#I've had 75 percent of this done for Weeks but then realized I had to redo universe's lines and colors and procrastinated
gaydryad · 2 years
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had the desire to draw Fancy Outfits and it got out of hand, and so I now present : the full pantheon of my novel’s world, in matching (ish) outfits !
the Excuse behind which is that this is from right before Universe (center) (They/Them) finished reviving Life (right) (she/her) and Death (left) (he/him) and therefore decided to put Their kids in outfits that They thought were suitable
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penelope garcia x stud!reader
jus reader and penelope. brief encounter with unnamed florist. brief mention of kevin.
After not having been able to spend quality time with your girlfriend for two weeks, you plan something special to remind her of what she means to you.
Pure Fluff
Established relationship. Mentions of lust and arousal, hints of future smut. Vague mentions of insecurity. No use of Y/N.
2.1k WORDS
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You haven't seen your girlfriend, Penelope, for two weeks. Not really. Sure, the two of you shared a bed, but you guys never got home around the same time. Especially not with both of your jobs being kind of hectic right now. When you got home sometimes, Penelope was already soundly asleep. When you woke, she was already gone. Then, there were times where that pattern was reversed, but it all just depended on what was going on at you guys' respective jobs. That said, you two had been in this share a bed only space for a little over a month now, and it was really starting to drive you both crazy.
Things had calmed down at your job a bit. You guys had wrapped up a big project a few days ago, and the post-project chaotic buzz was finally starting to wear off. Penelope had texted you today, informing you that her team had just wrapped their latest case, and that there was a chance she could be home by seven tonight. That was when the gears in your head begin to turn.
Able to leave work early, you had headed straight to the grocery store, bought all the ingredients for her favorite dinner. Now, you were at a flower shop. There was this surprise arrangement that she liked that you did for her. It always consisted of her favorite flower being dominating with other pretty, unfamiliar flowers sprinkled in. She liked to look up the meaning of the flowers later.
"Excuse me, I need flowers," you says and the woman gives you a smile that politely says obviously, and you continue for clarification, "My bad. What I mean is, I need a bouquet that tells a specific emotional story, conveys a message, really."
"Mkay," the woman nods, "And, what would you like your flowers to say?"
"I love you, I've missed you. It's an honor to be with you. I'm so proud of you and the work you do," you say with ease. Never is it hard to pinpoint of verbalize your feelings for your girlfriend. Maybe in the beginning, but after four years, you've gotten more attached to your own emotions and thus, more expressive. "Um, just a giant thank you for being who she is, and for choosing me, choosing us every day, and throw in a good chunk of daffodils because those are her favorites. I also want it to be as colorful as she is, really bright and beautiful."
"Love, longing, pride and admiration and gratitude," she murmurs to herself as she writes in a little notepad. She looks back up at you, "And, as bright, beautiful and colorful as she is, and who is the she in question, for reference?"
Your eyes light up as you pull out your phone. It's easy enough to find a photo of her. Penelope is both your lockscreen and your phone screen, and she happens to take up about 75% percent of your camera roll. You show her a slew of photos, finding yourself sharing the memories behind each. God, did you miss actually spending time with her.
"Beautiful smile," the worker compliments your girlfriend as you pull your phone away.
"I know, huh?" And, your smile is gleaming with pride. She finds it cute, how in love you are. She takes you around the store then. Showing you various flowers that fit all of your requirments. It's hard to choose, to narrow it down. Before you've realized it, your bouquet has turned into an arrangement. But, it's fine. More money than you had anticipated spending, but you want to make her melt when she gets home tonight, and money is but a small sacrifice.
You head straight home afterward. It's difficult, sometimes, to pinpoint when Penelope will be home. The romantic dinner set up has to be done before then, so there's no room in your time schedule to make any other stops. When you get home, you jump straight into the set up, wanting everything to be absolutely perfect for when Penelope comes home.
Which doesn't happen. You're only about a quarter of the way finished with your meal by the time she gets home, but you did set up. So, when she walks through the door of you guys' home, you hear a delighted squeal of awe at how beautiful everything looked. Turning the stove down, you dash out of the kitchen, shouting in a frantic dismay, pleading for her to close her eyes and cover them. When you reach her, her eyes are still open and she's got the most adorable confused expression on her face.
"My surprise," you say, covering her eyes for her as you begin to guide her to you guys' bedroom, "for you is incomplete, and I don't want you to see anything else until I am completely ready so you can't be up here," you inform her, nudging the bedroom door open with your foot. When you've guided her to the bed, you gently push her down. You grab a pin. "Look into the pen."
She giggles, "I'm looking." You click the pen, and playing along, she blinks, mimicking confusion rather well minus the smile in her eyes. "Where am I? How did I get here?" She asks, unable to stop her giggles from escaping her yet again. You smile, loving her a little bit more now for having played along with your mind wiping pen, Men in Black reference without so much as a second thought. You really didn't think it was possible for you to have a better girlfriend.
You lean down and kiss her before dashing out of the room. "I'll come back for you when everything is ready!"
She swoons, watching you sprint back to the front. You were quite possible the sweetest person she's ever known. If not that, you were definitely the sweetest, most kind person she had ever dated. If you were going to go out of your way to surprise her, she would do a little something to surprise you as well. While you work on your preparations, she pulls out your favorite dress of hers. She showers her day away before slipping into it and redoing her hair and make up, wearing your favorite piece of lingrie underneath. She didn't know what you had in store, but she wanted you to fall to your knees the next time you saw her.
After some time, you finished up cooking the meal. Taking your time, you were so careful how you set the table, about making sure you set out the forks and such the correct way. It was never something you personally remembered; you'd had to google. Penelope wouldn't be able to tell, either. If the placements were correct or not. but every time you guys had ever gone to one of those fancy restaraunts that care about placements like that, she always got excited about how nice everything was. She always commented on the silverware, and it was always so precious to you. So, yeah, you made sure to get it right. You were also extremely careful about the presentation of the food as you fix you guys' plates. She liked to take pictures so you wanted it to be picture perfect. When you were satisfied with your efforts, you make good on your promise to go back and get her.
Upon opening your bedroom door, you see Penelope, examining herself in the mirror, wearing that dress that makes your knees go weak. The one that's in your favorite color, the one that hugs her curves and highlights the beauty of her shape in the most heavenly of ways. The one that does absolute wonders for her cleavage. The one that makes you damn near drool, makes you want to drop to your knees and have a different kind of meal. As your eyes trail back upward to meet her eyes, you find her smirking at the unabashed lust in your eyes. You pull yourself together. You want tonight to be so much more than just about sexual intimacy, and you had put so much energy into preparing everything to give her a full experience. You've waited weeks. You could a bit longer. You clench your jaw and clear your throat.
Extending your arm for her to take, "M'lady, your dinner awaits."
Coming forward to you, she takes your hand and kisses your cheek. Continuing to hold her hand, you wrap free arm around her waist and start to guide her down the hall. Eyes uncovered this time, she gasps in wonderment at the bright, white Christmas lights you've hung in arches in the hall way. She loves the face that she's walking on rose petals, even if they are fake ones. She swoons at how you've turned the entire apartment into a romantic wonderland on a random weekday, for no reason at all. The more she takes it all in, the more anxious she finds herself to repay you later on tonight. Reaching the kitchen, the first thing she sees is the arrangement you had made acting as a centerpiece.
She squeezes your hand, "Oh my God," she gushes, "They're so lucious and so so beautiful!"
You feel your heart flutter in your chest at the sound of her joy. Buying her flowers and plants was a big thing for you. You always stressed over it so much because you knew how much she valued plant life and pretty things. You'd yet to gift her a plant, bouquet or flower arrangement that she didn't like, but a part of you still held your breath until she saw it every time.
"I have a card of the names of all the flowers in the arrangement on it." You tell her and she looks at you with the softest eyes. "I know how you like to look up the meanings for yourself later." You add, as the two of you get closer to the table. When you guys are close enough, you let her go so you can pull out her chair. as your doing this, she leans in to smell the arrangement. With her chair pulled out, you help her sit before pushing her chair back in, pouring her a glass of wine before doing the same for yourself at taking your seat.
"Ooh!" she exclaims, "How fancy!" And you smile, not even having to look at her to know she's referencing the silverware placements. "And, dinner smells amazing, baby, thank you."
You shrug, downplaying your efforts, "I just wanted to do a little somethin' for you."
"A little something?" She asks, eyebrows raised, giggling, "Baby, you've turned our home into a five star dining experience." She notes, squinting just a little, "What is all this?"
"Nothing really," you answer, "I've just missed you a lot, and I wanted to do something for you."
Penelope all but melts in her chair. She doesn't think she'll ever say it outloud, because she's ashamed of the thought, but for a while, she thought Kevin was as good as she was ever going to get. Even after they broke up. But, then, she met you, and sometimes, she still feels like you aren't really.
"Where did you come from?"
"I materialized from your sweetest dreams," is your answer with a grin.
She snorts, playfully, "I couldn't have imagined you if I tried. You, my love, are more magical than unicorns."
Your smile widens, "I think that might be the nicest thing you've ever said to me."
The two of you start in on your meal after that, and she moans at the first bite. You guys talk, really talk for the first time in two weeks, catching up on all things new. You talk about work, but not about any of the dark or boring parts, no. You two keep it light, tell each other about the new gossip updates in your respective offices. You've missed this more than you had realized. For a brief moment, your heartbreaks a little for people who don't get to experience what you two share.
"You know," she says with a light air of casualness, "I have a surprise for you of my own tonight." And, the implication is clear. It hangs heavy in the air as you resort to speechlessness in favor of sputtering your words. Penelope knew exactly what to do to make your brain melt out of your head, to take every bit of intellect in you and wash it away. That statement, in that dress, it takes all your effort to get through dinner. It's hard to focus on anything with your boxers becoming more increasingly soaked in anticipation of what she had in store for you later.
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greyeyedmonster-18 · 3 years
Re: No Matter the Wreckage
(because i'm a wordy bitch and had more to say)
first of all, i'm glad so many of you are interested and curious.
second of all, please stay interested and curious! feel free to ask me questions about it! feel free to ask for snippets about it or ask if there's a certain word that i wouldn't mind sharing a snippet of
third of all, this fic has been complete since probably...end of November, and it has been chilling there just like enjoying itself. since then, i've written a whole ass other fic (ten reasons) and dribbled consistently.
i am an artist by trade and i am a very very firm believer in trusting the process. this gap this little pause between posting and publishing (because usually i write things in a few days and within a week bam, posted, done, out, consume, go, go, go) is part of the process and i am trusting in that.
fourth of all, it takes courage to create. i don't think i can say that enough for readers. everything you read and consume took courage. it takes courage to create something from nothing. it takes courage to make characters and places special--this includes fanfiction! these characters are not ours but we spend time making them special in new ways. creating is the art of making special and thats a huge boulder to roll up a hill? i create for me, usually, and part of me honestly feels this fic was written for someone else, which is part of the hesitation. i think it was written for a younger me? who was a bit more lost and a bit more raw. i wrote a poem recently that also felt like it was for someone else--and when that happens, i take time to honor it and think about it. and I KNOW this all sounds so stupid because it's fanfiction, and it's just a silly little 100k fic about silly little boys falling in love at a silly little magical boarding school but i'm nothing if not deeply sensitive and observant about everything creative i push out.
sometimes when I'm drawing, I'll realize halfway through that something isn't for me and I'll sit with it the same way i'm doing now. I think there's more to figure out. which again, i realize sounds ridiculous. but like there's....so much intention behind words? there's so much to pay attention to? i'm paying attention.
so...in addition to that, at this moment, my courage and my strength for rolling a boulder up a hill, is about a 75% percent. we're close, but we're not there.
i usually publish my things fearlessly--damn all the consequences, and go. "i know they will like me once i start to talk"
i know--at least i hope--yall will like NMTW once it's out there, but at the moment, we are still grappling with some stage fright.
waiting in the wings for the adrenaline to kick in just enough to give me courage.
fifth, i've asked for patience and grace since the first whisper of this fic came to be (and honestly, im amazed that people are still interested, i honestly thought it would fade into oblivion until someone crept in here and said hey what about...) and i will continue asking for it.
we are trusting the process.
we are waiting in the wings.
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