." Gary said over the comms. He assisted "Maxine" and lifted her up as he tries to get back to Ghost.
"Thick trees everywhere. Any Idea where you are Ghost?" he asked over the secure radio.
"I'm at the same spot I've been since we got here. Can't you retrace your steps?" he replied.
"I could try." he muttered, carrying an unconscious woman on his shoulders across the jungle.
Next Chapter : Déjà vu
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yaboymercury · 6 years ago
Gassy Lessons - First class: English
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Jay was pissed. Despite being the first week of his second attempt at his last year of high school, he had already missed the first assignment. His English teacher Mr Stevens would usually let someone get away with just a warning, but since Jay was redoing the year he had higher expectations which was why when Jay was supposed to be heading home he was stuck in his English classroom.
Sitting in the middle desk of the small room Jay considered just leaving since Stevens was taking his time arriving. He had done so multiple times during his previous years in the school but decided against it since he didn't really want to get himself in anything deeper wanting this school year to go as smoothly as possible.
Before he had any more time to think on it though his teacher walked in.
Despite the circumstances Jay usually liked the teacher, but not particularly for his teaching. Since Mr Stevens was so passionate about English he tended to get up from his desk and walk around the room reading passages, making dramatic movements to emphasize what he was saying and occasionally scribbling down hasty notes on the board at the front. While many students found this method engaging, Jay tended to be more interested in how all this movement made the teachers thick chino covered ass move and shake providing enough motivation for Jay to attend the lessons. On top of his ass though Jay found the rest of the teacher attractive with his medium length messy brown hair, cute glasses and young features giving him almost a dreamy quality to the rebellious student.
But obviously today Jay was more annoyed at the man who was obviously making a move to prove himself as an authority with the detention as he sat down at his desk and gave Jay an icy look. Turning away from Jay we peered into his desk draws and pulled out a thin battered paperback book. He stood up and strolled over to Kay and placed handed him the book which had obviously seen better days.
"Since you obviously aren't committed to your work yet this year, all I'm going to ask you to do is read through this poetry collection and take in some of the messages of the poems, once you're done tell me."
And with that he turned back to return to his desk, and of course Jay took the opportunity to peek at his ass barely being held back by his trousers.
Jay was relieved that the book looked short being only a dozen pages long, so he thought he might as well get it over with. As he opened the cover before he could even process the first words on the page he was assaulted by a wretched smell hitting him like a train. Not wanting to react to harshly in front of the teacher he withheld a gag but the stench wasn't holding up. It had to have come from the book Jay thought as the stink arrived as soon as he opened it, daring to confirm his suspicions he brought the page slightly closer to his nose his theory was confirmed as it seemed the cloud of stink grew stronger the closer he got to it. In an attempt to stop the smell Jay slammed the book closed and attempted to get a breathe of fresh air to cleanse his palette.
"Focus on you work Jay" He heard from the desk as soon as he closed the book. Mr Stevens look had become more mischevious with a slight glimmer of a smirk as he stared down his student.
"Yes sir" Jay responded picking the book back up. As he did so the teacher withdrew a Tupperware box from his bag which he opened and began to eat from. Jay couldn't tell exactly what he was eating but it looked something like an eggy salad with a lot of thick creamy dressing.
Switching his attention back to the book he opened the next page and was again hit with a stink but this time stronger, more rotten. He couldn't hold back a choke this time as he felt his air supply being attacked. His eyes watered as he attempted to power through the attack on his senses, he could feel the toxicity of the pages radiating out of the book.
Moving through the pages he tried to stay on each for a little while to give the illusion he was reading but as they went on the smell got worse. Continuing through the pages he aimlessly hopes for maybe just one clean page so he could focus but the smell only got worse. It was in fact quite the opposite as he began to notice marks on the page, greenish brown stains on some of the pages. He didn't want to believe it at first but he knew that he could recognise the smell all along.
It was the undeniable smell of rotten gassy farts. He gulped making the disgusting realisation and as he did he heard a snicker from his usually nice and helpful teacher who had just finished eating. What was once just a smirk had turned into a malicious grin as he wiped his mouth, Jay put the pieces together and knew exactly wear the farts were sourced from.
Turning to the last page there was a deep dirty green stain in the middle, the stench radiating out of it was sickening makinf Jay gag as he closed the last page and tried to recover from the second hand fart attack he has just experienced.
"Oh so you're finished?" Mr Stevens said standing "So what did you think of the collection? I find the words so engrossing, the really create a sensory experience don't they?" He knew what he was doing mocking Jay with the words as he sauntered towards him.
"Why did you do it?" Jay looked up at the teacher with his eyes still wet from experiencing the smell.
"Do what?" He replied with fake concern, but immediately answered himself "Oh you mean this?" He put one hand on Jays desk and leaned forward looking down at his student with a mean smile.
The fart blasted into the classroom echoing on the walls, even though it wasn't aimed at him the stink still reached Jay, the smell being fresh hit him harder making him recoil.
"Well being a teacher means I can't exactly be farting around in lessons so between classes I often relieve myself into my favourite book." He explained snatching the book back from Jay. "I've been saving it for a special occasion, so when I saw my favourite pervy student was behind on work I thought I could teach him a stinky lesson."
"What do you mean pervy?" Jay said feigning indifference trying to avoid eye contact with the sadistic teacher.
"Don't be stupid Jay, you really think I haven't noticed you staring at this ass for the years I've been teaching you?" He turned around letting Jay get a close look at the cheeks up close, Jay obviously couldn't resist not being able to tear his eyes from it.
The fart was small but packed a punch making him pull back. But despite the horrific smell, Jay was now sporting a hard on beneath the desk after being so close to the ass of his dreams. "Who knows? Maybe I like the attention you give it Jay?" Stevens said sitting down in the chair in front of Jay turning it around to face him.
In shock from everything Jay was surprised when the teacher asked "So Jay what was your favourite line from the collection?" Jay had completely forgotten he was supposed to actually read the collection.
"I'm sorry sir I can't remember any of it"
"That's disappointing Jay, it really is. I'd have to say mine would be the line from page 3..." He leaned over in the chair dramatically and winced a little:
"I just really think it's an important message which gives off a really strong aromatic sensation."
He wasn't wrong, after the flatulence had amplified massively off the wooden chair it went straight for Jay's nostrils with a dirty stink. The teacher stood up and began to waft his hand behind his big ass as he paced in front of Jay's desk where he sat stunned at the gassy skill of his teacher.
"What about the line from the fourth piece Jay do you think you could read it out for me?" Jay knew what he wanted but he really wasn't sure if he would be able to pull it off. He tensed in his chair pushing all he could.
"God Jay that was pathetic, almost disrespectful, have I failed you as a teacher?" He said in fake anger "It's supposed to go like this!" He stopped in front of the desk turning around and leaned over his hands on the desk in front of Jay. His amazing ass was pointing right at Jay and even though he knew what was coming the ass tempted him closer.
But it was like the blast pushed him right back with a cloud of powerful stink.
"Ahh much better don't you think?" the teacher looked back at his student dazed in a cloud of his stink. Mr Stevens leaned into Jay and gave his student a sniff. "Wow Jay you really smell like you've learnt your lesson" he said giggling at his stink covered student.
"Despite loving the whole collection Jay, what I love the most about the book is how it ends, do you remember it Jay?" Jay recalled the stain on the last page and the unbelievable stench of it, but in fear of what it may mean all he could muster was a weak shake of his head. Ominously Mr Stevens stomach rumbled.
"Oh Jay" be said pitifully "I think you do remember, and with the help of my egg salad from earlier I think my rotten ass can remind you." The thought terrified Jay.
Usually the sight of his sexiest teacher sliding out of his painted on trousers would excite Jay but seeing a matching streak stain on his white briefs terrified the student.
" Hopefully you can learn something from this..." The teacher said as he wrapped his hands behind Jay's head and pulled him nose first right into his stained crack. The last thing Jake could remember was the engulfing sound of gas enveloping his face and the stink of eggy flatulence filling up his head.
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gogoichirin · 7 years ago
I just found out about Vitya Diaries and from there Never Look Away and I'm... speechless. I haven't started because I don't have the time now to read that much content but I'm flabbergasted. I've read YOI fanfics but this is different. I have to know if you're a published writer. I mean, it's really a YA novel isn't it? I'm SUPER EXCITED!!!! WOW. Like really, I can't imagine the effort you must've put. Thank you so much for creating something like that. I almost mistook it for official info.
Ha! Your enthusiasm is so heartwarming! Thank you so much for your question. :)
To set the record straight, though, no. I’m not published. Not yet. I’ve written three original young adult novels, and started several others, but left them on the in my drawer. My current work in progress, though, is a manuscript that I’m rewriting as a middle grade novel that I have had workshopped and queried to agents. At one point, it was a finished 105k, then 75k finished YA novel… But y'know, you gotta do what’s best for the story. :’) I ended up scrapping ALL of the prose, basically, to rewrite… And while the new 15k is so, so much better- and the agents I showed in December were REALLY excited by it - have so much more to go…
Which, actually, is kind of why I’m working on NLA (and Vitya Diaries) in the first place. I was getting so burnt out on writing and never getting to share my work with anyone but a couple of agents and my very, very close friends, when I really wanted to reach my readers and have fun. So Krista (@mamodewberry) asked me to take a break and write another fanfic with her after my last workshop was done.
It was the best idea. I totally pulled a Viktor and ran away from Yakov/my novel.
But since I don’t usually write 3rd person adult fiction, I started to miss the YA scene… so Krista indulged me in writing Vitya Diaries as a side project. By the time it’s done, it will be a (slightly longer than an agent would prefer) completed YA novel, yes. Lol lol lol. ;)))
I hope this very long response answers your question! Thanks again for your interest, and I hope you enjoy when you read! It’s been a LOT of fun to write!
…Especially since I still don’t have to do the hours and hours and hours of proof reading and editing that I normally do with my real novels credit reading to agents, just some. Buwahaha >:)
OKAY, I THOUGHT ABOUT THIS FOR LIKE… FIVE MORE MINUTES and I have some additional thoughts:
Krista has also written books. Like, a huge 3-novel series that she’s had queried but not published, either. That’s part of the whole publishing deal. No one gets published on the first try. She’s worked in a publishing house doing administration work, too. 
Neither of us really come from a traditional fic-writing background. I was an illustration/english major at my university, and part of that included my Writing for Children & Adolescents professor asking me to start a weekly critique group for class… which just sort of never stopped? By and by, people from other classes joined, and then people who didn’t go to our school joined, too. I invited Krista, too. So we’ve been workshopping each other’s writing “to get ready for publication” for well over 10 years now. 
Clearly, the stuff we post for the fic isn’t… uhhh… nearly as strict as what we would send for an agent. There are way more typos and adverbs than either of us would EVER let go out, and wow there are way too many themes and the word count is RIDICULOUSLY off target. But what is fanfic if not a little indulgent? :);;; 
Still, though… we have story sessions, we have outlines, we always go through several iterations for each scene to debate concepts and make sure that our themes are being reinforced… Each character has been assigned to one of us to make sure that background details and characterization is consistent, that we don’t contradict previous scenes… We do research on locations, events, cultural tidbits, language and food, consult with locals when we can, read blog articles and travel posts when we can’t. We rewatch episodes before each chapter, both sub and dub, often multiple times, and we beta each other’s work (often two or three times over). There are still TONS of errors, but we’re trying not to stress too much. It’s still a fun project but we’re doing our best for the time we have.
Once NLA is done, I’ll get back to work on my MG manuscript and send it out to my top three agents list. If it gets picked up, they’ll send it to editors to sell it. Once it gets under contract, then it’ll be on shelves in… like.. two more years! HURRAY~!!!  
lol publishing :’) 
this is how yoi saved my life 
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filthybaguette · 7 years ago
I was actually gonna just reblog this as is and leave it at that, but I think I would be doing a disservice to my Sophomore English Teacher, Mr. Cardona.
Aside from being such a nice and fun guy to have as your teacher, he genuinely cared about his students progress as readers, writers, and thinkers. Almost every single class was just a discussion or a free period and review days if we needed them. I learned more about the English language and how to approach knowledge in that one year than I did in all my life as an avid reader. Discussions hardly ever stayed on the topic of the book itself, but rather the themes it held and the questions it asked of us. We learned about what the author was trying to convey, where the author was trying to direct our attention. It was great. Mr. Cardona didn't have control over the reading list, as he was not head of the department, but he did have control over how we went about going through it.
At the beginning of the year, he was straight with us and made it clear that he did not care if we read the assigned reading, but he did want us to at least pick it up and give the books a chance. He said that if the books did not speak to us, there was always Spark Notes or some other way for us to get plot information. His class was more about themes, archetypes, and above all questions.
Mr. Cardona was the first teacher that ever told me it was okay if I never got around to finishing a certain book. He taught me it was okay to have only read a few chapters and put it back on the shelf. His view was that we still gained something from the experience and that that something could be big or small, useful or not.
Thus, he didn't care if we finished the books. He would have rather we not be tested on plot at all, but rather the actual content of the book. I loved his class and as the year went on, a lot more read at least a portion of the assigned reading than would have if they had been approached the same way as in previous years.
In addition to his loose structure for the reading and discussions, he was also very laid-back on assignments in the sense that he didn't really care when you turned them in and would hardly ever deduct late points unless you were clearly not even trying. He took time to talk to as many of us about our essays as he could. He wanted to hear our process, our thoughts, and our direction while writing. He always gave helpful tips and showered praises when we inevitably improves under his supervision. He never once made any of us feel embarrassed of our writing, no matter our skill level.
We all trusted him implicitly and could be honest with him. You could walk into his classroom and say, "Mr. Cardona, I've been having writer's block for this essay but now I feel like I'm getting on track. May I have an extra day or two so it doesn't come out rushed?" It was that easy to just give him your real reason. He was also very understanding of personal reasons and the like. For me, the biggest hindrance was other classes sometimes building up and not having enough hours in the day to do his assignment too. I had to ask him for extensions multiple times because of this and he always said yes.
After all that, I'd have to say that the best thing about Mr. Cardona is that you could write whatever the fuck you wanted for his essays. He liked something with at least a tenuous tie to his original prompt, but if you wanted to write something different, all you had to do was tell check with him and he generally said yes. He especially loved it when you were taking his assignment in one direction, but your idea got transformed as you wrote, making the final draft something new entirely. He never wanted us to hamper our minds by forcing them to stick with one view or concept when our opinions, ideas, or view changed along the way. He just wanted to see our best and most honest work. This, to me, felt freeing. Going to a Catholic college prep school left me with very little free time, and that time was mostly used for sleep and hanging out with friends. My love for writing had fallen to the wayside before I realized it, but Mr. Cardona's method gave it back. And since his homework didn't feel like homework, it became a relaxing part of my otherwise shitty days.
My favorite assignment he ever gave was to write a review for The Catcher in the Rye or to write an essay on whether it should be banned or not. I couldn't choose, so I combined the assignments and wrote the most scathing roast of that piece of shit book that I really every damn page of just waiting for it to get good, then gave my reasoning on why it should not be banned. I had so much fun with it and was very proud to turn it in. Mr. Cardona, of course was very proud to read it because he was proud of all of our work and loved to see us do his assignments our way.
An experiment:
Reblog if, at some point in your educational life, you have gotten in trouble for reading a book that ‘wasn’t assigned to you’ or reading ahead in a book you were given in class or reading under your desk
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